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General Guidelines

ln. Eiglish T$t vill l$r ysr .bility in uid€Biandinq EnOtish sLtucluGs .nd Ed.g !sxt!. h 6mploy! a
nunbb chole forml, and lt takA 00 hlnolG to do rhe r*r.

Tn. i.3l @hpds rwo iolowino FlE:

L PErt 1:40 numb€E ot SlrucluE.nd w'lltM Etpdsior
2 P.n 2: 60 numbe6 ol\rodbul.ry.nd R.adirg ConpEh.n.ion
\tu fisy oh@ b b€gin wi( on ANY p.rl
For@ch nunbe': tou nayonlyohoos.ONEsnMr Givi^O moe Uran on€ €nMrril not giv€ you.ny

For4h nuhb€i you $rr s€ bur possibre rn.reB, m.*.d (4, (B), (c) 6nd (0). ch@. !!9 optih, and
fl.n on your ans@r sheet, fnd fl. number of rhe qu..llon and fiI in lhe lp€e 0Et @riolpoid. io the e. y@ have ch@n. Fit in lh€ sp€c. e that the t.ter iisil6 th. dmte @not b€ 3sn.
lhs quGtihs aE gircn in 6 vai.ry of diildtty t*ts, You 3houtd try ro ads*r aI ollh€m .. heB js NO
PEMLTY to. l.corcct anse6.

oi6clioN lor €€oh p.d of lf€ iert wilr be gt6 al Ihe b€giniing of €ach p.rt.

r you nnd a^ €ftr i. .ny pnnbd iFn ol rh6 tEsr, jBt gue6! th6 ais*r s5 b6r a.,@ Hn and @nljnue

sEcTto t

ftB lelon F dsign diotr@ E yoLr6o'ny tn re@gnte t.ngusg. $.t 6 appipl.t€ fd slrnd.d
Mir.n Engl'sh. Thm .c @ ly@3 ot qddl'ns his *!ol i h spei5 dEd;ns ror eqn qpe.
pietbm: Q6lions 1-15 .e 3.iEne. Ben€arh ech *ds@ wu sil e tour md. d
(ot ch@so r€ e!! trrd d rhE$ rrd bdt 6mpt€L€ or€ 4^iene
mar*ed (a), {3,, rc). End
on tlor aGw sh6er, find he nuhb$ ot Oe qu4ton and til tn the !ps6 tld lo@pon& to lh€
lederof rh..hswyou h € cr@., Flttn the sp* s lnatth6 t€tror insld. h. mtcn rb. s*^.

Exanplet s.npte^ftc
.,.,.,a8 found in Mduatty €very dnty t. ,E @rtd.
(A) sw.mp6 and tu6h€s *hrch
(B) WEn $amp6 dnd maEne.
{C) SMmp6 and maFhes
(O) NN dlal $mp.
and ma6hs

the seiten@ shdld @4 'SMmp€ .nd maFhes a6 tound tn u.tualy ev€ry @nty in tE mdd.,
]}r.EroE, }!o snoutd .h@ee ansrer (c).

Exanplt n sotLABmr
Milk is Fst uri€d by heatiig it for hiny mhutes
€l .b.ui 63'CendgEd., Epdry @ting il, and rDn
,.,. . ir al . iempeBtu@ betow 10. cenIq6d.,

Th. $nr€ne ihoutd Eai, 'Milk b p€steurt ed by hsrjng it for tlti! ninuh at .b.ut 63! C€ilit€d.,
Epidly@liig il, .nd rh€n siodng it.t s tmp€Etuts beto 10c cgndgEde, ft6E oB, you shoud

N4 b.gln s* d fE q06lbns.

t, Mo6t suc*tulsci€ntiBb aE fl*dsb llro 3. Tne.btlty ot@{boys in $e l€! qtury
€n s bsy.nd th€ tucll rnd _ about _ a .!eer or b@k . cot @utd h..irl
0a !e.El pLriipl6s ih.t undedE then. sudiv.i tor fte eany *nl€c i. tE witd weL

2. Nol unlil GE.dna M@s ihs htuus p€inld z Frnding it d n3u1t betwee. a e@r in
6l pdmldE arf €ach€d fE ate or 76 law ard in n€dicino, F€tna m6E5d her t$o
h.r !nhu6 d€pictions oi esyday life on a inl€esE €id d€dd6d to .tudy toeist

3. Ca.adlan 9*q _towamersourh€m 3. Arlh@g h e ssidsnt of Mranm4 had Ur F

cgioB, dtacb* |ne sky i. an oderyV ode.€da.i fe, _aton! th. boder

(A) ar rhee ws $ill rshlins

(B) ror annu.l mis
Eljon (B) bul frqhtinq sun frared ut
(c) mig6tino eniually (C) no flaE-ups ol lighling l@d€d
(D) hef ainoalnig6tion

. a, Tho b€n6rF.ined rh€ do phim atAnmra€, 9. Eery spring l@ta.@n as

iourbls fock lo r€ukdnhor G.d.n l. rh.
I (A) h.y willsi@ 5 b€uer petoman@ NsfrEd5nds, _ rls tugnif@it colortul
(B) 0lee *irl b€ E moE €

(c) (E pe.lorune wirl bo hore enjoysbl. (3) @n qreat en*i as

(D) lh€ mE @joyab e me petomar@ (c) islEalryrcrqned6

5 R5hlobsrs .6in.uch a poturb. otptanb 10. _ p@vid€s a tivhg ior hattot tle pept€ in
and anifials _ rhey .6 @s6ndy

, w
11 1.2!04, Ch'n€ mn raiy_ai,wrn.dak 14 OudrE lh.kt, mosl ot NoinAturi€
.3 fus madre by tE u s. @s MEd by e w;r bbnt t ol @,
taieamwh _
(Bl ic€muchnoE
d€o@d t'e Eani! ou"r
t;;;t F;-m
{!) tvioaa 0At
(o) ire (O "t'eoo-orryn"a"r*Er -
ir b.n enonru! Fshr rEt
(c) ,ls reisht or eol@s m$ or e
i2._ oEh'd3 hare rdg ben a pdebs (Dl orshEh dEsEhl 'l. is.tutl@dy h@v,
.rqon @mnEdit ol lhaitEnd
(A) l@sldngqotEbeaut b$rbelm ts ii.elingt u*d h suEery
15. A
(6) r@er.d bl fw e&ric b€.ury oo n hdusry_r,isiti g@me oiui; i.
(c, r ney.B E.rnng rb dda Dety @auiEd
(o) lheks{olic b..uty6nch E@sur€d (A) sharry
(B) *he' ds'
r3 _ fw Eto
hamtutvirus or b€ct (O *nidBer
p.did€ o@$'
immu.'ty ro FrticuLr tDl wh@e,
{A) Th€ pEpaatlon of v@h€.
(B) ln.l w6n.. e pEp@
(c) \/!eh6 aE pEpaEd
(0) h flepaniq wqrn.e

Dia.lims: l. questids 16-40 e&h senlen@ has tour und€nin€d ed. or ph@' fte tou. und6rtin.d
prrb orL''e steje @ mdked (a), (B), (c), and (D) rdentiry h6 !!e hed Frd or ph@ dEt mu.r
be cha.ged in ods tor lhe aenle@ io be gEmmalically @red Th.n on you. arcrcr sh6! iind lhe
numbs of fl. qu€stion 5nd ill in the Bp€€ tEl coresponds !o tl6 LtLr ol the.n@r tlu chos. h*

Mead h*s.E.bout tE $h. siz6 h.n Eb n5.

- -t)
'Ih. sontdco should €3d. 'ltaddladc ae aboul u1e sne sl2. .s Ebr'N, blt tl.y havo h€vier
bodi.s, shon6 iail6, and lonqs brll6.' nDEfoE, yoo shoud cno@ ansr (a).

--r MEll Nori. €Ged ----

when lm6tu . -------
6unw sld o@ao
Tns snlsoe should @d, 'When @Ell qpois ereed imporE, s @unty is s.ld ti. haE a tbde
suDloe.'ThercfoB, you ahould choo* ansar (C).

Nw begin wd. on lhe queslons.

16. Sck{ins.are
_ thal uibn n c can r€due in. *ver lv of colds bui nol pB€rtion o'e1@r.s
------- 'e
€hptu3ied by slakeholdeE orjF tuc€live p\amaceuii€l businss.

17. S mons WeiL, a E@ich exisienlialist viiei was rcspeled as much &lbcr som&hal

lhll@phy e4l&I her cl. ty in wdfng.

1a ,ttdrd ng lo tl'€ l4E!gd.hhent rcgulalon. p6ple {ho ac silr LsFs old, €€rsumhs

19. Regord lune.up€ and orrchang*.8 rmpoftnr ior gc p.fomane of a car a. !la!!!l
ro 1tsia.@ mav
bno tun b n* .n.dr $e €r 3 €ng r
20. WIrlpg! by 516.9 wlnd. ih€ ulrdfiB @ed on $e mou.taln .lope. !b!ed w[h small vllages
lo'd.g &!e 5OO0 pepl6 qE@!l!q $.n hon6
21 FsEd 0'lmnsEirnsinoo _---r
- oricsand eanomles, Eu@p€an Union@untr6 are

h hamessino wind enercv

22. h a po l el ere.rion, the ooliticia n s adven sement on p me-lime (el4lsion is a c!,]!jel hctor lhal

deremnho rhe oulcome ol lhe e e.rion for [recandidale


23 Su riu. dioxrde @4lsirEq in tE po uled an of lh€ cdnlry's nonh€rn rcsion ! @Ni.tenlly 4e!t!re!
le n lim€s lhe level con sid€red €eE by inlemal o.a sla ndad.

24 rn ih6 l6re 20F cenrury GeneEl ihbuohoutAd. re€ mmorainino- about

rh€ ditrcully of fulrq qualil5ed

ta!l!e.1!l1894, the exploitalon of shale s.3 b st a standstill b€€us. pric.B h€v. drcpp€d lo

on y a ftaclion or i!9 boom l6vs s.

26. Th 6 shipwreok or a BiiiGh sh ip vqsbs! ii the hy walec ol canada s No.lhred PasaOe I 40 te3!!
ago, aas iound enrombed bene.lh sewn-toot-deep $l d ioe.

a!91o5r or.r-e bid<r5d nj/ soJr\ra ds losaret

belo€ w {Er *h ir, pigeorsar€ also

abre i' odei l llcIlqlv€s in lhe sky by €ading lhe pGilion of lh€ 3u n .nd lh. slaB.

sedous y hju red by !!!,2! Malala, only fin€6n y6€B old, b€@m o ih€ svplel or @u896 and

mnvioton * a youns champion fdhund ror lhe ighl to €ducalion for all gids in Pakisbn.

BudaDest sllrid on bofl b. nks of !19 Danu be River ls lamou6 lor !hCi! 6 p.s which d w Gl€ r knM
for iE nedidi^a p6pedi.3 from undercrcundlhermal6pdngs

AltroroF fie i*o ol her rerorl! casLal ------r - slml.
adr.hEd h€t .1 lh€y rec dsligtEd at€n lh€/

une:oededrvm.r€.chorh€ron@mpusallhesame uiteFryln London.

- _------- bes w th rsdd 6k n

rcrioious ntualE .nd fesl v l es i. lhe old oity of Lhasa !!

, #
jlne€d. @m sh.lbw 5nd gdelEe!€d eqwaEl wfFu! Elt
33. OoclrB olrh€ f!tuE wi lb€ sble b ce lnslrum.nlel g9!e!!analy.btrd$nh.lpul.n
di.gnq* tD m@ a4lcts and d4iid6 on the t@ttno.t.

3.. roday como'n* dFt 5E n:rkTrla oi advdc€d toch.oLsy 4ssl .!Fdm.i6 EjSe tuuE

@nput€E !l$!odt!! to a 6n96 ol 3pok6n wrd'

35. lt is r'dl nad !h4 ihpGibb, b$tla bn du ls !r. rush or rE d.t bolh mominss

36. geEE!! 2005 io 20 r 0, U.S. 3h61. 9a6 p@ucdon srcw .n lllqli9iilq a5% . rEr !I!!e!l cBtao
tob€ diEdly o idir*lly by lne hundr€& of tp$g!!E

37 Sr?'ns oftubenlosis hal ae aes!!a!!.lb: a !!9{4 TB druss

t!4@ nd'e cbrd€d

srum6 of rndi., .nd €used s@ar aram io, a!i+q!y ootbEak or Ihe ord dkeas

33. The rons*r oil pip.llne in tE turld bes ins !!t!hs oil of B.ka n Azed.ijan 3 nd !{BffE to tF
aouh $&ras cayhan, ajgB in Tu*ay
-- of rh6 sun s u[€violei 6d]aijon €n r€ach
39, Not.rl the Eadh s suftce be€u* lh6 @n.lay€r

n the anrosphee &89. p6lE iion sc@n

,10. lllllEr h€Ew pEs$efo!!.nimal-dghE oQa.tsauons, many26 saE lr.n5tom€d n m


" #
lEcno[ 2


Dhdon.: l.thb6.cijon you litt@d *veEtp8s.€g€s.

Ed byque6tDn6 about
il ch*€ an.rer, (A), (3), (c), of (D), ro. soh que.tion, Then,
rh€ one b€6t o
your snsw lheet, i.d
th€ numb€r ol lh€ q@lion and fll ln lhe dal lhat @sponds to 1. leter ot your an*r
AnMr 3ll qu$lioB b.sed on what b stated or lmptisd in th3 p#g6.
R..d lh. loll4ing 9.eag..
An€wh€a ngddi€isn .v.ihble forse headngjmpaired peopl€. This ddi€ u6.
naonel lo hold tE debchable eund-pt@ssing ponion in plae. Like oths sids, it @Mdr wnd
inio v b6rlons. Bot it is u iique in lhat it dn tEnsmit lh€ vibEoons dnedy io tle magnet and tlei
L,r€ b lh€ in n€r €.r Thi. produces a cleaEr soond. Ihe n4 ddice w i nor h€lp all
O heating-imp€n€d p@pl€, only lh$.sith a h.. n9l€ caused by inf€.tbn d eo@otherprcbtem
in lne hiddle €r lr wil prob.bly h€lp no mm rh.n 20 pe@nt ot att p€opt€ wih h@nng pobt€me.
ftd. p6pr6 hower, wno h* peGtsient €r iinedions shoutd find €tiei &d e.toEd henng

E dat:
whsr isu€ €urhofs h6in puDoB6? o a o o
{4loda* be 3 ns c!€ tu e.. inrecljon6
{B) lo inrom it6 ol . n4 d€vie
(C) to urge dock'rs io use a n* deVG
(o) io axplaln lhe use ol . magiel

The €ldDls main pury.* is lo inlom tho Bsdd of. n€w d6vle lor h@ri.g,impsircd pepl6
Ir'eeroe, you 6hould .h@* EnMr (B).
E anFbn: s pr.Anl*r
(o) E.E ion

The pnEse "le$ distess" is slmila. in m@nhg io'EIer h tltb sn!e@. ThefoE shou d choee
.nM,(A) '€u
t{ow beqin 0lth the quesuons.
It rs the naturc ol yodh io neke a €cket. Th s happeB reltabty in Nry Yod ctty *ry
b€rw€€n rwo .nd th E6 in rh€ .n moon wh€n *hoor ret6 oul T€en€g.B sp the sid*.tk and

d.sid b.low gbund into th€ subw., wh.E having ro@^ed lheir unitoms aid sh€d d@rum.
r,,r d16y @py ths siBMs+houl ng, nill ng, 5.gulng, ejoring cn&king in, cheking out th6
,nl 6ons ol th.m$lv6s, loudly' jubibnl[ lo . flal onry mey €n ho.r
ln r,h€ coming d5ys, th6 rb.& .nd l
n s n .nd @u nd the oit witl .xpeiene a stfiita MsiElion,
fom p€dodielci@da.. For 8w€ncrn ye.6, juvenlres of th@ sp€ci.s oftE genus Magicisd€ hav.
be6n undeBbuid, 6lpphg on @!eb and quiety g@ing. when th€ $ir@ches tts nghnampeEtuF
A4 d6g@s F, measurcd eighl indEs drlhey wil €m.lg. in dsa.r,sh,rg numb€c, mo[, c imb into
ltol th€ l@s, .nd, lor lhe cmsining rh@ reeks or $ of rh€ir liv*, sl|s a. exckeleiln-Gning chotos.
P.riodtc€l oi@d5s a6 distinct lFm lhe sp*i€s lh8t emaE. .nnualt, ii tar 6s. numb€B, and ring
in lh. dog days ol sudher OheE aG *ven Magioi€d5 sp4i4 in all, iour ot rhioh s6lg6, €rery
$inen FEB, in lh€ SoutEm .nd MidresGm sbts) fte e.on ihe loig life cycla b tl. subj€ct
.l d€hate, bur the poinr ot the din b cle.r to 6od .nd maie and e slad th. p6dod an .
(t5) The €ck€r @mea fEm rhe m.l€€. Each sin$ by Eptd ry cllckiig E ponion ol h b abdomen i. aid
aol, as o.e mlght dick .nd unclick an emply soda €n, He a(e6 i6 sh€p6 and pelioi io make fic
feqlency fl* and f.n, and b€€u* hir abdomen i. moslt hollo{ ir €ciE s 5 chanberthat
.mp tfie rho sound €nd brc.d€.G it ior som€ dist nce. (credas can rclax and d4en6itre their
audilory organs, $ lhcy don t deat€n tr€msolvs.) Th€ qu.lily or th. song wdes amonq 3p€cie.j
(?olsom€ d@das ln Sodhea6trcia prcdue'sp€olacularly musi€l sons. Wrh moe r!@ ton€s emdd
ftecuencies, snd ham6i6,' David Ma6hall. a ci€da E*rch€r.t rhe unrveGity of connstiout, in
Slors, told de. ' rheE a@ ede 01at sound like bnds *lreEas ou 6 .r€ moE Octinq, arthoug h $m.
nake a plea$nt 5!rupy drcne.'
Ne* York . .4enieen y@r brood, kn@n b scle.tists as BEod ll, exl€n& nom conneclicul io
i25) G{rsia and has beei eoeainq soulh ol he@ for a @upl€ ot reks 5 €.dJ. M.Ehan was on his c.ll
phone. in rhe passenqs seat ol a €r ii Erkin, Nor$ caDlina. ne4lie south€m llmit doE eme€en€;
John coo ey,. correago., ms davhg. v/er6 ddving a6hd lith ourwi.dM open tislening,'Ma€ha The $Be seveniseFy*r speci* .en t €quarry ,Drrdant everyvyhec, and lh€ €3earche6 ae
inle€sied in, among oiner fin$, chaninq their distribulions, b id€$ about cl€da
l30J @logy and dolulion. Ov€. lh€ p..i l€n y€.6, M.tsh.n and his rile, Kadry Hill, haw E6ded mcl
olthe ci€das ol €a.iem Nonh Ameica, 6 ren a. maiy south-vestem sp€cies, and mad. ue 6ong5
availabLe od $6n web .he, iiseldng6c.@m
'we e using tDh souid3 to ltill u5 shlch speoies a@ plent, 8nd senins .ut o@eioiallx
tuking @rrecl ons ior DNAseqlencing,'ha &rd. slidying pedodi@r oi@des $und€d a lor like . rcad
135)up, m nos rhe 61 3iem. v/6 €jusl dnving .rcund in in. er a rol p@tly much arl day trcm nine in rh.
momino untilfl. sun gooB ddn,' M.Eh.llsd. Th6n re will .E6h at a €mpgound and hav6
dinn.r P€iodics .i@ds don t hsr all lhat long *hsn lh€y @mE ouq ,ou onry hare a rew @k5 to
salh€r sl dre infomation )ou €n.'

4l AMding to lh. p8ssag., whal i5 NOT tuo 42. A@dins to th€ p*ss€, *h.r is rh€ simiradlv
8b.ut Nry Yod C lY voulh? bet*cen N4Yo clly leenageB and
(a) rhey cEv..n€nton 5.d @mplimsnE
fomlheirsurcuidings (A) TlDy bo$ lik€ lo m6k. nois6.
(B) when $ey a€ ioo.rher lney iend rc (B) In.y cr€le a @nprex !€t fielodiols din.
m.k€ . g@l din. (c) only lhe males in bolh sroops make a
(c) Th€y I ks ro flin lih oi6 anoth€i and lalk
(D) Bot) can prcted tlel hesdngs.gslnst
(D) rhey iede .nd ch.ner in. m.nner ihar can und.ctand.
a3, which ol!1o fol ing Mrds @utd b.Bt ,13. lr on b. inlerod fiom pa€sEph tou, rh.t
substitulE rhe rod '.sto.6hino' I ne 9? (A) the t ro. €.earche6 ac n Nodl
(4 suDisns 'n
Cabrin5bsus€ Ittheorgha
tocation ol peiodi@t c@das.
(B) MaEha[, HiI End cootgy hare b€en
lollowing lho tib of p€ndi€t cisd..
lor moE than a d@de.
/14. mat b he pu@o5€ of tE pe odictci*d..' (c) tE sote pu'pose ot rhe c*arch is io
map Ihe disfibltions ot pe.iodi€t
(4 Io !nl.*h the 6neEy k€pi dudiq oi*da6 in Notfi Andic.
(o) De G€archec h€ve been iravetins
(B) To allbct the oppositE 3d ln order lE &ulh of N@to !o und*rEnd lhe
poriodtc.t ciedas b€n€r
{C) To night€n predatoE and keop lhfl ai
40 w h sh ch of fE rolosng 6!abh.nb @utd
(D) To ler ouler oicada6 ki lhetreEcr hs surhor pEb€bty aO@?
(A) Pedod@rdedas slay unde'srcund ior
ifi*n y..ts beroe lh€y .krt mErno.
45, Adq ae chsEciedsti6 of ledodimt (a) Reguar non,p€n d €lci€das aDF.i
cleds.. ExcEPt aniually md tEdue their $ngs in lhe
(a) They gw bd@ lhe grcund tor veG.
{3) Ihey 9o our on Ine gEund h i.r!€ (C) Sortho..tAda.i6das can atso b6 iound
hlbenadns h N york in the sinbr
(C) They go out dory y€ar in the summr to (D) Nw Yo* peiodt€tcicadas make
s@eter end moE trupy enss in.n
(o) They dte afrer abour hE. @ks on the U@ €bedEm
50 Acadhg to rhe p€ khydo Mauhau
/ta. whEt en bo inlered aboul gde ctcad* in and his spouse @ttcd v.nous ci*das
Soutestrs:a and lhose in Nk yodc
{4 tne bmff atay und€Abund tongd hai (A) Io idenljt and m.p ihe prcsei€ or a
sFcle. ol ciedas
(B) Boln pbdue .qualy lood and pt6a$.t (3) To !u6ue a hobby aid ro sh@
tEn bv. foi the iEect
(c) rhe romd nake froE nejodious .nd (c) To id.n0ry ci*dar' DNA rhbush rhe
songs lhey @ord€d
(D) Nerlher of the Mo sDectes en 3o!rd tika (D) To smnge h$e &ngs io. difioEht
nusid ihstlmenb
a?. wltlch ot lh€ eds bdq h6 th. opposib
tEhho to lto rc.d in tiie 23?

h his hauqu6l addc$ in 1949 H.rry S. Ttomai .aid thal'noe than haltlhe peop e ii n€ rcdd
.E living in oondltions app@chhq nBery For lhe fict lime in history, hum.nity p.s*s ft6
knod.dge and skilL to clie€ the sui'eriio ol those peple.' h has Lk6. much longer lh.n TrumEn
rrE hop.d, but lhe srld has lately ben maklns €naodinary prcgre* in lning psple out of exlEm.
(5) poverlr Belv@n 1990 and 201 0 $en nu mber fel by h8lf 5s a sh.E of th€ totsl popul.rion in d€v. oping
@u.ltles, lrcm ,13% io 21ed-a reduclion of a most I billion p€ople.
Nw !.e w.rd has a sious chsnce to red€.m Trum.n's p edge ro m tne le4l iotunale. ol the 7
billion pepls alive oi ihe planer 1 .1 billion subsEr bdM fE inrenadonany aepted exlreme-poveny
lii6 ol0S$1.25 s datr Sading lhls w*k and @ntiiunO over $e yeror so, pol(ici.ns and
tlo) offcrab lEm gffimmsnls a.d hiemrtonal agencis wi I meet lo dr*
^exl up .n* isl of taaob b
FprG rh€ Mill.nd ud D4elopnent Go.b (MDcs), rlrr/cn reE *t in s.piEmbd 2000 and expiE n
2015. Gftmm€ds should adopr .r lheir n4 go.r rh€ .im ot rcducing by another b llion lhe
numbd ol pffple in exteme poredy by 2030.
Nobody in the ddeloped mnd 6m.s rcmotely cose lo lho p@ny ldel that US$1.25 a day
lr) Ep@€nb turei€ s p@rty llne is ust63 . d.y bl 5 hmily of four li rh€ dch€r FlE ol fle emerging
eoddUSl,1€dayisthep.wrtybarderBulpoveny3surcebn€dstb€l USi1.25 P@pebdd
(hat r€vel ii€ lt6 lhal are pm': nasty, brutsh and ehor. 'Iney l#k not jusr .dueiion, healtl €8,
prcpd clotin g and shelie': Mllch most people ln most ot lhe w d take tor gEnt€d, bul den enough
tood tor physi€l and menial he.llh. Raising pspl6 5b@ th.l ld€l of relch€dness is nol a suUtclent
l?oJ .m bilion lor a prcs peous planel but il b a ne@ssa ry o.e.
PNny €les staded !o collrpse lowads lh. €nd ol the 20lh @ntury laEely beeuse dewloping-
6unfy g@rh a@le€led, lrd an a€Ege.nnu.l Eie of 4.3% in 1960-2000 io 6% in 2000-10.
A@und nvo-lhids ol powny €ductioi filhin a cdu^lry 6m* nom gbMn. GEaiE.€qually 6l$ he ps,
@ntribuling lhe olhs lh rd. Ch na is respons ble forth€e-quadeF ol be qlob.lachid€menl in povedy
i25) reduclion, ll3 @nomy h6s bsn srwins so tast lhal, ewn tDuqh nequa ily is rising bsl enrcmo
Dovedy rs dr*pp€. ng.chlnapuled630nill6npeopleoulormlseryin1931-20r0,.ndrcducedits
exteme-pov.riy Et6 frcm 3!% in 19€o ro 10% nd.
Thal . on€ rc5.on why it fill be hader to l?ke a binbn moE ped€ out ol exlreme poveny n fie
nen20ye6Elhsnilmsiotakeal6clabrllionoutlnlhepagl20 PooErgoreman@ nlndiaand
t3o)Arde, rh. nan nvo largels, neans t]1al china3 exp€ en@ is unlik€ly l! b€ *ifrly replicated the@.
Anoher rc$on s lhat lho bae a.hlryemenl ol pu Ling psple Nr lhe us$1.2tajay llne hd been
El.liv€ly €.sy in tlo past ts yeats b*aus. $ many p6ple re@ just below il when gb$'lh make
rhem d€n slighlly be$e. ol1, n hau rs lh€m d€ r ih€ I ne. wilh terer peop e r !61 bdd the ofEia tis.ry
limit,itwillbemo@dtfrc![iopGhl.tgenumbeGover t.
l35l lfdewlopiis euntr $ m.inbin fi€ ihpcsiv. Or@th lhey haw m€mgad sin€ 2000r ir d1e p.o@t
@unlries ae nol en b.hind by fasle.-g@ino middie-iiom€ on6i 8nd if inequalily dGs notwlde^ 3o
fiar lhe ii.h rap !p .rr the crem ol srorlh-lhen d€veloing @unti6s wou d cut exteme povedy trom
16% ol b€ir popularions nd lo 3% by 2030. Thatrcdd rcduoe lne absolole numbeG by 1 bi rion. Thal
is a lot ol rs. Bur msking rhose happen 6 not.s dimcu[ as cyr ca prciess. The wodd nM knM
t0Jh to educe poveny.

51 Why doe. lh€ sufior open the passage with . 52. A@dinq !r lhe, th€ toll*ins
quolEr on fbm Hary s. Ttoman? statemenrs .bou! .xlr€m6 povedy are lrue
(A) To intoduce.€deE b ine bpio ot the
{a) Aolnd r 5% ol lh€ wodd s populalions
(B) lo sh5€ Truhan s vlslon lo.Edi€ts v€ eith l€ss th.n US$1.25 a daY
dreme pryeny. (a) Within two deades, lhe soid h.s
{c) halp rc3d6F uid€Eland M €nnium
ro decGas€d rh€ Er€ ot gxlrcde pdedy Gsls. by noE than 2o%.
(D) To shde* Ihe bd anl ide.
ol th6 (c) Extremg pd€.ly is alnost non'dlBl€nt h
tomEr U s Pregid€nt HsrY S de@lop ng @ont 4.
(D) t rr €xir.m€ly h5d lo lire wi$ an ln@me
of €ssthan US$1.25 a day.
53. The @d \hich inrinell rct6B to Ac@ding io lh6 pas*ge, chins
(A) pollicrans End offcia s (A) hEs.n lmporEnt rcle ii redlcins the Bh
(c) iniendronsras€ncres
of eneme poveny in wid
(a) needB io tur'ls ihp@ 'ls
is efortr to
(D) Mil.nnluh D*lopment G@ts eEdicate e{refi6 pdeiy tn tE
5a. Wn€re in $6 pa.eoe doe! lh€.ulror (c) h* man6 {@s.tut effolE b redo.o
de{nbe fte liv$ led by peopts tiving i. dle@ ituome iieq@lil]l
(0) h:s Irken ooB han one nittion p.opte
out ol dtreme poredy In le$ thsn .
The icllwng aeques[ons l.luep€s*g6
55. A@ding ic tle passage, renucing exirem. (A) Wly has chin. been su@*tuI in
pow,ty in rhe Bt lko rt@d.s 6 gotio ro be
Educhg ih€ of exfioms pov.iy in
(A) tle mdd! @nony has not b6n (B) Wh€n do6 the srtd s exirso pd€ny
ortuho a3 h3t .s in tirle Esl l*! cte sl.n b de@s€ signifeniy?
(c) whal is th6 poverty rab fd a t hly or four
(B) lleE EE fw peopr6 who tiE ju6r und.r
lhe extrcm. povedy tine. (D) Vlho ie lhe !6pn Ind insp Es lhe edd
(C) the ddeloping mdd do* rct he tE lo sel Minennium Oevelopn€nr Goat!?
Eeures ied€d io b€Se .xlr€m6
5S. Whi.h or tle mds adry has the opposit€
{O} lndi€ .nd entrGs and Afde ME m€aninO b Ine md 'mtse4a in tire 33?€ govehmenrs.

56. Th6Mrd'iere i. tin. 16 6utd best b6

EPI@d by ehtch ol ihe follding?

60 The auhofs arnMe rd.rd the @dds g@t tr,

Edue powty geneEly

,, -s
On Msrch 11 2011,. m.gnltud€ 9.0 lndsea eanhquake @ured 43 mtts ofi the shore ot
Jap6n. The eannquake geneEied a. unexp&ledly m5ssiv€ iEunaml lhal Mshed ryer essrem Jspan
rcuqhly 30 mhlies laiei k iiq noe than 15,300 p€ople and inllnng ture 6,100. MoG fEn
t/@ 2,600 peple ae sdll una@unled for Nov( Mpubr simul.rions by dantord'ran $ientisls rewd that
19 eund waves ln th€ &€n prcdu@d by fie €nhqu*6 pEbably Eached laid tss or minutes b€lbE
tE lsu.ami. It corectly iitsDreied, ther 6uld ofie€d . wamrng lhat a lalle lsunami was on lh€
Although vadous syslefrs €i decclunde665 €.nhquak6, oey @n t €riab y lerlwhich wi fom
acun.miorprcdic{flesizeoilheware Th€€.8 @an-based ddlce6 that @n sei* an on@ming
ato) ilon.mi, but ihey typielly pbv de only a f4 minuEs of adwnca Mmlng. Be€use tE sound nbm a
sismic erent rill r€ch la.d {el beftre tle Mter ilself, lhe Gwrch€E sugg€sr rh.r rd€n0tlng rhe
speilic acoustic siqnatuc ol tsu.anl{eiedl i9 .adhquEkes edd led io s hst.F.cling wamlno
sFt3d for ffsssive &unamis.
'The fidiig Ms sonethlng ot a sulp se. The 4dhquak6 5 €pic.niE had bsh lEced to lhe
(5/ undeMtd J6p.n T€nch, . sobduclioi zoi6 sboul 40 mil$ €53t of Tohoku, r,he nonheasle h eglon
ofJapan'a l.Eer island. Based on €xisling kn l€dgeof*nhquak6lnlhisa€a,*i.nologislspuzrdd
der why lhe eadquake rupturg p6p6gried lrom rhe unde4ound hult all the @y up to lh€ s€ail@i
@fis a masslve upMrd thrust rh.t esolr€d h bo tsunani. Di€ot obs€frslions ot lh€ fau r reE
s@r@. e Erlc ounh.m, an .s.larrnr pbf6sr ol geophtsics in dls school ol Eadh sc €n*s, and
40J JeBmy Kozdon, . pmidocror.l r*earchersolklng wlth ounhan, b€gan usng th€ clusr€r of
supe@mputeE at stanlod . c€nler lor cdputaiiond Eanh and EnviEnm€nLl sc €nc. (cEEs) io
sinLlaE h@ t5e trenoG noved UrcLglll^€ ctoi end Mar.
The res€rhets built a high+$Lutio. node lhat inoolpo€iEd lh6 kndn g€ologic l€.ru E3 of lh€
J6p€n TBnoh and used CEES slmulatiois !o idediry possibls €anhquak€ ruptuB hbtod€e @mprtiD/€
frs) vith lh€ €vailable dslr. Rel@ctivet, the dod€ls aqEldy prediorsd th6 s6anoor uplifi.6.n in ihe
eadhquake, yhich is dr€c[y rcrared tn r.udami w heighE, and arso simulstod soundwe lh.t
ptupag.ied w hh tE oean. rn addldon L nsEhr rnro lhe eishid senlE as they likely@umd
dudng tne 2011 €.ftquake, lhe €*rche6 identired in€ specrllr 1laurt@nditids neGsary rbr ruptur€s
t reach in 6 s.aflor and c€.t laEe Th€ mod€r abo qene€led actuslic dala: an inEresling
l30l Bvelalion of rhe simr lalion w.s th.t l3u ndmigen ic auliae-b€hnq tuptuE., ike tE 2ol1 €dhquskE
prcdue hiqhd 6mp1[ude ocsn aco$rlc wav$ th.n t\M rh.l do dol The noder .ho@d h@ thoss
sound saves Mdd h e r€veled rhotrqh th6 Mrer and indi@led tlat they eached shore 15lo20
mlnur* befo€ rh€ Eun.mi.
Dunh.m .nd Kddon polnt€d out rh6t idenltfying € Eunam sig.atuG doesnlmmplsis th€ w.mho
rr5) sysl€F. UteMt€'m'@phore @lled hydlphones @dd re€d lo be deployed ol th€ s6aioor or o1
buoys to d€rEct rte sgnal whcSmuld ne.d to be analrzed io @1fT a tt'eat, bolt o'wicn
could b€ Giy' PolLcym6ke6 muld also ieed wl
'ten lo wih scieilisls to eule on fie d€g@ ot @dainly
n€€d€d b€toc pulling lhe alam. ll tlse pohls can be Mded out, thouqh, lhe G<bnique could helF
pEvide pEcious dinut* tor a. ewcoat o..

61 whidh oi ihe f.lowlno Muld tMl b€ the 62. Aed ng lo lhe pasgo, whilh ol ih€ lollw n9
msin id€a ot lhe snliE pasage? ieTRuE .bout lhe 2011 e.nhquak€ in Japan?
(A) CEES shurallon. ilu.lraE lh€ fom.tion (A) rt oeurcd isr lh€ shoG ol J.p€n.
ot . m$siv€ tsunsmi ii J.P6n. (B) lt happ.n.d in the middlo ol rhe nighl.
(B) Earthquake aoust c €n Jddicaie ll a (c) MoE than 20,000 pspre be€me vlcllms,
m..eive teunami iF .bout lo h.ppen. (0) Nonh6h J.p6n 6@iv6d th€soGt
(c) ocsn-b.s.d dovic6s Ec io roiger
.*d€d b doiaclondec€ @rdiq0rk*.
(D) sLnfod scl€ntists inwsrigal€d why E
g@l bu namr ha ppen€d ln rn
lhe hd 'thry'h line 6 €fe€ lo Which of lhe tolldig b€Bt expEs$s th6
oppo.ite menliq ol tE Nrd '@mpaubte' in

Adding iD the passsg€, *hioh ol lh€ folNinq

ls NOT the shortcofring of other und€B€.
suld probably
Tne aolhor u.e oa ihe
(A) Ihey ac extere y erp.nsirc and drffdrt follohg Mds to d@ib€ CEES elmuralons

(B) Thsy *n ont siw sdminui.. or *dy

(c) They .c un.b € lo p@ide infomlio.
aboul tl. !'i4 0f th€ wEE'
(D) They €nnot @uEtdy pEdld wnich
e.lhquake6 wl I €@ Lu.amb. Th€ pE*g. muld pobabv bc. prd or ai
a5.ign6d F.ding ln rhlch ot the iolbwing
66. Th6 rcrd 'puzl6d' in lin€ 16 i. clo.€.i in

A@ding pasOe, ehich ot h€ fottod.!

io lne
rl en b€ hiened nom p€6q6ph 4 that eond is Mmhg syEr.m?
NOT n€6d.d io @mpleie n€
(A) ln.rarrrentothrdDphoE on tE ear@t
(A) se@Flly each tF shore as l6t as
(B) a @naboatioi b.twM policyn.GF aid
(B) do mrtavd @iinolsh Mi$ in he o@n.
(C) w lr b6 slo*6r ir $r. und.@. @nhquake. (C) €dyeeadon rEinins rorrh. b€rpepre
(D) .n.lyslsol.lgnalslbnnlehydbphoe.
(O) give€ d.ia lor d&uation if
aial'2ed and u*d rell.

, -,.@r+
A numbs ol studl€s have Ev4 ed thst wha re suff€r fbm edain psychotogis .i meils_
ld6liress.ecia'isolslion s.lfdoubl nelau€trodd srdll€r*t'.alrtLtisdcani tssjosbto:
*n ad a5 a @pins r€.n.1Em. srcF .nmerb e. eus6 trE m'nd lo s'fr rhEush ,B €ci€ oi returi;
adunir and fout tral lley lyp e y €atuedrbm'}.nd raendr a Toheito,s.,elr o. orel bo'fl.
{t 'th. padicipant d@ bing th€ memory was ahost al*€ys lhe prchgonisr, and the iamtive arc !s
g€r€E v or ot rcdemplor d nBr. cond'ions ray h€v..eetred snF or hope'*, bJr €vertJalv
thhgs *rc red r . lavorabte end'.q -1ou9h .oststgE, tt 164rrB cta reo, re bl 10 b6ci
io th. suta@ evldene ol p6l li!frphs and c os6 rolaiomh Ds I hos when oq tives t€tr sare and

To irruniiale ioslalgia s ole asar e oiionalbufft, clay Rou0edge,3 psychotogist and nGhrgta Norih oakoh slale uilve6ily, and or\€rc4Ghe6 atemphd !o d4lrbitzetheksubjecb
s€ns. of$f. Psdioip€nlsi@k t€sts th€t@uH b€ oll€ctivery cha€otedzed Es p€rlhotog €tt disbolbd,l
p./om ng n6lt in orblic cad'ng €n€*ydegn€dbprcwred {€1u.ta^giL ar be Tbtd thar
i'5) $ff sns@E01.p.Mn.lityBuru.y ndr.redrh.r'@Lrdrikety.norpatorea;ouid€d ti.oreor
ue €xpenmenb, tE subirb who had been made to l*l insignilicant or dstin€d ior abandonment
epoied lee h0 srq.n€dt moE nosialgic than ftoso vho h.dn L rn oth$ studi*, panbtpaiE re€
pbmpied io €vok€ a nosra gic m.mory bero€ or just an€r h.ving their sens of se I assaited. Th.
subj€oc sho indu g€d in. nostrgic Emhr@nce €p.nen tu.Ing sto.ilt€nlt €sa 6lr6*d, toss
l2r) d€tgnsi€ and noB s@i€lly suppod.d . nd @nt.nt than iheir non-nosta b ic @unlsa.ds
Thar nosralgi€ @uld b€ € 3ourc€ of m€ntat Elienoe and moliv.0on diredt ch.I.noee oeftain
cr t6' noion ot tE sentjmmt 3s paE[z ng, . hatbr.ger of 4huEl srag naljon, ,tt is exac y in€ oppo.ite,"
Conslsntine Sedikidss, s psychologist and noairlgia expen al $e Unive6iv of Souhamoron, .aid,
'Wh€n )ou bemo n6rdgic, you dont b€com€ past{ enGd. You mnr to go out t5ere and do rhtn$."
125) ll dr€E is s pcr€r popu sdon ior norElgi. B $lf-rcguratory erects, ir is China'e pGt+iohties sholl Ag
lho nal on s f6t genoEtion of only chi dBn-Chin. jmiitiled [s one{h ld po]icy tn 1s79-tE p*t-
eiqhies are p€d sposed lo loneliness They Qmo of 5ge in L ndeh qith c hina! tEns I on to a morc
ma*er ba*d econonx a raielLr sto<e or [m 19 hrcugh wr'cl rh.r wT enli.Gd *
f.llbdea bslcd sih defn'Iwla! rears b b€ boh modem and cFinese wr'b rher preliry
(30/ @ived sLl...ppoint d faclorytobs and gdemfieit-subsidlz6d houeino tleyreE en@u;qed lo
puEue lhen amidei 3 iuclualno $t al sttuctuG with f€w dsfined paths.
\N m fref rare Menr es or 4rry $id s he posl€ight 4 .rc ry 1q lo ravisare . deeotate lob
mad\el ofr.. as $e sle nda.< 6 prfr dets LJ bof hen cnidGl ard hen parcr (.s ct-'fu s
cu.ion) Many len ,]er tod honeioris torho more pEsp€rcus cilre. only lo lboe ytcjols 6mp€tition
p5/ lq srce vhlie{ond job6. Io vre ior sart podoliois, lh6y ml{ E €ven-hou days and € in
brurar ofre pol(ics. Add b an of hb udan orercwd ng, unpr@dgnt d polrlion and a barc!€ of
f@da€f€ry *nd5b €nd fl. Esu[ing stE* p@nb an o.staught of nBElgta s ktlM pstrhobgiet
rrigg€E. xinyue zhou,. psychologist.r sun Y.t-*h LhteFily, in Guangzhou, whose rcseardl has
d€mn.rr.Ed nsblgia s ability lo bol5iEr . $nsa of .@ht coi.edednss €hong a divek crcss-
1i0) wionofCh rs.cit@m ssd 'Th6rncec'nry,$e ackol@1lrc.oe-oL.t'v.s 6mostutsEd.
io lh€ p..r* ghrcs, $ m h.v. lo sek enl'maron lroh lhe p€5t.

71. What is rd€. ol the€? 72. A@rdhg lo rh€ p3*ge, Ue iottaing
(A) NGtag a imp€dds dd€lopmonl and elalements aboul nosl€lgi€ .E iru€ ExcEPT
cr€lae 4rlural slagiaiion. (A) P€ople i.nd io be norc nosElgic when
(B) R$*rh h.s shNn rhat noeiarsra is an th€y p.Gire themserves as
indulgenoe torlhe lbeblo fr inded.
(c) rhe@ ae a vadety ot rcasons wlrich (B) Wh€n p€opl. ae reh nlso.s, th.y
m€k€ nostdg . b.n€fci.r ro hlmais alwdys $€ lh€mserv* a6 lhe Ml ai.s
(D) vadous {ruotu ral changes h99€@d a
s€n96 of lon€lin.Bs ln posr€ighi€8 (c) whe. peopls €B ndialgic, I d*s
n€mssadly m*n lhat lhey aE
(D) Noslalgia @n cEst.3 ol oder
eGty in people lilh @n n
Vlhich ol lhe rolltuing @rds cou d bst z. Why aB lhe p€ople who rec bom
subsrrtuI.rheMrd'diabori€r inrin.r3, after ls73 sus@ptible to toneltne6s?
(A) Beause ihey @B bom wtDut any
broths and eisteF
(B) 3...u* ih€y io conpd€
feEciously ror a b€n€r tuinO @ndirion.
(c) B@us€ lh€y .@ Gponsibr. ror fie
fnding of Roudedge and
vvhat is the pr@pedly and h€alth ot th6ir paEnts,
coll*gue6 6ludy oh nosirlgia? (D) B€€us.lhey have ro siagote for th.t
(A) Noslalsicemlnlsei@wirlonlyb no deams €mid the chaor c slrlciural
pos liy€ €ft€cL on qedatrics.
(B) Peop e *ho und€rcodEbollcal
exPe ence l€.d to tue insignifi@nt 73, Wtl which of rh€ bnding @uld
Ih€ rulhor probably .gEe?
(C) P€opl. who *@ abandon€d ss ohildEn (A) chi.a s pcl-€ishti€. cohon is €n
lEnd to €void Emini$inq ihe r ex@led eFmde ot a g.n.Elion that
beoelns lom nelatgia
(D) subjeotsvho nduls€dln.6ratgiB (E) Zhou bo l€ves thEt po.t e ghtiss Chinese
crahed to teel b€rd those who aG nstatgic b€euse rhoy .c s€.tttig
75. r'rsding io the passaqe, S€dikldee bett*s (C) lt is io longq a Chin$e cusloh for the
oldesl ch ld in a fafity ro lake e6 oa
(A) Nosta gia cou d norer be a.ou@ ot
6mbn and nolivalion for many (O) lt is Elalivery easy for China s pos!
eighlies cohon b ijnd white 6 hrjobs
(B) Peopre who are nostElgic do not th nk IhEt
ihe pasl s€r han the tuluc.
(C) The inablllty lo go lo be adive is 79, Which of the @ds botow h6 the opposile
th6 side ef,bct ot nNlatgia. meaning b ln6 sord 'vioious' in tine 34?
(D) Nostalgia @dd cau* frenla paEty5is in

76. Aedins lo ihe passaqe, China! !6t-

(A) aG nd in their roiles and iifiieg. 30. lhe Md's*nt in ine35@uldbe$b6
(B) ae seff-disclplln6d and hiqhly fioliv.ted. Eplaed by which ol the tot owing?
(c) a€ mcl y I'vins ouEride thetr honetbwnE.
(o) EGdb@lEoed tom puBulnsftn
'Ihe srmpre chidcn s €gg has long baen kndn * a 3yfrbol of nw tifie. H@ei tess w€n knoM
is tiat esgs €n be tuhed into incub.iors io prcdue a rafr ot orh€r motecules inctuding agents ro
@fr bat nlbotio d The h um.n im m une sydd r€spondr to lbEign subeEnes by prod*ing anibodi6,
U,D wnich are s peoializ€d prcEins th.t bind to inEding oEai lsds an d toxim, bi@k |,londdiviv aid ta G er
15) heh for dGtruction by other momb€re of ihe immune inladty Anlibodcr at6o cir@t6t€ tu exteided
pedods ii tE blood, prcvlding long-r€m prcEction agahst any oi th€ same bugs th.r might i'y 1o
make € comeback, and mothec prciecl theh otrsrang by siphon ng olf sme ot then .M aniibodies
and addin g tFn lo lhe foeta clrculallon du dnq lhe latler p€n of pEs nancv. The sams is a l$ tue of
ch ckens. but w[h lne dilte@i@ lhat they add tleir anlibodi* io rhe yorks of Me eg$ they ay.
(t0) The@in I 4 a lhe€peutic opponui ty be€u* exposur. io specific vito* or bactetu ffggeG
chickens to pbdu@ adibodies agaii$ these organisms. lf a ch cken rs rnjecied lith $mpt* ol the
sme pahoge.s, this also aohi4es the eme efed. ln facl, ailhin jusl a rs wks, Mry €gg Le
dricken laysrill@nirin high lerels of aniibodies sp€cife y EQeling tD* vitu*s d bacEda. Mole@i
lhs* gnfbod €s o€n b€ pudi€d frcm lh€ yolk to prcduce wnal b a hosl anlibodi* oFiap.
(131 G v ng prejomed .ntibodi€s ro peopre trho hare beei exposd io 6 padjcul /rteotbuo sgent
has long b€en lsgnrzed €. a wry or linllrng dis€se. H slDr €lly, th€se anlibodies have been obl3lned
hom hotgorhumans, bllhoEeantrbodresa€ sky, and hum5n.ntibodies have lim red avaiabitittr
1l6n€, chick€n €gg anljbodr4 mlght be a varuabre addnion lo our medicat ,reeral Eggs ar6 pt.nfllut
and .$i y haBgst d. Jusr four €ggs c.n prcdoce as much anribody .s an enie gui.ea pig. MoE
{?o/ impoi.ntlt lh€ hu m. n m m une sFiem toraErsd chrcken aitibod ies m uch befter lhan adibodi.s frcm

It h as b€6n almosi teanry y€.6 sine i e flret srudres using ess anribody to t eat vna disess in
animdb waB pu blish6d. h 1 994, . r€am of J.panese scre'ni$s tirst sh ed that catves @utd b6
prot4isd sqainst bov n€ oiavnus using chick€i egg andbodres. rn the pa$€ there ha€ been a
i25) h.ndfulot.linic6lll.s invosrig.tng [ia lse ol egg antrbodes ror int*rious disBas€ t€atne in
humans Srudies s€ also ourentt und.N€y lo €xploE t1e efiectjveness ol egg-antibodle. ln ihe
lcaiment ot lre nfeoiions eu sed by lh€ bacte u m P66rdond.s *doire. whlch has now Eached
phase ll olinioallria s thar arc due to bo oonpleted ln S€pl€mbd 2014. Thrs meens it ts on6 sEp sway
fton being 9 €il€d a0 grova by med i* govem ing bodies, b $ beomrno rhe frst eqg ait body to be
FO used ii c nl@lpracli@.
Overa I, it looks Liket that lhe ficr mainslream lheBpeulic egg anribodres wrt make r into the
tridges of hosp rd pharmac 6 w lhin a lbw y€G. Most I k€ly ih 6* .ntibodres lrr be used against ju5l
prcple ln many more oountries will Fe lhis nu m ber increase s g niicantry d€ r lhe de@d€s to com6.

31. lhe iollding aE qu$fons lh5t lh€ p5ssrge The srd 'heia in ine4 re,b6io
ti6s lo EddEss EXCEPT
(4 Why a@ chicl(€. €gg antibodles supedor
to olher anlbodl*? {c) iivadi.g o4anisms and loxins.
(a) How en ohicken egg-yolk-aniibod es be €) mgmb6E orlhe hmune hraiin
u*d to lr€t iifeclidis?
(C) Wlal .€ th€ posBibl. drng€B ol $ing A@odhg lo lhe passage, whioh ofh. tollowing
inGcton-fighling.hic*en egg b NoT TRUE about anibodles?
(A) They en b6 pas€d on by molheG io
(D) How crose.E re io usins chicken ess
antibodies roi hunan dl*ase (B)Th€ycircul.t h the brood ior a lono

(c) Nono prcdu*d by..imal6 €n be ttre€lsd

(D) Th€y €E prcduc.d by !E body lo counl6r

,, -P
8,4. Wich ofihe 6tl@ins.htEme.ts about.hklcn
FEn pEECEph4 it €n be iniered hatstudt6
.!95 en bo inbrcd fron hs Dagd.7
{Al They.EnoEusotutbr maE-trEn mo.r (A) @iBnh.at6 on tndino cu€s lor @
(B) Scbnb.r6 a6 y.ry mF6ied u,m
t niocure
rn (B) h#.nM h@6h9ry prcmi!ru
(C) AnihodiE obrrin.d lrch hen a6 tu) .E
und€r suNeinsrce 'eb
b.n.fEi.t tu tretho dicken inf .ctiM.
n@ b€€i onduclird h
(Dt TIEEteati sbc* otchE*en.sss rirttr ^s,r
'led netuthohalrtudol .rdlneh€@di:s.
eiblte n.€d€d by $€ntuE. .ndbdlin rs g@€[y
35, The sd .int€clidd in tins 15 m€ns

3i5 Ae..dtig to the p€.raoe, Enlders lnat en

!r!e .ntjbodi.s lor hum,rr rF 6nt&l
0r. anlib.di€s obtained trm
(A) hoB. dd ohickens. ad rho* rrom animab
(3) htom dEl heE aE v.riou3 3tud ..
(a) €nd etres on
(c) €rree and su'n.a pE inr€di4. dis* hdnFr
(D) hok.nd!u nea lrss (c) @Nin@ bat anlbon's €E FnEubft
imponafl tu rohl na dis€a*
37 Which ol th6 to[8'ng besr €rpesss lh6 {o) dlucldai. tl.t chicken €gos en be
@ing ot fie sod ,aenaf n ine 1s? tumed inlo a re.00n io teal dtsd$s

t, I
Ou€.llon. ,1 - 10o

wmout a common anguage lo speak, sl. augusriie wrcre, .a man rcutd be morc oherfut
vnh his dog for @frpany then with. toregner'For eght )€a6, sunnat,. si*een rearctd uzb6k
@ptued ri Alqhaiisrai ii 2001, did.l ewn have rhat in 2002, he @s tEnspolied ro Guaithnamo,
Ln, {'le@ he did not knN the houe l€i€e. E.glish snd ABbic. For aI $e ratk he head tom his
lsl @llmat6 every day, he mrghl as @rr hde been in solitrry onfinemeit. unrit h s El€ase, in 2010. h.
sas in the erds of Peter J ai Honigsberg a prcl€ssor ol raw at the u n iy€city ol sa n Franoisco,
'alone in a* or wi@s.' Every froni.g. sunnat lold€, he amke ro a crushiig sensijon
ol loneliness. His ont @ping sbstegy: 'l cd€d, €nd lh€n I €lt beltel'
Sunn€r w€s, in m€nyeaF, simply unlucky. H. spoke a tdnguag€ rh.twas ra€ at GuantSn5mo.
lr0) Th. €m p h5d only slx uzb.k sp.ak€q non€ eq. ho6ed n€ r h lm H. me hetd roreight r€ars not
b6*u.6 ha w$ d€ng€Eus but b€e$. no @unrry. not even his native Uzbekietan, Mutd s@pl h m
.a a Guanlansmo d€porr€6. (Th€ milir.ry M3 equired to hold him unril . nat o ag@d to tak€ him.)
ln tucr, hb hrffird i3olaiad him fudh€. once h€ @6 no tonger deemed . th€at, he @s6d m€.ling
wrti an u2bek ni.neler and an inlenogaior The. he vas d€nied maiedats io tean Engtish and
115) A6brc, becaus€ lhe delen0on cenler has a polioy againsr h€lping rhe preslhsd-dang.rcus derahe.s
@mnunioate *ith oie another
Depdvins a prisoner ol lnguistic @mpany *n be a st€legy: il en incEase a p $ne/s
dependen@ on an idenogalor, naking him moE lkelyro r5rk, or r!€i preMl prison€B lroh organizing
e.i.tance. Moe 9pl€lly c4. ike sunnats m unbnunarE onseqos* ofpo cy.nd circumskn@.
€0r whalever lhe cau5e, Holiosberg arsu6 in his paper, '49!siEseegl@!qesB9!9$E!!@uE!
Fom of rsoraijon bv t?ndMde BanjeE. or Linouistic l$lsrion ' the p6yohDlogi€t .f,hcL ot sotit!ry
oonfnere.t brough li.€uistjo islalbn aE larc€ly fE as bose Ma t@* and k€y impaied imputso
oonlrcl, an inabitry b oon@ntEG or r.hink cl6aiy, @nfusion. obss ve b6tuviors, pa€noia, and evei
a slate resembling cat5bni.. A gding body ol evideice suggesls rhat . aeek6 or $ Ery
i25) oonfinement ror a pdsoner amounts to bnuE. 'lsor€tion by radlilaqe beaieB,' '€wHonis3berc w. e;
"shou d be e@gnrzed as a dbtinct human .ishls abuso.'
Honi$bee @e .urp'Jed lo lind itde @n sid€€lio n of the tsue ot ting uistc isolalon in (he
l69a lit.EluG, €nd $€6 b no €lialle dala on lhe numbq of pn$neE ih the edd wtD a€ tinguisr@Iy
in soliLry mniin€m€nl. P€anap5 it .hould be €xpected, hMver Actua sotilary coninsm€nl s tiqhtt
130) Eg ulated in b. u. s., fof .xam pre, il € tri6 tE neuha Lsou nding lab€ ot ,adhi.isfafvs sgregd0itn,'
.nd ls l.Eoly l€fi lo th€ di&6tiM ol tl. p@ple who run p sons.nd
Sk€ptics might sy that pn&.e6 @n s mpty l€ah tE bnguage ot tDn guads and t Le
inmal4. ln hcr, und€r rhe clime Cootol rst ol 1990, Gded pnsons ae requicd ro rdch Enotj.h lo
orsor€6*hodonrsp..k'l sut nn'l'laryF s irTig€tond6t€nt6lenre6 arondlysEr€lac't'rtss
/Jrr Tar€Tls for l€am nS lanSuaSes aF Lndva'laol.. A I plsneE
othe6, ika su nn ar, 6urd not (sunnats u6k riially c5anged ln July, 2010, wh en he was frsd a nd * nt
i! L€tvia, wh.G h6 gEE by wilh . 6m.n€nng ol Ru.sian. H€ has managed rrcjoin a mosqu6. find M*,

91. The tb lfli.g st GmenbEboutSunn.l.Elrue, 92 Theautholspurpos. in Mitins lhis passaoo i3

(A) He6haed noconmon languagesith his (4 demonsr.ate the physi€l5nd emoljona

de[y lhat happ€n.d in G0.niana6o.
(3) 86 was rw€nty-frre when he wa3 Freased (B) shd lhe hamtul@ns6qu.nes or rol(ary
impd$inent lhrcug h lingu i6 c istat on.
(C) Hsres impihon€d b*u.e he was tirund (C) toll.bod Ue untodurctE €xp.dence of
suiiatduring his@nfrnenentin
(o) F* people speak his lanouaoe in
Guanlinamo ldron (o) criricize lhe cdms conko act or I 990.
wh ch does nor prctact rhe dohls ot a(
93. Which ol lhe follo{ing .l.lements about 97. Wh ch of |le lollowing Mds @uLd b€3t
b€t $le lhe Epd tesEsal on" in lme 3q?
(A lt s 6 iedda p'ison lhat ie ton bt nE Unil€d

{3) ll pbvidgsEngl6h l€ssons lo nmat€s {tF

do nol speak lhe language
(C) ll6t pienoG in thls dae sp€ak eltler
EnllL6horAEbic 93. The eb.d'di.qe[on' n lins 31 tou @uld besl
(D) TnEuthoul s hElory b. cdaoed by rhich ol rh. lbllwing?
hroteslrcm Uzb€kista.
04. Whicn ot0Emds bel h.slheopposliE (c) Acbe.t
tuanin! lo tle wrd "inn@.oe" I ne 13?
€9 ll en b€ inturcd fton la€qEph fiw hal

(A) are p.ds ol lhe iedeGl p &n.yst€m on

€5. g€hw are the sid€ eff*ls of linguistic (B) opeEie cro*ly wlrh immig€lion delanlion

(A) difr4lty h locus'ng on. s mind (C) do nol hav€ io sdhere lo tE Cdc
(B) eehg or hear nq lh ngs shhh are not contElActoll999
(D) do not*s Esou@s need€d for
{C) tuiLu@ lo @iBl the u€e lhal may ham la.4uaqel4ming.

(D) eressiG susp ciousness and 100.Wfl which ot ,1e loll@inq st Erenls Kuld
dislrusfuhess of otheE $e .uthor probEbly agrce?
(A) Soliiary @.f.ement lhbugh linglistjo
96. A.@d n9 to the p.*59e, I nsoi.tic l$l€tioi isolario. has nany negaive imp€cts.
ls all ol lhe tbll4ing EXCEPI (B) Denyiig Pdsone6 (ne nsht to
(A) rr ei
be legany u*d lo paclt . pnsoner @mmuni@le wllh olheB is not:
wih a.ger issu6s.
(B) li ls. slrElegy d*igned b.nEct (C) Llnguistio i$hton has b€en rcgulaEd by
infodation rbm pl sets rhB u.s law since 1990.
(c) rt be a technique lo inoreas.
en (D) Th€E h8ve been bo manyAEb pdsone6
dertinee s e iane on an inl€.mg.tol in rhe U.s ldsdi system.
(D) h is lhe act or sepa€tins a d€bind nlm
sPeakeE of lhe same l.nguaga

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