Bank Forwarding For 1% Pronodona Permission

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Date: 13.02.

The Manager/Head of Branch
Mohakhali Branch,
Mercantile Bank Ltd.
51-52 Mohakhali, Dhaka,

Subject: Prayer for Processing Special RMG (1%) Cash Incentive against Direct Export In
RMG Sector For The Financial Year 2020-2021.

Dear Sir

With reference to the caption subject we would like to information you that as per reference
no: F.E circular No. 01 Date: January 07, 2020, issued from Bangladesh Bank. We apply for
the same of mentioned subject, we also attach here required document. Export L/C No.
SGD/BFL/ACK/01/2020 DATE: 20.08.2020 $16,65,009.00, SGD/BFL/ACK/10/2020 DATE:25.02.
2020 $13,260.00, SGD/BFL/OLDKHAKI/03/2020 DATE: 16.11.2020 $26,190.00,
SGD/BFL/PNP/01/2021 DATE: 10.01.2021 $67,707.00 Total US$1,772,166.00

Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that, readymade garments have been exported through your
bank against above mention LC and proceed has already been realized. As per F.E Circular
No. 01 Date: January 07, 2020, we are applying for the same to your end to process. In this
regard the following documents are submitted.

Your prompt action would action highly appreciated.

Your kind Co-operation for this purpose will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards.

Your prompt action would action highly appreciated.

Your kind Co-operation for this purpose will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards.

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