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GPS and Weapon Technology

Chapter 1

GPS retransmission systems Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is increasingly
being applied in many different military applications beyond navigation. Soldiers use
GPS to enhance situational awareness on the battle field with systems such as Land
Warrior. GPS applications are utilized for precision aerial resupply via the Joint
Precision Airdrop System (JPADS) to guide ammunition, medical supplies or food to
units operating on the ground. GPS enabled asset tracking may provide current position
and status of high value assets, such as VIPs, nuclear weapons, etc. In training
applications, GPS technology may be used to track the participating assets, scoring the
exercise and enabling a far more instructive de-brief.

1.1 GPS-A Technical Perspective

The GPS system traces its origins to the sixties. In 1960, Aerospace Corporation was
founded for the purpose of applying then advanced technology to space and ballistic
missile problems. In 1963, the company started work on Project 621, the Global
Positioning System, and a scheme for replacing strategic aircraft astro-navigation systems
with satellite navigation. Whereas astro-navigation systems needed clear sky to track
stars, the satellite navigation scheme would use microwaves and a satellite distributed
master clock, thereby providing all weather operation and superior accuracy.

Fig. 1.1: GPS Satellite

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GPS and Weapon Technology

The Operational GPS Constellation uses 24 satellites, of which 3 are spares, orbiting in
precise 12 hour orbits, as shown in Fig. 1.1. The orbit geometry is adjusted so that these
orbits repeat the same ground track once per day and at any point on the Earth’s surface at
any given time the same configuration of satellites should be seen.

The satellites are grouped, nominally in sets of four, into six orbital planes, each of which
is inclined at approximately 55 degrees to the polar plane. A user at any point should be
able to see between five and eight satellites at any time.

The GPS system provides two navigational services, the military Precise Positioning
Service (PPS), and the civilian Standard Positioning Service (SPS). PPS provides
nominally 17.8 m horizontal accuracy, 27.7 m vertical accuracy and time accurate to 100
nanoseconds. SPS provides nominally 100 m horizontal accuracy, 156 m vertical
accuracy and time accurate to 167 nanoseconds, and is available to civilian users. The
degraded accuracy results from the use of Selective Availability. In practice, achieved
accuracy can significantly better the nominal figures.

1.2 GPS-Retransmission System Architectures

GPS retransmission systems, in their simplest form, include at a minimum the following

1. Active Antenna (Active meaning the antenna includes an integrated Low Noise
2. Interconnecting Coaxial Cable(s)
3. Retransmission Amplifier/Signal Conditioner
4. Passive Retransmission Antenna (or repeat antenna)
In this system, the GPS satellite signals are received by the active antenna, amplified and
conditioned by the retransmission amplifier and re-broadcast on the GPS frequency(s) by
the retransmission antenna, because the signal delay through the GPS retransmission
system is common for each satellite once the signals are received by the exterior antenna,
GPS receivers operating in the retransmitted signal environment will generate a location,
not at their actual position inside of the hangar, vehicle, or aircraft, but rather they will
calculate the position for the system’s receive antenna that is located outside in view of
the LOS signals. This limitation, however, is not critical for the applications described
above, as the derived location is close enough to accomplish the intended function.

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GPS and Weapon Technology

A simplified GPS system illustrates the concept of satellite ranging. A satellite transmits
a time signal, as shown in Fig. 1.2. The receiver is stationary and has an absolutely
accurate clock, perfectly synchronized to GPS time. By measuring the difference in time
from when the signal left the satellite to when it is received by the aircraft, the distance
from the satellite to the user can be calculated. This is the product of the time difference
and the speed of light (300,000 km/sec).

Fig. 1.2: GPS Satellite Transmission

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GPS and Weapon Technology

Chapter 2

Several researchers have carried out research on the usefulness and application of Global
Positioning System in the field of defense. Few relevant works have been studied and the
outcomes are summarized in this literature review:

Vishal Chahare, [2017], here the authors have focused on the use of GPS
technology and Relative GPS/ATACMS Scenario. The missile can be guided by a
number of ways for example by using radio waves, infrared, laser and by using GPS and
INS. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based navigation system offering
precision navigation capability. Originally designed for military use, civilian access has
been permitted to specific parts of the GPS. GPS determines the position of the user by
triangulation. Knowing the position of the satellite and the distance from the other
satellite; combinations of satellites can be used to determine the exact position of the
receiver. GPS/INS guided weapon, using the same set of satellites as reference receiver,
will be able to maintain precision strike accuracies over long flight distances and flight
times. The next part of the problem is to determine the target location relative to the
reference receiver. They made explicit assumption that someday we may have the
capability to accurately determine these vectors to an accuracy of less than 10 ft, over
distances up to, say, 540 NMI (1000 km). In this way we studied Precision-guided
weapons, especially those equipped with GPS technology, have greatly improved the
military’s strike capabilities and reduced many of the difficulties of war. However, there
are still significant changes to be made to improve the efficiency of modern weapons
technologies that can be made to maximize the efficiency of modern weapons technology.
Osama Sarfaraz, [2014], this paper discusses a method for a guiding the
missile towards it target by using GPS inertial guidance. The advantages of using this
technique is that the missile will accurately hit its target which will result in less collateral
damage and there will be no need to fire more additional missiles because the desired
target can be hit by using few missiles. Once the missile is launched, there will be no
need of manual controlling of the missile because the missile controller will controls the
missile flight towards the target. The task of this work is to design the guidance system
for the missile which would guide the missile accurately to hit the target as directed.
Guidance is the main component of the missile system which helps in hitting the target
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GPS and Weapon Technology

accurately. The missile can be guided by the number of ways which includes by using
laser, GPS infrared or radio waves on its way to the target. This paper proposes a model
to guide the missile with the help of GPS and INS. This model requires a computer or
controller which should be installed in the missile to control the missile flight according
to the guidance provided by GPS and INS. The system works by knowing the missile
current position and the position of the target. The position of the target is known by
using Google maps which is feed in the missile controller before the missile is launched.
Missile current position is known by using GPS while the missile current orientation and
heading is known by using INS. Missile current position is compared with the target
position to calculate the desired heading towards the target, then missile controller auto
pilots the missile according to the desired heading towards target to hit the target.
Brian Paul [2010], in this paper, the author will discuss how GPS Retransmission can
be a very cost effective solution to the problem of GPS denied environments for delivery
of GPS guided munitions from aircraft weapons bays, under-wing munitions pylons, or
artillery & mortar tubes. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is increasingly
being applied in many different military applications beyond navigation. Soldiers use
GPS to enhance situational awareness on the battle field with systems such as Land
Warrior. GPS applications are utilized for precision aerial resupply via the Joint Precision
Airdrop System (JPADS) to guide ammunition, medical supplies, or food to units
operating on the ground. GPS enabled asset tracking may provide current position and
status of high value assets, such as VIPs, nuclear weapons, etc. In training applications,
GPS technology may be used to track the participating assets, scoring the exercise and
enabling a far more instructive de-brief. GPS provides accurate target position
information to smart weapons deployed from aircraft or ground based platforms,
improving accuracy and lethality of these weapons systems. GPS retransmission systems
have successfully been utilized in combat since 2004 to provide live wireless signals to
commercial and military GPS receivers inside volumes where a clear view of the sky is
J Parthasarathy [2006], in this paper, some of the ideas of positioning and
navigation using GPS are explored, GPS is a satellite-based navigation system made up of
a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. This paper
provides the use of a handheld GPS receiver in the areas of precise positioning, mapping
locations, navigating across the mapped locations very easily. The purpose of this paper is
to showcase the experiences that incurred in designing a positioning and navigation
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GPS and Weapon Technology

system, which can be used as a moving compass, steering to any mapped destination,
providing the information about nearby places, tourist attractions, petrol bunks etc. The
paper provides a case study in the process of designing such a system and its limitations
in the era where through distance measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver
can determine the user's position and display it on the unit's electronic map. It also
portrays the implementation details and their results obtained and along their pros and
cons when compared with the other existing positioning and navigation system designed
for basic handheld GPS, It also addresses some of the enhancements that can be
accomplished in the designed system. This paper is organized by providing a brief
introduction to GPS technology and then dealing with hardware description and messages
along with a case study implementation detail of the system, its features and possible
enhancements in the system.
James M Brandon [2003], the views expressed in this paper are those of the author.
The Global Positioning System (GPS), which originated in the United States in the late
1970s, is widely recognized as the world’s most accurate method of navigation. Being an
embedded technology, the GPS is not generally visible in personal computers,
automobiles, surveying equipment, weather tracking systems, military munitions,
electronic receivers, and other products incorporating the technology. Since its creation
by the U.S. Department of Defense almost 25 years ago (at a cost of about $12 billion)
and its emergence into broader public awareness subsequent to becoming available for
civilian use in 1984, the GPS has evolved into a wide range of technologies that have
provided an enormous range of benefits for consumers. The GPS provides two levels of
service: Precise Positioning Service (PPS) and Standard Positioning Service (SPS). The
PPS is a restricted highly accurate positioning, velocity, and timing service designed
primarily for the U.S. military/government and foreign allies. This service provides a
positioning accuracy of at least 22 meters horizontally and 27.7 meters vertically, with a
time transfer accuracy to the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) within 200
nanoseconds. The SPS was originally designed to provide civil users with a less accurate
positioning capability than PPS through the use of a technique known as Selective
Availability (SA). The SPS provides a predictable positioning accuracy of 100 meters
horizontally and 156 meters vertically. The SPS has time transfer accuracy to the UTC
within 340 nanoseconds.

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GPS and Weapon Technology

Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction to Missile Guidance
Guided missile systems have evolved at a tremendous rate over the past four decades, and
recent breakthroughs in technology ensure that smart warheads will have an increasing
role in maintaining our military superiority. On ethical grounds, one prays that each
warhead deployed during a sortie will strike only its intended target and those innocent
civilians will not be harmed by a misfire. From a tactical standpoint, our military desires
weaponry that is reliable and effective, inflicting maximal damage on valid military
targets and ensuring our capacity for lighting fast strikes with pinpoint accuracy. Guided
missiles systems help fulfill all of these demands.
3.1.1 Concept of Missile Guidance
Missile guidance concerns the method by which the missile receives its commands to
move along a certain path to reach a target, as shown in Fig. 3.1. On some missiles, these
commands are generated internally by the missile computer autopilot. On others, the
commands are transmitted to the missile by some external source.

Fig. 3.1: Concept of Missile Guidance

The missile sensor or seeker, on the other hand, is a component within a missile that
generates data fed into the missile computer. This data is processed by the computer and
used to generate guidance commands. Sensor types commonly used today include
infrared, radar, and the global positioning system. Based on the relative position between
the missile and the target at any given point in flight, the computer autopilot sends
commands to the control surfaces to adjust the missile's course.

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3.1.2 Types of Missile Guidance

Many of the early guidance systems used in missiles where based on gyroscope models.
Many of these models used magnets in their gyroscope to increase the sensitivity of the
navigational array. In modern day warfare, the inertial measurements of the missile are
still controlled by a gyroscope in one form or another, but the method by which the
missile approaches the target bears a technological edge. On the battlefield of today,
guided missiles are guided to or acquire their targets by using:
1. Radar signal
2. Wires
3. Lasers
4. Most recently GPS

3.1.3 Missile Guidance Using Radars Signal

Many machines used in battle, such as planes, etc. and targets, such as buildings, hangers,
etc. have a specific signature when a radar wave is reflected off of it. Guided missiles that
use radar signatures to acquire their targets are programmed with the specific signature to
home in on. Once the missile is launched, it then uses its onboard navigational array to
home in on the preprogrammed radar signature. Fig. 3.2 shows a Radar controlled bomb.

Fig. 3.2: Radar Controlled Bomb
Most radar guided missiles are very successful in acquiring their targets; however, these
missiles need a source to pump out radar Signals, so that they can acquire their target. The
major problem with these missiles in today’s battlefield is that the countermeasures used
against these missiles work on the same principles that these missiles operate under. The

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countermeasures home in on the radar signal source and destroy the antenna array, which
essential shuts down the radar source, and hence the radar guided missiles cannot acquire
their targets.

3.1.4 Missile Guidance Using Wires

Wire guided missiles do not see the target. Once the missile is launched, the missile
proceeds in a linear direction from the launch vehicle. Miles of small, fine wire are
wound in the tail section of the missile and unwind as the missile travels to the target.
Along this wire, the gunner sends navigational signals directing the missile to the target.
If for some reason the wire breaks, the missile will never acquire the target. Wire guided
missiles carry no instrument array that would allow them to acquire a target. One strong
downside to wire guided missiles is the fact that the vehicle from which the missile is
fired must stay out in the open to guide the missile to its target. This leaves the launch
vehicle vulnerable to attack, which on the battlefield one wants to avoid at all costs.

3.1.5 Missile Guidance Using Lasers

In modern day weaponry the buzzwords is fire and forget. Under this principle many
modern day laser weapons were designed. Laser guided missiles use a laser of a certain
frequency bandwidth to acquire their target, Fig. 3.3 shows a Laser guided bomb. The
gunner sights the target using a laser; this is called painting the target.

Fig3.3: Laser Guided Bomb

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When the missile is launched it uses its onboard instrumentation to look for the heat
signature created by the laser on the target. Once the missile locates the heat signature, the
target is acquired, and the missile will home in on the target even if the target is moving.
Despite the much publicized success of laser guided missiles, laser guided weapons are
no good in the rain or in weather conditions where there is sufficient cloud cover. To
overcome the shortcomings of laser guided missiles presented in unsuitable atmospheric
conditions and radar guided missiles entered GPS as a method of navigating the missile to
the target. So, before going to GPS guided missile we will have an introduction to GPS.

3.2 Introduction to Global positioning System (GPS)

3.2.1 Global Positioning System
GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is the only system today able to show
us our exact position on the Earth anytime, in any weather, anywhere. GPS satellites, 24
in all, orbit at 11,000 nautical miles above the Earth. Ground stations located worldwide
continuously monitor them. The satellites transmit signals that can be detected by anyone
with a GPS receiver. Using the receiver, you can determine your location with great

3.2.2 Elements of GPS

GPS has three parts: the space segment, the user segment, and the control segment. The
space segment consists of a constellation of 24 satellites plus some spares, each in its own
orbit 11,000 nautical miles above Earth. The user segment consists of receivers, which we
can hold in our hand or mount in a vehicle. The control segment consists of ground
stations that make sure the satellites are working properly. The Fig. 3.4 shows the
working of a Differential Correction GPS.
Working of DGPS
1. The technique called Differential Correction can yield accuracies within 1-5
meters or even better with advanced equipment.
2. Differential correction requires a second GPS receiver, a base station, collecting
data at a stationary position on a precisely known point.
3. Because physical location of base station is known, a correction factor can be
computed by comparing known location with GPS location determined by using

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4. Differential correction process takes this correction factor and applies it to GPS data
collected by the GPS receiver in the field. -- Differential correction eliminates most
of errors.

Fig. 3.4: Working Differential GPS

3.2.3 Role of Satellite in Missile Guidance

Satellite guided weapons: The problem of poor visibility does not affect satellite-
guided weapons such as (JDAM) Joint Direct Attack Munitions, shown in Fig. 3.5, which
uses satellite navigation systems, specifically the GPS system. This offers improved
accuracy compared to laser systems, and can operate in all weather conditions, without
any need for ground support. Because it is possible to jam GPS, the bomb reverts to
inertial navigation in the event of losing the GPS signal. Inertial navigation is
significantly less accurate; JDAM achieves a CEP of 13 m under GPS guidance, but
typically only 30 m under inertial guidance. Further, the inertial guidance CEP increases
as the dropping altitude increases, while the GPS CEP does not. The precision of these
weapons is dependent both on the precision of the measurement system used for location
determination and the precision in setting the coordinates of the target. The latter
critically depends on intelligence information, not all of which is accurate. However, if
the targeting information is accurate, satellite-guided weapons are significantly more

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likely to achieve a successful strike in any given weather conditions than any other type
of precision guided munitions.

Fig. 3.5: Joint Direct Attack Munitions

3.2.4 Missile Guidance Using GPS

The central idea behind the design of GPS guided weapons is that of using a 3- axis
gyro/accelerometer package as an inertial reference for the weapon's autopilot, and
correcting the accumulated drift error in the inertial package by using GPSPPS/P-code.
Such weapons are designated as "accurate" munitions as they will offer CEPs (Circular
Error Probable) of the order of the accuracy of GPS P -code signals, typically about 40ft.

Fig. 3.6: Global Positioning System Used in Ranging Navigation Guidance

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The next incremental step is then to update the weapon before launch with a DGPS
derived position estimate, which will allow it to correct its GPS error as it flies to the
target, such weapons are designated "precise" and will offer accuracies greater than laser
or TV guided weapons, potentially CEPs of several feet. For an aircraft to support such
munitions it will require a DGPS receiver, a GPS receiver and interfaces on its multiple
ejector racks or pylons to download target and launch point coordinates to the weapons.
The development of purely GPS/inertial guided munitions will produce substantial
changes in how air warfare is conducted. Unlike a laser-guided weapon, a GPS/inertial
weapon does not require t hat the launch aircraft remain in the vicinity of the target to
illuminate it for guidance - GPS are true fire-and-forget weapons, which once released are
wholly autonomous and all weather capable with no degradation in accuracy. Existing
precision weapons require an unobstructed line of sight between the weapon and the
target for the optical guidance to work.

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GPS and Weapon Technology

Chapter 4
4.1 GPS Missile Guidance System
The working of GPS missile guidance system is divided into 3 parts:
1. The first part is to select the target using Google maps and get its coordinates.
2. The second part is the missile GPS (Global Positioning System) inertial guidance
3. The third part is the auto piloting of the missile by using GPS inertial guidance.
The overall block diagram of the proposed system is illustrated in Fig. 4.1.

Target Selection from

Google Maps

GPS Internal Guidance

of the Missile

Auto Piloting

Fig. 4.1: Block Diagram of the GPS Guidance System

4.1.1 Target Selection

The first step is to select the target and get its geographical coordinates i.e., latitude and
longitude from Google maps as shown in the below Fig. 4.2. After target selection the
target coordinates is fed into missile controller and missile will be launched. Missile after
launching will autonomously fly towards target with the help of GPS Inertial guidance
and hit the target. The next section is about GPS Inertial guidance system in order to
guide the missile towards the target.

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Fig. 4.2: Target Selection

4.1.2 GPS Internal Guidance of the Missile

The second step is to guide the missile towards the target by using GPS inertial guidance
system. The purpose of this process is to get the missile’s real time current position,
orientation and the desired direction towards the target. The current position of the missile
with its orientation is calculated with the help of GPS and INS (Inertial Navigation
System). In our work, the GPS is used to obtain the current missile position, its speed and
other useful information. The working of GPS is illustrated in Fig. 4.3.

From Satellite

GPS Receiver Module

NMEA Message

Position Speed Altitude

Fig. 4.3: Working of GPS System

The working of INS is based on 6 degrees of freedom IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)
containing 3 axis of gyroscope and 3 axis of accelerometer. The response of gyroscope is

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GPS and Weapon Technology

very fast whereas the response of accelerometer is bit slow, so Kalman filter is used to get
stable roll and pitch angles of the missile. Three-axis magnetometer provides missile
current heading, which is also used as yaw. Magnetometer tilt compensation is done using
roll and pitch from IMU. The working of INS is illustrated in Fig. 4.4.


Kalman Filtering

Roll and Pitch

Magnetometer Tilt

Heading and Yaw

Fig. 4.4: Working of Internal Navigation System

4.1.3 Auto Piloting

The last step is the auto piloting of the missile by using GPS Inertial guidance. The
missile controller pilots the missile according to the desired heading towards the target,
provided by the GPS Inertial guidance mechanism, by controlling missile speed, roll,
pitch and yaw. Auto pilot controls missile speed using electronic speed controller and
missile roll, pitch and yaw by using control surfaces aileron, elevator and rudder
respectively. The working of auto piloting of the missile is illustrated below. The control
surfaces are connected with servo motors with push rods, so missile controller controls all
three control surfaces i.e., aileron, elevator and rudder by using servo motors. The missile
controller controls the speed of the missile by using electronic speed controller which
controls the throttling of the missile engine. The working of Auto Piloting system is
illustrated in the Fig. 4.5. Servo motors and electronic speed controller is controlled by
using PWM signals.

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Desire Heading

Auto Piloting

Speed Controlling

Roll, Pitch and Yaw

Fig. 4.5: Working of Auto Piloting System

PWM width from 1millisecond to 2 milliseconds at 50 hertz frequency controls servo

position from 0 to 180 degrees of angle and controls 0 to 100 percent throttling of the
missile engine.

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GPS and Weapon Technology

Chapter 5

5.1 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

Long range, subsonic cruise missile used for land attack. Tomahawk is an all-weather
submarine or ship-launched, land-attack cruise missile. After launch, a solid propellant
propels the missile until a small turbo-fan engine takes over for the cruise portion of
flight. Tomahawk is a highly survivable weapon. Radar detection is difficult because of
the missile's small radar cross-section and low altitude flight. Similarly, infrared detection
is difficult because the turbo-fan engine emits little heat. This system include global
positioning system (GPS) receiver; an upgrade of the digital scene matching area
correlation system; time of arrival/time on target control, and improved 402 turbo
engines. DSMAC uses stored black and white map scenes to compare with camera photos
from the missile. GPS continually updates the missile's position based on in-flight
satellite receiver data. Fig. 5.1 shows a ship-launched Tomahawk missile.

Fig. 5.1: Tomahawk Cruise Missile

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GPS and Weapon Technology

The conventional land attack version of Tomahawk has a number of guidance options
including inertial with TERCOM and DSMAC for position updates, inertial with GPS
and DSMAC for updates, or GPS only. TERCOM uses a stored map reference to compare
with the actual terrain to determine the missile's position. If necessary, a course correction
is then made to place the missile on course to the target.

5.1.1 Tomahawk- General Characteristics

1. Primary Function: Long-range subsonic cruise missile for land attack (can be
conventional or nuclear).
2. Power Plant: Williams International F107-W-R-400 cruise turbo-fan engine; solid-
fuel booster.
3. Length: 18 feet 3 inches (5.56 meters); with booster: 20 feet 6 inches (6.25 meters).
4. Weight: 2,650 pounds (1192.5 kg); 3,200 pounds (1440 kg) with booster.
5. Diameter: 20.4 inches (51.81 cm).
6. Wing Span: 8 feet, 9 inches (2.67 meters).
7. Range: 1,600km.
8. Conventional warhead: 1,010 nautical miles (1,148 statute miles, 1,836 km).
9. Nuclear warhead: 1,350 nautical miles (1552.5 statute miles, 2482 km).
10. Speed: Subsonic - about 550 mph (880 km/h).
11. Guidance System: Inertial and TERCOM/DSMAC, inertial and GPS, or GPS only.
12. Conventional: 1,000 pound Bull pup equivalent (WDU-25 or WDU-36) or
conventional sub-munitions dispenser with combined effect bomb lets (BLU-97).
13. Nuclear: W-80 warhead.

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Fig. 5.2: Tomahawk in Action

5.1.2 Tomahawk- Lunching

Launch of the Block III/IIR and finally III combining up to 33 satellites (including spares)
to consist of our new GPS. GPS today uses 24 satellites and numerous ground stations are
able to get quick accurate readings no matter the weather condition, time of day, or
The launch can be:
1. By Air
2. By Land
3. By Sea

Fig. 5.3 (a)

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GPS and Weapon Technology

Fig. 5.3 (b)

Fig. 5.3 (c)

Fig. 5.3: Launching of Tomahawk by (a) Air, (b) Land and (c) Sea

5.1.3 Tomahawk- Role of GPS

This technology would be impossible without the use of GPS guiding the missile from its
launch point to targets sometimes over 1000 miles away, as shown in Fig. 5.4. The
continuing advancement in GPS and other related technologies has dramatically
decreased the cost of a standard cruise missile. Cruise missiles receive an initial thrust
from a detachable booster before onboard systems take over. Once airborne, it releases its
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wings and switches on navigational and communication systems. The missile is guided at
this early stage by GPS and onboard calculations based on its movements since launch.

Fig. 5.4: Role of GPS in Tomahawk

5.1.4 Tomahawk- TERCOM

The conventional land attack version of Tomahawk has a number of guidance options
including inertial with Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) for position updates, as
shown in Fig. 5.5. TERCOM uses a stored map reference to compare with the actual
terrain to determine the missile's position. If necessary, a course correction is then made
to place the missile on course to the target. In theory, TERCOM allows cruise missiles to
avoid detection.

Fig. 5.5: Terrain Counter Matching (TERCOM)

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5.1.5 Tomahawk- DSMAC

The conventional land attack version of Tomahawk has a number of guidance options
which also include; Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation (DSMAC). DSMAC is
basically a search and destroy system, as shown in Fig. 5.6. It is only as good as the
intelligence that the system is based on. It is the most accurate of all guidance systems
used in cruise missiles.

Fig. 5.6: Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation (DSMAC)

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Chapter 6
6.1 Advantages

1. GPS weapon system is reliable in all weather conditions.

2. Extremely accurate, three-dimensional location information (providing latitude,
longitude, and altitude).
3. No manual errors occur while aiming.
4. Extremely accurate velocity information.
5. Precise timing services.
6. More accuracy than conventional war weapons.
7. Weapons can be launched from distant location.

6.2 Disadvantages
1. The GPS signal is unable to pass through solid structures.
2. Potential terrorist capabilities (delivering biological weapons, hitting high-value
targets, etc.).
3. GPS signals relatively weak (actually buried in background noise).
4. Signals can be blocked by buildings and other structures.
5. Susceptible to interference or jamming.
6. Reflected signals (multipath) because position error.

6.3 Applications
GPS is the most powerful navigation system used in a miracle of military, commercial,
civil, and scientific application. GPS has already been incorporated into naval ships,
submarines, and military aircraft. Fig. 8.1 shows some of the applications.
1. Navigation System Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) GPS is now available at
any time, in any weather, and at any place on or above the earth. NAVSTAR also
provides precise time within a millionth of a second to synchronize the atomic
clocks used in various military applications.
2. GPS is even used in locating the present position of living and non living things;
this is the concept which is used in famous “GOOGLE EARTH”.

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3. Identifying user position precisely.

4. Navigating from point to point.
5. Moving compass.
6. Steering to destination.
7. To act as a city guide software.
8. To identify nearby important places, tourist attractions by.
9. To compute user’s current location.

Fig. 6.1: Showing applications of GPS

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Chapter 7

The proliferation of GPS guidance is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this
technology promise a revolution in air warfare not seen since the laser guided bomb, with
single bombers being capable of doing the task of multiple aircraft packages. In summary,
GPS guided weapons are not affected by harsh weather conditions or restricted by a wire,
nor do they leave the gunner vulnerable for attack. GPS guided weapons, with their
technological advances over previous, are the superior weapon of choice in modern day
warfare. In this way we studied Precision-guided weapons, especially those equipped
with GPS technology, have greatly improved the military’s strike capabilities and reduced
many of the difficulties of war. However, there are still significant changes to be made to
improve the efficiency of modern weapons technologies that can be made to maximize
the efficiency of modern weapons technology.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 26

GPS and Weapon Technology


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Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT, Hassan 27

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