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Garcia, Shaun Kerstie D.


The Fourth Circle: The Root of All Evils

As children, we were told nothing else except that the earth is beautiful. Our elders showed us
how wonderful it is to dance in the rain and run in the grass with our siblings. We were told that
God blessed us every day with food, shelter, and each other. We witnessed how rewarding it
felt to belong to a community – to be part of something bigger than ourselves. But eventually,
that same community would be the one to hurt us or even hurt themselves; and the great irony
is finally revealed. We realize that while the world is indeed beautiful, it is also a place of
torment. We are stripped from the innocence of our childhood and we finally catch sight of all
the lust, violence, treachery, and gluttony that surround us.

We must acknowledge that greed and pride are the roots of all evil. For instance, greed
motivates thievery; the need to have something that belongs to another. Wars among nations
are caused by the need to possess oil, gas, and natural resources. Lust comes from extreme
sexual desire which can have the consequence of assault or adultery. On the contrary,
ungratefulness is driven by one’s pride, which gives us the ability to hold nothing important. It
allows us to be wasteful and discard anything with ease.

In the divine comedy, Alighieri emphasized that avarice and prodigality had the restrictions of
hoarding and wasting material things, respectively. However, I beg to differ. Consequently, the
modern population of the fourth circle consists of those who are hungry for ideas and concepts
such as power and attention. They are accompanied by the sons and daughters of prodigality –
specifically, the idle and the corporations with no consideration for sustainability.

In 1985, scientists discovered the depletion of the ozone layer. From that day forward, the
world vowed to make sustainability its primary goal and projects such as the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) were implemented globally. Nations came together to produce
ecobricks, ensure accessibility to drinking water, and build resilient infrastructure. However,
several sectors still refuse to be held accountable, particularly the fashion industry which
houses several brands that promote fast fashion, the production of clothing pieces for a low
cost by exploiting factory workers and making use of a manufacturing process that can harm
the environment. Brands such as Uniqlo, H&M, and Topshop are known to prioritize profit over
people and produce low quality products that could be found in landfills by the end of the
season. Prodigality is similarly observed in the beauty industry because of brands like MAC,
Victoria’s Secret, Dove, and Pantene that test their products on animals, precisely rabbits.

On another note, those who remain idle shall also reside in the fourth circle. The idle is a group
of people who remain steady on their feet, standing still until roots crawl up their thighs. They
let fear engulf their souls and pride settle in their hearts. They reject change, growth, and
adaptation. They are trapped inside walls of comfort where every move is safely predicted.
Because of this, idle souls tend to waste not only time, but also effort and opportunity – which
are vital in one’s journey throughout life.

On the contrary, it is human nature to strive for more, although the fine line between ambition
and greed is often overlooked by those who have an appetite for power. This is the case for
Elizabeth Holmes, an American entrepreneur who founded Theranos Inc., a medical diagnostic
company that promised to revolutionize the healthcare industry with a device that could detect
a variety of diseases in a matter of minutes with just a single drop of blood. Holmes was young
and full of charisma. She was the girlboss and was able to receive awards from TIME magazine
and Forbes, as well as ivy league universities. Because of this, Theranos was backed by
powerful, influential people who proved its legitimacy. Holmes basked in the glory. She loved
the praise and the control she had over people, specifically business moguls. She thirsted for
validation from the public and just kept on wanting more, which led her to commit fraud by
using the funds for personal gains instead of as capital for research purposes. Elizabeth Holmes
drowned in her power which brought about the deceit she had committed to investors and

Power also takes shape in other ways. Politicians offer leadership and the promise of a better
tomorrow. In return, they receive special benefits and advantages. An example of this is Chavit
Singson, the mayor of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, who has greatly benefitted from wealth and
political dynasties.
Moreover, Ancient popes sat on a high horse and chastised Christians for committing sins
despite being fathers, adulterers, and partaking in violence themselves. In fact, Pope Stephen VI
was deemed as the worst pope in history for the wrathfulness he had set upon his predecessor,
Pope Formosus. Along with him are a handful of popes such as Pope John XII, Pope Benedict IX,
and Pope Leo X who disgraced the Vatican by promoting sexual liberation, committing rapes
and murders, and fooling churchgoers into believing that their sins can be absolved in exchange
for monetary payments.

Being greedy for power over those who cannot protect themselves often results to practices of
violence and lust. This applies to Singson, who practices his power by hunting for rare animals
and adding them to his displayed collection in Baluarte Zoo. An addition to this is Harvey
Weinstein, a film producer who was proven to be a sex offender. He projected his power and
influence in Hollywood towards taking advantage of rising actresses and office clerks, as he held
major positions in production companies such as Miramax Films and The Weinstein Company.
He was convicted with counts of rape and sexual assault.

The actions of Holmes, Singson, the popes, Weinstein, and unethical brands are an
accumulation of sins rooted from avarice – fraud, violence, and lust. All who are driven by greed
and power now must proceed to the afterlife with great caution for their souls will be trapped
in the cycle of being blown by the wind for eternity, stripping off their identity, memories,
thoughts, and direction until they are left completely powerless; wanting nothing, wasting
nothing, and living only as wisps of the soul they once used to be.

With avarice and prodigality, there is no true winner. Perhaps what humbles us as human
beings is our God-fearing nature, our faithfulness, and discipleship. Perhaps we must be
conscious of the grace that is given to us, serving as a reminder for humility and an escape from
the irony of the fourth circle, where misers and spendthrifts endure each other’s misery. Given
the absence of grace, we find ourselves with the belief that the self is supreme which acquaints
us to a life filled with the constant greed and ungratefulness.

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