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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your case situation

Chanel Clarke

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

As a Supervisor at Starbucks, my main goal is to ensure partners and customers are

having a good Starbucks experience. Currently, Starbucks is experiencing staffing
problems. Staffing is what sets every store up for success. The situation we are having at
Starbucks is customers are not experiencing a good experience and training is not being
effective. Customer satisfaction needs to be more enforced in training and the training
needs to be updated to satisfy business needs to make more effective baristas and shift

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Human resources influence the situation because they have control of the happiness of
the workers of the company. The company itself has a lot of expectations and not many
workers, this is making workers feel overworked. As a result, workers have been
reaching out to human resources to let be know how they feel and this had helped us
because they started to be in contact with the store managers. Solutions were starting to
come together to make the workplace environment better for us.

“The company culture truly makes workers feel they're valued and respected as a human
being, not as a cog in a machine.”(Bolman p.136) Oftentimes while I'm at work
employees look at me and tell me they are tired of working bar. The problem I'm
experiencing is new hires are not completing training so I don't have anyone else to make
drinks. An employee told me that she isn't a machine, that making drinking all day is also
mentally exhausting. Her best solution was to call HR and speak to them about how she
feels and see what the next steps will be.

Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

After covid, the Starbucks businesses have been growing and getting busier. For a fact, it
may be difficult for store managers to be able to do the hiring and the training at the same
time as dealing with the business. I would use human resources as a hiring resource.
When I say this, I am thinking about HR setting up interviews, doing background checks,
handing onboarding, and also getting then trained somewhere else besides our location.

Trainees getting trained at our location is not realistic due to the fact we are busy and
already understaffed. If trainees get trained in our location they will most likely not get
the training they need and will cause them to feel overwhelmed. When employees are not
trained enough this can cause them to quit easily and this has recently been happening so
this is where HR will have to get involved.

3) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

One thing I would do is rely on HR to make sure things are getting done to make sure
employees are enjoying their workplace. With covid jobs have been understaffed and
busy, most customers are very understanding of this. If HR takes over hiring I think that
this will help locations rebuild a foundation again. What I would not do is allow
employees to reach out to HR. The reason is I rather them stick to hiring employees.

To get the barista not to call HR I make it my top priority to make sure they are
appreciated and there is good communication between us. I would say most of the HR
called have to be about feeling overworked. What I have been doing lately is making sure
to route positions along with always making sure that I give breaks no matter the
circumstances in the store.

Reference or References

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice,

and   Leadership  (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons

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