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Art as a whole and single entity is difficult to define.

Many refer to art as an expression of

one’s creativity, what is produced as a product of skill and imagination. Art has over the ages
evolved to different forms of expression. History has been marked by many different events in
art. Art has over the years influenced history in many ways. It is on this background that art
continues to influence the environment around as well as the future.

The Renaissance


2. 2. RENAISSANCE PERIOD (1400-1600) The period of economic progress. Italian Renaissance began in
the late 14th century. It was the era of great artistic and intellectual achievement with the birth of secular art.
The focus was on realistic and humanistic art. Characterized by accurate anatomy, scientific perspective,
and deeper landscape.
3. 3. RENAISSANCE PERIOD (1400-1600) Renaissance painters depicted real-life figures and their
sculptures were naturalistic portraits of human being. It marks the transition of Europe from medieval
period to early modern age.
4. Renaissance Period (1400-1600  Was the period of economic progress. The period stirred enthusiasm for
the study of ancient philosophy and artistic values.  Characterized by accurate anatomy, scientific
perspective, and deeper landscape.  Painters depicted real- life figures and their sculptures were
naturalistic portraits of human beings.  Architecture during this period was characterized by its symmetry
and balance.
5. 2.  Renaissance held up the ideal of the well- rounded man, knowledgeable in a number of fields such as
philosophy, science, arts, including, painting and music- who applies his knowledge to productive and
creative activity.  Renaissance was a period of artistic experimentation. It brought man into full view just
like the human figure in Greek Art.  The greatest cathedral building was of the age was the rebuilding of St.
Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Renaissance is the rebirth of something, to be bringing out the old in a whole new way.
Renaissance was characterised as the period between the 14th and the 16th centuries. This
period marked major changes in the world of art (Witcombe, 2011, 2). This period brought a
lot of changes to artist such as sculptors, architects as well as painters. These forms of art
that is sculpting, painting as well as architecture began to emerge unlike before where they
were simply regarded as artisans or apprentices (Witcombe, 2011, 3).

It is commonly referred to as art of the middle ages, it is believed to have been a revolution
having began in Italy (Annenberg, 2011, 3). Renaissance art was influenced by Italian
painters, sculptors as well as architects. During the renaissance period, artists are said to
have experimented with diverse many forms of art, mixing complex as well as simple ideas of
expression. It is with this freedom of expression and an urge to experiment that led to the
development of baroque art.

Baroque Art

1. BAROQUE ART (1600-1800)

2. 20. BAROQUE ART -derived from Portuguese word “barocco” which means “irregularly shaped pearl or
stone” -It describes a fairly complex idioms and focuses on painting, sculpture, as well as architecture. -it
was period of artistic styles in exaggerated motion, drama, tension, and grandeur. The style started in
Rome, Italy, and spread to most of Europe.
3. 21. BAROQUE PAINTING -illustrated key elements of Catholic dogma, either directly in Biblical works or
indirectly in imaginary or symbolic work.
4. 22. BAROQUE SCULPTURE -typically larger than life size, is marked by a similar sense of dynamic
movement, along with an active use of space.
5. 23. BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE -designed to create spectacle and illusion. Thus the straight lines of the
Renaissance were replaced with flowing curves.

Baroque was derived from the Portuguese word barocco which means “irregular shaped pearl or stone.” it describes
a fairly complex idiom and focuses on painting, sculpture, as well as architecture.  Baroque art above all reflects
the tensions of the age notably the desire of the Catholic Church in Rome to reassert itself in the wake of the
Protestant Reformation which is almost the same with catholic Reformation Art of the Period.  Was the period of
artistic styles in exaggerated motion, drama, tension, and grandeur. The style in Rome, Italy, and spread to most of

Baroque art has been referred to as the form of art that utilises a lot of ornamentation to
create a dramatic effect. It is a period and style that used exaggerated motion and contrast
that when interpreted in detail leads to a dramatic effect (Pioch, 2002, 1).

This was a style that was largely popularised by the Catholic Church in Rome and spread
rapidly through Europe (Annenberg, 2011, 7).Baroque art is commonly referred to as the art
of the seventieth century. As a style, it represents dynamism in transformation as well as
continuity of the ideas that the renaissance represents.

Baroque art utilises several varied and different ornaments to create a dramatic motion effect.
During the renaissance art and science are said t be connected and the two are used to
complement each other. Two great artists in the Baroque art include, Caravaggio and
Annibale Carracicci who brought a new dimension to Italian painting. Before then art was
artificial lacking a sense of depth and challenge these artists were looking for.

Annibel in his work has an expression that was considered by many as a style of his own.
Another artist Caravaggio created his own art and with this he sought to create a great
physical prescence. These artist as well as other artists of the baroque art utilised motion to
create a deep and intense intention embedded in emotions (Pioch, 2002, 3).

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