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introduction to pervasive computing

 pervasive computing also called as ubiquitous computing

.the word pervasive means “exiting everywhere”.
 Pervasive computing environment offer the users required service to best meets their needs
and desires with minimum or no use intervention
 the needs of the user may sometimes be met with a provision of an atomic service but most
of the time this may involve a composition of multiple services.
 Small, cheap, mobile processors and sensors:
.in almost all every day objects
.wearable computing
.embedded in environment (“ambient intelligence”)
 context-awareness
.it plays a central role to achieve this in which the service are discovered and interacted with
base on context.
Definition of context:
 context referred as location, identities or nearby people and objects, and changes to those
 Context is to be subset of physical and conceptual states of interest to a particular entity.
 Context defines some rule of inter-relationship of futures in processing any entities as a
binding clause.
 context is any information that can be used to characterized the situation of an entity. An
entity that is considered relevant to interaction between a user and an application including
the user and application themselves.
Context-awareness computing
 “A system is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant information and service to
the user, where relevancy depends on the user’s task ”.
 applications that can detect their user’s situations and adapt to their behaviors accordingly.
 that insures delivering the right service at the right moment to help users in their task.
 A software that adapts according to it’s context.
 Example of context
user preference
nearby resources(such as printers )
 context-aware applications are context to:
.present service and information to a user
example : the time of day and restaurants near the user
.automatically execute a service for a user
exapmle a phone automatically setting a weakly alarm for user
 tag information to retrieve at a later time
example phone kepps track of recent calls
context-aware features

1presentation of information and services

.tour guide,active badges
2automatic execution of service
smart homes(turn of lights, adjust temprature )
3 tagging of context to information for later retrieval
.digital camera meta-data (time, location )
context adaption: passive and active
 passive context adaption system
.context is presented to users
.context-based tagging
.system is not active in terms of adapting
 active context-adaption system
.adaption to context performed by the UbiCom system, not human users.
 Hybrid context adaptive system
.human user guides or corrects the automatic adaption

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