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The Effectiveness of Using E-Money Payment System in Easing The Buying Difficulty of

Senior High School Students During The Covid-19 Lockdown

A year ago, on March 11, 2020, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the

World Health Organization (WHO), announced that the worldwide COVID-19 infections had

grown extensive enough to become a pandemic (Cohut, 2021). Globally, the COVID-19

pandemic has resulted in a tragic loss of human life, posing immense tribulations and challenges

to common health, food operations, and the workplace. It immediately impacted the daily lives

of every individual, disrupting global commerce and mobility (Haleem et al., 2020).

Additionally, consumers' payment behaviors are altering as a consequence of the coronavirus

epidemic. The tight situation brought by the pandemic caused struggles and difficulty for both

customers and business owners which only increased their dependency in electronic money

transactions. Nearly half of worldwide consumers now use digital payments at a higher rate than

before the pandemic, and the majority wants to continue doing so after the virus is controlled

(Research and Markets, 2020). E-Wallets are the primary payment method benefiting from this

shift, as customers reduce their reliance on cash in engaging online transactions and even when

purchasing physically. It is in light of the fact that consumers are afraid of getting infected while

transacting using cash. Hence, to limit and reduce physical contact, avoiding further spreading

the virus, consumers have utilized the e-money payment system.

Digital payments are rapidly gaining traction in the Philippines, as customers abandon cash in

order to avoid physical touch due to concerns about contracting the virus (Endo, 2020). Aside

from that, e-payment system also gives way to acceptable and required alternatives, better ways

of approach, and safer measures.With that, the researchers wants to assess the effectiveness of

using e-payment system in easing the buying difficulty of Senior High School Students during
the covid-19 lockdown. Moreover, the researchers would like to know the features of e-money

and that make it suitable for buyers during lockdown. This study is not only to know and

understand e-money payment system’s effectiveness, but also give awareness towards

technology’s enhancements. As for today’s phenomenon, the risks of going through the public

for the sake of payment transactions can tend to be dangerous. Thus, the goal of this research is

to asses and promote cashless transactions. In line with the Agenda 2030: The Sustainable

Development, this research study is a key to technological progress. Promoting sustainable

industries, and investing in scientific research and innovation, which are all important ways to

facilitate sustainable development (UNDP, 2021).





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