Research Final

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Name : Jurie M.

Franza Date : June 13, 2018

Curriculum : EDUC 601 (Research Methodology)Term : Summer 2018

Course :MAED (ENGLISH ) Professor :Dr. Ledesma R. Layon


1.How essential does the Analysis and Interpretation of data in a research study?

2. How can the data in a conducted research be presented ,analyzed and interpreted
with respect to the whole research work?

3. How do we interject the Interpretation of the results of our study to be more effective?

Critiqued by:

Dr. Ledesma R. Layon

Reviewed by:

Dr. Ledesma R. Layon

Name: Jurie M. Franza Date: June 13,2018
Curriculum: MA Ed- ENGLISH Term: Summer 2018

Course: Research Methodology Professor: Dr. Ledesma R. Layon


1. As an aid to business success, how does research help entrepreneurs achieve

edge over their perceived competitors?

Research helps a lot to the entrepreneurs most especially creating a better

product from their competitors and also it helps them to innovate new ideas that

is timely and relevant to people’s need.

2. If research would be a way to discredit lies and support truths which would be

more difficult on the part of the researcher, to prove the unknown and widely

accepted fact or to uncover myth? Why?

In research , researcher will uncover the questions being asked and support the

data that being gathered to be more efficient and reasonable and that is why

there is a need to uncover the myth and always show the truth which is already

supported by the data gathered.

3. How can a reference be considered important as to the credibility of a research?

When looking for sources–particularly websites–think about whether or not they

are reliable. You want your paper to contain sources written by unbiased and
professional experts, not businessmen with commercial interests. Keep in mind

that everything is written from a particular social, cultural, and political

perspective. Realize that some publications tend to be ‘slanted’ towards a certain

viewpoint. Reference is important because this helps and supports your research

to be more logical and credible .

4. How can research be relevantized the academic exercise in the graduate


Research is relevant for the graduate school students because it helps them to

uncover the reality of life and gives solution to problems that is present to the

society that can/has impact/ed to the life of the graduate school students .

5. How can a research work be considered valuable to the respondent /

respondents sector?

Research can be considered valuable when the respondent/respondents sector

can relate and give details or can provide data about the specific research study.

6. How can an experimental research be described with respect to the whole

research process?

Experimental research designs are the primary approach used to investigate

causal (cause/effect) relationships and to study the relationship between one

variable and another. This is a traditional type of research that is quantitative in

nature. In short, researchers use experimental research to compare two or more

groups on one or more measures. In these designs, one variable is manipulated

to see if it has an effect on the other variable. Experimental designs are used in

this way to answer hypotheses. A hypothesis is a testable statement that is

formulated by the researcher to address a specific question. The researcher

designs an experimental study which will then support or disprove the


7. How can the statement of the problem be described with respect to the whole

research work?

A research problem is a definite or clear expression about an area of concern, a

condition to be improved upon, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling

question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or within existing practice

that points to a need for meaningful understanding and deliberate .

8. How can the theoretical framework in a research study be described and

substantiated as to its inclusion in the research work?

A theoretical framework consists of concepts and, together with their definitions

and reference to relevant scholarly literature, existing theory that is used for your

particular study. The theoretical framework must demonstrate an understanding

of theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic of your research paper and

that relate to the broader areas of knowledge being considered.

The theoretical framework is most often not something readily found within the

literature. You must review course readings and pertinent research studies for

theories and analytic models that are relevant to the research problem you are

investigating. The selection of a theory should depend on its appropriateness,

ease of application, and explanatory power.

9. How indispensable the significance of a study in any research work?

This section, often referred to as the "rationale" is crucial, because it is one

place in which the researcher tries to convince an audience that the

research is worth doing. It should establish why the audience should want

to read on.  It could also persuade someone of why he or she would want

to support, or fund, a research project. One way to do this is by describing

how the results may be used.

Overall, this section answers several questions.  Why is this work important? What are

the implications of doing it? How does it link to other knowledge? How does it stand to

inform policy making?  Why is it important to our understanding of the world? What new

perspective will you bring to the topic? What use might your final research paper have

for others in this field or in the general public?  Who might you decide to share your

findings with once the project is complete?

10. How can operational and conceptual definition of terms be compared and

contrasted in research?

Operational Definition. The operational definition of a variable is the specific way in

which it is measured in that study. Another study might measure the same

conceptual measure differently. In a research article, the operational definition is usually

found in the methods section. A conceptual definition tells you what the concept means,
what your constructs are by explaining how they are related to other constructs, while

an operational definition only tells you how to measure it.

11. How can the organization of a study be described with respect to the whole


The Organization of the Study is to provide a map that may guide readers

through the reading and understanding of the dissertation.Generally, a

component of the Organization of the Study is to spotlight the organizational

"sign posts" to look for in the chapters that follow. Specifically, a component of

the Organization of the Study is to briefly establish how each chapter is

constructed to achieve your research objectives. How will you organize your

study to systematically address your research questions? How will your chapters

be sequenced and constructed to reflect the organization of your study?

12. Accumulated data without prejudice?

Describes a statistical procedure to calculate, retrospectively, summary

estimates from the results of similar trials every time the results of a further trial in

the series had become available without detriment to any existing right or claim..

13. How imperative is a statistician in the conduct of a study?

Statistician, an important member of research activities. He/She guide researcher

as well as an organization by number of ways and avoid complications in

future ,So I strongly fell that statistician must be included in ethical and review

14. Why is it necessary to properly present analyzed and interpret the gathered data

in a particular research?

Collecting the data correctly takes a great deal of work. For any research, data

analysis is very important as it provides an explanation of to be picked. If

a specific methodology is not selected data can neither

be collected nor analyzed. The methodology should be present in the dissertation

as it enables. Data analysis is a process used to inspect, clean, transform and

remodel data with a view to reach to a certain conclusion for a given situation.

Data analysis is typically of two kinds: qualitative or quantitative.

15. How essential does the analysis and interpretation of data in a research study?

Data analysis is important because this is the process of evaluating data using

analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data

provided. Data interpretation is part of daily life for most people. Interpretation is

the process of making sense of numerical data that has been collected,

analyzed, and presented and that is why the analysis and interpretation of data is


16. How can the data in a conducted research be presented, analyzed and

interpreted with respect to the whole research work?

Data interpretation is part of daily life for most people. Interpretation is the

process of making sense of numerical data that has been collected, analyzed,

and presented. People interpret data when they turn on the television and hear

the news anchor reporting on a poll, when they read advertisements claiming that

one product is better than another, or when they choose grocery store items that
claim they are more effective than other leading brands. A common method of

assessing numerical data is known as statistical analysis , and the activity of

analyzing and interpreting data in order to make predictions is known

as inferential statistics . Informed consumers recognize the importance of judging

the reasonableness of data interpretations and predictions by considering

sources of bias such as sampling procedures or misleading questions, margins

of error , confidence intervals , and incomplete interpretations.

17. How do we interject the interpretation of the results of our study to be more


Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning/interjecting

meaning to the collected information and determining the conclusions,

significance, and implications of the findings. The steps involved in data

analysis are a function of the type of information collected, however, returning

to the purpose of the assessment and the assessment questions will provide a

structure for the organization of the data and a focus for the analysis.

18. How can the summary of the findings be described with respect to the whole

research study?

A component of summary of the findings is to provide a discussion for each of

the findings, using anchor verbiage that justifies rather than distorts the intent of

the findings. Tell us how the findings are important or relevant based on the aim

and scope of your study.

19. How can the findings of a research be unraveled?

Findings of a research can be unraveled once this is explained clearly and

researcher has enough set of data that will support the research study.

20. In the summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations, how can the

recommendations be associated to the conclusions and the findings of a

research study?

Facts and figures collected by an auditor to satisfy the objectives of the audit (the

findings), inferences drawn by the auditors from the findings (the conclusions),

and courses of action suggested by the auditor in line with the objectives of the

audit (the recommendations).

No deductions, nor inference, nor interpretation should be made otherwise it will

only be duplicated in the conclusion. Only the important findings, the highlights of

the data, should be included in the summary, especially those upon which

the conclusions should be based. Must be stated as concisely as possible.

21. How indispensable is the application in the basic criteria in evaluating a

completed research work?

The application in the basic criteria completed the research work because it

shows the important matter you have done while doing such research study.

22. How can a basic criterion in evaluating research be applied to a finish research

work so as to a certain the merits of the output for the whole research outcome?

Criteria used to evaluate print and Internet information resources, differences

between print and Internet resources, characteristics of scholarly vs. popular

periodicals, and the scholarly publication cycle.

Evaluating information sources is an important part of the research process. Not

all information is reliable or true, nor will all information be suitable for your paper

or project. Print and Internet sources vary widely in their authority, accuracy,

objectivity, currency, and coverage. Users must be able to critically evaluate the

appropriateness of all types of information sources prior to relying on the


23. How can each criterion on evaluating master’s thesis serve as an instrument for

progression in the whole research work as follows, content, format process and


The criterion on evaluating master’s thesis serve as an instrument for

progression in the whole research of the things mentioned above because it will

give you more understanding to the research study you have taken and it will

also uncover the questionable situation you have experienced when you have

undergone such research.

24. How can case studies with experimental methods be compared and contrasted in

a conduct of a research among heterogeneous learners, specifically in teaching


Case studies process or record of research in which detailed consideration is

given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period

of time. The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to

determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable.

This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment and the

manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis.

25. Why is a sampling technique, in its appropriate procedure, useful in chosen


A sampling technique is the name or other identification of the specific process

by which the entities of the sample have been selected. Probability methods

include random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. In

nonprobability sampling, members are selected from the population in some

nonrandom manner. ... Systematic sampling is often used instead of

random sampling. It is also called an Nth name selection technique.

26. How can the procedure in the use of the non-probability sampling help in

gathering valid data in a research?

This type of sampling can be used when demonstrating that a particular trait

exists in the population. It can also be used when the researcher aims to do a

qualitative, pilot or exploratory study. It can be used when randomization is

impossible like when the population is almost limitless.

27. How can the following types of questionnaire as open form, close form, and

pictorial form, be differentiated and applied to a study on the effects of socio

economic status of parents on the academic performance of children?

These are different kinds of questionnaire and these questionnaires has different

impacts to students as well to their parents’ economic status but what matters
most is the support and the perseverance of the parents to educate the students

to be a better and a productive individual.

28. How can a questionnaire be described with respect to the whole research study

pertinent to the instruction National Achievement Test performance of Grade VI


A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for

the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires can be

thought of as a kind of written interview. They can be carried out face to face, by

telephone, computer or post.

29. Why is there a need to evaluate critically a questionnaire before sending it to the


For this approach, you will need to add several evaluation questions to the end of

your survey for the respondents to answer. It also helps on providing

retrospective thinking or providing judgments of their confidence in answering the

questions. Testing the final version of your survey on a small sample of your

target population is critical

30. In qualitative studies, why are open ended questions used in formulating
questionnaires instead of close ended ones?

Qualitative investigations typically begin with detailed narrative descriptions, then

constructing in-depth case studies of the phenomenon under study, and, finally,

moving to comparisons and the interpretive search for patterns that cut across

cases and that is the reason why it uses open ended one.

31. How can qualitative and quantitative approaches be compared and contrasted in
the analysis of data of a conducted study?
Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an

understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides

insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential

quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in

thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data

collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some

common methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual

interviews, and participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and

respondents are selected to fulfil a given quota.

Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating

numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to

quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and

generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses

measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research.

Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative

data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various

forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk

surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies,

website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations.

32. In research how can the objectives of conducting a qualitative study differ from
that of quantitative study?
In a nutshell, quantitative research generates numerical data or information that can be

converted into numbers. Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-

numerical data. Only measurable data are being gathered and analyzed in quantitative

research. Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than

measurements. Gathered information is then analyzed in an interpretative manner,

subjective, impressionistic or even diagnostic.

Name : Jurie M. Franza Date : June 13, 2018

Curriculum : EDUC 601 (Research Methodology)Term : Summer 2018

Course :MAED (ENGLISH ) Professor :Dr. Ledesma R. Layon


I. Citation:

Journal of Advertising Research, 32, 47-55.


II. Content Outline:

II.1.1.1 Introduction of Research
II.1.1.2 Presentation of Data
II.1.1.3 Analysis of Data
II.1.1.4 Interpretation of Data

III. Discussion

3.1 Introduction

For many students, writing the introduction is the first part of the process, setting down
the direction of the paper and laying out exactly what the research paper is trying to
For others, the introduction is the last thing written, acting as a quick summary of the
paper. As long as you have planned a good structure for the parts of a research paper,
both approaches are acceptable and it is a matter of preference.

A good introduction generally consists of three distinct parts:

You should first give a general presentation of the research problem.

You should then lay out exactly what you are trying to achieve with this particular
research project.

You should then state your own position.

Ideally, you should try to give each section its own paragraph, but this will vary given the
overall length of the paper.


The purpose of analyzing data is to obtain usable and useful information. The analysis,
irrespective of whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, may:

• describe and summarize the data

• identify relationships between variables

• compare variables

• identify the difference between variables

• forecast outcomes

Presenting the findings

• Only make claims that your data can support

• The best way to present your findings depends on the audience, the purpose, and the
data gathering and analysis undertaken

• Graphical representations (as discussed above) may be appropriate for presentation

• Other techniques are: – Rigorous notations, e.g. UML – Using stories, e.g. to create
scenarios – Summarizing the findings PRESENTATION

Is the process of organizing data into logical, sequential and meaningful categories
and classifications to make them amenable to study and interpretation.

Presentation should be clear and scholarly done and may come in the form of
tables, figures or charts.


• Textual - statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to

tabular presentation

• Tabular - a systematic arrangement of related idea in which classes of numerical

facts or data are given each row and their subclasses are given each a column in
order to present the relationships of the sets or numerical facts or data in a
definite, compact and understandable form

• Graphical – a chart representing the quantitative variations or changes of

variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form.

Two general rules regarding the independence of tables and texts

• The table should be so constructed that it enables the reader to comprehend the
data presented without referring to the text;

• The text should be so written that it allows the reader to understand the argument
presented without referring to the table. (Campbell, Ballou and Slade, 1990)

Types of Graphs and Charts Bar graphs

 Linear graphs
 Pie graphs
 Pictograms
 Statistical maps
 Ratio charts ANALYSIS

• A separation of a whole into its constituent parts (Merriam-Webster, 2012)

• The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of
categories according to the specific questions under the statement of the
problem. (Calderon, 1993)

• A separation of a whole into its constituent parts (Merriam-Webster, 2012)


• Qualitative Analysis – is not based on precise measurement and quantitative

claims. (PSSC: 2001: 51)

• Quantitative Analysis – is employed on data that have been assigned some

numerical value. (PSSC: 2001: 51)


• Social analysis;

• From the biggest to the smallest class;

• Most important to the least important;

• Ranking of students according to brightness;


It can range from the examination of simple frequencies to the description of events
or phenomenon using descriptive statistics, and to the investigation of correlation
and causal hypothesis using various statistical tests. INTERPRETATION

It is often the most difficult to write because it is the least structured.

This section demands perceptiveness and creativity from the researcher.


1.Tie up the results of the study in both theory and application by pulling
together the:

a. conceptual/theoretical framework;

b. the review of literature; and

c. the study’s potential significance for application

2. Examine, summarize, interpret and justify the results; then, draw inferences.
Consider the following:

A. Conclude or summarize

• This technique enables the reader to get the total picture of the findings in
summarized form, and helps orient the reader to the discussion that follows

B. Interpret

 Questions on the meaning of the findings, the methodology, the

unexpected results and the limitations and shortcomings of the
study should be answered and interpreted

C. Integrate

 This is an attempt to put the pieces together.

 Often, the results of a study are disparate and do not seem to
“hang together.” In the discussion, attempt to bring the findings
together to extract meaning and principles
D. Theorize

 When the study includes a number of related findings, it

occasionally becomes possible to theorize.

E. Recommend or apply alternatives.

 Integrate your findings into a principle;

 Integrate a theory into your findings; and ;

 Use these findings to formulate an original theory

Saavedra (1997) gives some guidelines in the presentation, analysis

and interpretation of data:

1. The chapter is organized and divided into several main components or topics,
each of which is titled according to the sub-problem or hypothesis statement.

2. Present only relevant data.

3. In reporting data, choose the medium that will present them effectively.

4. 4.Presenting tables that can be presented as well in a few sentences in the text
must be avoided.

5. The textual presentation should supplement or expand the contents of tables and
charts, rather than duplicate them.

6. Only objective data embodied in tables are made the bases of discussion.

7. The analysis of the data should be objective and logical.

8. In analyzing and interpreting data, point out those that are consistent or
inconsistent with the theory presented in the study’s theoretical framework

9. In reporting statistical tests of significance, include information concerning the

value of the test, the degree of freedom, the probability level and the direction of
the effect.

10. . The findings are compared and contrasted with that of other previous studies
and interpretations are made thereof.
IV. Synthesis:

• The data analysis that can be done depends on the data gathering that was done

• Qualitative and quantitative data may be gathered from any of the three main
data gathering approaches

• Percentages and averages are commonly used in Interaction Design

• Mean, median and mode are different kinds of ‘average’ and can have very
different answers for the same set of data

• Grounded Theory, Distributed Cognition and Activity Theory are theoretical

frameworks to support data analysis

• Presentation of the findings should not overstate the evidence

Data interpretation and presentation is a crucial stage in conducting research,

and presents three key challenges:

 Selecting which material will be used for drawing conclusions about

your work
 Establishing the significance (or otherwise) of material and
identifying potential weaknesses and limitations
 Deciding how to present your findings and observations.

These three challenges form the subject of this section. Before we launch into further
detail, some experts talk about some of the ways in which data can be manipulated.
V. Schematic Diagram
VI. Higher Order Thinking Skills Questions

1.How essential does the Analysis and Interpretation of data in a research study?

2. How can the data in a conducted research be presented ,analyzed and interpreted
with respect to the whole research work?

3. How do we interject the Interpretation of the results of our study to be more effective?

4. How can we manifest a strong Interpretation, Analyzation and Presentation of data in

a research?

5. How can we give the best interpretation of a result of a data in a research study?
Name : Jurie M. Franza Date : June 13, 2018

Curriculum : EDUC 601 (Research Methodology)Term : Summer 2018

Course :MAED (ENGLISH ) Professor :Dr. Ledesma R. Layon


1. The Effectiveness of Non-Verbal Communication for Displaying Emotions.

2. How to Best Communicate: Is Verbal or Non-Verbal Best?

3. English Language Literacy among Business Process Outsourcing’s

employees that affects the patronage of international clients.

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