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This script is designed for a YouTube video of length 10 minutes approx. All the
characters are fictional and used merely for motivational and awareness purpose.
All rights reserved!
The story revolves around a young single mother who had a very bumpy past. Two
heartbreaks along with taking care of two boys is not an easy task for a young girl
in this cruel world. However the theme we will be focusing on is positivity and
To make it easy for the director I will break the characters for better references.
Aika - The main character
Akio – Oldest son (9 years old)
Aston – Youngest/2nd son
Guy – ex - husband
To make it easy for the video maker, we will take 1 page as 1 minute.

Scene 1 (Time to run the script is around 1 minute – This scene will show the
audience the present of Aika that how happy and motivated she is for her future)
The story starts with Aika sitting in a park on a bench in front of the swings. It is a
sunny day. The boys are playing in the park. She is having some sandwiches and
donuts right beside her on the bench. It's very beautiful day, the sun is out and
there is a light wind that moves all the leaves around. Suddenly the ball comes near
and she picks it up and throws it back to her son. Then she receives a text on her
cell phone from an anonymous number. She picks her phone and unlock it. What
she sees amazes her. The text from the man says I have sent you job proposal on
your email please go and respond there. Quickly takes out her laptop from bag and
opens her Emails. Then she sees a job application that is offering a handsome
salary with benefits. She is the happiest lady on the earth. Now it's about to get
dark so she calls her both boys. They come to her and sit beside her and starts to
eat the sandwiches and donuts that are in the box. When the boys were eating she
cleans their clothes by slowly moving her hand over hand over them. As she sips
the coffee from the cup, she pluck the petals from a flower that she took from the
garden. Starts to think of all the good things that are happening in her life. She
looks at her boys and smile and then looks in the sky and say a silent prayer,
saying thank you for everything that's happening in their life right now. Then she
gathers all the things and go to her car with the boys and starts to drive towards
their home. As the car reaches the house the boys get out of the car and starts to
run towards the house, enter the house take off their shoes and runs to take a
(This scene will show a small 5 seconds glimpse of their house. The house is small
and comfortable located in a peaceful neighborhood).
Aika is now making dinner, boiling some vegetables and takes the fried chicken to
the dining table then they all sit and eat. After having dinner the boys are seen in
the in the kitchen with their mother where she is washing the dishes.
Now the boys are in the TV room where they are watching cartoons and their
mother comes and tell them to get up and change and then go to the bed. After she
has tucked them in the bed, she goes to her room, brushes her teeth changes her
clothes to a silky night suit and hops inside her bed. Now, this is going to be the
plot twist a she closes her eyes with the main focus over her face with the camera
coming close to her eyes. As she closed her eyes, the time goes back as like a
flashback to the stat of here story.
(Use some graphics magic to make it scene very iconic)
Fade into the next scene

Scene 2 (This will take 1 minute to run on screen)

(From here, will focus on the main theme where Aika is going through the most
difficult time of her life, she just turned 25 and had even become a single mother).
This scene starts in a small room where she is sleeping with her small baby right
beside her the air conditioning is not working as she is unable to pay the bill for the
last two months (show some unpaid bills on the table/ bed side table). There is a
small fan that is keeping the small baby cool. She has not been using her cellphone
for a lot of time as are she is heartbroken and over worked. She checks the voice
mail where there are a lot of messages from her loved ones. She has to move to
Australia for a better living as she got a small baby to take care of. She receives a
call from the airport or any other travel facility that have flight or bus or train that
is due in 3 hours. She gathers all her belongings, packs her suitcase and moves out
of the room. Locks the room and places the key under the doormat. Her eldest son
is only 4 months old it is very difficult for her to carry her on all the busy roads
having all the pollution (Show that she is living in a small, shabby place with all
sorts of people around). She picks up breakfast from a small shop and rushes to the
airport/buss station where she has a flight/train/bus due. You can even use bus
station or whatever that is suitable for you. Aika is in a very bad condition as she
just to a small baby, she is jobless and I cannot find anything suitable to make both
ends meet. She checks her wallet and sees that she is only left with few funds that
will last for a small time. She thinks of ex-boyfriend/ex-husband and thinks of all
the bad times she had with her. Now when she is travelling towards the bus or train
station in a taxi. Sitting on the back seat with her baby boy she promises yourself
not to lose hope because she has a boy that she has to take care of. Her son is only
4 months old now and she has to work hard for him. She kisses her son and
promise him not that she’ll work hard for him. Now when she reaches the station
she goes to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and promises to work hard for
her baby son. The childbirth is always the turning point has always been the
turning point in her story.
Now when she has reached Australia tries to find a job there, she goes to
restaurants, corporate offices and a lot other places. She gets a decent job that pays
the bills and buys food/ milk for her baby. The next day she goes to the
supermarket by some decent clothes for her and the baby, buys some food for him
and come home. Now she is making food for her and the baby, feeds him and starts
to play with him. Later than night she goes to the bathroom to change up and sees
herself in the mirror and promises never to lose hope and work hard)
Note - We will always focus on the part where she sees herself in the mirror
because this will tell the audience that a single lady always the most powerful thing
in this world and she can do wonders if she is determined to do so!
Fade into Next scene

Scene 3 (1 minute)
Now this scene revolves around her and her child. The baby is now growing up
and has started going to school she is working side by side to pay for his expenses.
Out every evening for a walk. Life is now coming back on track as she is making
new friends and colleague in her workplace. She is sitting in a park with her son
who is playing with other children. There are other people also sitting with their
children are playing. Meeting with new people every day and her life is coming
back to normal. Bank account on the way back home and finds that she has got
some savings too. Time has passed and it is her son’s birthday she makes a very
nice cake for him and takes him to a toy shop where he can buy anything he wants.
He chose to buy small car remote control. 3rd day she comes back home with her
son and he's playing with his car in the TV room. She orders some food person
likes to eat a grilled chicken a lot. That night her son was very happy. He came to
his mother and said thank you for such a nice birthday gift. Tears started coming
out of her eyes as she finished completed when her boy was happy. After putting
him in the bed she came to her room and started working again on her laptop. Later
that night Akio had a bad dream and was scared to sleep alone so he came to his
mother's room and ask that can he sleep with her she was more than happy to let
him sleep with her that night.
Now, this scene a new morning is shown. She woke up, make breakfast for herself
and Akio, changed herself and Akio, goes to drop him for school and went to her
office. She was very happy that day that life is now getting back on its track she
started working more hard to be successful in her life. (Show that she is happy and
The next day was a holiday for Akio, she went to work, she was going back to her
home she decided to buy a cup of coffee when she entered the coffee shop there
was a guy who was standing right beside her He was also buying the same type of
coffee that she preferred. When she looked back she saw her ex-husband who was
standing there. They both stare each other for some seconds (she got flashbacks of
all the time she had with her) and come near to say hi.
In this scene they are talking again as if nothing has happened.
(You can make this scene more exciting by shooting outside the window of the
coffee shop where they both were talking and laughing like old times)
Now fade this part and take the camera towards the sky and slowly screens
blackens out.
Fade into next scene

Scene 4 (Running time is approx. 1-2 mins)

Now when she has seen her ex in the coffee shop. They both stare each other for a
few moments and come to say hi. She tells him that he has a son. He’s very happy
and wants to meet him. She invites him for dinner. Then they go to her house. The
ex-husband is very pleased to meet his son. He even cries when he hugged him.
She's very moved by his actions. After the dinner they all decide to go and have ice
cream. The boy seems to enjoy with the new man which is his father. They all
come home late. As it is past midnight he decides to stay the night at her house.
She is very pleased and very happy that he is staying the night. Things between
Aika and her ex get intense that night. All this made them close again. And the ex-
husband decides to move in with Aika.
Now months have passed and they all seem to be happy. Aika is doing well in her
job and the ex-husband is also earning and contributing. After a lot of time Aika
Feels happy and satisfied and wants to start a new family again. She feels secure in
his arms. And wants his child to have a father.
(Use some graphics to show time is passing)
As months pass, Aika gets pregnant. She's very happy and excited for the new
child. They go to the hospital and get an ultrasound done and finds out that she's
expecting a baby boy very soon. After few months Aika give birth to Aston. Aston
was born healthy and the mother was also okay. The ex-husband was very excited
along with Aika's eldest son. When the baby was 3 months old he was diagnosed
with a severe medical condition and Aika and her husband had to go to hospital a
lot of times. They used to go to the Royal Children's Hospital. (Show the Royal
Children's Hospital) Aika was now getting fed up and tired by meeting new doctors
every day.
Finally after months of treatment, Aston became healthy. (Aika hugs her husband
and kisses him in joy).
That day Aika came home took a shower and saw herself in the mirror. She felt
proud of herself for not giving up ever. Her children are her strength, she never
give up on her children no matter what happens. Now when she looks back she is
even more happy and determined to be successful in life. Standing in her
washroom staring herself in the mirror she closes her eyes, only sees her both sons.
She is obsessed with her boys. For her, Family comes before everything.
Now months have passed, one day Aika was coming back from her office a lot of
things were going on in her mind. She started going to the park and sitting there
alone for hours and thinking what's wrong in her life. Then she realised that she
cannot be with a man that is not meant to be with her. Soon after there had been a
lot of compatibility issues between Aika and her ex.
Later that day she decides to leave her ex again. Start a life as a single mother
again. Aika cries in her washroom. Yet again she saw her in the mirror and decided
not to lose her strength. Both her boys are getting old now and growing in school.

(Time is flying- use graphics)

Scene 5 (Now this is the time when Aika is again alone, years after her ex-husband
has been gone far away) She moved to a new house which is a nice place to live
in. there is a lawn and a beautiful view. Time to run this screen play is approx. 1

Few days after leaving her ex. Aika is sitting in the TV lounge and the boys are
watching TV. There came an advertisement on TV where a very happy family was
shown Aika got tears in her eyes. Because she always wanted to have a family like
that. When the eldest realised that her mother is not happy he came to her but did
not show that he knows about being her down. He started talking about random
things just to divert the attention of his mother. Aika realized at that particular
moment that her children are always with her and give her more strength every
(Time has passed)
Her eldest son is now 9 years old. She was going through his assignments and saw
that he got first position in an event that happened in his school this made her so
proud that she started crying and hugged her son tight. Then she got up and goes to
the kitchen to make food.
Fades into next scene

Scene 6 – This will be the ending scene of the video as this will blend into the time
where Aika and her children were sitting in the park.
It’s a bright sunny morning. Aika wakes up and directly goes in to the room of
Akio and Aston. She wakes them up and tells them to get dressed as they are
getting late for school. She then goes to the kitchen to make breakfast for
everyone. After that they all come tin the table to eat. Aika then goes to drop them
to school and goes to her College to get her certificates of the advanced diploma.
She is constantly checking her phone to see if she got any message form the
recruiters about her job. She then goes to the supermarket to pick groceries. There
she meets her friends. Who ask her about her ex-husband. She changes the topic
quickly and bursts into tears when get gets to her car.
As it is hot outside she goes to her home to take a shower and pick her boys up.
Now, she is in home sitting in her bath tub thing of all the tough times she has
been. She smiles and just realizes that how much strong she has become over the
last 7 years of her life! She gets out wears her favorite dress and makes her hair.
She is smiling in the mirror and says to herself, I WIN.
She goes to pick her boys and takes them to the park after wards.
Now, Get back to the first scene, and she open her eyes and smile!

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