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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


from one language
to another is the most
delicate of intellectual

Quarter 2 Week 3 Module 3

Learning Competency:
Translates English phrases to Mathematical
phrases and vice versa (M7AL-IIc)

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that
will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit.
Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions

indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop
and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using
the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after

completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the
concepts to be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what
learnings and skills did you understand from the previous
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and
applications of the lessons.
• Check your Understanding - It will verify how you learned
from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics




You will translate verbal phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa
Specifically, this module will help you to:
• identify the different words or expressions that can be used to
represent a given mathematical sentence or phrase;
• differentiate verbal phrases from mathematical expressions;
• translates verbal phrase into mathematical expressions and vice
versa; and
• appreciate the importance of using symbol.

Let us start your journey in learning

more on Translating Verbal Phrases to
Mathematical Phrases and vice versa.
I am sure you are ready
and excited to answer the Pretest.

Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. “Combined” represents what operation?

a. Division c. Subtraction
b. Multiplication d. Addition
2. There were x cookies at the beginning of a party. By the end of the party,
16 of them had been eaten. Using x, write an expression for the number of
cookies that were left.
a. 16x c. 16 + x
b. 16 - x d. x - 16
3. Which of the following expressions would need parentheses?
a. 4 times the difference of a number and 8
b. 5 times a number increased by 7
c. 4 times a number
d. 15 less than a number multiplied by 12
4. Write a verbal expression for 2a + 6.
a. Six more than the product of 2 times a
b. Six more than the quotient of 2 and a
c. Six less than the product of 2 times a
d. Twice the sum of a and 6

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
5. Translate the verbal phrase: “the sum of twice the number m and n”.
a. 2(m + n) c. (m + n)2
b. 2m + n d. m2 + n2
6. Which of the following expressions would need parentheses?
a. 3 times the product of m and n
b. 6 times a number increased by 7
c. 2 times the sum of and b.
d. 7 less than twice a number
For items 7-11
Translate the verbal phrases to mathematical expressions.
7. The sum of -11 and a number
a. -11- x c. 11+ x
b. -11+ x d. -11x
8. A number divided by -18
a. c. -18x
b. x – (-18) d.
9. Negative nine decreased by 3 times a number
a. 9 - 3x c. -9 + 3x
b. -9 – 3x d. 9 + 3x
10. Fourteen subtracted from a number
a. 14 - x c.
b. 14x - 14 d. x - 14
11. The quotient of 24 times a number and -4
a. 24x + 4 c.
b. 24x - 4 d.

For items 12-15

Translate the mathematical expressions to verbal phrase.
12. b - 12
a. 12 less than b c. b less than 12
b. b more than 12 d. 12 more than b
13. 2 (x + y)
a. twice the sum of x and y c. the square of x and y
b. 2 times x plus y d. twice x and y
14. 5n + 10
a. five plus a number and 10
b. 10 more than five times a number
c. five times a number more than 10
d. five times a number less 10
a. the quotient of 6 and thrice x c. the sum of 6 and thrice x
b. the product of 6 and thrice x b. the difference of 6 and x

Good job! You were able to finish

answering the pre-test. You may ask your
facilitator/guardian to check your work.
Congratulations and keep on learning!

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics


Are you familiar with different mathematical symbols? Before

going further, let us try to recall the different symbols related to
mathematical phrases.

Directions: Choose the words or expressions below and write it under its
respective symbol.

Plus the difference of is at most increased by

the product of less than is greater than the quotient of
is not equal to the sum of multiplied by is less than
is at least diminished by more than decreased by
subtracted from Times added to ratio of
minus is less than or is greater than or divided by
equal to equal to

Were you able to

recall this lesson?
Then, let’s proceed.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics


Can you name at least five violations committed in the

picture shown in the figure?

Can you translate the SYMBOLS you see in this figure?

Notice that there is a car parked beside the sign which means “No
Parking” and a car entering a street with the sign beside the road. In another
area of the way, we see the sign which prohibits the loading and unloading of
passengers. Two lines pointed in the middle of the road instruct the motorist that
overtaking is not allowed. Yet we can observe a car trying to overtake another car.
All these violations lead to traffic jams, vehicular accidents, and even death at
times. It is ironic that although the different symbols used clearly convey messages,
man has repeatedly ignored them.

Our world is filled with symbols and each of these symbols conveys a
message. Similarly, Algebra makes use of countless symbols.

I. Traffic and Road Sign! Can you Translate the symbols below?

Symbols become meaningless unless they carry a message. Just

like the symbols in the streets given above. It conveys very
important messages that need to be followed! As a responsible
citizen “Obedience” is the key! We need to learn how to obey
because it bridges to discipline!

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
In the same way, Algebra makes use of countless symbols.
These are symbols that indicate operations. By using mathematical
symbols, we can translate verbal phrases into mathematical phrases
or algebraic expressions. The most common symbols we can use are
those which represent the four fundamental operations.

Addition “+”
Mathematical Phrase Tricky Ones! Note:
“more than” and
5+x Mathematical Phrase
“added to” means
Verbal Phrase x+5 the first number
added to the
5 plus x Verbal Phrase second. So, you
add 5 and x
5 more than x need to switch the
the sum of 5 and x
5 added to x order of the terms!
5 increased by x

Subtraction “▬”
Mathematical Phrase Tricky Ones! Note:
“less than” and
5-x Mathematical Phrase
“subtracted from”
Verbal Phrase x-5 means the first
number subtracted
5 minus x Verbal Phrase from the second.
5 less x
5 less than x So, you need to
the difference of 5 and x
5 subtracted from x switch the order of
5 decreased by x
the terms!

Additional Note: The inequality symbol < translates to “is less than” while the
inequality symbol > translates to “is more than”. Less than (without is), on the
other hand, refers to subtraction, while more than (without is) refers to addition.

Multiplication “x”

Mathematical Phrase Verbal Phrase

ab the product of a and b
a multiplied by b
a times b
2m 2 times m
twice m
➢ The times sign (x) is seldom used in algebra since it could be mistaken for
the letter x. Thus, if we wish to express the idea of eight times the number,
we can do it in this way 8n instead of expressing it as 8 x n.
➢ Parentheses can be used to write the product of two numbers without using
a multiplication sign. Thus, 4 times 7 may be written as 4(7) or (4)(7).

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
Division “÷”

Mathematical Phrase Verbal Phrase

the quotient of x and y
x divided by y
𝒙 𝟏
or 𝒙 x divided by 2
𝟐 𝟐
the ratio of x and 2

➢ The division symbol (÷) is rarely used in Algebra. More often we use the
fraction bar. Thus, for a ÷ b we would write .

Here are other examples of how we express phrases in mathematical symbols.

Verbal Phrase Key word operation Mathematical
five more than b more than addition b+5
the product of 9 and x product multiplication 9x
eight less than y less than subtraction y-8
four times the sum of 5 and b times and Multiplication 4(5+b)
sum and addition
twice m, diminished by 6 twice and Multiplication 2m – 6
diminished and subtraction

This time, let us do the reverse by expressing the following mathematical

phrases or algebraic expressions into verbal phrases.

8 + 4a eight plus the product of 4 and a

4(x+y) four times the sum of x and y
5x – 4 five times a number x minus four
x+8 the sum of a number and 8
–6 six less than half of a number

Activity I
Directions: Circle the keyword in each verbal phrase and write the operation that
you will be using on the space provided.
1. five more than b ____________
2. the ratio of eight and y ____________
3. the product of 9 and x ____________
4. x diminished by 5 ____________
5. Four times the sum of 5 and b ____________

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
Activity II
Directions: Match each verbal phrase under column A to its mathematical phrase
or algebraic expression under column B. A letter may be used more than once.
Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
_____1. The sum of a number and three A. x + 3
_____2. Four times a certain number decreased by one B. 3 + 4x
_____3. One subtracted from four times a number C. 4 + x
_____4. A certain number decreased by two D. x + 4
_____5. Four increased by a certain number E. 4x – 1
_____6. A certain number decreased by three F. x – 2
_____7. Three more than a number G. x – 3
_____8. Twice a number decreased by three H. 3 – x
_____9. A number added to four I. 2 – x
_____10. The sum of a number and 4 J. 2x – 3
_____11. The difference of two and a number K. 4x + 3
_____12. The sum of four times a number and three L.
_____13. A number increased by three
_____14. The difference of four times a number and one.
_____15.x divided by 3


To translate verbal phrases to mathematical phrases or algebraic

expressions and vice-versa we need to familiarize ourselves with the
symbols associated with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
inequalities and equality. These are the common symbols we need to
+ ▬ x ÷ < > ≤ ≥ ≠
plus subtracted the product the is less is is less is is not
from of quotient of than greater than or greater equal
increased than equal than or to
by the difference to equal to
of times divided by
the sum of
diminished is at is at
more than by ratio of most least
added to decreased by by

less than

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

You may explore more to check your



A. Directions: Translate each phrase into a mathematical phrase or

algebraic expression.
1) six less than twice a number x ___________
2) five times the sum of y and 4 ___________
3) twice the difference of m and 3 ___________
4) the quotient of 7 and a number x less 2 ___________
5) the difference of 6 and k divided by 9 ___________
B. Directions: Translate each mathematical expression into verbal phrase.
6) a + b __________________________________________
7) 2y __________________________________________
8) 2r – 3s __________________________________________
9) 2( w + 2 ) __________________________________________
10) ___________________________________________

Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. “The ratio of” represents what operation?
a. Division c. Subtraction
b. Multiplication d. Addition
2. This symbol can be used to write the product of two numbers without
using multiplication sign.
a. fraction bar c. parenthesis
b. times sign d. plus sign
3. Write a verbal expression for 5x + 2.
a. Five times the difference of a number and 2
b. Five times a number increased by 2
c. Five times a number
d. Five less than a number multiplied by 2
4. Which of the following expressions would need parentheses?
a. 4 times the difference of a number and 8
b. Five times a number increased by 7
c. 4 times a number
d. 15 less than a number multiplied by 12
5. Translate the verbal phrase: the difference of twice the number m and n.
a. 2(m - n) c. (m - n)2
b. 2m - n d. m2 - n2
6. Which of the following expressions would need a fraction bar?
a. 4 times the difference of a number and 8
b. Five more than 7
c. the quotient of 4 and a number
d. 5 less than a number multiplied by 12

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
For items 7-10
Translate the mathematical expressions to verbal phrase.
7. b + 12
a. 12 less than b c. b less than 12
b. b more than 12 d. 12 more than b
8. 3 (x + y)
a. twice the sum of x and y c. the cube of x and y
b. 3 times x plus y d. thrice the sum of x and y
9. 5n + 10
a. five plus a number and 10 c. five times a number more than10
b. 10 more than five times a number d. five times a number less 10
10. 3x/6
a. the quotient of 6 and thrice x c. the quotient thrice x and 6
b. the product of 6 and thrice x b. the difference of 6 and x
For items 11-15
Translate the verbal phrases to mathematical expressions.
11. A number more than 11
a. 11 - x c. 11+ x
b. -11+ x d. -11x
12. Twice a number divided by 18
a. c. 18+2x
b. 2x – (18) d.
13. Ten decreased by 3 times a number
a. 10 + 3x c. 10x + 3
b. 10 – 3x d. 10x - 3
14. Fourteen more than y
a. 14 + y c.
b. 14y d. y +14
15. The quotient of 24 times a number and -4
a. 24x + 4 c.
b. 24x - 4 d.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics



These signages are now usual to see everywhere you go. These are the
precautionary measures of the DOH to protect us from the virus
“COVID-19” that has become pandemic.
Can you draw an additional symbol or signage that you think will
promote awareness on how to protect yourself in spreading the virus? Draw
it inside the box and write a short description about it.






To further explore the concept learned today and if it possible to connect the
internet, you may visit the following links:

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics


➢ Figueroa, Michael, et al (2013)., MATH @ WORK. Neo Asia

Publishing, Inc. Quezon City

➢ Garces, Arnold, et al (2013). SIMPLIFIED MATHEMATICS. St.

Augustine Publications, Inc. Sampaloc, Manila

➢ Orlando Oronce, et al (2003)., EXPLORING MATHEMATICS. Rex

Bookstore, Inc. Sampaloc Manila



Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics


Writers: Ma. Dolores A. Perez TI

Editors: Melody P. Rosales - Head Teacher VI

Ma.Theresa G. Mallari -Head Teacher VI
Maita G. Camilon - Head Teacher VI

Reviewer: Remylinda T. Soriano, EPS, Math

Angelita Z. Modesto, PSDS
George B. Borromeo, PSDS

Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division

Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor,
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Father of Modern Algebraic Notation

Francois Viete, a French mathematician, influenced

the evolution of modern algebra. His greatest contribution in the
field of mathematics was the use of variable coefficients. The use
of letters rather than numbers to represent both known but
unspecified and unknown quantities marked the beginning of
modern algebra and this was much credited to Viete. For this, he
was known as the Father of Modern Algebraic Notation.

Translate this sentence into algebraic symbols. “Mae

bought b bananas and ate 3. Arna had twice as many bananas as
Mae had then.”

Let’s Analyze

1. What is the greatest contribution of Francois Viete in the field of Mathematics?


2. Which is the correct translation of the number of bananas that Mae have then?

a. b b. b-3 c. b + 3 d. 3b

3. How many bananas did Arna have?

a. 2b b. 2b-3 c. 2 (b - 3 d. b + 2

4. If a banana costs ₱ 5, how much did Arna pay in peso?

a. b+5 b. 5(b-3) c. 10b - 3 d. 10(b – 3)

5. Which of the following tells the meaning of the expression 7b+5?

a. five more than seven times the variable b.

b. five more than the variable b.

c. seven more than five times the variable b.

d. five is more than seven times the variable b.


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