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Unit 1
CLASS.: 4 SUBJECT: - English MARKS: 40
DATE: - 05-08-21 TIME: 1 hr.
Section 1- textbook
Seen passage - 3 mrks (MCQ 3Qs)
Suddenly, Tom stopped groaning and added, ‘It’s my tooth as well.’ ‘Your tooth? What happened?
'It's loose and quite painful.’ ‘Open your mouth,’ she said. Tom opened his mouth. ‘Yes, the tooth
is indeed loose. But it won’t kill you. Mary, fetch that strong piece of string and a lump of hot,
burning coal from the fireplace,’ said Aunt Polly. Mary was Tom’s cousin.
Tom said, ‘Oh! Please don’t pull my tooth out. It doesn’t hurt now. I want to go to school…’
‘Ah! There you are! So, the problem was about going to school. I know that you would love to go
fishing, ’said Aunt Polly.
In the meanwhile, Mary came in with the piece of string and the red-hot coal. Aunt Polly skillfully
tied one end of the thread to Tom's tooth. She tied the other end to the bedpost. Suddenly she
swayed burning coal near Tom’s face. Tom pulled his head back, and the tooth came out. It hung
swingingby the bedpost. Tom had to go to school. At school, he proudly showed his tooth to
everybody. Everyone spoke about how brave he was.
_________ is doing something very well.
Where would Tom love to go other than school?
What did Tom do at school?
He hid in the classroom.
He showed his tooth to his best friend.
He proudly showed his tooth to everybody.

Seen poem - 3 marks (MCQ 3Qs)

Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain.
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle

What is the meaning of ‘troops’ in the above poem?


How the poet traveling to see all of the sights of hill and the plain?
________ is a small creature with wings and magic powers whereas _________ is a woman who
is thought to have have magic powers.
Fairy, Witch
Witch, Fairy
None of the above

Unseen passage -5 marks (MCQ 5Qs)

Bears are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America they are massively built, with short tails and
thick legs. Bears are not really carnivore. They eat almost anything the chief exception in the polar
bear which in its natural state lives on fish and seals. However, in captivity, they seem to enjoy
meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, rice and porridge.
Bears are not quite as dangerous as people imagine them it be like most animals; they will do their
best to avoid human being. However, bears are by no means cowardly animals. Many hunters
have been killed by bears for they can be extremely dangerous and cunning.
Bears have a strong sense of smell, but they have very poor eyesight. They are also dull of
hearing, but they are very intelligent.
Q.1) Where are bears found?
(a) America (b) Australia (c) None of the above
Q.2) What does a bear eat in captivity?
(a) Milk (b) Seal (c) trees
Q.3) What does bear avoid like most animal?
(a) Hunters (b) Human being (c) fish
Q.4) What kind of animal is bear?
(a) coward (b) cunning (c) helpful
Q.5) What is the strongest sense of a bear?
(a) touch (b) sight (c) smell

Fill ups- 6Q (3 marks)

a) Tom’s cousin name was _______. Sid
b)___________ school had a great reputation. Dr. Strong’s
c) In ‘From a railway carriage’ _______ stations whistle by. painted
d) Dr Strong introduced the young boy as __________. Trotwood
e) What is red? A poppy’s red in its __________ bed. barley
f) Aunt Polly told Mary to fetch strong piece of string and a lump of hot burning ______from the
fireplace. coal

True or false - 4Q ( 2 marks)

a) Gradually Mr Dick and Dr Strong became good friends. - True
b) Aunt Polly believed Tom's story about the toe. - False
c) Sid cried out to Aunt Polly that Tom was about to die. - True
d) Tom was looking forward to school on Monday. - False

One word- 5 Q (5 marks)

Who would cut apples and potatoes into the strangest shapes and could make boats and hats out
of paper? - Mr. Dick
Name the bird in the Poem ‘What is Pink’? - Swan
The poem has all the colours of the rainbow, except one. Which color is missing? - Indigo
What will you find by the fountain’s brink? -Pink roses
Who has written a novel ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ from which ‘Tom and his tooth’ story is
adapted? - Mark Twain

4 Q ( 2 Qmarks)
Write the Antonyms of the following sentences
Groan make a low sound in pain or sadness.
Ragged worn out
Write the Synonyms of the following word.
Cleverness x Stupidity
Gather x disperse

Think and Answer - 2 marks

A new student has joined your class. How would you welcome him /her and make him feel
comfortable in his new environment?

Section 2- Grammar
10 marks- Do as directed
We saw a shoal of fish swimming in the lake. (Identify the underlined noun and state its kind)
shoal of fish - collective noun, lake - common noun
Change the gender of peacock and waiter.
Peacock – Peahen, Waiter - Waitress
India is famous for cotton. (Identify the underlined noun and state its kind)
India- proper noun, cotton- material noun
She writes with her left hand. (State the Kind of sentence)
Write whether the nouns are countable or uncountable – Onion and Juice
Onion – countable, Juice – uncountable
Bring me that file. (State the Kind of sentence)
These files belong to the Examination department. (Identify the adjective and state its kind)
These- demonstrative adjective
The kids are playing upstairs. (Identify the underlined adverb and state its kind)
Upstairs - Adverb of place
I have a velvet pink beautiful dress. (Rewrite the sentence to form correct order of adjectives.)
I have a beautiful pink velvet dress.
I often visit my grandmother. (Identify the underlined adverb and state its kind)
Often – Adverb of frequency
5 marks - Writing skills
Give two examples of salutations in formal letter.
Dear Madam, Respected Sir
___________ is written to specify why the letter has been written.
___________ ends the letter.
Name the types of letters.
Formal and Informal letters
How do we write date in letters?
August 6, 2021/ 6 August 2021 / 06.08.2021

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