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Perceived value, customers’ satisfaction and behavioural intention in relation

to seafood restaurants in Johor Bahru

Article  in  Malaysian Applied Biology · October 2018


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4 authors, including:

Rahijan Abdul Wahab Fisal Ahmad

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


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Food choice motives, overall attitudes and purchase intentions towards fresh fabricated beef. View project

proteomic on horseshoe crabs and i2D-PAGE View project

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Malays. Appl. Biol. (2018) 47(4): 95–106





1School of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,

21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

Accepted 12 September 2018, Published online 25 October 2018


Seafood restaurant is one of the principal draws for holidaymakers and local residents in Malaysia. This study focuses on the
factors that affecting perceived values, customers’ satisfactions and behavioural intentions in a seafood restaurant in Johor
Bahru. This research aimed to determine the level of perceived value, customers’ satisfactions and behavioural intentions
towards seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru, to determine the relationship between perceived value, customers’ satisfaction
and behavioural intentions of seafood restaurants, and to compare between demographic variables on perceived value customers’
satisfaction and behavioural intentions towards seafood. The data were collected through sets of questionnaire answered by
150 respondents who are dining in a seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru, Johor. The result showed that customers have
positive perception in terms of perceived value where the ‘variety of foods’ factor received most positive value compared to
price fairness. To customers’ satisfaction, ‘overall dining experience’ gives the most satisfaction for customers compared to
‘service satisfaction’, while in terms of behavioural intentions, customers will ‘spread more positive word of mouth about
the restaurant which it score the highest positive value compared to recommend about the restaurant . All the variables in this
study (perceived value, customer satisfaction and behavioural intention) were moderately correlated to each other at p<0.05.
In addition, the results indicate that outcome of ‘overall satisfaction’ as the most primary element of satisfaction among
customers to go to seafood restaurant.

Key words: Behavioural intentions, customers’ satisfaction, perceived value, seafood restaurant

INTRODUCTION comfortable environment. People can relax their

mind after a hectic day that full with works. Seafood
The demand for seafood has led to opening of the restaurants are very popular because of the
restaurant, which is specialised on seafood. Usually, uniqueness of the restaurant.
these kinds of restaurant become a tourist attraction Perceived value is one of the important values
and it is located near the seaside, which gives nice where it influences the customer satisfaction and
and peaceful scenery. According to Shaw and behavioural intentions. The perceived value
William (2004), the restaurant is a major tourist attributes that affect customer satisfaction and
attraction because usually it is situated across the behavioural intentions are environmental quality
quay where the boats and trawlers tie up and most (hedonic value), service quality and food quality
of the fish comes literally, straight off the boats and (utilitarian value). In addition, Lim (2010) stated
in the kitchen door. that there are four variables which in turn affecting
A seafood restaurant in this study referred to the the customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions
restaurant that provides food with fresh seafood as which are food quality, service quality, atmosphere
the main ingredients such as fish, prawn, oyster, and price.
calamari and more. Since it is located near the sea, According to Kim et al. (2013), food quality is
the view of the ocean is peaceful and have a the most important element that can affect customer
satisfaction and re-patronage intentions in full-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. service restaurant because the food quality

represents the core quality of the restaurant. about population from which the sample data had
Customer will be more satisfied if the restaurant has collected. An independent T-test was used to
good quality of food, service and the environment. compare the mean of gender and nationality with
Moreover, the restaurant should offer more customers’ perceived value, satisfaction and
affordable and reasonable pricing and the high behavioural intentions. One-way ANOVA was
quality of food to compete with other restaurants to used to analyse the remaining socio-demographic
ensure that customer will not switch to other profiles (race, age, educational level, monthly
restaurants at the same time to attract new customers income, frequency and main reason of dining out)
to dine in the restaurant. with the customer perception, satisfaction and
The indication of the customer satisfaction is behaviour intentions towards the seafood restaurant.
shown through the behavioural intentions of the Meanwhile, the Pearson correlation coefficient test
customer in terms of the positive word-of-mouth, was used to determine the relationship (r-value)
willingness to recommend the restaurant and revisit between perceived value, customers’ satisfaction and
intention. Kim et al. (2013) found that the indirect behavioural intentions at p<0.05.
effects of value on behavioural intentions via
satisfaction where the direct predictor of post
purchase outcomes are loyalty and willingness to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
buy. He also stated that satisfaction is generally
considered as one of the key global variables leading Based on Figure 1, there are 45% of male and 55%
to future purchase intentions and actual purchase of female respondents answered the questionnaires.
behaviour. In behavioural intentions, customer It shows that the major respondents of this research
loyalty is an important goal in the consumer is female which is 82 respondents, while male only
marketing community, which it is a key component 68 respondents.
for a company’s long-term sustainability. For the race, the major respondents are Malay,
which is 113 respondents (75%), followed by
Chinese which is 20 respondents (13%) and Indian
MATERIALS AND METHODS which is 13 respondents (9%). There are about 3%
of the remaining respondents are from other races
A total of 150 customers who was dining in seafood (Figure 2).
restaurant in Johor Bahru were selected in this study. As for the nationality, it showed that mostly
The research instrument that used in this research is the respondents that dine in the seafood restaurants
questionnaire, where the data were collected based were citizen, which were 145 respondents (97%)
on the answer of the respondents. A questionnaire compared to non-citizen. However, there were five
was prepared and the type of questions in the respondents (3%) that is non-citizen, which was
questionnaires is in the form of rating scale, which Singaporean that dine at the seafood restaurants in
is 7-point Likert scale and close-ended questions. Johor Bahru. Since the location of the seafood
The respondents need to circle or tick one of the restaurants in Johor Bahru is near to Singapore, it
scales that provided in the questionnaires, which has become one of the reasons of existence of non-
from scale 1 for strongly disagree to scale 7 for citizens respondents (Figure 3). According to The
strongly agree. The questionnaires consist of four Star Online (2015), the statistics from Tourism
parts as follows: Part A: Perceived value Part B:
Customer satisfaction Part C: Behaviour intentions
and Part D: Socio-demographic profiles.
The correlation of data is measured by
determining the Cronbach’s Alpha. When the
Cronbach’s Alpha’s value is high, the correlation
between the respective questions or items also high.
The good alpha coefficient is normally in the range
of 0.7 to 0.8 because if the alpha coefficient is very
high, it may indicate the items are being duplicated
(Bradley, 2013).
Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the
socio-demographic profiles of the respondent from
the questionnaires to define the frequency, mode,
mean, and standard deviation in regards to their
normality. Normality test was being performed prior
to data analysis was used to make an inference Fig. 1. The percentage of respondents in terms of gender.

Fig. 2. The percentage of respondents in terms of races. Fig. 3. The percentage of respondents in terms of nationality.

Fig. 4. The percentage of respondents in terms of age. Fig. 5. The percentage of respondents in terms of educational

Malaysia shows that there was an increase of 8.55% time to cook and sometimes they have packed
as Johor recorded 2.898 million visitors in the first classes.
half of last year compared to 2.670 million for the Normally, monthly income of a person affects
consecutive period in previous years. the frequency of the people to dine out at the
For the age group, 75% of the respondents are restaurants. From the Figure 6, it showed that the
within the age group between 18-30 years old. The majority of the respondents were less than RM 1,000
respondents in this range of group that consists of (55%), followed by the monthly income of
adolescences and adults prefer to dine out instead RM 2,001 to RM 3,000 (17%) and RM 1,001 to
of dine at home. According to National Restaurant RM 2,000 (15%). Since most of the respondents
Association, statistic showed that people in this were students, they do not have a fixed income,
range of age buys a meal or snack from a restaurant hence their monthly income was categorized as less
5.8 times per week. The remaining respondents than RM 1,000. However, the frequency of the
about 25% were in the age group 31 years old and respondents of monthly income RM 5,001 and
above (Figure 4). above (7%) were higher compared to the respondents
For the level of education, most of the that have monthly income RM 4,001 to RM 5,000
respondents have educational background in (5%) and RM 3,001 to RM 4000 (1%). Sulaiman and
Secondary School, Diploma/STPM and Degree, Haron (2013) found that the trend of eating out
which were 30%, 25% and 31% respectively increases because of the high income and high
compared to the Master, PhD and Primary School. population in urban areas which leads to the growth
As shown in Figure 5, students prefer to dine out of the food industry.
compared to dining at home because of their limited

Fig. 6. The percentage of respondents in terms of monthly income.

Fig. 7. The percentage of respondents in terms of the frequency of dining out.

From this study, majority of the respondents to cook at home, while 32 respondents (21%) stated
who went to seafood restaurants ‘less than once a that they want change of taste and to try new seafood
week, but more than ‘once a month’ were 62 restaurants. Some people do not have time to cook
respondents which 42%, and followed by ‘once a because of the hectic life with tons of work and
week or more’ which were 50 respondents (33%) and packed schedule. Moreover, there were about 21
the minority of the respondents that dine out ‘once respondents (14%) stated that they went to the
a month or less’ are 38 respondents (25%). These specific seafood restaurants because of a friend’s
percentages showed that dine out is one of their recommendation. It has become a trend nowadays
activities because most of them will dined out a few where their friends will make a viral post about the
times in a month (Figure 7). It was indicated that best seafood restaurants to their friends through
they like the type of dishes that served at the social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
seafood restaurant or may be due to the restaurant’s However, four respondents (3%) went to seafood
location which nearby to their residence. restaurants because they have a special occasion
Lastly, the main reason why most people such as meeting with clients and dinner date.
preferred to dine in seafood restaurant are to gather
with friends and family. Figure 8 showed that about Perceived Value towards Seafood Restaurant
60 respondents (40%) of the respondents dine in a Table 1 shows the mean score and standard
seafood restaurant with a reason to gather with deviation of the perceived value towards seafood
friends and family. The second reasons why people restaurant. These include the perceived value of
choose to dine in seafood restaurants were people food quality, service quality and atmospheric or
does not have time to cook and some people wants environmental quality for a seafood restaurant.
to try the new seafood restaurant. It was proven by There are total 19 attributes which contributed to
the results that about 33 respondents out of 150 the perception of seafood restaurant.
respondents (22%) stated that they do not have time

Fig. 8. The percentage of respondents in terms of the main reason of dining out.

Table 1. The mean score and standard deviation of Perceived Value

Perceived Value Mean ± Standard Deviation

Overall food quality 5.33 ± 0.835

– Food looks appetizing 5.36 ± 1.053
– Taste 5.31 ± 1.093
– Food presentation 5.21 ± 1.121
– Served at the appropriate temperature 5.35 ± 1.158
– Food portion 5.23 ± 1.171
– Food freshness 5.47 ± 1.097
– Menu variety 5.77 ± 1.069
– Price fairness 4.97 ± 1.404

Overall service quality 5.01 ± 0.984

– Prompt and quick service 4.97 ± 1.346
– Friendly staffs 4.83 ± 1.299
– Knowledgeable staffs 4.94 ± 1.194
– Well-trained and experienced staffs 4.98 ± 1.179
– Serve food as expected 5.31 ± 0.962

Overall atmospheric/environmental quality 5.25 ± 0.927

– Cleanliness (tables, chairs and etc) 5.25 ± 1.290
– Lighting 5.45 ± 1.224
– Interior design 5.07 ± 1.062
– Facilities 5.10 ± 1.230
– Layout 5.12 ± 1.042
– Atmosphere and ambience 5.49 ± 1.067

7-point Likert type scale where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = slightly disagree, 4 =
neutral, 5 = slightly agree, 6 = agree & 7 = strongly agree.

From the Table 1, it was recorded that overall and ambience of the restaurant was relaxing’
food quality has the highest score (µ = 5.33, S.D. = because of the strategic location of the restaurants.
.835), followed by atmospheric or environmental Nevertheless, the respondents recorded that the
quality (µ = 5.25, S.D. = .927) and then service quality service quality of the restaurant was neither good
(µ = 5.01, S.D. = .984). As the food quality has the nor bad the statement ‘the waiters are friendly’
highest score, it was agreed by the respondents where it recorded that the staffs were neither friendly
that most of the seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru nor not so very friendly. These lowest attributes
have high food quality where it showed that ‘menu indicated that respondents does not satisfy with
variety’ has the highest score compared to other the service provided in the restaurant due to
attributes. For the factor of atmospheric and the behaviour of the staffs not friendly, lack of
environmental quality, the statement that has the knowledge, experience and promptness, and also the
highest attributes in this factor was ‘the atmosphere food price factor which was too expensive.

Perception in terms of food quality in Seafood Perception in terms of atmospheric/environmental

Restaurant quality in Seafood Restaurant
Table 1 showed that the food quality has Table 1 shows that all the respondents gave
positive perception because it have the highest score positive perception because the score of all attributes
(µ = 5.33, S.D. = .835) compared to service quality above 4. Most of the respondents agreed that the
and atmospheric or environmental quality. Food seafood restaurants have comfortable lighting
quality was the major factor of attraction for the (µ = 5.45, S.D. = 1.224), relaxing atmosphere and
respondents to dine out. As stated in the result, ambience (µ = 5.49, S.D. = 1.067). These attributes
the respondents agreed that most of the seafood attract the respondents to come to the restaurants
restaurants provide a variety of menu choices because the restaurant has a relaxing atmosphere
(µ = 5.77, S.D. = 1.069) and the food cooked using and ambience because of the strategic location of
fresh food ingredients such as seafood and the restaurant which located near the sea or the
vegetables (µ = 5.47, S.D. = 1.097) which enhance beach. The respondents also satisfied with the
their food quality. However, the respondents do cleanliness of the dining areas such as tables and
less agree with the price of food sold; this may be chairs (µ = 5.25, S.D. = 1.290), the interior design
because food portion was not parallel with the price (µ = 5.07, S.D. = 1.062) and layout of the restaurant
or the food that presented not worth with the amount (µ = 5.12, S.D. = 1.042) and the restaurant provide
that they paid. This statement can be proved by the sufficient facilities such as toilet and washing sink
score that obtained by the food portion (µ = 5.23, (µ = 5.49, S.D. = 1.067). Since interior design had
S.D. = 1.171) and food presentation (µ = 5.21, S.D. = the lowest score, the owner of the restaurants can
1.121) which can be categorized as the lowest score seek a new or latest design for the interior of their
among the attributes. The moderate score of the restaurants in order to attract more customers to dine
taste and the looks of the food which were (µ = 5.31, in their restaurants. Based on previous studies, it is
S.D. = 1.093) and (µ = 5.47, S.D. = 1.097), respectively. found that the element of the dining experience
It showed that the respondents agreed with some of influence customer’s emotions and expectations
the restaurants food which attracted them to dine in regarding service and food quality (Ha & Jang,
the restaurant. 2010). Moreover, according to Ng (2001), in order
to attract new customers, a relaxed and comfortable
Perception in terms of service quality in Seafood dining atmosphere were needed, which also can
Restaurant strengthen the behavioural intention and customer
For service quality, it showed that respondent loyalty.
positive perception towards seafood restaurants in
Johor Bahru. However, this variable had the lowest Customers’ Satisfaction towards Seafood
score compared to other variables which are food Restaurant
quality and atmospheric or environmental quality. Table 2 below recorded the attributes and the
Most of the respondents agreed that seafood mean scores of customers’ satisfaction towards
restaurants had a low service quality in terms of the seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru.
management of the staffs such as unfriendly waiters The mean score for any attributes that above
(µ = 4.83, S.D. = 1.299), the waiters cannot answer 4 indicated a positive satisfaction, whereas any
the questions regarding dishes offered that asked attributes that have a mean score below 4 indicated
by customers properly (µ = 4.94, S.D. = 1.194) and the negative satisfaction of the respondents. From
the waiters were not well trained and experienced the result that shown in the Table 3.2, all the
enough (µ = 4.98, S.D. = 1.17) to be worked in this attributes had a mean score above 5 where it is
food sector. Besides that, respondents claimed that signified that all the respondents satisfied with the
most of the seafood restaurants do not provide
prompt and quick service. In order to overcome these
problems, employers need to take responsibilities Table 2. The mean score and standard deviation of
to improve the service quality of their restaurant by Customers’ satisfaction
train the staff to be friendlier and service oriented
and knowledgeable about the menu. The employers Mean ± Standard
Customers’ satisfaction
should give a motivational support to employees Deviation
or staffs to ensure that they have a spirit to work. Environment satisfaction 5.17 ± 1.195
According to Estepon (2012), customer service Service satisfaction 5.09 ± 1.113
mistake always happens in the food industry where Food quality satisfaction 5.16 ± 1.062
the most important thing is the method on how to Overall dining experience 5.35 ± 1.238
transform the mistakes into an opportunity of an 7-point Likert scale where from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 7 (Strongly
irritated customer into a loyal and happy patron. agree).

seafood restaurants in terms of the environmental Table 3. The mean score and standard deviation of
quality, service quality, food quality and overall behavioural intentions
dining experience. The respondents more satisfied
with overall dining experience (µ = 5.35, S.D. = Mean ± Standard
Behavioural Intentions
1.238), followed by environment satisfaction (µ =
5.17, S.D. = 1.195), food quality satisfaction (µ = 5.16, Spending time intentions 5.25 ± 1.198
S.D. = 1.062) and the last ranking was service quality Revisit intentions 5.07 ± 1.299
(µ = 5.09, S.D. = 1.113). Overall dining experience Recommend intentions 4.99 ± 1.090
includes the food quality, service quality and Return intentions 5.32 ± 1.130
atmospheric or environmental quality of the Positive words intentions 5.53 ± 1.151
restaurant. The highest mean score of overall dining 7-point Likert scale where from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 7 (Strongly
satisfaction indicated that respondents enjoying agree).
their time at the restaurant. Comfortable environ-
ment, good service quality and food quality can be
one of the factors that make respondents satisfied score above 5 except to recommend intentions
dine in the restaurants. According to Omar et al. attribute which a mean score of near to 5. The results
(2014), customers’ satisfaction influenced by the showed that the highest rank of behavioural
restaurant ambience which includes decoration, intentions attributes is positive word intentions
layout and lighting attributes. From that statement, (µ = 5.53, S.D. = 1.151), followed by return intentions
it can be proved that the seafood restaurant has good (µ = 5.31, S.D. = 1.130), spending time intentions
and comfortable ambience or environmental quality (µ = 5.25, S.D. = 1.198), revisit intentions (µ = 5.07,
which it have a nice decoration or interior design, a S.D. = 1.299) and recommend intentions (µ = 4.99,
good lighting and have suitable layout. S.D. = 1.090). These ranking signified that respon-
As recorded in the results from Table 2, food dents more preferred to spread a positive word about
quality satisfaction and environment satisfaction the restaurants instead of recommending about the
have high mean score compared to service restaurant. The good words of mouth that will be
satisfaction. It showed that the food that served in spread among their friends and family about the
the restaurant and the environment of the restaurant restaurant According to Sriwongrat (2008), the
has high quality and satisfied the respondents. The restaurant’s atmosphere, furniture, and the cleanliness
food that served to them was tasty, the quantity of of the facilities give a great effect to the behavioural
food is sufficient, variety of menus, the price of food intentions.
was reasonable and the ingredients of the food were For the other attributes, most of the respondents
fresh. As stated by Mosavi and Ghaedi (2013), the were likely have revisit intentions and bring along
essential attributes for customers’ satisfaction their family or friends to dine in the restaurant in
influenced by the food quality which includes the future. Sometimes, the customers do not care
appealing of taste, freshness, menu item variety, and much about the service quality because they more
presentation of the food. However, in this research, concern about the food quality of the restaurant. As
service satisfaction was at the lowest rank among stated by Kuok (2014), the most important factor
other attributes, but it was still towards positive that contributed to the customer return intentions to
satisfaction. Previous studies stated that one of the the restaurant was food quality, as the customer
most influencing customer’s satisfaction and preferred tasty food, the food that use fresh
customer loyalty towards the restaurant is service ingredients and provide variety of menus.
quality (Ng, 2001; Ha & Jang, 2010). It is supported
by Heung and Gu (2012) where they stated that the The Relationship between Perceived Value and
factors that highly effect the customers’ satisfaction Customers’ Satisfaction towards Seafood
are the food quality and service quality of the Restaurant
restaurant. Table 4 below showed the correlation between
food quality, service quality and atmospheric/
Behavioural Intention towards Seafood environmental quality with customers’ satisfaction
Restaurant towards seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru. The
Table 3 below shows the mean score and the strength of the relationship between perceived value
significant difference of the attributes of behavioural and customers’ satisfaction was analysed using
intentions. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis. Positive
The mean score for any attributes that above correlation indicated that higher levels of perceived
4 indicated it is positive satisfaction, whereas any value were associated with higher levels of
attributes that have a mean score below 4 indicated customers’ satisfaction.
the negative satisfaction of the respondents. Based From the results that shown in Table 4, all the
on the Table 3 above, all the attributes had a mean factors had positive correlation where it indicated

Table 4. Correlation between Perceived Value and particular restaurant if the restaurants cannot provide
Customers’ Satisfaction a good service quality. According to Kuok (2014),
customers will more likely to have their meals in a
Items r - value restaurant that provide a good service such as the
Food quality 0.606** staffs served the food correctly, efficiently and
Service quality 0.558** friendly. This is the reason why the service quality
Atmospheric/Environmental quality 0.699** has a low positive relationship with the customers’
satisfaction compared to other attributes.
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The Relationship between Perceived Value and

Behavioural Intentions towards Seafood Restaurant
Table 5. Correlation between Perceived Value and Table 5 shows the correlation between food
Behavioural Intentions
quality, service quality and atmospheric/environ-
mental quality with behavioural intentions towards
Items r - value
seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru. The strength of
Food quality 0.529** the relationship between perceived value and
Service quality 0.587** behavioural intentions was analysed using Pearson
Atmospheric/Environmental quality 0.714** correlation coefficient analysis. Positive correlation
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
indicated that higher levels of perceived value
were associated with higher levels of behavioural
that there is a relationship between perceived The results showed positive relationships
value and customers’ satisfaction. It showed that between all the factors where it indicated a
food quality, service quality and atmospheric or relationship between perceived value and behavioural
environmental quality have a moderate relationship intentions. Atmospheric or environmental quality
with customers’ satisfaction. In addition, all the had strong relationship, while food quality and
factors were significantly associated to the service quality had a moderate relationship with
customers’ satisfaction (p< 0.01). Among these three behavioural intentions. In addition, all the factors
factors, atmospheric or environmental quality had were significantly associated with the behavioural
the strongest positive relationship (r = 0.699 ** ), intentions (p<0.01). Atmospheric or environmental
while service quality (r = 0.558 **) had the least quality was recorded the strongest relationship
positive relationship with customers’ satisfaction with behavioural intentions (r = 0.714**), followed
compared to the other two factors. by service quality (r = 0.587 **) and food quality
The restaurant that had good atmospheric or (r = 0.529**).
environmental quality can attract more customers to The strong relationship proved that most of the
come to the restaurant, hence can improve and customers would revisit intentions and return with
boosts the sales and making more profits. According family and friends if the seafood restaurant has with
to Omar et al. (2014), most customers agreed that high atmospheric or environmental quality. Since
restaurant ambience was the key attribute in seafood restaurant had a nice ambience and clean
influencing them to dine in restaurant and restaurant and comfortable dining environment, customers
operators should maintain the ambience of the tend to have revisit intentions and they will spread
restaurant and improve it from time to time to satisfy positive word-of-mouth to others.
the customers. Besides atmospheric/environmental Meanwhile, for food quality and service quality,
quality, food quality will also influenced the both attributes gave a moderate relationship which
customers’ satisfaction. Most customers’ concern means these attributes can be used to measure
about the food quality of the restaurant because whether customers will have revisit intentions or
they want to ensure that the food that they positive word-of-mouth or not. Ng (2001) found that
consumed are worth with what they paid. As stated food quality and service quality are positively
by Omar et al. (2014), restaurant operators must influencing the customers’ satisfaction and
keep the quality of food at their top priority, customers’ loyalty. Positive relationship of the
especially in terms of food aroma, portion size and variables proved that food quality, service quality
variety of food and beverages to meet the and atmospheric or environmental quality influence
satisfaction of the customers. the behavioural intentions of the customers. Liraz
Aimed at the service quality, most of the (2012) found that the food quality, service quality
respondents do not satisfied with the service and atmospheric quality were positively related to
provided by the seafood restaurant. The results the behavioural intentions of the customers in terms
proved that the customers were not satisfied with a of customer loyalty and positive word of mouth.

Table 6. Correlation between Customers’ Satisfaction and of socio demographic variables on perceived value,
Behavioural Intentions customers’ satisfaction and behavioural intentions.
Table 7 shows the mean difference between the
Items r - value variables which are perceived value, customers’
Environment satisfaction 0.672** satisfaction, behavioural intention and socio-
Service satisfaction 0.704** demographic characteristics were not statistically
Food quality satisfaction 0.687** significant (p>0.05), except for ‘educational level’,
Overall dining experience 0.668** ‘frequency of dining out’ and ‘main reason of dining
out’. If there are no significant differences between
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
variables, it indicated that difference background or
socio-demographic of the customers such as age,
gender, and race does not influence their perception
The Relationship between Customers’ Satisfaction of perceived value, customers’ satisfaction and
and Behavioural Intentions towards Seafood behavioural intention towards seafood restaurant.
Restaurant However, different level of education of the
Table 6 shows the correlation between customers influenced the perceived value such as
customers’ satisfaction with behavioural intentions food quality, service quality and environmental
towards seafood restaurant in Johor Bahru. The quality, customers’ satisfaction and behavioural
strength of relationship between customers’ intention of the restaurant. Considering the
satisfaction and behavioural intentions was customers that have secondary school education
analysed using Pearson correlation coefficient background was statistically significant with the
analysis. Positive correlation indicated that higher customers that have master education background
levels of customers’ satisfaction were associated for perceived value, customers’ satisfaction,
with higher levels of behavioural intentions. behavioural intentions at p=1.008, p=1.267 and
The results showed that there were positive p=1.009 respectively by post-hoc test Bonferroni’s
relationships between all the factors where it procedures. It proved that customers that have high
indicated a moderate relationship between educational background will focused more on these
customers’ satisfaction and behavioural intentions, three variables on the restaurant compared to
only service satisfaction have strong relationships customers with secondary school background.
with behavioural intentions. In addition, all the Customers that had high levels of educational
factors were significantly associated to behavioural background tend to have high expectation about the
intentions (p< 0.01). Among these four factors, seafood restaurant such as high quality of food,
service satisfaction (r = 0.704**) had the strongest service and environment which can influence their
relationship with the behavioural intentions, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. Normally,
followed by food quality satisfaction (r = 0.687**), the customers that had high educational level will
environment satisfaction (r = 0 .672**) and overall have higher monthly income and they will more
dining experience (r = 0.668**). Positive relationship demand in taste and preference of the food and the
between customers’ satisfaction and behavioural environment of the restaurant. Bonfanti and Brunetti
intentions leads to positive word of mouth and (2014) investigated that education improves
loyalty of the customers. According to Kim et al. decision making of the customer under changing
(2013), he found that the perceived restaurant situations which affects the customer perceived
affects revisit intentions primarily indirectly via value, customers’ satisfaction and behavioural
satisfaction. intentions.
Meanwhile, for ‘frequency of dining out’, it
The Comparison Demographic Variables on showed a significant difference between perceived
Perceived Value, Customers’ Satisfaction and value, customers’ satisfaction and behavioural
Behavioural Intentions intention (p<0.05). The frequency of dining out
Based on questionnaires, there were total eight affects the perception of these three variables
questions of socio-demographic profiles were asked towards seafood restaurant. For the customers who
to the customers such as gender, race, nationality, visited the seafood restaurant once a month was
age, educational level, monthly income, frequency statistically significant with the customers that
of dining out, and main reason dining in a seafood visited once a week or more for variables of
restaurant. Independent t-test and one way ANOVA perceived value, customers’ satisfaction, behavioural
were used to analyse the mean score and value of intentions at p=0.578, p=0.696 and p=0.972
socio-demographic profiles on perceived value, respectively by post-hoc test Bonferroni’s pro-
customers’ satisfaction and behavioural intentions. cedures. Customers that visited once a month
Table 7 summarized the comparison of mean score concern about the service quality, food quality and

Table 7. Comparison of mean score of socio-demographic variables on perceived value, customers’ satisfaction and
behavioural intentions

Perceived Value Customers’ Satisfaction Behavioural Intentions

Socio-Demographic Variables
Mean±SD p-value Mean±SD p-value Mean±SD p-value

Independent t-test
– Male 5.09±0.760 5.14±0.947 5.09±1.005
1.472 0.647 0.496
– Female 5.28±0.891 5.23±1.039 5.41±1.011

– Citizen 5.21±0.823 5.20±1.000 5.24±1.028
0.053 0.990 0.951
– Non-citizen 4.86±1.250 5.00±0.952 5.04±1.004

One-way ANOVA
– Malay 5.14±0.875 5.15±1.039 5.22±1.098
– Chinese 5.23±0.735 5.13±0.805 5.26±0.866
0.323 0.849 0.516
– India 5.57±0.688 5.52±0.987 5.40±0.693
– Others 5.47±0.175 5.75±0.000 4.80±0.000

– Less than 20 5.25±0.639 5.17±0.760 5.37±0.878
– 21 – 25 5.14±0.898 5.13±1.043 5.22±0.984
– 26 – 30 5.52±0.733 5.27±0.972 5.30±1.066
0.323 0.849 0.516
– 31 – 35 4.94±0.797 5.00±0.962 4.69±0.836
– 36 – 40 4.90±1.194 5.40±1.115 5.08±0.982
– More than 40 5.34±0.839 5.42±0.996 5.33±1.556

Educational level
– Primary school 5.06±1.026 4.89±1.146 5.20±0.439
– Secondary school 5.03± 0.623 5.16±0.847 5.17±0.994
– Diploma/STPM 5.22±0.852 5.19±0.715 4.99±0.746
– Degree 5.12±0.941 0.004* 4.95±1.182 0.001* 5.22±1.148 0.023*
– Master 6.03±0.295 6.43±0.537 6.18±0.623
– PhD. – – –
– Others 6.21±0.263 6.00±0.000 6.00±0.000

Monthly income
– Less than RM1,000 5.03±0.743 5.08±0.831 5.12±0.936
– RM1,001 – RM2,000 5.54±0.830 5.48±1.080 5.74±0.955
– RM2,001 – RM3,000 5.34±0.826 5.22±0.934 5.17±1.053
0.076 0.527 0.201
– RM3,001 – RM4,000 5.03±1.367 5.04±1.074 5.00± 0.924
– RM4,001 – RM5,000 5.06±0.721 5.38±0.530 5.00±0.000
– RM5,001 and above 5.54±0.971 5.50±1.854 5.40±1.612

Frequency of dining out

– Once a month or less 4.91±0.750 4.83±0.866 4.68±0.709
– Less than once a week, but 5.19±0.776 0.015* 5.15±0.861 0.004* 5.22±0.896 <.001*
more than once a month
– Once a week or more 5.42±0.914 5.53±1.144 5.66±1.024

Main reason of dining out

– Special occasion 5.43±0.499 5.00±0.000 4.70±0.808
– Friend’s recommendation 5.32±0.844 5.54±0.888 5.64±0.920
– No time to cook 4.99±0.789 0.517 4.86±1.075 0.163 4.72±0.812 0.007*
– Gathering with friends or family 5.27±0.706 5.23±0.875 5.31±0.888
– Change of taste or want to try 5.15±1.102 5.27±1.82 5.41±1.335
something new

* The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level.


environmental quality provided at the restaurant. Finally yet importantly, this study showed that
When the restaurant does not meet their satisfaction, demographic profiles such as gender, age, race,
they will not have intention to dining at that and nationality do not have significant difference
restaurant again. The study stated that interaction to the perceived value, customers’ satisfaction and
orientation had positive influences on customer behavioural intentions towards seafood restaurant.
satisfaction and behavioural intention in first-time However, there were only three factors that have
and frequent diners, while customer satisfaction significant difference towards seafood restaurant
positively affects behavioural intentions in first-time including educational level, frequency and main
and frequent diners (Zhang & Liang, 2012). reasons of dining out.
The results also showed that the reason of From this study, it can be concluded that
dining, which does not have time to cook was restaurant owners play important roles in improving
statistically significant with the friends’ recommen- their premises or restaurants. The restaurant owners
dation and change of taste or want to try a new need to always aware on a few factors which can
seafood restaurant at p=-0.917 and p=-0.685 highly affect customers’ satisfaction and behavioural
respectively by post-hoc test Bonferroni’s pro- intentions. Furthermore, food quality, service
cedures. The majority of the customers will tend to quality and environmental quality must be main-
return to the restaurants because they do not have tained or improved which it is important in a
time to cook because of their packed schedule or restaurant operation. This study believes that it can
overtime shift. There were also customers that help restaurant owners, supervisors or any business
dine in the restaurant because of their friends’ person where it can be used as their guidelines or
recommendation. The positive word-of-mouth about reference to venture into the seafood restaurant
the restaurant and positive dining experience affects business.
their revisit intentions to the restaurant.

We would like to thank the School of Food Science
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