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Nama : Anggresti

Ninda Praditha

Nim : 1910505064

Kelas: A3

Read the passage below carefully, and then try to find and correct all the mistakes including punctuation
you might find. Bold type the mistakes, and put in the bracket your correction in itali

This is my family. We enjoy the lovely weather we have this Monday bank holiday (We are enjoying thr
lovely weather we have this Monday bank holiday). As you can see we have a good time in our back yard
in our house in Middles brough, where we do different things together. My wife Jenny try to find the
news on the BBC on our radio (My wife Jenny is trying to find the news on the BBC on our radio), while I
read the newspaper (while I am reading the newspaper). My son Dave water the yellow flowers and my
brother Steve clean the kitchen windows (My son Dave is watering the yellow flowers and my brother
Steve is cleaning the kitchen windows) . I must say, he always do a fantastic job! My young daughters
play with their toys ( My young daughter are playing with their toys) , sit on the lawn. My nephew Sam
stand in front of me eat a beef sandwich (My nephew Sam is standing in front of me at a beef sandwich).
Joe, my father in law have a nap and my mother in law Jenny drink a nice cup of tea (Joe, my father in
law is having a nap and my mother in law Jenny is drinking

a nice cup of tea) . Look at our cat Jasper climb the tree behind Dave (Look at our cat Jasper is climbing
the tree behind Dave) . He try to catch the birds (He is trying to catch the birds). Our ducks float in the
pond I put in the garden last year (Our ducks are floating in the pond I put in the garden last year) . I
hoping we will have nice weather this summer (I am hoping we will have nice weather this summer) ,
because we plan on going to the beach in Whitby (because we are planing on going to the beach in
Whitby) .
Present Perfect

1. I’ve already put my books into my bag

2. She have been in California before

3. Has Your brother climbed mount everest?

4. He have just began a new book

5. I have’nt traveled to Italy before

6. Your uncle has just eaten a Chinese dish

7. Jeremy has hitted my head

8. He have gone to London

9. Has You ever eaten any Indian dish?

10. George has just drank his coffee

11. He hasn’t walked in this park before

12. Your cousin has already finished his project

Future tense

1. Call me as soon as you will have got your test results

2. By eight o’clock tonight, you’ll be blaying computer games for over twelve hours

3. What time the train to be leaving?

4. What are you going to go to there?

5. It going to go to rain

6. I will going to go to shopping mall with my mother probably

7. I will more successful there

8. He will probably have three children

9. She will definitely cook delicious cake

10. Her boss shall no happy

11. Ten years later, he will be want an engineer

12. He will not get married

13. He will be a great civill endineer if he will not be a businessman

14 He will have three children

15. She’s going to a doctor when she grows up

16. I will going to be an architest

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