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Communication Domain

1. Identifying of the type of text heard (informative, biographical, descriptive, narrative, dialogue, story, poetry, etc.).
2. Identifying of essential information from simple descriptions of people, objects, places, daily activities, menus, recipes,
announcements, messages, discussions on topics familiar, articulated clearly and slowly.
3. Identifying of essential information and rules communication about social behaviors in places public transport: use of public
transport (bus, train, taxi), purchasing tickets, making simple purchases (shop, post office), order of dishes (at restaurant, cafe)
Receiving oral from messages, overheard conversations, to inform and perform tasks.
messages 4. Identifying the topic of discussion (face-to-face) on topics familiar between native speakers / allophones, slowly articulated
and clearly, essential information regarding the relationship between interlocutors, intentions, activities, feelings, emotions,
5. Identifying the global meaning and detailed information from telephone conversations on familiar topics, regarding topic,
place of discussion, identity and relationships interlocutors, attitudes, feelings, emotions expressed.
6. Identifying the order of actions in a simple message, articulated clearly and slowly.

Producting oral 2.1. Distinguishing the main idea of the text by reformulating of relevant information.
messages and oral 2.2. Exposing the theme of a text based on the title and / or images accompanying.
interaction 2.3. Simple self-descriptions, personal experiences, people, objects, familiar places, family, daily activities / habits, studies,
recreational activities, activities done in the past, familiar situations, explanation tastes, preferences, using a limited number
of memorized expressions and phrases.
2.4. The story / narration of a personal memory.
2.5. Presenting of a short, elementary, and repeated speech memorized, on a familiar topic, in front of an audience / public
2.6. Using simple, common politeness formulas, to interact orally (to introduce oneself, to ask information about everyday life,
react appropriately to new information, thank you, etc.).
2.7. Participating in simple and short conversations to describe / compare objects, introduce people, invite, a accept / reject an
invitation, express agreement / disagreement, a explain tastes and preferences by initiating, maintaining and concluding a
face-to-face conversation.
2.8. Asking questions and performing simple transactions and direct in public places (shop, restaurant, office postal), by
requesting and providing information on quantity, number, price, money, etc., to offer and obtain goods and services for
everyday use. For example, achievement of simple shopping, expressing preferences and asking price, order of dishes (at the
restaurant, cafe).
2.9. Requesting simple information regarding the use of public transport (bus, train, taxi), ticket purchase, to provide it and
obtain goods and services for everyday use.
2.10 Having simple, informal discussions with friends on familiar topics in everyday life, answering to questions asked directly,
clearly and simply. Of for example, to express agreement / disagreement, a express suggestions, discuss recreational
activities, and so on.
2.11. Participating in simple functional interactions to perform current tasks, using simple expressions.
2.13. Oral retransmission of the general meaning of the messages, advertisements in public places, in public transport (train
station, airport, train, taxi, bus), using phrases and expressions simple memorized.
2.14. Non - formal oral explanation / interpretation of some banners for allophone foreign visitors in their country of origin.
2.15. Oral explanation of a table, on familiar topics, using a common language

3.1 Identifying detailed information from simple texts (letters, brochures, short press articles general) on topics in the immediate
Receiving written universe.
messages 3.2 Identifying the message of short texts related to current concrete topics (objects, places, people, studies, daily activities,
family actions), containing a vocabulary with a high frequency in everyday language.
3.3 Identifying of the type of text read (informative, biographical, descriptive, narrative, dialogue, story, poetry, etc.) on
3.4 Recognizing the logical form and organization of a text not literary.
3.5 Identifying the relationship between characters in various texts (familiar, friendly, official).
3.6. Deducting from context through similarity, images, drawings of the meaning of some unknown lexical elements,
expressions usual.
3.7 Identifying detailed information in texts (advertising articles, tourist leaflets, advertisements, menu, website, etc.).
3.8 Locating and retrieving specific information from lists themes, graphs, tables, etc.
3.9 Identifying the relevant meaning in the instructions and indications (common signs and signs in public places) for guidance,
instructions, safety and danger.

Producting 4.1. Elaborating simple descriptive, narrative texts, referring to objects, places, people, studies, daily activities, actions familiar,
written messages logically structured and coherent.
and written 4.2. Writing informative, simple explanatory texts, on familiar topics, using simple words and phrases memorized, connecting
interaction elements.
4.3. Elaborating of creative texts (imaginary biographies, poems short and simple, referring to people), using words and
memorized expressions.
4.4. Transposition in writing of information received orally or by reading, within its limited competence.
4.5. Writing documents for current use (recipes, notes, simple and short messages), regarding immediate needs.
4.6. Writing simple personal letters to present, congratulate, invite, communicate personal impressions, a explain preferences
using stored words and phrases, connecting elements ..
4.7. Informal oral explanation / interpretation of some signs, for allophone foreign visitors to their country of origin.
4.8. Writing explanatory text, simple informative through transferring information from the table.
4.9. Written retransmission of the general meaning of the messages, advertisements in public places, in public transport (train
station, airport, train, taxi, bus), using phrases and expressions simple memorized.

Receiving/ 1. Identifying and observing the norms of behavior verbal and nonverbal in oral and written interactions (a request and provide
ulture Domain Producing/ information on the traffic code, a locate in space, indicate direction, provide assistance and thank you for help, express
Interaction/ attachment, gratitude).
Mediation (oral / 2. Requesting and providing location information public destination institutions: town hall, post office, shops, museum
written) messages 3. Knowledge of some outstanding personalities of the culture allophone space.
4. Describing of some traditional holidays specific to the country allophone
5. Identifying and respecting the structure of some documents / texts usual things about everyday life (announcement, notes,
schedule, form with personal data and information, short instructions, recipe, menu).
6. Identifying and explaining eating behaviors specific to the culture of allophone space.
7. Identifying and explaining common symbols in places public (street, public transport, leisure center).

1. Identifying words in simple written and oral sentences and foreign language expressions that have similarities language skills
in the student's mother tongue.
Connection Domain

2. Performing mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) in communication activities.

3. Writing and reading the correct time in the activities of communication.
4. Pronouncing and writing the names of some natural fabrics and in communication activities
Producing/ 5. Identifying and explain the message of a text related to national and regional parks, to some animal species and aquatic plants.
Interaction/ 6. Locating on the map some important cities in the country allophone.
Mediation (oral / 7. Writing and pronouncing correctly some units of measurement, in within the communication activities.
written) messages 8. Identifying and explain the message of an informative text regarding the natural riches of the allophone country, within
communication activities.

1. Comparing the structure, the form of some usual documents regarding daily life (announcement, notes, schedule, form with
personal information, instructions, recipe, menu).
2. Comparing the speech acts, politeness formulas to interact orally and in writing (to forbid, to allow, to invites, appreciates,
Comparison Domain

Receiving/ recommends, expresses an opinion, etc.).

Producing/ 3. Comparing the ways of presenting recipes from the allophone country and from the Republic of Moldova.
Interaction/ 4. Comparing the characters, the actions of some literary texts: legends, fables, fairy tales that belong to the cultural heritage of
Mediation (oral / the Republic of Moldova and of the allophone country.
written) messages 5. Comparing the structure, the form of some texts related to life daily (personal letter) from the allophone country and from
Republic of Moldova.
6. Comparing the means of communication and information: press, television, radio in the allophone country and in the
7. Comparing the traditional holidays in the allophone country and in Republic of Moldova.
8. Comparing some interests, concerns of adolescents from allophone country and the Republic of Moldova.

1. Identifying the cultural symbols from the allophone country.

2. Identifying some characteristics of the target society, of some significant aspects of daily life in the allophone space.

Community Domain

Mediation (oral /
written) messages

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