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01) First cause of Boiler Trip.

Ans) 01. Drum Level Very High 02. Drum Level Very Low
03. Furnace Draft very High 04. Furnace Draft very low
05. 220V DC supply fail 06. 24V DC supply fail
07. Loss of fuel 08. Flame failure
09. RH protection 10. Low air flow (<30%)
11. Emergency Trip 12. Both ID fans off
13. Both FD fans off

02) What are the purge permissives?

Ans) 01. All HONV closed 02. All LONV closed
03. HOTV closed 04. LOTV closed
05. All Mill O/L gates closed 06. All feeders off
07. Air Flow <30% (& >40%) 08.All Sec air dampers are mod
09. No boiler trip 10.All scanners shows no flame
11.Both PA fans off 12. All mills off

03) First cause of Turbine Trip

Ans) 01. Boiler fire off (MFT) 02. MS temp very low
03. Fire protection operated 04. Lub oil pr. Very low
05. HP exhaust temp high (510) 06. Cond. Pr. Mech. Trip
07. Cond. Pr. Elect. Trip 08. Local Trip
09. Drum level very high 10. Generator protection oprt.
11. Push button trip (BTG) 12. Axial Shift

04) Generator Trip conditions (Class-A, B, C)

Ans) 01. Stator earth fault 02. Rotor earth fault
03. Diff. Protection (Over all Tr., UATs, Gen etc.)
04. Loss of excitation 05. Pole slipping
06. Over voltage 07. Inter turn
08. Negative phase sequence 09. Back up impedance
10. Low forward power relay 11. Reverse power relay
12. G.T over flux 13. GT bucholz relay operated
Mechanical Trips:
14. Cold gas temp high 15.Liquidlevel in gen bush high
16. Exciter hot air temp high

Class A: Main trippings Generator will trip immediately with out any time
delay. Severity is more. Turbine will trip automatically.
Class B: Turbine trip will initiate the Gen. trip on low forward power relay
(UATs, GTs etc wdg. Temps)
Class C: Any electrical fault on external (Outside Gen.) side Gen. breaker will
open, but Gen. is in service. Supplying house loads.

05) What will happen when the Drum level is Very high? (+250mm)
Ans) 01. There is every possibility of carry over of (Priming & foaming) wet
particles into SH & Turbine.
i) This will result in pitting of blades on turbines
ii) In SH over heating may result. (Finally it may leads to tube
burn outs)
02. If it continuously maintains phosphate carry over will also occur.

06) What will happen if Drum level is very Low? (-250mm)

Ans) 01. Starvation of boiler turbes
02. All tubes may fail if it is continuous for a period of 15min.

07) If Furnace Pressure is very high what will happen? (+150mmwcl)

Ans) 01. There is every chance to touch the flame tongues may touch the water
wall tubes it may result overheating of tubes. Finally it may cause
tube burn outs.
02. If it persists continuous wind box structure may disturb. (Damper
structure). Furnace bulging may occur.
03. Water gush out from seal trough chances of air ingress into the furnace
through seal trough.
04. Peep hole doors will open and flame come outside it may catch fire
nearer fuel oil burners.

08) If Furnace Pressure is very Low what will happen? (-175mmwcl)

Ans) 01. Fire ball may shrink and some times quench the flame
02. Uncombustible particles carry over velocity may increase. It may
result secondary combustion at various zones.

09) 220V DC Supply fail.

Ans) 01) HOTV & LOTV may not operate [ This may cause oil leakage into the
furnace and may form explosive mixture ]
With boiler trip HOTV & LOTV must close, otherwise oil leak into
furnace through leaky nozzle valves and cause explosives.
02) EMRVs may not operate due to supply failure.
03) Turbine trip solenoids may not operate.

10) 24V DC supply fail.

Ans) 24V DC is the critical power for all control cards functioning. No
operators control and the operations are blind.

11) Loss of fuesl.

Ans) Once loss of fuel occur in the boiler for admitting the fuel (or) for re-light-
up the boiler first it should be purged. If re-light with out purging it may
leads explosion.

It will trip the boiler safely and it won’t allow for re-light-up of boiler with
out any purging.

12) Flame failure.
Ans) 01) To avoid explosion of boiler (with fuel admission under no flame
condition (all scanners sense no flame)) fuel admission should be stopped
immediately by tripping the boiler.
02) In each elevation 4 scanners are placed to monitor the fire ball
condition. If any two scanners will fail it will be voted for no flame.
03) If all the fire ball scanners voted for no flame simultaneously in all
elevations boiler will trip on flame failure.

13) RH protection
Ans) 01) To safe guard the RH coils during boiler full firing condition.
02) Flow should be ensured in RH coils when the FG furnace exit temp
at 5400C to avoid damage of RH coils.
03) If turbine is in tripped condition there is no flow in RH coils. In that
condition HP & LP bypass is not in open condition boiler will trip on
RH protection.

14) Low Air flow (<30%)

Ans) 01) It leads to improper combustion.
02) It may explode the boiler with un-controlled combustion.
03) Accumulated (Co) uncombustible gas amd accumated uncombustibles
may lead to sudden firing and explosion.
04) You can find more uncombustibles in both bottom Ash & Fly ash.

15) Emergency trip

Ans) This is provided for safe manual tripping under emergency conditions like
whenever the protection switches failed for abnormal condition of boiler.
Ex: Furnace Pr. Is very high but switch was not acted so boiler trip not
resulted then we trip the boiler with emergency push button trip.

16) Both ID fans off.

Ans) 01) It may lead furnace pr. High and may leads to bulging of furnace.
02) No evacuation of flue gas and this causes the pressurization of boiler.
03) There is no exhaust with both IDs off fuel admission should be
stopped, so boiler should be tripped.

17) Both FD fans off

Ans) 01) There is no combustion air, fuel should be stopped immediately.
02) Carry over of particles and accumulation at different zones.

18) What is meant by purge? Why purge is needed?

Ans) 01) Cleaning of boiler with >30% air flow satisfying all logical purge
02) Purge is needed to expel all the residues remaining in the boiler like
uncombustibles and uncombustible gases (Co) to avoid explosion.

19) What is meant by Aux. dampers modulated condition?
Ans) 01) During purging condition fuel air dampers are in closed condition.
02) Aux. air dampers should be in certain percentage of open condition
[wind box pr. = 40mmwcl ] during purging.
03) This modulating position of aux. air dampers will establish the main.
Air flow for purging.

20) Lub oil pr. Very low.

Ans) No lubrication to turbine bearings it may leads damage of Brgs and shaft.

21) HP Turbine exhaust temp is very high (5100C)

Ans) 01) HPT last stage blades may damage due to churning action.
02) If there is no free flow from HPT exhaust due to mal functioning of
CRH NRV or sudden opening of HP bypass.

22) Turbine trip on condenser pr. High.

Ans) 01) It is provided for the protection of LP Turbine blades.
02) If pr. Raises abnormally back pr. On blades will increase and exhaust
hood temp will also rise. Continuous operation of turbine under abnormal
parameters conditions will lead to loss of life of blades.

23) What is the difference between protection and interlock?

Ans) 01) Protection will come into rescue under abnormal operating conditions
of the equipment.
02) Interlocks are permissives and criteria’s required for starting of
equipment and some times the tripping of equipment with out its own
protection but by the tripping of other equipment.

24) What is meant by draft?

Ans) It is the static pr. Difference in the furnace to establish air flow for

25) What is meant by balance draft?

Ans) If the boiler is provided with ID & FD fans and the draft in the furnace
nearly zero it is called balanced draft.

26) Various controls of ID fans.

Asn) 01) Damper control
02) Guide vane control
03) Scoop control (Hydraulic coupling)
04) VFD

In partial load conditions VFD is superior than scoop control operation.

27) Steam flow block diagrm.


28) Terminal Temp. difference (TTD)
Ans) 01) It is the temp diff between the saturation steam temp – CW O/L temp.
02) If TTD is very less size of the condenser will increase.
03) TTD will indicate effective heat transfer in the heat exchanger.

29) Boiler safety.

Ans) All boiler mountings will ensure the safety of boiler. Those are
01) Drum level gauge glass (mechanical left&right)
02) Safety valves
03) Drum operating Pr. Gauge
04) Chemical dozing line
05) Feasible plug
06) Feed check valve

30) What is circulation ration in detail?

Ans) 01) It is the ration of water and steam (Mixture) in the evaporative zone.
02) It is usually 6:1 in utility boilers (Power generation)
03) For industrial boilers it is 25 to 30.

31) What is natural circulation?

Ans) Circulation of water and water steam mixture from drum to water walls and
again to drum occurs through density difference principle (Thermo
syphonic head). It is used in high pr. Boilers. No pump is needed. For
<175 Ksc operating pr.

32) What is assisted circulation?

Ans) It is nothing but when the drum operating pressure between 175 to 225
KSC the circulation occurs both with natural and forced then it is
called assisted circulation.

33) What is forced circulation?

Ans) Circulation is only with the pump. For drum pressure above 225 KSC
forced circulation is required.

34) What is the difference between the tube and pipe?

Tube Pipe
1) Used for heat transmission and the 1) To establish required flow
tube must have high heat transfer co-
2) Internal dia is less compared to 2) Internal dia is more compared to
thickness. thickness.

35) Types of n boilers according to passes.
Ans) 01) Single pass: ---- Tower type - VTPS II&III Stages, RTPP Stage-I
02) Two pass: ----- Conventional -- KTPS-V Stage, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, VTPS-
I Stage, RTPP-Stage-II
01) In single pass erosion is less
02) Maintenance and repair is difficult
03) Some times temperature control also more difficult than two pass.

36) Why SH are placed at different locations?

Ans) 01) During load variations to keep the MS temp. constantly various SH are
located at different locations.
02) Some of the SH are placed at Radiant zone and others are in convicting
zone. With this combination (Radiation & Convective) the heat
distribution is unitform.

37) Safety valves?

Ans) Types: 01) Spring loaded S.V(All are spring loaded in KTPS-V Stage)
02) Lever operated
03) EMRV
04) Relief valve

The function of safety valve is to permit the steam in the boiler to escape to
atmosphere when pressure in the steam space exceeds certain specified limit.
The SV prevents building up of excessive pressure in the boiler.
It operates on a principle that, a valve is pressed against its seat through
some agency such as strut, screw or spring by external weights or force. When
the steam force due to boiler pressure acting under the valve exceeds the external
force, the valve gets lifter off its seat and some of the steam rushes out. It will
seat after normal pressure is reached.

Types of SV:
01) Dead weight SV: Useful for low Pr. Boilers.
02) Lever SV: Suitable for stationary boilers.
03) Spring Loaded SV: Suitable for portable boilers. Ex: Locomotive &
04) High steam – low water SV: It is most important SV for internal fire tube
boilers namely Cornish and Lacashire boilers.
Safety valve: POP up action
EMRV: Safety relief valve – function of pressure.
Relief valve: Liquid relief (Pr.)

38) Why MS safety valve settings are kept on low side compared to drum SV?
Ans) 01) To avoid starvation of super heater.
02) If drum SV are lifted first there will not be flow in the SH coils.

39) What is Bi-drum?

40) Importance of O2 ?
Ans) 01) For complete and efficient combustion optimum amount of air flow.
02) Generally theoretical air flow is not sufficient for complete combustion.
03) So we have to provide some additional air flow more than the theoretical
air flow. That air is called excess air flow.
04) For complete combustion the optimum excess air flow is 20-25%.

41) ORSAT instrument ?

Ans) It is used for Flue Gas analysis.
It is used mainly to measure O2, CO2 & CO content in FG
This is apparatus to analyse FG containing O2, CO2 & CO by volume. If
the remainder of FG is nitrogen, it will also be known by difference.
Externally the unit consists of three flasks containing chemicals to absorb
different gases.
01. Flask No.1 contains KOH to absorb CO2
02. Flask No.2 contains alkaline solution of Paragollic Acid to absorb O2
03. Flask No.3 contains Cuprous Chloride to absorb CO.

Dry FG is being analysed. FG passed through U-Tube containing Calcium

Chloride or some other drying agent, before it enters the 3 way valve.

42) Why the FG temp after AH is limited to min. 1200C (Dew point of FG)

01) The Sulpher dioxide in FG has acid dew point at 1200C. So it will form
H2SO4 and corrode the metal baskets.
02) Because of this the FG is left to chimney is more than the 1400C even
though the efficiency is loose.
03) For 1200C temp rise in boiler 1% efficiency will rise.
04) For better dispersement (as per environment pollution act) of FG the temp
should not fall below 1000C.

43) Hydrostep indication and working principle?

01) It works on conductivity principle.
02) Water and steam have different conductivities so the electrodes in the
hydrostep will respond for the respective conductivity and give correct
water level indication.

Conductivity = 1/ resistance. Material may be platinum.

Water = 100 Kilo Ω

Steam = 10 Mega Ω

44) About CBD and CBD Tank?
01) To contain silica concentration in the drum continuous blow down
provision is given in the drum.
02) This blow down steam go to a flash tank called CBD where impure water
will be collected in drain form and pure steam will rise in vapour form
give it to deaerator.

45) About IBD and IBD tank?

01) This is used for drum draining during start ups. (If the concentration are
more even in the feed water side intermittently blow down will operate to
reduce these concentrations some time)
02) It will operate for just few seconds.

46) About EBD?

Ans) This is provided to maintain drum level during start up condition.

47) About MUD Drum?

Ans) The bottom point of the drum where the impurities are concentrated.
Ring header = Mud drum

48) Types of Economiser?

Ans) 1. Plain Tube 2. Welded fin –tube
01) Horizontal and vertical
02) Parallel flow or counter flow.

49) Types of fans?

ID Fans: Radial double suction backward curved
FD Fans: Axial profile single stage (Reaction)
PA Fans: Axial profile double stage (Reaction type)

Radial fans are used wherever more handling of air (FG) is required (may
be Pr. Required is low) ID fans.
If more Pr. Is required then use the Axial fans.
For FD – Single stage Axial fan
For PA – Double stage Axial fan (It requires more Pr.)

50) Types of Cooling?

Ans) Two types : 01) Open Type 02) Closed Type

01) Open Type: It is used where plenty of water is available. May be river or
sea water. Ex. VTPS
02) Closed Type: It is used at water scarcity places.
i) Forced Cooling: Cooling can be achieved by the fans
ii) Natural Cooling : Cooling is achieved by natural draft provided by
the cooling tower. Here cooling tower height is more compared to
forced cooling. No power consumption.
51) Hydraulic test of boiler (1.5 times)?
Ans) Hydraulic test of the boiler can be done upto 1.5 times of the rated Pr. Keep
at least 30 min.
While raising the Pr. :
01) Rate of Pr. Rise = 10 KSC/Min upto 80% test Pr.
02) After that rate of Pr. Rise = 1 KSC/Min.
While killing the Pr.:
01) Rate of killing the Pr. = 2 to 2.5 Ksc/Min continuously.

52) IBR certificate after inspection (License form No.)

Ans) License Form No.6.

53) Drum , SH, RD, Economiser and water walls tonnage capacity?
Ans) Water walls = 150 T
Drum = 50 T
Economiser = 60 T
Super Heater = 120 T
Reheater = 60 T

54) Proximate and Ultimate analysis of coal?

Ans) Proximate Analysis: Physical picture of the coal i.e Ash content, moisture,
volatile matter, fixed carbon etc.. It decides the burning characteristics and useful
for calculating the handling cost of the fuel.
Ultimate Analysis: It is an elemental analysis. It is useful for combustion air
flow calculation. O2 can be calculated by using chemical mass balance principle
(Stachometric method).

C-12 , S-32 , O-16 , H-1

C + O2 --- CO2
S + O2 -- SO2
2H2 + O2 - 2H2O

100/23 [ 8/3 C + S + 8(H-O/8] --- O2 for 1 Kg of coal.

For optimum combustion excess air required is about 20 – 25% of theoretical air

55) Preservation of boilers?

Ans) Preservation of boilers is to protect the interior of heating surfaces from
It is required if the boiler is under shut down for more than 48 hours.
When the metal is oxidized then first it will form as rust and it will eat away the

Up to 50Hrs ----- 20-30 ppm

Up to 1 month ----- 50-100 ppm
More than 2 months --- 100-300 ppm
P Should be maintained above 10.
H For this ammonia may be added.
Methods of Preservation:

01) Pressure Preservation: Keep the boiler under pressure after tripping
02) Wet Preservation: Fill with DM water and Hydrazine and maintain 150-
200 ppm.
03) Dry Preservation: Before tripping, dosing hydrazine solution, which will
form the film and protects after draining.
04) Hot Preservation: After tripping, draining of boiler at hot condition.

56) About ESPs?

Ans) To remove grit and dust from FG two types of equipments are used.
01) Cyclone grit arrestor (Mechanical Collectors)
02) ESPs

01) Cyclone grit arrestor (Mechanical):

Used in stoker-fired boilers. FG is subjected to intense swirl and
dust is thrown outwards centrifugally and can be collected.
02) ESPs:
Used in pulverized fuel firing.
Collecting Electrodes: Steel sheets. +ve polarity and earthed
Emitting Electrodes: Thin wire as a helical form –ve polarity.

70 KV DC voltage is applied to these electrodes. [ 440V AC

is given to step up transformer and then rectifier to get DC 70 KV ]

High voltage induces ionization of FG molecules. +ve charge

ions travels towards emitting electrodes and –ve charge ions travels
towards collecting electrodes.
Dust is removed by rapping mechanism. Splitters and screens
are provided for distribution of gas evenly.
Collecting electrode thickness = 1.6 mm

57) Operation of Blade Pitch control in Fans?

Ans) 01) It is used in FD fans and PA fans to have smooth control over flow &
Pr. of the air. It is superior than damper and vane control.
02) Blades are operated with the servo mechanism.

01) Maximum saving in power consumption
02) Efficiency is more at partial loads
03) Cheap compared to scoop & VFD controls

58) Cleaning of air heaters during OH (Water washing)?

Ans) 01) To release RAHs for water wash FG temp. before RAH < 1000C.
02) After completion of water cleaning water PH should be
PH between --- 7 to 8
Turbidity --- < 100

After seeing the clear water you can stop water washing. Roughly it takes 12

59) Upper and Lower air dampers advantages (Wind box FF& AA)?
Ans: These dampers are provided to reduce environmental pollution free
atmosphere such as to prevent fall of acid rains due to NOX (Oxides). The air
provided in this region will dilute the NOX oxides.

60) Advantages of Economiser?

Ans) It can be called as final feed water heater. It absorbs heat from the FG and
gives heat to Feed Water as sensible heat before entering into the drum. Placed
in the second pass. Counter flow to FG.
01) Additional heating surface
02) Increased the efficiency of steam generation
03) Saving in fuel consumption.
For every 60C temp. rise in FW will result in saving of 1% fuel in the boiler.

Counter Flow: 01) Heat transfer rate is more.

02) Surface area will increase.

61) Why Economiser recirculation valve is required?

Ans) Economiser recirculation valve is required to establish feed flow through
economizer during start up condition.
It is in open condition during start up. During start ups there will not be
continuous flow through economizer.

62) Types of Air heaters? Adv. & Dis Adv. Between them?

01) Less maintenance
02) No fly ash mixing
03) No aux. power consumption
Dis Advantages:
01) Occupies more space
02) Replacement of punctured tube is difficult
03) Pr. Drop is high
04) Puncture in tube results overload of ID fans
05) Heat transfer is less

63) What is meant by Feed Check Valve (like NRV)?

Ans) It consists of two valves. Feed valve & Check valve.
If FW pr. Is > the boiler Pr. It will open.
If FW pr. Is < the boiler pr. It will close.
It will avoid allowing steam to FW lines.

64) Blow off cock?
Ans) It is fitted at the lowest part of the boiler. It’s function is to remove
periodically the sediments at the bottom of the boiler while the boiler is working
and to empty the boiler.

65) Fusible plug?

Ans) It is fitted in the crown plate of a furnace (or) a fire box.
It’s function is to extinguish the fire in the furnace of a boiler when the water
level in the boiler falls to an unsafe zone, thereby preventing the explosion.

66)Advantages of FBC over pulverized fuel firing?

FBC Pulverized fuel firing
Adv: Adv:
01) Can use solid, liquid or gaseous 01) Fee from clinker and slagging
fuel (or) mix and wastes also. troubles.
02) Capability of switching from one 02) Wide variety and low grade coals
type of fuel to another type. can burnt easily.
03) Low combustion temp prevents 03) More coal surface area for
the formation of NOX combustion
04) Saving of 10% operating cost 04) Reduces excess air for
and 15% capital cost. combustion
05) Heat transfer rate is high. Saving 05) Cold start up is easy and efficient
in 75% tube requirement
06) Can work with oil & gas
07) Fast response to load changes
Dis Adv: Dis Adv:
01) Short residence time of fuel in 01) Capital cost is more
the bed
02) Poor lateral mixing of fuel and 02) Dust separation requires ESPs
03) Ash & uncombustibles removal 03) Air pollution is high
is difficult
04) Fine grinding is not possible
05) Flame temp. are more, water
cooled water walls are required.

67) Secondary air, Aux. air & Territory air, Fuel air?
Secondary Air: It is completely utilized for combustion purpose. This air is
properly proportionated between fuel and aux. air dampers for proper
This SA before sending into the combustion chamber it should be
heated to 3000C (nearer to ignition energy of fuel). That air should be preheated
to get better combustion.

Fuel Air: The air that immediately surrounds the fuel tip (or) the air given along
with the fuel.

Aux. Air: The air given above and below the burner.

Territory Air: Territory air is the additional air supplied above the fuel tip in
perpendicular to the fuel jet for better mixing. Where SADC are not provided in
which stations air registers are there for fuel air.

Wind box: It is a secondary air chamber that properly proportionate the SA in

between fuel air & Aux. air dampers. With this wind box to furnace DP we can
maintain flame pattern and rapid mixing.

68) About Ignition energy, Ignition temp., Self ignition and support ignition?
Ans) Ignition Energy: It is the min heat energy required for combustion.
Ignition Temp.: It is the temp at which combustible substance readily burn (It
gives self sustained flame)
Self Ignition: The temp at which the fuel establishes self sustained combustion.
(We can withdraw support combustion)
More than 60% of boiler load is self ignition for the fuel available.
We can with draw the support ignition (oil).
Support Ignition: During start ups and boiler load <60% the self ignition of coal
is not sufficient to establish a self sustained combustion. Such type of
combustion requires additional ignition support. That additional ignition is called
support ignition.

69) Why recirculation is provided for BFP?

Ans) For high capacity and high speed pumps with variable flow the pump
should have min. recirculation flow to avoid churning action in the pump. The
cooling media for the pump is feed water itself so min flow should be there to
avoid churning. It may lead to the seizing of pump.

70) Why warm up is required for the pump?

Ans) Sudden starting up of BFP draws suction from deaerator which is at higher
temp. the shaft comes to heating immediately and casing takes some more time to
attain temp. So this will give a diff. expansion in between shaft and casing.
Finally it may lead to seizure of pump. So to avoid this for a stand by we provide
a warm up valve that should always be kept in open to condenser so that flow
will establish in the pump.

71) Why balance leak off line is required?

Ans) To balance the axial thrust during the loading of the pump we have to
provide a balance leak off water from last stage of the pump. So that it can arrest
the movement of the pump shaft.

72) What is boiler MCR?

Ans) Total evaporation capacity of the boiler.

73) Expansion of boiler?
Ans) Expansion of boiler should be measured in all directions during the start up
conditions and it will indicate the uniform heating of boiler.
01) At ring header
02) Above ring header and other areas.
The total boiler downward expansion is 300 mm.

74) Sampling places?

Ans) 01) Saturated steam -- Drum
02) Superheated steam -- MS Line
03) Feed water -- Economiser
04) CBD sampling -- At drum
05) Condensate sampling -- At condensate line CEP discharge to
measure PH and conductivity.

75) Height of the furnace?

Ans) About 8 mtrs. (19mt to 27 mt)

76) Types of Coal?

Ans) 01) Peat
02) Lignite
03) Bituminous -- 2400 to 6000 Kcal.
04) Anthracite coal --- about 600 Kcal.

77) Droop Characteristics?

Ans) IEGC recommended --- 3 to 6 %
3% is for large capacity TG sets
6% is for low capacity TG sets
For hydel stations below 3% (2-3%)
KTPS-V Stage --- 5%

78) About dry bottom ashing?

Ans) If we collect the bottom ash in dry state above the bottom as hopper it is
called dry bottom furnace.

If we collect the bottom as in molten liquid form it is called wet

bottom furnace.

Dry bottom furnaces are recommended for the coals containing ash fusion temp >

79) What is combustion?

Ans) It is the rapid chemical reaction of oxygen with combustible elements
present in the fuel.
General combustibles present in the coal are Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulphur.

80) For good combustion?

Ans) A complete combustion with optimum excess air will result a good
01) The colour of flame of pale orange.
02) Furnace flame temp should be design temp.
03) O2 at RH is 3%
04) Flame should not flicker.
05) Min. uncombustibles in bottom ash and fly ash.

81) Cavitation?
Ans) It is a two stage phenomena. In the first stage the bubbles will form when
the liquid reaches its saturation temp and later when it moves to higher stage prs.
It will collapse and cause pitting in the blades.
Cavaties in the liquid will overheat the tubes in furnace and finally
burn out the tubes.

82) Creeping?
Ans) When the metal is subjected to sudden heating and cooling creep (during
the sudden expansion and contraction will cause a material fatigue will be
subjected is called creep) will develop and it will develop crack on the tube.
(slow and progressive deformation)

Ans) When the top and bottom of a rotor shaft is not cooled uniformly this will
result expansion and contraction. The entire shaft will come to bowl shape is
called hogging.

84) Why O2 is measured before and after RAH?

Ans) Before advancement in instrumentation conventionally the O2 probe is
placed before RAH to measure the O2 in FG. The % of O2 gives the excess air
indication. The O2 measured before RAH will have a chance to measure the O2
due to air ingressment at economizer or peep holes. This excess O2 measurement
due to air ingressment will give a wrong idea to the operator.

But after instrumentation advancement O2 probe can be placed at high

temp zone. Which will give more accurate % of O2 after the immediate
combustion. O2 at RH (Reheater) is the most accurate measurement to put the
FD fans in auto.

The more % of O2 after RAH than the before RAH indicates that definite
air ingressment in RAH.

O2 is measured with zirconia probe.

85)Advantages of vac. Pumps over steam ejectors?

Steam ejectors:
01) No moving parts
02) No aux. power consumption
03) Thermodynamically more efficient.
Vac. Pumps:
01) It is quick to build up vac with liquid ring type
02) Maintenance free.

86) What is steam trap?

Ans) Auto discharge of formed condensate in the steam line with out any steam
loss. (Float type & bucket type)

87) Condensate polishing unit (CPU)?

Ans) In drum less boilers i.e once through boilers or super critical boilers there
is no provision for adding chemicals for water treatment. So in such cases the
total condensate will be sent through CPU. (Placed in DM plant for total removal
of solids & any minerals).

88) Why +ve charged collecting electrode is earthed?

Ans) Collecting electrode is earthed to increase the charging capacity for the
same potential.

The –vely charged emitting electrode is in helical spring shape, so that

electrons can be freely liberated from the cone point.

89) Types of mills? Why people are going for bowl mills for higher
Ans) Types of mills :
01) Bowl mill
02) Ball mill
03) Ball & race mill
04) Beater & hammer mill
Ball mills:
01) These are suitable for Indian coals.
02) The maintenance cost is more.
03) Less maintenance
04) Any fuel can be grinded
Bowl mill:
01) Less maintenance cost
02) Low noise level
03) Power consumption is less
04) Impact on furnace side disturbance is less
Dis advantages:
01) Sensitive to foreign material
02) Difficult to remove the rejects

90) Advantages and Disadvantages of indirect firing over direct firing?

Ans) Indirect firing:
01) It ensures stable firing
02) Any mill trip will not effect the load and furnace draft
Dis Adv.:
01) High Aux. consumption (Vapour fans, PC feeders)
02) High transit coal powder loss
03) Fire hazards
Direct firing:
01) Aux. consumption is less
02) Coal transit loss is very less as the coal powder directly goes to furnace
03) Less pollution.

91) Safety valves discharge capacity?

Ans) About 30% of the BMCR.

92) Why soot blowing is required? When it has to be done?

Ans) Soot blowing is required to clean the surface of the tubes to increase heat
transfer efficiency from combustion chamber to tubes.
If we observe steam temps high in SH with complete B.T in down and with
full attempration. That indicates the soot formation in the water wall zone.
Because of less heat transfer in water wall zone SH temps will rise.
FG temp leaving the boiler will increase SH metal temps on high side
indicates soot on SH side. So LRSB soot blowing is needed.
LTSH outlet tapping for soot blowing. Nearly 3000C. 30 Ksc header Pr.,
10.5 Ksc a tip with 2400C. For RAH APRDS Pr. Will take.
Load should be more than 70%.

93) Cyclone Furnaces?

Ans) These are designed in the form of double – chamber furnaces consisting of
cyclone-type prechambers and second combustion chambers. The major part of
the fuel is burned in the prechamber, while the gaseous products of incomplete
combustion are burned in the second combustion chamber. The second chambers
also serve to cool the products of combustion to the temp. at which there is no
danger of slag formation on the convective heat – transfer surfaces.

94) Material specifications?


ASTM Material Max. Temp

oxidation limit
SA 210 Gr. A1 Carbon steel 4250C
SA 209 T1 ½% Mo Steel 4800C
SA 213 T11 1% Cr, ½% Mo 5500C
SA 213 T22 2 1/4% Cr,1% Mo 5800C
SA 213 TP 304H 18% Cr,8% Ni 7000C
(Stainlees steel)
SA 213 TP 347H 18% Cr,10% Ni 7000C

SA 210 Gr. C ----- Water walls

SA 210 Gr. A1 ----- Economiser

95) Circulation ratio?

Ans) CR for utility boilers = 6 – 9
CR for industrial boilers = 8 – 30
A higher CR provides a higher thermal inertia in the system which
facilitates faster response.

96) Stoker fired boilers?

01) Spreader stoker: Utilises the combination of suspension burning and grate
burning. Coal is fed into the furnace above a burning bed of coal.
Flexibility to meet load fluctuations. In most of the industries it is
02) Chain grate or traveling grate stoker: Coal is fed into one end of a moving
steel grate. This grate moves along the length of the furnace.

97) Coal grades and calorific values?

Ans) Grades Calorific value
A - > 6200
B - 5600 – 6200
C - 4940 – 5600
D - 4200 – 4940
E - 3360 – 4200
F - 2400 – 3360
G - 1300 – 2400
Grades D,E and F are Indian coals.

Gaseous Fuels:
01) Natural Gas - 9350 Kcal/Nm3
02) Propane - 22,200 “
03) Buton - 28,500 “

98) Thermal Fatigue?

Ans) If the failure is due to thermal fatigue, hair cracks appear on the surfaces.
Due to external force directional cracking is present. Repeated thermal cycle
producing temp. and stress gradient cause such failures.

99) Creep?
Ans) Failure due to creep is caused when continued stress at temp higher in
relation to the melting point is imposed. In such failures the surfaces are
oxidized and irregular. A reduction in density of the material could also be

100) Bulging of tubes?

Ans) The bulging of tubes is the result of a condition that can well lead to violent
rupture of a tube. This will happen because of overheating. 116” of scale can
cause bulging in tubes.

101) Boiler welder certificates form No.?

Ans) Form No. XIII (13)

102) Selection of electrodes?

Ans) It is based on
01) Type of base material
02) Service condition
Base materials are :
01) Carbon and low alloy steels
02) Stainless steels
03) Austenitic Mn steels and
04) Cast iron.
Austenitic stainless steels (376) are especially used for high pressure and temp
(ASTM – A335 group)

103) Preservation of boilers (Wet lay up)?

Ans) Wet lay up:
Filling the system with DM water treated with ammonia and hydrazine and
maintained hydraulic pr. Of 5Ksc to prevent air in-leakage.
Ammonia - 10ppm
Hydrazine - 200 ppm
Solution PH – 10
With Nitrogen Pr. Of about 0.35 Ksc to prevent air in-leakage.
Up to 50 hrs -- 20 – 30 ppm
> 1 month -- 50 – 100 ppm
> 2 months -- 100 – 300 ppm



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