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© 1995, 2003 Dan Sewell Ward

I -- The Beginning
In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. Why is that?
Basic to modern astronomy and astrophysics is the idea of the beginning of all t
hings, a starting point for the cosmogony of the Universe. All religious tradit
ions, mythologies, and official party lines (be they communistic, republican and
simply ludicrous) often go along with this off-the-wall theorizing in order to
claim some measure of legitimacy. It s as if without a beginning, a tradition, a
glorious and illustrious past (filled with glorious and illustrious leaders -- u
sually male); without some definitive grounding in the past, a supplicant to the
new order (be it political, religious, scientific or whatever) might have doubt
s about one s future in said order. It's the perceived need for a connection with
the Divine or on a more mundane level, Roots -- all tied with a sense of indivi
dual and mutual destiny. It s about the essential need for legitimacy, a subject
over which politics, science and/or religion have a tendency to really get inte
nse and exorcised.
In this vein, it might be appropriate to note at the outset of these Annals ( a wr
itten account of events year by year in chronological order ) that: In the beginni
ng the author began writing these Annals of Earth based on the work of Immanuel
Velikovsky, Zecharia Sitchin, Laurence Gardner, and a host (a highly technical t
erm for a bunch) of other legitimate and semi-legitimate scholars. In this rega
rd, semi-legitimate scholars are often alluded to, quoted, and taken out-of-cont
ext because their theories are often a great deal more entertaining than those o
f legitimate scholars.
There may appear to be early on in these annals an unusual emphasis on legitimac
y. It s not clear why such an emphasis should exist, other than, perhaps, the fac
t that despite the intentional interjections of attempted humor, the information
contained herein is factual and truthful to the best of the author's knowledge.
In other words, this is not a fictional account nor a fantasy of his inclining
And while the author believes the material herein to be as accurate as currentl
y possible, it does fly in the face of much of traditional science and religious
interpretations. It definitely questions authority (or what passes for authori
ty in these chaotic times), and it often questions the so-called authorities rule
s, customs, laws , Neanderthal-based traditions and outdated paradigms.
Therefore, for the purposes ascribed to herein we will occasionally ignore the l
egitimate definitions of sanctioned by law or custom, rights of heredity, or conformi
ng to or in accordance with established rules, standards, or principles, and on t
he contrary will adhere strictly to the equally legitimate definitions of reasona
ble, logically correct, rational, isn't it blatantly obvious, and/or clearly jus
tified. The idea is that legitimacy is far less important than an accurate under
standing of one s heritage.
Furthermore, while the author does not wish in any of these writings to give off
ense, the fact of the matter is that anyone reading this may, at their discretio
n, take all the offense they can carry off the field. Offense is, after all, fr
ee for the taking. [Offense is a wonderful commodity in that regard in that con
trary to Zero Sum Games and the like, one can take offense without anyone ever t
hinking to give it. It's a wonderful example of Creating Reality -- even if it'
s a rather dismal one.]
But I digress. Which I will often do. For just as in the case of the creation
of the Heaven and the Earth, initially there is void and chaos -- like the blank
parchment prior to the pen being applied. This is not uncommon. In fact, thes
e conditions prior to order conforms to the latest theories of Chaos wherein cha
otic activity, not permanent stability, rules the universe. Being inherently un
stable itself, one can expect chaos to reign within these pages as well, but whe
re we will occasionally stumble upon isolated moments of temporary stability or
And thus it begins: A subtle, semi-serious serial, seething with socially sound,
stupendously staggering and slightly slanted subjects, including Sphinxes, Sume
rians, and similar sordid subjects. Sorry.
The Beginning
It s called the Big Bang Theory. Which is really rather silly, when you think abo
ut it. Like why Bang -- much less a Big Bang! ? Why not, for example, the first sou
nd? Like the first Ommmmmmmmm? Or the first "Ouch!" Or "What in the...?" Why,
pray tell, is our modern scientific theory for the beginning of the "local unive
rse" (defined as all that mainstream science can see and detect) about explosion
s? Can't they spell "Ommmmmmmmm"? Why get into the dramatic? There s enough drama
For example, according to Superstring Theory (one of the latest fads in Quantum
Physics and mainstream science) all matter in the universe derives from portions
of the void or vacuum (where nothing exists). In other words, the vacuum begin
s vibrating. These vibrations of the vacuum are called superstrings because scien
tists badly need to label things. (There is also the adage that "there's always
a string attached.") It also helps them to see or visualize the properties of a
vibrating vacuum which is best understood in terms of infinitesimally super-smal
l strings twisting, turning, knotting, and otherwise cavorting in the vacuum. I
t also allows one to visualize their interactions. (Clever devils, those physic
Superstrings by definition are tiny little things (i.e. smaller than a breadbox)
, on the order 10-33 cm, that is: 1 divided by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
,000,000,000. This dimension can be compared to the dimensions of an atom of 10
-8 cm, or a nucleus of 10-13 cm -- at best, a difference of twenty orders of mag
nitude. We re talking small here! We're dealing with a realm where it is necessa
ry to abandon space and time concepts, particularly a space-time theory built up
on the notion of points and/or continuity.
This also leads us (assuming you re still following) to the concept of zero-point-
energy, or for those of us who are forever looking for ways of reducing the amou
nt of typing necessary, ZPE. The ZPE can be thought of as the ether, the all-pe
rvading energy that fills the fabric of our three dimensional space. The term, z
ero-point refers to zero degrees Kelvin (absolute zero) and means that the energy
fluctuations of the ZPE are not thermal in nature. They are not just a matter
of heating things up -- in effect there is an energy source pervading our univer
se that goes beyond anything we ve known before. And it's likely hyperdimensional
All particles of matter are a coherence in the ZPE. Coherence is essentially sti
cking together, logically connected or integrated ; and is the basis of any fundam
ental particle. For example, an electron can be thought of as simply a bunch (w
e ll use the technical term here) of sticky superstrings stuck together by virtue
of being immersed in the ZPE. The theories of ZPE coherence is well established
in mainstream physics, and is supported by the theories of system self-organiza
tion from chaos, for which Ilya Prigogine won the 1977 Nobel Prize in chemistry.
[Thereafter, much of what Ilya said was styled: "I (comma) Prigogine..."]
Zero-point-energy not only pervades our universe, but is omni-directional within
it. The energy density of the ZPE is on the order of 1094 (as compared to nucl
ear energy densities of 1024). (Having recently become proficient in factors of
10, I am sure the reader will recognize that the ZPE energy density is seventy
orders of magnitude greater than that of nuclear energy -- i.e. 70 more zeroes t
o the right of the "1".)
For all extents and purposes, the amount of energy in the ZPE is infinite. Furt
hermore, while the ZPE is electromagnetic in nature, quantum theory strongly sug
gests that it does not arise from electromagnetic propagations in our three dime
nsional space. By applying the formalism of Einstein s general relativity theory
to the ZPE, Wheeler s Geometrodynamics theorizes that the zero-point-energy arises
from an orthogonal (90o angle) electric flux from a fourth (or higher) spatial
Essentially, a virtually infinite amount of energy is blowing through our three-
dimensional universe in all directions, and occasionally, some of this energy fi
nds itself, for whatever reason, cohering or self-organizing into elementary par
ticles -- which by virtue of their existence encourages other coherences, and sl
owly but surely, our universe is constructed the old fashioned way, one superstr
ing after another.
[We hesitated to get technical like this, but felt you should be aware that all
these scientific ramblings are based on mainstream science and peer-reviewed jou
rnals -- journals where other scientists check out the work of the submitting sc
ientist prior to publishing in their precious, very conservative and very author
itative publications. There s also a recurring theme in these annals, and ZPE is
part of it.]
The essence, then, of Superstring, Zero-point-energy, and System Self-organizati
on theories is that our universe -- our limited-view, three-dimensional space (a
nd one-dimensional time) frame of reference began (and exists?) from the initial,
and possibly continuing, coherence within the void of the zero-point energy. Th
is vacuum polarization (i.e. getting the vacuum or zero-point energies aligned i
n one direction) apparently stemmed from some initial action (and may, of course
, be continuing to stem from subsequent actions).
However, for our purposes of establishing The Beginning , we will consider the cohe
rence from several possible viewpoints: A Big Bang (for the explosively oriente
d scientists among us), a divinely uttered Ommmm (for the divinely inspired lay pe
rsons), a sneeze or cough of god/goddess/all-that-is (for the less traditional a
nd more fun-loving individuals), or simply the first sound, the Nada Brama -- "
The World is Sound" for those into the less dramatic qualities of a supreme bein
15 Billion (± 3 Billion) B.C.E. (Before Current Era)
God sneezed. Or went Ommmmmmmmm . Or possibly thought the first sound, and our un
iverse began. Or maybe the universe was simply restarted, having already gone t
hrough a complete cycle of universal expansion and subsequent contraction. In a
ny event, the current edition of The Perils of Pauline, Paul and all the other P
oor wretches on the planet commenced at 9:15 am (MST) on November 15th (an auspi
cious day if there ever was one), roughly 15 billion years ago. It was a Thursd
For the precision-oriented (i.e. nit-pickers) among you, the latest figure for t
he age of the universe ranges from 12 to 15 billion years. This first "wild gue
ss" is based on the observation of a galaxy or proto-galaxy some 12 billion ligh
t years away. Inasmuch as light travels at a speed of some 186,000 miles per se
cond -- which has the advantage of avoiding radar speed traps in that radar trav
els at the same speed -- it takes galactic light 12 billions years to travel the
distance from there to here. Hence, we are looking back into time at what exis
ted some 12 billion years ago. The author chose 15 ± 3 billion years, knowing tha
t he's safe at 12 billion, and figure it s just a matter of time before they find
something further away.
For those into checking out the conditions billions of years ago, check out the
Hubble Space Telescope's Deep Space Objects. Just be warned that such excursion
s can be addictive in terms of incredible beauty and random acts of sacred geome
10 Billion years later
Moving right along, our next stop is the formation of our Solar System. As you
might have suspected in the description of the creation of our universe, the det
ails of that particular creation were not based on eyewitness reports. Essentia
lly, it s all theory (theory being the term for what constitutes the current scien
tific fad, wild guess, or which provides for the all important legitimacy previo
usly mentioned). One might suspect, therefore, that any epic of creation of our
Solar System might fall into that same category. Not necessarily! We may have
an eyewitness source! No kidding!
The following descriptions are based on ancient Sumerian texts (including their
subsequent translations into other languages). And while these texts may also b
e based on ancient theories, there is reasonable cause to believe that eyewitnes
s accounts may not be totally out of the picture. (More on this later -- much l
ater, like Episode III or IV).
There is the additional factor that these ancient texts ("published" circa 3,000
to 10,000 B.C.E.) have been incredibly accurate in describing our Solar System
as it is presently constituted -- a fact we shall soon encounter. There is the
added nicety that this description existed at least 5,000 years before mainstrea
m science developed its own currently held views. It is in fact delightfully am
using that recent discoveries (within the last several decades) have required ma
instream science to modify its theories on the origins of the Solar System, and
in many cases, to align them with the original Sumerian view.
[Incidentally, ancient Sumer was the world s first civilization, located in the Ti
gris-Euphrates valley (in what is now Iraq/Kuwait), and spanning the time from a
pproximately 4,000 B.C.E. to 2,000 B.C.E. There will be a lot more on Sumer lat
er on -- probably much more than you ever really wanted to know. Meanwhile, kee
p in mind that B.C.E. stands for Before Current Era science s way of avoiding the bias
implications of Before Christ -- and c. or circa is the term to indicate an approxim
te date. Actually, virtually every date in these annals is approximate, but whe
n we reach those dates which appear reasonably accurate, we will discard the c. s
and circas. (But not the circus. Thank goodness!)]
The Epic of Creation (c. 4.6 billion years)
It all begins with the Celestial Battle , a cataclysmic event the description of wh
ich is central to the Sumerian s cosmogony, worldview and religion. It was an eve
nt to which references were continually being made in numerous Sumerian texts, h
ymns, and proverbs (just as in the Bible s books of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, et al).
It was described in detail, step by step, in the Enuma elish, a long text that
required seven tablets (keep that number, seven, in mind). The Enuma elish, wi
th a single cosmogonic premise, explains puzzles that baffle modern day astronom
ers and astrophysicists.
It begins with:
Enuma elish...
When in the heights Heaven had not been named,
And below, Earth had not been called;
Naught, but primordial APSU, their Begetter,
MUMMU, and TIAMAT -- she who bore them all.
No reed had yet been formed, no marshland had appeared.
None of the gods had yet been brought into being,
None bore a name, their destinies were undetermined.
In the Sumerian epic, APSU ( one who exists from the beginning") is another name f
or the Sun. MUMMU ( one who is born ) becomes known as the trusted emissary of Apsu
-- a possible description of the planet Mercury. TIAMAT ( maiden of life ) is an e
arly planet unknown to modern science.
Larger than the Earth, Tiamat apparently orbited the Sun at two to three times t
hat of the earth s distance from the Sun. This would place Tiamat at about the di
stance of the main bulk of the asteroid belt, between where Mars and Jupiter are
currently located. Between Tiamat and Apsu, their waters were mingled together ,
i.e., the void was filled with primordial elements of both bodies -- this situat
ion constituting a cross between chaos and the slow accumulation of matter, part
icles, and elements into ever larger bodies. At the same time, however, their de
stinies were undetermined , i.e., the orbits of the planets were not yet stable.
Their waters were mingled together...
Gods were formed in their midst:
God LAHMU and goddess LAHAMU were brought forth;
By name they were called.
LAHMU ( deity of war ) probably denotes the planet Mars while LAHAMU ( lady of battles )
represents the planet Venus. Both Mars and Venus are located between the Sun a
nd Tiamat. Their exact locations are not important in that both were probably r
oaming about in the chaotic early times.
Before they had grown in age and in stature to an appointed size --
God ANSHAR and KISHAR were formed, surpassing them.
KISHAR ( foremost of firm lands ) is the planet Jupiter. The largest of the planets
, Jupiter is indeed, foremost of the planets, the location of firm lands (as opposed
to space and the confusion of primordial matter in the Solar System). ANSHAR ( p
rince, foremost of the heavens ) is the planet Saturn, with its glorious rings orb
iting the gas giant. Both of these planets overshadowed and surpassed in size b
oth Mars and Venus. The implication is that the more inner planets had never qu
ite had the opportunity to grow to the size of the outer planets. At about the
same time, GAGA, the emissary of Anshar (Saturn) is created, probably as a satel
lite of the planet, but ultimately with a destiny of his own. Then, after a lon
g time had passed...
As lengthened the days and multiplied the years,
God ANU became their son of his ancestors a rival.
Then ANSHAR S first-born, ANU, as his equal and in his image begot EA.
ANU ( He of the heaven ) became Uranus. Anu then begot his twin and equal, EA, also
known as NUDIMMUD ( artful creator ), or what we today call the planet Neptune.
The divine brothers banded together; they disturbed TIAMAT as they surged back an
d forth.
They were troubling the belly of TIAMAT by their antics in the dwelling of heaven.
APSU could not lessen their clamor; TIAMAT was speechless at their ways.
Their doings were loathsome... Troublesome were their ways.
The new planets, Uranus and Neptune, were surging back and forth in erratic orbi
ts, often getting too close to one another, often interfering with each other.
Think of the situation as a stellar bumper car competition, with planets moving
in erratic orbits, sweeping up matter and debris from the primordial Solar Syste
m and adding it to their bulk. And in the process interfering and threatening o
ne another.
These antics of her grandkids evidently disturbed the goddess Tiamat no end. (Mot
hers are not always delighted with children underfoot.) Apparently, she who bore
them all could no longer bear them and complained to Apsu; who being just a touc
h on the side of rampant egomania, responded quickly to Tiamat s complaints. Apsu
(the Sun) announced his intention to destroy, wreck their ways . He conferred wit
h Mummu in secret, but whatever they had plotted between them: was overheard by t
he other gods -- the plot to destroy them left them speechless.
Ea, however, did not lose his wits. He devised a plot to pour sleep upon Apsu Wh
en the other celestial gods liked the plan, Ea drew a faithful map of the univers
e and cast a divine spell upon the primeval waters of the solar system.
The physical mechanism of Ea s spell is not entirely clear. The orbit of Neptune
might have affected the Sun s magnetism and thus its irradiative outpourings, or N
eptune itself, might have emitted some counter radiations of energy. In any cas
e, the physical equivalent was to quench the immense outpourings of primeval mat
ter from the Sun. In effect, Apsu was vanquished , Mummu, the Counselor, was powerl
ess to stir. In effect, Mummu was prevented from roaming about, bound and left be
hind , a lifeless planet close to the Sun. Neptune apparently stopped the process
of the Sun emitting any more of the energy and matter to create additional plan
ets, deprived the Sun of its creativity, and thereby brought temporary peace to
the Solar System. The Solar System then became known as the abode of EA . Any add
itional planets could now come only from The Deep , the far reaches of space beyond
the outermost planet (at the time), Neptune.
c. 4.1 Billion: Ah yes, from the deep space beyond Neptune: An intruder!
In the Chamber of Fates, the place of Destinies,
A god was engendered, most able and wisest of gods;
In the heart of the Deep was NIBIRU created.
Alluring was his figure, sparkling the lift of his eyes;
Lordly was his gait, commanding as of olden times...
Greatly exalted was he above the gods, exceeding throughout...
He was the loftiest of the gods, surpassing was his height;
His members were enormous, he was exceedingly tall.
When he moved his lips, fire blazed forth.
Nibiru was also, obviously enough, the first to use really good Public Relations
In the Akkadian version of the original Sumerian text and from which the Enuma e
lish is taken, the glorious intruder is referred to as MARDUK. This, however, i
s an early example of revisionist history, inasmuch as the god of Babylon at the
time of the Akkadian Empire was named Marduk. His destiny was not that of a hu
mble, self-effacing god. Marduk had had to raise hell to reach his exalted posi
tion (the story of which will be offered herein in a later missle), and was now
apparently trying to take on the glory of the original Nibiru. It s not an uncomm
on practice, even today.
[We, however, are not prone to tolerating revisionism, and (indirectly assume th
at Marduk is no longer the god to which all must demonstrate their allegiance).
Thus we will hereafter refer to the intruder planet as Nibiru. This would be i
n keeping with the bulk of the Sumerian texts.]
Nibiru, arriving from the outermost depths of interstellar space, did not posses
s a pedigree of which we are aware. There is no evidence in the Sumerian record
s from whence this planet came, or the circumstances of its birth. (We re not eve
n sure Nibiru was legitimate!) But as a new-born planet on his arrival in our e
nvirons, belching fire and flashing radiation all about (on the make, so to spea
k), legitimacy was probably not the initial nor even the primary concern. Peace
and stability were threatened. Worse yet, Nibiru was unique in that it was tra
veling in a retrograde motion, i.e., in an opposite direction from all the other
planets of the Solar System. This is akin to entering an eight lane (in one di
rection) freeway in the wrong direction! There is, admittedly, a fair amount of
space with which to dodge the on-coming traffic, but it s a fair bet that there w
ill be a reasonable amount of excitement generated nonetheless.
For this reason, if for no other, as Nibiru neared the other planets, they heaped
upon him their awesome flashes , and he shone brightly clothed with the halo of te
n gods. In effect, Nibiru s approach stirred up electromagnetic emissions from the
various planets and Sun. Nibiru first passed by the planet that begot him, that
pulled him into the Solar System, the planet Ea/Neptune. It was Neptune s gravita
tional attraction that rounded out Nibiru s path, making it good for its purpose .
Nibiru was in a very plastic stage at this time, apparently early in its cosmogo
ny. The gravitational attraction of Neptune caused the side of Nibiru to bulge,
as though he had a second head . There is the distinct possibility Neptune s larges
t moon, Triton, being created at this point. This is suggested by the fact that
Triton also has a retrograde motion in contradistinction to virtually all of th
e other satellites of all of the other planets in the Solar System. By the time
Nibiru reached the vicinity of Anu/Uranus, chunks of matter began to tear away
from the intruding planet (the same sort of process that may have created Triton
). The result was the formation of at least four satellites of Nibiru:
Anu brought forth and fashioned the four sides,
Consigned their power to the leader of the host.
Called winds , these four sides were thrust into a fast orbit around Nibiru, swirling
like a whirlwind . At the same time, Uranus may have taken a massive hit , flipping
its axis of rotation on its side, while one of its moons, Miranda, may still sho
w the scars of the encounter. In addition, some of the satellites of Uranus may
have been fashioned at this time.
Moving right along, Nibiru was then affected by the gravitational and magnetic f
orces of the larger planets, Saturn and Jupiter. The rendezvous with Saturn was
particularly fateful, for it was here that Nibiru kissed Anshar s lips (a descripti
on, incidentally, vastly superior to a modern science estimation of the number o
f megatons of TNT detonated by a celestial collision). The result was that the
Nibiru-Saturn encounter changed the destiny of Nibiru (i.e. determined its orbit a
bout the Sun).
[It might be noted, parenthetically, that it s not necessary to the theory for Nib
iru, after encountering Neptune, to have then proceeded directly to its rendezvo
us with Uranus. It may very well have been that Nibiru, on the fast track caused
by its new orbit about the Sun (the result of the encounter with Neptune) intera
cted with Uranus on a subsequent orbit. The orbital period of Nibiru, as we wil
l eventually learn, is estimated at 3,600 years -- a very long orbital period fo
r our Solar System, but when taken in context of possibly millions of years for
Nibiru to make the rounds , quickly fades in comparison.]
[Similarly, the subsequent encounters with other members of the Solar System may
have occurred in yet later (or even earlier) orbits. It would appear, therefor
e, that the Sumerian version, lacking the eyewitness vantage at the time of the
events, was not willing to venture a guess as to the exact sequencing of all of
the events -- BUT, that in the true spirit of literary license, arranged the eve
nts in a sequence appropriate to a dramatic unfolding! On the other hand (a com
mon occurrence in these annals), the encounter with Saturn the first time around
may have been critical to the creation of a solar-oriented orbit for Nibiru. F
urthermore, the harmonic connections between the planets of the Solar System (a
subject to be held in suspense until the second part of our series) might sugges
t at least the possibility of the sequencing described by the Enuma elish. And
if you're not into suspense, see The Harmony of the Spheres.]
Meanwhile, back in the environs of Saturn, the brief affair between Anshar and N
ibiru moved Gaga (formerly attached to Saturn) in the direction of Mars and Venu
s, into the inner circles of the Solar System, and in a new orbit considerably mor
e eccentric (inclined to the plane of the Elliptic) and considerably more ellipt
ical than circular. This extremely elliptical orbit subsequently resulted in Ga
ga sweeping out as far (or further) than Neptune, until at one point in the futu
re, Uranus and Neptune addressed it and fashioned its current orbit into that of t
he planet Pluto. Pluto, originally a satellite of Saturn, thus became a planet.
[This contradicts mainstream astronomy s guess that Pluto was an escaped moon of N
eptune. However, Pluto may also have spent some time interacting with Neptune,
and thus it's life path is only indicated by the last phase of its journey.]
Finally, the encounters with Saturn and Jupiter also bent Nibiru s path even more
inward, into the Solar System, toward Tiamat, and in the process, disturbed all
of the inner planets.
He produced streams, disturbed Tiamat; the gods were not at rest, carried as in a
The gravitational pull of Nibiru began to tear away parts of Tiamat. From her m
idst there emerged eleven monsters , a growling, raging throng of satellites who separ
ated themselves from her body and marched at her side. As if preparing herself t
o meet the onrushing intruder, Tiamat crowned them with halos (planetary electroma
gnetic fields), giving them the appearance of gods (i.e. planets). Whether or n
ot the throng was created on the first pass of Nibiru to Tiamat and thereafter t
he two planets commenced to do battle on a subsequent pass, or whether the celestia
l battle began in the midst of their first meeting, is not clear from the texts.
But once engaged, the celestial battle had begun:
She has set up an Assembly and is furious with rage...
Withall, eleven of this kind she brought forth....
They thronged and marched at the side of Tiamat;
Enraged, they plot ceaselessly day and night.
They are set for combat, fuming and raging;
They have assembled, prepared for conflict.
Of particular note was Tiamat s chief satellite, KINGU ( great emissary ).
From among the gods who formed her host, her first-born, KINGU, she elevated; in
their midst she made him great.
To be head of her ranks, to command her host, to raise weapons for the encounter
, to be in the lead for combat, in the battle to be the commander --
These to the hand of KINGU she entrusted, as she caused him to be in her host,
I have cast a spell for thee, she said to him; I have made thee great in the assemb
ly of the gods;
Dominion over the gods I have given unto thee,
Verily, thou art supreme!
Subjected to the gravitational pull of Nibiru, Kingu evidently began to shift aw
ay from Tiamat, the end result of which could be an independent orbit for Kingu.
It was this granting to Kingu of a Tablet of Destinies -- a planetary path of hi
s own -- that especially upset the outer planets/gods. Ea was the first to ask,
Who had granted Tiamat the right to bring forth new planets? He took the problem
to Anshar, the giant Saturn. All that Tiamat had plotted, to him Ea repeated:
...she has set up an Assembly and is furious with rage...
She had added matchless weapons, has borne monster-gods...
Withal eleven of this kind she has brought forth;
From among the gods who formed her Assembly,
She has elevated KINGU, her first-born, made him chief...
She has given him a Tablet of Destinies, fastened it on his breast.
Unfortunately, none of the other planets were eager to take on Tiamat. Except,
of course, Nibiru (whom the others quickly labeled as their Avenger ). And natural
ly, there was a price to pay!
If I, indeed, as your Avenger am to vanquish Tiamat, save your lives --
Convene an Assembly to proclaim my Destiny supreme!
Nibiru was thus granted his destiny , a relatively fixed orbit about the Sun, and w
as to be supreme among all the celestial gods. In the process, Gaga (ultimately
to become Pluto) was loosened from his orbit about Anshar/Saturn and allowed to
visit all the other planets in the course of its strongly elliptical orbit. An
shar gave Gaga his marching orders:
Anshar opened his mouth, to GAGA, his Counselor, a word he addressed...
Be on they way, GAGA, take the stand before the gods, and that which I shall tell
thee, repeat thou unto them.
Passing by the other gods/planets, Gaga urged them to fix your decrees for Nibiru .
This was apparently a successful venture, because as the Avenger passed by Jup
iter and Saturn and subject to their tremendous gravitational pull, Nibiru brough
t forth three more satellites -- Evil Wind, Whirl Wind, and Matchless Wind -- to ad
d to his existing arsenal of the four Winds .
The Lord [NIBIRU] went forth, followed his course;
Towards the raging TIAMAT he set his face...
The Lord approached to scan the innerside of TIAMAT --
The scheme of KINGU, her consort, to perceive.
As he [NIBIRU] looks on, his course becomes upset,
His direction is distracted, his goings are confused.
When the gods, his helpers, who were marching at his side,
Saw the valiant KINGU, blurred became their vision.
TIAMAT emitted a roar... the Lord raised the flooding storm.
TIAMAT and NIBIRU, the wisest of gods, advanced against one another;
They pressed on to single combat, they approached for battle.
The Lord spread out his net to enfold her;
The Evil Wind, the rearmost, he unleashed at her face.
As she opened her mouth, TIAMAT, to devour him --
He drove in the Evil Wind so that she closed not her lips.
The fierce storm Winds then charged her belly;
Her body became distended; her mouth had opened wide.
He shot there through an arrow, it tore her belly; it cut through her insides, t
ore into her womb.
Having thus subdued her, her life-breath he extinguished.
After he had slain TIAMAT, the leader, her band was shattered,
Her host broken up, the gods, her helpers who marched at her side,
Trembling with fear, turned their backs about so as to save and preserve their l
The Basic Idea
Consider the ramifications of all of this. A young and still unstable Solar Sys
tem, made up of the Sun and eight planets, was invaded some 4 billions years ago
by a large planet from outer space. The intruder approached as a comet, but in
a retrograde motion, opposite to all of the members of the Solar System. Influ
enced by the gravitational attraction of the outermost planet, Neptune, the intr
uder is brought into the Solar System, making a close approach and leaving its m
ark on the outer planet. Eventually, this planet, Nibiru, passes by Uranus, Sa
turn and Jupiter, in each case interacting strongly, creating seven satellites,
and having its orbit altered toward the inner Solar System, on a collision cours
e with Tiamat.
Of particular importance, however, is the fact that Nibiru and Tiamat do not col
lide! It was Nibiru s satellites that crashed into Tiamat. The collisions disten
ded the body of Tiamat, making a wide cleavage (but not the kind of cleavage for
which many females yearn), and then with an immense bolt of electricity from th
e energy-charged Nibiru, Tiamat s own electric and magnetic fields were neutralize
d ( extinguished her life-breath ).
This first encounter with Tiamat left her fissured and lifeless, but her fate, a
s well as Kingu s, was still to be determined. The fate, however, of her other te
n, smaller satellites was determined at once. Their shattered remains were turn
ed into comets orbiting in wildly eccentric orbits, in diverse planes (as opposed
to the planar nature of the Solar System s planets), and because of Nibiru s retrogr
ade motion, in their own retrograde motion ( Trembling with fear, they turned thei
r backs about ).
The battle also resulted in Nibiru taking from Kingu his Tablet of Destinies (King
u s potentially independent orbit) and attaching it to his own -- Nibiru s orbit bei
ng bent into a permanent solar orbit, albeit an extremely elliptical orbit. Hav
ing vanguished Tiamat, Nibiru continued on past the Sun, past the outer planets, a
nd after along time, returned to strengthen his hold on the vanquished gods, Tiama
t and Kingu.
Having now completed his first-ever orbit around the Sun, Nibiru...
...then returned to TIAMAT, whom he had subdued.
The Lord paused to view her lifeless body.
To divide the monster he then artfully planned.
Then, as a mussel, he split her into two parts.
The Lord trod upon Tiamat s hinder part;
With his weapon the connected skull he cut loose;
He severed the channels of her blood;
And caused the North Wind to bear it to places that have been unknown.
It s time for the Birthday Girl, Earth!
The second collision between Nibiru and Tiamat, splits Tiamat into two pieces.
Another of Nibiru s satellites crashes into one of the separated parts, Tiamat s sku
ll, cuts it loose and then escorted by his North Wind to a new orbit -- one that w
ould eventually orbit the Sun at an average distance of some 93 million miles --
creates the Earth and its own Tablet of Destinies ! Better yet, the newest planet
was even given a head start . (Yes, yes, I know -- unforgivable!) Meanwhile, the
lower half of Tiamat had another fate: On a subsequent orbit, Nibiru himself h
its it, smashing it into pieces, thus creating the asteroid belt:
The [other] half of her he set up as a screen for the skies:
Locking them together, as watchmen he stationed them...
He bent Tiamat s tail to form the Great Band as a bracelet.
The dismembering of Tiamat created, according to the Sumerian texts, the Heaven a
nd Earth. Furthermore, after Nibiru s North Wind had pushed Earth to its new celes
tial location, Earth acquired its own orbit around the Sun (resulting in our sea
sons) and received its axial rotation (giving us night and day). The Sumerian t
exts also claim that after Nibiru had created the Earth, he alloted [to Earth] th
e days of the Sun, and established the precincts of day and night.
In chronological order, the Sumerian texts continue with the shaping of the Eart
h. At first it is consumed with gushing lava (Tiamat s spittle ); then with the form
ation of the atmosphere, the oceans of Earth, and the continents. After the clou
d waters were gathered , the oceans began to form and the foundations of Earth -- it
s continents -- were raised. As the making of cold -- a cooling off -- took place
, rain and mist appeared. Meanwhile, the spittle continued to pour forth, laying i
n layers , shaping Earth s topography.
Putting TIAMAT s head [Earth] into position,
He raised the mountains thereon.
He opened the springs, the torrents to draw off.
Through her eyes he released the Tigris and Euphrates.
From her teats he formed the lofty mountains,
Drilled springs for wells, the water to carry off.
Nibiru is also credited with having made the divine Moon appear... designated him
to mark the night, define the days every month. The Moon thus became the celesti
al god who protects Earth and resides within her heavenly pressure [gravitational
field]. In effect this is a transformed Kingu, which the Epic of Creation specif
ically excluded from the host of Tiamat that was shattered and scattered and put i
nto reverse motion around the Sun as comets. Then after Nibiru had completed hi
s first orbit and returned to the scene of the battle, he decreed Kingu s separate
And Kingu, who had become chief among them,
He made shrink;
As god DUG.GA.E he counted him.
He took from him the Tablet of Destinies, not rightfully his.
Kingu remained a god -- a planetary member of the Solar System, but without an orb
it of his own. (Hey! He backed the wrong horse.! Still, Nibiru let him keep h
is job of protector , only for Earth instead of Tiamat. But Kingu had another pric
e to pay.
In the midst of the celestial battle, Kingu had been stripped of his vital element
s: atmosphere and waters. Kingu had also been shrunk in size and transformed in
to a celestial duggae, a mass of lifeless clay . This description of our Moon pret
ty well correlates with what we now know of the Moon s characteristics and history
. It also explains NASA s findings regarding a huge collision, when celestial bodi
es the size of large cities came crashing into the Moon.
The battle over, the results glorious and appropriately lauded, the victorious N
ibiru then took a quick victory lap around the solar track. Nibiru crossed the h
eavens and surveyed the regions. This time his attention focused on the dwelling
of Ea/Neptune, to fix a final destiny for Gaga, the former satellite of Anshar/Sat
urn who had been doing all the shuttle diplomacy between the planets, acting as emi
ssary of Saturn. In one of his final acts (at least as far as the Epic of Creati
on is concerned), the planet Nibiru assigned the celestial god, Gaga, to a hidden
place , a hitherto unknown orbit facing the deep (outer space). Appropriately, Gag
a also got his gold watch, as Nibiru entrusted to him the counsellorship of the W
atery Deep. Sounds like an impressive title, but it also sounds a bit like being
given the job of Royal Commander of All You Survey and then posted to northern Gr
eenland. A name change was also appropriate, and Gaga became US.MI ( one who show
s the way ), also known as our outermost (at least most of the time) planet, Pluto
[Please note that I have refrained from commenting on the name, US.MI.]
Our Solar System had now reached its present state, a grand composition of twelv
e major (from the viewpoint of Earth) celestial bodies. These included Sun, Mer
cury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Nib
iru -- with the asteroid belt located predominantly between the orbits of Mars a
nd Jupiter. And of course, each celestial body had a ruling god as its counterp
If you ve ever wondered why the number twelve shows up so much in our lives (12 mo
nths, 12 tribes, 12 jurors, etcetera), now you know.
Stay Tuned!
It s been an incredible saga thus far -- full of sound, fury, celestial battles, b
lood, guts, and so forth. It s also been an elaborate description of the formatio
n of our solar system, far surpassing the current theories of mainstream cosmogo
ny. The really big question, however, is whether or not any of the above is tru
e! I.e....
Did Nibiru really use his rearmost satellite to smack Tiamat in the mouth?
Was there something going on between Tiamat and Kingu that enraged Nibiru?
Are these Sumerian texts worth the clay upon which they are impressed?
What does our biblical authorities have to say about all this?
Will Nibiru be making a return visit anytime soon?

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