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Test 3 answer key with extra explanations

Part 1
Questions 1–7

1 The correct answer is C: The man says ‘I did manage to stop (stopped) at the bookshop and
get a novel I wanted’. A is incorrect. The man says ‘I … went off to do something at the bank.
But it had closed by the time I got there, so I couldn’t do that’. B is incorrect. The man says
‘There was a huge queue (at the clothes shop) though, so I decided to go back later’. The man
also says ‘The queue at the clothes shop was still no better, so I’ll try tomorrow’.

2 The correct answer is A: The woman says ‘There was a storm, so all flights were delayed
for hours’. She also says ‘The journey went pretty quickly after we’d taken off’ and ‘take off’ is
used for planes, not buses or trains. B is incorrect. The woman says ‘getting around the city by
bus was so easy’. In other words, she only travelled by bus during her trip. C is incorrect. The
woman says ‘the trains were affected (by the storm) too’, so she didn’t travel by train.

3 The correct answer is A: The woman says ‘the woolly hat (which the photographer suggested)
reminded me of the type my grandmother used to knit for me. So even though it was a sunny day,
I thought it looked great’. She also says ‘it … went with (matched) my dress’. B is incorrect. The
woman only mentions baseball caps as one of ‘loads (of hats) to choose from’. C is incorrect.
The woman only mentions sun hats as one of ‘loads (of hats) to choose from’.

4 The correct answer is C: The man says ‘I think I left it (driving licence) on the bedside
table in my (hotel) room’. A is incorrect. The man says ‘when I got to check-in at the airport,
I realised I didn’t have my driving licence with me’. This means he had left it somewhere else.
B is incorrect. The man says ‘No-one’s answering the phone at the hotel reception’, not that
he had left his driving licence there.

5 The correct answer is A: The man says ‘the walk we’re doing is up the cliff path’. B is incorrect.
The woman thinks they’re ‘only walking along the beach’, but ‘Rick changed the arrangements’.
C is incorrect. The man says ‘My walking boots are still wet from the forest walk we did the other
day’. He refers to another walk in the past.

6 The correct answer is C: The woman says ‘I think it (one of your tyres) needs more air, so I’ll
stop and put some in on the way home’. A is incorrect. The woman says ‘I think I’ll have to clean
mine (her own car, not her friend Michael’s car)’. B is incorrect. The woman says ‘it (Michael’s
car) doesn’t use as much petrol (as hers)’, but she doesn’t say she will put petrol in the car.

7 The correct answer is B: The woman says ‘I was going to have the omelette with salad. Then
I smelt the chicken and decided to go for (choose) that’. A is incorrect. The woman says ‘Well, I know
you recommended the fish, but they’d run out (no fish left)’, so she couldn’t order it. C is incorrect.
The woman says ‘I was going to have the omelette with salad’, but she changed her mind.
Part 2
Questions 8–13

8 The correct answer is A: The woman says the dress ‘looked blue, but it’s actually grey, which
doesn’t match my shoes’. B is incorrect. The woman says ‘there’s nothing wrong with it’. She
says ‘I did once take something else back to that shop because it had a hole in it’, but this
happened in the past. C is incorrect. The woman says ‘I put it (the dress) on at home and the
fit wasn’t a problem’.

9 The correct answer is A: The man says ‘There aren’t enough people around if you have
questions. The reception desk was empty when I looked’. The woman says ‘It was the same
when I was there. I wanted someone to show me how to use one of the exercise machines’.
B is incorrect. Neither the man nor the woman says the sports centre needs better equipment.
C is incorrect. The friends don’t agree about the changing rooms. The man says ‘They need
more space’, but the woman says ‘I think they’re quite large’.

10 The correct answer is B: The woman says ‘A friend’s staying in a room here … and I’ve come
to see her’. A is incorrect. The woman says ‘Can you tell me which room she’s (her friend’s) in’.
Booking a room is not mentioned. C is incorrect. The woman says ‘Well, that’s not very helpful.
What can you do?’ But this isn’t a complaint.

11 The correct answer is B: The man says ‘It was great to have such fantastic views of the
lakes and mountains, instead of racing around on skis’. A is incorrect. The man says ‘I was glad
I’d had some sessions with a ski instructor at that indoor centre before I went’. So he had skiing
lessons before he went on holiday. C is incorrect. The man says ‘I actually went hiking a lot
rather than skiing with them (his friends) though’. In other words, he didn’t spend much time with
his friends.

12 The correct answer is A: The woman says ‘Why not set up a group who get together and play
at weekends?’ The man says ‘That’s not a bad idea … I’ll try your suggestion’. B is incorrect. The
man says ‘I was beginning to think I ought to try an easier instrument,’ but he decides to set up a
group first. C is incorrect. The woman asks ‘Do you have a daily practice routine?’ But the man
replies ‘Do you think that’s the answer?’ In other words, he isn’t sure that playing every day will
help him play well.

13 The correct answer is C: The man says ‘it was obvious to me what was going to happen
quite early on’. A is incorrect. The man says ‘I laughed quite a lot’. B is incorrect. The man
doesn’t know if the film won a prize: ‘Like (winning) a prize? I’ll have to look at the reviews and
see whether that’s true’.

B1 Preliminary 2, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 2

Part 3
Questions 14–19

14 The correct answer is ‘moon’: The woman says ‘We’re hoping that the topic we’ve chosen
this time – the moon – is popular’. ‘The sea’ is incorrect. It was a topic used in the past: ‘In
previous years, songs have been about particular topics – for example, the sea’. ‘The sky’ is
incorrect. Looking at the sky was only suggested to give writers ideas: ‘Just look up at the sky
and you’re sure to have some ideas’.

15 The correct answer is ‘210 seconds’ or ’210 secs’: The woman says ‘we’ve increased the
maximum length to 210 seconds this year’. ‘120 seconds’ and ‘180 seconds’ are incorrect.
The woman says ‘Most popular songs last … between 120 and 180 seconds’. This doesn’t
mean that the songs in the competition can’t be longer than 120 or 180 seconds.

16 The correct answer is ‘poet’: The woman says ‘a very well-known (famous) poet has agreed
to help us (to judge)’. ‘Singer’ is incorrect. The woman says ‘We originally booked the amazing
singer Anton Mitchell … but unfortunately he’s had to cancel’.

17 The correct answer is ‘studio’ or ‘music studio’: The woman says ‘If you’re lucky enough
to come first (be the winner), you’ll spend a day in a studio. There you’ll watch musicians making
a recording of your song’. ‘Concert ticket’ is incorrect. This is the prize for coming second:
‘The person in second place will win tickets to a concert’.

18 The correct answer is ‘13(th) October’ or ‘13(th) Oct’: The woman says ‘Your completed song
should reach us, at the latest (the closing date), by the thirteenth of October’. ‘1(st) November’ is
incorrect. That is when the winner will be announced. ‘12(th) November’ is incorrect. That is the
date of a special event where the winning songs will be performed.

19 The correct answer is ‘delhar’: The woman says ‘You need to send it to Andrea Delhar, and
her email address is Delhar at songwriters dot net. I’ll spell that for you … it’s D-E-L-H-A-R at
songwriters dot net’. The word must be spelt correctly.

B1 Preliminary 2, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 3

Part 4
Questions 20–25

20 The correct answer is B: Alexis says ‘a modern-day explorer … came to my school and told
us about the places she’d been to. I knew then I wanted to do what she did’. A is incorrect.
He mentions ‘a really popular book’, but he doesn’t say he read it. C is incorrect. He says
‘My father loved stories about explorers from the past, so we often watched documentaries on
TV about them, but I soon got bored because it’d all happened so long ago’.

21 The correct answer is A: Alexis says ‘I just couldn’t imagine what a day in the life of an
explorer would be like’. B is incorrect. He says ‘Some of the places I was planning to visit
weren’t very safe, but that excited me rather than making me feel scared’. C is incorrect.
He says ‘I’d spent a few years studying in New Zealand, thousands of miles from my family,
so I was used to being away’.

22 The correct answer is B: Alexis says ‘I could easily record these rare species and show the
films to science experts when I got home’. A is incorrect. He didn’t get paid in the beginning.
He says ‘I was surprised when TV companies wanted to buy them (his films), but this helped pay
for other trips’. C is incorrect. He says ‘I’d already learned about film making at university’,
so before he went on expeditions.

23 The correct answer is C: Alexis says ‘if I had to choose one (thing I enjoy), it’d be getting
to know members of the local population’. A is incorrect. He says ‘Seeing the incredible
geography and the environment where they (local population) live comes a close second,
though’. B is incorrect. He says ‘The weather can be a problem as well as a pleasure, so that’s
not usually top of my list’. In other words, it isn’t his favourite thing.

24 The correct answer is B: Alexis says ‘This time (latest expedition), though, I spent four months
at sea on a tiny boat, travelling from America to Australia’. A is incorrect. He says ‘After walking
alone across the world’s largest desert, that (four months at sea) felt very different’. C is incorrect.
He says ‘up till then (four months at sea), I’d always explored places on land, from rainforests to
the world’s highest mountains’.

25 The correct answer is B: Alexis says ‘I’ve spent so long abroad that I haven’t had time to
see much of where I’m from (his home country), so that’s my next project’. A is incorrect. He
says ‘I love what I do though, so it would feel wrong to start thinking about any other kind of
career (a different profession)’. C is incorrect. He says ‘I’m not a person who likes going back
(returning) somewhere I’ve already explored’.

B1 Preliminary 2, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 4

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