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Task 1- Written

*Explain the effects of hearing impairment on intellectual, social and emotional


Hearing impairment or disability in hearing can affect the daily life of

individuality. Children with hearing impairment are mostly they find that
learning is really difficult most especially in socializing and adopting towards
their environment and this condition wether permanent or fluctuating, that
adversely affects a child's educational performance, their social interaction and
lastly it can result to low self-esteem and lack of self confidence of the child.

Hearing impairment affects the intellectual development of the children, they

can't fully function in the learning setting interms of expressing their thoughts
and ideas it was very difficult to their part during class discussion, class
activities and etc. because of this disorder that is widely known. They can't
communicate well, understand the words that is being said while they are in
the crowded and noisy place. They can receive and enjoy but fewer job
opportunities due to impaired communication and it affects personal and work
life. We all know that hearing is one of our senses that we use to acquire
knowledge and if this senses which is the sense of hearing is not present in the
child their capability to grow and to achieve the greatest possible for their lives
will be affected same as to their social development, because of this disorder
the ability of the child to interact in his or her environment will be affected
throughout to his or her intire life. And lastly, their emotional development.
Many people with hearing loss experience a low self-esteem and confidence
because of their impaired ability to communicate with other people. It would
limit their capabilty to learn, to speak a new language.
Task 2 - Written

Students with Hearing Impairment

Summary of Education Placement Summary of Assessment Procedures

There were School placements designed for children Hearing impairment is a serious matter of disability.
who have hearing impairments that includes the Thus, assessment procedures needed such as;
following  PHYSICAL EXAM it is done to a doctor who
 MAINSTREAM CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION a look into your ear to find possible causes of
children who have hearing impairments are hearing loss, that includes earwax or
thought by special education teachers along inflammation from an infection.
with who are normal hearing.  GENERAL SCREENING TEST this is also done
 RESOURCE ROOM INSTUCTION in some by a doctor who use whisper test, asking to
schools, there were resource rooms for cover one ear at a time to see how well you
children who have challenges in hearing and hear a word spoken at various volumes and
other disability. It is provided to assist the you respond to other sounds.
students. Resource teachers need to know  APP- BASED HEARING TEST it is done
that the needs of children who are hard of through using mobile apps available that can
hearing are different to those who have use to screen for moderate hearing loss.
other special challenges.  TURNING FORK TEST this is also done and
 SELF - CONTAINED CLASSROOM use by a doctor to detect a hearing loss. A
INSTRUCTION some public school , especially tuning forks are two-pronged, metal
in urban areas offer self-contained classes for instrument that produce sounds when
children who need special teaching. It use struck. This can reveal where in your ear the
variety of communication methods, to damage that occur.
provide the needs of children.  AUDIOMETER TEST it is conducted by an
 DAY SCHOOL day school for children who are audiologist were wearing am earphones and
hard of hearing are different than public hear sounds and words directed to each
school programs because they usually in other. Each tone is repeated at first levels to
separate buildings. Day schools use a variety find the quitest sound you can hear.
of communication methods like oral, total
communication, bilingual/ bicultural, or
auditory/ verbal. It specialized also in the
development of listening and spoken
 RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM program for hard of
hearing serve students who are in need
special programs, but live too far away to go
home each afternoon. Residential school
focus in developing spoken language, written
english language and american sign language,
use of speech, manual form of english and
any other way of communication useful to a

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