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Complete the story, writing the correct tense

Notes and form of the verbs between brackets

The Past Perfect Tense

A Rainforest Adventure
Last summer, four friends – Tom, Jack, Sally and
Affirmative: subject + had + past participle
Samantha - ............................... 1 (travel) with their
I had finished my homework when she arrived.
families to the Amazon rainforest on holiday. The
Negative: subject + hadn’t + past participle. teenagers ................................................. 2(not be
She was hungry because she hadn’t had lunch.
supposed) to walk through the forest on their own
Interrogative: Had + subject + past participle
Had she studied French before she went to but they ........................................ 3 ( not resist)
Paris ? having a rainforest adventure!

They ...................................4(set) off early in the
We use the Past Perfect to express: morning with a pair of binoculars, a matchbox, a
camera, a torch, some sandwiches and some water
1 Something that had happened before
in their rucksacks. At the last minute, Sally and
something else took place.
When I got home, he had already left. Samantha ...................... 5
(decide) not to go,
because they ............................... (think) they’d get

(* we use the Past Simple in the second action ).

too tired.
2 A past situation with a hypothetical
result (Conditional 3). Tom ......................................... 7
(take) landscape
If I had known you were coming, I
I would have made a cake. photos while Jack .......... ........................... 8(try) to
observe the birds and animals with his binoculars.
3. We often use by the time, when, before,
Under a huge old tree, they ................... 9(find) a
after, as soon as to make sentences with the
Past Simple and the Past Perfect. canoe that ................................................... 10
be) there for a long time because it was covered
Past Simple
with a heap of dry branches and leaves. The boys
Use the past simple to talk about activities ............................. 11
(have) so much fun that
which took place at a specified time in the past they ............................................................... 12(complet
(the time may be clear or implied in the
ely forget) to mark their way on the map.
Did you meet him last week? They ............................... 13
(see) so many beautiful
I saw your sister at the party two weeks ago. birds and noisy monkeys leaping from branch to
. We didn’t know the answer to question n.2.
branch, they ...................................14(hear) such
Past Continuous strange sounds as they ....................................... 15

(walk) through the forest!

Use the Past Continuous
They ................................................ 16
1 for a longer action in the past experience) anything like that before. At about
They were travelling around the world for
midday, the boys ........................ 17
(be) hungry and
most of the year in 2010.
thirsty. That was when they....................................
2 actions that were in progress when another 18
(remember) that the
action was completed.
girls ............................... (put) the sandwiches in
They were staying at a five star hotel when
they threw the fruit pies at one another. their rucksacks.

Now, with no mobile phones and without

anything to eat, what would they do?
Part 2 Part 3

Tom and Jack ................................ The woman .........................40 (go) out and
(continue) walking but they ................ soon ..................... 41
(come) back with some fruit
( be) tired and worried. and sweets. She .................. 42
(put) an oil lamp
Jack ..................... 22
(do) what he could on a small table and .......................... 43
to show optimism. ‘ Look! If we take them some coconut water. The boys ................ 44
that track, we’ll get back in no time! (be) too tired. They ...................... 45
(fall) asleep
It’s a shortcut to the village′, he said. and ................... 46
(wake) up when the
sun ............. ...................... (rise).
Time ............................. 23
(go) by and cock .....................................
the boys .......................... 24
(not know) (crow) as the nice old couple ................... 49

what to do. It ............................... 25

(walk) to the spot where the
(get) darker and darker and they still boys .............................. 50
(see) an old wooden
couldn’t see the lights of the village. boat the day before. The boys and the old
′Don’t you think we should camp under couple .............................. 51
that tree and wait till dawn to go on? ′, it, ............................... 52
(raise) it above their
Tom asked. ′I think you’re right, Tom’, heads and ............................. 53
(carry) it to the
Jack answered. ′If we .......................... river. Then, they .......................... 54
(row) down
(help) the girls pack our things, we the winding river. Half an hour later, the
wouldn’t have ended up starving in the boys ................................55(arrive) at the
forest′, he added. boatyard where their
families ............................................. 56
(wait) for
Although they ................................. 27
(not them. ′Thank goodness, you’re safe!′, Jack’s
talk) about their fears, they ............. father ........................... 57
(shout) as the
(be) totally confused. While boat .................................. 58
(get) near the shore.
they ..................................... ......................... ′And thank you for helping our boys′, their
............. (prepare) to lie down under a
mothers said to the old couple. They
big tree and spend the night in the simply................................ (smile) and .....................

darkness of the forest, Tom .................. (wave) at the people around them
(see) lights twinkling in a small
wooden house built on stilts by the
river. The boys ..................... 31
(look) at
each other and ........................... 32
to run down the path. Before long,
they ...................... ......................33(knock
) at the little house door. An old couple
(answer) it, ...........................35 (smile)
at them, but they couldn’t understand
their language. Even so, they must have
understood that they
boys ............................... 36
( get) lost in
the forest. So
they ..................................37 (invite) them
to go in with a wave and a smile. The
old lady ................................... 38
(open) a
room door and .................. (show) them 39

some mats where they could sit.

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