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What I have learned?

I learned about philosophy and its main concern is determining the concept of truth. In philosophy,
systematic doubt is employed to help determine the truth. This means that every statement, claim,
evidence and experience is scrutinized and analyzed. Through the use of one’s senses, one’s
perspective can be justified or proven. Also, consensus is another way of determining the truth.
Opinions does not only give facts but also provide conclusions or point of view regarding certain
situations. Bias or personal views of a person can affect the way he or she sees reality.

What I can do?

The current issue I selected in our society today is about the issue in politics wherein there is an
upcoming election on 2022. Many senators, leaders and even cabinet members declared their run
for presidency and other positions in the government. I can apply method of philosophizing in
determining the truth by always seeking for the truth in every words of politician’s campaign. We
should always check their background information because this reflects their personality if they were
to become the leader of our country. Also, electing a good and well-mannered leader or official is
crucial and is a must especially these trying times that we are facing a dilemma which is the covid-19
pandemic. We must vote wisely. And we should not only look for words but instead, we should look
for their initiative to help our country. Like what the quote says that action speaks louder than
words. We shouldn’t be bias, ad hominem and have fallacies. And not let opinions and other claims
affect in determining the truth.



2. facts



5.truth hominem

7.appeal to tradition


9.conflict of interest

10. cultural bias

Compare your answer in the answer key at page 19.

Comparing my answers from the answer key at page 19, my answers are all correct. I have learned
about the methods of philosophizing which are the knowledge, facts, opinion, fallacies, truth, ad
hominem, appeal to tradition, framing, conflict of interest and cultural bias. Turns out, that I read,
analyzed and understand the lesson in our given modules. I therefore concluded, that I have fully
understood the lesson and now ready for the next lesson.
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
1. The V-hand gesture is an offensive sign in United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa. In
Japan, China and South Korea, using this symbol with the hand gestures palm facing the
person means he/she is looking cute in picture.
How cultural relativism is important on this? Can we consider some of their cultural
practices as right or wrong? Explain.
When we say Cultural Relativism it is the view that ethical and social standards
reflect the cultural context from which they are derived. And a person who has a view of
cultural relativism is called a cultural relativist. Cultural relativists uphold that cultures differ
fundamentally from one another, and so do the moral frameworks that structure relations
within different societies.
Cultural relativism on this certain situation is very important because this helps us to
view other cultures but not basing from our own standards. Every country or society has
their own cultures, traditions and beliefs like what in the situations says that the V-hand
gesture is an offensive sign in United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa but when you
come to Japan, China and South Korea using this symbol is just a cute pose for taking a
picture. I say that when you go United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa you should
respect their beliefs and practices there and do not use the v-hand gesture as a sign of
respecting their culture. But you can use the v-hand gesture in Japan, China and South Korea
just not on the countries that think that the symbol is offensive for them. We cannot
consider some of their cultural practices as right or wrong because again, they have their
own culture and yours and theirs are two different things. There is no right or wrong when
you are viewing one’s culture but we should learn to accept and respect one’s culture. One’s
culture is their identity and every culture deserves to be respected. Maybe someone’s
culture is unacceptable for you but for them that is what they’ve grown ever since they
were a child or even because of their ancestors. They are giving importance of their own
culture that their ancestors left them, they are preserving it and giving appreciation.
Being a cultural relativists means your mind is open to different or varied
perspectives and other cultural practices and traditions. You are neither ethnocentrism and
xenocentrism because you are a cultural relativist, the one who’s in the middle of the two.
You respect every culture you view and adapt but never forgets one’s own culture.

Airelyn Mae R. Moreno
Oral Communication
What’s more?
The participant in this communication process whose name is Lucy, wasn’t able to transmit
the messages clearly. Why? Because when Lucy is tasting the product which is the
vitameatavegamin, she didn’t look really convincing on that part, her face looks disgusted
because of the taste of the product. The director made her redo the tasting part and she
tasted it and still her face looks awful in endorsing the product. Many times the director told
Lucy to taste the product with a convincing face while and after tasting the product but she
always fail to do it due to its terrible taste. After many tries of tasting the product,
vitameatavegamin, Lucy is becoming a little tipsy and her wordings are getting unclear. Not
realizing that the product contains about 20% amount of alcohol in it that made her more
unconvincing in commercializing the product, vitameatavegamin. Lucy is losing her balance
and her speech becomes slurred. Also, in the scene the director was unaware that the
product has an amount of alcohol in it causing a misunderstanding and an unsuccessful
commercial shoot. The participants here weren’t really able to transmit their messages
clearly and they lack communication.
What I have learned
1. Failure
2. Miscommunication
3. physical and mental
4. Barrier
5. masculine, feminine
6. non-verbal
7. Gestures
8. Words
What I can do

Situation (communication breakdown) Strategies

You are a doctor and the guardian of the I will avoid the use of jargon words which
patient is asking you what happened and will only complicate things and cause a
how terrible the condition of the patient. misunderstanding between the guardian
and the patient. Instead, I will use simple
words that he/she can easily comprehend
and understand, depending on what
condition the patient has.
1. true
2. false
3. true
4. true
5. true

Multiple choice
Additional Activities.
1. I will learn how to speak in Japanese or do some sign language for us to understand each
other. Also, I’ll teach him/her some basic Filipino and English words for us to avoid
communication breakdown.
2. I’ll answer the question of my neighbor about the case but I’ll avoid using complicated
words for him to understand. I will also explain the terms he cannot comprehend or
understand and use simple words.
3. I will help my brother do his homework but first I shall catch his attention and make him
interested in studying by means of saying to him that if he studies, listen to me and do his
home works he will have a prize later on. In short, I’ll have him bait over a prize, it’s a win-
win situation for the both of us.
4. If a deaf is talking to me, I will use some sign languages or better yet have some papers
and pencils or pens for us to communicate and understand each other’s sentences. In this
way, we can avoid miscommunication.
5. I will let him take a rest first because he really look tired and just got home from school.
Then, I can ask him to help me with my math assignment.
21st Century
Assessment 1a.
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
Assessment 1b.
1. “God helps those who helps themselves” means we should work hard first if we really
want success. We should not just leave everything in God’s hand because if we do then you
are just being dependent about your future in God. You’re not making any efforts to chase
that dream of yours. You are letting your life dependent on destiny that will never come
true once you do not work hard. But if we really want to achieve success then we have to
work hard, toil hard then God will definitely give its reward. Our success is dependent on
our amount of hardwork.
2.) “When the blanket is short, learn to curl up under it.” means that we should align our
way of living with only what we have. We should learn to make budgets and plan our
expenses and not spending money beyond our extent. We must learn to adjust and adapt

Assessment 1c.


Honesty is the best policy. Helped me to be honest in every situations.
Learn from your mistakes. In every mistakes, there is a lesson learned and
this helped me learn from that mistake.
Believe in yourself and have faith in God. Helped me to establish self-confidence.
Don’t be afraid to try new things. Helped me boost my morale.
The best way out is always through. Helped me to always find solutions to every
Activity 2: Becoming Real Heroes

Assessment 2a.

The Hero His/Her Great Acts His/Her Motives

My superhero (mythical) Achilles was considered a hero Achilles is an epic hero
because he was the most because he embodied the
Achilles successful soldier in the Greek honor that was so highly
army during the Trojan War. regarded in Greek society,
According to post-Homeric chose to die early in battle and
myths, Achilles was be remembered
physically invulnerable, and it gloriously rather than living a
was prophesied that the long anonymous life in his
Greeks could not win the homeland of Pthia, and
Trojan War without him. avenged Patroclus's death.
My day-to-day hero (real) They love me and always take Their motives are good
care of me. They are working intentions. They only want
My Parents really hard for me to study in what is bets for me and only
good school and for me to guides me to the right path.
graduate and achieve my

Assessment 2b.

I can be a real hero in my own simple way by means of doing good deeds to people. Helping them
even in my own little way, for example, helping an old lady to cross the street. Helping my family in
doing household chores by cleaning the house, cooking food for them. Helping my friends in their
home works when they don’t understand the lesson I will teach them so they can understand.
Helping my neighbors and giving food to people who are starving.

What I have learned?

1. oral

2. fable

3. myth

4. folk song


What I can do

Lit and Art.

If I had a superpower and I was given a chance to make my ideal Philippines, the superpower will be
the power to cure any illnesses, diseases or viruses including coronavirus which is our worldwide
dilemma. This will make us go back to normal, the way we are living our lives before coronavirus
strikes wherein there will be no more social distancing and school will be face to face again so
students and teachers will no longer face difficulty in studying and teaching, there will be no more
financial crisis even in our economy and people are all free.

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