21st Century Literature

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Studying Pre-colonial literature reminds us of how the past generations uplift their ways of
living. It recalls the nature of what we are and how we used to be. This will allow us to
incorporate facts from our own history. We must study this in order to fain a better
understanding of the past.


The literature pre-colonial era was very different from Spanish era, because in pre-colonial era
literature was only simple during this period and its literature mostly are of oral traditions
because there is unavailability of printing materials while in Spanish era, there were production
of printed materials but mostly for religious purposes or themes.


The era that has been able to exert its influences the most is the Spanish era because they have
really the most time, for like 300 plus years of conquering our country unlike the Americans and



The foreign influences that the Filipinos inherit from various colonizers are the bayanihan or
spirit of kinship and camaraderie from Chinese, the piousness comes from the Spaniards who
introduced christianity in the 16th century, the American occupation who was responsible for
teaching the Filipino people the English language, the Arabians introduced Islam religion during
the 14th century and the Protestantism was introduced by the first Presbyterian and Methodist
missionaries who arrived with the American soldiers in 1899.


The positive Filipino traits mentioned in the text are the bayanihan or the spirit of kinship and
camaraderie, family oriented, religiousness and hospitality of the Filipino people.

The expression “Easts meets Wests in the Philippine” means the combination of both Eastern
and Western something or someone like us, the Filipino people, we are people of unique blend
of east and west in aspects.


In terms of religion, I characterize Filipino people as religious and most religion that is common
here in our country is the Roman Catholic which is influenced to us by the Spaniards.


What makes me proud of being a Filipino? Everything makes me proud of being a Filipino, not
only because we have so many good traits and we are a mixture of east and west and that we
are unique, because this is who I am and what I am. This is my race and every bits of being a
Filipino should be something to be proud of.


If there is something I want to improve as a Filipino, it will be the bad traits we have like
“Filipino Time” wherein everyone knows when we hear these words means always late for any
occasions, when you say to a Filipino to be there on exactly 8:30, he/she will come late for like
any minutes or even hours. This is what I want to improve as a Filipino, where we should always
be on time.


By means of passing it to one generation to another, which is the inherited/influenced cultures

and traditions to us by foreign colonizers. Different foreign influences still remains and we live
by it everyday as a Filipino like speaking in English, and our religion Roman Catholic going to
church for “simba” and even how we dress and talk were foreign influences to us by the

Lola basyang story

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