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Example 1 (VBA) Page 1 of 40

Example 1
This example is written for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It can be run from a program such as
Microsoft Excel. It is based on the SAP2000 verification problem Example 1-001.

This example creates the example verification problem from scratch, runs the analysis, extracts results,
and compares the results with hand-calculated values.

Sub VerificationExample1001()
'dimension variables
Dim SapObject As SAP2000.SapObject
Dim SapModel As cSapModel
Dim ret As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ModValue() As Double
Dim PointLoadValue() As Double
Dim Restraint() As Boolean
Dim FrameName() As String
Dim PointName() As String
Dim NumberResults As Long
Dim Obj() As String
Dim Elm() As String
Dim LoadCase() As String
Dim StepType() As String
Dim StepNum() As Double
Dim U1() As Double
Dim U2() As Double
Dim U3() As Double
Dim R1() As Double
Dim R2() As Double
Dim R3() As Double
Dim SapResult() As Double
Dim IndResult() As Double
Dim PercentDiff() As Double
Dim SapResultString() As String
Dim IndResultString() As String
Dim PercentDiffString() As String
Dim msg As String

'create Sap2000 object

Set SapObject = New SAP2000.SapObject

'start Sap2000 application


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Example 1 (VBA) Page 2 of 40

'create SapModel object

Set SapModel = SapObject.SapModel

'initialize model
ret = SapModel.InitializeNewModel

'create new blank model

ret = SapModel.File.NewBlank

'define material property

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMaterial("CONC", MATERIAL_CONCRETE)

'assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic("CONC", 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055)

'define rectangular frame section property

ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetRectangle("R1", "CONC", 12, 12)

'define frame section property modifiers

ReDim ModValue(7)
For i = 0 To 7
ModValue(i) = 1
Next i
ModValue(0) = 1000
ModValue(1) = 0
ModValue(2) = 0
ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetModifiers("R1", ModValue)

'switch to k-ft units

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_ft_F)

'add frame object by coordinates

ReDim FrameName(2)
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, FrameName(0), "R1", "1")
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, FrameName(1), "R1", "2")
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, FrameName(2), "R1", "3")

'assign point object restraint at base

ReDim PointName(1)
ReDim Restraint(5)
For i = 0 To 3
Restraint(i) = True
Next i
For i = 4 To 5
Restraint(i) = False
Next i
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(0), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName(0), Restraint)

'assign point object restraint at top

For i = 0 To 1

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 3 of 40

Restraint(i) = True
Next i
For i = 2 To 5
Restraint(i) = False
Next i
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(1), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName(1), Restraint)

'refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

ret = SapModel.View.RefreshView(0, False)

'add load patterns

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("1", LTYPE_OTHER, 1)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("2", LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("3", LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("4", LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("5", LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("6", LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("7", LTYPE_OTHER)

'assign loading for load pattern 2

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(2), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ReDim PointLoadValue(5)
PointLoadValue(2) = -10
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName(0), "2", PointLoadValue)
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(2), "2", 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8)

'assign loading for load pattern 3

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(2), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ReDim PointLoadValue(5)
PointLoadValue(2) = -17.2
PointLoadValue(4) = -54.4
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName(1), "3", PointLoadValue)

'assign loading for load pattern 4

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(1), "4", 1, 11, 0, 1, 2, 2)

'assign loading for load pattern 5

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(0), "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, "Local")
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(1), "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2, "Local")

'assign loading for load pattern 6

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(0), "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744,
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(1), "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0, "Local")

'assign loading for load pattern 7

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadPoint(FrameName(1), "7", 1, 2, 0.5, -15, "Local")

'switch to k-in units

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_in_F)

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 4 of 40

'save model
ret = SapModel.File.Save("C:\SapAPI\API_1-001.sdb")

'run model (this will create the analysis model)

ret = SapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis

'initialize for Sap2000 results

ReDim SapResult(6)
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(1), PointName(0), PointName(1))

'get Sap2000 results for load patterns 1 through 7

For i = 0 To 6
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(Format(i + 1))
If i <= 3 Then
ret = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName(1), ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm,
LoadCase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3)
SapResult(i) = U3(0)
ret = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName(0), ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm,
LoadCase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3)
SapResult(i) = U1(0)
End If
Next i

'close Sap2000
SapObject.ApplicationExit False
Set SapModel = Nothing
Set SapObject = Nothing

'fill Sap2000 result strings

ReDim SapResultString(6)
For i = 0 To 6
SapResultString(i) = Format(SapResult(i), "0.00000")
If Left(SapResultString(i), 1) <> "-" Then
SapResultString(i) = " " & SapResultString(i)
End If
Next i

'fill independent results (hand calculated)

ReDim IndResult(6)
ReDim IndResultString(6)
IndResult(0) = -0.02639
IndResult(1) = 0.06296
IndResult(2) = 0.06296
IndResult(3) = -0.2963
IndResult(4) = 0.3125
IndResult(5) = 0.11556
IndResult(6) = 0.00651
For i = 0 To 6

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 5 of 40

IndResultString(i) = Format(IndResult(i), "0.00000")

If Left(IndResultString(i), 1) <> "-" Then
IndResultString(i) = " " & IndResultString(i)
End If
Next i

'fill percent difference

ReDim PercentDiff(6)
ReDim PercentDiffString(6)
For i = 0 To 6
PercentDiff(i) = (SapResult(i) / IndResult(i)) - 1
PercentDiffString(i) = Format(PercentDiff(i), "0%")
If Left(PercentDiffString(i), 1) <> "-" Then
PercentDiffString(i) = " " & PercentDiffString(i)
End If
Next i

'display message box comparing results

msg = ""
msg = msg & "LC Sap2000 Independent %Diff" & vbCr & vbLf
For i = 0 To 5
msg = msg & Format(i + 1) & " " & SapResultString(i) & " " & IndResultString(i) & " " &
PercentDiffString(i) & vbCr & vbLf
Next i
msg = msg & Format(i + 1) & " " & SapResultString(i) & " " & IndResultString(i) & " " &
MsgBox msg
End Sub

Release Notes
Initial release in version 11.03.

Changed nomenclature from Load Cases, Analysis Cases and Response Combinations to Load Patterns,
Load Cases and Load Combinations, respectively, in version 12.00.

Example 2 (Visual Basic 2005)

This example is written for Visual Basic 2005. It is based on the SAP2000 verification problem
Example 1-001.

This example creates the example verification problem from scratch, runs the analysis, extracts results,
and compares the results with hand-calculated values.


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Example 1 (VBA) Page 6 of 40

1. Create a new Visual Basic 2005 project.

2. Add a reference (COM) in the project to the Sap2000.exe.

3. Add a new button to a form in the project.

4. Double click on the new button to bring up the Click procedure for the button and paste in the
following code.

'dimension variables
Dim SapObject As SAP2000.SapObject
Dim SapModel As SAP2000.cSapModel
Dim ret As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ModValue() As Double
Dim PointLoadValue() As Double
Dim Restraint() As Boolean
Dim FrameName() As String
Dim PointName() As String
Dim NumberResults As Long
Dim Obj() As String
Dim Elm() As String
Dim LoadCase() As String
Dim StepType() As String
Dim StepNum() As Double
Dim U1() As Double
Dim U2() As Double
Dim U3() As Double
Dim R1() As Double
Dim R2() As Double
Dim R3() As Double
Dim SapResult() As Double
Dim IndResult() As Double
Dim PercentDiff() As Double
Dim SapResultString() As String
Dim IndResultString() As String
Dim PercentDiffString() As String
Dim msg As String

'create Sap2000 object

SapObject = New SAP2000.SapObject

'start Sap2000 application


'create SapModel object

SapModel = SapObject.SapModel

'initialize model
ret = SapModel.InitializeNewModel

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'create new blank model

ret = SapModel.File.NewBlank

'define material property

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMaterial("CONC", SAP2000.eMatType.MATERIAL_CONCRETE)

'assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic("CONC", 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055)

'define rectangular frame section property

ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetRectangle("R1", "CONC", 12, 12)

'define frame section property modifiers

ReDim ModValue(7)
For i = 0 To 7
ModValue(i) = 1
Next i
ModValue(0) = 1000
ModValue(1) = 0
ModValue(2) = 0
ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetModifiers("R1", ModValue)

'switch to k-ft units

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(SAP2000.eUnits.kip_ft_F)

'add frame object by coordinates

ReDim FrameName(2)
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, FrameName(0), "R1", "1")
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, FrameName(1), "R1", "2")
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, FrameName(2), "R1", "3")

'assign point object restraint at base

ReDim PointName(1)
ReDim Restraint(5)
For i = 0 To 3
Restraint(i) = True
Next i
For i = 4 To 5
Restraint(i) = False
Next i
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(0), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName(0), Restraint)

'assign point object restraint at top

For i = 0 To 1
Restraint(i) = True
Next i
For i = 2 To 5
Restraint(i) = False
Next i
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(1), PointName(0), PointName(1))

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ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName(1), Restraint)

'refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

ret = SapModel.View.RefreshView(0, False)

'add load patterns

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("1", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 1)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("2", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("3", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("4", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("5", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("6", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER)
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("7", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER)

'assign loading for load pattern 2

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(2), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ReDim PointLoadValue(5)
PointLoadValue(2) = -10
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName(0), "2", PointLoadValue)
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(2), "2", 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8)

'assign loading for load pattern 3

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(2), PointName(0), PointName(1))
ReDim PointLoadValue(5)
PointLoadValue(2) = -17.2
PointLoadValue(4) = -54.4
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName(1), "3", PointLoadValue)

'assign loading for load pattern 4

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(1), "4", 1, 11, 0, 1, 2, 2)

'assign loading for load pattern 5

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(0), "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, "Local")
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(1), "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2, "Local")

'assign loading for load pattern 6

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(0), "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744,
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName(1), "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0, "Local")

'assign loading for load pattern 7

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadPoint(FrameName(1), "7", 1, 2, 0.5, -15, "Local")

'switch to k-in units

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(SAP2000.eUnits.kip_in_F)

'save model
ret = SapModel.File.Save("C:\SapAPI\API_1-001.sdb")

'run model (this will create the analysis model)

ret = SapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis

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'initialize for Sap2000 results

ReDim SapResult(6)
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName(1), PointName(0), PointName(1))

'get Sap2000 results for load patterns 1 through 7

ReDim Obj(0)
ReDim Elm(0)
ReDim LoadCase(0)
ReDim StepType(0)
ReDim StepNum(0)
ReDim U1(0)
ReDim U2(0)
ReDim U3(0)
ReDim R1(0)
ReDim R2(0)
ReDim R3(0)
For i = 0 To 6
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(Format(i + 1))
If i <= 3 Then
ret = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName(1), SAP2000.eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm,
NumberResults, Obj, Elm, LoadCase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3)
SapResult(i) = U3(0)
ret = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName(0), SAP2000.eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm,
NumberResults, Obj, Elm, LoadCase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3)
SapResult(i) = U1(0)
End If
Next i

'close Sap2000
SapModel = Nothing
SapObject = Nothing

'fill Sap2000 result strings

ReDim SapResultString(6)
For i = 0 To 6
SapResultString(i) = Format(SapResult(i), "0.00000")
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(SapResultString(i), 1) <> "-" Then
SapResultString(i) = " " & SapResultString(i)
End If
Next i

'fill independent results (hand calculated)

ReDim IndResult(6)
ReDim IndResultString(6)
IndResult(0) = -0.02639
IndResult(1) = 0.06296
IndResult(2) = 0.06296

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IndResult(3) = -0.2963
IndResult(4) = 0.3125
IndResult(5) = 0.11556
IndResult(6) = 0.00651
For i = 0 To 6
IndResultString(i) = Format(IndResult(i), "0.00000")
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(IndResultString(i), 1) <> "-" Then
IndResultString(i) = " " & IndResultString(i)
End If
Next i

'fill percent difference

ReDim PercentDiff(6)
ReDim PercentDiffString(6)
For i = 0 To 6
PercentDiff(i) = (SapResult(i) / IndResult(i)) - 1
PercentDiffString(i) = Format(PercentDiff(i), "0%")
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(PercentDiffString(i), 1) <> "-" Then
PercentDiffString(i) = " " & PercentDiffString(i)
End If
Next i

'display message box comparing results

msg = ""
msg = msg & "LC Sap2000 Independent %Diff" & vbCr & vbLf
For i = 0 To 5
msg = msg & Format(i + 1) & " " & SapResultString(i) & " " & IndResultString(i) & " "&
PercentDiffString(i) & vbCr & vbLf
Next i
msg = msg & Format(i + 1) & " " & SapResultString(i) & " " & IndResultString(i) & " "&

Release Notes
Initial release in version 11.03.

Changed nomenclature from Load Cases, Analysis Cases and Response Combinations to Load Patterns,
Load Cases and Load Combinations, respectively, in version 12.00.

Example 3 (Visual C# 2005)

This example is written for Visual C# 2005. It is based on the Sap2000 verification problem Example 1-

This example creates the example verification problem from scratch, runs the analysis, extracts results,
and compares the results with hand calculated values.

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 11 of 40

1. Create a new Visual C# 2005 project.

2. Add a reference (COM) in the project to the Sap2000.exe.

3. Add a new button to a form in the project.

4. Double click on the new button to bring up the Click procedure for the button and paste in the
following code.

//dimension variables
SAP2000.SapObject SapObject;
SAP2000.cSapModel SapModel;
int ret;
int i;
double[] ModValue;
double[] PointLoadValue;
bool[] Restraint;
string[] FrameName;
string[] PointName;
int NumberResults;
string[] Obj;
string[] Elm;
string[] LoadCase;
string[] StepType;
double[] StepNum;
double[] U1;
double[] U2;
double[] U3;
double[] R1;
double[] R2;
double[] R3;
double[] SapResult;
double[] IndResult;
double[] PercentDiff;
string[] SapResultString;
string[] IndResultString;
string[] PercentDiffString;
string msg;
string temp_string1;
string temp_string2;
bool temp_bool;

//create Sap2000 object

SapObject = new SAP2000.SapObject();

//start Sap2000 application

temp_bool = true;
SapObject.ApplicationStart(SAP2000.eUnits.kip_in_F, temp_bool, "");

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 12 of 40

//create SapModel object

SapModel = SapObject.SapModel;

//initialize model
ret = SapModel.InitializeNewModel((SAP2000.eUnits.kip_in_F));

//create new blank model

ret = SapModel.File.NewBlank();

//define material property

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMaterial("CONC", SAP2000.eMatType.MATERIAL_CONCRETE, -
1, "", "");

//assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic("CONC", 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055, 0);

//define rectangular frame section property

ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetRectangle("R1", "CONC", 12, 12, -1, "", "");

//define frame section property modifiers

ModValue = new double[8];
for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
ModValue[i] = 1;
ModValue[0] = 1000;
ModValue[1] = 0;
ModValue[2] = 0;
System.Array temp_SystemArray = ModValue;
ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetModifiers("R1", ref temp_SystemArray);

//switch to k-ft units

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(SAP2000.eUnits.kip_ft_F);

//add frame object by coordinates

FrameName = new string[3];
temp_string1 = FrameName[0];
temp_string2 = FrameName[0];
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, ref temp_string1, "R1", "1", "Global");
FrameName[0] = temp_string1;
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, ref temp_string1, "R1", "2", "Global");
FrameName[1] = temp_string1;
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, ref temp_string1, "R1", "3", "Global");
FrameName[2] = temp_string1;

//assign point object restraint at base

PointName = new string[2];
Restraint = new bool[6];
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 13 of 40

Restraint[i] = true;
for (i = 4; i <= 5; i++)
Restraint[i] = false;
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[0], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2);
PointName[0] = temp_string1;
PointName[1] = temp_string2;
System.Array temp_SystemArray1 = Restraint;
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName[0], ref temp_SystemArray1, 0);

//assign point object restraint at top

for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
Restraint[i] = true;
for (i = 2; i <= 5; i++)
Restraint[i] = false;
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[1], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2);
PointName[0] = temp_string1;
PointName[1] = temp_string2;
temp_SystemArray1 = Restraint;
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName[1], ref temp_SystemArray1, 0);

//refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

temp_bool = false;
ret = SapModel.View.RefreshView(0, ref temp_bool);

//add load patterns

temp_bool = true;
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("1", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 1, ref
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("2", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 0, ref
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("3", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 0, ref
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("4", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 0, ref
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("5", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 0, ref
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("6", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 0, ref
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("7", SAP2000.eLoadPatternType.LTYPE_OTHER, 0, ref

//assign loading for load pattern 2

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[2], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2);
PointName[0] = temp_string1;

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 14 of 40

PointName[1] = temp_string2;
PointLoadValue = new double[6];
PointLoadValue[2] = -10;
temp_SystemArray1 = PointLoadValue;
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName[0], "2", ref temp_SystemArray1, false, "Global", 0);
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[2], "2", 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8, "Global",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);

//assign loading for load pattern 3

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[2], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2);
PointName[0] = temp_string1;
PointName[1] = temp_string2;
PointLoadValue = new double[6];
PointLoadValue[2] = -17.2;
PointLoadValue[4] = -54.4;
temp_SystemArray1 = PointLoadValue;
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName[1], "3", ref temp_SystemArray1, false, "Global", 0);

//assign loading for load pattern 4

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[1], "4", 1, 11, 0, 1, 2, 2, "Global",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);

//assign loading for load pattern 5

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[0], "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, "Local",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[1], "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2, "Local",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);

//assign loading for load pattern 6

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[0], "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744, "Local",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[1], "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0, "Local",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);

//assign loading for load pattern 7

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadPoint(FrameName[1], "7", 1, 2, 0.5, -15, "Local",
System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0);

//switch to k-in units

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(SAP2000.eUnits.kip_in_F);

//save model
ret = SapModel.File.Save("C:\\SapAPI\\API_1-001.sdb");

//run model (this will create the analysis model)

ret = SapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis();

//initialize for Sap2000 results

SapResult = new double[7];
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[1], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2);
PointName[0] = temp_string1;

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 15 of 40

PointName[1] = temp_string2;

//get Sap2000 results for load patterns 1 through 7

NumberResults = 0;
Obj = new string[1];
Elm = new string[1];
LoadCase = new string[1];
StepType = new string[1];
StepNum = new double[1];
U1 = new double[1];
U2 = new double[1];
U3 = new double[1];
R1 = new double[1];
R2 = new double[1];
R3 = new double[1];
for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput();
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(System.Convert.ToString(i+1),
if (i <= 3)
System.Array temp_SystemArray2 = Obj;
System.Array temp_SystemArray3 = Elm;
System.Array temp_SystemArray4 = LoadCase;
System.Array temp_SystemArray5 = StepType;
System.Array temp_SystemArray6 = StepNum;
System.Array temp_SystemArray7 = U1;
System.Array temp_SystemArray8 = U2;
System.Array temp_SystemArray9 = U3;
System.Array temp_SystemArray10 = R1;
System.Array temp_SystemArray11 = R2;
System.Array temp_SystemArray12 = R3;
ret = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName[1], SAP2000.eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref
NumberResults, ref temp_SystemArray2, ref temp_SystemArray3, ref temp_SystemArray4, ref
temp_SystemArray5, ref temp_SystemArray6, ref temp_SystemArray7, ref temp_SystemArray8, ref
temp_SystemArray9, ref temp_SystemArray10, ref temp_SystemArray11, ref temp_SystemArray12);
temp_SystemArray9.CopyTo(U3, 0);
SapResult[i] = U3[0];
System.Array temp_SystemArray2 = Obj;
System.Array temp_SystemArray3 = Elm;
System.Array temp_SystemArray4 = LoadCase;
System.Array temp_SystemArray5 = StepType;
System.Array temp_SystemArray6 = StepNum;
System.Array temp_SystemArray7 = U1;
System.Array temp_SystemArray8 = U2;
System.Array temp_SystemArray9 = U3;
System.Array temp_SystemArray10 = R1;

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 16 of 40

System.Array temp_SystemArray11 = R2;

System.Array temp_SystemArray12 = R3;
ret = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName[0], SAP2000.eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref
NumberResults, ref temp_SystemArray2, ref temp_SystemArray3, ref temp_SystemArray4, ref
temp_SystemArray5, ref temp_SystemArray6, ref temp_SystemArray7, ref temp_SystemArray8, ref
temp_SystemArray9, ref temp_SystemArray10, ref temp_SystemArray11, ref temp_SystemArray12);
temp_SystemArray7.CopyTo(U1, 0);
SapResult[i] = U1[0];

//close Sap2000
SapModel = null;
SapObject = null;

//fill Sap2000 result strings

SapResultString = new string[7];
for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
SapResultString[i] = string.Format("{0:0.00000}", SapResult[i]);
ret = (string.Compare(SapResultString[i], 1, "-", 1, 1, true));
if (ret != 0)
SapResultString[i] = " " + SapResultString[i];

//fill independent results

IndResult = new double[7];
IndResultString = new string[7];
IndResult[0] = -0.02639;
IndResult[1] = 0.06296;
IndResult[2] = 0.06296;
IndResult[3] = -0.2963;
IndResult[4] = 0.3125;
IndResult[5] = 0.11556;
IndResult[6] = 0.00651;
for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
IndResultString[i] = string.Format("{0:0.00000}", IndResult[i]);
ret = (string.Compare(IndResultString[i], 1, "-", 1, 1, true));
if (ret != 0)
IndResultString[i] = " " + IndResultString[i];

//fill percent difference

PercentDiff = new double[7];
PercentDiffString = new string[7];

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 17 of 40

for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)

PercentDiff[i] = (SapResult[i] / IndResult[i]) - 1;
PercentDiffString[i] = string.Format("{0:0%}", PercentDiff[i]);
ret = (string.Compare(PercentDiffString[i], 1, "-", 1, 1, true));
if (ret != 0)
PercentDiffString[i] = " " + PercentDiffString[i];

//display message box comparing results

msg = "";
msg = msg + "LC Sap2000 Independent %Diff\r\n";
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
msg = msg + string.Format("{0:0}", i + 1) + " " + SapResultString[i] + " " + IndResultString[i] +
" " + PercentDiffString[i] + "\r\n";
msg = msg + string.Format("{0:0}", i + 1) + " " + SapResultString[i] + " " + IndResultString[i] +
" " + PercentDiffString[i];

Release Notes
Initial release in version 11.03.

Changed nomenclature from Load Cases, Analysis Cases and Response Combinations to Load Patterns,
Load Cases and Load Combinations, respectively, in version 12.00.

Example 4 (Intel Visual Fortran v9)

This example is written for Intel Visual Fortran v9 with Microsoft Visual Studio Integration. It is based
on the SAP2000 verification problem Example 1-001.

This example creates the example verification problem from scratch, runs the analysis, extracts results,
and compares the results with hand-calculated values.

1. Create an empty Intel Fortran project.

2. Using the Intel Fortran Module Wizard (under Tools menu), browse for Sap2000.exe, and
select all members to generate Sap2000.f90. The generated module contains explicit interfaces to
all objects and member functions of the SAP2000 API.

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 18 of 40

3. Add an empty source file by right clicking on the “Source Files” folder in Solution Explorer
and by selecting Add/New Item/Source.

4. Open the newly added file by double clicking on it and paste in the following code:

program APIExample

use Sap2000 ! gives access to SAP2000 API calls

implicit none

integer(kind=4), parameter :: nDimCON = 1 ! array dimension

!local variables
integer(kind=4) :: pSapObject ! pointer to a Sap object
integer(kind=4) :: pSapModel ! pointer to a model object
integer(kind=4) :: pFile ! pointer to a file object
integer(kind=4) :: pPropMaterial ! pointer to a material property object
integer(kind=4) :: pPropFrame ! pointer to a model object
integer(kind=4) :: pFrameObj ! pointer to a frame object
integer(kind=4) :: pView ! pointer to a view object
integer(kind=4) :: pPointObj ! pointer to a point object
integer(kind=4) :: pLoadPatterns ! pointer to a load patterns object
integer(kind=4) :: pAnalyze ! pointer to an analyze object
integer(kind=4) :: pAnalysisResults ! pointer to a analysis resutls object
integer(kind=4) :: pAnalysisResultsSetup ! pointer to a setup object
integer(kind=4) :: iStatus ! error code returned from COM subsystem

integer(kind=4) :: iRet ! error code returned from SAP2000 API calls

integer(kind=4) :: iCol
integer(kind=4) :: iUnits
integer(kind=4) :: iColor
integer(kind=4) :: iWindow
integer(kind=4) :: iItemType
integer(kind=4) :: iTypleLoadPat
integer(kind=4) :: iMyType
integer(kind=4) :: iDir
integer(kind=4) :: iNumberResults

real(kind=8) :: dE
real(kind=8) :: dU
real(kind=8) :: dA
real(kind=8) :: dTemp
real(kind=8) :: dT3
real(kind=8) :: dT2
real(kind=8) :: dModValue

real(kind=8) :: dXi

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real(kind=8) :: dYi
real(kind=8) :: dZi
real(kind=8) :: dXj
real(kind=8) :: dYj
real(kind=8) :: dZj
real(kind=8) :: dSelfWTMultiplier

real(kind=8) :: dDist1
real(kind=8) :: dDist2
real(kind=8) :: dVal1
real(kind=8) :: dVal2

real(kind=8) :: dSapResultsRA1(7)
real(kind=8) :: dIndResultsRA1(7)

logical(kind=2) :: bVisible
logical(kind=2) :: bFileSave
logical(kind=2) :: bZoom
logical(kind=2) :: bRestrained
logical(kind=2) :: bAddLoadCase
logical(kind=2) :: bReplace
logical(kind=2) :: bRelDist
logical(kind=2) :: bSelected

character(len=256) :: cFileName
character(len=256) :: cNotes
character(len=256) :: cGUID
character(len=256) :: cCsys
character(len=256) :: cLoadPat
character(len=256) :: cFrameName(3)
character(len=256) :: cPointName(2)

! pointers to SafeArrays
type(SA_BOUNDS) :: saBounds ! bounds object defining for SafeArray
integer(kind=4) :: pModValueSA ! property modifiers
integer(kind=4) :: pRestraintSA ! restraints
integer(kind=4) :: pPointLoadValueSA ! load values
integer(kind=4) :: pObjSA ! object names
integer(kind=4) :: pElmSA ! element names
integer(kind=4) :: pLCaseSA ! load case names
integer(kind=4) :: pStepTypeSA ! step type names
integer(kind=4) :: pStepNumSA ! step numbers
integer(kind=4) :: pU1SA ! displacements along u1
integer(kind=4) :: pU2SA ! displacements along u2
integer(kind=4) :: pU3SA ! displacements along u3
integer(kind=4) :: pR1SA ! displacements along r1
integer(kind=4) :: pR2SA ! displacements along r2
integer(kind=4) :: pR3SA ! displacements along r3

!initialize COM
call COMInitialize(iStatus)

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!create Sap2000 object

call COMCreateObjectByGUID(CLSID_SapObject, CLSCTX_ALL, IID__SapObject, pSapObject,

!start Sap2000 application

iUnits = kip_in_F
bVisible = .TRUE.
cFileName = ''
iStatus = $$SapObject_ApplicationStart(pSapObject, iUnits, bVisible, cFileName, iRet)

!create SapModel object

iStatus = $$SapObject_GetSapModel(pSapObject, pSapModel)

!initialize model
iStatus = $$cSapModel_InitializeNewModel(pSapModel, iUnits, iRet)

!create new blank model

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetFile(pSapModel, pFile)
iStatus = $$cFile_NewBlank(pFile, iRet)

!define material property

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetPropMaterial(pSapModel, pPropMaterial)

iColor = -1
cNotes = ''
cGUID = ''
iStatus = $$cPropMaterial_SetMaterial(pPropMaterial, 'CONC', MATERIAL_CONCRETE, iColor,
cNotes, cGUID, iRet)

!assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

dE = 3600.
dU = 0.2
dA = 0.0000055
dTemp = 0.
iStatus = $$cPropMaterial_SetMPIsotropic(pPropMaterial, 'CONC', dE, dU, dA, dTemp, iRet)

!define rectangular frame section property

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetPropFrame(pSapModel, pPropFrame)

dT3 = 12.
dT2 = 12.
iColor = -1
cNotes = ''
cGUID = ''
iStatus = $$cPropFrame_SetRectangle(pPropFrame, 'R1', 'CONC', dT3, dT2, iColor, cNotes, cGUID,

!define frame section property modifiers

saBounds%lbound = 0
saBounds%extent = 8

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 21 of 40

pModValueSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)

dModValue = 1.
do iCol = 0, 7
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pModValueSA, iCol, loc(dModValue))
end do
dModValue = 1000.
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pModValueSA, 0, loc(dModValue))
dModValue = 0.
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pModValueSA, 1, loc(dModValue))
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pModValueSA, 2, loc(dModValue))

iStatus = $$cPropFrame_SetModifiers(pPropFrame, 'R1', pModValueSA, iRet)

iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pModValueSA)

!switch to k-ft units

iStatus = $$cSapModel_SetPresentUnits(pSapModel, kip_ft_F, iRet)

!add frame object by coordinates

cCsys = 'Global'

dXi = 0.; dYi = 0.; dZi = 0.; dXj = 0.; dYj = 0.; dZj = 10.
iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetFrameObj(pSapModel, pFrameObj)
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_AddByCoord(pFrameObj, dXi, dYi, dZi, dXj, dYj, dZj, cFrameName(1), 'R1',
'1', cCsys, iRet)

dXi = 0.; dYi = 0.; dZi = 10.; dXj = 8.; dYj = 0.; dZj = 16.
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_AddByCoord(pFrameObj, dXi, dYi, dZi, dXj, dYj, dZj, cFrameName(2), 'R1',
'2', cCsys, iRet)

dXi = -4.; dYi = 0.; dZi = 10.; dXj = 0.; dYj = 0.; dZj = 10.
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_AddByCoord(pFrameObj, dXi, dYi, dZi, dXj, dYj, dZj, cFrameName(3), 'R1',
'3', cCsys, iRet)

!assign point object restraint at base

saBounds%lbound = 0
saBounds%extent = 6
pRestraintSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BOOL, nDimCON, saBounds)
bRestrained = .TRUE.
do iCol = 0, 3
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pRestraintSA, iCol, loc(bRestrained))
end do
bRestrained = .FALSE.
do iCol = 4, 5
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pRestraintSA, iCol, loc(bRestrained))
end do

iStatus = $$cFrameObj_GetPoints(pFrameObj, cFrameName(1), cPointName(1), cPointName(2),

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetPointObj(pSapModel, pPointObj)
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cPointObj_SetRestraint(pPointObj, cPointName(1), pRestraintSA, iItemType, iRet)

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 22 of 40

!assign point object restraint at top

bRestrained = .TRUE.
do iCol = 0, 1
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pRestraintSA, iCol, loc(bRestrained))
end do
bRestrained = .FALSE.
do iCol = 2, 5
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pRestraintSA, iCol, loc(bRestrained))
end do

iStatus = $$cFrameObj_GetPoints(pFrameObj, cFrameName(2), cPointName(1), cPointName(2),

iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cPointObj_SetRestraint(pPointObj, cPointName(2), pRestraintSA, iItemType, iRet)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pRestraintSA)

!refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetView(pSapModel, pView)
bZoom = .FALSE.
iWindow = 0
iStatus = $$cView_RefreshView(pView, iWindow, bZoom, iRet)

!add load patterns

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetLoadPatterns(pSapModel, pLoadPatterns)
iTypleLoadPat = LTYPE_OTHER
dSelfWTMultiplier = 1.
bAddLoadCase = .TRUE.
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '1', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)

dSelfWTMultiplier = 0.
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '2', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '3', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '4', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '5', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '6', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)
iStatus = $$cLoadPatterns_Add(pLoadPatterns, '7', iTypleLoadPat, dSelfWTMultiplier,
bAddLoadCase, iRet)

!assign loading for load pattern 2

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetFrameObj(pSapModel, pFrameObj)
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_GetPoints(pFrameObj, cFrameName(3), cPointName(1), cPointName(2),

saBounds%lbound = 0

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 23 of 40

saBounds%extent = 6
pPointLoadValueSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
dModValue = 0.
do iCol = saBounds%lbound, saBounds%extent
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pPointLoadValueSA, iCol, loc(dModValue))
end do
dModValue = -10.
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pPointLoadValueSA, 2, loc(dModValue))

bReplace = .FALSE.
cCsys = 'Global'
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cPointObj_SetLoadForce(pPointObj, cPointName(1), '2', pPointLoadValueSA, bReplace,
cCsys, iItemType, iRet)

iMyType = 1
iDir = 10
dDist1 = 0.
dDist2 = 1.
dVal1 = 1.8
dVal2 = 1.8
cCsys = 'Global'
bRelDist = .TRUE.
bReplace = .TRUE.
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadDistributed(pFrameObj, cFrameName(3), '2', iMyType, iDir, dDist1,
dDist2, dVal1, dVal2, cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

!assign loading for load pattern 3

iStatus = $$cFrameObj_GetPoints(pFrameObj, cFrameName(3), cPointName(1), cPointName(2),

dModValue = 0.
do iCol = saBounds%lbound, saBounds%extent
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pPointLoadValueSA, iCol, loc(dModValue))
end do
dModValue = -17.2
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pPointLoadValueSA, 2, loc(dModValue))
dModValue = -54.4
iRet = SafeArrayPutElement(pPointLoadValueSA, 4, loc(dModValue))

bReplace = .FALSE.
cCsys = 'Global'
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cPointObj_SetLoadForce(pPointObj, cPointName(2), '3', pPointLoadValueSA, bReplace,
cCsys, iItemType, iRet)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pPointLoadValueSA)

!assign loading for load pattern 4

iMyType = 1
iDir = 11

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 24 of 40

dDist1 = 0.
dDist2 = 1.
dVal1 = 2.
dVal2 = 2.
cCsys = 'Global'
bRelDist = .TRUE.
bReplace = .TRUE.
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadDistributed(pFrameObj, cFrameName(2), '4', iMyType, iDir, dDist1,
dDist2, dVal1, dVal2, cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

!assign loading for load pattern 5

iMyType = 1
iDir = 2
dDist1 = 0.
dDist2 = 1.
dVal1 = 2.
dVal2 = 2.
cCsys = 'Local'
bRelDist = .TRUE.
bReplace = .TRUE.
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadDistributed(pFrameObj, cFrameName(1), '5', iMyType, iDir, dDist1,
dDist2, dVal1, dVal2, cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

dVal1 = -2.
dVal2 = -2.
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadDistributed(pFrameObj, cFrameName(2), '5', iMyType, iDir, dDist1,
dDist2, dVal1, dVal2, cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

!assign loading for load pattern 6

iMyType = 1
iDir = 2
dDist1 = 0.
dDist2 = 1.
dVal1 = 0.9984
dVal2 = 0.3744
cCsys = 'Local'
bRelDist = .TRUE.
bReplace = .TRUE.
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadDistributed(pFrameObj, cFrameName(1), '6', iMyType, iDir, dDist1,
dDist2, dVal1, dVal2, cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

dVal1 = -0.3744
dVal2 = 0.
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadDistributed(pFrameObj, cFrameName(2), '6', iMyType, iDir, dDist1,
dDist2, dVal1, dVal2, cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

!assign loading for load pattern 7

iMyType = 1

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iDir = 2
dDist1 = 0.5
dVal1 = -15.
cCsys = 'Local'
bRelDist = .TRUE.
bReplace = .TRUE.
iItemType = Object
iStatus = $$cFrameObj_SetLoadPoint(pFrameObj, cFrameName(2), '7', iMyType, iDir, dDist1, dVal1,
cCsys, bRelDist, bReplace, iItemType, iRet)

!switch to k-in units

iStatus = $$cSapModel_SetPresentUnits(pSapModel, kip_in_F, iRet)

!save model
iStatus = $$cFile_Save(pFile, "c:\API_1-001.sdb", iRet)

!run model (this will create the analysis model)

iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetAnalyze(pSapModel, pAnalyze)
iStatus = $$cAnalyze_RunAnalysis(pAnalyze, iRet)

!initialize for Sap2000 results

iStatus = $$cFrameObj_GetPoints(pFrameObj, cFrameName(2), cPointName(1), cPointName(2),

!get Sap2000 results for load patterns 1 through 7

saBounds%lbound = 0
saBounds%extent = 0
pObjSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, nDimCON, saBounds)
pElmSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, nDimCON, saBounds)
pLCaseSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, nDimCON, saBounds)
pStepTypeSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, nDimCON, saBounds)
pStepNumSA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
pU1SA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
pU2SA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
pU3SA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
pR1SA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
pR2SA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)
pR3SA = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, nDimCON, saBounds)

dSapResultsRA1(:) = 0.

iItemType = ObjectElm
bSelected = .TRUE.
iStatus = $$cSapModel_GetResults(pSapModel, pAnalysisResults)
do iCol = 0, 6
iStatus = $$cAnalysisResults_GetSetup(pAnalysisResults, pAnalysisResultsSetup)
write (cLoadPat, '(I1)') iCol+1
iStatus = $$cAnalysisResultsSetup_DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput
(pAnalysisResultsSetup, iRet)

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 26 of 40

iStatus = $$cAnalysisResultsSetup_SetCaseSelectedForOutput(pAnalysisResultsSetup, cLoadPat,

bSelected, iRet)

if (iCol <= 3) then

iStatus = $$cAnalysisResults_JointDispl(pAnalysisResults, cPointName(2), iItemType,
iNumberResults, pObjSA, pElmSA, pLCaseSA, pStepTypeSA, pStepNumSA, pU1SA, pU2SA, pU3SA,
pR1SA, pR2SA, pR3SA, iRet)
iRet = SafeArrayGetElement(pU3SA, 0, loc(dModValue))

iStatus = $$cAnalysisResults_JointDispl(pAnalysisResults, cPointName(1), iItemType,
iNumberResults, pObjSA, pElmSA, pLCaseSA, pStepTypeSA, pStepNumSA, pU1SA, pU2SA, pU3SA,
pR1SA, pR2SA, pR3SA, iRet)
iRet = SafeArrayGetElement(pU1SA, 0, loc(dModValue))
end if
dSapResultsRA1(iCol+1) = dModValue
end do

!close Sap2000 application

bFileSave = .FALSE.
iRet = $$SapObject_ApplicationExit(pSapObject, bFileSave, iStatus)

!release Sap2000 object

iStatus = COMReleaseObject(pSapObject)

!uninitialize COM
call COMUninitialize()

!deallocate SafeArrays
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pObjSA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pElmSA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pLCaseSA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pStepTypeSA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pStepNumSA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pU1SA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pU3SA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pR1SA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pR2SA)
iRet = SafeArrayDestroy(pR3SA)

!fill independent results

dIndResultsRA1(1) = -0.02639
dIndResultsRA1(2) = 0.06296
dIndResultsRA1(3) = 0.06296
dIndResultsRA1(4) = -0.29630
dIndResultsRA1(5) = 0.31250
dIndResultsRA1(6) = 0.11556
dIndResultsRA1(7) = 0.00651

!display results
print *, 'LC Sap2000 Independent %Diff'

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 27 of 40

print *, '-- -------- ----------- -----'

do iCol = 1, 7
print 1, iCol, dSapResultsRA1(iCol), dIndResultsRA1(iCol), (dSapResultsRA1(iCol) /
dIndResultsRA1(iCol)) - 1.
end do

1format ( i3, f10.5, f13.5, f7.2)


end program APIExample

Release Notes
Initial release in version 11.03.

Changed nomenclature from Load Cases, Analysis Cases and Response Combinations to Load Patterns,
Load Cases and Load Combinations, respectively, in version 12.00.

Example 5 (Microsoft Visual C++ 2005)

This example is written for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005. It is based on the Sap2000 verification problem
Example 1-001.

This example creates the example verification problem from scratch, runs the analysis, extracts results,
and compares the results with hand calculated values.

1. Create a Visual C++ Win32 project using the template “Win32 Console Application”.

2. In Win32 Application Wizard, add common header files for ATL under Application Settings

3. Create a folder named “tlb” under the project folder and copy “Sap2000.tlb” from the
installation folder to the “tlb” folder.

4. Create a folder named “C:\API” if it does not exist.

5. Open the .cpp file generated by the wizard by double clicking on it and paste in the
following code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <sstream>

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 28 of 40

#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>

#import "..\tlb\Sap2000.tlb" high_property_prefixes("Get_","Put_","PutRef_") no_smart_pointers

no_namespace raw_native_types rename("min", "sap2000v12_min") rename("SetProp",
"sap2000v12_SetProp") rename("GetProp", "sap2000v12_GetProp") rename("Yield",

using namespace std;

bool CheckHRESULT(HRESULT hRes, const wchar_t *msg)

if(FAILED(hRes)) {
MessageBox(0, msg, L"ERROR!", MB_SETFOREGROUND);
return (false);

return (true);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

HRESULT hRes = 0;
int res = 0;

// initialize COM
hRes = CoInitialize(NULL);
if(!CheckHRESULT(hRes, L"Error initializing COM subsystem!")) return (hRes);

// create Sap2000 object

// CComQIPtr is a smart pointer class for managing COM interface pointers.
CComQIPtr<_SapObject> pSapObject;
hRes = pSapObject.CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(SapObject), NULL,
if(!CheckHRESULT(hRes, L"Cannot instanciate SapObject!")) return (hRes);

try {
// start Sap2000 application
// CComBSTR is a wrapper for BSTRs.
CComBSTR bstrEmpty("");
res = pSapObject->ApplicationStart(kip_in_F, VARIANT_TRUE, bstrEmpty);

// create SapModel object

CComQIPtr<_cSapModel> pSapModel;
pSapModel = pSapObject->Get_SapModel();

// initialize model
res = pSapModel->InitializeNewModel(kip_in_F);

// create new blank model

CComQIPtr<_cFile> pFile;

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 29 of 40

pFile = pSapModel->Get_File();
res = pFile->NewBlank();

// define material property

CComQIPtr<_cPropMaterial> pPropMaterial;
CComBSTR bstrPropMaterial("CONC");
pPropMaterial = pSapModel->Get_PropMaterial();
res = pPropMaterial->SetMaterial(bstrPropMaterial, MATERIAL_CONCRETE, -1, bstrEmpty,

// assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

res = pPropMaterial->SetMPIsotropic(bstrPropMaterial, 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055, 0.0);

// define rectangular frame section property

CComQIPtr<_cPropFrame> pPropFrame;
pPropFrame = pSapModel->Get_PropFrame();

CComBSTR bstrPropFrame("R1");
res = pPropFrame->SetRectangle(bstrPropFrame, bstrPropMaterial, 12, 12, -1, bstrEmpty,

// define frame section property modifiers

// CComSafeArray is a wrapper for the SAFEARRAY structure.
CComSafeArray<double> saMod(8);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
saMod[i] = 1.;
saMod[0] = 1000.;
saMod[1] = 0.;
saMod[2] = 0.;
res = pPropFrame->SetModifiers(bstrPropFrame, &(saMod.m_psa));

// switch to k-ft units

res = pSapModel->SetPresentUnits(kip_ft_F);

// add frame object by coordinates

CComBSTR name1(" ");
CComBSTR name2(" ");
CComBSTR name3(" ");
CComBSTR FrameName0("1");
CComBSTR FrameName1("2");
CComBSTR FrameName2("3");
CComBSTR bstrCoordSys("Global");
CComQIPtr<_cFrameObj> pFrameObj;
pFrameObj = pSapModel->Get_FrameObj();
res = pFrameObj->AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, &name1, bstrPropFrame, FrameName0,
res = pFrameObj->AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, &name2, bstrPropFrame, FrameName1,
res = pFrameObj->AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, &name3, bstrPropFrame, FrameName2,

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 30 of 40

// assign point object restraint at base

CComBSTR PointName("");
CComBSTR PointName0("");
CComBSTR PointName1("");
CComSafeArray<VARIANT_BOOL> saRest(6);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
saRest[i] = VARIANT_TRUE;
for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++)
saRest[i] = VARIANT_FALSE;
res = pFrameObj->GetPoints(FrameName0, &PointName0, &PointName1);

CComQIPtr<_cPointObj> pPointObj;
pPointObj = pSapModel->Get_PointObj();
res = pPointObj->SetRestraint(PointName0, &(saRest.m_psa), Object);

// assign point object restraint at top

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
saRest[i] = VARIANT_TRUE;
for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
saRest[i] = VARIANT_FALSE;
res = pFrameObj->GetPoints(FrameName1, &PointName0, &PointName1);
res = pPointObj->SetRestraint(PointName1, &(saRest.m_psa), Object);

// refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

long window = 0;
CComQIPtr<_cView> pView;
pView = pSapModel->Get_View();
res = pView->RefreshView(window, zoom);

// add load patterns

double SelfWTMultiplier = 1.0;
CComQIPtr<_cLoadPatterns> pLoadPatterns;
pLoadPatterns = pSapModel->Get_LoadPatterns();

CComBSTR bstrLoadPattern("1");
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

SelfWTMultiplier = 0.;
bstrLoadPattern = "2";
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

bstrLoadPattern = "3";
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

bstrLoadPattern = "4";
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 31 of 40


bstrLoadPattern = "5";
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

bstrLoadPattern = "6";
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

bstrLoadPattern = "7";
res = pLoadPatterns->Add(bstrLoadPattern, LTYPE_OTHER, SelfWTMultiplier,

// assign loading for load pattern 2

res = pFrameObj->GetPoints(FrameName2, &PointName0, &PointName1);

CComSafeArray<double> saPLoad(6);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
saPLoad[i] = 0.;
saPLoad[2] = -10.;

bstrLoadPattern = "2";
bstrCoordSys = "Global";
res = pPointObj->SetLoadForce(PointName0, bstrLoadPattern, &(saPLoad.m_psa),
VARIANT_FALSE, bstrCoordSys, Object);
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, bstrLoadPattern, 1, 10, 0., 1., 1.8, 1.8,
bstrCoordSys, VARIANT_TRUE, VARIANT_TRUE, Object);

// assign loading for load pattern 3

res = pFrameObj->GetPoints(FrameName2, &PointName0, &PointName1);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
saPLoad[i] = 0.;
saPLoad[2] = -17.2;
saPLoad[4] = -54.4;

bstrLoadPattern = "3";
res = pPointObj->SetLoadForce(PointName1, bstrLoadPattern, &(saPLoad.m_psa),
VARIANT_FALSE, bstrCoordSys, Object);

// assign loading for load pattern 4

bstrLoadPattern = "4";
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, bstrLoadPattern, 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8,
bstrCoordSys, VARIANT_TRUE, VARIANT_TRUE, Object);

// assign loading for load pattern 5

bstrCoordSys = "Local";
bstrLoadPattern = "5";
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadDistributed(FrameName0, bstrLoadPattern, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2,
bstrCoordSys, VARIANT_TRUE, VARIANT_TRUE, Object);
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, bstrLoadPattern, 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2,

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 32 of 40

bstrCoordSys, VARIANT_TRUE, VARIANT_TRUE, Object);

// assign loading for load pattern 6

bstrLoadPattern = "6";
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadDistributed(FrameName0, bstrLoadPattern, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744,
bstrCoordSys, VARIANT_TRUE, VARIANT_TRUE, Object);
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, bstrLoadPattern, 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0,
bstrCoordSys, VARIANT_TRUE, VARIANT_TRUE, Object);

// assign loading for load pattern 7

bstrLoadPattern = "7";
res = pFrameObj->SetLoadPoint(FrameName1,bstrLoadPattern, 1, 2, 0.5, -15, bstrCoordSys,

// switch to k-in units

res = pSapModel->SetPresentUnits(kip_in_F);

// save model
CComBSTR bstrFileName("C:\\SapAPI\\API_1-001.sdb");
res = pFile->Save(bstrFileName);

// run model (this will create the analysis model)

CComQIPtr<_cAnalyze> pAnalyze;
pAnalyze = pSapModel->Get_Analyze();
res = pAnalyze->RunAnalysis();

// initialize for Sap2000 results

long NumberResults = 0;
double SapResult[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
SapResult[i] = 0.;

// use CComSafeArray class to simplify SAFEARRAY creation

CComSafeArray<BSTR> saResObj(1);
saResObj[0] = ::SysAllocString(L"");
CComSafeArray<BSTR> saResElm(1);
saResElm[0] = ::SysAllocString(L"");
CComSafeArray<BSTR> saResLoadCase(1);
saResLoadCase[0] = ::SysAllocString(L"");
CComSafeArray<BSTR> saResStepType(1);
saResStepType[0] = ::SysAllocString(L"");
CComSafeArray<double> saResStepNum(1);
CComSafeArray<double> saResU1(1);
CComSafeArray<double> saResU2(1);
CComSafeArray<double> saResU3(1);
CComSafeArray<double> saResR1(1);
CComSafeArray<double> saResR2(1);
CComSafeArray<double> saResR3(1);

res = pFrameObj->GetPoints(FrameName1, &PointName0, &PointName1);

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 33 of 40

// get Sap2000 results for load cases 1 through 7

CComQIPtr<_cAnalysisResults> pResults;
CComQIPtr<_cAnalysisResultsSetup> pResultsSetup;

pResults = pSapModel->Get_Results();
pResultsSetup = pResults->Get_Setup();

for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {

res = pResultsSetup->DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput();

if (i==0) {
bstrLoadPattern = "1";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);
} else if (i==1) {
bstrLoadPattern = "2";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);
} else if (i==2) {
bstrLoadPattern = "3";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);
} else if (i==3) {
bstrLoadPattern = "4";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);
} else if (i==4) {
bstrLoadPattern = "5";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);
} else if (i==5) {
bstrLoadPattern = "6";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);
} else if (i==6) {
bstrLoadPattern = "7";
res = pResultsSetup->SetCaseSelectedForOutput(bstrLoadPattern, VARIANT_TRUE);

// SAFEARRAY pointers must be detached before being passed

// if they are to be redimensioned in the SAP2000 API method
LPSAFEARRAY psaResObj = saResObj.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResElm = saResElm.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResLoadCase = saResLoadCase.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResStepType = saResStepType.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResStepNum = saResStepNum.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResU1 = saResU1.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResU2 = saResU2.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResU3 = saResU3.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResR1 = saResR1.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResR2 = saResR2.Detach();
LPSAFEARRAY psaResR3 = saResR3.Detach();

if (i <= 3)
PointName = PointName1;
PointName = PointName0;

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res = pResults->JointDispl(PointName, ObjectElm, &NumberResults, &psaResObj,

&psaResElm, &psaResLoadCase, &psaResStepType, &psaResStepNum, &psaResU1, &psaResU2,
&psaResU3, &psaResR1, &psaResR2, &psaResR3);

// reattach SAFEARRAY pointers


if (i <= 3)
SapResult[i] = saResU3[0];
SapResult[i] = saResU1[0];

// close Sap2000 application

res = pSapObject->ApplicationExit(VARIANT_FALSE);

// fill independent results (hand calculated)

double IndResult[7];
IndResult[0] = -0.02639;
IndResult[1] = 0.06296;
IndResult[2] = 0.06296;
IndResult[3] = -0.2963;
IndResult[4] = 0.3125;
IndResult[5] = 0.11556;
IndResult[6] = 0.00651;

// fill percent difference

double PercentDiff[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
PercentDiff[i] = fabs((SapResult[i] / IndResult[i]) - 1);

// print results
stringstream sMsg;
sMsg << fixed << setfill(' ');
sMsg << "LC Sap2000 Independent %Diff" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
sMsg << setprecision(5) << showpoint <<
<< setw(2) << i + 1 << " "
<< setw(11) << IndResult[i] << " "

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 35 of 40

<< setw(11) << SapResult[i] << " "

<< setprecision(0) << noshowpoint << setiosflags(ios::right)
<< setw(5) << PercentDiff[i] << '%' << endl;
MessageBoxA(0, sMsg.str().c_str(), " Results", MB_SETFOREGROUND);

// clean up objects

// uninitialize COM

// we're done!
return (res);
catch( _com_error& ex ) {
CheckHRESULT(ex.Error(), ex.ErrorMessage());

// close Sap2000 application

res = pSapObject->ApplicationExit(VARIANT_FALSE);

// uninitialize COM

return (-1);

Release Notes
Initial release in version 12.0.1

Example 6 (MATLAB R2008a)

This example is written for MATLAB R2008a. It is based on the Sap2000 verification problem Example

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 36 of 40

This example creates the example verification problem from scratch, runs the analysis, extracts results,
and compares the results with hand calculated values.

1. Create a folder named “C:\API” if it does not exist.

2. Create a MATLAB .m file using the built-in or any text editor and paste in the following code:

%% clean-up the workspace & command window


%% pass data to Sap2000 as one-dimensional arrays

feature('COM_SafeArraySingleDim', 1);

%% pass non-scalar arrays to Sap2000 API by reference

feature('COM_PassSafeArrayByRef', 1);

%% create Sap2000 object

SapObject = actxserver('sap2000.SapObject');

%% start Sap2000 application


%% create SapModel object

SapModel = SapObject.SapModel;

%% initialize model
ret = SapModel.InitializeNewModel;

%% create new blank model

ret = SapModel.File.NewBlank;

%% define material property

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMaterial('CONC', MATERIAL_CONCRETE);

%% assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic('CONC', 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055);

%% define rectangular frame section property

ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetRectangle('R1', 'CONC', 12, 12);

%% define frame section property modifiers

ModValue = zeros(8,1,'double');
for i = 1 : 8
ModValue(i,1) = 1;

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 37 of 40

ModValue(1,1) = 1000;
ModValue(2,1) = 0;
ModValue(3,1) = 0;
ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetModifiers('R1', ModValue);

%% switch to k-ft units

kip_ft_F = 4;
ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_ft_F);

%% add frame object by coordinates

FrameName1 = ' ';

FrameName2 = ' ';

FrameName3 = ' ';

[ret, FrameName1] = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, FrameName1, 'R1', '1',

[ret, FrameName2] = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, FrameName2, 'R1', '2',
[ret, FrameName3] = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, FrameName3, 'R1', '3',

%% assign point object restraint at base

PointName1 = ' ';

PointName2 = ' ';

Restraint = logical(zeros(6,1));
for i = 1 : 4
Restraint(i,1) = true();

for i = 5 : 6
Restraint(i,1) = false();

[ret, PointName2] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName1, PointName1, PointName2);

ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName1, Restraint);

%% assign point object restraint at top

for i = 1 : 2
Restraint(i,1) = true();

for i = 3 : 6
Restraint(i,1) = false();

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 38 of 40

[ret, PointName1, PointName2] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName2, PointName1,

ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName2, Restraint);

%% refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

ret = SapModel.View.RefreshView(0, false());

%% add load patterns

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('1', LTYPE_OTHER, 1, true());
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('2', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, true());
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('3', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, true());
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('4', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, true());
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('5', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, true());
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('6', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, true());
ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('7', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, true());

%% assign loading for load pattern 2

[ret, PointName1, PointName2] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName3, PointName1,
PointLoadValue(6,1) = 0;
PointLoadValue(3,1) = -10;
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName1, '2', PointLoadValue);
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName3, '2', 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8);

%% assign loading for load pattern 3

[ret, PointName1, PointName2] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName3, PointName1,
PointLoadValue(6,1) = 0;
PointLoadValue(3,1) = -17.2;
PointLoadValue(5,1) = -54.4;
ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName2, '3', PointLoadValue);

%% assign loading for load pattern 4

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, '4', 1, 11, 0, 1, 2, 2);

%% assign loading for load pattern 5

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, '5', 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 'Local');
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, '5', 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2, 'Local');

%% assign loading for load pattern 6

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, '6', 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744, 'Local');
ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, '6', 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0, 'Local');

%% assign loading for load pattern 7

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadPoint(FrameName2, '7', 1, 2, 0.5, -15, 'Local');

%% switch to k-in units

kip_in_F = 3;
ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_in_F);

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 39 of 40

%% save model
ret = SapModel.File.Save('C:\API\API_1-001.sdb');

%% run model (this will create the analysis model)

ret = SapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis();

%% initialize for Sap2000 results

SapResult= zeros(7,1,'double');
[ret, PointName1, PointName2] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName2, PointName1,

%% get Sap2000 results for load cases 1 through 7

for i = 1 : 7
NumberResults = 0;
Obj = cellstr(' ');
Elm = cellstr(' ');
ACase = cellstr(' ');
StepType = cellstr(' ');
StepNum = zeros(1,1,'double');
U1 = zeros(1,1,'double');
U2 = zeros(1,1,'double');
U3 = zeros(1,1,'double');
R1 = zeros(1,1,'double');
R2 = zeros(1,1,'double');
R3 = zeros(1,1,'double');
ObjectElm = 0;

ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput;
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(int2str(i));
if i <= 4
[ret, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3] =
SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName2, ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType,
StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3);
SapResult(i) = U3(1);
[ret, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3] =
SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName1, ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType,
StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3);
SapResult(i) = U1(1);

%% close Sap2000
ret = SapObject.ApplicationExit(false());
SapModel = 0;
SapObject = 0;

%% fill independent results

IndResult= zeros(7,1,'double');
IndResult(1) = -0.02639;

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Example 1 (VBA) Page 40 of 40

IndResult(2) = 0.06296;
IndResult(3) = 0.06296;
IndResult(4) = -0.2963;
IndResult(5) = 0.3125;
IndResult(6) = 0.11556;
IndResult(7) = 0.00651;

%% fill percent difference

PercentDiff = zeros(7,1,'double');
for i = 1 : 7
PercentDiff(i) = (SapResult(i) / IndResult(i)) - 1;

%% display results

Release Notes
Initial release in version 12.0.1

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