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Assess the aspect of your own development. Which aspect I feel are already
developed? Which aspect I consider my weakness or areas for improvement? Put a
check mark on each item and explain further.


I need to develop a good body
image perception because I tend
to be so embarrassed with my
I think that I am slowly at the
right path of developing a good
cognitive/ mental state
The psychological aspect of my
life is one of the weakest part of
I have a good relationship with
my God and I am very firm in
my belief.
I am quite extrovert but that
doesn’t mean I am always good
with people because there are
times that I struggle to
communicate with people.
Worksheet 7:
How would you like your story to be told?

I always imagine that when I achieve my goals, I will inspire others to pursue their own,

and I will do it by sharing my own life story. I don't want my story to begin with my

accomplishments as a successful woman or anything else; instead, I want it to begin

with my failures, missteps, and numerous rejections. I want people to know that I began

off as an elementary school dropout because I was bullied for being a dummy, and
while I can write, I can't spell the words correctly. By 9th grade, I had been caught

breaking school rules, which I did for the sake of everyone.As I turned 18 I apply to

more than 4 companies and was rejected. I've learned lessons throughout my life that I

would not have known if I hadn't gone through it. I've learnt that even if our motives are

good, but we do it in the wrong way, it will always be wrong, and that even if people

reject us or tell us we can't do anything, it's up to us whether we listen to them or listen

to ourselves and keep going. Rejection can sometimes signify re-direction, and failure

does not always indicate the end of the road. I want people to understand the hard

realities of life, but we must have the courage to face it head on.

How aware are you of the two different opposing “wolves” operating within your mind,
one of which leads to pain and a diminished sense of life and the other to a joyous,
meaningful, and fulfilling life?

I had heard this story before in the book "Wisdom for Winners," and its message
resonated with me so strongly that it lingered in my thoughts for days. It made me
became aware that we have both bright and dark sides of ourselves. The wolf story is
like another version of yin yang, involving two opposing powers of light and darkness.
However, in yin yang, those things must be equal, whereas in the wolf story, one must
prevail over the other, and that wolf is the one you feed the most. I know that I have
hidden dark sides in my life, and that this darkness sometimes eats me up, which
makes me anxious, but the fact that I am aware that I have dark sides and that I am
trying to break away from them means that I am slowly moving in the correct direction.

When was the time you feel disappointed by the choice of behavior because you knew
that there was a more positive option but you just didn’t choose it?

The last time I regretted something was when I yelled at my brother just because he
was trying to bother me and I was stressed out from everything else going on in my life.
I'm aware that I have issues with being irritable, and my rage may be out of control at
times, especially during my period. Every time I mistreated someone, I felt guilty
afterwards because I knew I shouldn't have done that and should have responded more
politely. The feeling of guilt would then hound me and make me feel terrible about

What ways or techniques or exercises do you use to strengthen yourself so as to

increase its potency to choose and hence control your life?
I was always aware of my actions, both good and bad, and with regard to my
"grumpiness" issue, I've learned a technique that helps me lessen it, and it's through
breathing slowly in and out every time I feel stressed and not responding immediately to
every situation that would drain my energy and cause me to be out of mood.

In what specific ways do you feed the negative wolf?

The “wolf story” taught us that the one who feeds the most is the one who wins, so in
order to eliminate or let the bad wolf lose I try not to feed this type of “wolf” in my life,
which I accomplished by creating ways to avoid situations or people that would tempt
me to let my dark personality come out.

What specific ways do you use to feed the positive wolf?

I want this positive wolf to triumph and take over by continuing to do things that give me
positive results and help me grow as an individual. I also surround myself with people
that encourage me to maintain a positive outlook. Finally, I am immersing myself in self-
help books in order to improve my capabilities. By focusing more on goodness for
myself and others, I am progressively paving the way for the positive wolf to prevail.

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