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Indomitable Weapon

Writing is the world of bottomless optimism that connects people with their
minds and hearts. And that right there is one of the most precious commodity in
the universe. We walk the path where evolution of technologies and new media
emerges and writing shows itself as a weapon and not as enemy. It opens a new
chamber of opportunities that will transform our life beyond above. If writing exist
in the living realm I would shake its hand and bestow my keen gratitude most

There is no such word that fits the definition of what writing is because it
upholds a significant value that is not measurable than just words (that’s what I
reckon). It has a special place in my heart and now I do not intend to get way
personal than that. Especially this time of pandemic where many people lost their
jobs and I saw writing as conducive way to access further opportunities that this
world still offers. Everything is digital and most of the job nowadays is being
achieved through writing and that’s what recent and future generations have to
be thankful for. See? There is power with writing and I am the living proof of that.

I write to express and not to impress and maybe that’s my strongest suit. I
treat writing as an armor and everyday I mandate myself to wear it to endeavor
my journey. It was never easy because I can’t deny the fact that I’m limited but
writing seems to know every piece of the crimson fabric of my soul which reminds
me that although I am limited, I am capable. Words are just words but put them
together side by side then they have the power to create astounding things in our

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