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Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially
data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the
user. Large clouds often have functions distributed over multiple locations, each location
being a data center. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence
[clarification needed] and economies of scale, typically using a "pay-as-you-go" model which
can help in reducing capital expenses but may also lead to unexpected operating expenses for
unaware users.

1. On-demand self-service
Cloud computing resources can be provisioned without human interaction from the service
provider. In other words, a manufacturing organization can provision additional computing
resources as needed without going through the cloud service provider. This can be a storage
space, virtual machine instances, database instances, and so on.
Manufacturing organizations can use a web self-service portal as an interface to access their
cloud accounts to see their cloud services, their usage, and also to provision and de-provision
services as they need to.

2. Broad network access

Cloud computing resources are available over the network and can be accessed by diverse
customer platforms. It other words, cloud services are available over a network—ideally high
broadband communication link—such as the internet, or in the case of a private clouds it
could be a local area network (LAN).
Network bandwidth and latency are very important aspects of cloud computing and broad
network access, because they relate to the quality of service (QoS) on the network. This is
particularly important for serving time sensitive manufacturing applications.

3. Multi-tenancy and resource pooling

Cloud computing resources are designed to support a multi-tenant model. Multi-tenancy
allows multiple customers to share the same applications or the same physical infrastructure
while retaining privacy and security over their information. It’s similar to people living in an

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apartment building, sharing the same building infrastructure but they still have their own
apartments and privacy within that infrastructure. That is how cloud multi-tenancy works.
Resource pooling means that multiple customers are serviced from the same physical
resources. Providers’ resource pool should be very large and flexible enough to service
multiple client requirements and to provide for economy of scale. When it comes to resource
pooling, resource allocation must not impact performances of critical manufacturing

4. Rapid elasticity and scalability:-

One of the great things about cloud computing is the ability to quickly provision resources in
the cloud as manufacturing organizations need them. And then to remove them when they
don’t need them. Cloud computing resources can scale up or down rapidly and, in some
cases, automatically, in response to business demands. It is a key feature of cloud computing.
The usage, capacity, and therefore cost, can be scaled up or down with no additional contract
or penalties.
Elasticity is a landmark of cloud computing and it implies that manufacturing organizations
can rapidly provision and de-provision any of the cloud computing resources. Rapid
provisioning and de-provisioning might apply to storage or virtual machines or customer
With cloud computing scalability, there is less capital expenditure on the cloud customer
side. This is because as the cloud customer needs additional computing resources, they can
simply provision them as needed, and they are available right away. Scalability is more
planned and gradual. For instance, scalability means that manufacturing organizations are
gradually planning for more capacity and of course the cloud can handle that scaling up or
scaling down.
Just-in-time (JIT) service is the notion of requiring cloud elasticity either to provision more
resources in the cloud or less. For example, if a manufacturing organization all of a sudden
needs more computing power to perform some kind of complex calculation, this would be
cloud elasticity that would be a just-in-time service. On the other hand, if the manufacturing
organization needs to provision human-machine interface (HMI) tags in the database for a
manufacturing project, that is not really just-in-time service, it is planned ahead of time. So it
is more on the scalability side than elasticity.
Another feature available for rapid elasticity and scalability in the cloud is related to testing
of manufacturing applications. If a manufacturing organization needs, for example, a few
virtual machines to test a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system before
they roll it out in production, they can have it up and running in minutes instead of physically
ordering and waiting for hardware to be shipped.
In terms of the bottom line, when manufacturing organizations need to test something in the
cloud, they are paying for what they use as they use it. As long as they remember to de-
provision it, they will no longer be paying for it. There is no capital expense here for
computer resources. Manufacturing organizations are using the cloud provider’s investment
in cloud computing resources instead. This is really useful for testing smart manufacturing

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5. Measured service.
Cloud computing resources usage is metered and manufacturing organizations pay
accordingly for what they have used. Resource utilization can be optimized by leveraging
charge-per-use capabilities. This means that cloud resource usage—whether virtual server
instances that are running or storage in the cloud—gets monitored, measured and reported by
the cloud service provider. The cost model is based on “pay for what you use”—the payment
is variable based on the actual consumption by the manufacturing organization.

-------------------------Origin of Cloud computing-----------------------

Before emerging the cloud computing, there was Client/Server computing which is basically
a centralized storage in which all the software applications, all the data and all the controls
are resided on the server side.
If a single user wants to access specific data or run a program, he/she need to connect to the
server and then gain appropriate access, and then he/she can do his/her business.
Then after, distributed computing came into picture, where all the computers are networked
together and share their resources when needed.
On the basis of above computing, there was emerged of cloud computing concepts that later
At around in 1961, John MacCharty suggested in a speech at MIT that computing can be
sold like a utility, just like a water or electricity. It was a brilliant idea, but like all brilliant
ideas, it was ahead if its time, as for the next few decades, despite interest in the model, the
technology simply was not ready for it.
But of course time has passed and the technology caught that idea and after few years we
mentioned that:
In 1999, started delivering of applications to users using a simple website.
The applications were delivered to enterprises over the Internet, and this way the dream of
computing sold as utility were true.
In 2002, Amazon started Amazon Web Services, providing services like storage,
computation and even human intelligence. However, only starting with the launch of the
Elastic Compute Cloud in 2006 a truly commercial service open to everybody existed.
In 2009, Google Apps also started to provide cloud computing enterprise applications.
Of course, all the big players are present in the cloud computing evolution, some were
earlier, some were later. In 2009, Microsoft launched Windows Azure, and companies like
Oracle and HP have all joined the game. This proves that today, Cloud Computing has
become mainstream.

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Benefits of cloud computing :-

1. Cost Savings :-
If you are worried about the price tag that would come with making the switch to cloud
computing, you aren't alone 20% of organisations are concerned about the initial cost of
implementing a cloud-based server. But those who are attempting to weigh the advantages
and disadvantages of using the cloud need to consider more factors than just initial price they
need to consider ROI.
Once you're on the cloud, easy access to your company's data will save time and money in
project startups. And, for those who are worried that they'll end up paying for features that
they neither need nor want, most cloud-computing services are pay as you go. This means
that if you don't take advantage of what the cloud has to offer, then at least you won't have to
be dropping money on it.
The pay-as-you-go system also applies to the data storage space needed to service your
stakeholders and clients, which means that you'll get exactly as much space as you need, and
not be charged for any space that you don't. Taken together, these factors result in lower costs
and higher returns. Half of all CIOs and IT leaders surveyed by Bitglass reported cost savings
in 2015 as a result of using cloud-based applications.

2. Security :-
Many Organisations have security concerns when it comes to adopting a cloud-computing
solution. After all, when files, programs, and other data aren't kept securely onsite, how can
you know that they are being protected? If you can remotely access your data, then what's
stopping a cybercriminal from doing the same thing? Well, quite a bit, actually.
For one thing, a cloud host's full-time job is to carefully monitor security, which is
significantly more efficient than a conventional in-house system, where an organisation must
divide its efforts between a myriad of IT concerns, with security being only one of them. And
while most businesses don't like to openly consider the possibility of internal data theft, the
truth is that a staggeringly high percentage of data thefts occur internally and are perpetrated
by employees. When this is the case, it can actually be much safer to keep sensitive
information offsite. Of course, this is all very abstract, so let's consider some solid statistics.
RapidScale claims that 94% of businesses saw an improvement in security after switching to
the cloud, and 91% said the cloud makes it easier to meet government compliance
requirements. The key to this amped-up security is the encryption of data being transmitted
over networks and stored in databases. By using encryption, information is less accessible by

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Hackers or anyone not authorised to view your data. As an added security measure, with
most cloud-based services, different security settings can be set based on the user. While 20%
of cloud user claim disaster recovery in four hours or less, only 9% of cloud users could
claim the same.
Dell reports that companies that invest in big data, cloud, mobility, and security enjoy up to
53% faster revenue growth than their competitors.

3. Flexibility :-
Your business has only a finite amount of focus to divide between all of its responsibilities. If
your current IT solutions are forcing you to commit too much of your attention to computer
and data-storage issues, then you aren't going to be able to concentrate on reaching business
goals and satisfying customers. On the other hand, by relying on an outside organisation to
take care of all IT hosting and infrastructure, you'll have more time to devote toward the
aspects of your business that directly affect your bottom line.
The cloud offers businesses more flexibility overall versus hosting on a local server. And, if
you need extra bandwidth, a cloud-based service can meet that demand instantly, rather than
undergoing a complex (and expensive) update to your IT infrastructure. This improved
freedom and flexibility can make a significant difference to the overall efficiency of your
organisation. A 65% majority of respondents to an InformationWeek survey said “the ability
to quickly meet business demands” was one of the most important reasons a business should
move to a cloud environment.

4. Mobility :-
Cloud computing allows mobile access to corporate data via smartphones and devices, which,
considering over 2.6 billion smartphones are being used globally today, is a great way to
ensure that no one is ever left out of the loop. Staff with busy schedules, or who live a long
way away from the corporate office, can use this feature to keep instantly up to date with
clients and co-worker.
Through the cloud, you can offer conveniently accessible information to sales staff who
travel, freelance employees, or remote employees, for better work-life balance. Therefore, it's
not surprising to see that organisations with employee satisfaction listed as a priority are up to
24% more likely to expand cloud usage.

5. Insight :-
As we move ever further into the digital age, it's becoming clearer and clearer that the old
adage “knowledge is power” has taken on the more modern and accurate form: “Data is
money.” Hidden within the millions of bits of data that surround your customer transactions
and business process are nuggets of invaluable, actionable information just waiting to be
identified and acted upon. Of course, sifting through that data to find these kernels can be
very difficult, unless you have access to the right cloud-computing solution.

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Many cloud-based storage solutions offer integrated cloud analytics for a bird's-eye view of
your data. With your information stored in the cloud, you can easily implement tracking
mechanisms and build customised reports to analyse information organisation wide. From
those insights, you can increase efficiencies and build action plans to meet organisational
goals. For example, the beverage company Sunny Delight was able to increase profits by
about $2 million a year and cut $195,000 in staffing costs through cloud-based business

6. Increased Collaboration:-
If your business has two employees or more, then you should be making collaboration a top
priority. After all, there isn't much point to having a team if it is unable to work like a team.
Cloud computing makes collaboration a simple process. Team members can view and share
information easily and securely across a cloud-based platform. Some cloud-based services
even provide collaborative social spaces to connect employees across your organisation,
therefore increasing interest and engagement. Collaboration may be possible without a cloud-
computing solution, but it will never be as easy, nor as effective.

7. Quality Control :-
There are few things as detrimental to the success of a business as poor quality and
inconsistent reporting. In a cloud-based system, all documents are stored in one place and in a
single format. With everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency
in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any revisions or updates. Conversely,
managing information in silos can lead to employees accidentally saving different versions of
documents, which leads to confusion and diluted data.

8. Disaster Recovery:-
One of the factors that contributes to the success of a business is control. Unfortunately, no
matter how in control your organisation may be when it comes to its own processes, there
will always be things that are completely out of your control, and in today's market, even a
small amount of unproductive downtime can have a resoundingly negative effect. Downtime
in your services leads to lost productivity, revenue, and brand reputation.
But while there may be no way for you to prevent or even anticipate the disasters that could
potentially harm your organisation, there is something you can do to help speed your
recovery. Cloud-based services provide quick data recovery for all kinds of emergency
scenarios, from natural disasters to power outages. While 20% of cloud users claim disaster
recovery in four hours or less, only 9% of non-cloud users could claim the same. In a recent
survey, 43% of IT executives said they plan to invest in or improve cloud-based disaster

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recovery solutions.While 20% of cloud users claim disaster recovery in 4 hours or less, only
9% of cloud users could claim the same

9. Loss Prevention:-
If your organisation isn't investing in a cloud-computing solution, then all of your valuable
data is inseparably tied to the office computers it resides in. This may not seem like a
problem, but the reality is that if your local hardware experiences a problem, you might end
up permanently losing your data. This is a more common problem than you might realise
computers can malfunction for many reasons, from viral infections, to age-related hardware
deterioration, to simple user error. Or, despite the best of intentions, they can be misplaced or
stolen (over 10,000 laptops are reported lost every week at major airports).
If you aren't on the cloud, you're at risk of losing all the information you had saved locally.
With a cloud-based server, however, all the information you've uploaded to the cloud remains
safe and easily accessible from any computer with an internet connection, even if the
computer you regularly use isn't working.

10. Automatic Software Updates:-

For those who have a lot to get done, there isn't anything more irritating than having to wait
for system updates to be installed. Cloud-based applications automatically refresh and update
themselves, instead of forcing an IT department to perform a manual organisation wide
update. This saves valuable IT staff time and money spent on outside IT consultation.
PCWorld lists that 50% of cloud adopters cited requiring fewer internal IT resources as a
cloud benefit.

--------------------------Working of cloud computing------------------

Assume that you are an executive at a very big corporation. Your particular responsibilities
include to make sure that all of your employees have the right hardware and software they
need to do their jobs. To buy computers for everyone is not enough. You also have to
purchase software as well as software licenses and then provide these softwares to your
employees as they require. Whenever you hire a new employee, you need to buy more
software or make sure your current softw are license allows another user. It is so stressful
that you have to spend lots of money.
But, there may be an alternative for executives like you. So, instead of installing a suite of
software for each computer, you just need to load one application. That application will allow
the employees to log-in into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs for the user
that is required for his/her job. Remote servers owned by another company and that will run
everything from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs. It is called
cloud computing, and it could change the entire computer industry.

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In a cloud computing system, there is a significant workload shift. Local computers have no
longer to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to run applications. But cloud computing can
handle that much heavy load easily and automatically. Hardware and software demands on
the user's side decrease. The only thing the user's computer requires to be able to run is the
cloud computing interface software of the system, which can be as simple as a Web browser
and the cloud's network takes care of the rest.

Types of Cloud:-
There are the following 4 types of cloud that you can deploy according to the organization's

o Public Cloud

o Private Cloud
o Hybrid Cloud

o Community Cloud.

Public Cloud:-
o Public Cloud provides a shared platform that is accessible to the general
public through an Internet connection.
o Public cloud operated on the pay-as-per-use model and administrated by the third
party, i.e., Cloud service provider.
o In the Public cloud, the same storage is being used by multiple users at the same time.

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o Public cloud is owned, managed, and operated by businesses, universities,

government organizations, or a combination of them.
o Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Microsoft Azure, IBM's Blue Cloud, Sun
Cloud, and Google Cloud are examples of the public cloud.

Private Cloud :-
Private cloud is also known as an internal cloud or corporate cloud. It is used by
organizations to build and manage their own data centers internally or by the third party. It
can be deployed using Opensource tools such as Openstack and Eucalyptus.
Based on the location and management, National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) divide private cloud into the following two parts-
o On-premise private cloud.
o Outsourced private cloud.

Hybrid Cloud :-
Hybrid Cloud is a combination of the public cloud and the private cloud. we can say:
Hybrid Cloud = Public Cloud + Private Cloud
Hybrid cloud is partially secure because the services which are running on the public cloud
can be accessed by anyone, while the services which are running on a private cloud can be
accessed only by the organization's users.

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Example: Google Application Suite (Gmail, Google Apps, and Google Drive), Office
365 (MS Office on the Web and One Drive), Amazon Web Services.

Community Cloud :-
Community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a group of several
organizations to share the information between the organization and a specific community. It
is owned, managed, and operated by one or more organizations in the community, a third
party, or a combination of them.
Example: Health Care community cloud

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Advantages of Cloud Computing :-
As we all know that Cloud computing is trending technology. Almost every company
switched their services on the cloud to rise the company growth.
Here, we are going to discuss some important advantages of Cloud Computing-

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1) Back-up and restore data :-

Once the data is stored in the cloud, it is easier to get back-up and restore that data using the
2) Improved collaboration :-
Cloud applications improve collaboration by allowing groups of people to quickly and easily
share information in the cloud via shared storage.
C++ vs Java
3) Excellent accessibility :-
Cloud allows us to quickly and easily access store information anywhere, anytime in the
whole world, using an internet connection. An internet cloud infrastructure increases
organization productivity and efficiency by ensuring that our data is always accessible.
4) Low maintenance cost:-Cloud computing reduces both hardware and software
maintenance costs for organizations.
5) Mobility:-Cloud computing allows us to easily access all cloud data via mobile.
6) IServices in the pay-per-use model
Cloud computing offers Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to the users for access
services on the cloud and pays the charges as per the usage of service.
7) Unlimited storage capacity
Cloud offers us a huge amount of storing capacity for storing our important data such as
documents, images, audio, video, etc. in one place.
8) Data security
Data security is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. Cloud offers many
advanced features related to security and ensures that data is securely stored and handled..

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------------Disadvantages of Cloud Computing-------------

A list of the disadvantage of cloud computing is given below -
1) Internet Connectivity :-
As you know, in cloud computing, every data (image, audio, video, etc.) is stored on the
cloud, and we access these data through the cloud by using the internet connection. If you do
not have good internet connectivity, you cannot access these data. However, we have no any
other way to access data from the cloud.

2) Vendor lock-in :-
Vendor lock-in is the biggest disadvantage of cloud computing. Organizations may face
problems when transferring their services from one vendor to another. As different vendors
provide different platforms, that can cause difficulty moving from one cloud to another.

3) Limited Control :-
As we know, cloud infrastructure is completely owned, managed, and monitored by the
service provider, so the cloud users have less control over the function and execution of
services within a cloud infrastructure.

4) Security :- Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards
to store important information. But, before adopting cloud technology, you should be aware
that you will be sending all your organization's sensitive information to a third party, i.e., a
cloud computing service provider. While sending the data on the cloud, there may be a
chance that your organization's information is hacked by Hackers.

5) Depends on internet connection:- The Internet is the only way to cloud

computing. When there is no internet connection in your place, or the internet path to the
cloud provider is in trouble, automatically access to your cloud computing machine will be
disconnected. Now this is where the biggest obstacle is happening in developing countries
and remote areas that do not have good internet access.And the weakness of public cloud is
where everyone accesses the same server and server and will increase the risk of attack, and
down the server.

6) Technical problem :- Besides that the use of Cloud Computing makes you
unable to manage it yourself when there is a problem or a problem, you must contact
customer support who is not necessarily ready 24/7. This is a problem because for some
support you also have to pay more money.

7) Data Mobility :- Which refers to the possibility of sharing data between cloud
services and how to retrieve data if one day the user makes a process of terminating cloud

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computing services.And there is local storage where the data can be used at any time as

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