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Consumption Externality and Yield Uncertainty in the

Influenza Vaccine Supply Chain: Interventions in Demand
and Supply Sides
Kenan Arifoğlu, Sarang Deo, Seyed M. R. Iravani,

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Kenan Arifoğlu, Sarang Deo, Seyed M. R. Iravani, (2012) Consumption Externality and Yield Uncertainty in the Influenza
Vaccine Supply Chain: Interventions in Demand and Supply Sides. Management Science 58(6):1072-1091. https://

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Vol. 58, No. 6, June 2012, pp. 1072–1091
ISSN 0025-1909 (print) — ISSN 1526-5501 (online)
© 2012 INFORMS

Consumption Externality and Yield Uncertainty

in the Influenza Vaccine Supply Chain:
Interventions in Demand and Supply Sides
Kenan Arifoğlu
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois 60208,

Sarang Deo
Indian School of Business, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500032, India,

Seyed M. R. Iravani
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois 60208,

W e study the impact of yield uncertainty (supply side) and self-interested consumers (demand side) on
the inefficiency in the influenza vaccine supply chain. Previous economic studies, focusing on demand
side, find that the equilibrium demand is always less than the socially optimal demand because self-interested
individuals do not internalize the social benefit of protecting others via reduced infectiousness (positive exter-
nality). In contrast, we show that the equilibrium demand can be greater than the socially optimal demand after
accounting for the limited supply due to yield uncertainty and manufacturer’s incentives. The main driver for
this result is a second (negative) externality: Self-interested individuals ignore that vaccinating people with high
infection costs is more beneficial for the society when supply is limited. We show that the extent of the negative
externality can be reduced through more efficient and less uncertain allocation mechanisms. To investigate the
relative effectiveness of government interventions on supply and demand sides under various demand and
supply characteristics, we construct two partially centralized scenarios where the social planner (i.e., govern-
ment) intervenes either on the demand side or the supply side, but not both. We conduct an extensive numerical
Key words: influenza vaccine; supply chain inefficiency; strategic consumer behavior; externality;
yield uncertainty
History: Received December 1, 2009; accepted September 7, 2011, by Yossi Aviv, operations management.
Published online in Articles in Advance February 28, 2012.

1. Introduction production yield have contributed to shortages in the

Unlike pediatric vaccines, supply chain for the recent past (GAO 2004). On the demand side, posi-
influenza (flu) vaccine in the United States is highly tive externality effect associated with vaccination—each
decentralized. Profit-maximizing firms decide the vaccinated individual decreases the infection risk of
production quantity and bring the produced vaccine her close contacts, but fails to internalize this value
to the market while individuals decide whether to get while making her own vaccination decision (Brito
vaccinated in a rational and self-interested manner et al. 1991)—has arguably contributed to vaccination
based on the availability of the vaccine, severity of coverage rates that are lower than the socially desired
the infection, and vaccination costs (Vietri et al. 2008). target rates (Harper et al. 2005).
The role of the government and its agencies, such In this paper, we develop an integrated model of
as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention production (yield) uncertainty and rational1 consumer
(CDC), is limited to deciding the vaccine composi- behavior, and investigate the interaction between
tion and recommending priority groups for vacci- these two potential sources of inefficiency. Moti-
nation (Institute of Medicine 2004, U.S. Government vated by the current practice, we study a decen-
Accountability Office (GAO) 2004). On the supply tralized system where the manufacturer determines
side, potentially insufficient incentives for manufac-
turers together with a long production process (six to 1
We use the term “rational” or “self-interested” interchangeably to
eight months) and the significant uncertainty in the refer to an individual who maximizes her own expected net utility.

Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1073

the production quantity and individuals make their was allocated to individuals in decreasing order of
vaccination decisions. We consider a single flu sea- their infection disutility, individuals with higher infec-
son and a population comprising two priority groups tion disutility would be vaccinated first.
based on the infection disutility of its individuals. To understand the impact of prioritization, we
First, given the design of priority groups, the manu- analyze a model with a completely random alloca-
facturer decides the production quantity and incurs tion mechanism and a single group of individuals.
the related production cost. A random fraction of this We show that prioritization makes vaccine allocation
production quantity is realized and brought to the more efficient and less uncertain by increasing the
market. The supply received at the beginning of the chance of obtaining the vaccine for individuals with
flu season is first allocated to the group with higher high infection disutility. As a result, we find that the
infection disutility. The remaining supply, if any, is negative externality effect is smaller under the prior-
then allocated to the group with lower infection disu- ity scheme with two groups than under a complete
tility. Then, knowing the design of priority groups random allocation with no priority groups. Increasing
and observing the realized production, self-interested the number of priority groups reduces the negative
individuals decide whether to spend time and money externality effect further by decreasing the ineffi-
to search (e.g., physical travel or information collec- ciency and uncertainty in the allocation mechanism.
tion) for the vaccine. Because of limited supply, indi- In addition, we study how individuals account-
viduals that decide to search are not guaranteed to get ing for the limited supply affect the total social wel-
the vaccine. Unvaccinated individuals, irrespective of fare. For this purpose, we define availability effect
whether they search for the vaccine, may be infected as the difference in the equilibrium outcomes between
with some probability that depends on the vacci- the decentralized system and a reference case, where
nated fraction of the population. Every infected indi- the fill rate is 1 and where the infection probability is
vidual incurs some infection disutility (e.g., payment based on unlimited supply. We find that this availabil-
for drugs, healthcare costs, lost wages, death). Vacci- ity effect is beneficial to society when search costs are
nated individuals become immune against influenza, high and infection disutilities among individuals are
but may incur some vaccination disutility (e.g., side low. In such cases, accounting for limited availabil-
effects, vaccine price, administration costs). ity of vaccines decreases the incentive for individu-
We also analyze a benchmark centralized system als with low infection disutility to search for vaccines
where a social planner decides the demand and the compared to the reference case. This results in lower
production quantity to maximize the total social wel- wasteful search costs and better vaccine allocation for
fare. We find that the production quantity in the individuals with high infection disutility.
centralized setting is always greater than that in We also construct partially centralized models to
the decentralized setting in accordance with previous inform the public policy debate over the relative effec-
supply chain models of yield uncertainty. However, tiveness of government intervention on the demand
contrary to existing economic models of vaccination, side (Institute of Medicine 2004, Hinman 2005b) ver-
we find that the expected demand in the decentral- sus supply side (Grady 2004, Hinman et al. 2005).
ized setting can be higher than that in the centralized Under the demand-side intervention, the manufac-
setting. turer chooses profit-maximizing production quantity,
This result is driven by the negative externality effect; but the social planner chooses the demand to maxi-
i.e., when the vaccine supply is limited, each indi- mize the total social welfare. Under the supply-side
vidual searching for the vaccine reduces the vaccine intervention, the social planner decides the welfare-
availability for some individuals with higher infection maximizing production quantity, but the demand is
disutility, but does not internalize this cost. The neg- determined by self-interested individuals. We find
ative externality effect causes inefficiency (i.e., lower that the demand-side intervention in some cases can
social welfare) on the demand side under limited provide too much incentive (i.e., expected marginal
supply for two main reasons: (i) not all individuals benefit) to the manufacturer and results in production
searching for the vaccine can get it and hence wasteful quantity that is greater than that in the centralized
search costs are incurred, and (ii) those who need vac- solution. Similarly, the production quantity under
cine the most (individuals with high infection disu- supply-side intervention can be higher than that in
tility) may not get it. The first component is due to the social optimum, especially at lower yield realiza-
the uncertainty/randomness in the vaccine allocation; tions, to compensate for the self-interested behavior of
i.e., if individuals who failed to get the vaccine knew individuals. When a large fraction of the population
this a priori, they would not seek vaccination so that has high infection disutility, the demand-side ineffi-
the equilibrium demand will be equal to the available ciency due to negative externality effect is high and
supply. The second component is due to the ineffi- the manufacturer underproduces due to high sup-
ciency in the allocation of vaccines; i.e., if the vaccine ply risk and lower marginal benefits. In such cases,
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1074 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

we find that the social planner should intervene in the socially optimal demand because of the negative
the supply side to increase the production levels and externality arising from limited and stochastic sup-
consequently decrease the negative externality effect. ply. This effect acts counter to the positive external-
On the contrary, when a large fraction of popula- ity effect from herd immunity, which results in lower
tion has low infection disutility and the epidemic is than socially optimal demand. For some instances of
less infectious, individuals are less willing to search yield uncertainty, the latter effect dominates the for-
for the vaccine. In such cases, the social planner can mer, thereby resulting in higher demand.
improve total social welfare more by intervening on
the demand side. 2.3. Epidemiology Literature
Empirical evidence suggests that the decision to vac-
cinate is also strongly correlated with the vaccine
2. Literature Review effectiveness, flu severity, and vaccine side effects
In this section, we outline our contribution to three (Chapman and Coups 1999). Several studies (Bauch
distinct streams of literature. and Earn 2004, Reluga et al. 2006, Galvani et al. 2007)
combine epidemiologic models and deductive game-
2.1. Operations Management Literature
theoretic models to analyze rational vaccination deci-
Our consumer model contributes to the growing lit-
sions by individuals in the presence of these factors.
erature on supply chain management in the presence
These models are also consistent with the health ben-
of strategic consumer behavior (Dana and Petruzzi
efit model (Janz and Becker 1984), which has been
2001, Su and Zhang 2008, Cachon and Swinney 2009).
shown to explain vaccination decisions of individuals
Most papers in this stream assume that the valua-
(Larson et al. 1979). Given the strong empirical sup-
tion of the product for rational consumers is exoge-
port, we also adopt a deductive2 game approach, but
nously specified. To our knowledge, ours is among
incorporate the impact of supply-side factors such as
the first papers to consider a supply chain with con-
yield uncertainty, which is missing from the earlier
sumption externality; i.e., consumers’ valuation for
the product is determined as a function of the fraction
of market consuming the product in equilibrium. In a
recent paper, Tereyağoğlu and Veeraraghavan (2012) 3. Model and Assumptions
analyze a model with consumption externality simi- In this section, we describe various components of
lar to ours. However, our paper differs significantly our model.
in various modeling elements such as yield uncer-
tainty, heterogeneity of consumer valuations, alloca- 3.1. Supply Model
tion mechanism, and partially centralized scenarios. Injectable vaccines produced via embryonated
Flu vaccine supply chain has drawn considerable chicken eggs still constitute the majority (over 97%)
attention from operations management researchers of flu vaccine produced and administered (Danzon
recently (Wu et al. 2005, Kornish and Keeney 2008, et al. 2005, Palese 2006, GAO 2008). An important
Chick et al. 2008, Deo and Corbett 2009, Cho 2010). characteristic of this process is yield uncertainty
Deo and Corbett (2009), using a model of Cournot resulting from uncertain growth characteristics of
competition with endogenous entry, show that yield virus strains inside the chicken eggs and the possi-
uncertainty can explain the high concentration of the bility of bacterial contamination. In accordance with
U.S. flu vaccine market. Chick et al. (2008) propose the models proposed in the literature (Palese 2006,
a cost-sharing contract to eliminate the supply-side Chick et al. 2008, Deo and Corbett 2009), we assume
inefficiency, i.e., a profit-maximizing manufacturer that the obtained number of vaccine doses, Qr , is a
produces less vaccine compared to the socially opti- stochastic proportion of the planned egg production
mal solution. We complement them by incorporating Q (for models with proportional yield, see Yano and
rational consumer behavior, examining the interaction Lee 1995). That is, Qr = UQ1 where yield U ∈ 601 ˆ5 is
between the demand side and supply side, and deriv- a random variable with mean Œ, standard deviation
ing relevant policy implications. ‘, and coefficient of variation CV = ‘/Œ. We assume
that the yield, U , has a continuous, differentiable,
2.2. Health Economics Literature and strictly increasing probability distribution, M4 · 5.
Several papers in health economics analyze the In addition, we let w denote the manufacturer’s unit
externality arising from vaccination and find that the price for a dose of vaccine and c denote the cost
demand for vaccines is lower in equilibrium than of the manufacturer per planned egg. We assume
in the socially optimal solution (Brito et al. 1991, that the salvage value of any vaccine remaining at
Geoffard and Philipson 1996, Philipson 2000). In con-
trast, we show that when supply is endogenized, 2
For an alternative inductive game formulation, where individuals
it can result in equilibrium demand that is higher than base their decisions on past experience only, see Breban et al. (2007).
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1075

the end of the season is zero because it cannot be version of allocation mechanism. We prioritize indi-
used in subsequent seasons. Motivated by the FDA’s viduals based on their infection disutility, i.e., individ-
regulatory requirements for all biological products uals with „ ≥ ‚ have higher priority over individuals
(Food and Drug Administration 2008), we assume ¯ The entire vaccine supply
with „ < ‚, where ‚ ∈ 601 „7.
that accurate information on the quantity of vaccine arrives at the beginning of the season and is sequen-
produced is available before vaccination. tially allocated, first to individuals with „ ≥ ‚, and
then to those with „ < ‚. Hence, an individual’s ex
3.2. Demand Model post probability of obtaining the vaccine (”) depends
We consider a population of N individuals,3 where not only on the obtained number of doses, but also
each healthy individual enjoys utility V̄ . The health on his or her infection disutility and ‚. We assume
outcome of an infected individual may fall in one that ‚ is exogenously given, common knowledge, and
of the following categories: (i) no medical care
does not depend on the number of vaccine doses pro-
sought, (ii) outpatient visit, (iii) hospitalization, and
duced, Qr . This corresponds to the ACIP practice of
(iv) death, each with some probability. We use infec-
announcing the priority groups before the realization
tion disutility „ to represent the expectation of all
of supply (Institute of Medicine 2004).
direct and indirect costs that an infected individ-
For analytical tractability, we assume that all indi-
ual incurs in these four scenarios (Meltzer et al. 1999,
viduals in the same priority group have an equal
Galvani et al. 2007). It has probability density function
chance of getting the vaccine, i.e., complete random
g4 · 5 and cumulative probability distribution G4 · 5,
allocation within each priority group. It is conceiv-
which is strictly increasing over the finite interval
¯ and is common knowledge. Each individual
601 „7 able that allocation within a priority group may be
searching for the vaccine also incurs a disutility, ˆ, more efficient. For instance, those with higher disu-
which captures the time and money spent by the tility might be more perseverant in their search.
individual while searching.4 Individuals receiving the However, CDC data show that this is not the case
vaccine incur some additional disutility, r ≥ w, which because of the problems in vaccine production and
includes vaccine price, administration costs, morbid- distribution (GAO 2008). For example, only about
ity risk, and side effects from the vaccine (Meltzer 33%–65% of high-risk individuals received vaccina-
et al. 1999, Galvani et al. 2007). We assume that ˆ tion in 2008–2009 flu season while about 11%–35% of
and r are constant across the population for analytical low-risk individuals were vaccinated in the same year
tractability and because they are small compared to „. (Fiore et al. 2010).

3.3. Allocation Mechanism 3.4. Epidemiology Model

The CDC Advisory Committee on Immuniza- We consider an SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered)
tion Practices (ACIP) divides the population into epidemic model in a closed homogeneous population
groups depending on the mortality and morbidity with fixed size (N ) in which vaccination is followed
risk of individuals from infection (Meltzer et al. 1999, by the onset of (instantaneous) infections from exoge-
Galvani et al. 2007). Previous research has shown nous sources (Chick et al. 2008). We assume that the
that the average „ of a high-risk group is higher vaccine is perfectly effective, i.e., all vaccinated indi-
than that of a low-risk group.5 To ensure the ana- viduals are immunized against the infection (Brito
lytical tractability, we consider the following stylized et al. 1991). Unvaccinated individuals may be infected
with probability p4h5, that is continuous and nonin-
We assume that each individual has negligible impact on the creasing in h ∈ 601 17, the vaccinated fraction of the
aggregate decision of population, which is referred to as the “fluid” population. Similar to Brito et al. (1991), we assume
or “continuous” approximation whose solution converges to that of
that p4 · 5 is common knowledge. In addition, we make
the real system as the population size (N ) becomes larger (Aumann
1964, Brito et al. 1991, Gallego and Şahin 2010, and references following technical assumptions for our subsequent
therein). analysis:
Earlier work (Meltzer et al. 1999, Galvani et al. 2007) does not
consider stochastic availability and hence implicitly assumes that
Assumption 1. (i) The individual with largest infec-
all costs incurred by an individual are due to receiving the vaccine. tion disutility searches for the vaccine when nobody is vac-
However, a large fraction (over 35%) of these costs are incurred ¯
cinated; i.e., „p405 > r + ˆ.
before an individual knows if the vaccine is available (Meltzer et al. (ii) The infection probability is continuously differen-
1999). We label these as search costs in this paper. tiable and strictly decreasing for all h < hzr ; i.e., p0 4h5 is
The mortality costs dominate total costs in all other scenar-
ios in which an infected individual may end up (Meltzer et al.
1999, Galvani et al. 2007). Thus, people having high mortality individuals because they have higher infection disutility ($4,163
risk also have high infection disutility. As a result, our model versus $567). The practice also prioritizes elderly individuals
also prioritizes the risk groups being prioritized in practice. For because they have higher mortality and morbidity risks (Galvani
example, our model prioritizes elderly individuals over young et al. 2007).
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1076 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

continuous and negative for all h < hzr , which we term as motivation is flu vaccines, this model is applicable to
the zero-risk vaccination fraction and is given by a wider class of luxury products called “conspicuous
 goods” or “snob goods,” where consumers value the
inf8h ∈ 601 17 — p4h5 = 09 p415 = 01 good not only for its intrinsic functionality, but also
hzr ¬ (1) for its prestige value that depends on the level of con-
1 p415 > 00

sumption (Amaldoss and Jain 2005).
(iii) The expected number of infections (N 41 − h5p4h5) Lemma 1. In equilibrium, for a given Qr , if an indi-
is convex in h for all h ∈ 601 17. vidual with infection disutility „ˆ does not search for the
Assumption 1(i) is sufficient to guarantee an vaccine, then none of the individuals with „ < „ˆ search for
interior solution in the decentralized equilibrium. the vaccine.
Assumption 1(ii) ensures the uniqueness of the solu-
All proofs are presented in Appendix B. Lemma 1
tion. By Assumptions 1(ii) and 1(iii), the number of
implies the existence of a marginal individual who is
infections is strictly convex for hzr = 1, piecewise-
indifferent to searching and not searching such that
linear convex for hzr ∈ 601 17, and p4h5 is constant for
all individuals with infection disutility higher than
h < hzr . These two special cases are considered in
that of marginal individual search for the vaccine.
Chick et al. (2008).
We define „E 4‚1 Qr 5 as the infection disutility of the
marginal individual in equilibrium. In what follows,
4. Equilibrium in the we suppress the arguments of „E 4‚1 Qr 5 to improve
Decentralized System readability. The vaccine demand is given by N 6Ḡ4„E 57
We model a decentralized supply chain consisting and the vaccinated fraction is given by
of a profit-maximizing manufacturer that produces  
the vaccine and sells directly to rational utility- Q
h4„E 1 Qr 5 = min Ḡ4„E 51 r 1 (3)
maximizing individuals who make their own vacci- N
nation decisions. First, the manufacturer decides the
production quantity. Second, each individual observes where Ḡ4 · 5 = 1 − G4 · 5. In addition, the probability
the obtained number of doses and decides whether to of being vaccinated for an individual with infection
search for the vaccine. We use backward induction to disutility „ ≥ „E is given by
characterize the subgame perfect equilibrium of this
two-stage game. ”4„1 „E 5
4.1. Individual’s Problem 

 min 11 max
In the second stage of the game, given the prior-

ity groups and obtained number of doses, each indi-
Qr − N 6Ḡ4‚57

vidual determines whether to search for the vaccine.

 · 10 „ < ‚1
N 6G4‚5 − G4„E 57

An individual with infection disutility „ who decides =   (4)
not to search for the vaccine will remain healthy with  Qr E
min 11 „ < ‚ ≤ „1

probability 1 − p4h5 and will enjoy utility V̄ . She will

N 6Ḡ4‚57

be infected with probability p4h5 and will enjoy util-


ity V̄ − „, yielding an expected utility of vns 4h5 = V̄ −

‚ ≤ „E 0

min 11

„p4h5. On the other hand, if she decides to search N 6Ḡ4„E 57
for the vaccine, she will incur a searching disutility
ˆ. Moreover, she will be vaccinated with probabil- From (2), none of the individuals searches for the
ity ” and will obtain a utility equal to V̄ − r − ˆ; ¯ when Qr = 0 and ˆ > 00 When Qr = 0
vaccine („E = „5
she will not be vaccinated with probability 1 − ” and ¯ satisfies the inequality in (2).
and ˆ = 0, any „ ∈ 601 „7
will obtain a net utility equal to V̄ − „p4h5 − ˆ, yield- However, when Qr = 0 and ˆ = 01 we assume that
ing an expected net utility of vs 4h1 ”5 = V̄ − „p4h5+ „E = r/p405 to ensure the continuity of „E in Qr . Propo-
”6„p4h5 − r7 − ˆ. Thus, an individual with infection sition 1 characterizes the equilibrium fraction of pop-
disutility „ searches for the vaccine if ulation searching for the vaccine for Qr > 0.

vs > vns ⇔ ˆ < ”6„p4h5 − r70 (2) Proposition 1. Define „zr as follows:

The consumer model in Dana and Petruzzi (2001) is a Ḡ4„zr 5 = hzr 1 (5)
special case of our model because individuals’ valua-
tion of the vaccine, „p4h5, depends on the consump- where hzr ∈ 601 17 is the zero-risk vaccination fraction
tion level and decreases in it. While our immediate given by (1).
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1077

(i) For all Qr > 0, there exists a unique threshold value Figure 1 Demand in the Decentralized and Centralized Systems
¯ and the equilibrium fraction of population
„E ∈ 601 „7
searching for the vaccine is given by
Ḡ4„ 5
Qr Qr
Ḡ4‚5 ‚p −r ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5 and NG(1E)



≤ min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„E1 591

 NG()

Qr Qr

 45º
E ¯

Ḡ4„2 4„1Q r 55 ‚p −r < ˆ Ḡ4‚5 and

N N NG() NG(1E) NG(1C) Qr
= (6)

≤ min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„E1 591

Equilibrium demand for  ∈ {0,}

 N
Equilibrium demand for  ∈ (0,)

 Qr
Ḡ4„E2 4‚1Qr 55 min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„E1 59 < ≤ Ḡ4„E1 5 Socially optimal demand

 N

 Qr
> Ḡ4„E1 51

Ḡ4„E 5

1 the reproductive number, i.e., average number of indi-
viduals infected by an infected person, to below 1
¯ and „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 satisfy
where „E1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5 (Hill and Longini 2003). This implies that the critical
level of vaccination is not attained with self-interested
„E1 p4Ḡ4„E1 55 − r = ˆ1 (7) individuals (Breban et al. 2007).
Qr −N 6Ḡ4‚57
Qr Proposition 1 shows that the equilibrium demand is
„E 4‚1Qr 5p −r = ˆ0 (8) independent of the choice of ‚ for Qr > N Ḡ4„E1 5. Thus,
N 6G4‚5−G4„E2 4‚1Qr 557 2 N
prioritizing individuals with high infection disutility
(„) cannot affect individual decision making when all
(ii) For 0 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, the ex post demand is
individuals searching for the vaccine can get it. How-
always greater than or equal to the available supply, and
ever, when supply is limited, prioritization increases
they are equal only for Qr = N 6Ḡ4‚57 when ‚ ≥ „E1 .
the availability of vaccine for individuals in a high
Figure 1 illustrates the equilibrium demand in the priority group. This in turn may discourage some
decentralized setting for ‚ ∈ 801 „9¯ and a ‚ ∈ 401 „5
¯ as individuals in a low priority group from searching,
a function of the obtained number of doses, Qr . For thereby decreasing the equilibrium demand as shown
Qr ≥ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, the demand is less than or equal to the by Figure 1. Proposition 2 formalizes this intuition.
available supply. Hence, everyone searching for a vac- ¯ and Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57,
Proposition 2. For all ‚ ∈ 601 „7
cine gets it. Thus, individuals’ decisions are indepen-
the ex post equilibrium demand with two patient groups is
dent of the available supply in this region. For Qr < N
less than or equal to that in equilibrium with one group.
6Ḡ4„E1 57, vaccination is more valuable for each indi-
However, the ex post vaccinated fraction of population is
vidual than that for Qr ≥ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 since the infection
the same in both equilibria.
risk is higher because of the limited supply. Hence,
the equilibrium demand is more than the available Proposition 2 implies that, when the supply is lim-
supply as shown by Proposition 1(ii). Depending on ited, prioritization does not affect manufacturer’s total
the relative impact of the increase in infection risk sale (profit) but improves the social welfare by reduc-
and decrease in vaccine availability, the demand for ing wasteful search costs and increasing the probabil-
high-obtained number of vaccine doses may be more ity that individuals with high infection disutility get
or less than that for low-obtained number of vac- the vaccine. Although some individuals in the low
cine doses. priority group may be worse off, total expected util-
Proposition 1(i) implies that the ex post vacci- ity loss from infection decreases under prioritization.
nated fraction in decentralized equilibrium is always We analyze the magnitude of this benefit as a function
less than the zero-risk vaccination fraction (hzr ) since of various problem parameters in §7.2.
¯ For some functional forms of infection
„E1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5. Next, we consider an efficient allocation mecha-
probability used in the literature (Bauch and Earn nism, where individuals are ordered in descending
2004, Breban et al. 2007, Chick et al. 2008), the zero- order of their infection disutility and an individual is
risk vaccination fraction in (1) is the same as the crit- vaccinated if, and only if, demand coming from indi-
ical vaccination fraction in epidemiology that reduces viduals with greater infection disutility is satisfied.
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1078 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

Proposition 3. Under efficient rationing, the ex post welfare. Here, the ex post utility per individual is
equilibrium demand is equal to the available supply given by
for Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 and is equal to N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 for
Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. W 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5
= V̄ − ˆ6Ḡ4„57 − rh4„1 Qr 5
Proposition 3 implies that the efficient allocation
Z „
mechanism completely eliminates wasteful searches − p4h4„1 Qr 55 zdG4z5 − p4h4„1 Qr 55
and ensures that the right people get the vaccine 0
when the supply is limited. Unfortunately, this alloca-  Z „¯
tion mechanism is not practical as it comprises a large × 41 − ”4max8„1 ‚91 „55 zdG4z5
max8„1 ‚9
number of priority groups, each with one individual.
+ 41 − ”4min8„1 ‚951 „5 zdG4z5 1 (11)
4.2. Manufacturer’s Problem min8„1 ‚9

In the first stage of the game, the manufacturer deter- and the total sales revenue is given by
mines the production quantity so that his expected
profit is maximized. Thus, the manufacturer’s prob- R4„1 Qr 5 = wNh4„1 Qr 50 (12)
lem is given by
The first term on the RHS of (11) is the average
max E 4Q5 = wN ƐU 6h4„ 1 UQ57 − cQ1 E
(9) utility of being healthy; the second term is the average
Q≥0 utility loss of the individual from searching; the third
term represents the average cost from receiving the
where h4„E 1 Qr 5)= min8Ḡ4„E1 51 Qr /N 9 and U is the vaccine; the fourth term is the average utility loss of
random yield. To eliminate the uninteresting case individual from infection if she does not search for the
where the manufacturer does not produce at all, we vaccine; and the last term is the average utility loss
assume that wΠ> c0 The next proposition character- of individual from infection if she cannot receive the
izes manufacturer’s optimal production quantity. vaccine when the supply is limited. Then the social
planner’s problem in the second stage is given by
Proposition 4. Recall the definition of „E1 from (7).
The unique optimal production quantity QE is given by max 8N W 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 + R4„1 Qr 590 (13)
„∈601 „7
Z N 6Ḡ4„E1 57/QE
w udM4u5 = c0 (10) Assumption 1 is sufficient to ensure that the objective
0 function in (13) is strictly quasi concave and has a
The right-hand side (RHS) and left-hand side unique maximizer, „C , which is used to characterize
(LHS) of (10) denote the marginal cost and expected the demand in the centralized system below.
marginal benefit to the manufacturer, respectively. Proposition 5. Let the marginal benefit to the society
Note that the marginal increase in revenue is wu if from the vaccination of the individual with infection disu-
uQ ≤ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 and zero otherwise. This is similar to tility „ be
Proposition 1 in Chick et al. (2008) where the gov- Z „
ernment determines the equivalent of Ḡ4„E1 5. In our B4„5 ¬= −p0 4Ḡ4„55 zdG4z5 + „p4Ḡ4„55 − 4r + ˆ − w5
model, it is an outcome of the rational decision mak- 0

ing by individuals. ¯
∀ „ ∈ 601 „70 (14)
¯ for all Qr ≥ 0.
(i) There exists a unique „C ∈ 6„zr 1 „5
5. Optimal Solution of the The fraction of population searching for the vaccine in the
Centralized System centralized system is
In the centralized system, a social planner such as Ḡ4„C 5 = min8Ḡ4„C1 51 Qr /N 91 (15)
the government or one of its agencies coordinates
the production and vaccination to maximize the total where
expected social welfare. This centralized solution will 
serve as a benchmark to understand the sources and „zr
 lim B4„5 ≥ 01
 „→„+
extent of inefficiencies in the decentralized setting. „C1 = (16)
„˜ lim+ B4„5 < 01

First, given the priority groups ‚, the planner deter- 
mines the optimal egg production, Q, to maximize
the total expected social welfare. Second, observing and „˜ ∈ 4„zr 1 „5
¯ is the unique value satisfying
the obtained number of doses, Qr , the planner deter-
mines the demand to maximize the ex post total social ˆ = 00
B4„5 (17)
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1079

(ii) The ex post demand in the centralized system is the demand and number of vaccinated individuals in
greater than that in the decentralized system only for suf- the centralized system are still higher than those in
ficiently large quantities, i.e., Ḡ4„E 5 < Ḡ4„C 5 if, and only equilibrium, but the gap between the two is lower
if, Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. and depends on Qr .
Figure 1 also depicts the demand in the social opti- Remark 2 (Negative Externality Effect). Fig-
mum as a function of the obtained number of vaccine ure 1 shows that for a sufficiently low obtained
doses. Note that the first term of B4„5 in (14) repre- number of vaccine doses, i.e., Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, the equi-
sents the positive externality effect, i.e., the decrease librium demand is actually higher than the demand
in the utility loss of all unvaccinated individuals, in the centralized system, whereas the number of
while the rest of the expression is the direct bene- vaccinated individuals is equal in both systems. The
fits to the society when the individual with infec- demand-side inefficiency in this region stems from
tion disutility „ is vaccinated. Observe that the net the negative externality effect, i.e., when the vac-
gain of society from vaccination of an individual with cine supply is limited, each individual searching for
searching disutility „ > „C1 is positive and increasing the vaccine reduces the vaccine availability for indi-
by Assumption 1(iii) and (16). Hence, in the case of viduals with higher infection disutility and hence
unlimited supply, it is optimal for the social planner to their expected net utility, but does not internalize
vaccinate individuals with infection disutility greater it. The negative externality effect reduces the social
than „C1 . However, if the supply is limited, i.e., Qr < welfare because of two characteristics of the alloca-
N 6Ḡ4„C1 57, it is optimal for society that all individuals tion mechanism: (i) uncertainty/randomness, i.e., not
with infection disutility „ ≥ Ḡ−1 4Qr /N 5 search for the everyone searching can get the vaccine and hence
vaccine so that all the vaccine is used and everyone wasteful search costs are incurred, and (ii) inefficiency,
who searches for the vaccine gets it. i.e., those who need vaccine the most (consumers
Proposition 5 implies that the socially optimal vac- with high „) may not get it. Note that (i) is due
cination fraction may be less than the zero-risk vac- to the uncertainty/randomness in the vaccine allo-
cination fraction, which coincides with the critical cation (i.e., only individuals who will get the vac-
vaccination for some basic epidemiological models cine would search if they knew that they will get it),
when supply is unlimited and when lim„→„+zr B4„5 < 0 whereas (ii) is due to the inefficiency in the alloca-
(Bauch and Earn 2004, Breban et al. 2007, Chick et al. tion of vaccines (i.e., individuals with higher infec-
2008). This result is different from those previously tion disutility are vaccinated first if the vaccine is
available in the literature because of important dif- allocated to individuals in decreasing order of their
ferences in the underlying modeling assumptions. infection disutility). The second observation indicates
For instance, Hill and Longini (2003) show that crit- that the demand-side inefficiency for Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57
ical vaccination fraction is socially optimal when the would still exist if search costs were zero. Also, Propo-
objective is minimization of number of infections sitions 2 and 3 show that the demand-side inefficiency
instead of welfare maximization or cost minimiza- due to negative externality effect can be substantially
tion. Chick et al. (2008), using an objective similar to reduced by either appropriate choice of ‚ for two pri-
ours (minimization of total social costs), show that the ority groups or by increasing the number of priority
critical vaccination fraction is socially optimal. How- groups. We explore this issue further in §7.2.
ever, they assume that all individuals have identical
Remark 3 (Availability Effect). If consumers
infection disutility and obtain positive expected net
ignore the fact that supply is limited, similar to Brito
benefit from vaccination when coverage is less than
et al. (1991), the equilibrium demand is equal to
the critical fraction. Also, because demand is deter-
N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 for all obtained number of vaccine doses.
mined before yield realization in their model, it may
However, when individuals consider limited sup-
be higher than the critical vaccination fraction to com-
ply, the equilibrium demand is not necessarily equal
pensate for low-yield realizations.
to N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 and depends on the available supply.
Remark 1 (Positive Externality Effect). Ob- We label the gap between the two demands as the
serve from Figure 1 that the demand as well as availability effect. Figure 1 shows that the equilibrium
number of vaccinated individuals in the centralized demand for Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, which is always more
system is higher than those in the decentralized sys- than the available supply, is less than N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 for
tem for Qr ≥ N 6Ḡ4„C1 57. For such obtained number of some values of Qr but higher for others. Thus, the
vaccine doses, the demand-side inefficiency is due to availability effect is ex post beneficial for the soci-
the positive externality of vaccination; i.e., the gov- ety for some cases and harmful for other cases. As a
ernment considers the impact of an individual’s vac- result, ex ante, the availability effect could be benefi-
cination on the likelihood of infection for others, but cial or harmful depending on the yield distribution.
the individuals do not. For N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„C1 57, Proposition 3 implies that under efficient rationing
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1080 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

the availability effect is always beneficial for soci- Figure 2 Marginal Social Benefit When Social Planner Decides the
ety because it completely eliminates wasteful searches Demand Where B4„5 Is Given by (14)
and does not change the number of vaccinations.
2 (Qr))
We further explore the impact of allocation mecha-
nism (through the choice of ‚) on the magnitude of B()
the availability effect in §7.2.
Returning to the first stage, the social planner
chooses the egg production, Q, to maximize the total B(δ1E)
expected social welfare. Hence, the social planner’s
first stage problem is given by
C Nhcrt
max WC 4Q5 2= N ƐU 6W 4„ 4UQ51 ‚1 UQ57
Q≥0 Qr
NG(δ1E) NG(δ1C)
+ ƐU 6R4„ 4UQ51 UQ57 − cQ0 (18)
−(r+  − w)
Proposition 6 characterizes the optimal production
quantity in the centralized system.
Proposition 6. (i) The optimal production quantity vaccine supply chain (Kilbourne 1991, Harris 2004),
for the centralized system (QC ) is unique and given by experts disagree on whether the government should
modify consumer behavior on the demand side (Insti-
N 6Ḡ4„C
1 57/QC tute of Medicine 2004, Sloan et al. 2004, Hinman
B4„C2 4uQC 55dM4u5 = c1 (19)
0 2005a) or provide adequate incentives for manufac-
turers on the supply side (Pauly 2005, Hinman 2005a).
where „C2 4Qr 5 = Ḡ−1 4min811 Qr /N 95 and B4„5 is given We model these two broad policy suggestions as alter-
by (14). native intermediate scenarios of partial centralization.
(ii) The optimal production quantity in the central- In the demand-side intervention, the govern-
ized system (QC 5 is greater than that in the decentralized ment decides the socially optimal demand, given
system (QE ). that the production quantity is determined by a
For an intuitive understanding of result (ii), note profit-maximizing manufacturer. In the supply-side
from Figure 2 that the marginal benefit to society is intervention, the government decides the welfare-
always greater than w, which is the marginal benefit maximizing production quantity while individuals
to the manufacturer for Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. This together decide whether to be vaccinated. Our objective is to
with „C1 < „E1 implies that at any Qr ≤ QE 1 the expected characterize the relative effectiveness of these inter-
marginal benefit to the society (LHS of (19)) is greater ventions as a function of different parameters and to
than the expected marginal benefit to the manufac- isolate the inefficiency on each side. We do not aim
turer (LHS of (10)). However, marginal costs to soci- to formulate concrete mechanisms for implementing
ety and to the manufacturer are the same. Hence, them in the decentralized supply chain.
the government in the centralized system targets a 6.1. Demand-Side Intervention
higher production quantity than the manufacturer in A demand-side intervention could take the form of
the decentralized system. direct purchasing (Wall Street Journal 2003), compul-
Proposition 5 shows that ex post demand can be sory vaccination (Philipson 2000, Sloan et al. 2004),
higher in equilibrium for some values of the realized or implementation of a tax/subsidy mechanism (Brito
quantity. Hence, it is conceivable that for some val- et al. 1991, Geoffard and Philipson 1996, Sloan et al.
ues of the parameters, QE and QC are such that the 2004). In the first stage, the manufacturer plans the
expected demand is greater in the decentralized set- production quantity to maximize expected profit, and
ting. Because of analytical intractability, we verified in the second stage, after observing the obtained num-
this numerically. This observation is contrary to the ber of doses Qr , the planner determines the demand
existing results on products with positive external- to maximize ex post total social welfare, which is
ity with unlimited supply, which state that the con- exactly the same as (13).6 The total demand under
sumers demand less than the socially optimal level
(Brito et al. 1991). 6
Clearly, this definition of demand-side intervention is idealized
because it requires that the social planner have sufficient informa-
tion to determine the socially optimal demand, and can compel
6. Government Interventions individuals to search. Nonetheless, it is a fair comparison for the
Despite general agreement on the need for a more supply-side intervention and thus can be used to compare the rel-
active government role in coordinating the U.S. flu ative effectiveness of the two interventions.
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1081

demand-side intervention is N 6Ḡ4„C 57, where Ḡ4„C 5 to the society can be less than that to the manufac-
satisfies (15). The manufacturer’s problem in the first turer at Q = QC . These conditions on Qw and the yield
stage is given by distribution are captured in (22).
The game setting in Chick et al. (2008) corresponds
max D 4Q5 = wN ƐU 6h4„C 1 UQ57 − cQ1 (20) to our demand-side intervention, and their system set-
ting corresponds to our centralized system. In contrast
to Proposition 8, they show that the production in the
where h4„C 1 Qr 5 = Ḡ4„C 5. Proposition 7 characterizes
system setting is always greater than the production
the equilibrium production quantity.
in the game setting. In their system setting, similar to
Proposition 7. (i) The unique equilibrium production our centralized system, the demand and production
quantity QD is given by quantity are determined so as to maximize the total
social welfare, which includes the manufacturer’s
Z N 6Ḡ4„C
1 57/QD profit. In their game setting, the government is the
w udM4u5 = c1 (21) purchaser of vaccines and hence maximizes total util-
ity of all individuals. In contrast, in our demand-side
where „C1 satisfies (16). intervention, the government is the social planner and
(ii) In equilibrium, the optimal production under hence maximizes the total social welfare, which is the
demand-side intervention (QD ) is greater than that in the sum of the utilities of all individuals and the profit of
decentralized system (QE ). the manufacturer.7
The government intervention in the demand side 6.2. Supply-Side Intervention
expands the market for higher realizations of Qr and A supply-side intervention can be implemented via
keeps it unchanged for lower realizations of Qr . As a direct control of the flu vaccine production (Hinman
result, the marginal expected benefit to the manufac- et al. 2005), or by implementing appropriate contracts
turer as seen in the LHS of (21) is greater than that such as buying all remaining vaccine back at the end
in the decentralized system (10). Hence, the manufac- of vaccination season or by sharing the production
turer plans to produce more under demand-side inter- costs (Chick et al. 2008).
vention because this increases his expected revenue. Under the supply-side intervention, given prior-
Since QD is manufacturer’s best response to socially ity classes (‚), the government plans the production
optimal demand, its comparison with QC provides quantity in the first stage to maximize the ex ante
a measure of inefficiency on the supply side alone. total social welfare. In the second stage, each individ-
Given that the demand-side intervention represents ual decides to search or not to maximize her expected
an intermediate level of centralization, one might net utility given ‚ and Qr . Clearly, identical to the
expect that QE < QD < QC . However, Proposition 8 second stage of the decentralized system analyzed in
shows that this is not necessarily the case. §4, the total demand under supply-side intervention
is N 6Ḡ4„E 57, where Ḡ4„E 5 satisfies (6).
Proposition 8. The optimal production quantity The government’s problem in the first stage, similar
under the demand-side intervention, QD , is less ( greater) to §5, is given by
than that in the centralized system, QC , if and only if
max WS 4‚1 Q5 2= N ƐU 6W 4„E 1 ‚1 UQ57
k uN 6Ḡ4„C1 57
B „C2 udM4u5 > 4<5c1 (22) + ƐU 6R4„E 1 UQ57 − cQ1 (24)
0 k
where W 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 and R4„1 Qr 5 satisfy (11) and (12),
where B4„5 and „C1 are given by (14) and (16), respectively, respectively. Because the function WS 4‚1 Q5 is not
„C2 4Qr 5 = Ḡ−1 4min811 Qr /N 95, and k satisfies necessarily unimodal in Q1 the optimal production
Z k
in supply-side intervention (QS ) cannot be character-
w udM4u5 = c0 (23) ized analytically. Therefore, we conduct the analysis
0 of supply-side intervention via numerical examples
These results suggest that the expected marginal where we find QS by exhaustive line search. Simi-
benefit of the manufacturer can be greater than lar to Proposition 8, we find several examples where
QS > QC , i.e., the optimal production quantity in the
that of the social planner in some cases. Observe
supply-side intervention is higher than that at the
from Figure 2 that because of market expansion
social optimum.
from demand-side intervention, there exists a Qw ∈
4N 6Ḡ4„E1 571 N 6Ḡ4„C1 575 such that the marginal benefit 7
Numerical examples show for low „¯ that an alternative demand-
to society is less than that to the manufacturer (w) for side intervention that maximizes only the total utilities of all indi-
Qr > Qw . Hence, depending on the value of Qw 1 and viduals results in reduction of the total social welfare by 1% to 6%
the yield distribution, the expected marginal benefit for parameter values considered in our study.
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1082 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

7. Numerical Study Table 1 Values of Input Parameters

In this section, we use our analytical results to Parameter Value Source
serve two main purposes. In §7.1, we study the
relative effectiveness of demand-side and supply- Π1 Chick et al. (2008)
CV 801 0021 0041 0061 0089 Chick et al. (2008)
side interventions as a function of key supply chain
„¯ ($) 81001 5001 20009 Galvani et al. (2007)
characteristics such as yield uncertainty and infec- ‚ ($) ¯ 004„,
{0, 0025„, ¯ 006„}
¯ GAO (2001, 2008)
tiousness of the disease. In §7.2, we investigate the R0 81051 21 2051 39 Breban et al. (2007), Chick et al.
robustness of availability effect and negative external- (2008)
ity effect with respect to priority groups (‚) and var- ˆ ($) 801 101 209 Meltzer et al. (1999), Galvani et al.
ious other parameters. (2007)
c ($) 81051 39 Deo and Corbett (2009), Koh and
Similar to Bauch and Earn (2004), we consider an Paxson (2009)
infection probability of the following form that satis- w /c 821 59 CDC (2009)
fies Assumption 1: r ($) w + 23 Meltzer et al. (1999), Chick et al.
 1
1 −
 h < hzr 1
p4h5 = R0 41 − h5 (25)
 disutilities among the population are high (high „). ¯
0 h ≥ hzr 1

To understand the underlying intuition, note for
high „¯ that the positive externality effect is lower and
where R0 is the average number of individuals the negative externality effect is higher. The former
infected by an infected person, and hzr = 0 if R0 ≤ 1 comes from more individuals behaving close to the
and hzr = 1 − 1/R0 if R0 > 10 Using the first term social optimum for high number of obtained vaccine
in (14) and (25), it can be seen that the positive doses. The latter comes from more people searching
externality effect decreases as R0 increases. To make
but failing to obtain the vaccine for low number of
our welfare-maximizing formulation consistent with
obtained vaccine doses. The supply-side intervention
the cost-minimizing formulations in the literature
(Galvani et al. 2007, Chick et al. 2008), we normalize
V̄ to 0. In this case, −WC 4QC 5 is the ex ante total social Figure 3 Value of Centralized Solution, and Supply-Side and
Demand-Side Interventions for w /c = 2, c = 3, ˆ = 10,
cost in the centralized system. Also, we normalize the
and ‚ = 0025„¯
population size to N = 100.
We choose the parameters in our numerical study (a) Impact of CV for R0 = 3
based on published estimates from previous studies
wherever possible, and consider a range of values for
sensitivity (Table 1). See Appendix A for details. Note 60
that CV = 0 in Table 1 corresponds to the case with 50

deterministic8 yield where Qr = Q. 40

7.1. Value of Supply Chain Interventions 20
We measure the value of the completely central- 10
ized solution as the percentage reduction in the total 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 CV
social costs compared to those in the decentralized 100 2,000 
equilibrium, i.e., 61 − WC 4QC 5/WE 4‚1 QE 57 × 100%.
Similarly, the value of demand-side and supply-side Demand-side intervention Supply-side intervention Centralized solution
interventions is defined as 61 − WD 4QD 5/WE 4‚1 QE 57 ×
100% and 61 − WS 4QS 5/WE 4‚1 QE 57 × 100%1 respec- (b) Impact of R0 for CV = 0.8
tively. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) illustrate these entities as
a function of the coefficient of variation of the yield
distribution (CV ) and the infectiousness of the disease 60
(R0 ), respectively, for two „¯ values. 50

We observe from Figure 3 that the supply-side 40

intervention is more valuable when the infection 30
We analyze all four scenarios with the deterministic yield and 10
find that the demand-side inefficiency is independent of supply- 0
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 R0
side factors when the yield is deterministic indicating that yield
100 2,000 
uncertainty is the main driver of supply-side inefficiency. We do not
present the analysis of deterministic yield in this paper for brevity,
Demand-side intervention Supply-side intervention Centralized solution
but it is available from the authors upon request.
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1083

results in larger target egg production and conse- In addition to the four ‚ values in Table 1, we include
quently a large number of obtained vaccine doses. the results for optimal ‚ found by line search on the
This, in turn, lowers both positive and negative exter- ¯
interval 601 „7.
nality effects in expectation. Figure 3(b) shows that Overall, the impact of the availability effect can
the effectiveness of supply-side intervention further be divided into two categories (i) impact on waste-
increases in the infectiousness of the disease (R0 ) for ful search costs, (ii) impact on vaccine availability for
high „¯ values. As the disease becomes more infec- individuals with high infection disutility. Figure 4(a)
tious, the expected marginal benefit of the social plan- illustrates how each of these components vary in ‚
ner increases more than that of the manufacturer. for different combinations of ˆ, CV , and „¯ values. The
Therefore, the extent of underproduction in equilib- availability effect is most harmful for low values of
rium and hence the value of supply-side intervention yield uncertainty and for high values of „, ¯ i.e., when
is higher for higher R0 values. the infection is very expensive for more individuals.
On the other hand, as observed in Figure 3, the For these parameter combinations, the increase in the
demand-side intervention is more effective when expected costs of infection dominates the decrease in
infection disutilities among the population are low vaccine availability when each individual accounts
¯ The positive externality effect is high and
(low „). for limited supply. As a result, vaccine demand for
the negative externality effect is low in such cases. limited supply values increases thereby increasing
Because of lower benefits, the manufacturer, in line wasteful search costs and decreasing vaccine avail-
with social optimum, targets a low target egg pro- ability for individuals with high infection disutility.
duction when „¯ is low. The demand-side interven- Thus, the availability effect becomes harmful to soci-
tion induces and reduces the demand for high and ety when infection is very expensive for more indi-
low number of obtained vaccine doses, respectively. viduals. On the other hand, the availability effect is
This results in lower positive and negative externality beneficial to the society when the infection is not very
effects. Further, Figure 3 shows that the effectiveness expensive (low „) ¯ and search is relatively costly (high
of demand-side intervention for low „¯ first increases ˆ). This is because limited availability decreases the
then decreases in the level of yield uncertainty. As the incentive for individuals with low infection disutility
yield uncertainty increases, the total social costs both to search for vaccines compared to the reference case.
in equilibrium and in the demand-side intervention This results in lower wasteful search costs and better
increase while the gap between them first increases vaccine allocation for individuals with high infection
then decreases. Consequently, the value of demand- disutility.
side intervention first increases then decreases in the Next, we conduct a similar sensitivity analysis for
yield uncertainty. Thus, a model ignoring yield uncer- the negative externality effect. We construct a ref-
tainty, which is the source of supply-side inefficiency, erence case where individuals internalize the nega-
may underestimate or overestimate the value of the tive externality arising from limited availability of
demand-side intervention. vaccine. Thus, the ex post equilibrium demand for
Qr ≥ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 is the same as that in decentralized
7.2. Robustness of Availability and system, but the demand for Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 is equal
Negative Externality Effects to the socially optimal demand (Qr ). The optimal
We quantify the magnitude of availability effect and production in this case is also equal to QE since
analyze its dependence on various problem parame- ex post sales of manufacturer stay the same. Defining
ters. To do this, we construct a reference case where WE1 NE 4QE 5 as the total social welfare in this reference
individuals ignore the vaccine supply being limited case, we measure the negative externality effect by
so that the ex post demand is equal to N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 61 − WE1 NE 4QE 5/WE 4‚1 QE 57 × 100%0 Figure 4(b) dis-
for all realizations of the production quantity (Brito plays the negative externality effect and its compo-
et al. 1991). However, the optimal production quan- nents for different parameter combinations.
tity for the manufacturer is still equal to QE because We observe from Figures 4(a) and 4(b) that, for
manufacturer’s ex post sales do not change. We let high „,¯ the availability and negative externality effects
WE1 NA 4QE 5 denote the total social welfare in this ref- are not sensitive to search cost (ˆ) because a large
erence case and measure the availability effect as component of both effects is due to random allocation
the percentage gap between the social costs in the within priority groups. Figures 4(a) and 4(b), in line
equilibria with and without the availability effect, with our discussion in §5, show that when appro-
i.e., 61 − WE1 NA 4QE 5/WE 4‚1 QE 57 × 100%. Recall that priately determined, the prioritization may signifi-
both WE1 NA 4QE 5 and WE 4‚1 QE 5 are negative in our cantly reduce the availability and negative externality
numerical examples since we normalized V̄ to zero. effects compared to the complete random allocation
Hence, the availability effect is harmful for society case (‚ = 0), especially for high „¯ and low CV val-
when 61 − WE1 NA 4QE 5/WE 4‚1 QE 57 × 100% is positive. ues. Finally, we observe from Figure 4 that, under
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1084 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

Figure 4 Sensitivity Analysis of Availability and Negative Externality Effects When R0 = 3

(a) Availability effect





0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 
0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8 CV
100 2,000 

Random rationing effect Search cost effect

(b) Negative externality effect



0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 CV
0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8 
100 2,000

Random rationing effect Search cost effect

Note. The socially optimal ‚ in each case is indicated by an arrow.

socially optimal ‚, the harmful impact of the avail- effect. This has important implications for public pol-
ability and negative externality effects is the highest icy because it suggests that, in some cases, curb-
when infection disutilities among the population are ing rather than inducing demand for vaccines might
¯ For any ‚, the demand for vaccines and
high (high „). be appropriate. We show that more efficient alloca-
consequently the number of people seeking vaccina- tion mechanisms that prioritize individuals with high
tion but not getting it is higher when the infection is infection disutility can mitigate the negative external-
more costly. Therefore, the availability and negative ity effect and curb the demand for limited supply
externality effects are larger for high „. values. In addition, the appropriateness of curbing
or inducing the demand depends critically on the
8. Conclusion and Future Research supply-side parameters such as yield uncertainty.
In this paper, we present the first joint model of Our model highlights the interaction between
demand-side and supply-side inefficiencies result- demand-side and supply-side inefficiencies. We find
ing from rational consumer behavior and yield that the value of supply-side intervention depends on
uncertainty at a profit-maximizing manufacturer, the infectiousness of the disease, whereas the value
respectively. We find that combining the two effects of demand-side intervention depends on the yield
generates several novel insights through negative uncertainty of the production process. This suggests
externality and availability effects. First, we find that mechanisms to coordinate the entire supply chain
that, contrary to the wisdom from health economics, would need to combine demand-side interventions
demand for the vaccine in equilibrium can be higher (tax-subsidy mechanisms as in Brito et al. 1991) and
than the socially optimal demand if the negative supply-side interventions (cost-sharing contracts as in
externality effect dominates the positive externality Chick et al. 2008) in a nonobvious way. We derive one
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1085

such coordinating mechanism in a companion paper (Breban et al. 2007, Chick et al. 2008). Hence, we consider
(Arifoğlu et al. 2011). four R0 values, i.e., R0 ∈ 81051 21 2051 39.
Our work provides several interesting avenues for The production cost per dose for epidemic flu vac-
future study. A natural extension is to consider a two- cine was in the range of $1050 to $2050 during 1990s, but
increased later (O’Mara et al. 2003). The production cost per
period model of the flu season, where the manufac-
dose for pandemic flu vaccine is in the range of $3 to $4050
turer decides the quantities to bring to market in each per dose (Koh and Paxson 2009). Moreover, each dose of
of the two periods and the consumers decide the tim- seasonal flu vaccine requires 1–2 eggs (Hartgroves 2009).
ing of their vaccination. The unique characteristics of Hence, we assume that c ∈ 81051 39, but present the results
the flu vaccine context that make this model inter- only for c = $3 for brevity. The wholesale prices for differ-
esting are as follows: (i) consumer valuations of the ent manufacturers were in the range of $6 to $14 in the
vaccine in the second period are uncertain because 2009–2010 flu season (CDC 2009). Hence, we consider two
they depend on the number of infections in the first values of w/c = 2 and w/c = 5 here; however, present the
period, and (ii) consumers exit the market at the end results for w/c = 2 for brevity.
Meltzer et al. (1999) estimate costs from vaccine side
of the first period not only based on vaccination but
effects as approximately $3 per dose, whereas Chick et al.
also based on infection. This setup could be used to (2008) assume a vaccine administration cost equal to $20
understand when one might expect to see a mad rush per dose. Hence, we assume the cost of receiving vaccine as
for vaccine at the beginning of a flu season accompa- r = w + 23 in all numerical examples.
nied with excess stock at the end of the season.
Appendix B. Proofs
Acknowledgments Proof of Lemma 1
The authors thank Stan Kent, assistant vice president of Assume that ”˜ h , ”˜ l (”˜ h ≥ ”˜ l ) and h̃ are, respectively, the
pharmacy, and Michael McEvoy, pharmacy purchasing availability probabilities for high and low priority classes,
coordinator at NorthShore University HealthSystem, for and vaccinated fraction in the equilibrium. Next consider
their observations about the flu vaccine supply chain. The two cases: „ˆ < ‚ and „ˆ ≥ ‚.
authors also thank the associate editor and three anony- Case 1 4„ˆ < ‚5: Because the individual with „ˆ does not
mous referees for several suggestions that greatly improved search and she belongs to the lower priority class, we have
the paper. Sarang Deo’s affiliation during the study was ”˜ l 4„p4
ˆ h̃5 − r5 < ˆ, i.e., „p4
ˆ h̃5 < ˆ/”˜ l + r. Notice that for any
Kellogg School of Management, Evanston, Illinois 60201. „ < „1 ˆ this condition is satisfied and hence individuals with
„ < „ˆ do not search for the vaccine.
Appendix A. Choice of Parameter Values Case 2 4„ˆ ≥ ‚5: In this case, the individual with „ˆ will
In this appendix, we explain how we chose the parame- be in the high priority class. Since this individual does
ter values for our numerical study in §7. We assume that not search for the vaccine, we have ”˜ h 4„p4 ˆ h̃5 − r5 < ˆ, i.e.,
the stochastically proportional yield, U , has a gamma dis- ˆ„p4h̃5 < ˆ/”˜ h + r. First, consider individuals with „ ∈ 6‚1 „5. ˆ
tribution (Chick et al. 2008), which is truncated at Ū = 4 These individuals are also in the high priority class; there-
with Œ = 1. To model various levels of yield uncertainty, we fore, the availability probability for them is ”˜ h . Obviously,
consider five different values of the coefficient of variation any „ ∈ 6‚1 „5 ˆ satisfies the last inequality; therefore, all indi-
CV ∈ 801 0021 0041 0061 0089, where CV = 0 corresponds to the viduals with „ ∈ 6‚1 „5 ˆ do not search for the vaccine. For
deterministic case. individuals with „ ∈ 601 ‚5, availability probability is ”˜ l .
In all numerical examples, we assume that „ is uniformly Note by „ˆ > ‚ and ”˜ h ≥ ”˜ l that „p4h̃5 < ˆ/”˜ l + r, as a result,
¯ Weycker et al.
distributed over the finite interval 601 „7. ”˜ l 4„p4
ˆ h̃5 − r5 < ˆ for „ ∈ 601 ‚5. Hence, no individual with
(2005) estimate the average direct costs due to infection as „ ∈ 601 ‚5 searches for the vaccine.
$96 over all population groups, whereas Galvani et al. (2007)
estimate the total (direct and indirect) costs due to infection Proof of Proposition 1
as $567 for the young and $41163 for the elderly. We present We prove both claims in Proposition 1 separately.
our results only for „¯ ∈ 8$1001 $5001 $210009 because our Part (i): Lemma 1 implies that there exists a marginal
qualitative insights remain the same for larger „¯ values. individual („E 4‚1 Qr 55 who is indifferent between searching
High priority population segments, based on CDC and not searching. In what follows, we first characterize the
recommendations, have increased from about 40% in threshold valuation level „E 4‚1 Qr 5 for Qr > 0, and then we
the 2001–2002 flu season (GAO 2001) to about 75% in the show that the fraction searching for the vaccine satisfies (6).
2006–2007 flu season (GAO 2008). For sensitivity analysis, a. Characterizing the threshold valuation level
we also consider cases where 60% and 100% of the popula- 4„E 4‚1 Qr 55: We define –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 as the excess of utility to
tion is in the high priority group. These correspond to four the marginal individual with valuation „ who is indifferent
different ‚ values given in Table 1. between searching and not searching. It turns out that
The searching disutility ˆ includes travel costs and time
–4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = ”4„1 „1 ‚1 Qr 56„p4h4„1 Qr 55 − r7 − ˆ (B1)
costs incurred by an individual during her search. Galvani
et al. (2007) estimate the average searching disutility as ¯ where h and ” satisfy (3) and
for all Qr ≥ 0, and „1 ‚ ∈ 601 „7,
ˆ = $20 (travel costs ($4) and time costs ($16)). To check the (4), respectively. Then, by definition, „E 4‚1 Qr 5 = sup8„ ∈
robustness of our findings, we also consider lower values of ¯ –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 ≤ 0 for ‚ ∈ 601 „7
601 „72 ¯ and Qr ≥ 09. Below, we
ˆ = 0 and ˆ = 10. For seasonal flu epidemic, R0 is in 61051 37 consider two cases: Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚577 and Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57.
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1086 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

Case a.1 4Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚575: We define „∗ 4Qr 5 = Ḡ−1 4min811 Subcase a.1.2 4„zr > „∗ 4Qr 55: By (B1), it turns out that
Qr /N 95, where Ḡ−1 is the inverse of Ḡ. Certainly, Ḡ−1 exists
since G is strictly increasing and continuous. Next, we con- 
Q /N − Ḡ4‚5
sider two subcases: „zr ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5 and „zr > „∗ 4Qr 5. −r r „ < „∗ 4Qr 51

 −ˆ
G4‚5 − G4„5

Subcase a.1.1 4„zr ≤ „∗ 4Qr 55: By (B1), it turns out that 

–4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 =
 −4r + ˆ5 „∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „zr 1

2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 „ < „∗ 4Qr 51

 

G4‚5 G4„5

− „zr < „ ≤ „¯

 4„5
–4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = 1

„∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „¯

 4„5
for all Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57 and ‚ ∈ 601 „7,¯ where 1 4„5 is given
¯ where
for all Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57 and ‚ ∈ 601 „7, by (B2). Note that –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 < 0 for all „ ≤ „zr . Then, „E1 ∈
¯ being unique „ which satisfies 1 4„5 = 0 implies that
4„zr 1 „5
1 4„5 = „p4Ḡ4„55 − 4r + ˆ51 (B2) „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is unique and equal to „E1 .
Q − N 6Ḡ4‚57
 Case a.2 4Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚5775: For brevity, we sketch the
2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = r „p −r proof of this case; however, it is very similar to that of
Case a.1. By Lemma 1, vaccine availability for the marginal
− ˆ6G4‚5 − G4„570 (B3)
individual with valuation „ is zero if she is in the low pri-
Observe that –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 is continuous in „ for all Qr > N ority group in this case, i.e., ”l 4„1 „1 ‚1 Qr 5 = 0 for „ < ‚.
¯ and that
6Ḡ4‚57 and ‚ ∈ 601 „7, Hence, –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = −ˆ for all „ < ‚ and Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚577.
This implies „E 4‚1 Qr 5 ≥ ‚ for Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚577. We define
d1 4„5 „∗ 4Qr 5 and „E1 as in Case a.1. Note that Ḡ4„∗ 4Qr 55 = Qr /N
= p4Ḡ4„55 − „g4„5p0 4Ḡ4„55 ≥ 01 (B4)
d„ and „∗ 4Qr 5 ≥ ‚ since Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4‚57 in this case. Then, it
¡2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 Qr − N 6Ḡ4‚57 Qr
turns out that for all Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚577 and ‚ ∈ 601 „7,
= p + ˆg4„5 > 00 (B5)
¡„ N N
 Qr

Note that „ 4Qr 5 < ‚ in this case since Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57.

 −r −ˆ ‚ ≤ „ < „∗ 4Qr 51
 N 6Ḡ4„57

In addition, we let „E1 satisfy 1 4„E1 5 = 0. Note by Assump-

–4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 =
tion 1, (5) and (B2), that lim„↓„zr 1 4„5 < 0, lim„↑„¯ 1 4„5 > 0  −4r + ˆ5 „∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „zr 1
¯ As a result, there exists

and d1 4„5/d„ > 0 for „ ∈ 4„zr 1 „5.

„zr < „ ≤ „¯

such a unique „E1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5.¯ Now, we consider two different 1 4„5
cases: „E1 ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5 and „E1 > „∗ 4Qr 5.
First, suppose that „E1 ≤ „∗ 4Qr 50 Note that –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = if „zr > „∗ 4Qr 5,
1 4„5 > 0 for all „ > „∗ 4Qr 5 since 1 4„5 > 0 for all „ > „E1 .
On the other hand, –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = 2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5/4G4‚5 − G4„55 
for all „ < „∗ 4Qr 5. Observe that G4‚5 − G4„5 > 0 for all 

 ¯ Qr 5
2 4„1 „1 ‚ ≤ „ < „∗ 4Qr 51
„ < „∗ 4Qr 5 since Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57. This implies that whether –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = Ḡ4„5
–4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 for „ < „∗ 4Qr 5 is positive or negative depends 
„∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „¯

 4„5
on the sign of 2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5. Note that lim„↓0 2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 <
0 and lim„↑„∗ 4Qr 5 2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 ≥ 0, where the first inequality
follows from „ < „∗ 4Qr 5 < ‚ and the second inequality fol- if „zr ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5, where 1 4„5 and 2 4„1 „1 ¯ Qr 5 are, respec-
lows from the continuity of –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 and 1 4„5 ≥ 0 for all tively, given by (B2) and (B3). Similar to Case a.1.2, one
„ ≥ „E1 . Note that the second inequality holds as an equality can show that „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is unique and equal to „E1 when
for „∗ 4Qr 5 = „E1 , and it is strict for „∗ 4Qr 5 > „E1 . This by (B5) Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚577 and „∗ 4Qr 5 < „zr . When „∗ 4Qr 5 ≥ „zr ,
implies that there exists „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 ∈ 401 „∗ 4Qr 57 („E2 4‚1 Qr 5 ∈ we need to consider two subcases: 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 −
401 „∗ 4Qr 55 for „∗ 4Qr 5 > „E1 ) such that 2 4„E2 4‚1 Qr 51 Qr 5 = 01 r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5 and 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5. Similar to
where „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 is given by (8). Then, –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 is nega- Case a.1.1, one can show that when 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 −
tive (positive) for „ < „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 („ > „E2 4‚1 Qr 5); moreover,
r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5, the threshold value „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is unique and
–4„E2 4‚1 Qr 51 ‚1 Qr 5 = 0. Therefore, „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is unique and ¯ Qr 5 ∈ 4‚1 „∗ 4Qr 55 if „E ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5 and
it is equal to „E2 4„1
equal to „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 if „E1 ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5. 1
is equal to „1 if „E1 > „∗ 4Qr 5). On the other hand, when
Second, assume that „E1 > „∗ 4Qr 5. In this case, we have
lim„↓0 2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 < 0 and lim„↑„∗ 4Qr 5 2 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 < 01 where 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5, net utility from searching is
the first inequality follows from Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57, and the sec- positive for all individuals with „ ≥ ‚, i.e., all individuals
ond inequality follows from „E1 > „∗ 4Qr 5 and 1 4„5 < 0 for in the high priority group search for the vaccine. There-
all „ < „E1 . By (B5), it follows that –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 is negative fore, the threshold value „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is unique and equal
for „ ∈ 601 „∗ 4Qr 55. On the other hand, –4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 = 1 4„5 to ‚ when 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5. In addition,
¯ Recall that „E ∈ 4„zr 1 „5
for „ ∈ 6„∗ 4Qr 51 „7. ¯ is unique and sat- note by lim„↓0 2 4„1 „1¯ Qr 5 < 01 lim„↓‚ 2 4„1 „1¯ Qr 5 ≥ 0 and
isfies 1 4„1 5 = 0. This implies that „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is unique and ¯ E ¯
¡2 4„1 „1 Qr 5/¡„ > 0 that „2 4„1 Qr 5 satisfying (8) is in 401 ‚7
equal to „E1 when „E1 > „∗ 4Qr 5. when 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5.
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1087

In summary, using „E1 > „zr 1 the threshold valuation level „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 = „E1 for Qr = N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 imply that „E 4‚1 Qr 5 =
¯ and Qr > 0 satisfies
„E 4‚1 Qr 5 for all ‚ ∈ 601 „7 „E1 for Qr = N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 for all ‚ ∈ 601 „7. ¯ As a result, the
     supply is always more than the equilibrium demand for
Qr Qr Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 and they are equal for Qr = N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. In the
 ‚p − r ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5 and

remaining of this part, we assume that 0 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57

and consider two cases: ‚ < „E1 and ‚ ≥ „E1 .


 ≤ min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„zr 591 Case 1 4‚ < „E1 5: In this case, by (6), Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4‚5

for Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5. Since

¯ Qr 5 Qr ‚p Qr − r < ˆ Ḡ4‚5 and

‚ < „E1 , the equilibrium demand is more than the avail-

„E2 4„1

„E 4‚1 Qr 5 = N N able supply when 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5 and 0 <
 Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. On the other hand, if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 −

 ≤ min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„E1 591 r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5, then Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E2 4„1 ¯ Qr 55 for 0 <

 N Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. Recall from Case a.2 in Part (i) that

 Q ¯ Qr 5 ∈ 4‚1 „∗ 4Qr 55 for 0 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E 57, where
„E2 4„1
„E2 4‚1 Qr 5 Ḡ4‚5 < r ≤ Ḡ4„E1 51 1

Ḡ4„∗ 4Qr 55 = min811 Qr /N 9, when 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 <

 N
ˆ Ḡ4‚5. Then, it turns out that Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 > Qr /N for 0 <

 E
„1 otherwise. Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 if ‚ < „E1 and 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5.
Case 2 4‚ ≥ „E1 5: By (6) and Case a.1.1 in Part (i),
b. Finding the equilibrium demand: Here, using (B6), „E 4‚1 Qr 5 is equal to „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 ∈ 401 „∗ 4Qr 55 for all
we show that the equilibrium fraction searching for the vac- Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575. As a result, Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 >
cine is given by (6). First of all, consider Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. Qr /N for Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575 if ‚ ≥ „E1 . For
When Qr /N ≤ min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„zr 59, we have Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4‚575, we have Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E2 4„1 ¯ Qr 55
Qr if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5, and Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 =
‚p − 4r + ˆ5 ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5p − 4r + ˆ5 Ḡ4‚5 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5. However, both
N N ¯ Qr 5 are smaller than „∗ 4Qr 5 when Qr < N
‚ and „E2 4„1
= 1 4„∗ 4Qr 55 < 0 6Ḡ4‚57 and ‚ ≥ „E1 („E2 4„1 ¯ Qr 5 ∈ 4‚1 „∗ 4Qr 55 from Case a.2
in Part (i)). Therefore, Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 > Qr /N for Qr ∈
for Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, where the last inequality comes from
401 N 6Ḡ4‚575. Finally, for Qr = N 6Ḡ4‚57, Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4‚5
1 4„5 being strictly increasing in „ for „ > „zr . This implies
since 4Qr /N 56‚p44Qr /N 55 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5 if ‚ ≥ „E1 . As a result,
by (B6) that „E 4‚1 Qr 5 = ‚ is never possible if Qr > N 6G4„E1 57; Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Qr /N when Qr = N 6Ḡ4‚57 and ‚ ≥ „E1 . This
moreover, „E 4‚1 Qr 5 = „E1 for all Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. As a result, completes the proof.
Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E1 5 for all Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57.
Next, we assume Qr ∈ 401 N 6Ḡ4„E1 577 and consider two
cases: ‚ ≤ „E1 and ‚ > „E1 . Proof of Proposition 2
Note that there are no priority groups if ‚ = 0 or ‚ = „. ¯
Case b.1 4‚ < „E1 5: In this case, Qr < N 6Ḡ4‚57 for Qr ≤
N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. Moreover, By Proposition 1 (i), the equilibrium demand for both ‚ = 0
or ‚ = „¯ is the same. The equilibrium fraction searching for
min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„E1 59 = min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„zr 59 ≥ Ḡ4„E1 5 the vaccine when there are no priority group is given by

¯ Then, it follows by (B6) that, for Qr ≤ ¯ Qr 55 0 < Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4„E 571
Ḡ4„E2 4„1
since „E1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5. 1
N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4‚5 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ Ḡ4„E 4Qr 55 = (B7)
Ḡ4„E1 5 Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 571

ˆ Ḡ4‚5, and
Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E2 4„1
¯ Qr 55
where „E 4Qr 5 denotes the threshold value with no priority
if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5. groups, and „E1 and „E2 4„1 ¯ Qr 5 are, respectively, given by (7)
Case b.2 4‚ ≥ „E1 5: Since „E1 > „zr , we have and (8). Recall from Part (ii) of proof of Proposition 1 that
¯ Then
Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E1 5 for Qr = N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 and ‚ ∈ 601 „7.
min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„E1 59 = min8Ḡ4‚51 Ḡ4„zr 59 = Ḡ4‚5 it follows for Qr ≥ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 that the demand in equilibrium
with and without priority groups are equal to N 6Ḡ4„E1 57.
in this case. By (B6), Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E2 4‚1 Qr 55 for all Hence, for Qr ≥ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, the vaccinated fraction of pop-
Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 577. For Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4‚57, Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = ulation in both equilibria are equal to N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. If Qr = 01
Ḡ4‚5 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5, and Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = nobody searches for the vaccine and hence vaccinated frac-
¯ Qr 55 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5.
Ḡ4„E2 4„1 tion in both equilibria are equal to zero.
Part (ii): By (6), Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 = Ḡ4„E1 5 if Qr > N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. Next, we prove Proposition 2 for 0 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57.
Also note by (7), (B6), and „E1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5 ¯ that for Qr = First, recall by Proposition 1(ii) that the equilibrium demand
N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 is at least as much as the available supply for all ‚ ∈
¯ when 0 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E 57. This implies that, for 0 <
601 „7 1
‚p − 4r + ˆ5 Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, the vaccinated fraction in equilibrium with
N two groups is equal to that with no groups, and they are
= ‚p4Ḡ4„E1 55 − 4r + ˆ5 < „E1 p4Ḡ4„E1 55 − 4r + ˆ5 = 0 both equal to Qr /N . By (B7), for 0 < Qr < N 6Ḡ4„E1 57, the
demand in the equilibrium with no priority group is equal
if „E1 > ‚. This implies that „E 4‚1 Qr 5 = ‚ for Qr = N 6Ḡ4„E1 57 ¯ Qr 557. Next, we consider two cases: ‚ < „E
to N 6Ḡ4„E2 4„1 1
only if ‚ = „E1 . This together with (B6) and „E2 4„1 ¯ Qr 5 = E
and ‚ ≥ „1 .
Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
1088 Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS

Case 1 4‚ < „E1 5: By (6), the equilibrium demand with two in the proof of Proposition 1 that there exists a unique „E1 ∈
groups is equal to N 6Ḡ4„E2 4„1 ¯ Qr 557 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − ¯ such that 1 4„E 5 = 0, and 1 4„5 is positive (nega-
4„zr 1 „5 1
r7 < ˆ Ḡ4‚5. Thus, the equilibrium demand with and with- tive) for all „ > „E1 („ < „E1 ). Thus, if „E1 > „∗ 4Qr 5 (i.e., Qr > N
out priority groups are equal when 4Qr /N 5 6‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 6Ḡ4„E1 57), –4„E1 1 Qr 5 = 01 and –4„1 Qr 5 is positive (negative)
< ˆ Ḡ4‚5. By (6), the equilibrium demand with two pri- for all „ > „E1 („ < „E1 ) and Qr ∈ 601 N 5. Hence, the equilib-
ority groups is equal to N 6Ḡ4‚57 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 rium demand under efficient allocation is equal to N 6Ḡ4„E1 57
≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5. Recall from proof of Proposition 1 (Case a.2 in when Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4„E1 571 N 5. On the other hand, if „E1 ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5
Part (i)) that „E2 4„1¯ Qr 5 ∈ 401 ‚7 if 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ (i.e., Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57), –4„1 Qr 5 is positive (negative) for all
ˆ Ḡ4‚5. Thus, the equilibrium demand with no priority „ > „∗ 4Qr 5 („ ≤ „E1 ) and Qr ∈ 601 N 5. Thus, the equilibrium
group is greater than or equal to that with two priority demand under efficient allocation is equal to available sup-
groups when 4Qr /N 56‚p4Qr /N 5 − r7 ≥ ˆ Ḡ4‚5. ply (Qr ) when Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4„E1 57.
Case 2 4‚ ≥ „E1 5: Similar to Case 1, one can show by
(6) that, for Qr ≤ N 6Ḡ4‚57, the equilibrium demand with Proof of Proposition 4
two priority groups is less than or equal to that with First and second derivatives of E 4Q5 in (9) are
no priority group. For Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575, the equi-
Z N 6G4„1 57/Q
librium demand with two priotiy groups is equal to dE 4Q5
N 6Ḡ4„E2 4‚1 Qr 557. Note by (8) that =w udM4u5 − c1
dQ 0

¡„E2 4‚1 Qr 5 g4‚56„E2 4‚1 Qr 5p4Qr /N 5 − 4r + ˆ57 d 2 E 4Q5 N 2 G2 4„E1 5 N 6G4„E1 57

=− = −w m <0
¡‚ 44Qr − N 6Ḡ4‚575/N 5p4Qr /N 5 + ˆg4„E2 4‚1 Qr 55 dQ2 Q3 Q
for all Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575. Recall from Case a.1.1 for Q ≥ 0 since yield distribution is strictly increasing. The
in the proof of Proposition 1 that „E2 4‚1 Qr 5 ∈ 401 „∗ 4Qr 55 inequality implies that E 4Q5 is strictly concave. More-
for Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575. This implies that Qr /N − over, by wŒ > c1 we have limQ↓0 dE 4Q5/dQ > 0 and
Ḡ4‚5 < G4‚5 − G4„E2 4‚1 Qr 55 for Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575. limQ↑ˆ dE 4Q5/dQ = −c < 0. Then, it follows that there
It follows by (8) that „E2 4‚1 Qr 5p4Qr /N 5 − 4r + ˆ5 > 0 exists a finite, positive, and unique QE which maximizes
for Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575, which further implies that E 4Q5. By first order condition, QE satisfies (10).
¡„E2 4‚1 Qr 5/¡‚ < 0 since G is strictly increasing. Then, it
¯ Qr 5 <
turns out for all Qr ∈ 4N 6Ḡ4‚571 N 6Ḡ4„E1 575 that „E2 4„1 Proof of Proposition 5
„E2 4‚1 Qr 5 and hence the demand in the equilibrium with We let „∗ 4Qr 5 satisfy Ḡ4„∗ 4Qr 55 = min811 Qr /N 9 for all
two priority groups is less than that in equilibrium with no Qr ≥ 0. Note that „∗ 4Qr 5 is unique and in 401 „7 ¯ for Qr ∈
priority group. This completes the proof. 601 N 5; moreover, „∗ 4Qr 5 = 0 for Qr ≥ N . Ḡ4„∗ 4Qr 55 denotes
the maximum fraction of population that the available sup-
Proof of Proposition 3 ply can satisfy.
Under efficient allocation, Lemma 1 is still valid because Part (i): We first characterize the threshold level in the
individuals with high infection disutilities have at least centralized system(„C 4Qr 5) and then show that the fraction
the same probability of getting the vaccine compared to searching for the vaccine satisfies (15). For this purpose, we
those with lower infection disutilities. This indicates that let H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 denote the objective function in (13). Next,
under efficient allocation there is also a marginal individ- we consider two cases: „zr ≤ „∗ 4Qr 5 and „zr > „∗ 4Qr 51 where
ual who is indifferent between searching and not search- „zr is given by (5).
ing. Let „ER 4Qr 5 for Qr ≥ 0 be the disutility of this marginal ¯ we
Case 1 4„zr ≤ „∗ 4Qr 55: In this case, for all ‚ ∈ 601 „7,
individual. We need to characterize „ER 4Qr 5 for Qr ≥ 0 to have
find the equilibrium demand. For this purpose, we define
–4„1 Qr 5 as the excess of utility to the marginal individual H4„1‚1Qr 5
with valuation „ when searching over not searching. Note    Z „ 
Qr Qr
¯ where
that, for Qr ≥ N 1 –4„1 Qr 5 = 1 4„5 for all „ ∈ 601 „7,

N V̄ −ˆ Ḡ4„5−4r −w5 −p zdG4z5

 N N 0
1 4„5 is given by (B2). Then, using definition of „E1 from

    Z „¯ Z ‚ 
Case a.1.1 in the proof of Proposition 1, we obtain „ER 4Qr 5 = Qr Qr

 −Np 1− zdG4z5+ zdG4z5
„E1 for Qr ≥ N .

N N 6Ḡ4‚57 ‚

 „
Next, we assume that 0 ≤ Qr < N . Define „∗ 4Qr 5 =

Ḡ−1 4min811 Qr /N 95 for Qr ≥ 0. Note that there exists a

 „ < ‚1
¯ in this case since 0 ≤ Qr < N . Also

unique „∗ 4Qr 5 ∈ 401 „7

Qr Z „

note that under efficient allocation each individual knows N V̄ −ˆ Ḡ4„5−4r −w5 r −p

 zdG4z5
for sure whether the vaccine is available for her since they = N N 0

observe Qr and the vaccine is sequentially allocated based

     Z „¯

 Qr Qr
on „. Then, it turns out that −N 1− p zdG4z5


 N 6Ḡ4„57 „
„ ≤ „∗ 4Qr 51

−ˆ 

–4„1 Qr 5 =

 ‚ ≤ „ < „∗ 4Qr 51
1 4„5 „∗ 4Qr 5 < „ ≤ „¯
 

 R„

N 4V̄ −4r +ˆ −w5Ḡ4„5−p4Ḡ4„55 0 zdG4z55
¯ where h and 1 4„5 are,

for all Qr ∈ 601 N 5, and „ ∈ 601 „7,

respectively, given by (3) and (B2). Recall from Case a.1.1 „∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „¯

Arifoğlu, Deo, and Iravani: Flu Vaccine Supply Chain
Management Science 58(6), pp. 1072–1091, © 2012 INFORMS 1089

when Qr ∈ 601 N 6Ḡ4‚577, and for all „ ∈ 4„zr 1 „7,¯ where the inequality follows from
Assumption 1(iii) and (B8). Note that p4h5 may not be differ-
H 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 entiable at h = hzr so that lim„↓„+zr p0 4Ḡ4„zr 55 is not necessarily
zero. Therefore, both lim„↓„+zr B4„5 < 0 and lim„↓„+zr B4„5 ≥ 0
   Z ‚ 
Qr Qr
 N V̄ − ˆ Ḡ4„5 − 4r − w5 − p zdG4z5
are possible. This implies that „˜ such that B4„5 ˜ = 0 may not

 N N 0

 always exists. Hence, we define „C1 = inf8„ ∈ 601 „72 ¯ B4„5 ≥ 09.
Q − N 6Ḡ4‚57 Qr

 + r
Since dB4„5/d„ > 0 for all „ ∈ 4„zr 1 „7 ¯ and lim„↑„¯ B4„5 > 01
„ < „∗ 4Qr 51

 p zdG4z5
= G4‚5 − G4„5 N „ we have „C1 = „zr if lim„↓„+zr B4„5 ≥ 0, and „C1 = „, ˜ where „˜ ∈

 Z „ ¯ ˜
4„zr 1 „5 is unique and satisfies B4„5 = 0, if lim„↓„+zr B4„5 < 0.

N 4V̄ − 4r + ˆ − w5Ḡ4„5 − p4Ḡ4„55 zdG4z55 Note that B4„5 > 0 (B4„5 < 0) for all „ > „C1 („ < „C1 ).

 0
If B4„∗ 4Qr 55 ≥ 01 i.e., „∗ 4Qr 5 ≥ „C1 1 then B4„5 > 01 so that

„ ≥ „∗ 4Qr 5 H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 is strictly decreasing in „, for all „ > „∗ 4Qr 5.

Thus, „C 4Qr 5 = „∗ 4Qr 5 for Qr ≤ N 6G4„C1 57 when „∗ 4Qr 5 ≥ „zr .
when Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57. Then, it turns out that for all ‚ ∈ 601 „7 On the other hand, if B4„∗ 4Qr 55 < 01 i.e., „∗ 4Qr 5 < „C1 1 then
¡H 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 B4„5 is positive (negative) for all „ > „C1 („ ∈ 6„∗ 4Qr 51 „C1 7).
This implies that H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 is strictly increasing (decreas-
 ing) in „ for all „ < „C1 („ > „C1 ) if „∗ 4Qr 5 < „C1 . As a result,

 N ˆg4„5 „ < ‚1 „C 4Qr 5 = „C1 for all Qr > N 6G4„C1 57 when „∗ 4Qr 5 ≥ „zr .
¯ and Qr ≥ 01 we

Case 2 4„zr > „∗ 4Qr 55: For all „ ∈ 601 „7


 Z „ dG4z5 

 Ng4„5 ˆ − p „ − z
N 6Ḡ4„57 N Ḡ4„5

 0

 H4„1‚1Qr 5
= ‚ ≤ „ < „∗ 4Qr 51   
„ < „∗ 4Qr 51

 
N V̄ −ˆ Ḡ4„5−4r −w5
Z „ N

   

Ng4„5 r + ˆ − w + p0 4Ḡ4„55
 

 zdG4z5 − „p4Ḡ4„55 

 0 
N 4V̄ −4r +ˆ −w5Ḡ4„55 „∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „zr 1

 

„ ≥ „∗ 4Qr 5 =  Z „ 

N V̄ Ḡ4„5−p4 Ḡ4„55 zdG4z5

 −4r +ˆ −w5
for all Qr ∈ 601 N 6Ḡ4‚5771 and

 0

¡H 4„1‚1Qr 5

„ > „zr

    Z ‚  ¯ and Qr ≥ 0
in this case. It follows that for all „ ∈ 601 „7
Qr /N − Ḡ4‚5 Qr dG4z5
Ng4„5 ˆ − p „− z

 

 G4‚5− Ḡ4„5 N „ G4‚5− Ḡ4„5 N ˆg4„5
 „ < „∗ 4Qr 51

 

 ¡H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 
„ < „∗ 4Qr 5

= Ng4„54r + ˆ − w5 „∗ 4Qr 5 ≤ „ ≤ „zr 1

= ¡„ 

  Z „  

0 −Ng4„5B4„5 „ > „zr 1
 
Ng4„5 p 4 Ḡ4„55 zdG4z5−„p4 Ḡ4„55+r +ˆ −w


 where B4„5 is given by (14). Observe that ¡H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5/¡„ >
„ ≥ „∗ 4Qr 5

0 for all „ ≤ „zr and the sign of ¡H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5/¡„ for „ > „zr
depends on whether B4„5 is positive or negative since G
for all Qr > N 6Ḡ4‚57. Note that for a < b, is strictly increasing. If we recall the definition of „C1 from
Z b dG4z5 Case 1, then H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5 is strictly increasing (decreasing) in
a< z (B8) „ for all „ < „C1 („ > „C1 ) if „zr > „∗ 4Qr 5. As a result, „C 4Qr 5 =
a G4b5 − G4a5
„C1 when „zr > „∗ 4Qr 5.
since G is strictly increasing. This implies that In summary, the threshold value „C 4Qr 5 for Qr ≥ 0 satis-
¡H 4„1 ‚1 Qr 5/¡„ > 0 for all Qr ≥ 0, ‚ ∈ 601 „7 ¯ and „ < „∗ 4Qr 5. fies „C 4Qr 5 = „∗ 4Qr 5 for Qr < N 6G4„C1 57 and „C 4Qr 5 = „C1 for
Observe from (14) that the sign of ¡H4„1 ‚1 Qr 5/¡„ for Qr ≥ N 6G4„C1 57 since „C1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5 ¯ and „∗ 4Qr 5 = „C for Qr =
„ ≥ „∗ 4Qr 5 depends on whether B4„5 is positive or neg- N 6G4„C1 57. This implies that Ḡ4„C 4Qr 55 = min8Qr /N 1 Ḡ4„C1 59.
ative since G is strictly increasing. By r > w, (5) and Part (ii): We first show that „C1 < „E1 . Recall from Proposi-
Assumption 1, we have B4„5 <R 0 for all „ ∈ 601 „zr 7, ¯ Thus, if „C = „zr , i.e., lim„↓„+ B4„5 ≥
tion 1 that „E1 ∈ 4„zr 1 „5. 1
„ zr
lim„↓„+zr B4„5 = −4lim„↓„+zr p0 4Ḡ4„555 0 zr zdG4z5 − 4r + ˆ − w5 0, then „1 < „1 . Next, we show that „C1 < „E1 if „C1 = „1
C E ˜
and lim„↑„¯ B4„5 > 0. Then, dB4„5/d„ = 0 for „ ∈ 601 „zr 7 and i.e., lim„↓„+zr B4„5 < 0. Note by (7) and (14) that B4„1 5 = E
R „E
Z „ −p0 4Ḡ4„E1 55 0 1 zdG4z5 + w > 0. Recall that dB4„5/d„ > 0 for
= g4„5 −2„p0 4Ḡ4„55 + p00 4Ḡ4„55 zdG4z5 all „ ∈ 4„zr 1 „7¯ and B4„C 5 = 0 if „C = „. ˜ This implies that
d„ 0 1 1
 Z „  „1 < „ 1 .
= g4„5 2p0 4Ḡ4„55 z −„ Now, consider two cases: Qr ∈ 601 N 6Ḡ4„E1 577 and Qr >
0 G4„5 N 6Ḡ4„E1 57. If Qr ∈ 601 N 6Ḡ4„E1 577, then Ḡ4„E 4‚1 Qr 55 ≥ Qr /N
Z „ dG4z5  by Proposition 1(ii) and Ḡ4„C 5 = Qr /N by Part (i) since
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0 G4„5
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