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Write your experience or insights on how the youth

today shows confidence and interest in using their mother

tongue. Do the youth still value the language they were
brought up with? Explain your answer.

During the face-to-face set-up in my past school, we always

have various activities that happen every month. And one of these is
the "Buwan ng Wika". It is a one-week event wherein we showcase our
talents in different aspects using our native language. We have a
songwriting and spoken poetry contest. Students actively participate
in showing their interest in the event. They creatively used our mother
tongue to express their thoughts about the theme confidently. And
that makes other students win. They didn't just use the language for
the sake of the event; however, they used it because they really loved
it, and they wanted to express it. Even when pandemics arise, the
situation didn't hinder them, yet they found a way of expressing it.
They use social media platforms like Facebook and Tik tok in doing
tagalog skits using their mother tongue. They freely and proudly write
poetry, stories and songs.

Youths are very open to different cultures, to the point that

they want to adapt it because they get curious about the lifestyle of
other countries. They also idolize them; that's why they copy them
even its languages. The reason why it looks like they forgot about their
own, but based on what I see, youth values it. They still use it on a
daily basis. They still patronize tagalog songs, read tagalog stories, and
enjoy tagalog movies. If they didn't value it anymore, our mother
tongue will totally be forgotten. Maybe it was unappreciated little by
little due to the modernization of the world. But what they needed
was to get back on track again. To see again the true essence of
mother tongue in our life.

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