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Writing: Suggested answer

Dear Internship Cordinator

My name is Holly Ashton and I’m a senior at the University of Kansas. I’m writing to you regarding
the marketing role you advertised on I’m looking for a summer business internship and
I believe BDF Ventures is a place where I could really make a difference.

As a senior marketing student, I have acquired skills in advertising, PR, product development, and
market research. Currently I hold a 3.8 GPA. While in the college of business, I have strategically
focused my coursework in the following areas: Marketing Analytics; Marketing Management; Survey
Research and Strategic Internet Marketing.

Using my knowledge of the above, I designed a marketing campaign for a local pet business that
yielded the highest return on investment based on a budget. The campaign was so well received that I
was awarded third place in UOK’s business plan competition. I am confident that my experiences,
skills and strong interests in marketing field have prepared me to be a strong intern for your program.
And this internship experience would offer me practical skills and great personal rewards.

I would be delighted to have an opportunity to personally interview with you. Please accept the
enclosed resume and feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.  I appreciate your time and

Yours faithfully,

Holly Ashton

Part 1
Questions 1 – 2
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard flight
15 from New York to Los Angeles. Our flight should take about five and a half hours, putting
us in Los Angeles at noon, just in time for lunch. Flight attendants will be coming around
soon to serve beverages to everyone. We also have magazines and pillows and blankets
available on request. Enjoy the flight.
Questions 3 – 5
Beautiful Interiors Home Store has everything you need to make your home comfortable –
sofas, tables, desks, beds, carpets, and more. And we sell it all at a price you can afford. Join
us this week for our special anniversary sale. All home office furniture is 30 percent off.
Hurry on down. Sale ends Friday. Visit us at our new location at the new City Plaza Mall,
right next to the Central Hotel, and very close to the downtown subway station. We’re open
Tuesday through Sunday. Closed Monday.
Part 2

Q: Is it really the job of business to provide a lead in ethical standards?

A: Businesses don’t operate in isolation. Businesses are part of the wider community, through
their staff and their suppliers, for example. Business activities will inevitably lead to a series
of ecological and social effects. The nature of some industries has huge and very obvious
effect on the environment and society, whilst the effect of others, such as the financial
services industry, is not always so apparent.
The bank chose to base its policy on the concerns of its customers, because it is their money
that is being used, and they should have a say in how it is used.
We also campaign for change on issues that our customers feel strongly about. One of our
first campaigns called for a ban on the use of landmines – now banned in a hundred and
forty-two countries. Since then we’ve campaigned on other issues from third world debt,
human rights, fair trade and youth poverty. Customers can get as involved as they want and,
because the bank represents them, it means their view is more likely to be heard.

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