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President Nelson:

1. Pure truth
2. Pure doctrine of Christ
3. Pure Revelation

There really is difference between right and wrong and there really is absolute truth and or
eternal truth. The conference is pure truth and its messages. The Doctrine of Christ is powerful
and helps us stay on the covenant path. Pure revelation can flow to your heart as we seek
answers from the general conference. The conference is a time to receive revelation as it might
pertain unto us and our desires.

Jeffery R. Holland

Without or with riches we are to come unto Christ as the Savior counselled the rich young ruler.
The Savior wants us to come unto him completely and whole heartedly and offer fully. That
which we can give of Christ should not be a partial giving or three quarters or nine tenths. It is
our whole soul and being that we are to offer unto him. That which may be asked of us might be
hard nor may we fully understand the why to that which is asked from time to time.
Nevertheless, we are still to offer ourselves in all that we possess unto

Christ. How can we more fully envelope the love of God into our hearts to do away all the sects
and divides that exist so plentiful in our world? Answer: The love of God must dwell within our
hearts. As Gods love fills our hearts, we will begin to see each other for who we truly are –
which is the children of Christ. There is seeing another by the identity of his skin color or
nationality, his wealth or lack thereof, there is no seeing each other based upon their political
guise or affiliation – there is just seeing one another as children of God. Striving to cultivate such
attitudes regardless of the issue and regardless of the cost pledging ourselves to follow Christ
will bring the love of God we need to see each other for as really are and in so doing become that
which God hath designed us to become – even as he is.

Bonnie Corden

We must know our purpose! How often do we forget our purpose or get distracted in diverting
our energies to another cause beside that of Christ? If we take off our focus of Christ Satan can
through the temptations and distractions of this world will seek to bind us to that which cannot
redeem nor invoke power. There is nothing to big or to small that Christ cannot heal. His love
knows no bounds and it is his love that heals hearts, broken families, wounded souls, and
afflicted minds. His love can help us overcome all that is difficult, all that is wrong, and all that
is trying. As we bring ourselves to Christ his love will fill us, and we will be made whole.
Becoming a whole person helps us understand ourselves and who we are and as begin to see
ourselves who really are we will find power and strength to invite us unto Christ and his Gospel
Ulisses Soares

The Saviors compassion teaches us precisely how we are to interact with our neighbors, loved
ones, and friends. Extending compassion to those whom we know, and love builds greater
charity in our own hearts towards others. Regardless of offenses or mistreatments that might be
or previously be made towards us extending compassion rather than animosity and anger
exacting keeps us in the Saviors love and sanctification. Offering empathy to others helps us to
find relief from our own pain and heavy hearts. Seeking to love and extend compassion to others
is the key by which one’s mind and heart might be truly enlarged. Seeing others for who they
really are helps us see ourselves for who we really are – which is Sons and Daughters of God.
Looking past imperfections, indifferences, and idiosyncrasies helps broaden our view and
compassion. The compassion of Christ is what our Father in Heaven offers unto all of us despite
our indefinite weaknesses, sins, and follies. Through Christ we can and will be made whole by
virtue of atonement which is his compassion and charity.

Todd D. Christofferson

To become who the Lord desires us to become is made possible by the gift and love his only
begotten son even Jesus Christ. Abiding in God’s love we rely upon the approval of others as we
become independent of this world and dependent upon Christ the Lord. Becoming Christs
children and or his seed his only made possible by virtue of his loving commandments and
principles. The ability to forgive sin is Christs and Christs alone. There cannot exist nor dwell in
his kingdom even the slightest degree of sin. The world would have us think otherwise and
preaches contrary to the doctrines of Christ. Sin does not exist nor is there consequence of one’s
such actions is the plea of the world. The religion of Christ and our religion is a religion of
redemption! A redemption which can only come in and through Christ the Lord. Casting off our
sins is the only way in which we can be made whole and become whom the Lord hath destined
us to become. Will we cast away our sins to find that which we ever so desperately need? That
need is something many yet don’t realize that they need. But they do need it! We need Christ and
his charity, compassion, and ability to forgive. For it is in the name of Christ that we are forgiven
of ourselves, and it is in that same name we might find the hope of Christ – which is his love!
How well do we love God? Am I relying upon that love in becoming whom Christ and his Father
want us to become? The love of God is the key by which will become and build up his kingdom
wherever we stand in this world. Zion is not a destination but, a place in that exists wherever the
saints might find themselves.

Clark G. Gilbert

Our future is determined much more by our slope rather than our starting point. This is such a
powerful principle. But how do we implant this idea into the minds of those who might
otherwise find themselves in struggling or difficult starting points? This concept is truly a
difficult ideology but, if we can teach others that through Christ and his Gospel, we can become
whatever one desires. Christ ability to lift and expand is limitless. There are no bounds in which
Christ cannot help us overcome. He knows and as consequence there is nothing, he cannot help
us become and overcome. He

Frist, show humility for the circumstances which we might not have built. Many are the
benefactors of wells they have not dug and fires they have not started. Showing gratitude and
humility for such blessings ensures the slope one continues on remains upward. Focusing on an

Patricio M.
Pottie break

Dallin H. Oaks

I do not go to Church nor desire to. They teach their children good principles and are good
people. They need the weekends for their entertainment and recreational activities. Not attending
church regardless of the affiliation considerably reduces the blessings of God upon such nations.
The need for the Church is vital and absolute necessary for the welfare and blessings of Gods
children. What is our attitude regarding Church? Is our mentality a mentality of one that is active
or passive? Why are we attending church? Attending Church will open our hearts and sanctify
our souls and overcome our personal selfishness inhibiting our spiritual growth.

 Perpetuate one’s family eternally

 Grow spiritually
 Learn spiritual qualities (love, compassion, patience, etc)
 Learn to work with many different people of unique backgrounds
 Organization and giving to others
 Counsel from prophets and inspired leaders
 Priesthood ordinances necessary for exaltation
 Magnification of oneself truly can take place in his church
 Fulness of doctrine and saving ordinances only available in restored church

Elder Bednar

The gospel of Christ will make everything that is unfair and hard in this life right. The atonement
of Christ and his redemptive mission is the only power on this earth that will put mistreatment,
sin, and trails right. Christ paid for the sins of all mankind once and as such sins and all that is
unfair in this world does not need to be paid twice.

Ciro Schmeil

How can I become a better disciple of Christ? This question and all other questions pertaining to
one’s commitment to Christ is one that ought be asked frequently. A true disciple of Christ is one
that acts in faith and does not wait nor expect the Lord to tell them all things. Disciples move
forward trusting in the Lord’s spirit to guide and direct them according to the will and mind of
God. The only way one can truly come to know the Lord is by acting. The ability to freely act
according to one’s own mind and will in accordance with his spirit teaches one the true nature
and mind of God. Understanding God for who he truly is and our relationship to him is best
understood as we act and learn to align ourselves his will.

 Acting
 Study
 Follow Prophets

Susan Porter

How can I show Gods love through my service? How might we receive the transforming power
of Gods love though our service and commitment to Christ?

Don’t disregard kids who come to us with mental health issues

Ronald A. Rasband

The record of Nephi – Upon these things I write my soul. What things do I ponder? What are the
things of my soul? What things matter to me and how do I show I value such things? Seven
are given with the hope we will fill in the remaining three things of our soul to complete

1. Love God the Father and the Savior

2. Love thy Neighbor – the second great commandment and is extended to all the souls of
3. Love yourself – we should not struggle to love ourselves; we must value the divinity
which lies within us as the Lord does. He himself stated to Love the lord as t
4. Keep the commandments
5. Always be worthy to attend the temple – being worthy of a temple recommend keeps us
focused on the things that truly matter in this world
6. Be joyful and of good cheer – joy is centered around the things that matter in our lives
7. Follow Gods Prophets – never discount what it means to follow the living prophet! Gods’
prophet will never lead us astray. We must stay close to his words, direction, for when he
speaks it as though the Lord himself is speaking unto us. Are we scoffing at the Lord and
his prophets? Do we doubt the Lord’s prophets and set aside their counsel? Picking and
choosing the Lord’s counsel that fits our needs, desires, and or wants is a dangerous path
which will lead such participants down the path of unbelief enshrouded with naysayers
and scoffers on a pathway towards secularism and doubt.

Christoffel Golden Jr.

If there are things that we cannot understand, is it due to our own belief and or desire to mix the
world and its secular teachings with the things of God? Such practices will assuredly lead us on
paths of confusion, doubt, and darkness. Deciphering between truth and righteousness will grow
increasingly harder for such individuals are walking in darkness rather than light.

Gary E. Stevenson

Strive to keep the gospel of Jesus Christ simple in our lives. (Inspire and inform)
1. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ – praying to recognize promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Seek to live the gospel and follow the direction that will come as we act accordingly.
2. Carrying for those in Need – seek to help, assist, lift, and give of your time talents and
resources for the benefit / blessing of others.
3. Sharing the Gospel – There are many whom we can reach out to and share the precious
gospel of Jesus Christ to our friends, family, and neighbors. We can do much good by
4. Uniting Families for Eternity – what are our feelings towards the temple and are
reverencing the holiness of the Lord’s house. The Lord desires us to be in house!

President Ballard:

Lovest thou me more than these? – One such question the Lord anciently asked Peter. Today the
Lord might ask each of us the same question. Do we love the Lord more than the things of this
world? Are we willing to set aside the things of this world for the gospel of Jesus Christ? What
will we choose, and will it be in his name that which we might choose? What we are and who we
are is defined by what we become and who we were in this world? The world and its measuring
rods at the end of this life is never what is determined to define nor give man his final stature.
The opposite is the reality of what measures a man in whom he really is. Our aim ought to
exemplify Christ’s mission insomuch we are willing to give of ourselves more fully to the cause
of the Father and his missions. Our true happiness will always depend on God, Jesus Christ, and
each-other. Whenever there is a misalignment between one of these three relationships our own
happiness will never reach its fullest potential. Turning our love to Christ and seeking to give of
ourselves more fully to his causes enlightens, enlivens, and enriches us to our fullest

Sharon Eubank

In our prosperous conditions we are commanded to remember those who are poor both in spirit
and temporal conditions. There is much that we can do exemplify the mission and name of Christ
unto the people this world. As we minister and give of ourselves and resources in all their
capacities the Lord’s mission of who he is, whom he was, and what he will build will materialize
here amongst us now in preparation for the Lords second coming. Are ability turn ourselves
outward both in our times of plenty and in need rather than inward is ultimately that which will
define us here in this world. The Lord desires to use us in all the capacities which we possess.
Might we more fully stand ready and willingly to give of that which we possess unto the
inhabitants of this world.

Brent H. Nielsen

Why are we not healed in our times of fervent prayer and faith? Why does the Lord allow
suffering to take place despite the great faith that is offered up by those who are afflicted?
Cannot the Savior the balm of Gilead heals us in our times of distress and grief? The Savior
even when our prayers are not answered as we might consider is actively at work in the lives of
his Children. He knows the end from the beginning and as such will always extend his healing
hands upon the sons of man even if it might be the way in which they are envisioning. There are
great and marvelous blessings awaiting us as we traverse through our trials both in the ways in
which we suppose and don’t suppose. His grace will sustain and heal us and we will find his
healing power in the way which is expedient unto us.


How can we feast and savor upon the scriptures of the Lord Jesus Christ? What will we do if our
souls delight in the scriptures? What does it mean to you to delight in the things of the Lord? The
scriptures and our knowledge of our God are gifts which we ought not take for granted. What is
our permeant plan to study the scriptures? For in the scriptures, we have eternal life therefore we
must search these sacred records to find our true self.

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