5 Reasons Why Skincare Is Also Self-Care

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Self-love can be achieved via skin love. You simply need to take care of yourself the way you
do for the people you love. And to treat your bodies right and spend time doing things that
fulfil you. To eat your greens, exfoliate, moisturize, massage, and make sure to meditate no
matter how busy a day you have. You need to tell yourself that good things lie ahead of you,
and you deserve every bit of it.

Self-love comes in all colors, shapes and forms, and in this article, we start with your skin.
You can’t love or care for other people—not very well at least—if you don’t first love and
care for yourself well. Although self-love goes way beyond things like skincare, it is believed
that caring for your skin is one of the easiest and effective steps to practicing much bigger
acts of self-love. By simply allowing yourself to engage in a skincare routine every day helps
you to understand how proper skin care can affect your overall well-being. From being
therapeutic and meditative to happier and balanced, skincare can significantly improve your
general health.

Skincare in a way demands that you develop and maintain a healthy relationship with
yourself. It allows you to understand and appreciate your skin and the power it has to heal
and regenerate itself. Skincare is not vanity but self-love, self-care, and self-appreciation.
Here are 5 reasons why skincare can be a form of self-love:

1. It benefits your mental health

There seems to be a general lack of understanding on how much skin can affect your mental
state of mind. Your skin dictates most feelings of anxiety, obsessive tendencies, or depression
for some. A bad skin day can take a tremendous toll on a woman's mental health and that’s
where the importance of skincare comes in. A skincare regimen acts in the form of self-love,
self-acceptance, and healing, which work together to boost your mental health. A consistent
routine provides a feeling of assurance, comfort, and accomplishment, thus increasing your
emotional stability.
It is important to keep in mind that no matter what the outcome is, by simply taking the time
to take care of yourself you can improve your mental health.

2. It keeps you focused on yourself

The very act of caring for your skin provides an opportunity to practice mindfulness and the
ability to acknowledge the emotions you are experiencing in each present moment. Especially
when you have a lot of idle time, your brain tends to increase spiraling thinking patterns that
can be worrisome. To avoid any of this, give your skin some extra love and attention, treat
yourself to a good facial mask, master the art of facial massage or fuel your body with the
nutrients it craves!
Thus, engaging in any activity such as cleansing, toning, or moisturizing your face can help
your brain unhook from any intrusive thoughts. It acts as a shield against indolent thoughts
that might lead to anxiety and depression.

3. It teaches you to be kind to yourself

By means of staying focused on taking care of yourself and spending a little extra time to
treat your skin, even when you’re too tired, you are being kind to your skin. On a deeper
level, you are simply honoring yourself aesthetically by taking time out for yourself. Those
10 minutes spent every morning and night through a series of purposeful steps send your
brain the message that it’s time to be calm and mellow. By making sure to stay hydrated and
getting enough sleep every night, you will notice a significantly visible difference in your
overall health, including your skin health.

4. It boosts your self-esteem and confidence

Healthy skin is beautiful skin. And having great skin will make you feel good about yourself.
There are days when most of you didn’t want to step out of the house owing to not having
good skin. While good skin might not always help in your love life or an awkward situation,
it surely can make you less self-conscious and more self-confident when you step out.
Following a personal skincare routine suiting your skin’s needs can help you effectively
manage and be in control of your own appearance, giving an added boost to your self-

5. It helps you adopt a healthier lifestyle

Adopting a skincare routine based on your skin type and concerns, helps you learn a lot about
the various other factors that affect your skin. It’s not just the products but also what you eat
on the inside that reflects on the outside. You tend to adopt healthier routines and choices
such as having nutritious food rich in essential vitamins and minerals and also regular
exercise. You keep yourself hydrated enough to avoid dull skin with prominent pores.
Skincare in a way helps you pay more attention to your skin and everything that potentially
affects it and this pushes you to embrace better lifestyle choices. Thus, you start your day
with greater energy, reduced stress, and display higher levels of productivity.

Everyone deserves to ‘feel’ beautiful in whatever way it makes them happy, however
achieving the perfect balance between your mind, body, and soul can be very challenging. In
such a situation, healthy skin becomes an important indicator of vitality and self-love.
Investing in your skin is essential as it will represent you for a very long time. Always
remember that you can’t be your best self if you’re not taking care of yourself. It’s no crime
to want to look good, and caring for your skin helps you do just that!

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