Revision of IDMTL Settings of Power Transformers

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South Central Railway / Headq ua rters

EFq qsq H fu6{d anET/ Electrical Branch
t-d fr's{rfrl Rait NilayamR+q{rqrq/
Secunderabad-500 071
No. E. 2 1g/TRD/Circular/Vol.VII Dti 23.O9.2021
(Special Drave No. 71)
Sub: Revision of IDMTL settings of Power Transformers in TSS,s.

On 20.9.2O2t CB 2[2at VAT/TSS ,.,0;"; on LVIDMTL with a toad current of 1423.5A.

The power transformer at VAT/TSS is of 21.6MVA and the LVIDMTL setting was kept at
1320A instead of 1440A which is the prescribed current setting corresponding to 180o/o of
rated current. Had the setting been kept at 1440A, the cB tripping and loss of train
punctuality could have been avoided.
As such all the divisions should ensure that the LVIDMTL settings are matching with
the capacity of the Power Transformer. It should be ensured that full utilisation of
Transformer capacity is made and all settings are duly corrected.
The LVIDMTL settings for various capacities of Power Transformers are tabulated
Transformer Maximum Rated Max. Current
Capacity current setting @ 180o/o
2OMVA 74tA t3344
21.6MVA 800A t4404
30.24MVA 1120A 2016A
42MVA 1555A 2800A
Further, the load currents now are usually above 10004 and secondary CT connection
should also be revised from 750/54 to 1500/5A at TSS'S employing 21.6MVA power
Transformers, corresponding HT connection should be revised to 400/5A. Where TSS'S are
provided with 30.24 MVA or 42 MVA capacity, divisions should ensure that 3000/1500/5A
Current Transformers are used on secondary side and corresponding HV CT rating should
also be revised to 1200/800/400/5A.
The primary and secondary side IDMTL relay setiings should be corrected accordingly.
Where required, CT's of required ratings should be procured. Availability of display
Ammeters in control panel corresponding to rated current of the TSS should be ensured.
As such a Drive is to be launched lmmediately for ensuring that LVIDMTL setting is
corrected so as to match with the capacity of the Power Transformer. The TSS wise
compliance is to be submitted to this office by 14.t0.2021.

(G.V. MallikarjunaRao
for Principal Chief Electrical Engineer

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