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Understanding Lesbian Relationships: Could You

or Someone You Know Be A Lesbian?

Maybe Your Daughter?

Bio of Nancy Allen :

Nancy had a very successful career in the speaking,
training, and coaching business for MANY, MANY, MANY years,
and has all of the creden�als to prove it. During her professional
career, she began exploring another aspect of life, her sexuality.
However, it was not un�l she reached the age of 72 that she came
out and shared she was in a lesbian partnership for the first �me.
Nancy is leading a great life with her partner/wife Kelly and their
new puppy Sherlock, a Shih Tzu who only weighs 9 pounds but has
tons of personality and energy. He is keeping them young and
they are spoiling him with all of their love and helicopter puppy

Nancy is hoping our book, “From Bud to Blossom: Our Lesbian

Journeys” will open the minds and hearts of all who read it.
“It took me until I was 72 to “come out”
Show and Story Ideas as being in a lesbian partnership. I
Alterna�ve Lifestyle Panel Discussion. Our Book has 10 chapters became curious as to how other women
made the journey.
each wri�en by a woman iden�fying as a lesbian from as early as
With the approval of same-sex marriage,
age 18 and as late as 72. many people, including teens wonder
2. Considering trying a lesbian relationship? Perhaps you have about what same-sex relationships are all
wondered about your own sexuality and what a lesbian about. They may just want to understand
rela�onship might be like. Find out how it is the person and not them better or they may be considering
the penis that determines rela�onship success. trying one out”.
3. Are you a parent of a teen? Kid are ques�oning and exploring
their sexuality, and this book can help you be more knowledge-
able and accep�ng.
4. Update on the acceptance of same sex rela�onships?
5. Learn how to Embrace the Rainbow at any age even in your
Golden years.
6. Explore why LGBTQ have to “come out” as opposed to just being
in the good rela�onship.
7. Late in life lesbians: it's never too late to find love.
8. Lesbian Lessons: what do I need to learn to be successful in a
lesbian rela�onship?
From Bud to Blossom Our Lesbian Journeys
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