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I. Choose the letter of the best answer for each question. Write the letter of your answer on your
answer sheet.

1. When the receiver of your text message perceive your typing in all capitals as that you
are shouting or angry, the situation falls under
a. decoding
b. encoding
c. feedback
d. context
2. Media and information technology is constantly evolving and growing and continually
offering new advances in the world. Along with this, individual must :
a. constantly educate oneself with the new trends.
b. try to be updated in handling and manipulating the new technology.
c. share knowledge and inculcate values to the next generation.
d. all of the above.
3. The following are the positive effect of media to communication EXCEPT
a. used as tools for sharing information, ideas, and messages
b. great ways to connect with friends and families
c. utilized to deceive, confuse and misinform people
d. source of entertainment
4. The encoder of communication is the
a. context
b. environment
c. context
d. source
5. It refers to the ability to read, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in a variety of
media forms. It is also the ability to decode analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in
variety of forms.
a. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy
6. A good learner of today is :
a. dependent so much on what the teacher is inputting.
b. maximizes technology for learning.
c. plays online games while attending classes online.
d. spends much time on social media.
7. The following are the negative effect of social media to communication EXCEPT
a. become sources of misinformation and fake news
b. give confidence to the user to bully or harass individual
c. promote identity stealing
d. used as a means of teaching and learning in this new normal brought by COVID-19
8. The process of turning communication into thoughts is
a. decoding
b. encoding
c. environment
d. noise
9. Responsible media and information user seeks to :
a. sensationalize chunks of information for news reports to create response from the audience.
b. profit more at the expense of delivering malicious information.
c. insist personal views on issues without hearing all sides.
d. present balance and up to date information.
10. It refers to the ability to use, manage, understand, and assess technology.
a. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy
11. This refers to one of the stages of the critical analysis process that involves “discovering and
focusing on significant patterns that emerge from the description stage”.
a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Description
d. Interpretation
12. The positive impact of information and technology to society are enumerated below, the
one that is not is :
A. integral in democratic processes
B. build communities
C. strengthened civil society
D. tool in insinuating chaos and war among countries and people
E. contributed to economic welfare of the people
a. E b. D c. C d. B
13. The process of developing and sending a message is referred to as :
a. decoding
b. encoding
c. interpretation
d. noise
14. This time a lot of items are being copied and uploaded on Facebook. Included are movies which
are not meant to be for free viewing. As responsible netizen, you must :
a. tag or notify your friends so that they could also enjoy free viewing
b. report the matter to Facebook authorities
c. download those and distribute to others
d. just allow things to happen, anyway many are doing it
15. The means of communication, such as radio, television, magazines, or the internet are referred
to as :
a. media
b. noise
c. context
d. interference
16. It refers to a set of competencies for obtaining, understanding, evaluating, adapting,
generating, storing, and presenting information for problem analysis and decision-making.
a. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy
17. With the recent disagreement of country’s leaders on ‘War on Drugs’ and ‘Extrajudicial Killings’ a lot
of information are being fed in mass and social media. As a citizen, you must:
a. be critical and investigative on the information being fed
b. be one-sided in accepting information
c. contribute to the bullying and word wars on social media
d. produce malicious report against one of the personalities
18. The act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another is referred to as :
a. context
b. communication
c. media
d. noise
19. It refers to the essential competencies that allow citizens to engage with media and other
information providers effectively and develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills
for socializing and becoming active citizens.
a. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy
20. This refers to one of the stages of the critical analysis process which pertains to “asking and
answering the “What does that mean? And “so what?” questions about ones findings. This
is where we could analyze the purpose of the information we uncovered.
a. Description
b. Interpretation
c. Engagement
d. Evaluation
II. Classify the kind of media shown in the following items as Traditional or New Media. Choose the
letter of the best answer for each question. Write the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.

a. traditional media
b. new media

21. Online Video Games

22. Radio
23. Blogs
24. Paperback Novel
25. Web Video Portals
26. Tabloid
27. Broadsheet
28. Virtual and augmented reality
29. Magazine
30. Television

III. Identify if the statement is true or false. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
31. There is communication even without the presence of a receiver of the message.
32. Since social media pose some threats to the user, it is good not to use social media at all.
33. Tone of voice, body language, and choice of clothing of the speaker do not convey a message.
34. Noise has no effect on the communication process.
35. Feedback provides an opportunity for the audience to ask for clarification, to agree or disagree,
or to indicate that the source could make the message more interesting.
36. Being a responsible media user is a way to hold a positive, or at least a neutral effect of media
in our life.
37. Psychological noise is what happens when your thoughts occupy your attention while you
are hearing, or reading, a message.
38. In a public speaking situation, the source of the message is the person listening to the speech.
39. Your thoughts or mode can interfere the way you receive a message.
40. Bias media help in the proper dissemination of information and communication.

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