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What did the Resource Teacher do which applies/ contradicts the learning
Principle of Learning
Non- application/Contradicts of
Application  of the Principle
the Principle

Some of the teachers just jump right

1. Effective learning begins with the Before starting the class the teacher
into the lessons without even
setting of clear and high presents his or her target learning
discussing or presenting his or her
expectations and learning outcomes. objectives in the class
learning objectives of the lesson

The teacher let the students to

2. Learning is an active process. participate in the class without him They just continue on their lesson
or her talking to much without even asking or soliciting
ideas from the students

3. Learning is the discovery of The teacher let the student to give Some teacher I would say find the
personal meaning and relevance of and formulate their idea about the opinion of the students as somewhat
ideas. topic kind irrelevant to the topic
The teacher give the students a
group task to enact a crime scene
and let the student do the act of
investigation an report and so on.
The students happily and actively Sometimes the teacher give the
4. Learning is a cooperative and a
participate in the said activity. After activity sometime they do not
collaborative process. Learning is
the activity, they discuss the because they find it time consuming,
enhanced in an atmosphere of
scenario of crime scene they chaotic in preparation and
cooperation and collaboration.
perform, identify the methods they sometimes a waste of time.
employ in the investigation and give
their insights individually and as a
group about what they learn in the
Prof Ed Section 2

1. Which principle/s of learning was most applied?

As I observed, one of the teachers promote active learning and that is “learning is a cooperative
and collaborative process” where a student-centered approach in which the responsibility for
learning is placed upon the student, often working in collaboration with classmates. The teacher
is the facilitators of the learning rather than the sole giver or provider of learning in the class.
The teacher in our school, really employ this approach rather than just teaching all day long

instead he or she let the student do some problem-solving activities and collaborative activities.
Some of the student may tend to say, in vernacular language, “activity na naman” or “ groupings
na naman but along the way of doing their activities they participate some does not, they offer
some of their ideas, process it and deliver it in the class. For the learners, skills and abilities are
not one day growth; it is a step by step process.

2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why was/were the principles not very
much applied? Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied.

In one of the class that I observed, the learning principle that is least applied is “learning is the
discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas”, where the teacher continues on teaching
from the start to finish without even giving the students a chance to ask questions or even give
his or her personal insight/s about the lesson. More likely, instead the teacher as a facilitator of
learning and of course must give focus and emphasis on the students but the teacher hoarded the
stage in the process of learning.

3. How did the application of these learning principles affect learning?

The applications of these learning principles are usually outlined as any educational process/es
that engage students with the learning process. In summary, it needs students to try to
meaningful learning activities and consider what they're doing. Whereas this definition may
embrace traditional activities equivalent to homework, in practice, active learning refers to
activities that are introduced into the classroom. The core parts of those learning principles are
student activity and engagement in the learning process. Active learning is commonly contrasted
to the standard lecture wherever students passively receive data from the instructor. Interacting
with content through active learning has some compelling benefits over ‘delivery mode’ lectures.
It helps to keep up student concentration and deepens learning towards the higher-level skills like
essential thinking. It conjointly helps to have interaction students who would possibly otherwise
struggle. This doesn't mean doing away with spoken lectures, rather it suggests that integration
other ways of partaking with the fabric at regular intervals throughout the lecture. 

4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?

In my opinion, if these learning principles are not applied in the setting of teaching, he or she
will find it hard to produce a competitive learners at the same time, students will find their
lessons boring and ineffective. So, in effect of the matter, the student will not be able to absorb
any information they need to get on the lesson hence they will become disinterested on the
lessons and of course unto the teacher. If this non-application of learning principles will still
going on then, the students will not recall the key concepts in the lessons and of course there will
a low chance of retention of the lessons and at the end of the day the students will going to feel
dissatisfied of the lessons taught to them.

5. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not
always correct?

Yes, I agree on these principles and at the same time find more helpful to both teachers and
students. In this way, the teacher is also become effective and the student-centered approach will
be given emphasis in this process. Where students left own their own task assigned to them and
of course develop this sense of learning to shared ideas due to cooperative and collaborative
learning process.

My Reflections
Today, our teaching – learning processes is anchored to the idea of active learning. Where we
understand this phrase as learning inherently active and we are therefore actively involved in the
process rather than just being passive inside the classroom. Everything is an avenue for learning
and learning per se is not just exclusive in the four corners of the classroom but extend outside
even our simple tasks are sources of learning. Going back, students are expected to active engage
in the classrooms activities they should not just listen on the discussion but must be active in
discourse in the lesson. They must engaged in higher-order thinking activities like analysis,
synthesis, evaluation and so on. By this, it already presupposes that students must be actively
engage in the classroom so that learning is assured.
It is really worth adopting and practicing the learning principles of, "Learning is a collaborative
and collaborative process." Learning means teaching students things they do not know very well
and letting students interpret what they understood from class. Overall, a teacher has
implemented these principles very effectively because he or she can distinguish how his teaching
is conducted. You can create a perfect classroom that is both conducive to learning and effective
learning. As an observer and as a person, one feels in a certain situation about things that active
learning can take many forms and can be carried out in any discipline. Typically, students take
part in activities, large or small, that focus on writing, speaking, problem solving, or reflecting.
Things to take note and are worth practicing to avoid and improve is first, we should avoid
“treating students like empty glasses”. The aim of learning is to give children what they need and
teach them things that they could not achieve outside of class with the guidance of a teacher. Not
making students feel that it is they who are always the source of information. The aim of learning
is to give children what they need and teach them things that they could not achieve outside of
class with the guidance of a teacher. now in a computer world, which means that we are now
leaving advanced society. As teachers, we must avoid this way of dealing with students, because
sometimes students are more advanced in learning depending on the type of society we are now
leaving. sometimes they are sensible and understand that they have restored their knowledge on
their own. 
Lesson learn in this activity is that it really is good to have this principles of teaching and or this
learning principles in the instructional material since it really serves as our guide to make our
delivery of class effective and of course it does promote an active learning in the part of the

student where the opportunity of learning and discovery are left unto them and the teacher will
only help them to reach the target goal or objective of the lesson.


1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B

Principles of Learning in My Own Words.
 Learning means teaching students things that are oriented towards learning
 Learning is exploring and thinking outside the box and teaching students beyond
our understanding of where to use it and expose it to real life situations.
 Learning does not mean treating students as empty containers waiting to be filled,
exchanging or sharing ideas, thoughts that can be used for effective learning.
 Learning is a process of practice in which reflection and learning to improve
failures and mistakes take place.
 Learning in class preparation and delivery is an interaction in which students
actively participate in class discussion in order to impart critical and thinking

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