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Strictly Confidential

Authorized Personnel are the primary persons who can access this Assessment Report for it requires
strict and high confidentiality for security purposes of the persons involve. – Psychological Section


Name: AV
Birth Date: February 3, 2000
Birth Place: Kawit, Cavite
Age: 21
Address: City of General Trias, Cavite
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Admission: May 3, 2021


All information collected in this psychological evaluation report was intended for
educational purposes only.


AV lives in City of General Trias, Cavite with her family. She is the second child
among the three children of a kindergarten teacher and an air conditioner technician.
Her father died 11 years ago due to cardiac arrest. Her mother independently works to
provide their financial needs since then. Despite of being financially-challenged, her
mother was able to stand and raise three kids on her own. AV describes her mother as
tough, caring, supportive and loving. She expressed a great adoration for the qualities
her mother possesses as how she have shown it on them. Her mother became her role
model in life. She also has two siblings, a brother who is older than her and a sister who
is the last-born child of their family. Her brother has a family now while her younger
sister is still studying as a first-year college student. The relationship between her and
her siblings is good, they never had a big fight and they maintain their bond. She labels
her siblings as her “best friends” in whom she can ran when life is hard-knocking. AV is
a church servant for more than ten years. She defines her close relationship with God
which helped her and her family with the struggles they have been through their lives.
Throughout her primary years in education, she first attended General Artemio
Ricarte Memorial School, but later on transferred to other educational institution out of
the reason that she experiences bullying from her classmates. She moved on to another
school in Governor Ferrer Memorial National High School – Main. AV is a shy and quiet
person. She expressed herself as an average student. She only had few friends during
her elementary level. Her fifth grade on school became remarkable for her, she
experienced being bullied by her classmates again for the whole school year. There is
random verbal words thew on her, but she never quitted on school. During her junior
high, this serves as a transition of her shy and quiet personality into an outgoing and
communicative one. She established a good relationship with other people. Hereafter,
she got involve in a circle of friend where she felt accepted, valued, cared and loved.
One time, things from her friendship changes and she felt left-out. On her senior high
school, she went on Colegio de Amore, but she did not finish her study there since she
was not satisfied with the teaching strategies of the institution. She transferred to Luis Y.
Ferrer Jr. Senior High School wherein she has taken up Humanity and Social Science
track. She found her love for writing and research in the school. She easily coped up
with the new environment and there she also found new friends. On the latter part, she
cannot deny her feeling of being left-out of the group again. Currently, she is now a
third-year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology. AV is struggling
in terms of her academic performance on her years on college. When she got a
conditional grade during her first year, she felt very bad about her grades and reflected
it all to sum herself up as a whole. She was in fear of failing from any subject again.
Hence, she always asks on other people an assurance with every school-related
activity. She frequently inquires if she is doing the right thing or not. On one occasion,
she wanted to quit on school and find a job. Recently, she admitted a self-harm ideation
AV is in a relationship with someone for almost four years. She defines their
relationship as a supportive and healthy one. They serve as a cornerstone for each
other. She never feels strangle from their attachment. She found their connection hale
and hearty where both sides do give and take. AV is picky when it comes to her friend.
She does not want to be friend with everybody, but rather wants to establish a true
connection between people despite of the quantity. Her way to build a good fitting
together with her friends is through inviting them at church. She values friendship that
much. One time, her closest friend unexpectedly left her in the midst of an important
school activity. She was shocked, because they never went into any recent fight nor she
have known any problems between them. She felt left-out again and alone.
AV begins to have gain the idea when she felt bad for the results of her grades.
She feels like failing every semester in school. She is unmotivated and unfocused with
the academic activities. Out of these reasons, she started to have self-harm ideation
lately due to the thinking she may not pass and graduate. She suddenly feels sad and
drained. Her idea of quitting is present, but her drive towards her dream prevails more.
At the present time, she is still kept on pursuing the degree she’s taking up, alongside of
it is her part-time work as a tutor on kindergarten children.

AV is wearing a black shirt paired with a short gray trouser. She has an average
height with a medium skin complexion.
She does not show any mannerism during the discussion. She is receptive,
attentive and earnestly answers the questions in appropriate manner. She spoke at a
normal tone and rate. In the interview session, it was observed that she cannot look
straight. She kept on diverting her eyes towards the other side. Her eyes are teary when
the query shifted into her education and her voice tone became sad. She expressed her
feelings towards schooling in a pause-resume way. AV is fully aware of the date and
time, setting and person as shown evidently.


Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Draw-A-Person Test (DAP) and House-Tree-

Person Test (HTP) were administered on May 3-4, 2021.


AV was able to accomplished all of the works assigned on her. She followed
the directions as instructed. She was able to finish the test in accordance to the allotted
time. The moment she was directed to draw, she immediately did it with her being
apologetically about the outcome of her work. She is very open to communicate
information and response to the queries regarding her drawing. She finished the given
tasks collaboratively.


The test results evidently show that AV has an inferiority feeling about herself,
thus interfere her daily life activities such as her interpersonal relationship and academic
outcomes which proceeded into her personal stress.
She expressed herself as an average student on school. She never had any
back subject throughout her education. The test outcome shows that AV is an
intellectually average individual.
AV experiences verbal form of bullying during the earlier stage of her life. She
was in fear of any form and occurrence of bullying to happen again. She wanted a true
and deep connection with people, but she always felt being left-out by her friends. AV
wants to feel belong, accepted and valued. Because of this, she developed a strong
need for approbation. She wanted to verify every action and step she is taking, whether
it is right or wrong. Her conditional grade in one subject is a remarkable event in her
life. This is the reason why she grappled every semester to pass. The test outturn show
that outside forces influenced AV’s way of living in which comprises her feeling of
impotence and inferiority towards her own self. The source of her anxiety towards her
classmates is her motive to establish a real connection, but this fall down to her
expectation and come to be a feeling of being left-out again in return. From the rejection
she felt from her previous experiences became a dependent aspect of her need for
approval. Her past experiences from the primary school level led her to sensitivity with
other people’s opinion about her. The failing grade from the first year of her college
journey was generalized that she was not able to finish her study. The self-harming
ideation was developed through the stacks of struggling events in her life. She predicted
self-harm as a way to cope up with her emotional pain and stressors. As also shown to
the test results, she desires to escape from the environment she is in.


AV is shy and quiet, because she was bullied from her first grade on school.
She is sensitive with words for she experiences being verbally hurt by people. She
started to developed inferiority feelings out of the words threw on her. When she
decided to became outgoing, she felt being always left-out in her group of friends. She
feels something is wrong with her, hence she continually seeks for the sense of
belongingness, feeling of importance and approval from other people. The feeling of
being not good enough triggers a lot more when she got a conditional grade in one of
the subjects during her first year in college. This adds more to question her worth as a
person. She continuously seeks for validation from other people. Her trust on herself
lessen and almost let her prompt to the idea of harming herself. The client depends her
life with outside forces where it serves as a big impact to reflect on her inside facets.
The feeling of being left by one of the important persons in her life brought her to the
realization she cannot admit on herself, her dependency.


She has an inferiority feeling towards herself, fear of failing from academic
matters and in fear of rejection which encumbered her in establishing a connection
between people. As seen through the various of assessment tools conducted, AV does
show signs and symptoms of low self-esteem, avoidant personality, performance and
social anxiety.


AV has repressed feelings of her childhood bullying experience which set her
inferiority feelings. Her failed relationship with her friends turns into a need for validation
and fear from failing on the other aspect of her life. According to the reviewed evidence,
the client is recommended for a bullying support therapy and strength-based therapy.
Her experiences are needed to be heard to addressed the difficult emotions she gained
from it. She also has to discover her strength to find her way out of the inferior feelings
she has. The recommendations made are as follows:
 Bullying support therapy will be beneficial for her as a victim of bullying. By using
this method, the difficult emotions she established including the shame, anxiety and
avoidant during her early years of life will be address. It will also serve as support
for her to overcome the need of validation from other people. The therapy will help
her get notice, share and process painful feelings which are left unattended and
negatively impact her towards her personal well-being. This will help her internalize
the role of victim, which causes struggles in her interpersonal relationships and
sense of self. She will also be able to learn coping strategies, boundary-setting and
boost her self-confidence.

 The strength-based therapy focuses on a person’s inner strengths and

resourcefulness. This will help in motivating her by using her own strengths to
overcome the failures, shortcomings and weaknesses that she has. The positive
mind setting of this therapy could give a good building of her best qualities, improve
resiliency and change her worldview into a more positive one. This can also alleviate
her expectations from other people, give confidence and reduces the stress she

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