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Unit Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking

UNIT 1 Follow classroom

answer, ask,
circle, listen,
The imperative:
Open your book.
Listen to match
instructions to
Good morning.
Can you repeat
CLASSROOM Greet people; read, say Look at the actions that?
INSTRUCTIONS Ask someone to picture.
repeat please, yes / no,
p. 2 Numbers 1-5

UNIT 2 Spell names;

Meet someone;
The alphabet Subject
pronouns: (I,
Listen to spelling
of words
Hi. I’m…
It’s nice to meet
MY NAME IS… Say your name you, he, she); Listen for you.
Simple present: contractions
p. 8 Can you spell
Mr., Ms.

UNIT 3 Identify
Singular and
plural nouns;
Listen for
Can I use your…
/ Sure.
OUR CLASSROOM objects; dictionary, pen, Subject Thanks. / You’re
Ask to use phone pronouns: (it, welcome.
p. 14
something; they);
Say thank you this / these scissors

ID card

PUT IT TOGETHER 1 The Simple Present: Yes / No Questions and short answers with be; Review of Units 1-3 p. 20

UNIT 4 Ask for and

give personal
Numbers 1-20
and zero;
Subject pronoun:
Listen for email
Excuse me,
who’s calling?
PERSONAL information; email address, Possessive ID numbers, Hi, Amy. It’s Ray.
INFORMATION Identify phone number, adjectives: my, and telephone
ownership; student ID your, his / her its, numbers different, new,
p. 24 Talk on the number our, your, their; sorry, yeah
@, .com, .edu (best) friend

UNIT 5 Talk about

places in your
bank, park,
There is / There
Listen to follow
directions on a
Excuse me. Is
there a / an __
MY neighborhood; school, store map around here?
Get someone’s street, car, Go straight. Turn
attention; favorite parking garage, right / left.
p. 30 Ask for and give tree
directions drugstore,

UNIT 6 Say countries

and nationalities;
China / Chinese,
Peru / Peruvian
be + adjective;
be + adjective +
Listen for
countries and
Where are you
COUNTRIES Ask where Turkey / Turkish noun nationalities; I’m from…
someone is from; Listen for My city is famous
p. 36 flag, language, interesting,
Describe your sentence stress for its parks.
city soup famous, fun,
food, actor, near
beautiful, big/
small, exciting,

PUT IT TOGETHER 2 The Simple Present: Wh- Questions with be; Review of Units 4-6 p. 42

iv Scope and Sequence

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Unit Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking

Talk about your grandfather, The Simple Present: Listen and identify You look like your
UNIT family; mother (mom), have (affirmative people in a photo brother / sister.
Describe (older / younger) only) How old are you? /
appearance; sister, cousin, I’m 21.
p. 46 Ask about age parents Numbers 21-40,
free time, on vacation, wife

Describe movies, funny, popular, The Simple Present: Listen for Do you like...?
UNIT TV shows and scary, hip-hop, pop, like and other verbs pronunciaiton of Yeah, it’s OK.
music; rock (affirmative and verbs ending in No, not really.
Talk about likes and negative) -s / -es
dislikes band / group,
p. 52 singer, song play video games,
read comic books,
watch movies

Tell time; art, English, history, Questions with Listen and complete Let’s study for the
UNIT Talk about your math, What time is when; a class schedule test together. / (That)
schedule; it? / It’s 3:10 Responses with: sounds good.
Make and reply to a at, in, before, after, Are you free in the
p. 58 suggestion now, later, today, morning? / No, I
tomorrow have class.

afternoon, evening,
reservation, test,
drama club, swim
PUT IT TOGETHER 3 The Simple Present: Yes / No Questions and Short Answers; Review of Units 7-9 p. 64

Describe your daily get up, take Adverbs of Listen for how What do you usually
UNIT schedule; a shower, go frequency frequently do on the weekend?
Explain how often to school, do something happens / Not much. I…
things happen; homework choose
p. 68 Talk about your early
weekend routine late
miss (class)

Say the date; Months of the The Simple Present: Listen and write the When is the
UNIT Talk about special year (January, Wh- questions with date Halloween party?
days and what February…); verbs other than be I’m not sure. / I
people do; Ordinal numbers don’t know.
Say you know (first, second…) What do you do?,
p. 74 or don’t know check in, buy, film / food festival,
something serve, wear, have a last, spring,
party, New Year’s summer, fall,
Day / Eve winter

Talk about your soup and salad, Partitives (a cup of, Listen to identify I’d like the chicken
UNIT favorite foods; chicken and rice, ice a slice of) and some foods sandwich, (please). /
FOOD Order and pay for cream, tea Anything else? /
food and drinks healthy, hungry, A bag of chips,
p. 80 breakfast, lunch, snack (please).
dinner, dessert, That’s $6.50.
eat, drink, milk,
soda, water,
delicious, good
PUT IT TOGETHER 4 Review of all Question Forms; Review of Units 10-12 p. 86

Workbook p. 90 Activities p. 102 Vocabulary List p. 106

Scope and Sequence v

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