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Computer system Servicing (CSS)
Quarter 3-Module 1
Using and Maintaining Hand Tools

Computer System Servicing
Quarter 3-Module 1 :Using and Maintaining Hand Tools
First Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Dr. Jennifer B. Mejia, P II

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Melba N. Paz, Ed.D., EPS in Charge of EPP/TLE/TVL

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II


This module provides information about using and maintaining hand tools in
Computer Systems Servicing.
Specifically, you will learn about how to use hand tools and equipment in
Computer Systems Servicing. In addition, you will also learn to observe all safety
procedures in using, maintain and store hand tools at all times in the workplace.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

Learning Competency:

• Use and maintain hand tools. (TLE_IACSS9-12UHTIIIa-d)

Sub Tasks:
1. Plan and prepare for tasks to be undertaken.
2. Prepare hand tools.

3. Use appropriate hand tools and equipment.

4. Maintain hand tools.


Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully and then select and write the letter
of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What do you call a kit that provides you with all of the tools you will need to repair
and maintain your computer?
A. First-Aid Kit C. Toolbox
B. PC Kit D. Toolkit
2. It is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task.
A. Appliance C. Hand Tools
B. Equipment D. Machine
3. How do you select the best tool for the job?
A. Know the details. C. Plan the sequence of task.
B. Plan the scope of work. D. All of the above.
4. Where do you find the instructions that contain specifications of a computer?
A. Guidebook C. Manufacturer’s Manual
B. Logbook D. Safety Tags

5. Which of the following is not a hardware tool for Computer Systems Servicing?
A. Cleaning Tools
B. Detergent
C. Diagnostic Tools
D. Electro-Static Discharge
6. It is a tool that loosens or tightens screws that have a start-like depression.
A. Flat Screw driver C. Philips Screw driver
B. . Hex Screw driver D. Torx Screwdriver
7. Which of the following is the use of side cutter pliers?
A. It cuts and trim connected wires.
B. It is used to join two or more metal.
C. It is for holding, bending and stretching lead.
D. It cuts papers.
8. What do call the hand tool that hold the small sensitive parts of the computer?
A. Pliers C. Mini-vacuum Cleaner
B. Screwdriver D. Tweezers
9. Which of the following should be used in cleaning sensitive parts of the computer?
A. Pliers C. Mini-vacuum Cleaner
B. Screwdriver D. Tweezers
10. Which of the following statement is TRUE in storing tools?
A. Keep your tools protected from dust and liquids.
B. You can replace the original cases after buying the tool.
C. Throw the instruction manual after reading.
D. You can put your tools anywhere in your workplace.


Direction: Write DEAL if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write NO DEAL and
underline the word/words that made the statement false. Do it on a separate sheet
of paper.
______1. Keeping computers clean inside and out is a vital part of
maintenance program.
______2. When compressed air is used to clean inside the computer, it
should not be blown around the component with a minimum
______3. Safety apparel suit protects the body of a computer technician.
______4. You can use a knife in putting screws in a computer.
______5. Screwdriver is the most essential hand tool for a computer


Direction: Read the scenario below and list at least 5 hand tools on a separate sheet
of paper.

Scenario: As a computer technician student, list at least five tools that you know in
assembling a computer unit.

1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________

Assembling and maintaining a computer means you need the right tools for the
job. The PC toolkit provides you with all of the tools you will need to repair and
maintain your computer. A tool is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a
task. Tools range from a traditional metal cutting part of a machine to an element of
a computer program that activates and controls a particular function.
In selecting the best tool for the job, there are procedures that needs to be
undertaken which includes proper tool selection. First, know and understand in
detail the scope of work to be accomplished. Second, plan for the scope taking into
account the sequence of tasks. This scope is a part of planning the task that involves
determining and documenting what needs to be achieved and work that must be
Selecting the best tool for each task requires training in the proper use of the
tools, field experience in their safe use, and following the manufacturer’s guidance
and instructions for that specific tool.
When obtaining the tool all the associated tooling and consumable parts, as
recommended by the manufacturer, must be included. In addition, related
consumable parts must also be selected and used according to their manufacturer’s

Safe Use of Tools

Once selected, use the tool for the purpose for which it was designed. Not all
tools come with detailed instructions, but there are those that do spell out the safety
―Do’s and Don’ts for the safety. If there are set-up/use options, operator judgment
must always be based on what is the safest way to use the tool. As they say, Safety

Environmental Safety and Health Program requires the following:

• All tools be kept in good condition with regular maintenance

• The right tool be used for the job
• Each tool be examined before use AND damaged or defective tools NOT to be used
• Tools be operated according to manufacturer’s instructions
• The right protective equipment for the tool and activity be used

To complete hardware repairs, it is important to have a toolkit that should contain
all of the necessary tools. As you gain experience, you will learn which tools to have
available for different types of jobs. Hardware tools are grouped into these four

Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) tools

Hand tools
Cleaning tools
Diagnostic tools

Computer Systems Servicing Hand Tools

As a computer technician you need to have the right tools with you at all times
in order to perform your job effectively. Being mindful of having the right tools and
appropriate used of them may leave a good impression with a client.
Hand tools are devices for performing work on a material or a physical system
using only hands. They can be manually used employing forced or electrically
powered using electrical current.

The following are the tools needed

These are the following tools needed in the configuration task:

Screw drivers – the most essential tools of a computer technician.

a.Flat screw driver is use to fasten negative slotted screws.

b.Hex Screw driver sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten nuts in the
same way that a screwdriver tightens screws.
c.Philips Screw driver is used to fasten positive slotted screws. Magnetic head is
advisable for easy use.

d.Torx Screw driver is used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like
depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found on laptop.

2. Allen wrench – used to turn a screw with a

hexagonal recess in the head

a. Side Cutter pliers is used for cutting and trimming of connecting wires or terminal
leads in the circuit board.
b.Long nose pliers is used for holding, bending and stretching the lead of electronics
component and connecting wire.
3.Crimping tool – a tool made of metal with plastic-
rubber handle, to press into small folds, to frill, to

4.Soldering iron/gun
− It is used to join two or more metal conductors with the support of
soldering lead melted around it.

5.Magnifying glass
−It is a device made in glass with handle, to exaggerate or to increase the
apparent size of an object.

6. Tweezers
- It is used to hold the small sensitive part of the computer.

7. Mini-vacuum cleaner
- It is used for cleaning sensitive parts of the computer.

8.Part retriever – used to retrieve parts from location that are too small for your
hand to fit.

9. Flashlight – used to light up areas that you cannot see well.

Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Tools

Static electricity is easily generated by friction on carpets, tile flooring, clothing,
hair, fabric, and etc. The friction of moving air alone will charge suspended particles
and cause the buildup of static electrical charges on people and objects in the
environment. Grounded antistatic work mats used with antistatic wrist straps
provide the most basic means for the controlled discharge of electrostatic electricity.

1. Anti-Static Wrist Strap

- used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment.
2. Anti-static mat
- – used to stand on or place hardware on to prevent
static electricity from building up.

3.Anti-static bag - is a bag used for shipping which

are prone to damage caused by electrostatic

Diagnostic Tools

Diagnostic tools are used to test and diagnose equipment. Diagnostic tools
include the following:

• Multitester – a device used to measure the

voltage, amperage or resistance of an
electrical circuits

• Cable Tester - use in testing the connection of

UTP cable and RJ-45

• Loopback Adapter - used to test the

functionality of computer ports.

Cleaning Tools

Having the appropriate cleaning tools is essential when maintaining and

repairing computers. Using the appropriate cleaning tools helps ensure that
computer components are not damaged during cleaning. Cleaning tools include the

• Lint-free cloth – used to clean different

computer components without scratching or
leaving debris

• Compressed air – used to blow away dust and

debris from different computer parts without
touching the components

• Paint Brush – used for cleaning sensitive parts

of a computer

• Cable ties – used to bundle cables neatly inside

and outside of a computer

• Parts organizer – used to hold screw, jumpers,

fasteners and other small parts and prevents
them from getting mixed together

As a computer technician, this safety apparel suit (coverall) is suitable in a

computer system servicing workplace. It is used by the person for protect to his
Proper Use of Cleaning Materials

Keeping computers clean inside and out is a vital part of a maintenance

program. Dirt can cause problems with the physical operation of fans, buttons, and
other mechanical components. On electrical components, an excessive buildup of
dust will act like an insulator and trap the heat. This insulation will impair the ability
of heat sinks and cooling fans to keep components cool, causing chips and circuits
to overheat and fail.

CAUTION: When compressed air is used to clean inside the computer, the air should
be blown around the components with a minimum distance of four inches from the
nozzle. The power supply and the fan should be cleaned from the back of the case.

Computer Cases and Monitors

Clean computer cases and the outside of monitors with a mild cleaning solution on
a damp, lint-free cloth. Mix one drop of dishwashing liquid with four ounces of water
to create the cleaning solution. If any water drips inside the case, allow enough time
for the liquid to dry before powering on the computer.

LCD Screens
Do not use ammoniated glass cleaners or any other solution on an LCD screen,
unless the cleaner is specifically designed for the purpose. Harsh chemicals will
damage the coating on the screen. There is no glass protecting these screens, so be
gentle when cleaning them and do not press firmly on the screen.

CRT Screens
To clean the screens of CRT monitors, dampen a soft, clean, lint-free cloth with
distilled water and wipe the screen from top to bottom. Then use a soft, dry cloth to
wipe the screen and remove any streaking after you have cleaned the monitor.
Clean dusty components with a can of compressed air. Compressed air does not
cause electrostatic buildup on components. Make sure that you are in a well-
ventilated area before blowing the dust out of the computer. A best practice is to
wear a dust mask to make sure that you do not breathe in the dust particles.
Blow out the dust using short bursts from the can. Never tip the can or use the
compressed air can upside down. Do not allow the fan blades to spin from the force
of the compressed air. Hold the fan in place. Fan motors can be ruined from spinning
when the motor is not turned on.

Component Contacts
Clean the contacts on components with isopropyl alcohol. Do not use rubbing
alcohol. Rubbing alcohol contains impurities that can damage contacts. Make sure
that the contacts do not collect any lint from the cloth or cotton swab. Blow any lint
off the contacts with compressed air before reinstallation.
Clean a desktop keyboard with compressed air or a small, hand-held vacuum cleaner
with a brush attachment.
CAUTION: Never use a standard vacuum cleaner inside a computer case. The plastic
parts of the vacuum cleaner can build up static electricity and discharge to the
components. Use only a vacuum approved for electronic components.

Use glass cleaner and a soft cloth to clean the outside of the mouse. Do not spray
glass cleaner directly on the mouse. If cleaning a ball mouse, you can remove the
ball and clean it with glass cleaner and a soft cloth. Wipe the rollers clean inside the
mouse with the same cloth. Do not spray any liquids inside the mouse.

Maintaining Hand Tools

Make it a habit to clean tools after each use before you return them to storage.
Wipe them down with a rag or old towel and be sure they are free of dust, grease and
debris before you put them into their proper places. This is also an opportunity to
look for any damage or defects. Check your tools' handles for splinters, breaks and
cracks. Also, make sure that metal parts show no signs of corrosion or rust. Repair
or replace any tools that show signs of damage. Don’t use tools that need repair or
replacement. Broken tools can cause injury. Don’t use tools inappropriately; you risk
injury to yourself, others and damage to the tools.
After cleaning, use an all-purpose oil, such as WD-40® to lubricate tools with
adjustable parts. Lightly spray other metal tool parts as well (avoid getting oil on
handles), such as screwdrivers and bladed lawn and garden tools. Wipe away any
excess with a rag before storing. This will help fight corrosion and rust.

If your tools already show signs of rust, there are a number of rust removers
available at True Value, such as Evapo-Rust Rust Remover. You can also try spraying
tools with WD-40® and then scrubbing them with steel wool or a stiff wire brush.
Afterwards, wash them with warm, soapy water and scrub them again with a cloth
or rag until all signs of rust are gone. Then dry them thoroughly with a clean, dry
rag. Apply a light coat of WD-40® and wipe away excess oil before storing. You should
wear heavy gloves when cleaning or removing rust from tools that can cut. Wear
safety goggles when using a wire brush to remove rust.

Smooth weathered, rough wooden handles with a medium-grit emery cloth.

Handles should be smooth enough to slide your hand along. If the wood is very
rough, first sand across the grain in a shoe-shine fashion. Finish by sanding with
the grain. Wipe a dry handle down with a heavy coat of linseed oil to rejuvenate and
protect the wood.

Bladed tools, such as shovels, pruners and other lawn and garden tools
should be sharpened once per season. Use files to sharpen digging tools and to
sharpen nicked or dull cutting tools. For digging tools, file the working edge to a 45-
degree bevel with a coarse file. Hone and maintain the sharp edge of all cutting tools
with a medium-grit sharpening stone. For faster cutting, wet the stone with water or
lubricate it with honing oil depending on the type of stone you have
Storing Tools

Keep your tools protected from dust, moisture and other adverse conditions by
storing them properly after use. Keep them in their original cases if possible, or tuck
them away in storage drawers or tool chests, preferably in a garage or basement with
a moderately controlled climate. This not only protects them; it also keeps them
organized so you can easily find the tool you need when you need it.
Remember to keep instruction manuals for all of your tools. They are provided
to you by the manufacturer so that you can safely and competently operate your
tools. They’ll also have valuable information on how to care for the tool, find
replacement parts and other important pieces of information. Store manuals either
in a toolbox drawer or a cabinet in your workspace/storage area so that they are
readily available.

Activity 1 – WHAT YOU KNOW?
Direction: On a separate sheet of paper, copy and answer the questions below.
1. How do you select the best tool for the job?_____________________________
2. What are the task requirements in selecting the best tool?

Direction: Match the appropriate hand tools and their uses by matching Column A
to Column B. Write the letters only on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Anti-Static Mat A. It cleans sensitive parts.
2. Long Nose Pliers B. Use to bend the lead of
3. Mini-vacuum Cleaner electronics component.
4. Multi-tester C. Used to stand on or place
5.Tweezers hardware on to prevent static
electricity from building up.
D. Holds small parts of a computer.
E. Measures current and voltage.


Direction: Using your understanding in maintaining hand tools, as a computer

technician, make a poster on how you will take care of these tools. Explain your work
below your drawing. Use short bond paper, pencil, any coloring media and other
poster making materials
Your output will be judged using the rubrics provided.


Excellent Good Fair Weak

5 4 3 2
Content (60%)
Conveys full understanding of the
Creativity (20%) Generates
creative and convincing
illustrations on workplace
Interest and Purpose (10%) -
Displays interesting concept and

Over – all Impact (10%)

Total (100%)
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Which of the following is the use of side cutter pliers?
A. It cuts and trim connected wires.
B. It is used to join two or more metal.
C. It is for holding, bending and stretching lead.
D. It cuts papers.
2. What do call the hand tool that hold the small sensitive parts of the computer.?
A. Pliers C. Mini-vacuum Cleaner
B. Screwdriver D. Tweezers
3. Where do you find the instructions that contains specifications of a computer.
A. Guidebook C. Manufacturer’s Manual
B. Logbook D. Safety Tags
4. Which of the following is not a hardware tool for Computer Systems Servicing?
A. Cleaning Tools
B. Detergent
C. Diagnostic Tools
D. Electro-Static Discharge
5. It is a tool that loosen or tighten screws that have a start-like depression.
A. Flat Screw driver C. Philips Screw driver
B. . Hex Screw driver D. Torx Screwdriver
6. Which of the following should be used in cleaning sensitive parts of the computer?
A. Pliers C. Mini-vacuum Cleaner
B. Screwdriver D. Tweezers
7. Which of the following statement is TRUE in storing tools?
A. Keep your tools protected from dust and liquids.
B. You can replace the original cases after buying the tool.
C. Throw the instruction manual after reading.
D. You can put your tools anywhere in your workplace.
8. What do you call a kit that provides you with all of the tools you will need to repair
and maintain your computer?
A. First-Aid Kit C. Toolbox
B. PC Kit D. Toolkit
9. It is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task
A. Appliance C. Hand Tools
B. Equipment D. Machine
10. How do you select the best tool for the job?
A. Know the details. C. Plan the sequence of task.
B. Plan the scope of work. D. All of the above.
2. not
4. cannot
5. DEAL Pre-Test Post-Test
1. B 1. A
WORLD 3. D 3. C
4. C 4. B
5. B 5. D
6. D 6. C
7. A 7. A C
Multi-tester 8. D 8. B
Mini-Vacuum Cleaners 9. C 9. D
Anti-static Wrist Strap 10.A 10.D
Anti-Static Mat
Answer Key
1. First, know and understand in detail the scope of work to be
accomplished. Second, plan for the scope taking into account the
sequence of tasks.
2. Selecting the best tool for each task requires training in the proper use
of the tools, field experience in their safe use, and following the
manufacturer’s guidance and instructions for that specific tool.
Activity 2 – PAIR ME
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. E
5. D

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