National Institute of Fashion Technology, Patna: UNDERTAKING FORM Parent/Guardian and Student

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National Institute of Fashion Technology, Patna

UNDERTAKING FORM Parent/Guardian and Student

I,_________________________ parent / guardian of ________________________________ Roll

No____________ Semester_____________ Department____________ NIFT, PATNA, declare that I
and my son/daughter/ward have no objection in attending classes (including practical), as scheduled
by NIFT, Patna in accordance to the norms and directives issued by the State / Central Government
related to COVID-19.

I further declare that -

a) I understand the risks of COVID-19 transmission, which exists in the present situation.
b) My son/daughter/ward is maintaining good health and is not suffering from any illness at the
c) My place of residence is not from COVID-19 containment zone.
d) I will not send my son/daughter/ward to the institution if he/she is unwell and displays any
symptoms like cough, fever, difficulty in breathing and bodily weakness.
e) I also declare that neither my daughter/Son nor any of my family members have been in
close contact recently with a person suffering from COVID-19 or anyone so under mandatory
f) My ward has taken the complete COVID 19 vaccination as per the report attached herewith.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: Signature of Student:

Name of Parent/Guardian: Name of the student:

Mobile No : Mobile No :

Date: Place:

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