LAN-14088 GL Anjum Ahmad IESCO 07-07-2021

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£anri National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue (East) G-511, Islamabad
Phone: 9206500, Fax: 2600026
REGISTRAR Website: www, ip,,,p, Email: infonor,9rgpk

No. NriPRAIR/LAN-14o8/q cb9 - 72. July 07, 2021

Anjum Ahmad,
plot No. I, Street No. 10, RCCI, Industrial State,
Contact No. 0336-5436332

Subject: Generation Licence No. DGL/1408812021

Licence Application No. LAN-14088
Aniurn Ahmad. IESCO

Refi're,we: JESCO 's 4ppliciilion No. l6l2dated 07.6.2021 (received on 15.06.2021).

Enclosed please find herewith Generation Licence No. I)GL/14088/2021 panted by the
Nitional Electric Power Regulatory Authority to Anjum Ahmad for 30,260 kW photo voltaic solar
based distributed generation facility located at Plot No. I, Street No. 10, RCCI, Industrial State,
Rawat, pursuant to NEPRA (Alternative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net
Metering Regulations, 2015.

2. Please quote above mentioned Generation Licence No. for future correspondence.

Enclosure: Generation Licence


(Syed Safeer Hussain)

"opy to:

1. Chief Executive Office, Alternative Energy Development Board, 2 Floor, OPF

Building, G-5/2, Islamabad

2. Chief Executive Officer, IsIanmbad Electric Supply Company Limited, IESCO Head
Office Street 40, Sector G-714, Islamabad

3. Director General, Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, Plot No. 41, Street No. 6,
1-I..8/2, Islamabad
National Electric Power Requlatory Authority

No. DGU14088/2021

The Authority hereby grants Generation Licence to Anjum Ahmed, for 30.26
KW photovoltaic solar based distributed generation facility, having consumer
reference number 28 14631 7016900 R, located at Plot # I, Street # 10, RCCI,
Industrial State, Rawat under the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
(Alternative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering
Regulations, 2015 (the "A&RE Regulations") for a period of seven (07) years. This
Licence is valid up to c" day of 2028.

2. The Licensee shall abide by the provisions under the A&RE Regulations
during the currency of the Generation Licence.

3. The technical parameters of Net Metering arrangements are shown

hereunder: -

Primary Energy Source: Solar

ii. Size of Distributed Generation Facility 30.26 KW

iii. Generator/Inverter Information.

Manufacture AOTAI

Model No. ASP-3OKTLC

iv. Vendor/Installer Catkin Engineering

v. Generation Type I nverter

4. This Licence may be renewed subject to the A&RE Regulations.

This Licence is given under my hand on 0? day of Two

Thousand & Twenty One



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