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Anti-Nicotine Mist

Ashanti Jamaeca D. Salumbre

Rochelle Bernadette M. Zablan

Samantha S. Aguinaldo
Anti-Nicotine Mist


An exceeding count of air pollution is hypercritical that causes climate change

and leads to global warming. Climate change should be a message for humans to
make a move, make an improvement because this is not only for an individual’s
safety but for all of people affected especially to those people who could not
access to technology and not aware of the changing climate. Because of the
smokes produced by smokers, a large population of humans are affected. Second
and third-hand smokers have more chances of having diseases. Not only that, our
environment is also suffering because of this smoke. Nicotine is one of the
chemical compounds found in the air that causes disease to human. It brings
health risk in cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal system. Because of
the vicious cycle of consuming nicotine, a smoker’s brain is attached to the
nicotine itself and it increase the chemical dopamine in the human’s brain.

Aiming to remove the presence of nicotine in the household atmosphere,

automated prototype device ‘Anti-Nicotine-Mist’ came about. This prototype
device will spray an organic substance automatically whenever nicotine is
detected by the sensor. In that manner, the cigar smoke will be eliminated.

The proponents tested the device to determine its efficiency through distance
test and the response time of the device. Based on the test, the responsivity of the
sensor increases when the diffusion distance minimizes.

Keywords: Nicotine, automated prototype device, sensor

Table of Contents

Title page i

Abstract ii

Introduction 1-2

Statement of the problem & Hypothesis 2

Significance of the study 3

Methodology 3-6

Results and Discussion 6-7

Research Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 8

References 9

Appendices 10

According to the recent data of World Health Organization, lung cancer deaths
in the country reached 11,365 or 1.84 percent of total deaths. The age-adjusted
death rate is 16.99% per 100,000 of the population and our country, the
Philippines ranks number 72 in the world. (Ma. Teresa Montemayor, 2018) On
the report of Philippine Society of Medical Oncology, lung cancer leads among
the top 5 cancers leading to death in the country. Also in the Philippines, it is one
of the third leading cause of cancer among women. The Merck Manual of
Medical Information pointed out “Cigarette smoking is the cause of abut 90%
percent of lung cancer in men and about 80% of cases in women.” (Henrylito D.
Tacio, 2017) Pipe and cigar smoking can cause lung cancer because tobacco
smoking have 7,000 chemical compounds and one of them is Nicotine. Smoking
is one of the problems the world is facing and this can lead to air pollution.
According to Environment Secretary “Air pollution affects each and every one of
us… We need stronger coordination and wider contribution so we can once and
for all solve our air pollution problem” (Roy Cimatu, 2017) Hence, inventing a
device that can help reduce the toxic gas, specifically nicotine, can preserve our
planet for the next years and adding the fact that it can also help smokers and
non-smokers to prevent lung cancer.

Because of smoking cigarettes, it emits nicotine that keeps spreading.

Unfortunately, it is getting worse. Aside from the smoker and secondhand
smoker, the non-smoker is also at risk. Nicotine is one of the chemical produced
from cigarettes and as a result, it exacerbates the air pollution that is currently
happening. It is truly dangerous because it is heavily addictive to people. It’s
really harmful to humans thus it can affect humans’ heart, hormones, and
gastrointestinal system. Preventing lung cancer can help those who inhales
nicotine from the cigarette. A lung cancer is a type of cancer that is not curable
but treatable. A smoker who consumes a large number of packed cigarettes will
suffer from various diseases such as lung cancer, COPD, heart disease, stroke,
asthma, diabetes, reproductive effects for women, blindness, and other types of
cancer including cervix, colon, liver and stomach. (American Lung Association,
2019) For people who don’t smoke but are able to inhale smokes from their
surroundings are also called secondhand smokers, have a higher chance to put
their lungs in peril because they are inhaling the toxic chemicals and the diseases
are the same with the smoker. Of course when reducing this type of toxic gas,
people must alert themselves if it is really bad for their health by alarming using
the programmed smoke/gas sensor. Therefore, making a device that people can
wary is a solution to the problem the world is facing.

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that can be used as a treatment in massage

therapies and acupuncture. It can also used by cancer patients especially for those
who have lung cancer, this is to lessen their stress, anxiety, pain and vomiting
caused by their treatments. For a second-hand or a third-hand smokers that is a
victim of inhaling the nicotine from cigarettes and e-cigarettes, such as vape, an
essential oil can help for prevention and also relaxation. Other than preventing, it
can also add protection for the body against immune system because peppermint
oil contains anti-oxidants which is good for health and important since our
surroundings are polluted. One of the examples of essential oil is the lavender oil.
On the other hand, It promotes relaxation and believed to treat anxiety, nausea,
and depression, but also contains anti-oxidants.

Statement of the Problem

1) Does this device is able to detect the chemical nicotine?

2) How does the device detect?


H1) This device is able to detect the nicotine by the programmed MQ2

H2) The device detect the nicotine by the MQ2 sensor and also, the buzzer
is used to alert people.
Significance of the study

The project can be the answer or solution for environmental issues that

our country is experiencing momentarily. Our country is not the only one who

needs this project but also the others who is also suffering from lung cancer. The

essential oil can be used as a solution for the dilemma the world is facing. It can

help the non-smokers be alert if there is a nicotine near them. On the other hand, it

eliminates the nicotine that keeps spreading in the surroundings.


A. Preparation Phase
The following materials are necessary in the utilization of the prototype
device: arduino uno, MQ2 gas sensor, 5V relay, f-m, m-m, f-f dupont
wires, resistors, buzzer, led lights, essential oils; anti-tobacco oil,
peppermint oil, lavender oil and lastly, humidifier.

B. Assembling Phase
The proponents connect the MQ2 gas sensor to arduino uno using all types
of wires and resistor along with the buzzer and the 5V relay. The
programming parts is connected in order:
1. The gas sensor automatically alert when nicotine is detected.
2. The led light will turn off after it is detected.
3. In case of emergency, the buzzer can be use to alarm the people since
it is part of the programming.
4. The 5V relay switch acts as a stop when it can’t carry larger electric
Schematic Diagram:

C. Programming Phase
The proponents used Arduino IDE software and this is the code in the
prototype device:

int ledPin = 11;

int buzzerPin = A0;
long duration, cm;
int TriggerOut = 6;
int TriggerIn = 7;
int val;
int state;

void setup() {
pinMode(3,OUTPUT); // trig pin

pinMode(4, INPUT); // echo pin

pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); // set the siren pin as output
pinMode(TriggerOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(TriggerIn, INPUT);
int val = 0;
int state = 0;

digitalWrite(2,LOW); // safety feature: connect GND then VCC

digitalWrite(5,LOW); // safety feature: connect GND then VCC
delay(500); // safety feature: connect GND then VCC
digitalWrite(2,HIGH);// safety feature: connect GND then VCC
//Serial.begin(9600); // for display distance

void loop()
val = digitalRead(TriggerIn);

//*********code mesures time for the sound to bounce back from an

digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // turn on trigger
digitalWrite(3, LOW); //turn trigger off
duration = pulseIn(4, HIGH); // measure time for sound wave to come
cm = duration/58;

if (cm<5){
digitalWrite(TriggerOut, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TriggerOut, LOW);
if (val == HIGH){
state = 1 - state;
if (state == 1){
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

// Serial.print(cm); // converts microseconds to centrimeters


Results and Discussion

Time of the device when Time of the device Time of the device
Trials Nicotine is detected when it spreads when it stops

1 3.43 secs 12.22 secs 7.77 secs

2 1.86 secs 20.28 secs 4.03 secs

3 00.87 secs 24.52 secs 3.89 secs

After building, testing, and experimenting of the prototype device, a lot of trial
tests were regulated. The researchers observed the time of the device when
Nicotine is detected, when it spreads, how long it will take to spread, how far the
smoke will spread and lastly, time of the device when it will stop.

Table 1. Average time progress of the prototype device.

As the researchers observe, as long as the nicotine is detected,the nicotine will
keep spreading unless the presence of the chemical is not around. The time of the
device of the first trial is lasted for about 12 seconds. The time of the device of the
second trial is lasted for about 20 seconds. While the last trial is lasted for about
25 seconds.

Trials How long it will spread How far it will spread

1 Lasts for about 12 seconds 1 meter

2 Lasts for about 20 seconds 1-2 meter

3 Lasts for about 25 seconds 3 meter

Table 2. Time and Distance of the prototype device.

Data Analysis

The proponents observed that the device lasts for about 25 seconds and it will
spread up to 3 meters. But as the proponents observed, the smoke of the cigarette
or the nicotine can only be sense when it is near the MQ2 sensor. After the
nicotine got detected that is nearby the sensor, the buzzer will make a noise so
that the people will be alert if there are nicotine in the surroundings.

In all, nicotine is one of the toxic chemical found in the cigarettes and
electronic cigarettes which is treacherous to humans. Due to the alarming rate of
death caused by lung cancers and other diseases related to smoking, the
researchers came up with the idea of inventing a device to help reduce or prevent
the nicotine spreading when someone smoke. The researchers studied that the
aromatheraphy essential oils can be use as an alternative medicine. The anti-
tobacco, lavender, and peppermint essential oils is use as the solution of the


A sensing element has been developed and been used in the utilization of the
prototype device names “Anti-Nicotine Mist” that can readily detect smoke in real
time. The MQ2 sensor has sufficient to detect off-gassing of nicotine and other
noxious gases. Whenever the smoke sensed in the ambient air, the device will
produce sound as determiner and mist anti nicotine substance automatically
release. The sound will stop as soon as the smoke is eliminated in the air.
Repetitive tests was conducted and proved that the prototype device “Anti-
Nicotine Mist” functions efficiently.


To improve the device, it is highly suggested to connect another component to

determine the density of nicotine in the ambient air before and after the mist is

Montemayor, M. Non-smokers, 2018 Ret.from

Tacio, H. Lung cancer, 2017 Ret.from


Gowan, J. Pollution eating robots, 2017 Ret.from


Bates, C. Nicotine, 2000 Ret.from


Korfei, M. E-Cigarettes, 2018 Ret.from (https://respiratory-

Naeem, Z. Second-hand smoke, 2015 Ret.from


National Cancer Institute, Aromatheraphy, 2019, Ret.from


The proponents first gathered the materials needed for the prototype device. Then,
the proponents are experimenting and testing the capability of the device in an
closed area. At last, the proponents are observing the time of the nicotine
detected, spread, when will it stop, and how far (m) the smoke will spread.

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