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#Music Twitter



Kanika Mohan
Twitter Conversations on #MUSIC

Using the Twitter Search Network to import data about #Music, obtained the in-degree, out-degree,
betweenness, closeness, eigenvector centrality, and clustering coefficient for every Twitter user that
participated in the conversation.

First graph for #Music after merging duplicates was obtained as below:

 The following graph metrics were obtained:

Graph Metric Value

Graph Type Directed
Vertices 1745
Unique Edges 1984
Edges With Duplicates 0
Total Edges 1984
Self-Loops 431
Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio 0.019028871
Reciprocated Edge Ratio 0.03734707
Connected Components 480
Single-Vertex Connected Components 250
Maximum Vertices in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Edges in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Geodesic Distance (Diameter) 15
Average Geodesic Distance 2.201405
Graph Density 0.000510305

Comments and Observations:

 As we have collected the data from Twitter, the network type is Directed
 The data holds 1745 vertices, which is the number of unique entities that have participated in
this conversation
 The data consists of 1984 edges after merging the duplicate edges and holds data regarding
Retweets, Tweets, Mentions, and Mentions in Retweets
 There exist 431 original tweets in the collected data
 Since the reciprocated vertex pair ratio is 0.019 which is a lower value, hence majority of
the conversations are one way in the collected data
 Since the reciprocated edge ratio is 0.0373 which a comparatively lower value, the majority
of the edges do not have reciprocal edges
 There exist 480 separate connected components in the graph of collected data
 There exist 250 single vertex connected components or isolates in the graph i.e., having no
connections with any other node
 At most 406 vertices exist in a connected component
 At most 406 edges exist in a Connected Component, which is the same value as the maximum
number of vertices in connected component
 15 is the maximum geodesic distance or that between the shortest path in the network
 2.201 is the average shortest distance between different paths in the network
 Since the graph density is only 0.00051, so we can say the graph is not densely connected

Insights about Individual Users

The top 10 values for the respective properties as well as the Twitter ID related to the same have
been extracted from the data as below:


Vertex Subgraph Degr

bsc 406

g_ 85

youtube 41

00 19

whoiszid_nft 16

devteaml 13

h 11

c 11

benbarnes 10

thejazzsoul 9

-The highest in-degree centrality was observed for the Twitter handle of the individual
rockstardogebsc, who is a Berlin based artist and crypto currency enthusiast with over 7k followers,
showcasing that maximum tweets are directed towards this entertaining music twitter account.

Vertex Subgraph ee

edjlazar 16

wireradiouk 16

c 14

souseman 12

r 12

er 12

s 11

mwubbaphat 11

theasmrzone 11

mistaseeforce 11

-The Twitter handle of edjlazar has the highest out-degree showcasing it has high activity and
extraversion due to high outbound ties.
Betweenness Centrality

Vertex Subgraph s Centrality

rockstardogebsc 163620.000

artistrtweeters 7357.205

broadcastking_ 6972.000

youtube 4096.667

blackettmusic 3396.695

icdreamz_ 2626.214

retweelgend 2623.548

technobotnl 2319.495

4dapeoplemusic 2182.295

usaruckus 2025.467

-Highest betweenness centrality is again of the account rockstardogebsc, which means it is the most
likely to be the most direct route between two people in the conversation. This is followed by
artistrtweeters, an account which retweets tweets of famous artists. We can also see the account of
YouTube, which makes sense as a lot of people would engage in conversations by Youtube directly.

-Now, looking at closeness centrality, 230 vertices with closeness centrality 1 were observed,
meaning that these are the people who can reach the fastest to any other node in the network.

(Graph with all vertices having closeness centrality = 1 selected):

Eigenvector Centrality

Vertex Centrality
rockstardogebsc 0.048
erichoussein 0.002
tom_87indo 0.002
ctyzzen 0.002
wndrchive 0.002
chocovanillawin 0.002
elle_ack 0.002
livsyeji 0.002
jaemnavs 0.002
9 0.002

-Highest eigenvector centrality was witnessed for rockstardogebsc, who also had high in degree and
betweenness centrality. The graph showcasing its eigenvector centrality proves that it is highly well
connected to the other well-connected people.
-Also, the handle of other independent artists who wish to gain traction in this industry are highly
well connected.

Clustering Coefficient

Vertex Coefficient
stormhour 1.000
bandcamp 1.000
soundcloud 1.000
stomp_city 1.000
pablolarosaxo 1.000
timeoutart 1.000
timeoutlondon 1.000
arboretumlondon 1.000
tonykofi 1.000
canadianmusicbl 1.000

-It was noted

that 30 vertices
with clustering
coefficient 1
were there in the
network, which
was the highest
score for
which measure
the percentage
of alters
connected to
one another. The
graph below
shows all the
vertices with the 1 score.

Graph Partitioning

A. Grouping by connected component

Graph metrics and graph:

No. of groups- 480

Graph Metric Value

Graph Type Directed
Vertices 1745
Unique Edges 1984
Edges With Duplicates 0
Total Edges 1984
Self-Loops 431
Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio 0.019028871
Reciprocated Edge Ratio 0.03734707
Connected Components 480
Single-Vertex Connected Components 250
Maximum Vertices in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Edges in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Geodesic Distance (Diameter) 15
Average Geodesic Distance 2.201405
Graph Density 0.000510305
Modularity 0.821133

This graph has a lower modularity score as compared to the graph which is generated through
clustering form of grouping.
B. Grouping by Clustering
1. Clauset-Newman-Moore

Graph metrics and graph:

No. of groups- 483

Graph Metric Value

Graph Type Directed
Vertices 1745
Unique Edges 1984
Edges With Duplicates 0
Total Edges 1984
Self-Loops 431
Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio 0.019028871
Reciprocated Edge Ratio 0.03734707
Connected Components 480
Single-Vertex Connected Components 250
Maximum Vertices in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Edges in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Geodesic Distance (Diameter) 15
Average Geodesic Distance 2.201405
Graph Density 0.000510305
Modularity 0.8227
2. Wakita-Tsurumi

Graph metrics and graph:

No. of groups- 484

Graph Metric Value

Graph Type Directed
Vertices 1745
Unique Edges 1984
Edges With Duplicates 0
Total Edges 1984
Self-Loops 431
Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio 0.019028871
Reciprocated Edge Ratio 0.03734707
Connected Components 480
Single-Vertex Connected Components 250
Maximum Vertices in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Edges in a Connected Component 406
Maximum Geodesic Distance (Diameter) 15
Average Geodesic Distance 2.201405
Graph Density 0.000510305
Modularity 0.822514

-There’s not a large difference in the modularity scores of the two different clustering algorithms,
and they are both higher than when the data is grouped by connected components.

-Artists and celebrities have in-hub and spoke structure of network and the media pages have out-
hub and spoke network structure.

-Youtube is one of the central nodes in G1, a broadcast network structure, as is G3 where central
node is a journalist with handle Hafiz Miakhel and similarly the same case with G4 where central
node is Takayama handle.

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