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TRAINING PROGRAM: ADVIA® 1200/1650/1800/2400

Chemistry Operator Training

System Configuration: ADVIA® 1200 Software Rev. 2.00

ADVIA® 1650 Software Rev. 4.00

ADVIA® 1800 Software Rev. 1.00

ADVIA® 2400 Software Rev. 3.00

DATE ISSUED: As of April, 2009

NOTE: This TRAINING GUIDE is designed for use during class.

Reference should be made to the ADVIA System Product

Labeling, and On-line Operator Guide for updated information,

post training.


In this classroom, you will be using materials and/or specimens that are potentially
hazardous. To that end, we at Bayer have requirements for Personal Protective
Equipment use that we strongly urge you to follow.

• Eating, drinking, storage of foods, the application of cosmetics or the handling of contact
lenses are not permitted

• Laboratory coats are required at all times

• Gloves and safety glasses are required when:

Handling calibrator and control materials, test specimens which originate from human
blood and urine, or waste material produced by the instruments
When performing any activity at the instrument while the instrument is in operation

• When gloves are removed, they must be placed in the biohazard container provided.
Hands should be washed after gloves are removed

• After the use of any sharps, these items must be placed in the sharps disposal container

• Keyboards are clearly marked as “Gloves Only” or “No Gloves” and should be used

• Gloves and safety glasses are not required in the lecture area

• The lecture area may not be used to store or place reagents, calibrators, controls, waste
material or specimens derived from human blood or urine

• There is one sink in this classroom. It is not used for the disposal of any biohazard
material. It may be used for handwashing.

• Hands should be washed before exiting the classroom

ADVIA ® Chemistry Operator

Training Objectives
At the conclusion of the day indicated below, the trainee will be able to:

___ Identify major components of the system ___ Perform New Start

___ Identify software screens used daily for routine ___ Practice Daily Maintenance
___ Identify the ISE Hydraulic pathway
___ Identify system reagents and working solutions
___ Perform ISE Calibration
___ Practice Daily Maintenance with Wash 2
___ Perform Photometric Calibration

___ Create work orders for serum samples

___ Perform specified ISE maintenance tasks


___ Locate calibration/ QC setup screens ___ Describe how a lamp is changed

___ Identify causes/corrections for ISE calibration ___ Perform LAMP ENERGY check procedure
___ Perform & interpret CELL BLANK procedure
___ Process QC samples
___ Describe how to replace a probe
___ Use Daily Precision Control window to view
results ___ Perform a hard reboot

___ Perform sample run for troubleshooting ___ Perform Daily Operation: Day in the Lab

___ Practice Auto Startup/Shutdown setup

Trainee’s Signature:_______________________________________________________

Training Date: _________________

Instructor’s Signature: ____________________________________________________

ADVIA® Chemistry Operator
Training Course Agenda


9:00 Class Introduction/ Safety

System Overview Demo
System Overview Exercise
• Hardware components
• Operation sequence

User Interface & Processing Exercise

• Reboot/ Restart/ passwords
• System monitor
• ISE buffer prime
• Prime functions
• Sample run from STT
• Sample Confirmation window
• Test Result Monitor window

12:00-1:00 Lunch

Continue exercise
• Review results
• Schedule a rerun

Reagents and Solutions Presentation

• Reagents and Solutions Exercise

3:00- 3:15 Break

• Daily Maintenance demo

• Setup for Shutdown Wash 2
• Auto Startup/Shutdown

Day 2

8:30 Start-up Procedures & Daily Maintenance Exercise

ISE Module
• Hydraulics presentation
• Perform ISE Calibration Exercise

Photometric Calibration
• Discuss RBL/ photometric calibration
• Perform Calibration Operations Exercise
for single point and multipoint assays

Interpret calibration curves

• Perform Manage Results and troubleshooting Exercise

12:00-1:00 Lunch

Create work orders for samples with barcodes

Explore other options on the Order Entry screen
• Perform Manual Order Entry Exercise

3:00-3:15 Break

ISE Maintenance
• Perform ISE Maintenance Exercise
• Review

Day 3

8:30 Calibrator/ QC setup

• Calibrator Setup/Update Exercise
• QC Setup/Update Exercise

ISE Troubleshooting
• Perform ISE Troubleshooting Exercise

Process QC and view results

• Perform QC Operations & Manage Results Exercise

Perform Sample run for troubleshooting

12:00-1:00 Lunch

Continue exercise
• Discuss “bugs”

3:00-3:15 Break

Practice setup for Auto Startup/ Shutdown

Day 4

8:30 Maintenance- Weekly, Monthly, As

• Demo and practice with exercise
• Hard reboot and Backup System Parameters

11:30-12:30 Lunch

Review system operation

• Perform Day in the Lab Exercise

2:15-3:00 CPS Evaluation, paper work

System Overview

Table of Contents

Operating Principle…………………………………………….. .3
System Components ……………………………………………4
Top View ………………………………………………………… 5
Sample Handling………………………………………………... 6
Sample Tray…………………………………………………….. 7
Sample Probe………………………………………………….. 9
Reaction Tray…………………………………………………....13
Reagent Handling…………………………………………….... 15
Reagent Trays………………………………………………….. 16
Reagent Probes………………………………………………... 18
Spectrophotometer……………………………………………. .20
Wash Mechanism (WUD)…………………………………….. .21
System Fluids (Front View)…………………………………….23
ISE Module………………………………………………...…….27
Display Panel…………………………………………………....28
Rear View………………………………………………………. 29
Computer…………………………………………………….…. 30
System Specifications & Acronyms..………………………….31

GPE 01006.004 1
GPE 01006.004 2
Operating principle
Illustration of the ADVIA® 1200 (top view)
This sequence summarizes a photometric analysis on the ADVIA 1200 Chemistry System:
1 The system prepares a reaction cuvette for analysis by passing it through the wash
2 The probes are cleaned with probe wash 1 and 2.
3 The first reagent (R1) for a test is aspirated from reagent tray 1 (RTT1) and dispensed by
reagent probe1 (RPP1) into the RRV cuvettes.
4 Sample is aspirated from the sample tray and dispensed into the cuvette that contains
the R1 reagent. The sample and R1 reagent are mixed by reagent mixer 1 (MIX-1).
If a second reagent is required, the reagent probe (RPP2) dispenses the R2 reagent to
the same reaction cuvette and the solution is mixed again (MIX-2).
5 The reaction takes place for the amount of time designated in the assay. Concentration
data is obtained by the spectrophotometer every 13.5 seconds. For each measurement,
the RRV moves the cuvettes in front of the spectrophotometer.
Cell blank measurements are performed at each wavelength.
6 The results of the analysis are printed; they can also be viewed in the system.
7 The RRV cuvettes are washed when the measurement is complete.

GPE 01006.004 3
GPE 01006.004 4
GPE 01006.004 5
GPE 01006.004 6
GPE 01006.004 7
Sample tray operation
Initialization: The tray rotates clockwise until STT position 1 is in the aspiration position.
After you start a run, the sample tray can move in either direction to bring a sample to the
aspiration position.
If samples are analyzed by barcode, each sample detected by the barcode reader stops (in
turn) in the aspiration position. If samples are analyzed by position number, they move by
position number to the aspiration position. Regardless of the mode, a workorder for the
sample must be entered, or it will not be processed.
Monitor the progress of samples on the sample tray in the Test Result Monitor window.
If an assay is not running, you can operate the unit manually from the Manual Operation
Container types
You place sample containers defined in the Order Entry window in the STT and CTT.
Usually you use 5 mL, 7 mL, or 10 mL collection tubes or 2 mL sample cups, which are
placed in plastic holders (the holders are then placed in tray positions).
The dead volume for the collection tubes is 200 µL, and the dead volume for the sample
cups is 50 µL.
Collection tubes often have barcode labels which can be read by the barcode reader, if
placed in the STT. However, you cannot use barcodes with sample cups

GPE 01006.004 8
Sampling mechanisms
The sample probe (SPP) aspirates sample from the sample tray (STT) and dispenses it into
the reaction tray (RRV) cuvettes for analysis, according to specified conditions. The
aspiration and dispensing functions are handled by the sampling pump (SP).

GPE 01006.004 9
Primary sampling - operation
Initialization: The SPP initializes by moving up and over to the RRV cuvette, then moves
back to stop at the wash port. The pumps stop when the SPP is positioned over the RRV
Each sampling cycle consists of the following:
The SPP moves to the aspiration position of the STT and aspirates the sample. The SPP
moves back to the wash port, where deionized water washes the SPP’s outside surface.
The SPP moves to the RRV and dispenses the sample into a cuvette. The SPP returns to
the wash port, where the inside and outside of the SPP are washed.
After the sample is dispensed, the SPP moves back to the wash port, where its inside is
washed. The sample probe valve (SPEV1) opens, allowing the SRWP to send degassed
water through the SPP’s inside. The SPP is now ready for another cycle.
If an assay is not running, you can operate the unit manually from the Manual Operation

Primary sample dilution - operation

The sample probe (SPP) aspirates sample from the sample tray (STT) and dispenses it into
a cuvette in the reaction tray (RRV), according to the specified assay conditions. The
aspiration and dispensing functions are handled by the sample and reagent pumps.
The reagent probe (RPP1) first adds deionized water, or a special diluent, to a reaction tray
(RRV) cuvette. Next, the sample probe (SPP) dispenses sample to the same cuvette and
the solution is mixed by the reaction mixer (MIX-1).
The reagent probe (RPP1) then dispenses the R1 reagent to a new reaction cuvette and the
sample probe (SPP) aspirates the mixed sample from the first RRV cuvette and dispenses it
into the cuvette containing the R1 reagent. The sample solution and R1 reagent are then
mixed by the reaction mixer (MIX-1).
If a second reagent is required, the reagent probe (RPP2) dispenses the R2 reagent into the
same reaction cuvette and the solution is mixed again (MIX-2).

GPE 01006.004 10
GPE 01006.004 11
Reaction tray mixer operation
When initialized, the mixers move to their mixer positions, then go to the down position. If a
mixer is already at the mixer position, it is raised, then lowered.
During each cycle of the RRV, the following steps occur:

This sequence applies to each mixer; the mixers used depend on the analysis conditions.

1 The mixer moves up and over to the wash port, where it is washed with deionized water.
During this period, the reaction tray mixer wash valve (MWEV1 or MWEV2) is open,
depending on the mixer being washed, and briefly the mixer rod is on.
2 The mixer is raised and moved to the mixer position, where it is lowered into the RRV
cuvette. The rod is turned on to mix the sample and reagent.
3 The mixer is raised from the cuvette and moved back to the wash port. The next cycle

If an assay is not running, you can operate the unit manually from the Manual
Operation window.

GPE 01006.004 12
Reaction tray

For each sample assay, the reagent probes (RPP1 and RPP2) dispense reagent into
cuvettes in the reaction tray (RRV). Then the sample probe (SPP) dispenses sample into
the cuvettes. The mixture is then stirred by the reaction mixers (MIXR1 and MIXR2),
producing the desired reaction.
For analysis, the reaction tray rotates the cuvette in front of the spectrophotometer, where
the cuvette’s absorbance is measured. After analysis, the cuvettes are washed by the
reaction washer (WUD).

The RRV contains 231 reusable cuvettes (11 sets of 21 cuvettes).

For sample analysis, the RRV cuvettes are kept at a constant temperature of 37 °C by being
immersed in the reaction tank, which contains an oil-heat bath.

Reaction bath

The reaction bath contains nonreactive oil, which keeps the temperature of the liquid in
reaction tray (RRV) cuvettes at a constant 37° C ± 0.5° C. The temperature is controlled by
a heater and a thermostat.

Reaction bath operation

The oil supply in the reaction tank is controlled by two reaction bath oil level sensors:


If this level sensor detects a low oil supply, it will start the Fill Pump (FP). The FP will fill the
tank until there is sufficient oil.
When the system detects that the reaction bath oil is below the low sensor the oil circulation
pump and the bath oil heater will turn off.


If the Fill Pump (FP) is filling the reaction tank with oil, this level sensor will stop the FP once
it has detected that the oil supply in the reaction tank is sufficient.
Check the temperature, liquid level, and circulation rate of the reaction tank oil in the
System Monitor window.

GPE 01006.004 13
Reaction tray operation

When initialized, the RRV tray turns clockwise to set the home position, pauses and then
turns until cuvette 1 is in position for the first reagent (RTT1).
After you start a run, the reaction tray begins the following cycle:
1 R1 is dispensed into the RRV cuvette.
2 The reaction tray turns clockwise past 42 cuvettes and stops. The reaction tray turns
clockwise past another 37 cuvettes and stops again. Finally, the reaction tray turns
counterclockwise past 3 cuvettes and stops for sample or reagent addition.
3 Each reagent addition cycle takes 4.5 seconds and advances the RRV by 76 cuvettes
4 The cuvette moves to the mixer 1 (MIX 1) position and mixes the reagent and sample.
5 As the analysis progresses, the spectrophotometer measures the absorbance of the
liquid in each of the cuvettes that pass it (across all 14 wavelengths).
6 R1 and sample are dispensed into subsequent cuvettes and mixed, until all sampling is
completed and data has been collected.
When required by assay conditions, the RRV stops for dispensation and mixing of R2.
You can view measurement data in the Reaction Monitor window.
7 After the required measurements are complete, cuvettes used for assay are washed and
the cell blank absorbance is checked.
During each reaction tray movement, unused cuvettes are prepared for use by the
system. Cuvettes are washed, a cell blank reading is taken, and the cuvettes are dried.
If an assay is not running, you can operate the unit manually from the Manual
Operation window.

GPE 01006.004 14
GPE 01006.004 15
Reagent trays

Reagent trays 1 and 2 (RTT1 and RTT2) contain reagents used for assays and the
detergents used for daily washing and contamination prevention. The reagent probes (RPP1
and RPP2) aspirate the required reagent and dispense it into the reaction tray (RRV)
cuvettes for analysis.

Each tray has 45 positions. RTT1 contains the first reagent (R1); RTT2 contains the second
reagent (R2).

Any reagent container can be used for more than one test item; a test item may require
more than one reagent container.
Each reagent tray has a barcode reader (RBC-1 and RBC-2).

GPE 01006.004 16
Reagent tray operation

Initialization: The trays rotate clockwise until reagent bottle 1 is in the aspiration position.
After you start a run, the reagent trays move clockwise to position 1, then they rotate
clockwise or counterclockwise (whichever results in a smaller rotation) to move reagents to
the aspiration position. The number of trays and reagents used depends on the specified
assay conditions.
To check the reagent Volume and # Tests in a container, use the Reagent Inventory

Container types

The reagent container size is specified on the reagent barcode label. The trays can hold 20,
40 or 70-ml reagent containers.

Reagent mechanisms

The reagent probes (RPP1 and RPP2) aspirate reagent from the reagent trays (RTT1 and
RTT2) and dispense it into reaction tray (RRV) cuvettes for analysis, according to specified
conditions. The aspiration and dispensing functions are handled by the reagent pumps (RP1
and RP2).

Reagent mechanisms - operation

Initialization: Each RPP moves (in the up position) to the RRV cuvette, then stops above the
wash ports. The pumps stop when the reaction probes are positioned over the RRV
Each reagent cycle consists of these steps:
1 The reagent probes move to the aspiration position of the reagent trays and aspirate the
2 The probes move back to the wash ports, where deionized water washes their outside
3 The probes move to the RRV and dispenses reagent into a cuvette.
4 The probes return to the wash ports, where deionized water washes the insides and
outsides of the probes.
5 The reagent probes are now ready for another cycle.
If an assay is not running, you can operate the unit manually from the Manual
Operation window

GPE 01006.004 17
GPE 01006.004 18
GPE 01006.004 19

The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed at 14 specific wavelengths

by liquids contained in reaction cuvettes.
During each reaction cycle, the reaction tray (RRV) moves cuvettes containing reaction
liquid (sample and reagent) in front of a halogen lamp, which sends light through the
cuvettes. All wavelengths are measured each time.

The photometer then measures the absorbance based on the lamp energy and the optical
density of the cuvettes. This process is repeated every 13.5 seconds on an individual

A cooling tank maintains the lamp temperature.

The output energy of the halogen lamp is monitored during the cell blank check and after
each assay. The operator is alerted if the lamp performance is abnormal.
Use the Lamp Energy Monitor window to ensure that the halogen lamp is functioning

GPE 01006.004 20
Reaction tray wash mechanisms

The reaction washer (WUD) washes reaction tray (RRV) cuvettes after sample analysis is
complete, so they can be reused for the next analysis.
The WUD has seven nozzles, each performing a stage of the wash. Each nozzle works on a
different cuvette, so the WUD washes seven cuvettes simultaneously (the cuvettes are
being washed in different stages at the same time).
After a cuvette is washed by one nozzle, it moves to the next until washing is complete.
While the RRV rotates, the WUD is in the up position.
Some wash liquids are heated to approximately 37° C, to maintain the temperature of the
RRV cuvettes

Reaction washer operation

When initialized, the WUD moves to the up position. If it is already up, it is lowered, then

To advance the cuvettes to the next wash nozzle, the RRV rotates a full-turn.
If an assay is not running, you can operate the unit manually from the Manual Operation

GPE 01006.004 21
During each rotation, the nozzles operate as follows:

GPE 01006.004 22
GPE 01006.004 23
Components, Controls, and Indicators: Analyzer (front view)

1 ISE location
2 Power panel
3 ISE buffer bottle
4 Reaction bath oil bottle
5 Cuvette detergent bottle
6 Cuvette conditioner bottle
7 Sampling pump (SP)
8 Sampling and reagent wash pump (SRWP)
9 Reagent dispensing pump 1 (RP1)
10 Reagent dispensing pump 2 (RP2)
11 Fluidics control panel location

GPE 01006.004 24
GPE 01006.004 25
GPE 01006.004 26
ISE (electrolyte analyzer)

The ISE measures the amount of sodium (Na), potassium (K), and chloride (Cl) in serum or
urine samples through voltage measurement by ion-selective electrodes.
Sample aspirated by the sample probe (SPP) is used for the electrolyte analysis. The
electrolyte analysis uses buffer as reagent.
In a two-stage process, the buffer voltage is measured, then the sample voltage is
measured. The difference between these voltages, the reference voltage, and the
temperatures of the liquids determines the concentration of Na, Cl, and K in the sample

ISE operation

To ensure data accuracy during electrolyte analysis with the ISE, the undiluted sample from
the sample tray is used, and electrolyte sampling is always done before photometric

GPE 01006.004 27
Display panel and power panel

1 Standby lamp lights when the instrument is ready

2 Operate lamp lights when analysis is being carried out
3 Operate/Standby switch turns the analyzer power OFF (Standby) or ON (Operate)
4 Alarm lamp lights when a problem occurs
5 Refrigerator lamp
6 Power lamp lights when the analyzer power is ON
7 System Stop button press to stop the instrument in an emergency

GPE 01006.004 28
Rear View

GPE 01006.004 29
PC (front view)

1 PC three-and-a-half inch disk drive.

2 CD-RW drive.
3 PC power switch. Used to turn ON or OFF the
power for the personal
computer. Normally, it is left ON.
4 PC hard disk drive access lamp. Lights when reading
or writing to
the PC hard disk.
5 PC power lamp. Lights when the power for the
personal computer is ON.

PC (rear view)

1 PC power connector
2 Mouse connection
3 Keyboard connection
4 Communication port 1 (LIS-TDC)
5 Printer connection
6 LCD monitor connection
7 Analyzer ethernet connection
8 Communication port 2
9 Sleep ITF board potentiometer

GPE 01006.004 30
ADVIA 1200 Specifications
Item Description

Measurement method Open discrete

Single-line, simultaneous, multi-item measurement. Full random-access.


Throughput rate

Photometric Maximum 800 tests/hour. Photometric analysis is run on a 4.5 second cycle.
ISE Maximum 600 tests/hour. ISE analysis is run on an 18 second cycle.
Sample throughput rate Maximum 800 samples/hour
Tests per sample Maximum 103 tests per sample, typically 41 (photometric) + 3 (ISE).


Measurement sample Blood serum, plasma, and urine (method dependent)

Containers 5 mL, 7mL, 10 mL collection tubes; dead volume for collection tubes is 200 µL
Cups 1.8 mL JEOL sample cup (STT only), 2 mL sample cups, and EZNest 2ml
sample cups. Dead volume for sample cups is 50 µL.


STT Used for general samples and calibrators for multi-point calibration assays

Two lines (outer and inner) of 42 samples each.

Total positions in STT tray: 84

Sample barcode, 13 digits: Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2 of 5, Code

128 format A, B and special characters (. - + / * $ %)

CTT Used for calibrators, controls, and diluents

Two lines, 34 samples in outer line and 27 samples in inner line. Total
positions in CTT tray: 61

Original sample volume 1 to 25 μL (0.1 μl increments)


Sample dilution mechanism The primary sample is undiluted in a reaction tray (RRV) cuvette.
Primary sample volume 1 to 25 μL in 0.1μL steps
Dilution reagent volume 5 to 300 μL in 0.1μL steps
Reaction cuvette material Plastic

GPE 01006.004 31

Dispensing system 2 reagent capability, 2 probe system

Trays Two trays, each holding 45 containers
Reagents on each tray are cooled to between 6 °C and 14 °C
Container capacity 70 mL (positions 1-12), 20 or 40 mL (positions 13-45)
Refrigerator Recirculated liquid
Reagent volume/test 5 to 300 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Dilution reagent volume 10 to 90 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Reagent inventory Computed by the liquid-level sensing
Barcode Interleaved 2 of 5. JSCLA standard.


Reaction tray (RRV) Turntable system

Number of cuvettes 231 (11 sets of 21 cuvettes)
RRV cuvette material Plastic
Reaction liquid volume 80 to 430 μL
Stirring system Rotation and reciprocation
Stirring immediately after addition of R1 and sample and R2.
Mixer 1 is used for R1; Mixer 2 is used for R2.
Reaction times 3, 4, 5, 10, & 15 minutes
Extended reaction times: 21 & 31 minutes
Reaction temperature 37 °C
Temperature regulation: ±0.1 °C
Reaction tank Heated and recirculated inert reaction bath oil.


Measurement point 63 detection points/13.5 seconds in 15 minute reaction

Photometer Concavity diffraction grating, rear spectroscopy system
Measurement wavelength 14 fixed wavelengths (340, 410, 451, 478, 505, 545, 571, 596, 658,
694, 751, 805, 845, and 884 nm), 1 or 2 wavelength calculation
Light source 12V, 50W halogen lamp, cooled by forced water circulation
Assay method Colorimetric assays
• Endpoint assays (EPA)
• Reaction rate assays (RRA)
• 2-point rate assays (2PA)
• Prozone checking (antigen excess check)
• Substrate depletion check with point forwarding option
• Sample blank correction
Reassay mechanism Automatic or manual (selectable)
Automatic correction Blood serum blank, cell blank, measurement point change, sample
volume change in reassay


GPE 01006.004 32
Method Na, K, Cl ion selective electrolyte assay
Dilution measurement method
Tests Three tests, Na, K, and Cl are measured simultaneously
Electrode Na: Crown ether membrane
K: Crown ether membrane
Cl: Super-layer solid molecule orientation membrane
ref: Silver/silver chloride electrode
Throughput rate Maximum of 600 tests/hour (200 samples/hour) for serum samples
Sample volume 22 μl
Dilution ratio 1:33 (approximate)
Reagent volume Buffer: 2.7 ml / sample


Automatic maintenance Automatic startup and automatic shutdown by timer for weekly

Analyzer dimensions 1108(h) x 1220(w) x 850(d) mm

(43.63 x 48.04 x 33.47 in.)
Weight 450 kg (990 lb.)
Electrical requirements • A 2.6-kVA power source, single-phase, 2-pole, 3-wire configuration
with Class III grounding
• The following input voltages can be tapped: 200 V, 220 V, 230 V or
240 V.
• Maximum current draw at in-rush is 13 amps at 200 Vac.
Cooling / ventillation requirements • Ventilation sufficient to maintain +18° C to +30° C operating
• The maximum temperature change the system can accommodate is
2° C/hour.
• Maximum relative humidity allowable with system operating is 40%
to 70% with no condensation.
• Heat output:
Ready or Standby mode: 705 W
2406 Btu
606 kCal/hr

Initialize mode: 1013 W

3456 Btu
871 kCal/hr

Processing mode: 1104 W

3767 Btu
949 kCal/hr
Water requirements Deionized (or demineralized) water from a pressurized water reservoir
with a 20 liter/hour capability
Drain requirements Minimum of 40 liters per hour

GPE 01006.004 33

Acronym Meaning
BP Oil heat bath pump
CDEV1 Reaction tray wash unit drain valve 1
CDEV2 Reaction tray wash unit drain valve 2
CDEV3 Reaction tray wash unit drain valve 3
CDP-1 Drain pump 1
CDP-2 Drain pump 2
CTT Calibrator/control Tray
CWEV Reaction tray wash unit drain valve
DCEV Cuvette conditioner valve
DCP Dilution probe wash pump
DIP Dilution probe aspiration pump
DMEV Dilution mixer wash valve
DMIX Dilution mixer
DMUD Dilution mixer (up and down)
DOP Dilution probe discharge pump
DPEV1 Dilution probe valve 1
DPEV2 Dilution wash cup valve 2
DPEV3 Dilution wash cup valve 3
DPPLR Sample-dilution probe (rotating)
DPPUD Sample-dilution probe (up and down)
DTEV1 Reaction tray detergent valve 1
DTEV2 Reaction tray detergent valve 2
DTP1 Reaction tray wash pump 1
DTP2 Reaction tray detergent pump 2
DTT Dilution tray
DWEV1 Dilution wash valve 1
DWEV2 Dilution wash valve 2
DWPl Dilution-cuvette wash pump 1
DWP2 Dilution-cuvette wash pump 2
GPE 01006.004 34
DWUD Dilution tray wash unit
LWP Water-supply pump
MIXR-1 Mixer 1
MIXR-2 Mixer 2
MLR-1 Mixer 1 (rotating)
MLR-2 Mixer 2 (rotating)
MUD-1 Mixer 1 (up and down)
MUD-2 Mixer 2 (up and down)
MWEVI Reaction tray mixer wash valve 1
MWEV2 Reaction tray mixer wash valve 2
RBC-1 Reagent bar-code reader 1
RBC-2 Reagent bar-code reader 2
RP1 Reagent dispensing pump 1
RP2 Reagent dispensing pump 2
RPEV1-1 Reagent probe 1 valve 1
RPEV2-1 Reagent wash cup 1 valve 2
RPEV1-2 Reagent probe 2 valve 1
RPEV2-2 Reagent wash cup 2 valve 2
RPPLR-1 Reagent probe 1 (rotation)
RPPLR-2 Reagent probe 2 (rotation)
RPPUD-1 Reagent probe 1 (up and down)
RPPUD-2 Reagent probe 2 (up and down)
RRV Reaction tray
RTT-1 Reagent tray 1
RTT-2 Reagent tray 2
RWPL Reagent-wash pump I
RWP2 Reagent-wash pump 2
SBC Sample bar-code reader
SCP Sample probe wash pump
SP Sample aspiration/dispense pump
SPEV1 Sample probe valve 1

GPE 01006.004 35
SPEV2 Sample wash cup valve 2
SPPLR Sample probe (rotating)
SPPUD Sample probe (up and down)
STT Sample tray
VDEV1 Drain valve 1
VDEV2 Drain valve 2
VIEV1 Drain valve 1
VIEV2 Drain valve 2
VIEV3 Drain valve 3
VOEV1 Vacuum valve 1
VOEV2 Vacuum valve 2
VP Vacuum pump
WCV Switching valve
WEV Water supply tank valve
WPI Reaction tray wash pump 1
WP2 Reaction tray wash pump 2
WP3 Reaction tray wash pump 3
WUD Reaction tray wash unit

GPE 01006.004 36
System Overview

Table of Contents:

Learning Objectives .................................................................................................. 3

Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) Components ............................................................... 4
Analyzer Top View .................................................................................................. 5
Sample Tray Illustration ...................................................................................... 6
Dilution Tray........................................................................................................... 8
Dilution tray wash mechanism ............................................................................... 8
Reaction Tray Oil Bath Level Sensors ................................................................. 12
Reagent Tray ....................................................................................................... 13
Reagent probes ................................................................................................... 14
Mixers .................................................................................................................. 15
Mixing Rods ......................................................................................................... 15
Spectrophotometer .............................................................................................. 16
Operating Principle ................................................................................................. 17
Display Panel and Power Panel .............................................................................. 18
Analyzer (front view) ............................................................................................... 19
Lower right compartment ........................................................................................ 22
Analyzer: Rear View ............................................................................................... 23
PC ........................................................................................................................... 25
Operation Panel ...................................................................................................... 26
System Specifications............................................................................................. 29
List of Acronyms ...………………………………………………………………………..45

GPE 01006.004
GPE 01006.004
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this training module, the learner will be able to:

- Identify the location, function and features of System Components, including

o ISE module and components
o Display panel and Main power switch
o proper positioning of covers during system operation
- Explain the operating principles of the ADVIA system
- Identify selections on the ADVIA Operation Panel and summarize their
o Start o Host on/off
o Stop o Alarm
o Prime o Help
o Wash o Buzzer
o Initialize
- Explain the scenario for using the STOP button on the Power Panel, and explain
steps required to bring the system back to operation.
- Access and navigate through the on-line Operator’s Guide
- Understand sample volume requirements

GPE 01006.004
Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) Components

The amount of sodium (Na), potassium (K), and chloride (Cl) in serum or urine samples is
determined through voltage measurement by ion-selective electrodes.
Sample aspirated by the sample-dilution probe (DPP) is used for the electrolyte analysis.
The electrolyte analysis uses buffer to dilute the sample.

In a two-stage process, the buffer voltage is measured, then the sample voltage is
measured. The difference between these voltages, the reference voltage, and the
temperatures of the liquids determines the concentration of Na, Cl, and K in the sample.

To ensure data accuracy, electrolyte analysis is always performed before photometric


Sample Volume = 22 μl on 1800 & 2400

28 μl on 1650

GPE 01006.004
Components, Controls, and Indicators:

Analyzer Top View:

Not articulated
on 1650 or 2400

Not on 1650 or

1 Sample Tray 9 Reaction mixer 2 (MIXR2)

2 Sample-Dilution Probe 10 Reagent Probe 2 (RPP2)
(DPP) 11 Reagent tray 2 (RTT2)
3 Dilution Mixer (DMIX) 12 Reagent probe 1 (RPP1)
4 Dilution tray (DTT) 13 Reagent tray 1 (RTT1)
5 Dilution washer (DWUD) 14 Reaction mixer 1 (MIXR1)
6 Sample Probe (SPP)
15 Spectrophotometer compartment
7 Reaction tray washer 16 Sample pause/sample rotate buttons
8 Reaction tray (RRV)

GPE 01006.004
Sample Tray Illustration

The sample tray holds patient samples, controls, calibrators, and diluents for measurement.
The tray rotates to move the samples to the aspiration position.

1. Sample Turntable Tray (STT)

2. Sample Turntable Tray (CTT)
3. Sample barcode reader

The sample tray has two sections:

ƒ STT (outer section): Used for general samples and reference samples for multipoint
calibrations. It has two rows, each containing 42 positions (total 84). You can place
serum or urine samples into each position. Room temperature.

ƒ A barcode reader identifies samples in the STT. It can interpret barcode formats Code
39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, and Code 128.

ƒ CTT (inner section): Used for calibrators, controls, and special purpose diluents. It has
two rows. The outer row contains 34 positions; the inner row contains 27 positions (total
61). The CTT is water-cooled.

GPE 01006.004
Sample Tray Operation:

Initialization: The tray rotates clockwise until STT position 1 is in the aspiration

After you start a run, the sample tray moves clockwise to position 1, then it rotates clockwise
to move samples successively to the aspiration position.
If samples are analyzed by barcode, each sample detected by the barcode reader stops (in
turn) in the aspiration position. If samples are analyzed by position number, they move by
position number to the aspiration position. Regardless of the mode, a workorder for the
sample must be entered, or it will not be processed.

Container types:

You place sample containers defined in the Order Entry window in the STT and CTT. Usually
you use 5 mL, 7 mL, or 10 mL collection tubes or 2 mL sample cups, which are placed in
plastic holders (the holders are then placed in tray positions).
The dead volume for the collection tubes is 200 µL, and the dead volume for the sample
cups is 50 µL.
Collection tubes often have barcode labels which can be read by the barcode reader, if
placed in the STT. However, you cannot use barcodes with sample cups.

Not on 1650 or 2400

GPE 01006.004
Dilution Tray

The sample-dilution probe (DPP) dispenses diluted samples into cuvettes in the dilution
tray (DTT). After the sample is in a DTT cuvette, it is stirred by the dilution mixer (DMIX),
then aspirated by the sampling probe (SPP). After analysis, the cuvettes are washed by
the dilution washer (DWUD).

The DTT contains 120 reusable cuvettes (6 sets of 20 cuvettes). The maximum sample
volume for each cuvette is 300 μL.

1 Dilution Tray
2 DTT Cuvette

Dilution tray wash mechanisms

The dilution washer (DWUD) washes dilution tray (DTT) cuvettes after sample analysis is
complete, so they can be reused without risk of contaminating the next sample.

The DWUD has three nozzles, each performing a stage of the wash. Each nozzle works
on a different cuvette, so the DWUD washes three cuvettes simultaneously. The cuvettes
are being washed in different stages at the same time.

After a cuvette is washed by one nozzle, it moves to the next until washing is complete.
While the DTT rotates, the DWUD is in the up position.

1650 & 1800


GPE 01006.004
Reaction Tray Illustration

For each sample assay, the reagent probes (RPP1 and RPP2) dispense reagent into
cuvettes in the reaction tray (RRV). Then the sample probe (SPP) dispenses diluted sample
into the cuvettes. The mixture is then stirred by the reaction mixers (MIXR1 and MIXR2),
producing the desired reaction.

For analysis, the reaction tray rotates the cuvette in front of the spectrophotometer, where
the cuvette’s absorbance is measured. After analysis, the cuvettes are washed by the
reaction washer (WUD).

The RRV contains 221 reusable cuvettes (13 sets of 17 cuvettes) on 1650 & 1800. 231 on
Each cuvette contains 80 to 300 μl of reaction liquid.
The RRV contains 340 reusable cuvettes (20 sets of 17 cuvettes) on 2400.
Each cuvette contains 60 to 180 μl of reaction liquid.

The RRV cuvettes are kept at a constant temperature of 37 °C by being immersed in the
reaction tank, which contains an oil-heat bath.

1 Reaction Tray (RRV)

2 RRV Cuvettes (immersed in oil-heat bath)

GPE 01006.004
Reaction Tray Operation:

Initialization: The tray rotates counterclockwise until RRV cuvette 1 is in the position
where the first reagent is dispensed.

After you start a run, the reaction tray moves RRV cuvette 1 counterclockwise to the reagent
1 dispense position. Then the following cycle begins:

1. R1 is dispensed into the RRV cuvette.

2. The cuvette moves a half-turn to the sample dispense position.
Meanwhile, an empty cuvette moves to the R1 dispense position, beginning
the analysis cycle for the next sample.
3. Sample is dispensed into the cuvette.
4. After several seconds, the cuvette moves another half-turn to the mixer 1
a. (MIXR1) position. The second cuvette moves to the sample dispense
b. position, and an empty cuvette moves to the R1 dispense position (three
c. positions from MIXR1).
d. During this half-turn, the spectrophotometer measures the absorbance of the
e. liquid in the cuvette. As the analysis progresses, the spectrophotometer
f. measures in each half-turn the absorbance of the liquid in each of the
g. cuvettes that pass it (across all 14 wavelengths).
5. MIXR1 mixes the reagent and sample, completing the 6 second
a. measurement cycle (spectrophotometer readings occur every other half-turn
b. for the reaction time required by the test).
6. R1 and sample are dispensed into subsequent cuvettes and mixed, until all
a. tests have completed and data has been collected. When required by assay
conditions, the RRV stops for dispensation and mixing of R2.
b. You can view measurement data in the Reaction Monitor window.
7. After the required measurements complete, cuvettes used for assay are
a. washed and the lamp energy is checked.
During each half-turn, unused cuvettes are washed with cell conditioner. Then a cell blank
measurement is performed. You can view cell blank results in the Reaction Monitor window.

GPE 01006.004
Reaction Tray Wash Mechanism

ƒ Aspirate lines (blue tabs)

ƒ Dispense Lines (red tables)
1) Water
2) Cuvette Wash (1:10)
3) Water
4) Cuvette Conditioner (1:40)
5) Water
ƒ Overflow and vacuum lines
(yellow tabs)
ƒ Dryer tip line (large blue

The reaction washer (WUD) washes reaction tray (RRV) cuvettes after sample analysis
is complete. This allows the reuse of cuvettes without the risk of contaminating the next

The WUD has seven nozzles. Each nozzle performs a stage of the wash. Each nozzle
works on a different cuvette, so the WUD washes seven cuvettes simultaneously (the
cuvettes are washed in different stages at the same time).

After a cuvette is washed by one nozzle, it moves to the next until washing is complete.
While the RRV rotates, the WUD is in the up position.

The wash liquids pass through a preheater before they reach the WUD.

GPE 01006.004
Reaction Tray Oil Bath Level Sensors

1650 & 2400 will

have a 3rd sensor

Two liquid level sensors control the oil supply in the reaction tank:

¾ Liquid depletion

¾ Start replenishment

¾ Stop replenishment

GPE 01006.004
Reagent Tray Illustration

Reagent trays 1 and 2 (RTT1 and RTT2) contain reagents used for assays and the
detergents used for daily washing and contamination prevention.
Position on Position on Solution Position on
1200 1800 1650 & 2400
42 53 PW1 47
43 54 PW2 48
44 55 10%CW 49
45 56 DI H2O 50

The reagent probes (RPP1 and RPP2) aspirate the required reagent and dispense it into
reaction tray (RRV) cuvettes for analysis.

Each tray on 1800 has 56 positions. 29 positions for 40 ml containers and 27 positions for 70
ml containers. 20 ml reagent adapters can be used in either the 40- or the 70-ml positions.

Each tray on 1650 & 2400 has 50 positions for 70 ml containers with adapters available for
20 & 40 ml conversion. 1200 has 45 positions: 12 for 70ml containers; the remaining for
20ml with adapters or 40ml containers.

RTT1 contains the first reagent (R1); RTT2 contains the second reagent (R2).

Any reagent container can be used for more than one test item; a test item may require more
than one reagent container.

Each reagent tray has a barcode reader (RBC-1 and RBC-2).

1650 & 2400 1800

GPE 01006.004
1200 Reagent Tray

Reagent Tray Operation

Initialization: The trays rotate clockwise until reagent bottle 1 is in the aspiration

After you start a run, the reagent trays move clockwise to position 1, then they rotate
clockwise or counterclockwise (whichever results in a smaller rotation) to move reagents to
the aspiration position. The number of trays and reagents used depends on the specified
assay conditions.
Reagent probes (RPP1 and RPP2)

Articulated RPP1 on
1800 only

1 Reagent Probe 2 (RPP2)

2 Reagent Probe 2 Wash
3 Reagent Probe 1 Wash
4 Reagent Probe 1 (RPP1)

GPE 01006.004
DTT Mixer


¾ Stir the contents of the cuvettes

¾ New feature on 1800 only: rotation sensor
(“revolving verification”)

2400 1 Mixer 1 (MIXR1)

2 Mixer 2 (MIXR2)
3 Wash Ports

1650 & 1800

GPE 01006.004

The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed at 14 specific wavelengths

by liquids contained in reaction cuvettes.
Every six seconds on the 1650 & 1800, the reaction tray (RRV) moves cuvettes containing
reaction liquid (sample and reagent) in front of a halogen lamp, which sends light through the
cuvettes. Each time, a different wavelength is measured.
The photometer then measures the absorbance based on the lamp energy and the optical
density of the cuvettes. This process is repeated for as many times and wavelengths as
required by the assay conditions.

A cooling tank maintains the lamp temperature.

The output energy of the halogen lamp is monitored during the cell blank check and after
each assay. The operator is alerted if the lamp performance is abnormal.
Use the Lamp Energy Monitor window to ensure that the halogen lamp is functioning

1 Photometer
2 Halogen Lamp
3 Cooling Tank

GPE 01006.004
Operating Principle

This sequence summarizes a photometric analysis on the ADVIA® 1800 Chemistry


1. The system performs a cell blank measurement before reagents are added.
2. The first reagent (R1) for the test is aspirated from reagent tray 1 and
a. dispensed by the reagent probe into a cuvette in the reaction tray.
3. Samples on the sample tray or rack handler are aspirated and diluted by the
a. dilution probe, then dispensed into cuvettes in the dilution tray.
b. The 1:5 dilution is made by mixing 30 μl of sample with 120 μl of saline.
4. The diluted sample is stirred by the dilution mixer.
5. The required amount of diluted sample is dispensed by the sample probe into
a. the RRV cuvettes (the reagent is already in the cuvettes).
b. The diluted sample remaining in the DTT cuvettes can be saved for rerun or
reflex testing.
6. The reaction mixer 1 mixes the first reagent and the sample.
7. The second reagent (R2) for a test is aspirated from reagent tray 2 and dispensed by
the reagent probe into the cuvette in the reaction tray.
8. The reaction mixer 2 mixes sample and reagent 1 and reagent 2.
9. The reaction takes place for the amount of time designated in the assay.
10. Concentration data is obtained by the spectrophotometer every six seconds. The
spectrophotometer takes readings as the RRV turns.
11. You can view and print the results of the analysis.;
12. The RRV cuvettes are washed when measurement is complete.
13. When the analysis is complete, the lamp energy is checked at each wavelength.

GPE 01006.004
All Systems: Display Panel and Power Panel * 1650 has additional
LED for ISE drawer warning here

1 READY lamp lights when the instrument is

2 START lamp lights when analysis is being
3 ALARM lamp lights when a problem occurs.
4 SYSTEM RESET button resets the computer
controlling the instrument (not normally used).
5 EMERGENCY STOP button is pressed to stop
the instrument in an emergency.
6 OPERATE/STANDBY switch turns the
analyzer power ON (OPERATE) or OFF
7 POWER lamp lights when the analyzer power
is ON.

GPE 01006.004
1800: Front View

1 ISE Buffer Solution

2 Incubation Bath Oil
3 Isotonic Saline Diluent
4 Cuvette Wash Solution
5 Cuvette Conditioner
6 Pure-water Bottle
7 Reaction Bath Oil Pump
8 LWP Pressure Meter
9 Power Panel
10 LWP Inline Filter
11 Level Sensor Connectors
12 pumps (behind reagent

1 Sampling Pump (SP)

2 Dilution Aspiration Pump (DIP)
3 Dilution Discharge Pump (DOP)
4 Dilution Wash Pump (DCP)
5 Sampling and Reagent Wash Pump
6 Reagent Dispensing Pump 1 (RP1)
7 Reagent Dispensing Pump 2 (RP2)

GPE 01006.004
2400: Front View

Horizontal Pumps Vertical Pumps

GPE 01006.004
1650: Front View



GPE 01006.004
1800 Lower right compartment…

¾ Heater and pump

¾ Red valve to adjust flow rate
¾ Oil filter
¾ Chiller filter behind oil pump
¾ Water regulator

Oil Filter

Water regulator

Red valve
Oil heater not visible

Oil circulation pump

GPE 01006.004
1800: Rear View

Fuse Temperature Interfa
External Panel Regulator

GPE 01006.004
2400: Rear View

1650: Rear View

GPE 01006.004
All Systems: PC Front View
1 USB Ports
2 PC power switch. Used to turn the power for the
personal computer ON or OFF. Normally, it is left
3 DVD/CD-RW Drive
4 DVD/CD-RW drive access lamp. Lights when
reading the CD.
5 Emergency eject CD
6 DVD/CD-ROM drive eject button. Press to
remove the CD.
7 PC power lamp. Lights when the power for the
personal computer is ON.
8 Hard-drive access lamp. Lights when reading or
writing to the hard disk.
9 Reset Switch
10 Access Door

PC Rear View

1 Modem Connectors
2 Sleep ITF Board Potentiometer
3 Analyzer Connector
4 CRT Connector
5 Printer Connector
6 Serial Connector (COM1) LIS
7 Keyboard Connector
8 Mouse Connector
9 PC Power Connector
10 Serial Connector (COM2) URH

GPE 01006.004
ADVIA Chemistry Operation Panel Window


To begin processing calibration, control, and patient

samples, select Start at the Operation Panel.

To stop sample aspiration at the operation Panel,

select Stop. Processing continues for samples that
STOP are dispensed into the RRV.
After all the results are available from the dispensed
samples, the analyzer returns the READY mode.
Use the RGT Pause button to temporarily stop testing, on
RGT Pause the analyzer or from a lab automation system, so that
reagents can be added or removed at the reagent trays.

SMP Pause Temporarily stops sampling so you can add samples, or

to replace the STT or CTT trays.
WASH Cleans all the pumps, probes, mixers, and cuvettes
Pumps system solutions through the tubing and
PRIME components associated with each system
INITIALIZE Prepares the analyzer modules for operation

Controls communications between the ADVIA 1800

Chemistry system and the host computer
ALARM Select the Error Report icon at the Operational Panel
to open the Error Report window. The Error Report
window displays detailed information about alarm
Silences the audible alarm that alerts the operator
BUZZER when the run is completed or a problem has
Information Icon
Displays the Daily Operation Help Menu

GPE 01006.004
ADVIA Chemistry Operation Panel Window (continued)

When selected, places the ADVIA 1800 Operation Panel window on top
Top display of all other windows. Area occupied by the ADVIA 1650 Operation
Panel window covers other window.
Provides the version information for the ADVIA 1800 Operation panel
Version info (A)
Reconnect Reconnects the workstation and analyzer if communication was lost.
1. Where the System Operating Mode is displayed (see table on following
2. Displays messages that tell you whether or not you can add or replace
samples, change sample trays, or add and remove reagent containers.

Alarm message box: The system displays events and abnormal
conditions (alarms) in this box.
Displays the time remaining (in mm:ss format) until tasks running under
the following operating modes are complete:
• WASH (1, 2, 3)
For other operating modes, no time

GPE 01006.004
Operating mode Description Operating mode Description

ADD System running; sampling RE CONNECTING System reconnect is taking

REAGENTS has temporarily stopped to place.
add or remove reagents
ADD SAMPLES System running; sampling READY System units are initialized.
has temporarily stopped
CB WATCH Waiting for cell blank REAGENT BC SCAN Reagent barcodes are being
measurement read.
CELL BLANK Cell blank measurement is RE-START ACCEPT Restart is accepted.
taking place
DET.CHECK Detector check is taking S PAUSE SHIFT Transitional state to ADD
place SAMPLES mode
DET.RRV RRV detector check is START Analysis has started.
CHECK taking place
END Analysis completed; system START ACCEPT Start is accepted (ready to
is going to STOP mode begin a run).
HOLD Analysis on hold while STAT START STAT analysis has started.
another activity takes place,
such as sample transport
from LAS
HOLD SHIFT Transitional state to HOLD STOP • Samples have been
mode analyzed (run completed).
• An error occurred, halting
INIT. ACCEPT Initialization is accepted STOP SHIFT Transitional state to STOP
INITIALIZE System units are being SYSTEM INIT. Transitional state to WAIT
initialized mode (during startup).
ISE ONLY ISE processing is taking UNIVERSAL Universal sequence (tests
place tubing) is taking place.
ISE WASH ISE wash is taking place WAIT System units not initialized.
LUMI.CHECK Lamp energy measurement WASH 1, 2, 3 Wash 1, 2, or 3 is taking
is taking place place.

PRIME Prime operation is taking WATC System running samples

place from external transport
(LAS), e.g., rack handler;
HOLD period has elapsed.
PROBE ADJUST Probe adjustment is taking WATER BLANK Water blank measurement is
place taking place.

R PAUSE SHIFT Transitional state to ADD


GPE 01006.004
1800 System Specifications
Item Description

Measurement method Open discrete
Single-line, simultaneous, multi-item measurement

Throughput rate 1800 tests/hour
Biochemistry 1200 tests/hour
Electrolyte 600 tests/hour
Sample throughput rate 1200 samples/hour
Simultaneous Normally 52 (main system) + 3 (ISE); up to 100 definable assays
measurement item

Measurement sample Blood serum, plasma, urine (method dependent), and CSF
Containers 5-mL (13 x 75 mm), 7-mL (13 x 100 mm), 10-mL (16 x 100 mm)
collection tubes; dead volume for collection tubes is 200 µL
Cups 1-mL sample cup (STT only), Hitachi
2-mL sample cups, and Ez Nest 2-mL sample cups in 7-mL (16 x 75
mm) collection tubes (URH) or STT sample adapter; dead volume for
sample cups is 50 µL.
Dilution tray (DTT) Turntable system
Number of cuvettes 120 (6 sets of 20 cuvettes)
Maximum sample volume 300 μL
Dilution cuvette dead 35 μL
Dilution ratio From 0 to 1:5625
Reaction cuvette material Plastic

GPE 01006.004
1800 System Specifications (continued)
Item Description

STT Used for general samples and calibrators for multipoint calibration
Two lines (outer and inner) of 42 samples each. Total positions in STT
tray: 84
Sample barcode (13 digits): Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2 of 5,
Code 128 format A, B and special characters ( . - + / * $ : % ), NW7
CTT Used for calibrators, controls, and diluents
Two lines, 34 samples in outer line and 27 samples in inner line. Total
positions in CTT tray: 61
Liquid contents on CTT tray are cooled to between 6°C and 14°C
URH Universal rack handler 5 position rack
Original sample volume 1 to 30 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Assay sample volume 1 to 25 μL (0.1 μl increments)
(after dilution)
Container Dilution tray (DTT) cuvette
Minimum sampling 1 μL (0.1 μL increments)
Special dilution Diluted sample can be rediluted directly from tray

Dispensing system 2-reagent capability, 2-probe system
Trays Two trays, each holding 56 containers
Multiple reagent pack loads - 5 reagents per method with automatic
rollover upon depletion
Reagents on each tray are cooled to between
6°C and 14°C
Container capacity 20, 40, or 70 mL
Refrigerator All method reagents
Reagent volume/item 15 to 150 μL (0.1 μL increments)
Dilution reagent volume 15 to 150 μL (0.1 μL increments)
Reagent inventory Computed by the liquid-level sensing
Barcode Interleaved 2 of 5

GPE 01006.004
1800 System Specifications (continued)
Item Description

Reaction tray (RRV) Turntable system
Number of cuvettes 221 (13 sets of 17 cuvettes)
RRV cuvette material Plastic
Reaction liquid volume 80 to 300 μL; minimum read-volume 80 μL
Stirring system Rotation and reciprocation
Strong and weak stirring options are available.
Stirring immediately after additions of samples and reagents (S, R1, R2)
Mixer 1 is used for R1; Mixer 2 is used for R2.
Reaction times 3, 4, 5, 10 minutes
Extended reaction times: 15 & 21 minutes
Reaction temperature 37°C
Temperature regulation: ±0.1°C
Reaction tank Inert liquid circulation system

Measurement point 98 detection points/6 seconds in 10-minute reaction
Photometer Concave diffraction grating, rear spectroscopy system
Measurement wavelength 14 fixed wavelengths (340, 410, 451, 478, 505, 545, 571, 596, 658,
694, 751, 805, 845, and 884 nm), 1 or 2 wavelength calculation
Light source 12v, 50W halogen lamp, cooled by forced water circulation
Assay method Colorimetric assays
• Endpoint assays (EPA)
• Reaction rate assays (RRA)
• 2-point rate assays (2PA)
• 3-item simultaneous measurement (parameter independent)
• Prozone checking (antigen excess check)
• Substrate depletion check with point forwarding option
• Sample blank correction
Reassay mechanism Automatic or manual (selectable)
Automatic correction Blood serum blank, cell blank, measurement point change, sample
volume change in reassay

GPE 01006.004
1800 System Specifications (continued)

Item Description

Method Na, K, Cl ion selective electrolyte assay
Dilution measurement method
Analysis item Simultaneous 3 item measurement of Na, K, and Cl
Electrode Na: Crown ether membrane
K: Crown ether membrane
Cl: Super-layer solid molecule orientation membrane
ref: Sealed silver/silver chloride electrode
Throughput rate 600 tests/hour (200 samples/hour)
Sample volume 22 μL, plus 4 μL dead volume
Dilution ratio 1:33
Reagent volume Buffer: 2.8 mL/sample

Automatic maintenance Automatic startup and automatic shutdown by timer for weekly
Analyzer dimensions 1133(h) x 1480(w) x 876(d) mm
(44.6 x 58.3 x 34.5 in)
Weight 600 kg (1323 lb)
Optional universal rack 95.25(h) x 72.5(w) x 103.0(d) cm
handler dimensions
(37.5 x 28.5 x 40.55 in)
Weight 80.7 kg (178 lb)

GPE 01006.004
1800 System Specifications (continued)
Item Description


• The system, with or without the rack handler, conforms to

Installation/Overvoltage Category II.
• Space around the system must be sufficient to allow for ventilation.
• Environment should be free of corrosive gas, significant vibration, and
electrical disturbances, such as electromagnetic and electrostatic
• The system should be placed on a level floor (1/200 gradient or less)
that is capable of supporting a load of 600 kg (1323 lb).
• The average acoustic noise output from the analyzer is <70 dba with
the top cover open.
Electrical requirements • A 3-kVA power source, single-phase, 2-pole, 3-wire configuration with
Class III grounding
• The following input voltages can be tapped: 200, 220,or 230 VAC at
50/60 Hz.
• Main supply voltage fluctuations not to exceed ± 10 percent of the
nominal voltage. Maximum current draw at in-rush is 15 amps at 200
VAC or 13 amps at 230 VAC.
• For the optional universal rack handler, the requirements are 110 Vac
50/60 Hz, 0.6 A.
• Facility Switch Box: Should contain a circuit breaker and knife switch
with one of the following ratings:
200 volts 15 amps, 220 volts 14 amps, and 230 volts 13 amps
• Switch box should be located less than 5 m (15 feet) from the system
and easily accessible.
• Facility Supply Wiring: UL listed cord for external wiring in US and
Canada. (Must be CSA certified in Canada.)
Rated 300 volts or more, and 70°C or more
Size AWG # 14 or more (OD 13 to 18 mm), 3-wire configuration
that has a protective ground wire with covering material colored
with green and yellow stripe.
Circuit breaker - 15 or 20 amps

GPE 01006.004
1800 System Specifications (continued)
Item Description
Cooling / ventilation • Ventilation sufficient to maintain +18°C to +30°C (+64° to +86°F
requirements operating temperature.
• Environment should be free of corrosive gas, significant vibration and
electrical disturbances, such as electromagnetic and electrostatic
• The maximum temperature change the system can accommodate is
• System is for indoor use at an altitude of up to 2000 meters with a
pollution degree of 2.
• Maximum relative humidity allowable with system operating is 40% to
70% with no condensation.
• Heat output:
50 Hz 60 Hz
Power off mode:
400 W 350 W
1365 Btu/hr 1024 Btu/hr
344 kCal/hr 300 kCal/hr
Ready mode:
1260 W 1030 W
4299 Btu/hr 3023 Btu/hr
1084 kCal/hr 886 kcal/hr
Auto mode:
1480 W 1540 W
5050 Btu/hr 4518 Btu/hr
1273 kCal/hr 1324 kCal/hr
Water requirements The system is connected directly to a pressurized water source using
Type 1 or ISO 3696 water.
Direct plumbing deionized water pressure: 1.4 - 14.2 psi (9.6 - 96 kPa)
Drain requirements Minimum of 40 liters (10.6 gallons) per hour
If the local laboratory practices and/or applicable environmental
regulations prohibit the inclusion of concentrated waste into the
laboratory's drain, an optional concentrated waste bottle must be

GPE 01006.004
2400 Specifications
Item Description

Measurement Open discrete
Single-line, simultaneous, multi-item measurement. Full random-

Throughput rate Maximum 2400 tests/hour
Biochemistry Maximum 1800 tests/hour
Electrolyte Maximum 600 tests/hour
Sample throughput Maximum 1800 samples/hour
Simultaneous Maximum 103 items
measurement item
Normally 50 (main system) + 3 (ISE)

Measurement Blood serum, plasma, and urine (method dependent)
Containers 5 mL, 7mL, 10 mL collection tubes; dead volume for collection
tubes is 200 µL
Cups 1.8 mL JEOL sample cup (STT only), Hitachi 2 mL sample cups,
and Immuno 2 mL sample cups in 7 mL (16 x 75 mm) collection
tubes (URH) or STT sample adapter; dead volume for sample
cups is 50 µL.

STT Used for general samples and calibrators for multipoint calibration
Two lines (outer and inner) of 42 samples each. Total positions in
STT tray: 84
Sample barcode, 13 digits: Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2
of 5, Code 128 format A, B and special characters (. - + / * $ %)
CTT Used for calibrators, controls, and diluents
Two lines, 34 samples in outer line and 27 samples in inner line.
Total positions in CTT tray: 61

URH Universal rack handler 5 position rack

Original sample 2 to 30 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Assay sample 2 to 25 μL (0.1 μl increments)
2400 Specifications
GPE 01006.004
volume (after
Container Dilution tray (DTT) cuvette
Minimum sampling 2 μL (0.1 μL increments)
Special dilution Diluted sample can be rediluted directly from tray.

Dilution tray (DTT) Turntable system
Number of cuvettes 120 (6 sets of 20 cuvettes)
Maximum sample 300 μL
Dilution cuvette 35 μL
dead volume
Dilution ratio From 1:1 to 1:5625 ( 1:75 x 1:75 )
Reaction cuvette Plastic

Dispensing system 2 reagent capability, 2 probe system
Trays Two trays, each holding 50 containers
Reagents on each tray are cooled to between
6 °C and 14 °C
Container capacity 20 or 70 mL
Refrigerator Recirculated liquid
Reagent 10 to 100 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Dilution reagent 10 to 90 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Reagent inventory Computed by the liquid-level sensing
Barcode Interleaved 2 of 5. JSCLA standard.

GPE 01006.004
2400 Specifications

Reaction tray (RRV) Turntable system
Number of cuvettes 340 (20 sets of 17 cuvettes)
RRV cuvette Plastic
Reaction liquid 60 to 180 mL
Stirring system Rotation and reciprocation
Stirring immediately after addition of R1 and sample and R2.
Mixer 1 is used for R1; Mixer 2 is used for R2.
Reaction times 3, 4, 5, 10 minutes
Extended reaction times: 15 & 21 minutes
Reaction 37 °C
Temperature regulation: ±0.1 °C
Reaction tank Inert liquid circulation system

Measurement point 41 detection points/14 seconds in 10 minute reaction
Photometer Concavity diffraction grating, rear spectroscopy system
Measurement 14 fixed wavelengths (340, 410, 451, 478, 505, 545, 571, 596,
wavelength 658, 694, 751, 805, 845, and 884 nm), 1 or 2 wavelength
Light source 12V, 50W halogen lamp, cooled by forced water circulation
Assay method Colorimetric assays
• Endpoint assays (EPA)
• Reaction rate assays (RRA)
• 2-point rate assays (2PA)
• 3-item simultaneous measurement (parameter independent)
• Prozone checking (antigen excess check)
• Substrate depletion check with point forwarding option
• Sample blank correction
Reassay mechanism Automatic or manual (selectable)
Automatic correction Blood serum blank, cell blank, measurement point change,
sample volume change in reassay

GPE 01006.004
2400 Specifications

Method Na, K, Cl ion selective electrolyte assay
Dilution measurement method
Analysis item Simultaneous 3 item measurement of Na, K, and Cl
Electrode Na: Crown ether membrane
K: Crown ether membrane
Cl: Super-layer solid molecule orientation membrane
ref: Silver/silver chloride electrode
Throughput rate Maximum of 600 tests/hour (200 samples/hour) for serum
Sample volume 22 μl
Dilution ratio 1:33 (approximate)
Reagent volume Buffer: 2.7 ml / sample

Automatic Automatic startup and automatic shutdown by timer for weekly
maintenance maintenance

Analyzer dimensions 1340(h) x 1711(w) x 934(d) mm
52.8(h) x 68.44(w) x 37.36(d) in.
Weight 630 kg (1389 lb.)
Vacuum pump 546(h) x 340(w) x 500(d) mm
(21.5 x 13.4 x 19.7 in.)
Computer 366(h) x 221(w) x 421(d) mm
(14.4 x 8.7 x 16.6 in.)
Monitor dimensions 422(h) x 417(w) x 447(d) mm
(16.6 x 16.4 x 17.6 in.)
Optional universal 1126(h) x 730(w) x 1022(d) mm
rack handler
(44.33 x 28.74 x 40.24 in.)

GPE 01006.004
2400 Specifications


Electrical • A 3-kVA power source, single-phase, 2-pole, 3-wire

requirements configuration with Class III grounding
• The following input voltages can be tapped: 100 V, 115 V, 200
V, 220 V, 230 V or 240 V.
• Maximum current draw at in-rush is 26 amps at 115 V or 14
amps at 220 V.
• For the optional universal rack handler, the requirements are
110 Vac 50/60 Hz, 0.6 A.

Cooling / ventillation • Ventilation sufficient to maintain +18° C to +30° C operating

requirements temperature
• The maximum temperature change the system can
accommodate is 2° C/hour.
• Maximum relative humidity allowable with system operating is
40% to 70% with no condensation.
• Heat output:
Power off mode:
0.287 kW
979.3 Btu/hr
246.8 kCal/hr
Ready mode:
1.110 kW
3787.0 Btu/hr
954.4 kCal/hr
Processing mode:
1.635 kW
5579.0 Btu/hr
1406.0 kCal/hr
Water requirements Deionized (or demineralized) water from a nonpressurized water
reservoir with a 40 liter/hour capability
Drain requirements Minimum of 10.6 gallons (40 liters) per hour

GPE 01006.004
1650 Specifications
Item Description

Measurement Open discrete
Single-line, simultaneous, multi-item measurement.

Throughput rate Maximum 1650 tests/hour
Biochemistry Maximum 1200 tests/hour
Electrolyte Maximum 450 tests/hour
Sample throughput Maximum 1200 samples/hour
Simultaneous Maximum 103 items
measurement item Normally 50 (main system) + 3 (ISE)

Measurement Blood serum, plasma, and urine (method dependent)
Containers 5 mL, 7mL, 10 mL collection tubes; dead volume for collection
tubes is 200 µL
Cups 1 mL JEOL sample cup (STT only), Hitachi 2 mL sample cups,
and Immuno 2 mL sample cups in 7 mL (16 x 75 mm) collection
tubes (URH) or STT sample adapter; dead volume for sample
cups is 50 µL.

STT Used for general samples and calibrators for multipoint calibration
Two lines (outer and inner) of 42 samples each Total positions in
STT tray: 84
Sample barcode (13 digits): Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2
of 5, Code 128
CTT Used for calibrators, controls, and diluents
Two lines, 34 samples in outer line and 27 samples in inner line.
Total positions in CTT tray: 61
Liquid contents on CTT tray are cooled to between 6 °C and 14
Rack handler °C

URH Rack Handler 8 position rack

Universal rack handler 5 position rack
Original sample 2 to 30 μL (0.1 μl increments)

GPE 01006.004
1650 Specifications

Assay sample 2 to 25 μL (0.1 μl increments)

volume (after
Container Dilution tray (DTT) cuvette
Minimum sampling 1 μL (0.1 μL increments)
Special dilution Diluted sample can be rediluted directly from tray.
Barcode capability I2 of 5, Codabar, Code 39, Code 128

Dilution tray (DTT) Turntable system
Number of cuvettes 120 (6 sets of 20 cuvettes)
Maximum sample 300 μL
Dilution cuvette dead 35 μL
Dilution ratio From 1:1 to 1:5625
Reaction cuvette Plastic

Dispensing system 2 reagent capability, 2 probe system
Trays Two trays, each holding 50 containers
Reagents on each tray are cooled to between
6 °C and 14 °C
Container capacity 7, 20, or 70 mL
Refrigerator All reagents
Reagent volume/item 15 to 150 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Dilution reagent 15 to 150 μL (0.1 μl increments)
Reagent inventory Computed by the liquid-level sensing
Barcode Interleaved 2 of 5

GPE 01006.004
1650 Specifications

Reaction tray (RRV) Turntable system
Number of cuvettes 221 (13 sets of 17 cuvettes)
RRV cuvette material Plastic
Reaction liquid 80 to 300 μL
Stirring system Rotation and reciprocation
Strong and weak stirring options are available.
Stirring immediately after additions of samples and reagents (S,
R1, R2)
Mixer 1 is used for R1; Mixer 2 is used for R2.
Reaction times 3, 4, 5, 10 minutes
Extended reaction times: 15 & 21 minutes
Reaction 37 °C
Temperature regulation: ±0.1 °C
Reaction tank Inert liquid circulation system

Measurement point 98 detection points/6 seconds in 10 minute reaction
Photometer Concavity diffraction grating, rear spectroscopy system
Measurement 14 fixed wavelengths (340, 410, 451, 478, 505, 545, 571, 596,
wavelength 658, 694, 751, 805, 845, and 884 nm), 1 or 2 wavelength
Light source 12V, 50W halogen lamp, cooled by forced water circulation
Assay method Colorimetric assays
• Endpoint assays (EPA)
• Reaction rate assays (RRA)
• 2-point rate assays (2PA)
• 3-item simultaneous measurement (parameter independent)
• Prozone checking (antigen excess check)
• Substrate depletion check with point forwarding option
• Sample blank correction
Reassay mechanism Automatic or manual (selectable)
Automatic correction Blood serum blank, cell blank, measurement point change,
sample volume change in reassay

GPE 01006.004
1650 Specifications

Method Na, K, Cl ion selective electrolyte assay
Dilution measurement method
Analysis item Simultaneous 3 item measurement of Na, K, and Cl
Electrode Na: Crown ether membrane
K: Crown ether membrane
Cl: Super-layer solid molecule orientation membrane
ref: Silver/silver chloride electrode
Throughput rate Maximum of 450 tests/hour (150 samples/hour) for serum
Sample volume 28 μl
Dilution ratio 1:33
Reagent volume Buffer: 2.7 ml/sample
Reference (ref) liquid: 0.3 ml/sample

Automatic Automatic startup and automatic shutdown by timer for weekly
maintenance maintenance

Analyzer dimensions 1129(h) x 1480(w) x 867(d) mm
(44.45 x 58.27 x 34.13 in.)
Weight 530 kg (1178 lb.)
Vacuum pump 546(h) x 340(w) x 500(d) mm
(21.5 x 13.4 x 19.7 in.)
Computer 366(h) x 221(w) x 421(d) mm
(14.4 x 8.7 x 16.6 in.)
Monitor dimensions 422(h) x 417(w) x 447(d) mm
(16.6 x 16.4 x 17.6 in.)
Optional rack 936(h) x 730(w) x 1022(d) mm
handler dimensions
(36.86 x 28.74 x 40.24 in.)
Optional universal 1126(h) x 730(w) x 1022(d) mm
rack handler
(44.33 x 28.74 x 40.24 in.)

GPE 01006.004
1650 Specifications

Electrical • A 3-kVA power source, single-phase, 2-pole, 3-wire
requirements configuration with Class III grounding
• The following input voltages can be tapped: 100 V, 110 V, 115
V, 200 V, 220 V or 230 V.
• Maximum current draw at in-rush is 26 amps at 115 V or 14
amps at 220 V.
• For the optional rack handler, the requirements are 110 Vac
50/60 Hz, 0.6 A, 70 W.
• For the optional universal rack handler, the requirements are
110 Vac 50/60 Hz, 0.6 A.
Cooling / ventillation • Ventilation sufficient to maintain +18° C to +30° C operating
requirements temperature
• The maximum temperature change the system can
accommodate is 2° C/hour.
• Maximum relative humidity allowable with system operating is
40% to 70% with no condensation.
• Heat output:
Power off mode:
0.117 kW
0.01856 Btu/s
0.02055 kCal/s
Ready mode:
0.871 kW
0.060717 Btu/s
0.15303 kCal/s
Auto mode:
1.36 kW
0.94805 Btu/s
0.23895 kCal/s
Water requirements Deionized (or demineralized) water from a nonpressurized water
reservoir with a 30 liter/hour capability
Drain requirements Minimum of 6.8 gallons (25 liters) per hour

GPE 01006.004
Acronym Meaning
BP Oil heat bath pump
CDEV1 Reaction tray wash unit drain valve 1
CDEV2 Reaction tray wash unit drain valve 2
CDEV3 Reaction tray wash unit drain valve 3
CDP-1 Drain pump 1
CDP-2 Drain pump 2
CTT Calibrator/control Tray
CWEV Reaction tray wash unit drain valve
DCEV Cuvette conditioner valve
DCP Dilution probe wash pump
DIP Dilution probe aspiration pump
DMEV Dilution mixer wash valve
DMIX Dilution mixer
DMUD Dilution mixer (up and down)
DOP Dilution probe discharge pump
DPEV1 Dilution probe valve 1
DPEV2 Dilution wash cup valve 2
DPEV3 Dilution wash cup valve 3
DPPLR Sample-dilution probe (rotating)
DPPUD Sample-dilution probe (up and down)
DTEV1 Reaction tray detergent valve 1
DTEV2 Reaction tray detergent valve 2
DTP1 Reaction tray wash pump 1
DTP2 Reaction tray detergent pump 2
DTT Dilution tray
DWEV1 Dilution wash valve 1

GPE 01006.004
DWEV2 Dilution wash valve 2
DWPl Dilution-cuvette wash pump 1
DWP2 Dilution-cuvette wash pump 2
DWUD Dilution tray wash unit
LWP Water-supply pump
MIXR-1 Mixer 1
MIXR-2 Mixer 2
MLR-1 Mixer 1 (rotating)
MLR-2 Mixer 2 (rotating)
MUD-1 Mixer 1 (up and down)
MUD-2 Mixer 2 (up and down)
MWEVI Reaction tray mixer wash valve 1
MWEV2 Reaction tray mixer wash valve 2
RBC-1 Reagent bar-code reader 1
RBC-2 Reagent bar-code reader 2
RP1 Reagent dispensing pump 1
RP2 Reagent dispensing pump 2
RPEV1-1 Reagent probe 1 valve 1
RPEV2-1 Reagent wash cup 1 valve 2
RPEV1-2 Reagent probe 2 valve 1
RPEV2-2 Reagent wash cup 2 valve 2
RPPLR-1 Reagent probe 1 (rotation)
RPPLR-2 Reagent probe 2 (rotation)
RPPUD-1 Reagent probe 1 (up and down)
RPPUD-2 Reagent probe 2 (up and down)
RRV Reaction tray
RTT-1 Reagent tray 1
RTT-2 Reagent tray 2

GPE 01006.004
RWPL Reagent-wash pump I
RWP2 Reagent-wash pump 2
SBC Sample bar-code reader
SCP Sample probe wash pump
SP Sample aspiration/dispense pump
SPEV1 Sample probe valve 1
SPEV2 Sample wash cup valve 2
SPPLR Sample probe (rotating)
SPPUD Sample probe (up and down)
STT Sample tray
VDEV1 Drain valve 1
VDEV2 Drain valve 2
VIEV1 Drain valve 1
VIEV2 Drain valve 2
VIEV3 Drain valve 3
VOEV1 Vacuum valve 1
VOEV2 Vacuum valve 2
VP Vacuum pump
WCV Switching valve
WEV Water supply tank valve
WPI Reaction tray wash pump 1
WP2 Reaction tray wash pump 2
WP3 Reaction tray wash pump 3
WUD Reaction tray wash unit

GPE 01006.004
GPE 01006.004
Wash Solutions & Reagents

This document is designed for use during training classes only. Reference should be
made to the ADVIA Chemistry System Operator’s Guide and related Customer Bulletins for
product labeling information.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................3

SYSTEM SOLUTIONS .........................................................................................4
SYSTEM SOLUTION PREPARATION .................................................................5
REACTION WASHER NOZZLES……………………………………………………..6
REAGENT PACKAGING AND STORAGE ...........................................................7
REAGENT INVENTORY WINDOW ......................................................................8
TOTAL TEST SUMMARY ......................................................................................11
CAL INTERVAL REVIEW .......................................................................................12
LOADING REAGENTS .......................................................................................14
REAGENT PAUSE .............................................................................................15
DESELECTING A REAGENT .............................................................................21
PRECALIBRATE ...................................................................................................21

ACTIVE TEST LIST ............................................................................................22

MANUAL REAGENT PLACEMENT....................................................................23
SETUP SHUTDOWN WASH 2………………………………………………………25

GPE01006.004 1
GPE01006.004 2
Learning Objectives:

At the completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Recognize the different

ƒ system solutions & preparation

ƒ sizes of reagent wedges

ƒ reagent preparation

 Use the wedge adapters

 Use the ADVIA Chemistry system software to manage inventory:

ƒ Loading reagent:

• in the READY status


• Non-barcoded reagent

• Determine calibration status

• Understand Active Test List

1 ISE Buffer Solution

2 Incubation Bath Oil
3 Isotonic Saline Diluent
4 Cuvette Wash Solution
5 Cuvette Conditioner
6 Pure-water Bottle

GPE01006.004 3
System Solutions (Room Temp Storage)
Note: This document is for classroom use only. Reference should be made to the Safety Data
Sheets for more detailed and current information.

Product Name Product code (Material code)

• ISE Buffer B01-4171-01 (03463190)` Irritant

Formaldehyde 0.5%; Sodium 1 mmol/L; Potassium 0.05% mmol/L; Chloride 1 mmol/L;
Buffers; Preservative

• Incubation Bath Oil B01-4180-01 (09323099) Not regulated

Non-reactive fluorocarbon

• Saline must be isotonic (0.9%) saline – not a Bayer manufactured product.

No preservatives or additives; not buffered.

• Cuvette Wash Solution B01-4178-01 Corrosive, pH 14

Sodium Hydroxide 3.6% *10% solution used for daily shutdown wash 2

• Cuvette Conditioner B01-4179-01 (05145412) N/A, pH 5.0

Potassium Sorbic Acid 0.2%; Citric Acid 0.07%; Surfactant (Triton X-100 1.6%)
A mix of organic acids – coats cuvettes before cell blank / optical integrity checks

• Reagent Probe Wash 1 B01-4181-01 (09467716) Corrosive, pH 14

Sodium Hydroxide 3.6% used every time a run is started; replace monthly

• Reagent Probe Wash 2 B01-4182-01 (04007474) Corrosive, pH 2.1

Oxalic Acid 3%; Hydroxyacetic Acid 20%; Methyl Alcohol 4.8%; PEG-400 3%
deproteinizes probe, used every time a run is started; replace monthly

• Reagent Probe Wash 3 B01-4183-01 (08988437) Corrosive, pH 12.1

Potassium Hydroxide 4.5%; Sodium Polyacrylic Acid 4%; Sodium Hypochlorite 4.7%;
Surfactants *5% solution used in weekly wash

• ISE Detergent Solution B01-4174-01 (01126634) Irritant, pH 12.5

Sodium Hypochlorite 6%

• Lamp Coolant Additive B01-4496-01 (09151794) Irritant

Alkanol Arnine < 10%; Benzotriazole < 10% antibacterial and antirust agents.
**5% coolant checked daily replenished weekly

* 5% solution = 50ml X diluted with 950ml DI H2O (50Î1000)

* 10% solution = 100ml X dilutied with 900 ml DI H2O (100Î1000)
** 5% lamp Coolant = 25mlÎ500ml DI H20

GPE01006.004 4
System Solution Preparation

 You will prepare three working solutions

ƒ diluted with water
ƒ stored at room temp

 10% Cuvette Wash

ƒ used in the daily wash
ƒ store at room temperature
ƒ is used for ‘contamination avoidance’ routines
 5% Probe Wash 3
ƒ store at room temperature
ƒ used in several maintenance procedures
• Weekly Wash
• DTT cuvette cleaning
• cleaning System Solution Reagent bottle filters
 5% Lamp Coolant
ƒ level is visually checked, weekly
ƒ store at room temperature

GPE01006.004 5
ƒ Reaction washer nozzles

Nozzle Probe Description

1 First nozzle B1 Aspirates reaction liquid.

R1 Dispenses wash water.

Y1 Absorbs overflow liquid.

2 Second nozzle B2 Aspirates wash water.

R2 Dispenses detergent.

Y2 Absorbs overflow liquid.

3 Third nozzle B3 Aspirates detergent.

R3 Dispenses wash water.

Y3 Absorbs overflow liquid.

4 Fourth nozzle B4 Aspirates wash water.

R4 Dispenses cell conditioner.

Y4 Absorbs overflow liquid.

The fourth (4) and fifth (5) nozzles are separated by a width of nine cuvettes.

5 Fifth nozzle B5 Aspirates cell conditioner.

R5 Dispenses wash water.

Y5 Absorbs overflow liquid.

6 Sixth nozzle Y6 Aspirates wash water.

7 Seventh nozzle Y7 Vacuums remaining liquid from cuvette.

GPE01006.004 6
Reagent packaging and storage

‹ Wedge sizes ‹ Some reagents

ƒ 70 ml
ƒ 20 ml (used with adapter) ƒ Are ready to use (RTU)
ƒ 40 ml (used with adapter ƒ Need some preparation
on 1650 & 2400)

‹ Some assays use

ƒ R1 only (reagent 1)
ƒ R1 & R2 (reagent 1 & 2)
ƒ R1 = white cap
ƒ R2 = blue cap

‹ Storage depends on assay

ƒ Room temp
ƒ Refrigerate
ƒ some reagents need to be protected from light

Reagents which should be protected from light…..

This list is intended to be a reminder to refer to package inserts for proper reagent storage
conditions… This list may not reflect newer assays added to the Siemens menu.

Ammonia Direct HDL Lipase TIBC

C3 Direct LDL Pancreatic Amylase Tobramycin
C4 Gentamicin Phenobarbitol Total Protein Urine
Carbamazapine Haptoglobin Prealbumin Valproic Acid
Cholinesterase Hemoglobin A1C Rheumatoid Factor
Digoxin Lactate Theophyline

ƒ Solutions should only be replenished

ƒ In the Ready state

ƒ Perform a Prime 2

ƒ Usually at start of shift

ƒ Use this time to replenish reagents

ƒ Use Reagent Pause to load

ƒ Additional reagents while the system is running

ƒ When a barcode does not read

ƒ Load R1 & R2 in the correct RTT (reagent tray)

ƒ 3rd party reagents have assigned positions

ƒ REMEMBER to do a barcode scan

ƒ Or your inventory will not update

GPE01006.004 7
Reagent Inventory window

The Reagent Inventory window displays the status of all reagents loaded on the reagent trays
(RTT1 and RTT2). The window continuously refreshes with new information, and it updates after
each barcode scan.

To display the Reagent Inventory window:

1) At the Menu Panel, select Reagent, then select Reagent Inventory.

2) Select Reagent Inventory from the taskbar at the bottom of the computer screen to
‘maximize’ the window.

¾ The
Reagent Inventory window automatically opens at start up and remains opened. When using
other windows or when you select the X in the upper right corner, the window minimizes to the
taskbar at the bottom. This was done to allow the software to post ‘reagent empty’ and ‘pack
switch’ and other audible reagent alarms to the alarm log and generate a beep. These alarms
would not be audible if the Reagent Inventory window was fully closed.

¾ The reagents listed in the window are in alphabetical order.

¾ Each of the columns in this window can be resized.

When the Reagent Inventory window opens, the RTT1 reagents display by default. To display
the RTT2 reagents, select RTT2.

GPE01006.004 8
Reagent Inventory window (continued)
• The Test Name displays the reagent name from the System Test List window.

• The R column displays the reagent tray, either R1 (RTT1) or R2 (RTT2).

• The Posi. # displays the position number of the reagent container on the RTT1 or RTT2
reagent tray. The system automatically updates the position number based on the
reagent pack position during a barcode scan. Position numbers for reagent
containers without barcodes are entered manually in the System Test List window.

• P/B identifies the reagent container currently in use (Primary), and identical reagent
containers available (Backup).

Primary / Backup rules for multiple reagent containers

The following rules are used to determine the Primary reagent container when
multiple reagent containers are loaded for the same method. Deselected or
empty reagent containers are not included in the ranking.

1. The reagent container with the shortest Days Remaining value is

used first. It is Primary and all other containers are Backup.

2. If all reagent containers have the same Days Remaining, the

container with the nearest Expiration Date is Primary.

3. If all reagent containers have the same Days Remaining and

Expiration Date, the container with the lowest # Tests is Primary.

4. If all reagent containers have the same Days Remaining,

Expiration Date, and # Tests, the container with the lowest Posi. # is

• #Tests is the number of tests remaining for the reagent container.

• The Lot# field displays the reagent lot number.

GPE01006.004 9
Reagent Inventory window (continued)
• The Expiration Date is scanned from the reagent container barcode. Nonbarcoded
containers display the date from the Reagent Container Settings window or N/A if
no container set expiration date is entered.
• The Cal Interval Days is the number of days remaining to the end of the calibration interval.
¾ C in this column indicates a new lot number of reagent for which a valid calibration has
not yet been obtained.
¾ After calibrating the new reagent, the number in the Cal Interval Days column resets to
the maximum calibration interval determined by the value entered at the Reagent
Information window (provided for each assay in the (Siemens Method Sheet). On each
new day, the number counts down. If the Cal Interval Days field is not active, or a C is
not displayed when you put a reagent with a new lot number on the system, check that
the calibration interval number in the Reagent Information window is defined.
¾ When the Cal Interval reaches 0, the method line is highlighted in yellow. This indicates
that you should recalibrate the method. If the method is not calibrated at 0 days, the
counter will continue into negative numbers. Whenever you recalibrate a method, the
Cal Interval Days resets to the maximum value for that method.
NOTE: when you install 2 containers of the same reagent on the same tray with
different lot numbers and perform a barcode scan, the reagent designated by the
system as primary displays a C in the cal interval days, indicating that you must
calibrate the reagent. The second, or backup reagent is not marked with a C even
though this container also requires calibration.
• Days Remaining indicates the countdown for that reagent’s open pack on-board stability.
• Cal Status is the status of the calibration. The calibration can pass or fail

GPE01006.004 10
Reagent Inventory window (continued)

Select Print RGT Summary to obtain three printed reports:

¾ a summary report for RTT1
¾ a summary report for RTT2
¾ a Total Tests summary report

Select Total Test Summary to view (or print) a list of all methods on-board and their total tests
counts. If there is only 1 R1 and 1 R2 reagent present, the total tests value is the lower of the tests
remaining in the R1 and R2 reagent container. If there are multiple R1 and R2 reagents present on
the system, the value displayed is the minimum of the sum of the combined R1 reagents and the
sum of the combined R2 reagents. For example:

R1a: 20 tests + R1b: 5 tests = 25 remaining

R2a: 5 tests + R2b: 10 tests = 15 remaining
Total Tests = 15 tests remaining

GPE01006.004 11
Reagent Inventory window (continued)

Use the Cal Interval Review list to review daily which methods you should calibrate. Instead of
an alphabetical list, this window re-sorts the Reagent Inventory list methods in order of Cal
Interval Days remaining. Methods with the shortest days remaining are at the top.


¾ Look at both RTT1 & 2
¾ Only replace the reagent that is yellow or red in the # tests
ƒ When the volume in a reagent wedge is <10% of the original volume, the
#Tests column in the reagent inventory will be backlight in yellow.
¾ Replace reagents that are outdated -
ƒ Expiration date, days remaining.

¾ Barcode Scan

GPE01006.004 12
The information below is extracted from page 4 of this bulletin


GPE01006.004 13

2 1

1 Reagent Tray 1 (RTT1)

2 Reagent Tray 2 (RTT2)

Important: Whenever reagents are loaded or unloaded,

you must request a barcode scan.

During a Barcode Scan

1) The barcode readers on RTT1 and RTT2 scan all positions for each reagent tray and….

2) The RPP probes sense the liquid level in each container to determine the volume.

When the Barcode Scan is complete, all information at the Reagent Inventory window refreshes


GPE01006.004 14

When the system is in the READY mode, the barcode scan can be accomplished by clicking on
Barcode Scan in the Reagent Inventory window.

When the system is running, sample processing can be paused for reagent loading by using the
REAGENT PAUSE button on the Operation Panel.

¾ After pressing the RGT Pause button the system displays three messages:
ƒ R PAUSE SHIFT indicates the system is completing operations prior to allowing reagent
ƒ RGT LOAD NG indicates the reagent probes may still move and it is not safe to load
ƒ 0403 R PAUSE SHIFT alarm is generated.

¾ Sampling will stop. Reagent will be added to all tests already in process in the RRV before the ADD
Reagent message is displayed.

GPE01006.004 15
REAGENT PAUSE (continued)
¾ When the system is available for new reagent to be added, a new window will appear.

ƒ The system status changes to ADD REAGENTS

ƒ RGT LOAD OK indicates it is safe to load reagent.
ƒ 0404 ADD REAGENTS alarm message is displayed.

¾ Load / unload desired R1 and R2 reagents.

ƒ Press the SCAN button to begin reagent barcode scanning and level sensing. Once this
operation is complete the system will return to sampling.

ƒ The SKIP button is no longer an option

After pressing scan sampling will resume.

GPE01006.004 16
REAGENT PAUSE (continued)

¾ The RGT Pause function has one additional feature. The communication link to an external
devise (LAS / URH) is maintained. Samples held at the LAS interface gate will remain at the
gate and be sampled when the reagent scan is complete.

¾ The system may go into ADD REAGENT mode within a few seconds or it may take several
minutes depending on the system’s work in progress.

¾ To stop the RGT Pause function and resume sampling simply press the Start button and
acknowledge the prompt in pop up window.

GPE01006.004 17
Here are three scenarios and what happens when RGT Pause is requested

1. If RGT Pause is requested in the middle of specimens being sampled

a. The DTT probe will stop aspirating any additional samples (in the STT)
b. R1 and R2 will be added to the specimens already sampled.
c. Once the R2 is added to all specimens that have been sampled, the
system will go into “ADD REAGENTS”. Please note – the specimens are not
necessarily resulted, but will continue to process and will be resulted while
reagents are either being added, or the reagent tray is being read – or in some
cases after the system has started sampling again. There is no connection
between the RGT Pause and the processing, finishing or delaying of results
d. Once the read is done the system automatically goes returns to sampling
the remaining specimens.

2. If RGT Pause is requested following the sampling of all specimens –

a. Once R2 has been added to all specimens, the system will allow the
operator to “ADD REAGENTS”.
b. Same scenario as above – the system does not result specimens before
allowing the addition of reagents. It only requires that the R2 is already added.

3. If RGT addition is needed after all the specimens have been resulted and the
ADVIA 1800 is in the “Processing” state – (in other words it is washing), RGT Pause is
grayed out and the user can’t do anything – UNLESS ….
a. With the system in “Processing”, the START button is available, and the
minute the user selects START, the RGT Pause button becomes available.
b. From there the user can either initiate a START and then select RGT
Pause, in which case the system will allow almost immediate access to reagent

With the scenarios listed above, the longest wait was about 6 minutes and the shortest wait was
about 1 minute. This type of RGT pause functionality is wonderful and clinically useful.
I did test out some specimens to see if results were affected and I did use Mg and Iron as the tests
for these specimens since both of them have some type of extra washes programmed in the
system. I found that the wash time was the same whether or not reagent addition was a part of the
process. The results were the same in all scenarios as well.

Please don’t change this back to the original scenario of waiting until the wash sequences are
completed before reagent addition is allowed. The R1 and R2 probes are not moving during the
washes or following the addition of R2 to all sampled specimens, so this current set-up works well.

GPE01006.004 18
Information from JEOL

Answers to questions about Reagent Pause


Q1) What is the exact criteria for a reagent pause to happen?

- Does it wait for all scheduled samples to be aspirated?
- Does it wait for all aspirated tests to complete result processing so that it knows if it needs to
do a repeat?
- Is there any dependency on needing a repeat?
- In some cases we see reagent pause of 3-6 min and others it can take 40 mins.
What is the explanation for this?

A1) The criterion for a reagent pause to happen is that ‘if all the scheduled reagent aspiration has
been completed’.

The following is a detailed explanation of the system’s behavior.

1) When the reagent pause button is pressed, the sampling (DPP) will be stopped.

To be more precise, it means ‘When the scheduled sampling, already established at the time
of the reagent pause button being pressed, is completed, the sampling by DPP will be

Sampling will be stopped after maximum 2 samples if the reagent pause button is pressed.

2) ‘If all the scheduled reagent aspiration has been completed’ means that ‘if all the aspiration
and mixing of the reagent (R1, R2 and R3) for the samples that were sampled by DPP have
been completed’.

Therefore, the answers to the above questions are as follows:

(Q1-1) Does it wait for all scheduled samples to be aspirated?

(A1-1) No, it does not wait if ‘all the scheduled samples’ means ‘all the samples that are ordered’.

(Q1-2) Does it wait for all aspirated tests to complete result processing so that it knows if it needs
to do a repeat?
(A1-2) No. When the reagent aspiration is completed, it is ready to move to ‘PAUSE’ mode, so it
does not wait to complete the data output.

(Q1-3) Is there any dependency on needing a repeat?

(A1-3) No. Sample Stop in Reagent Pause is the same as Sample Pause, so it also stops a

(Q1-4) In some cases we see reagent pause of 3-6 min and others it can take 40 mins.
What is the explanation for this?
Information from JEOL (cont’d)

GPE01006.004 19
1) Firstly, please note that aspiration time for a sample largely varies depending on the number
of the order entry.
For example, aspiration for a sample with 1 order is once, but aspirations for a sample with 20
orders will be 20 times.

2) Secondly, each order requires different number of the reagents to use (ex. A test that requires
R1 only, or a test that requires R1, R2 and R3 etc), so this determines the aspiration time for the

For example, with ADVIA 1650, each reagent aspiration timing is as follows;

R1 1 cycle before aspirating the diluted sample on DTT to RRV by SPP (3 seconds before)

R2: 23 cycles after aspirating diluted sample on DTT to RRV by SPP (1 minute after)

R3: 96 cycles after aspirating diluted sample on DTT to RRV by SPP (5 minutes after)

Therefore, an order that uses only R1 will complete the reagent aspiration faster than an order that
also uses R3 as well as R1 and R2.

It is possible that a reagent pause can take 3 minutes or 40 minutes depending on the combination
of 1) and 2).

Q2) Why is the reagent pause button disabled during washing after processing of samples is

A2) When an analysis completed, the system goes into a mode to stop. This is called ‘END’ mode.
In the ‘END’ mode, the system performs various operations, such as stopping each unit according
to the procedure, or vacuuming remaining water in the cuvette. Therefore, it is not possible to re-
start the analysis during the ‘END’ mode. In this mode, not only the reagent pause button but also
all other buttons are disabled.

Q3) Is the reagent pause available during 'watch mode'?

A3) Yes, it’s available.

GPE01006.004 20
Deselecting a reagent must be done in the Ready State
¾ To deactivate a reagent container, select the Deselect checkbox next to the applicable Test
¾ When the Deselect box is checked, the system cannot use the reagent. The Test Name is
red. The P/B field clears and if more than one of the same reagent is on the reagent trays,
the deselected reagent is no longer part of the reagent ranking process.

¾ To reactivate a reagent container, select the Deselect checkbox again.

NOTE If you deselect a reagent container while the system is running, the deselect does
not take effect until the system returns to the READY state.

To ‘precalibrate’ a new reagent lot

1. Place the backup (new lot number) reagents on
the system along with the primary (old lot #)
reagent on the system.
2. Perform a barcode scan

3. In the Reagent Inventory Window, deselect ☑

the primary reagent (old lot#). This will ‘force’
the new lot # wedge to register as the primary
4. Run the calibration. The system only uses the
reagents for the calibration that are not
deselected (checked)
5. When the calibration has ‘passed’, remove the
deselect option from the initial reagent lot number.
6. The software stores two calibration curves per assay. The system will use the curve matching the first
reagent set as long as those reagents are on board. When that wedge runs empty and the system
switches to the new reagent lot number, the appropriate calibration curve will be applied. If there is no
calibration curve for the reagent lot number pair, an alarm will be posted, and the assay will not run.

GPE01006.004 21
ACTIVE TEST LIST must be done in the Ready State
The Active Test List window is only available from the supervisor logon.

• Active is checked if the test is currently in use on

your system.

• Test Name displays the name and number of the


• R1 Pos No displays the position of R1 on the

reagent tray.

• R2 Pos No displays the position of R2 on the

reagent tray.

The Active Test List displays all tests defined on the analyzer, but the deactivated or unchecked
tests are grayed out.

Use the Active Test List window to temporarily deactivate a method, so that method-related
alarm messages (for example, missing reagents) are not generated. You would use this function
for tests that you do not run every day.

After you made your selections, activating or deactivating a method, the system must go back to
READY for the changes to take effect.

NOTE At the active test list window, you must select all the tests you plan
to run. If a test is not selected, the system will skip that test. An error message does
not display in the alarm message box on the operation panel, but is recorded in the
error message log.

GPE01006.004 22

A reagent barcode provides information to the Reagent Inventory software:

¾ Assay name
¾ lot number and expiration date
Also, when a new barcode is identified during a barcode scan, the on-board stability timer is
initiated for that reagent pack.
Occasionally a barcode may be damaged or, in the case of 3rd Party (User-defined) reagents, there
is no barcode on the reagent wedge. When this occurs, to utilize the reagent pack, it must be
placed into the reagent compartment and its location in that compartment manually defined. This
can be accomplished by the following steps:
1. Sign in as supervisor
2. Click on Setup( System Test List)
3. Locate the test in which a defined position is needed
4. Remove the 5 digit R code for both reagent 1 & 2( the R code is the first 5 digits on the barcode
label for that reagent)
5. In the position field, enter the position for RTT1 & RTT2.
NOTE: Both reagents for an assay need to be assigned a position when 1 barcode does not read.
6. Click SAVE

GPE01006.004 23
Manual Reagent Placement (continued)
7. Perform a barcode scan
8. Click on REAGENT, Reagent Container Set

9. Locate the test and manually enter the container size, lot number and expiration date for that
NOTE: Be aware that 3rd party assays need to have the lot#’s for R1 & R2 differentiated. Software
errors may occur if the lot#’s are not unique.
Example: R1 = 123456a
R2 = 123456b
10. Click the ‘o’ open button, select the test in the new windowÎOK. This starts the clock for the on
board stability. This needs to be done for both RTT1 & RTT2 if needed.
11. Select Save
NOTE: This field will only be active for the reagent whose barcode did not read
12. Check Reagent Inventory to be sure it has updated
NOTE: Be sure to remove the position from System Test List if the next new wedge of this
particular reagent reads properly.

GPE01006.004 24
Let’s Set up Shutdown Wash 2 (1800)
refer to STA

Refill the 10 % Cuvette Wash

ƒ RTT 1 & 2 #55
ƒ CTT #49

Refresh DI H2O
ƒ RTT 1 & 2 #56
ƒ CTT #16, #50 & #51

Refresh ISE Detergent

ƒ CTT #15


Let’s Set up Shutdown Wash 2 (1650 & 2400)

refer to STA

Refill the 10 % Cuvette Wash

ƒ RTT 1 & 2 #49
ƒ CTT #49

Refresh DI H2O
ƒ RTT 1 & 2 #50
ƒ CTT #16 (2400 only)
ƒ CTT #50 & #51

Refresh ISE Detergent

ƒ CTT #15 49 50

Execute 49 50

GPE01006.004 25
Let’s Setup Shutdown Wash 2 (1200) Refer to Quick Reference Guide

¾ Positions for Daily Shutdown Wash 2

Tray-Cup Wash Solution

CTT-15 ISE Detergent Solution (if applicable)

CTT-49 10% Cuvette Wash Solution (Daily)
5% Reagent Probe Wash 3 (Weekly)

CTT-51 DI H2O (if applicable)

RTT1 - 42 Reagent Probe Wash 1

RTT1 - 43 Reagent Probe Wash 2
RTT1 - 44 10% Cuvette Wash Solution (Daily)
5% Reagent Probe Wash 3 (Weekly)

RTT1 - 45 DI H2O

RTT2 - 42 Reagent Probe Wash 1

RTT2 - 43 Reagent Probe Wash 2
RTT2 - 44 10% Cuvette Wash Solution (Daily)
5% Reagent Probe Wash 3 (Weekly)

RTT2 - 45 DI H2O

GPE01006.004 26
Daily Operation

GPE01006.004 1
GPE01006.004 2
Table of Contents:

Startup window .....................................................................................................4

PERFORM A NEWSTART ................................................................................5
System Monitor .....................................................................................................6
Daily Maintenance ................................................................................................6
Reagent Inventory.................................................................................................7
Shutdown wash.....................................................................................................7
Weekly wash .....................................................................................................7
Start Conditions window .......................................................................................8
Starting a Sample Run ......................................................................................9
Sample Confirmation window .............................................................................10
Test Result Monitor .............................................................................................12
Real Time Monitor...............................................................................................15
Printing RealTime Report .............................................................................18
Saving Data electronically............................................................................18
User Code Set window .......................................................................................19
Alarm (result) flags ..............................................................................................20
Review and Edit ..................................................................................................22
Transfer result .................................................................................................25
search .............................................................................................................25
Print Report .........................................................................................................26
Exercise #1 .........................................................................................................27
Sample Log .........................................................................................................27
Order Entry .........................................................................................................30
Order Entry Exercise #1: .....................................................................................32
Order Entry Exercise #2: .....................................................................................33
ORDER ENTRY – Batch Orders .........................................................................34
Order Entry Exercise #3: .....................................................................................35

GPE01006.004 3
ADVIA Chemistry Startup window
The Startup window is used to:
ƒ Set or clear the system data prior to startup.
ƒ Shut down and restart Windows.
ƒ Back up and restore system files.

If you click CANCEL in the Startup Window, the startup window closes, leaving you in Windows
NT. To start the ADVIA Chemistry software again;
ƒ double click on the HR start icon at the desktop
ƒ or restart Windows NT.

GPE01006.004 4
ADVIA Chemistry Daily Startup Procedures


A New Start should be performed once per day. This will:
1) delete any pending workorders
2) save by collection date any sample data currently in the on that day category.
The on that day category is cleared
3) Daily QC results are deleted if they were not saved to the cumulative QC file.
NOTE: Storage capacity per “day” of data is 10,000 sample ID’s, after which software will
overwrite: First In – First Out. New Start manages data into manageable data files.

The ADVIA must be in the READY mode to proceed with a NEW START
1. On the ADVIA Menu window, click System(s) to open the System menu, then click
2. Click Yes when prompted, then click yes when prompted again.
3. The ADVIA Startup Window will appear.
a. be sure today’s date displays in the system date box before you continue.
Type today’s date in the box, in yyyymmdd format, if needed
b. Click New Start.
c. In the User name, and password boxes, type in the default password of
advia. Click OK. While the system starting message is on your screen,
startup is taking place.
d. Once startup has completed, the ADVIA 1800 menu panel and ADVIA 1800
Operation Panel appear. Reagent Inventory will also automatically open.
e. In the ADVIA 1800 Operation system status window, when the system
status WAIT appears in the upper right corner of the Operation Panel, the
START indicator is off, and the READY indicator is off… Initialize to
reinitialize the system.

WARNING to avoid possible injury and damage to the analyzer, make sure that all probes
and mixers are free to move without obstruction and that all analyzer covers are
in place.

GPE01006.004 5
ADVIA Chemistry Startup Procedures (continued)

2. Verify operating Conditions, click on Maint, click on System Monitor.

3. Perform Daily Maintenance as follows:

ƒ Visually check the volumes of the system solutions.

− If Cuvette Wash Solution, Cuvette Conditioner, and/or Dilution Solution (0.9% Saline)
are replenished, click on PRIME from the Operation panel. Select PRIME 2 - Click
on Execute. Wait for system to return to READY before proceeding.
− If ISE Buffer is replaced, select Maint. – ISE Operation – Execute a bufferprime for
10 cycles.

ƒ Check the volumes of the containers in positions 53 to 56 on RTT1 and RTT2. Replenish
if necessary. To avoid contamination, we recommend replacing these with fresh
solutions in new wedges monthly for PW1 and PW2, and weekly for 10% cuvette wash
and water.

ƒ Check Lamp Coolant level

ƒ Inspect probes and mixing rods, clean if required with lint-free tissue

ƒ Inspect WUD and DWUD, probe wash stations, wipe down spills.

GPE01006.004 6
ADVIA Startup Procedures (continued)

4. From the Menu Panel, click on REAGENT, then click on Reagent Inventory
to check number of tests left in the reagent containers of RTT1 and RTT2.
Replace if necessary. NOTE: A barcode scan must be performed if
reagents are replaced.

5. System Wash

SHUTDOWN WASH will be a routine part of Daily maintenance.

It will be done at the end of each day of class. Refer to the Daily Maintenance
section of this manual for complete instructions.

Click on WASH, select WASH 2, and execute.


(38 minutes)
Position 1800 15 16 49 50 55 56 55 56

1650 15 NA 49 50 49 50 49 50

2400 15 16 49 50 49 50 49 50

1200 15 NA 49 50 44 45 44 45

Material ISE DI H2O 10% cuvette DI water 10% DI water 10% DI water
detergent wash cuvette cuvette
wash wash
Type of J-cup / 10 ml tube 10 ml tube 10 ml 70 ml 70 ml 70 ml 70 ml
container adapter tube wedge wedge wedge wedge


Same as Wash 2 EXCEPT, replace 10% cuvette wash with
5% probe wash 3 in both the CTT and RTT positions

GPE01006.004 7

GPE01006.004 8
Starting a Sample Run

1. In the ADVIA Operation Panel, click START

2. The Start Conditions window appears.
3. Run patient samples:

ƒ From STT

a. load samples

b. Click the first Ordinary smp. † Analyze. Additional options appear.

c. Click Bar-code or Cup posi. to specify how the samples will be
identified. Bar-code is preferred even if no barcode is on the sample.
d. Click Temp.cup/tube select to change container types and select
samples for priority processing.
e. Click Start to begin the run.

ƒ From rack handler, universal rack handler or external transport (Workcell)

a. Click the second smp. † Analyze box (below Out side analyze).
b. Click Start to begin the run.
c. Load the racks on the Workcell or the universal rack handler.

GPE01006.004 9


When running in the barcode mode, the Sample Confirmation window will appear after
all labels are read. The barcodes display next to their position numbers.

Names can also be entered in this window when a barcode is not available. This will
allow you to run a non barcoded sample in barcode mode rather than tray/cup mode.

This window will be displayed for only 20 seconds. Click timer off to keep this window
displayed while you verify the information.

If the box to the left of the barcode is checked, a priority analysis (STAT) was requested
for that sample. You can manually reprioritize by selecting or de-selecting these check

Once you have verified the correct information, click OK to begin the run.

To read the barcodes again before you begin dispensing sample, click Retry.

Cancel will cancel the run.

GPE01006.004 10
Confirmation Window Colors

If the barcode is highlighted It means….

in this color…..

The sample has a workorder.

This is normal

The barcode number does not have a workorder

associated with it.
1. Update workorders so all barcode numbers are
associated with a workorder.
2. Click Retry to read the barcodes again.

The specimen was sampled and assays are in process.

You can remove the sample from the tray.

The sample was analyzed. Processing is complete,

results have been generated.

A rerun is pending for this sample, but has not yet been

A rerun is processing for this sample

This sample was read previously but could not be


This sample has been seen, but not yet aspirated.

GPE01006.004 11

GPE01006.004 12
The Test Result Monitor Window
To monitor an analysis while it is running:

1. On the ADVIA Menu window,

click Request,
then click Test Result Monitor.
2. On the Test Result Monitor window, monitor the run in progress
(details below)

3. When the run is completed, the operating mode display becomes END, then
returns to READY if samples were run from the STT; the system returns to the WAIT
mode when samples were run from a rack handler or Laboratory Automation system.

4. Click Exit to close the window.

The left side of the Test Result Monitor window displays three panels.
ƒ The System Status panel shows the current operating mode of the system.
ƒ The Sample information panel shows the sample number and sample
position of the currently selected position on the STT/CTT graphic. If this is a
barcode analysis, the barcode number displays, and the position number is 0-
ƒ The code panel shows the color codes used in the STT/CTT graphic to
represent sample status.

GPE01006.004 13
Processing status

The center of the window resembles the sample tray. The outer ring is the STT tray; the
inner ring is the CTT tray. Each tray position is a circle.

You can double click on each sample circle to display “Time to completion”

As the run continues, the circles containing samples change color. The colors indicate
the current status of each sample. The color codes are displayed at the lower left of the

In the middle of the sample tray display, the tray (TT) number for the current run displays
in the TT No. list box. If this is a barcode analysis, the TT number is 0.

To view the status of prior tray samples that are still in process, click the down arrow of
the TT No. list box, then select the number of the tray you want to view.

Sample information and system status

The button bar at the top of the window displays the Sample Search and Rack or LAS.
Sample Info. buttons.
ƒ Press the Sample Search button to display a dialog box where you can
search for sample information by sample number by STT position (tray
number and sample position). The option to search by Rack/LAS position is
no longer valid.
ƒ The search returns a Sample Information window showing the sample
number, position number, sample status, and the time remaining to complete
the analysis of the sample.
ƒ If a rack handler or laboratory automation system (LAS) is in use, click the
Rack or LAS. Sample Info. button to display the following sample
information in the Rack or LAS. Sample Information window:
Š Sample number
Š Sample status (see the status color codes listed on the Test Result
Monitor window).
Š The time remaining to complete the processing of the sample.

NOTE If processing has completed or if there are no samples available for

processing when you click the Rack or LAS. Sample Info. button,
the system displays a message that no sample information is

GPE01006.004 14

The system monitors new calibration, control, and patient sample results in real time.
(Only patient and control sample results are transmitted to a host computer.) The
system reports results as each sample completes analysis. Results are displayed for
each sample after the sample analysis is complete. You can print sample results from
this window.

Using the RealTime Monitor window

1. At the Menu Panel, select Request, then select RealTime Monitor.

You can view and print data only after all results for that sample display.
At the RealTime Monitor window, the latest tests display in the window on the left.

2. Select the Date to display a test with a different date to monitor.

3. Select a Sample # from the list to display the specific data for a selected test.
a. Each test display consists of concentration, mark, and absorbance
b. Selecting a sample while holding down the Ctrl key allows more than
one sample to be selected.

4. To print the test monitor information, select Print.

a. To specify a range to print, enter a Start and Finish line number.

5. To pause and/or resume monitoring, select the Monitor Start/Pause button.

6. Close the window.

GPE01006.004 15
Calibration ID
• L = LOW ( IF HIGH “H” )

• L = LOW ( IF HIGH “H” )

Chemistry Calibration ID

Control Sample ID
• A = CONTROL “A - Z”

NOTE: Each control can be aspirated up to 5 Times.

GPE01006.004 16
If the DETAIL format is selected, results will appear with the following measurement data:

ISE data will be

discussed separately

Date, Date and time of this analysis

Conc. Measured concentration value (without units)

Mark Flags associated with this analysis

ABS-RB ABS data minus reagent baseline; for reagent baseline this is the difference between the
current blank and the previous blank

ABS Corrected main wavelength absorbance value

E1 RRA- main wavelength absorbance value at check DP1 (point set in Analytical parameters (Chemistry)
window), typically defined as a point either before or after the addition of the second reagent (substrate
depletion check)

E2 Main wavelength absorbance data collected as the medial value of read points 6, 7 and 8. This value is
used for sample absorbance correction and to determine the absorbance of R1 + sample.

ABS1 Absorbance value at the main wavelength (uncorrected)

ABS2 Absorbance value at the subsidiary wavelength (if defined)

N Number of data points used to calculate the final concentration. For RRA this number must
be greater than or equal to 6

S A precision measurement of the data points within the read window. The difference of 2 absorbance
readings expressed as a % of the mean of the 2 readings; if S > 10 an * flag is reported (Variance = 10.0)

P Prozone value for immunoassay; Hook Effect (antigen-excess) check

RRVNo Number of the reaction tray cuvettes used for this analysis

DTTNo Number of the dilution tray cuvettes used for this analysis

GPE01006.004 17
If the STANDARD format is selected, results will appear with recorded audit trail information, ie:
reagent lot numbers

Printing RealTime Report, if desired.

Saving Data electronically

GPE01006.004 18
User Code Set window
Use this window to enter a user code, user name, and user password for up to 50
operators who are authorized to use the ADVIA® Chemistry System.

1. Log on as a manager or supervisor.

2. In the ADVIA Menu window, click Setup, then click User Code Set.
Create/change entries for an authorized user
a. Locate a empty line for a new user or find the existing user code entries you
want to change.
b. In the User Code box, type the code (3 characters maximum) that will be
appended to all results generated for the user.
c. In the User Name box, type the operator’s name (25 characters max).
d. In the User Password box, type the password (6 characters max) that the
operator will need to start the ADVIA system software. An asterisk appears
for each character.
e. Click Save. Entries are arranged alphabetically by user code.

To log on as a different user:

All results obtained for this operator will be annotated with the corresponding user code

from the user code set window.

1. In the System menu, click Change User

2. In the please enter password box, type the user password. (not case sensitive)

3. Click OK. You are now logged in as the new user.

GPE01006.004 19
Alarm (result) flags
Displayed on

Flags Flag name Reason Review/ RealTime Printed

Edit Monitor page

* Variance Photometric tests – assay Y Y N

data imprecise

ISE tests - H-STD or L- N N N

STD error (*)
/ Overflow Calculation error cal error cal error cal error

A Clot error A clot is detected N N N

B Dilution bowl liquid remained in dilution N N N

(ISE) bowl

c Calibration Displayed on tests that are N N N

mismatch in process when a reagent
container switch with
autocalibration is configured

C Calibration Photometric tests - no or Y Y N

error faulty calibration
SE tests – ISE calibration cal error cal error cal error
range error

d Photometric tests – N N N
Abnormal reaction
absorbance (lower)
ISE tests - dilution error

D Absorbance Lamp energy low during cell Y Y N

limit (lower) blank measurement check

F Temperature The reaction bath N N N

error temperature is outside the
pre-defined range
G Crash A probe crash is detected N N N

h, l Normal value Result exceeds expected Y Y Y

(upper,lower) range

H, L Abnormal Results exceeds “abnormal” Y Y Y

value range
I ISE tests - ID error N N N

M Mix error A mixer motion error is N N N


GPE01006.004 20
Alarm (result) flags
n Abnormal Insufficient valid data points Y Y N
number of

N Cell blank Abnormal Cell Blank Y Y N

P Prozone Failed prozone check Y Y N

Q Liquid level A liquid level sensor error

sensor error occurs

s Photometric test - Y Y N
insufficient sample
ISE test - insufficient sample N N N

S Safety Photometric test - Displayed Y Y N

after a system error, for
example, lamp energy out of
range or reagent probe
crash occurs
ISE test - Displayed after a N N N
system error

t Insufficient diluent N N N

T Thermistor Abnormal thermistor N N N

r Photometric test - Y Y N
Insufficient reagent
ISE test - Insufficient N N N
R Rerun result Indicates that a test result is Y Y Y
a rerun
u Photometric tests – Y Y N
Abnormal reaction
absorbance (upper)
ISE tests- failed electrode N N N
selectivity check

U Absorbance Lamp energy high during Y Y N

(upper) cell blank measurement

GPE01006.004 21
Click Request , then Review and Edit

The following information appears on the left side of the Review / Edit window.
Column Heading Column Contents
color coded circles showing sample test status
Order # (See Sample Test Status Color Codes for explanation of color code)
workorder sequence number

Sample # sample identification number

Posi #. sample position (tt-cc; t = tray or rack number, c = cup position)

sample position on an external sampler (r-c; r = rack, c = cup/tube position), if it
LAS # or Rack #
is used
Kind specimen type: Ser. (serum) or Uri.(urine)

R An asterisk (*) appears if the sample is scheduled for rerun.

Comment 1 Comment 1 text entered on the workorder.

GPE01006.004 22
Review and Edit Window Color Coding:

NO SAMPLE The position number does not contain a

sample for this run.

The run has begun and a workorder has

UNTESTED been created for this sample, but the
sample has not yet been aspirated from
the sample tray.

IN PROCESS Sample is being analyzed or is being rerun

Analysis for this sample is completed or

COMPLETE the rerun is completed, and the result data
has been produced.

The sample has been analyzed but it must

PENDING RERUN be reanalyzed. The reanalysis has not yet

COMPLETE RERUN The requested rerun for this sample is

complete and the result data has been

NOT COMPLETE Results are missing for at least one of the

tests requested in the Workorder.

GPE01006.004 23
To review/edit the sample results

1. On the ADVIA Menu window, click Request then click Review / Edit.
2. Select the date of data you wish to review (dropdown list)
3. In the Sample List, click on the order number of the sample you want to
On that day (current day in date dropdown list) sample results can be edited and rerun.
Sample results from previous days are locked and cannot be changed.

TIP: Use the standard format of the real-time print feature on the System Monitor
window to obtain additional information about the sample analysis.

4. Review the results in the Sample Information area.

As required, you can:
a. Request a rerun by selecting the check box beside the test name in the
R column.
b. Edit an existing result by typing a new value in the corresponding
Edit val. box.
Your user code appears in the User box, and the E flag identifies
the result value for which the edit value was entered.
Edited results and E flags are sent to the host computer only if on the On-
Line Set window in the Online DATA TEST Format filed, NEW is
selected. If OLD is selected, values can be edited in the Review/Edit
window but these edited values and their associated E Flags are not
transmitted to the host, only the original, unedited results are sent to the
host computer.

In accordance with laboratory protocol, record the patient result value

change and the reason for the change in your laboratory notebook.

c. Click Save to approve changes.

GPE01006.004 24
Review/edit the sample results (cont’d)

Other functions available in Review and Edit:

Click Transfer result to identify sample results that were not transmitted
due to a data check error.
Click Disp. search cond to sort the displayed results or to find a specific
sample. (Or click the Sample # column heading in the Sample List to
do a quick sort by sample number.)

ƒ In the Display Conditions area of the dialog box under Disp.samp,

select the status types you want represented in the displayed list.

ƒ In the Samp.type area, select the sample type you want represented in
the displayed list.

ƒ To search for a specific sample, use one or more of the following means
of identification in the Search condition area:
a. In the Samp.# area, select the check box, then type the sample
b. In the LAS # Rack # area, select the check box, then type the
number of the rack containing the samples you want to review.
c. In the Comment 1 area, select the check box, then type the
applicable comment text.
d. In the Comment 2 area, select the check box, then type the
applicable comment text.
e. Execute.

GPE01006.004 25
Review/edit the sample results (cont’d)

Other functions available in Review and Edit:

Use the Print Report button to print sample data using report layouts created in
the Print Format Set window.


To avoid incorrect positioning of results on the print report, items on the Print Report
form must be in the same order as they appear in the System Test List window. You
must not modify the order of the test items on the System Test List window after
initial setup. If you reposition any test items on the System Test List window, results for
samples already run could be associate with the wrong test name.

To print reports from the Print Report window

1. On the ADVIA Menu window, click Request, then click Print Report.
2. On the Print Report window, choose a Sample Kind(K) and File(F).
If you choose Filing in the File(F) field, the Filing File Name(I) field is
activated. Click the Open button. On the Open window, select a file name.
3. To select a Specification range (R), click the arrow in the field and select
Input Range or All from the list.
4. To select a Number entry format (N), click the arrow in the field and select a
format from the list.
5. To select a Last no. entry format (E), click the arrow in the field and select a
format from the list.
6. In the Report Form File(O) field, click the Open button. On the Open window,
select a file name.
7. Enter a start number in the Start number (S) field and a last number in the
Last number (L) field.
8. Click the Print button to print the report.
9. Click Exit to close the window.

GPE01006.004 26
Exercise #1

START, Sample Confirmation Window, Review and Edit, Print Report

1. With J-cups inserted in the barcoded tubes, ½ fill cups with pooled serum for testing.
Remember to wear your personal protective equipment!
2. Click on START from the Operation Panel
ƒ At the Ordinary Sample field Select Analyze
ƒ For Analyze Mode Select Barcode
ƒ Select START at the bottom of the window
ƒ Click OK when prompted
3. Click Timer Off on Sample Confirmation Window to review. Then click OK to
4. Open the Test Result Monitor Window
ƒ from the Upper Left Click Request
ƒ Select Test Result Monitor
5. Observe the ADVIA 1800 in progress and the changes to the Test Result
Monitor screen.
6. When results are complete (dots on Test Result Monitor Window are blue), click on
Request, then select Realtime Monitor to watch results post as they are completed.
Then look at Request Æ Review & Edit
7. Manually request a rerun on any assay on one of your samples. Verify that the
sample is still on the STT, and re-Start the analyzer so that the rerun is sampled and
8. From Review and Edit, select Print Report. Verify the following settings:
ƒ Sample type = Normal Sample
ƒ File data = today
ƒ Specification Range = Input Range
ƒ Number entry Format = you can choose:
a. Order No
b. Sample No.
c. Position No.
These are all referenced in the list on the left of this screen.
ƒ Last no. entry format = Number of sample
ƒ Report form file = c:\A002\ETC\chart.frm (use OPEN to find this file if it is
not already selected)
ƒ Enter whatever Start No., and Last No. you’d like from the list displayed at the


GPE01006.004 27
On the ADVIA Menu window, click Request, then click Sample Log.

View the sample log entries.

a. Select the types of sample entries you want displayed.
Click ALL to view all sample entries.
Click Pat./Ctrl to view patient and control sample entries.
Click Pat. Only to view patient sample entries.
b. Click Update to view entries for recently aspirated samples.

Search the sample log.

a. Click the desired search condition(s) and enter the applicable information:
Sample ID: Enter the sample identification. Search is case sensitive
(C0101 is not the same as c0101).
Asp. Date: Enter the aspiration date using the format YYYYMMDD.
Asp. Time: Enter the aspiration time using the format HH:MM:SS
b. Click Execute.

GPE01006.004 28
Delete a specific sample log entry.
a. Click the sample log entry you want to delete.
b. Click Clear, then click YES to confirm.

Delete all sample log entries.

a. Click All Clear.
b. In the All Clear dialog box, you can:
Click Day if you want to delete all entries for a specific day.
Click All if you want to delete the entire sample log.
c. Click Ok, then click YES to confirm.

Print a list of the sample log entries.

a. From the File menu, click Print Setup.
b. Verify that all printing options are correct, then click OK.
c. Click Print Log Summary.
d. Verify that the aspiration dates and times represent the range of sample log
entries you want printed.
e. Click Print.

Export the sample log entries.

You can export the current sample log file in ASCII format for use by another
program such as Microsoft® Excel.
a. From the File menu, click Export.
b. Select or create the folder in which the file is to be saved.
c. In the File name box, type desired file name. The sample log file name is
entered by default.
d. In the Save as type list, select the file format. The CSV (comma separated
values) file format is selected by default.
e. In the Deliminator list, select the character used to separate sample log data
f. Click Save.

GPE01006.004 29
Functions in the ORDER ENTRY window:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Entry Setup = You can select the auto increment mode; determine how the cursor moves;
select the color for each sample status.
2. Batch Entry = create multiple workorders.
3. Batch Func. = changes can be made to Batch orders
4. Delete tests = delete all tests on the displayed workorder
5. Delete workorder = deletes displayed workorder
6. Create profile = you can customize the profiles buttons on lower left of window
7. Create list = a load list will contain only workorders that have position numbers.
ƒ To include workorders currently without position numbers, use Create List.
8. View worklist = creates a custamizable list of pending and completed workorders
9. Host request = a way to manually download workorders from the host computer.

GPE01006.004 30
Creating Workorders

To create workorders at the ADVIA® system

1. On the ADVIA Menu window, click Request then click Order Entry.
2. Click Routine or Interr. (STAT)
3. In the boxes, type the sample position number (tray ID# and position #).
(not necessary if using barcodes)
4. In the box, type the sample identification number (barcode).
5. Verify that the System Dilution mode, Container, Samp. Type, Dil.factor,
Comment (name), Sex and Collection date entries are correct..
6. Order tests.
ƒ In the Test table, click each test or ratio you want to run.
ƒ In the Test box, type the number of each test you want, then press
the period (.) key.
ƒ In the Profiles area, click each profile you want to run.
7. You can
ƒ Click Delete Tests to deselect all tests. Click Yes to confirm.
ƒ Click Delete Workorder to erase all entries. Click Yes to confirm.
8. Click Enter.
The Nbr.o.regist box may incremented. Automatic incrementing is assigned
using the Entry Setup window. If autoincrement is on, a new workorder appears
with the next sample number and position number incremented.
9. You can create another workorder or click Exit to leave.
If necessary, click New to clear the window for entry of the next workorder.

GPE01006.004 31
Order Entry Exercise #1:
Scheduling by Barcode

1. Select Request from the upper left

ƒ Select Order Entry
ƒ Select New
2. Select Routine as sample type
3. Place the cursor in the Sample No. field
ƒ Enter your first barcode
4. At the Container field: drop down the menu
ƒ Select Jcup with 10 ml tube
5. From the Test Table, select the test(s) you wish to run.
(be sure reagent is onboard)
6. Click ENTER in the Order Entry field of the screen
7. Repeat for 10 samples (barcoded tubes in your rack )
ƒ Do Not forget to Select New each time
8. Click on LOAD LIST or VIEW WORKLIST from the Order Entry screen
ƒ Click Execute
ƒ Review orders in VIEW WORKLIST for errors
ƒ Click Return to Exit
9. Exit the ORDER ENTRY window from the upper right of the screen
10. With J-cups inserted in the barcoded tubes, ½ fill cups with pooled serum for testing.
Remember to wear your personal protective equipment!
11. Click on START from the Operation Panel
ƒ At the Ordinary Sample field Select Analyze
ƒ For Analyze Mode Select Barcode
ƒ Select START at the bottom of the window
ƒ Click OK when prompted
12. Click Timer Off on Sample Confirmation Window to review. Then click OK to
13. Open the Test Result Monitor Window
ƒ from the Upper Left Click Request
ƒ Select Test Result Monitor
14. Observe the ADVIA in progress and the changes to the Test Result
Monitor screen.

GPE01006.004 32
Order Entry Exercise #2:
Scheduling by Tray & Cup Position
1. Select Request from the upper left
ƒ Select Order Entry
2. Click on NEW
3. Select Routine as sample type
4. Place the cursor in the Position No. field
ƒ Enter 1 in the Tray field
ƒ Enter 1 in the Cup field

5. In the Sample No. field enter 1

6. At the Container field make sure JCUP with adapter is selected
7. Select Glu & Creat from the Test Table
8. Click on Enter
9. Click on New and create another work order (any combination of tests with reagent
onboard) for Tray 1, Cup 2; Tray 1, cup 3; Etc. through cup 6
10. Exit Order Entry window from the upper right of the screen
11. Click on START from the Operation Panel
ƒ At the Ordinary Sample field Select Routine smp. 5 Analyze
ƒ At Analyze mode Select Cup position
ƒ In the Tray field enter 1
ƒ In the Routine sample fields enter 1-6
ƒ Select START at the bottom of the window
ƒ Click OK when prompted

12. Open the Test Result Monitor Window

ƒ from the Upper Left Click Request
ƒ Select Test Result Monitor

13. Observe the & the Test Result Monitor screen

(Remember…… Sample Confirmation Window does not display when running in
test/cup mode)

GPE01006.004 33
ORDER ENTRY – Batch Orders

1. For Posi. No. Select a tray (1-97)

2. Enter your next free cup position on the STT
3. Enter your starting Sampl. No (usually #1)
4. Select your container size
5. Select tests
6. Click Batch Entry
7. Select Number of samples
8. Enter number of samples in your batch
9. Click Execute

GPE01006.004 34
Order Entry Exercise #3:
Scheduling by Tray and Cup position using the BATCH option

1. Select Request from the upper left

ƒ Select Order Entry
2. Click on NEW
3. Select Routine as sample type
4. Place the cursor in the Position No. field
ƒ Enter 1 in the Tray field
ƒ Enter 11 in the Cup field
5. In the Sample No. field enter 1
6. At the Container field make sure JCUP with adapter is selected
7. Select Glu & Creat from the Test Table
ƒ At the Batch Entry window Select Number of Samples
ƒ In the Number of Samples field Enter 10
ƒ Click Execute
9. Click on VIEW WORKLIST from the Order Entry screen
ƒ Click Execute
ƒ Review orders in WORKLIST for cup positions
ƒ Load sample cups in the proper positions
ƒ Click Return to Exit
10. Exit Order Entry window from the upper right of the screen
11. Click on START from the Operation Panel
ƒ At the Ordinary Sample field Select Routine smp. Analyze
ƒ At Analyze mode Select Cup position
ƒ In the Tray field enter 1
ƒ In the Routine sample fields enter 11-20
ƒ Select START at the bottom of the window
ƒ Click OK when prompted
12. Open the Test Result Monitor Window
ƒ from the Upper Left Click Request
ƒ Select Test Result Monitor
13. Observe the system & the Test Result Monitor screen
(Sample Confirmation Window does not display when running in test/cup mode)

GPE01006.004 35
GPE01006.004 36
GPE01006.004 37
GPE01006.004 38
GPE01006.004 39
GPE01006.004 40
ISE’s on 1200, 1650, 1800 & 2400


SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
1 GPE01006.004

At the end of this module you will be able to:

ƒ Recognize components of the ISE Module
ƒ Successfully perform ISE calibration
ƒ Interpret ISE calibration report
ƒ Utilize the software to store electrode and calibrator data
for electronic ‘audit trail’ storage

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
2 GPE01006.004
Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE’s)

are used to measure: On 1200, 1800 & 2400

ƒ Sodium (Na+) ƒ 1:33 dilution of the sample is used…..
ƒ Potassium (K+) ƒ 22 μl of sample
ƒ Chloride (Cl-) ƒ + 700 μl of buffer

In Serum or Urine

On 1650
ƒ 1:33 dilution of the sample is used…..
ƒ 28 μl of sample
ƒ + 900 μl of buffer

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
3 GPE01006.004
ISE Measurement Sequence

3 stages:

1. WASH: Buffer is degassed, dispensed, mixed, and then

drained through the ISE module as a “wash” prior to
2. BUFFER POTENTIAL: Buffer is again degassed, dispensed
and pulled through the electrodes by the drain pump. This
time, the potential (voltage) of the buffer is measured.
3. SAMPLE/BUFFER POTENTIAL: Buffer pump dispenses 700
μl of buffer, and the DPP probe delivers 22 μl of sample. This
is mixed, then drained through the electrodes where the
potential (voltage) is measured.

The difference between the two voltage readings determines the

concentration of Na, K and Cl.
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
4 GPE01006.004
1200 -1800 - 2400 ISE MODULE

Equilibration Chamber

Waste Nozzle
Dilution Bowl

Probe Guide

Stirrer motor
Ground Thermistor

Buffer in

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
5 GPE01006.004
1200 & 1800 ISE HYDRAULICS

SPP on 1200 DPP on 1800

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6 GPE01006.004
(Older vs. )2400 ISE MODULE

Cell Pot (Mixing chamber) Retainer

Dispense Nozzle Cl Na K Ref

Ground Thermistors Waste Nozzle

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7 GPE01006.004



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8 GPE01006.004


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9 GPE01006.004

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10 GPE01006.004
1200/1650/1800/2400 Electrode Part Numbers

PN 073-0071-01

Exceptions for 1650

• Thumbscrew
• Ref Electrode

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
11 GPE01006.004
Calibration Schedule for ISE’s

ISE calibration is

ƒ required once every 24 hours

ƒ required when QC is out of range

ƒ required with each new lot of ISE Buffer

ƒ required after new electrode installation

ƒ required after any ISE maintenance procedures

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
12 GPE01006.004
Calibration of ISE’s from ISE Operation window

1. Place standards on CTT in the following positions.

Serum low = 11 Urine low = 13

Serum high = 12 Urine high = 14

2. Click Maint.


SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
13 GPE01006.004
Calibration of ISE’s (continued)

4. If the ISE module has been

idle, bufferprime (25x’s)
before calibrating.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
14 GPE01006.004
An Observation During Bufferprime

System Status indicates READY, but the ISE Operation banner tells you
the bufferprime is running, and gives you a countdown.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
15 GPE01006.004
Calibration of ISE’s (continued)

5. In the Calibration section of

the window select Do for
serum and Do for urine

6. Click Execute Calibration.

Analyzer status should read

7. Calibration is completed
when analyzer returns to
Ready with no error

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16 GPE01006.004
Let’s calibrate ISE’s from ISE Operation window
Perform ISE Calibration Exercise

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17 GPE01006.004

First replicate is
a dummy

ISE = Electrolyte Assay

STD = Standard
S = Serum / U = Urine
L = Low (If High “H” )
01 = First request of the day
1 = First Aspiration

ISE Cal Summary

This is a “correction factor for Chloride retention by

the electrode – which is inherent to the methodology

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
18 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Criteria
For the calibration to PASS, the data must
first be accurate & precise……

Accuracy (Range)
• Sample-Buffer readings need to fall within the
expected ranges



Serum LOW 270 to 400 (1650) 160 to 330 -160 to -40

270 to 430 (1200 1800 2400)
Serum HIGH 380 to 510 290 to 460 -270 to -150 (1650)
-270 to -130 (1200 1800 2400)
Urine LOW -15 to 385 75 to 825 -180 to -55

Urine HIGH 285 to 685 625 to 1375 -375 to -130

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
19 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Criteria (continued)

Precision (Clearance)

Difference between two

consecutive readings should be
≤ 1.0 for serum
≤ 2.0 for urine

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
20 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Summary

If the summary
prints, you know
that the
checks have

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
21 GPE01006.004
Other criteria for successful calibrations

Slope (H, h, L, l)
After accuracy and precision, these criteria
Dilute factor (D) are also checked before a calibration attains
a PASS/FAIL status.
Thermistor variation (T)

Chloride bias (NG)

A flag for the last two criteria will not cause a
failure of the calibration
Reference electrode (d)

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
22 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Criteria (Flag Limits)

Slope must be between 45.0 – 63.0

Slopes between 63.1 and 65.0 = h flag

The average of the last 2 65.0 = H flag

Sample-Buffer readings Slopes between 38.0 and 44.9 = l flag
< 38.0 = L flag

Dilution factor= 25 - 60

Reference Voltage >500

This sho ws th e ch ang e in respon se sp eed for
the Cl electrod e. Norm al r ang e +2 to - 4 ( 1200-1800 & 2400)
+3 to - 5 ( 1650)
If the valu e dr ops to < - 4 or -5, p erform m aint enan ce
and an addition al electrod e wash.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
23 GPE01006.004
Ways to View ISE Calibration Data

Select Maintenance, then ISE Monitor

¾ Stores 30 days of ISE

calibration data
¾If accuracy (C) and
precision (*) fail, the
calibration will not be
stored here. However,
Slope and Dil. Factor
flags will appear here.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
24 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Data

Select Calibration, then Calibration/RBL


SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
25 GPE01006.004
Calibration /RBL History

“latest” = all
calibrations will
appear in
chronological order

“select” = allows you

to choose colorimetric
or ISE to narrow the
Reminder: scroll to the right to view more data

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
26 GPE01006.004
Data Entry Options…..

RealTime Monitor
In addition to
calibration data, it
displays and stores
electrode information,
the standards’ lot
numbers, and
expiration dates for
complete audit trail

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
27 GPE01006.004
Data Entry Options…..

For electronic storage, these data entry screens may be used:

For Calibrator Information:

CTL/CAL Sample Setup:
(CTT positions)
Access through Supervisor password

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28 GPE01006.004
Data Entry Options…..

For Electrode information:

Maintenance/ ISE
Operation/ Electrode Info

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
29 GPE01006.004
ISE Troubleshooting


At the end of this module you will be able to:

ƒ Interpret errors in the ISE calibration data
ƒ Identify possible causes of different flags
ƒ Discuss possible courses of action

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
30 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Criteria
Check Flag Explanation

Also called a range check, because it verifies that the Sample-Buffer readings fall within the expected
Calibrator Na range K range Cl range
Serum low 270 to 430 (12001800 2400) 160 to 330 -160 to -40
270 to 400 (1650)
Accuracy C Serum high 380 to 510 290 to 460 -270 to -130 (12001800 2400)
-270 to -150 (1650)
Urine low -15 to 385 75 to 825 -180 to-55
Urine high 285 to 685 625 to 1375 -375 to -130
An alarm message will post:
“ISE Calibration range error”

Also called a clearance check. The difference between two consecutive aspirations of calibrator,
for Sample-Buffer, must be:
≤ 1.0 for serum
Precision * ≤ 2.0 for urine
An alarm message will post:
“Calibration Low STD error” or
“Calibration High STD error”

Accuracy and precision are assessed, and * or C flags will post, as the calibration progresses.
If accuracy and Precision passes, then a summary will be posted and the following criteria assessed.

l,h If the slope is beyond 45 – 63 ISE calibration will be accepted.

Slope L, H If the slope is beyond 38 – 65 ISE calibration will fail.

Dilute D Must be 25 - 60

Thermistor Variation T If variation is too large

The following checks will not cause a calibration failure, but notify the operator of the need for part replacement.

Chloride Bias NG If the Chloride bias fall outside of +2 to -4 replace the electrode

Reference electrode d Reference electrode voltage below 500. If this happens, replace the electrode

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
31 GPE01006.004
Accuracy (Range) errors
C Flag

Common Causes:
- High and low calibrators are reversed
- Urine/Serum Calibrators are switched
- Hardware Failure (electrode or wire connector)

Troubleshooting Suggestions:
- Repour calibrators and repeat calibration
- Determine how many electrolytes are flagged……

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
33 GPE01006.004
Precision (clearance) errors

∗ flag Common causes:

ƒ Incorrect reassembly of the ISE module
ƒ Hydraulics impedance: leaks, air bubbles
ƒ Salt bridges anywhere on the system, including
Dilution bowl
Waste drain
System fluids area
Troubleshooting suggestions:
ƒ Evaluate the degree of imprecision…..
1) slight imprecision
a. bufferprime and recalibration
b. inspect for and clean salt deposits
2) significant imprecision
a. missing o-rings
b. mixer failure
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
34 GPE01006.004
ISE Calibration Summary

If the summary
prints, you know
that the
checks have

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35 GPE01006.004
ELASTDSH011 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 473.4 -156.5 -539.9 -106.6 -106.6 -124.0 -123.7
h, l, H, L flags K
ELASTDSH012 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 473.9 -168.7 -542.5 -106.2 -106.0 -123.8 -123.3
K 364.4 160.8 -103.6
Cl -243.4 870.8 1014.2
ELASTDSH013 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 474.5 -169.5 -544.0 -106.2 -106.0 -123.8 -123.3

High slope: K
ELASTDSL011 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer

- for new electrode Na

-106.6 -106.6 -124.0 -123.7

Cl -153.7 839.5 1013.3

ELASTDSL012 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
May need additional Na 318.4 -126.4 -544.8 -106.2 -106.0 -123.8 -123.3
K 258.9 257.0 -101.9
conditioning and a Cl -153.7 839.2 1012.9
ELASTDSL013 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer

repeat calibration Na
-106.2 -106.7 -123.8 -123.3

Cl -154.4 838.9 1013.3

ELASTDSL014 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 318.4 -126.4 -544.8 -106.6 -106.6 -124.0 -123.7
K 258.9 257.0 -101.9
Cl -153.7 839.2 1012.9

Calibration: Serum Meas. Date: 2004/11/10 15:17 ISE Serial Number 96BE16
Item Name Mark H-STD Buffer L-STD Buffer Slope Dilute
Na H 473.7 543.2 318.4 -544.4 65.2 48.4
K 364.2 101.7 258.6 -101.8 56.8 37.8
Cl -243.7 1012.6 154.0 1012.8 -55.9 38.6
TH1 106.4 106.5 123.8
TH2 124.3 123.6 123.7
Cl bias 0.9
Ref. Electrode 678.3

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
36 GPE01006.004
Slope (continued)
ELASTDSH011 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 473.4 -156.5 -539.9 -106.6 -106.6 -124.0 -123.7

h, l, H, L flags K
ELASTDSH012 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 473.9 -168.7 -542.5 -106.2 -106.0 -123.8 -123.3
K 364.4 160.8 -103.6
Cl -243.4 870.8 1014.2
ELASTDSH013 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 474.5 -169.5 -544.0 -106.2 -106.0 -123.8 -123.3
K 363.7 160.1 -103.6
Low slope: Cl
S-B Mark
Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 315.6 -126.7 -543.3 -106.6 -106.6 -124.0 -123.7

- old electrode K
ELASTDSL012 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
must be replaced Na 318.4 -126.4 -544.8 -106.2 -106.0 -123.8 -123.3
K 258.9 257.0 -101.9
Cl -153.7 839.2 1012.9
ELASTDSL013 S-B Mark Sample Buffer TH1 Sample Buffer TH2 Sample Buffer
Na 318.6 -125.8 -544.4 -106.2 -106.7 -123.8 -123.3
K 259.0 257.9 -101.1
Cl -154.4 838.9 1013.3

Hint: Monitor slopes ELASTDSL014

Mark Sample
Buffer TH1 Sample
-544.8 -106.6
TH2 Sample
K 258.9 257.0 -101.9
over time to anticipate Cl -153.7 839.2 1012.9

the need for electrode Calibration: Serum Meas. Date: 2004/11/10

Item Name Mark H-STD
ISE Serial Number 96BE16
L-STD Buffer Slope Dilute

replacement Na
Cl L -243.7 1012.6 154.0 1012.8 -37.9 38.6
TH1 106.4 106.5 123.8
TH2 124.3 123.6 123.7
Cl bias 0.9
Ref. Electrode 678.3

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
37 GPE01006.004
Case Study

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38 GPE01006.004
Successful calibration No flags (mark), ISE Summary printed

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39 GPE01006.004
Let’s perform the ISE Troubleshooting Exercise!

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40 GPE01006.004
Photometric Calibration

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1 GPE01006.004

At the end of this module you will be able to:

ƒ Identify specifics of calibration

ƒ When to perform only an RBL (Reagent Blank)
ƒ When to perform a full calibration (RBL plus calibrators)

ƒ Perform
ƒ Single point calibration
ƒ Multipoint calibration

ƒ Access windows to find calibration data and/or status

ƒ Print a calibration report

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
2 GPE01006.004

Reagent Blank (RBL)

A reagent blank adjusts for colorimetric variation due to reagent

aging and wedge-to-wedge differences.

Full Calibration

A calibration which includes both RBL and the single point

calibrator (standard).

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
3 GPE01006.004
Required Calibration Materials

Daily RBL’s (Reagent Blank) Analyte Specific calibrators

ƒ Fresh DI H2O daily ƒ CO2
ƒ Assigned to CTT1 ƒ Other esoteric assays (refer to
Instructions for Use)
Single Point Assays ƒ Assigned to specific positions in
ƒ ChemCal, calibrator for many CTT
general chemistries
ƒ Assigned to CTT 2

MultiPoint Assays
ƒ Specific multi-level calibrators (6)
ƒ Std 1 is used to calculate the
ƒ Assigned to STT positions on
Virtual tray 98 or 99
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
4 GPE01006.004
Calibrator Preparation

Chem Cal
ƒ Follow package insert to reconstitute
ƒ Stability
ƒ Opened calibrator = 48 hrs @ 2-8°C
ƒ Exception (Tbil & Dbil): calibrator needs to be <8hrs old

Multi Level Calibrators

ƒ Follow package insert instructions for reconstitution
ƒ Stability claims are in package insert

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
5 GPE01006.004
Calibration Frequency

Daily RBL’s Always check Reagent Inventory

ƒ RBL all enzymes with fixed system FV
ƒ RBL other tests as indicated by IFU’s
Daily Full Calibrations
ƒ CO2
ƒ Refer to IFU for other tests that may
require daily calibration
As Needed Calibrations
ƒ When calibration interval expires
ƒ When a new reagent lot is installed
ƒ When QC warrants
ƒ After a lamp change

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
6 GPE01006.004
Scheduling from Start Conditions window

Everything starts here

1. What kind of cal

3. Ordinary or

3. One test or all tests 4. Which calibrators

5. Always schedule QC
with your cal
6. Start the
cal & QC

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
7 GPE01006.004
Temporary Item Select Tests to calibrate
1650,1800 & 2400

Choose the test (s)

you want to calibrate

;One-pt. smp.
~Ordinary calib.
Temp. Item Select
ƒ A default will be set up for daily
RBL’s and calibrations
ƒ Use Clear button to clear defaults
and select your tests

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8 GPE01006.004
Cal/Temporary Item Select Tests to calibrate

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9 GPE01006.004
Temporary Sample Select
Samples to put on the CTT

The default will be for daily calibrators

ƒ Reagent Blank (RBL)
ƒ CO2
Choose the
ƒ Other tests as required by IFU appropriate

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
10 GPE01006.004
Schedule Multipoint Calibration
1650, 1800 & 2400

; Multipnt.smp. Analyze
~ Select tray
~ Ordinary calib.
NOTE: there is no difference between ordinary & special

Temp. Item Select

ƒ A default can be set for multipoint

Temp. Sample Select

ƒ A default can be set for STT

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
11 GPE01006.004
Schedule Multipoint Calibration

; Multipnt.smp. Analyze
~ Select tray ~98
~ Special calib.
NOTE: there is no difference between ordinary & special

Temp Item Select

~ Ord. or Special Calibration (BLK)
~ Ord. or Special Calibration (STD)
~ Return ÎSave

Temp. Sample Select

ƒ A default can be set for the postions
on the STT
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
12 GPE01006.004
QC is always run with Calibration

In the Control field:

; Analyze
~ Temp. item select
ƒ Defaults will be set
ƒ Modify as needed
~ Temp. sample select
ƒ Defaults will be set
ƒ Modify as needed
Select Start
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13 GPE01006.004
Monitoring Run and Managing

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14 GPE01006.004
What next…

ƒ Monitor your calibration on Test Result Monitor

ƒ Evaluate calibrations

ƒ On Reagent Inventory:
ƒ Pass or Fail

ƒ On the Real Time Monitor:

ƒ Look for flags (marks)

ƒ Evaluate QC

ƒ Print the Cal Report from View Cal Curve

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
15 GPE01006.004
Test Result Monitor

Select RequestÎTest Result


•Samples will turn pink when

•Double click on a circle to see
time remaining to completion
•ISE calibrators will not be

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
16 GPE01006.004
Check the Calibration Status
Reagent Inventory

Status updated real time

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17 GPE01006.004
ID’s for Calibrators and QC

Chemistry Calibration ID

Control Sample ID

NOTE: Each control can be aspirated up to 5 Times.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
18 GPE01006.004
Review & Print the Cal Report
Real Time Monitor

RequestÎReal Time Monitor

ƒ Locate the RBL at CTT Position 1
ƒ Did all tests requested process?
ƒ Review for marks
ƒ Locate the calibrators
ƒ Did all tests requested process?
ƒ Review for marks

ƒ Review QC
ƒ Daily Precision Control

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
19 GPE01006.004
Additional Calibration Information
Calibration/RBL History

ƒ Holds 100 calibration events for each

ƒ Displays the cal history for all methods
including both passed and failed cal’s
ƒ Data can be filtered by:
ƒ test
ƒ date
ƒ Data can be:
ƒ printed
ƒ saved as CSV file
ƒ Columns can be resized

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
20 GPE01006.004
Print Calibration Reports
View Cal Curve

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21 GPE01006.004
Calibration Troubleshooting

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
22 GPE01006.004
Troubleshooting Failed Calibrations
View Cal Curve

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
23 GPE01006.004
Troubleshooting Failed Calibrations
View Cal CurveÎRBL Check

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
24 GPE01006.004
Troubleshooting Failed Calibrations
View Cal CurveÎCal Check (One Point)

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
25 GPE01006.004
Troubleshooting Failed Calibrations
View Cal CurveÎCal Check (MultiPoint)

c Absorbance Change:
Compares the Low std to the High std to evaluate
the shape of the curve and reaction rates.
d Monotonicity:
Verifies the cal curve is increasing or decreasing at
each calibrator level. This is method dependent.
e RMS:
Comparison of a calculated root mean square
(RMS) to a predetermined maximum RMS.
f Calibration Fit:
Evaluates the calculated FV from the new curve to
the original FV for the assay.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
26 GPE01006.004
Interpreting //// on Sample Results

1.0 main

SAMPLE ID 070012345 tray/cup position LAST NAME FIRST NAME sex age S dilution collection date

Test Conc User Mark ABS-RB ABS R1 R2 ABS1 ABS2 N S P RRV DTT
Alb 4.8 bay h 0.4698 0.6347 0.7093 0.6583 0.6347 2 0 59 53
ALP 205 bay h 0.0142 0.0241 0.3344 0.0508 0.0341 30 0.16 168 53
ALT 164 bay h -0.0329 -0.0333 1.6018 0.5592 -0.0323 24 0.23 56 53

Creat bay h 0.0438 0.0418 0.371 0.1889 0.0418 11 0.86 165 53

Glu 52 bay l 0.0027 0.033 0.2599 0.3687 0.1621 0.1538 5 0.08 53 53
Tprot 6.5 bay 0.6015 0.6906 0.7422 0.1073 0.7432 0.0936 3 0.36 162 53
Dig ///// bay h, D 0.0118 0.124 0.6042 -0.0026 0.6079 0.4839 3 1.18 68 53

1. Find the abs-rb of the sample from

ƒ Real Time Monitor or
ƒ Reaction Monitor

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
27 GPE01006.004
Determine the STD-1 and STD-5 Absorbance values

2. CalibrationÎView Cal Curve

3. Choose test
4. Determine abs values for the
std 1 and std 5
5. Compare the sample abs to the
Patient sample abs-RB was
curve values 0.0118

ƒ Result = <0.73 (value of std 1) -0.0247


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28 GPE01006.004
Calibration Setup Windows


ƒ At the end of this module you will be able to…..

ƒ Identify Calibrator Set-up screens

ƒ Differentiate the use of CTT set vs. STT set in the calibration setup
ƒ Activate a single-point assay calibrator

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
30 GPE01006.004
Calibration Setup; single point assay

Single point
assays Single point assays
ƒ Enter cup position for
ƒ BLK posi.
ƒ STD posi.
ƒ Enter Coeff or FV
ƒ Enzyme FV’s come in
ƒ Occasionally updated via
Customer Bulletin
ƒ Others FV’s on product insert
ƒ Click Ctrl/Cal Setup

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
31 GPE01006.004
Calibration SetupÎCtrl/Cal Setup

Choose CTT or STT

ƒ Locate posi of cal
ƒ Enter…
ƒ # reps (3)
ƒ Container size
ƒ Jcup in adapter
ƒ 10 ml tube if using auto
ƒ Lot# info
* By including the Lot# with the
name, it shows up in the Start
ƒ Multi pt lot info will fill in from
next window

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
32 GPE01006.004
Calibration Setup; Multi - point assay

Multi-point assays
ƒ Click Settings
ƒ TT No. ~98
ƒ Enter
ƒ Lot No.
Multi-point assays ƒ Lot Name (+ lot#)*
ƒ Exp. Date (yyyymmdd)
ƒ Cup position on STT
ƒ FV values from product insert
* By including the Lot# with the
name, it shows up in the Start

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
33 GPE01006.004
CalibrationÎTest Select

For assay to…

ƒ Run on patient samples ~1 and
select the test
ƒ Be part of default QC ~2
ƒ Be part of Auto Cal followed by
QC ~4 & ~6
ƒ Be part of default Cal ~5
ƒ Save then Exit and Save
ƒ ~7 Special cal option for multi-
point cal default
ƒ Save
ƒ New Start

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
34 GPE01006.004
Auto Calibration Setup

ƒ Usually used to…

ƒ RBL on wedge rollover with
auto QC
ƒ RBL & Cal a particular assay
by time interval with QC
1. Enter test #
2. ; C-1 &/or C-2
3. Enter QC to be run for each test
ƒ Ex. a,b
4. ; Bottle or Time
ƒ If time enter minutes
5. Exit & Save
Cont’d on next page

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
35 GPE01006.004
Auto Calibration Setup cont’d

6. CalÎTest Select
7. ~4 Select test(s)
8. ~6 Select test(s)
9. Save

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36 GPE01006.004

When a run is started calibrations & QC

will use the following priority:

1.Calibrations scheduled from Start

2.QC scheduled from Start
3.Auto Cals setup
4.Auto QC setup
NOTE: When a Cal is scheduled from Start
it will reset the auto timer if using the time
interval option

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37 GPE01006.004

 At the end of this module you will be able to:
ƒ Run and evaluate QC
ƒ Recognize the use of :
• Daily Precision Control window
ƒ File QC to the Cumulative File

GPE01006.004 1
GPE01006.004 2
Table of Contents
When do we run QC .................................................................................................5
How do we schedule QC? .......................................................................................5
Select the test(s) to be QC’d................................................................................6
Select the QC sample to be used ........................................................................7
Position QC on the CTT .......................................................................................8
Start the run ..........................................................................................................8
Daily Precision Control............................................................................................9
View option: X-Charts ..........................................................................................9
Format the chart display ....................................................................................10
Set the display order ..........................................................................................11
View Option: QC List.............................................................................................12
View Option: control data.....................................................................................13
Documenting Corrective Actions/Omitting outliers ............................................14
Daily Precision Control..........................................................................................15
Saving Daily QC to cumulative ..........................................................................17
QC Cumulative .......................................................................................................19
Set the presentation parameters .......................................................................19
Set the display order ..........................................................................................19
View the daily mean and range (x-r) charts ......................................................20
Specify the time interval you want to review ...................................................21
View the details and omit outliers .....................................................................22
View the cumulative QC statistics list (summary) ...........................................22
Establish the QC Cumulative mean and 1 SD values ......................................23
Print the cumulative charts................................................................................23
Real Time QC Window ...........................................................................................24
Setting presentation options for the X-Charts .................................................24
Select the controls and tests to be monitored .................................................25
Quality control overview........................................................................................26
QC & Calibration Setup………………………………………………………………….25


GPE01006.004 3
GPE01006.004 4
When do we run QC?

 At least 2 levels every shift

 With every calibration

 When changing a reagent wedge (same lot number or new)

 Whenever maintenance is performed.

NOTE: up to 26 QC libraries can be defined

How do we schedule QC?

From the START button:

GPE01006.004 5
1. Select the test(s) to be QC’d

Select 5 Analyze in the Control section

Then click on Temp. Item select to open this

GPE01006.004 6
2. Select the QC sample to be used

Click on Temp. Sample Select to

choose the control samples needed
in the current run…..

GPE01006.004 7
3. Position QC on the CTT

4. Start the run

GPE01006.004 8
QC Æ Daily Precision Control


View option: X-Charts

1. In the Control list, select the control you want to review. Each control product is identified by a
letter (A to Z) that is assigned in the QC Sample Definition window.
2. In the Display list, click X-Chart.
3. The daily control charts for the selected control appear.
The control mean, the ±2 SD limits, and the ±3 SD limits are plotted on the vertical
axis for reference. The mean and SD limits are defined in a different window: Control
Data Registration.

If a control sample value exceeds the ±2 SD limit, the chart color changes from green
to red.

Control sample values omitted by the operator are colored red and are not included in
the ±2 SD evaluation.

GPE01006.004 9
To Format the chart display


GPE01006.004 10
To set the display order for the X-Charts
1. Click Display order test.
2. Each test you want to review must be in the Select Test(S) list.
a. To add another test, select the test you want to review in the Meas. Test(I) list, then
click >>.
b. To remove a test from the Select Test(S) list, click it then click <<.
3. To set the display order for a test, in the Select Test(S) list, select the test you want to
move, then click Up or Down as applicable.
4. Click OK when done.


GPE01006.004 11
View Option: QC List

Displays a Statistical Summary for the assays in each QC Library…..

Select QC List from the dropdown menu


GPE01006.004 12
View Option: control data


1. In the Display list, click Control Data.

2. In the Control list, select the control you want to review. Each control product is identified
by a letter (A to Z) that is assigned in the QC Sample Definition window.
3. In the Test list in the lower panel, select the test you want to review.
4. Review the following control information for the test.
a. Daily QC statistics
b. Levey-Jennings A maximum of 20 control sample results can be managed.
If additional control samples are run, the oldest control sample results are replaced with the
newer results.

GPE01006.004 13
Documenting Corrective Actions/Omitting outliers:
Do not edit or erase a questionable control value, but omit it as follows:


While viewing QC in Daily Precision Control Æ ‘Control Data’ display….

1. In the Comment box for the control value you want to omit, type the reason for omitting
the result.
2. Click O button located beside the Comment box.
a. The control result information is now colored red and your user code appears in the
User box.
b. The control data points are colored red on the daily control charts.
c. The daily statistics are recalculated without the omitted control value.
3. Click Save when done. Do not click the Save control data button.

GPE01006.004 14
Daily Precision Control


You can display

two levels of
control at a time

The first control you a viewing (in this case A) will be plotted with a
black line and it’s corresponding mean and SD marks.
The overlay line will be yellow, and plotted to display it’s recovery
relative to it’s own mean and SD settings – though those numbers
are not displayed


GPE01006.004 15
Daily Precision Control
Saves any changes


Deletes all daily

data on the assays

Prior to each New Start, Save

Control Data will average daily
QC into one data point plotted
on the QC Cumulative chart


Be Careful! Save Control Data replaces your

Daily Control Data Registration values with
the calculated results from daily file!

GPE01006.004 16
Saving Daily QC to cumulative:
Prior to each New Start, Daily QC statistics should be saved to the QC Cumulative file.
This can be done either of 2 ways. Either way you choose, the daily mean and fluctuation
range (R) for every test in each selected control are saved in the QC cumulative window
as a data point for the current day.

1. When exiting the software, one popup box will ask if you want
to save the daily QC to cumulative.
a. If you have already updated the QC Cumulative window or don't want to at this time,
click No in the first message box, then click Yes in the second one to close the
2. To update the QC Cumulative window:
a. a. Read the displayed message box. Click Yes if the daily QC results are valid and
ready to be included in the cumulative QC data.
b. In the Control (C) list of the QC Cumulative Calculation dialog box, select the
controls you want to update. By default all controls are selected.
c. Click OK.

GPE01006.004 17
Saving Daily QC to cumulative (cont’d):
3. Use the QC Cumulative Calculation button…


a. After reviewing QC, and documenting corrective action and omitting if needed…
b. Click QC Cumulative Calculation.
c. Read the displayed message box. Click Yes if the daily QC results are valid and ready
to be included in the cumulative QC data.
d. In the Control (C) list of the QC Cumulative Calculation dialog box, select the
controls you want to update. By default all controls are selected.
e. Click OK.
IMPORTANT TIPS To avoid losing QC statistics, please observe the following:
• Update the QC Cumulative window before more than 20 daily control samples are run.

• The QC Daily Precision Control window can manage a maximum of 20 results for each
control product (level). Only the most current QC data are saved when more than twenty
controls are run in a day. (If an additional control sample is run, the oldest control sample
is deleted to make room for the new one. Similarly, if multiple repetitions (up to 5) of a
control are requested when 20 results have already been stored, the system aspirates the
sample multiple times and saves the results as the last ones in the sequence, discarding
the same number at the beginning of the sequence.)

• To avoid losing control results, you must perform a QC cumulative save on the QC Daily
Precision Control window at the end of each day, and perform a New Start when the
system is turned on the next day.

• Do not update the QC Cumulative window more than once each day.

• If you return to the QC Daily Precision Control window after performing a "QC
Cumulative save," you must not perform another update.

• Dot not perform an update when there is no daily control data available. The cumulative
data point will be deleted for today and no additional control data can be saved for the

GPE01006.004 18
QC Cumulative Window


To set the presentation parameters

1. In the Setting(S) menu, click Chart setting(G).
2. In the Number of displays area:
3. In the Vertical list, select the number of rows (1-4) of charts you want displayed.
4. In the Horizontal list, select the number of charts (1-3) you want displayed in each row.

5. In the Drawing area, select how you want the chart presented.
6. When done, click OK.

To set the display order

1. Click Display order test.
2. Each test you want to review must be in the Select Test(S) list.
To add another test, select the test you want to review in the Meas. Test(I) list, then
click >>.
To remove a test from the Select Test(S) list, click it then click <<.
3. To set the display order for a test:
In the Select Test(S) list, select the test you to move, then click Up or Down as
4. Click OK when done.

GPE01006.004 19
QC Cumulative Window (continued)
To view the daily mean and range (x-r) charts
1. In the Display list, click X-Chart.
2. In the Control list, select the control you want to review.
ƒ Each control product is identified by a letter (A to Z)
3. The cumulative control charts for the selected control appear.
ƒ There are two charts for each test.
• The daily means are plotted on the top chart
• the daily ranges are plotted on the bottom chart. This is the range between the
highest and lowest value for that assay on that control for each day.

 The heading identifies the test and provides the mean and SD for the daily means.
 For the daily mean chart, the expected daily mean, the ±2 SD limits, and the ±3 SD limits
are plotted on the vertical axis for reference.
 If a daily mean or range value exceeds the ±3 SD limit, the chart color changes from blue-
green to red. Corrective action for unsatisfactory control results
 Daily mean and range values omitted by the operator are colored red and are not
included in the ±3 SD evaluation.

GPE01006.004 20
To specify the time interval you want to review
1. From the File(F) menu, click Specification or Value at date(T).
2. In the Beginning Day box, enter the date for the first day you want to review.
3. In the End Day box, enter the date for the last day you want to review.
• The QC Cumulative window can display data for up to 180 days.
4. Click OK.
• The new date range appears in the title bar for the QC Cumulative window.
• Each time a new date range is entered, the display order must be re-established.


GPE01006.004 21
To view the details and omit outliers
1. In the Display [view (V)] list, click Control Data.
2. In the Control list, select the control you want to review. Each control product is identified
by a letter (A to Z) that is assigned in the QC Sample Definition window.
3. In the Test list in the lower panel, select the test you want to review.
4. Review the following QC cumulative information for the test.
• Levey-Jennings (x-r) charts: top chart is for daily means and bottom chart is for daily
Optional: You can add data from other control products. In the Overlap (D) area, select
the desired control(s).
5. Do not edit or erase a questionable daily data point, but omit it as follows:
a. In the Comment box for the daily data point you want to omit, type the reason for
omitting the result.
b. Click O button located beside the Comment box.
• The daily data point information is now colored red and your user code appears in
the User box.
• The daily mean and range points are colored red on the cumulative charts.
• The cumulative statistics are recalculated without the omitted control value.
6. Click Save when done.

To view the cumulative QC statistics list (summary)

1. In the Display [view (V)] list, click QC list.
2. In the Control list, select the control you want to review.
3. The QC list cumulative control statistics appear.

GPE01006.004 22
To use cumulative statistics to establish the QC Cumulative mean
and 1 SD values
Optional: You can use the cumulative statistics to establish the QC Cumulative mean and 1
SD values for a control on the Control Data Registration window.
For commercial control products, the average and SD values are typically obtained
from the package insert for commercial control products. You can use this feature to
generate average and SD values for pooled samples used for control purposes.
1. In the Control list, select the desired control.
2. Click Save Control Data.
3. In the Test list of the Save Control Data dialog box, select the desired tests.
4. Click OK. The selected cumulative control information is sent to the Control Data
Registration window.

To print the cumulative charts

1. In the Control list, select the desired control.
2. Click Print.
3. In the Test list of the Print-Test Select dialog box, select the desired tests.
4. Click OK. The cumulative mean and range charts for the selected tests are printed.

Optional: You can obtain a print preview of the cumulative charts as follows:
1. In the Control list, select the desired control.
2. In the File(F) menu, click Print Preview(V).
3. In the Test list of the Print-Test Select dialog box, select the desired tests.
4. Click OK. The cumulative mean and range charts for the selected tests appear.

GPE01006.004 23
Real Time QC Window
Use the Real Time QC window to review the performance for two controls simultaneously
using a Levey-Jennings chart (x-chart) or a twin chart.
NOTE: This window is intended to be used when two controls are run for each
test. However, you can still use this window if only one control is being run.

Setting presentation options for the X-Charts

1. In the Setting(S) menu, click Chart setting(G).
2. In the Number of displays area:
3. In the Vertical list, select the number of rows (1-4) of charts you want displayed.
4. In the Horizontal list, select the number (1-3) of charts you want displayed in each row.
5. In the X-axis scale area:

6. Click Automatic calculation to have the x-axis scaling varied for optimum presentation
depending on the number of data points (control results) available. For example, if 6
control results are available, the x-axis is scaled from 1 to 6.
7. Click Number of data for fixed x-axis scaling. That is, the axis is always scaled from 1 to
20 regardless of the number of control results.
8. In the Drawing area, select how you want the chart presented (data points only, line
graph only, or both).
9. When done, click OK.

GPE01006.004 24
To set up the Real-Time QC window (cont’d)

To select the controls and tests to be monitored

1. Click Registration list edit.
2. In the Control 1 list, select the control you want plotted as Control 1. Each control product
is identified by a letter (A to Z)
3. In the Control 2 list, select the control you want plotted as Control 2. The tests that the
two controls have in common appear in the Test List.
4. In the Test List, select the tests you want to monitor.
Option: Press Shift to select multiple consecutive tests, or press Ctrl to select multiple
individual tests.
5. Click Regist (A).
6. The selected tests now appear in the Regist Test list. The display order for each test is
determined by its position in the Regist Test list. To change the display order for a test,
select its line, then move it using Up or Down. To delete a test from the Regist Test list,
select the applicable line, then click Delete (R).
7. Click OK.

GPE01006.004 25
Quality Control Overview
When to run control samples
Refer to the ADVIA Chemistry system methods documentation for the quality control

To set up quality control

 Use the QC Sample Definition window to define each of the ten controls that can reside
on the calibrator/control tray (CTT).
 Use the Control Data Registration window to enter the control average and standard
deviation (SD) data for each control.

To run the control samples

 Use the Start Conditions window to request control samples. If desired, the control
samples can be run alone, after calibration, or before patient samples. You can request
that only specific controls samples or selected methods be run.
 The Ordinary control samp. meas. list on the Test Select window determines which
tests are available to be run. The Sample Select window determines which controls are
 Use the QC Sample Definition window to have controls run automatically after a
specified number of assays are run.
 The Auto control samp. meas. list on the Test Select window determines which tests
are available to be run. The Sample Select window determines which controls are

To review the control results

 Use the Real-Time QC window to review control performance during the day.
 Use the Daily Precision Control window to review the control results at the end of the
day, and then to update the cumulative statistics.
 Use the QC Cumulative window to evaluate long-term trends in control performance.

ƒ If control results fail to meet the laboratory’s established criteria for acceptability, all
patient test results obtained in the unacceptable test run must be evaluated to
determine if patient test results were adversely affected.
ƒ The laboratory should take and document appropriate corrective actions, which may
include recalibration, before reporting patient results
ƒ Verify that the controls and reagents were prepared properly and have not expired.

GPE01006.004 26
Advia QC is…
An optional application for the collection, evaluation,
and management of QC data from the analyzer.
 Passive application – QC automatically captured from analyzer
 Monitors 2 SD and 3SD Quality Control errors (Westgard Rules)
 User Options:
ƒ Omit/Reinstate outliers
ƒ Document corrective action with user ID
ƒ Accept new data by
• individual assays or
• all data across assays at once

Advia QC is launched from the QC Menu

GPE01006.004 27
When launched from ADVIA QC, the first window in view is the QC Panel.

• Real-time updates
(dynamic screen)
• Alert indicators
• Panel Button= Control Group
• Max capacity = 300 Groups
Use Setup for customization

Toggle to Accept (1) or Accept All

Use OK to close window

GPE01006.004 28
Color is determined by the highest level alert of any
control file within a control group.

All results in the control group have been accepted

Contains an unaccepted result with no error

Contains an unaccepted result with system omitted data point

Contains an unaccepted result with a QC warning

Contains an unaccepted result with a QC error

Indicates worst case

scenario for any level of
control, any assay

GPE01006.004 29
Select a QC Panel and click ‘OK’ to open the PRIMARY WINDOW

The Primary Window provides data and gives access to other functions.

Minimize program
Task bar

Data view Data Function

Buttons Toolbar

Data View Area

•Graph Pane
Control Tree
•Summary Pane
•List Pane

User ID

GPE01006.004 30

(No Control Tree in this view)

GPE01006.004 31

GPE01006.004 32
• The color border of primary branch indicates highest alert level for any data
within a file in that group.
• The color border of secondary branch indicates highest alert level for data in
that file.

Yellow: Unaccepted result; warning

Green: Unaccepted result; no QC alerts

Gray: All results accepted

Red: Unaccepted result with 3S error

Blue: Unaccepted result with non-numeric

+ Solid Gray: All files in group are closed

GPE01006.004 33
From the Control Tree, files are selected with checkmarks. Then the data is available as...

1 3 5 7 9
•Nine colors are used in order
as files are selected 2 4 6 8

•Three graphs can be displayed

simultaneously using
3-Graph Format button

GRAPH PANE: Symbols & Connectors

Symbols based on Control Level Connectors

Open control file
Level 1
Level 2 Later Software ------ In-use closed control file

Level 3
.….. Not in use closed control file
General Control File

Symbols based on Usage

Selected result, surrounds data point
Later Software Non-numeric data point (like a flag)

GPE01006.004 34
Tools used with the GRAPH PANE
Comment: Select to review or add
comments to a selected data point

Scale: Displays a menu of time intervals for

limiting the graphical display

Omit/Reinstate: Toggle for selection

of data points as part of statistics

•An omitted data point is encompassed in a circle & is not connected to any other data points
• Omit/reinstate is a toggle

Error Report

¾ From the Control Tree, select QC with rule violations. Error button becomes available.
¾ Click on Error.
¾ Graph and List displays details relating to the data points which violated selected rules

GPE01006.004 35

• Displays control files selected from the Control Tree

• Provides the ability to compare each file and subsets of each file with target data
• Provides a summary of statistics for selected control files

• Target Data that was entered for the selected control definition
• Subset Summary of the statistical data for results currently in view in graph pane
Ns displays number of data points in the subset

• All Data Summary of all the statistical data for all selected results in the control file
Ns displays total number of data points gathered for that file

## Indicates insufficient space to display a numeric

Border color equivalent to the highest level of alert for

all the data points in the entire file


The next data box is the List Pane...
• Provides control results and associated data for selected files

• Each line represents one data point-result, omitted result, or non-numeric result

• Selecting a line highlights it as well as the point in the graph

• Border color is equivalent to QC Alert color of that data point

GPE01006.004 36
Provides control results and associated data for selected files.

These columns
can be resized

Identifies data points and connectors seen in graph

Ra Range Flag
S System flag
Us User
SD Standard deviation index
Target Target value from definition

These columns
can be resized

Error Specific result QC violation

Usage Usage as primary, parallel, or alternate
L The control level
Reagent Lot Result primary reagent lot number
Reagent Pack Unique pack ID from barcode
Cal Lot Calibration lot number linked to control result
Cal Date Calibration date and time linked to control result
(Empty column) When applicable there will be a
to indicate a comment

GPE01006.004 37
Tools used with the Summary and List Panes

Select to review or add comments to a selected result

Update the view of displayed data

View data for a specific time period when applied

View control definition plus summary statistics for a single control file

Accept: Change status of all new data points in a selected control file to “accepted”

GPE01006.004 38
Task Bar - Setup Button

application of
Westguard Rules
of QC Evaluation
set flagging levels

Task Bar - Messages

Often messages are generated in association with data points...

• Primary Window taskbar has message tool icon

• Color indicates the level of severity

Gray indicates no new messages

Green indicates a new informational message

Yellow indicates a new warning message

Red indicates a new error message

Click on Message tool to open the dialog box...

GPE01006.004 39
Total used out of 500

Severity symbols

Date and time

i Information

! Warning

X Error

Scroll buttons

To top
By page

By message

• Click on ellipsis for additional result detail

GPE01006.004 40
Task Bar - Reports
How are reports formatted?

From the Primary Window taskbar, open REPORTS...

• Select a file from Available Files

• Click on Add>

• Use Filter button to activate Filter

Settings for a specific time period
• Sort by Test or Control
• Select Report Type

• Use Setup to define up to 3 lines

of a report heading

• Preview, if desired
• Select Print

GPE01006.004 41
REPORTS: Select Type

Concise prints two lines for each file

QC Errors & Omissions lists each data point that has a QC error
or is an omitted data point for each file

QC Report allows user to select up to three

formats for files in Selected Files table. This
example is a graph.

GPE01006.004 42
Task Bar - Tools Button
Manages control files at the file level :

 Use comment button to add comments

 Use Details to view details
 Use close or not in use to change status of a file
 Delete button deletes control files

GPE01006.004 43
Help: Access ADVIA QC online help
Reduce: Reduce the size of the primary window to display only QC Panel button alert

Log On: Log on to ADVIA QC or change current user designation.


Exit: Exit ADVIA QC.

GPE01006.004 44
ISE Maintenance

NOTE: This document has been created using v1.02 of the ADVIA 1200
Electronic Operators Guide.

GPE01006.004 1
GPE01006.004 2
ISE Maintenance

Table of Contents


Wash the electrodes…………………………………………………….. 7

Check buffer solution (replace if needed)…………………………….. 8

3 Days

Wash electrode lines (only if running 500 or more dialysis samples a month) 9


Wash electrode lines (only if running 100 or more dialysis samples a month) 9


Wash electrode lines (only if running less than100 dialysis samples a month 9
or 330 routine samples a day)

3 Months

Wash electrode lines……………………………………………………. 9

As Required

Wash all the lines………………………………………………………… 11

Clean the cell tray (cell pot or dilution bowl)………………………….. 13
Condition the electrodes………………………………………………… 15
Replace the electrodes………………………………………………….. 17

GPE01006.004 3
GPE01006.004 4
ISE maintenance schedule

This schedule is based on your laboratory running 1000 ISE tests or less per day.
Customer replaceable parts

To avoid reporting faulty data, deterioration of reproducibility, or damage to the ISE
module and its parts, follow the precautions listed below:
• Immediately clean up any spills or leaks. Repair the source of leaks.
• Do not leave the chloride electrode wet pack open. The electrode will dry and become
• Always condition electrodes before first use.

Before you begin any ISE maintenance task, do the following:

1 On the ADVIA 1200 Operation panel, click ISE-Wash-OFF.
2 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.

After you have finished the ISE maintenance tasks, do the following:
On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Initialize and click Yes. ISE Pri.
Wash will automatically return to ON.

GPE01006.004 5
Once a day If your laboratory runs dialysis samples

If you make WASH2 part of the shutdown

cycle, the electrodes are washed 500 or more a month, wash electrode
automatically. lines every three days.
Wash the electrodes. 100 or more a month, wash electrode
lines once a week.
Check and replace the buffer solution.
Less than 100 dialysis samples a
Once every three months month or 330 routine samples a day,
Wash electrode lines wash electrode lines once a month.

As required
If you notice contamination in the lines,
wash all lines.
Check and clean the cell tray (dilution
bowl and nozzle).
If the slope or selectivity is incorrect,
replace the bad electrode.
To prepare replacement electrodes for
operation, condition the electrodes.

GPE01006.004 6
ISE Maintenance – Once a day at Shutdown

Washing the electrodes

Materials required BIOHAZARD

• ISE Detergent Solution, B01-4174-01
Wear personal protective equipment.
• 2 ml cup Use universal precautions.

Time: 5 minutes
Analyzer mode: Manual operation
Executing Wash2 will automatically perform the electrode wash by default. This default
can be modified on the ISE parameters of Setting window.

To wash the electrodes (manual wash)

1 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.
2 Enter the CTT position number of the ISE detergent container in the Detergent
position area. The recommended CTT position number is 15.
3 In the Container field, select the type of container for the wash solution. The
recommended type of container is a Jcup in adapter.
4 Put the ISE detergent solution in the container and place it on the CTT position you
5 Click the Execute button to the right of the word Wash Electrode.

9 Click Exit.

GPE01006.004 7
ISE maintenance – Daily

Checking and replacing the buffer solution

Materials required BIOHAZARD

• 2-L buffer solution Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions.
Time: 2 minutes
Analyzer mode: Ready
Check the amount of buffer solution before starting calibration to ensure proper
measurement. If the level of buffer solution is low, the data is marked "r". If the buffer
solution decreases further, the level of the solution in the dilution bowl lowers, and the
instrument stops for safety reasons when the sample is dispensed.

To replace the ISE buffer solution

1 Pull out the system-solution tray in the front of the analyzer.

2 Remove the bottle connector and float switch from the buffer bottle, then remove the
bottle from the tray.
3 Place the new buffer-solution bottle on the tray, remove the bottle cap and place the
connector and float switch into the bottle.
4 Push the system-solution tray back into position.
5 On the ISE Operation window, set Bufferprime times to 15, then click Execute.
6 The buffer solution reaches the dilution bowl when the buffer priming is performed 15
times. During operation, check for bubbles in the buffer lines. If any bubbles remain,
check for leakage or loose connections at the buffer lines. Repeat step 5.
7 Perform calibration and run controls.

GPE01006.004 8
ISE Maintenance – As required (refer to the schedule)

Washing the electrode lines

Materials required BIOHAZARD

Wear personal protective equipment.
Time: 10 minutes Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation

Before you begin the task, do the following

1 On the ADVIA 1200 Operation panel, click ISE-Wash-OFF.

2 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.

To wash the electrode lines

1 Remove the Na, K, Cl, and Ref electrodes and install the dummy electrode in their

ISE detergent is a sodium hypochlorite solution. When handling bleach wear
protective clothing, gloves, and safety glasses. It is harmful if swallowed and may
cause eye or skin irritation. In case of skin or eye contact, flush with large amounts of

2 Remove the cap of the dummy electrode and put about 5 ml of ISE detergent solution
into the dummy electrode.

Be sure to tighten the cap on the dummy electrode. If the cap is loose or defective,
the ISE detergent solution may leak into the module and cause damage.

3 Replace and tighten the cap.

4 On the ISE Operation window, click Execute (STEP-1) to the right of ISE line wash.
The message "Line Wash 1 Running" and the approximate amount of time remaining
appears in the display area. You cannot stop this operation. If you must stop, press
the SYSTEM STOP button on the analyzer display panel.
5 After step 1 of the wash is completed, replace the dummy electrode with the original
Na, K, Cl, and Ref electrodes.
6 On the ISE Operation window, click Execute (STEP-2) to the right of ISE line wash.

GPE01006.004 9
The wash starts and buffer prime is performed 10 times. The message "Line Wash 2
Running" and the approximate amount of time remaining appears in the display area.
7 Verify that there are no leaks or bubbles and that the buffer is going to the waste
during the priming cycle.
8 On the ISE Operation window, next to the Initialize button, click Execute.
9 On the ADVIA 1200 Operation panel, click ISE-Wash-ON.
10 Perform calibration and run controls.

GPE01006.004 10
ISE Maintenance – As required

Washing all the lines

Materials required BIOHAZARD

Wear personal protective equipment.
Time: 15 minutes Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.

2 Set Period Wash to ~Off

3 Select Set

To wash all lines

1 Pull out the system-solution shelf. Replace the buffer solution with another buffer bottle
containing 500 mL of deionized water.

2 Replace the Na, K, and Cl electrodes with a dummy electrode.

3 On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 50 into the Times field.
Click Execute. Click Yes when prompted to execute buffer prime.
4 Remove the buffer bottle with the deionized water and replace it with a bottle filled
with a solution of 475 mL of deionized water and 25 mL probe wash 3 solution.
5 On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 50 into the Times field.
Click Execute. Click Yes when prompted to execute buffer prime.
6 Replace the probe wash 3 solution bottle with a bottle of deionized water.
7 Enter 50 again in the Times field of the Bufferprime area, then click Execute.
8 Remove the dummy electrode. Reinstall the Na, K, and Cl electrodes then click
Execute to the right of the word Initialize.
9 Before reinstalling the buffer-solution bottle, thoroughly rinse the buffer bottle cap,
float switch, and tube with deionized water and dry completely.
10 Put on a new bottle of fresh buffer solution.
11 On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 15 into the Times
field. Click Execute, then click Yes to prime the line with buffer.
GPE01006.004 11
12 When the priming is finished verify that the electrodes are not leaking.
13 On the ISE Operation window, click Exit, then click Yes.
14 Run ten pooled serum samples, or do an ISE CV check.
15 Perform calibration and run controls.

GPE01006.004 12
ISE Maintenance – As required

Cleaning the dilution bowl (cell pot) and the waste-drain nozzle

Materials required BIOHAZARD

Wear personal protective equipment.
Time: 45 minutes Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.

2 Set Period Was to ~Off

3 Select Set

To clean the dilution bowl

1 Loosen the thumb screw and lift the ISE cover.

2 On the ISE Operation window, next to Final operation, click Execute. Water is
dispensed into the ISE module.
3 To dissolve the crystals attached to the liquid-supply nozzle, let it stand for about five
4 Click Initialize on the left side of the ISE Operation window. The water in the
dilution bowl drains.

Be careful not to scratch or bend the nozzle. Damaging the nozzle may cause faulty

5 Remove the thumb screw (1) that secures the liquid-supply nozzle and guide. Lift out
the nozzle with its guide.
6 Using deionized water, moisten a lint-free gauze and wipe off any crystals remaining
on the nozzle.
7 Using deionized water, moisten a lint-free gauze and wipe up water and dirt particles
remaining in the dilution bowl.

8 Replace the nozzle with its guide and secure it with the thumb screw.

GPE01006.004 13
9 On the ISE Operation window, enter 5 in the Bufferprime Times box, then click
10 When prompted, click Yes to execute buffer prime.
11 Check that buffer is draining and not overflowing the Cell Pot.

To clean the waste-drain nozzle

Be careful not to bend the nozzle. Damaging the nozzle may cause faulty results.

1 Remove the thumb screw (1) to the waste-drain nozzle. Lift out the nozzle.

2 Using deionized water, moisten a lint-free gauze and clean the nozzle. If any crystals
remain, using a pointed toothpick, carefully scrape the crystals that are attached.
3 Replace the nozzle and secure it with the thumb screw.
4 On the ISE Operation window, enter 4 or 5 in the Bufferprime Times box, then click
Verify that no buffer collects in the wash block. If there is water, crystals or other
matter may be clogging the drain.

GPE01006.004 14
After the dilution bowl and waste-drain nozzle are clean

1 Close the ISE cover, then secure the thumb srew.

2 On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Initialize.
3 Click Yes when prompted to execute arrangement.
4 On the ISE Operation window, click Exit.
5 Click Yes when prompted.
6 On the ADVIA 1200 Operation panel, click ISE-Wash-ON.
7 Perform calibration and run controls.

ISE maintenance - Conditioning the Na and K electrodes

Materials required BIOHAZARD

Wear personal protective equipment.
Time: 45 minutes Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation
A new electrode may take a long time to stabilize, so carry out aging of the electrode on
the day prior to start of use.

To condition the electrodes

1 Prepare a 1:4 dilution of pooled serum using ISE buffer solution.

2 Remove the new electrode from its case.
The ion electrode contains an inner solution, which can be confirmed by shaking the
electrode. This solution decreases little by little with time. If you do not feel any
response in your shaking, measure its weight. If the electrode weighs less than 9 g,
do not use it.

GPE01006.004 15
3 Remove the sponge from the bottom
of the electrode case and place the
electrode to be conditioned back into
the case.
4 Using a dropper or pipette, pour 0.5
mL of pool serum into the flow path of
the electrode. Be sure to apply the
serum thoroughly.
5 Add buffer solution to the case,
covering the whole electrode with
solution. Let the electrode condition
6 After aging is complete, take out the
electrode, wash it with deionized
water, and thoroughly wipe it off.

To prevent infection from contacting
serum directly, wear suitable
protective gloves when you remove
the electrode from the solution.

High-concentrated salt water is used as a preservation solution to maintain electrode
performance. When the electrode package is opened, wash the electrode with
sufficient water and wipe well before use. Small amounts of salt on the electrode may
cause rust on the electrode connector.

To store the reference electrode, remove it from the ISE module, rinse it with water
then place it into an appropriate container. Cover the reference electrode with ADVIA
1200 ISE Buffer solution. Cover the container and store at 0 to 40 °F (-18 to 4.5 °C).
Rinse with water prior to next use.

7 Replace the electrodes on the instrument with the newly conditioned ones.
8 Calibration is performed as part of the electrode replacement. If the calibration fails,
repeat calibration again. If data continues to be unstable after electrode conditioning,
perform an electrode wash.

GPE01006.004 16
ISE Maintenance – As required

Replacing electrodes

Materials required BIOHAZARD

Time: 5 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.
Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation
Replace the electrodes if the slope is incorrect or calibration cannot be achieved.
The acceptable ISE slope must be between 45.0 and Mark ISE Slope Range
63.0. Slopes beyond this range are flagged as shown
in the following table. A flagged slope fails the
H > 65.0
calibration. The slope limits are defined in the ISE
Parameter Of Setting window.
h = 63.1 to 65.0

l = 38.0 - 44.9

L < 38.0

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.

2 Set Period Was to ~Off

3 Select Set

To remove the electrodes

1 Loosen the thumb screw and lift the ISE cover.

2 Disconnect the electrode connectors.

3 Remove the thumbscrew (1). This releases the

plate that secures the electrodes and the block
containing the electrode can be removed.

4 Remove the electrode to be replaced.

GPE01006.004 17
To install electrodes

Make sure that the K and Na electrodes have been conditioned. When Cl and Ref
electrodes are taken out of their packaging, they are wet. Wipe the Cl electrode
thoroughly, and wash the Ref electrode using water.

1 Assemble the new electrodes in the correct order.

2 Set the electrodes in place, paying careful attention not to leave a space between
them. Make sure that there is an o-ring between each electrode and make sure that
the ridges on the side of each electrode fits into the depressions on the side of the
electrode next to it.
3 Fasten the thumbscrew while holding down each electrode with the retaining plate.
4 Insert the electrode connectors.

If there is space between the electrode connections, the plate retaining the
electrodes cannot be closed. If you cannot close it, move each electrode left and
right little by little. Do not force the electrode. Fasten the thumbscrew tightly. If the
retaining plate loosens during measurement, liquid could leak, causing a problem
with the instrument.

4 On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Initialize. Click
Yes when prompted to execute arrangement.
5 In the Bufferprime area, enter 3 into the Times field. Click Execute, then click Yes
when prompted to execute buffer prime.
Verify that the liquid is discharged smoothly from the dilution bowl during priming. If
the liquid is increasing without being discharged, there is a leak, an incorrectly
positioned electrode, or a clog in the drain system. Immediately stop the instrument.
If clogging occurs, most probably the flow path is clogged inside the electrode.
Remove the Na and K electrodes, and check them by transmitted light to see
whether the flow path is clogged or not. You cannot do this for the Cl electrode due
to its construction. When in doubt, even if you cannot find a problem by the above
check, try replacing the electrode.

6 Close the ISE cover and secure the thumb screw.

7 On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Initialize, then
click Yes. After initialization is complete, click Exit, then click Yes.
8 On the ADVIA 1200 Operation panel, click Initialize.

GPE01006.004 18
9 On the ADVIA 1200 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.
10 On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Calibration,
then click Yes when prompted to execute calibration.
The electrodes may have to stabilize on the system before a successful calibration is

GPE01006.004 19
System Maintenance
This document is designed for use during training classes only. Reference should be made to the
ADVIA Chemistry System Operator’s Guide and related Customer Bulletins for product labeling

GPE01006.004 1
GPE01006.004 2
Table of Contents

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ..........................................................................................................5

DAILY MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................6
INSPECTING AND CLEANING THE PROBES ........................................................................................................ 6
INSPECTING AND CLEANING THE PROBE WASH CUPS ........................................................................................ 6
INSPECTING AND CLEANING THE MIXING RODS AND MIXER WASH CUPS ........................................................... 10
INSPECTING AND CLEANING THE CUVETTE SPLASH COVERS ........................................................................... 12
APPLICABLE TO 1200) ................................................................................................................................. 13
CHECKING REAGENTS ................................................................................................................................. 15
INSPECTING PUMPS ...................................................................................................................................... 17
PERFORMING THE SHUTDOWN WASH............................................................................................................. 19
POSITIONS OF WASH SOLUTIONS .................................................................................................................. 20
PERFORMING ADDITIONAL ISE ELECTRODE WASHES ..................................................................................... 21
WEEKLY MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................22
PERFORMING THE WEEKLY WASH ................................................................................................................. 23
CHECKING LAMP COOLANT ........................................................................................................................... 24
CHECKING LAMP ENERGY ............................................................................................................................. 25
MEASURING CUVETTE BLANKS ..................................................................................................................... 27
CLEANING THE ANALYZER AND RACK HANDLER PANELS ................................................................................ 29
MONTHLY MAINTENANCE ..........................................................................................................31
CLEANING THE TURNTABLE INTERIORS (STT/CTT AND RTT) ........................................................................ 31
CLEANING THE INSIDE OF THE REAGENT TRAY REFRIGERATED HOUSING ON 1800 ........................................... 33
TO CLEAN INSIDE THE REAGENT TRAY REFRIGERATED HOUSING ON 1200-1650 & 2400 ................................. 34
CLEANING AND REPLENISHING THE SOLUTION BOTTLES: ................................................................................ 36
CLEANING THE LARGE WATER PUMP (LWP) FILTER (1200 & 1800 ONLY) ...................................................... 39
LARGE WATER PUMP (LWP) FILTER ........................................................................................39
EVERY 2 MONTHS MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................41
REPLACE & CLEANING THE DILUTION TRAY (DTT) CUVETTES NA ON 1200 .................................................... 41
EVERY 3 MONTHS MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................41
REPLACING THE LAMP .................................................................................................................................. 42
EVERY 4 MONTHS MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................44
REPLACING THE REACTION AND DILUTION CUVETTES ..................................................................................... 44
EVERY 4 MONTHS MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................. 46
AS REQUIRED MAINTENANCE...................................................................................................46
REPLACING THE SPP, RPP1, AND RPP2 PROBES ........................................................................................ 47
CHANGING THE DPP PROBE ........................................................................................................................ 52
REMOVING THE DPP PROBE COVER ............................................................................................................. 52
REMOVING THE PROBE FROM THE PROBE ARM .............................................................................................. 53
INSTALLING THE NEW DPP PROBE ................................................................................................................ 54
ALIGNING THE DPP PROBE .......................................................................................................................... 55
PREVENTIVE CLEANING OF THE WASH STATION LINES .................................................................................... 56
................................................................................................................................................................... 57

GPE01006.004 3

RESPONDING DURING A POWER FAILURE WHILE ELECTRIC POWER IS STILL OFF .............................................. 58
BACKING UP SYSTEM FILES TO A CD ............................................................................................................ 59
RESTORING SYSTEM FILES DONE BY TAS OR FSE ........................................................................................ 61
MAINTENANCE: SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MONITOR WINDOW ........................................................................... 62
ENTERING MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 62

GPE01006.004 4
Maintenance schedule
Perform maintenance procedures at the recommended frequency to maintain the operating efficiency of your
analyzer. Procedures marked with an * may require more frequent performance (described in each procedure).

Print the maintenance procedures. When you select to print maintenance procedures, an Adobe file opens. At the
menu bar, select the Print icon.

Daily (print Daily maintenance) Every 2 months (print 2-month maintenance)

Clean the probes. Clean the dilution tray cuvettes

Clean the mixing rods. Clean the cuvette conditioner bottle

Clean the reaction and dilution cuvette washers. Every 3 months (print 3-month maintenance)

Check reagents and system solutions. Replace the lamp.

Inspect the probe wash cups. Wash ISE electrode lines.*

Inspect the cuvette splash covers. Every 4 months (print 4-month maintenance)

Inspect the pumps. Clean the ancillary reagent bottle filters.

Perform startup wash. Clean the pure-water bottle filter.

Perform shutdown wash or modified shutdown Replace the reaction and dilution cuvettes.
As required (print As required maintenance)
Perform additional ISE wash.*
Back up system files.
Record ISE slopes .
Replace probes
Weekly (print Weekly maintenance)
Replenish the RRV-bath oil bottle
Perform the weekly wash.*
Recover from a power failure.
Check the lamp coolant level.
Perform preventive cleaning of the wash station lines.
Perform lamp energy check.
Wash all ISE lines (if contaminated).
Perform cuvette blank (cell blank) measurement
Condition the ISE electrodes.
Clean the exterior module panels.
Replace ISE electrodes.
Monthly (print Monthly maintenance)
Clean the ISE dilution bowl and waste nozzle.
Clean the turntable interiors

Clean or replace reagent containers (53-56).

Clean the dilution bottle

Clean the cuvette wash bottle

Clean the chiller filter.

Clean the large water pump (LWP) filter

GPE01006.004 5
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the probes

Inspecting and cleaning the probe wash cups

These two procedures can be accomplished at the same time….

The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions
Materials Required: ¾ Phillips screwdriver

¾ Alcohol prep pad or lint-free towels and alcohol (antiseptic ethanol)

1200 1 Dilution Probe (DPP)
1 Sample Probe (SPP) 2 Sample Probe (SPP)
2 Reagent Probe 2 (RPP2) 3 Reagent Probe 1 (RPP1)
3 Reagent Probe 1 (RPP1)

Inspecting and cleaning the probes

GPE01006.004 6
Inspecting and cleaning the probe wash cups

Visually inspect each probe daily.

• Replace clogged probes. See Replacing the Probes in the ‘As Required Maintenance’
section of this module.

• Clean dirty probes (proceed to step 2).


To position a probe allowing access for cleaning, use one of the one of the

three methods outlined on the following pages.

Clean probes using automatic probe motion (preferred)

¾ Clean probes using manual probe motion

Cleaning the probes using automatic advance probe motion (preferred method)

1. At the Menu Panel, select Maint, then select Manual Operation.

2. At the Manual Operation window, double-select the code for the probe you want
to move as follows:
Probe Code 1200 Code

Dilution 3.DPPLR NA

Sample 16.SPPLR 16.SPPLR

Reagent 37.RPPLR-1 37.RPPLR-1
probe 1
Reagent 49.RPPLR-2 49-RPPLR-2
probe 2

3. Select Toggle the number of times necessary to move the probe to the
accessible location, then select Exit to close the probe window.

Probe Accessible Location

Dilution probe (DPP) Over the sample tray (STT)

OR over the ISE
Sample probe (SPP) Over the dilution tray (DTT)
Reagent probe 1 (RPP1) Over reagent tray 1 (RTT1)
Reagent probe 2 (RPP2) Over reagent tray 2 (RTT2)

GPE01006.004 7
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the probes and probe wash cups

Positioning probes for cleaning (continued)

Cleaning the probes using manual probe motion

1. Put the system in Standby mode by
turning the toggle (6) knob on the

Power panel to

If you are performing this procedure with the
power off, manually support (lift) the probe to
avoid damaging the probe tip.
Be careful not to strike the probe against other
components on the analyzer.

2. Lift and manually rotate the probe arm to an accessible location. The movement
may feel a bit awkward and tight.

3. Wipe the probe with alcohol prep pads or lint-free towels

and alcohol (antiseptic ethanol).

4. Replace the splash guards and secure them back into

place with the thumb screws.

5. Manually move the probe in position over the probe wash

cup but not into the wash port.

6. Replace the DPP shield and secure it in place.

7. Put the system in Operating mode (6).

GPE01006.004 8
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the probes and probe wash cups

Positioning probes for cleaning (continued)

1. To access the DPP probe, use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws (1) that secure
the DPP shield to the analyzer panel.

2. Push the DPP shield to the right and slowly lift the DPP shield until it reaches approximately
a 90° angle, then gently lift the tab of the DPP shield and remove.

3. Unscrew all thumb screws, then remove the splash guard protective covers from the wash cups.

NOTE: If the system includes an anti-rotation bracket, avoid hitting it while removing the splash
guard protective cover.

4. Using alcohol prep pads or lint-free towels and alcohol (antiseptic ethanol), wipe the probe.

Do not use excessive force while cleaning, to avoid bending the probes.
NOTE verify the probe tips do not contain any imperfections, which could cause
contamination. Replace probes as necessary.

5. Visually inspect each probe wash cup for cleanliness, and clean them if necessary:
a. Pour deionized water into the wash cups and overflow sensor unit.
b. Using a lint-free towel, clean and dry these areas.

GPE01006.004 9
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the probes and probe wash cups

Positioning probes for cleaning (continued)

NOTE If an overflow error message displays, there may be water on the sensor. dry the

To clear the alarm message, select Alarm at the Operation Panel.

6. At the Manual Operation window, select Exit.

7. Replace the DPP shield and secure it in place.

8. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize to return all probes to the home position (over the
wash cups.)

9. Verify the analyzer mode is READY before performing any further actions.

10. Verify that the analyzer mode is READY before performing any further actions.

Inspecting and cleaning the mixing rods and mixer wash cups
The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

1200 1650-1800-2400
1. Reagent Mixer 1 1. Dilution Mixer
2. Reagent Mixer 2 2. Reagent Mixer 1
3. Reagent Mixer 2

GPE01006.004 10
Inspecting and cleaning the mixing rods and mixer wash cups

1. Visually inspect each mixing rod and mixer wash cup for cleanliness.

2. Clean any dirty mixing rods or wash cups to avoid contamination of the mixers which results
in carryover:
a. With the instrument in the READY state, visually
verify that each mixing rod is at its upper limit.
b. Using a lint-free towel moistened with deionized
water, wipe the mixer rod.

Do not use excessive force while cleaning, to avoid
bending the mixing rods.

3. Inspect the mixing wash tank for cleanliness, then clean if dirty:
a. Pour deionized water into the mixer wash cup.
b. With a lint-free towel and cotton-tipped applicators, clean the mixer wash cup

Do not apply excessive force while cleaning, to avoid damaging the sensor.

If an overflow error message appears, there is probably water on the sensor. Dry the

GPE01006.004 11
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the cuvette splash covers

The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

Cuvette covers are installed around the probes to prevent water and reagent from entering the
dilution and reaction cuvettes.

1. Inspect the cuvette covers for spills and splattering.

If there is any splattering on the cuvette covers (1), proceed to step 2.

1200 1650-1800-2400

2. Using lint-free towels moistened with deionized water, wipe down the covers.

WARNING Do not touch probes or mixing rods to avoid contamination.

3. If splattering is extensive or enters the cuvettes, call your local technical support provider
or distributor.

GPE01006.004 12
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the reaction (WUD) and dilution (DWUD) cuvette washers
(DWUD not applicable to 1200)
The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

1. Inspect the exterior of the reaction cuvette washer (WUD) and dilution cuvette washer
(DWUD) tubing for cleanliness.

2. Check the WUD and DWUD for leaks.


To keep the WUD or DWUD from clogging, perform this inspection in addition to the
startup, shutdown, and weekly washes. In the event of a clog, call your local technical
support provider or distributor for assistance.

1 Dilution Cuvette Wash Station

2 Reaction Cuvette Wash Station

3. Remove the wash head of each wash station (DWUD and WUD):
a. Cover nearby cuvettes with lint-free toweling to protect them from dust.
b. Loosen the wash station retaining screw (1) with a 4-mm hex wrench (see figure).
c. Lift the wash head off of the wash station assembly.

CAUTION Ensure that the tubes remain connected to the ports.

Take care not to crimp the tubing.

GPE01006.004 13
Daily maintenance

Inspecting and cleaning the reaction (WUD) and dilution (DWUD) cuvette washers

Dilution cuvette wash station (DWUD)

Reaction cuvette wash station (WUD)
NA on 1200

4. Look for signs of wear or damage to the drying nozzle (2) on the WUD.

5. If there is wear or damage, call your local technical support provider or distributor.

6. Using alcohol prep pads or a lint-free towel moistened with alcohol or antiseptic ethanol,
wipe each wash head nozzle.

7. Reinstall the wash head:

a. Replace the wash head using the alignment pins located on either side of the
retaining screw, then tighten the 4-mm hex screw.
b. Ensure all tubes are securely connected.
c. Remove and properly dispose of the toweling.
d. Ensure that each nozzle is centered above the corresponding cuvette.

8. Verify the wash head nozzles are correctly centered in the cuvettes:
a. At the Menu Panel, select Maint, then select Manual operation.
b. At the Manual Operation window, double-select 14.DWUD or 23.WUD.
c. Select Move to slightly lower the washer nozzles and verify that they are correctly positioned.
If not, call your local technical support provider or distributor.
d. Confirm that the nozzles are correctly centered.
e. At the DWUD or WUD window, select Init., then select Exit, to raise the washer

9. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize, then verify the DWUD and the WUD
are in the up position and the instrument is in the READY state.

GPE01006.004 14
Daily Maintenance

Checking Reagents

1. Visually check the system reagents and ISE buffer levels.

1 ISE Buffer Solution

2 Incubation Bath Oil
3 Isotonic Saline Diluent
(NA on 1200)
4 Cuvette Wash Solution
5 Cuvette Conditioner

2. Perform a prime after replacing any system ancillary reagents.

a. At the Operation Panel, select Prime.
b. Select PRIME 2, then select Execute.

3. Perform a prime after replacing the ISE Buffer.

a. At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select ISE Operation.
b. In the Times box of the Bufferprime area, type the number of prime cycles desired
(20 is recommended).
c. Select Execute.

5. Visually check the controls and calibrators on the CTT.

6. Visually check the wash solutions on the CTT and both RTT trays.

7. Visually check the lamp coolant level. The fluid level should be between the green and
the red lines indicated on the reservoir. If low, fill with a 5% of lamp coolant additive.

GPE01006.004 15
Daily Maintenance

Checking Reagents

8. Check the method reagents in the reagent trays.

a. At the Menu Panel, select Reagent, then select Reagent Inventory.
b. At the Reagent Inventory window, determine if any reagents need replenishing.
c. Replace any expired reagents.

You must perform a barcode scan following any changes you make to the reagent
containers on the RTT1 and RTT2 trays. Failure to scan after moving, adding, or
deleting reagents can cause erroneous results.

If you accidentally switch barcoded reagents (R1 reagent on RTT-2 and R2 reagent on
RTT1), and perform a reagent barcode scan, an error message displays.
If you replace only 1 of the reagents of a 2-reagent method and the replaced reagent
has a new lot number, after the barcode scan, the system alerts you that a reagent pair
does not exist. You must calibrate the new set of reagents before you continue to run
d. After replacing the reagents, do the following:
(1) At the Menu Panel, select Reagent, then select Reagent Inventory.
(2) Execute a Barcode Scan at the Reagent Inventory window.
e. Evaluate calibration status.
Recommendations after replacing reagents
You must calibrate before using a new lot of reagent.
Running controls is recommended before using a new container of the
same reagent lot.

GPE01006.004 16
Daily maintenance

Inspecting pumps
The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

The pumps are located behind the system solution tray. Pull the solution tray forward to
facilitate inspection of the pumps.

A decrease in liquid flow or air bubbles in the lines may be due to a leaking pump. Inspect the
pumps for leaks daily to identify potential problems.

1 SP
6 RP-1
7 RP-2

1 Sample pump (SP)
2 Sample and reagent wash pump (SRWP)
3 Reagent dispensing pump 1 (RP1)
4 Reagent dispensing pump 2 (RP2)

GPE01006.004 17
1. Inspect the SP and DIP pumps:

Liquid leaking from the seal on the sample aspiration pump (SP) or the dilution aspiration
pump (DIP) flows to the drive lever unit. If the drive lever unit is wet, the pump seal must be

1. Closely inspect the plastic cylinder (1)

for moisture.

2. To replace the pump seal if the drive

lever unit is wet, call your local
technical support provider or

2. Inspect the other pumps.:

The other pumps (not SP or DIP) are:

• Sampling wash pump (SCP)
• Dilution discharge pump (DOP)
• Sample and reagent wash pump (SRWP)
• Reagent dispensing pumps (RP1 and RP2)

1. To determine if any of these pumps are

leaking, inspect the upper portion (cylinders, L-
ring holders, tubes and fittings) of the pumps

2. If the pump is leaking, you must

replace the pump seal. To replace the pump
seal, call your local technical support provider
or distributor.

GPE01006.004 18
Daily maintenance

Performing the shutdown wash

The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

The daily shutdown wash uses a detergent to clean the probe lines, reaction and dilution
cuvettes, and ISE components.

The daily shutdown wash does not need to be performed on the day you perform the
weekly wash.

1. At the Operation Panel, select Wash.

2. Ensure that the 10-mL tube at CTT (1) position #49 contains a 10% solution of Cuvette
Wash Solution, the cup at CTT (1) position #15 contains ISE Detergent and that the cup
at CTT (1) position 16 contains DI water.

3. Ensure that the bottle at RTT1 (2) and RTT2 (3) position #55 contains a 10% solution of
cuvette wash solution.

4. Ensure that the 10 ml tube at CTT (1) position #50 contains DI water.

5. Ensure that the bottle at RTT1 (2) and RTT2 (3) position #56 contains DI water.
At your laboratory’s discretion, you may use other positions for 49 and 50 on the CTT,
position 55 and 56,RTT1, and RTT2. Change the entries for the alternate positions in the
appropriate fields on the WASH Set window.

6. At the WASH Set window: (For additional information concerning the Wash Set window,
refer to Using the Wash Set window in the On-line Operator’s Guide)
a. Select WASH 2.
b. Select 2 for Cycles.
c. Enter 49 in the CTT cup position 1st time field and 50 in the CTT cup position 2nd
time field.
d. Enter 55 in the RTT1 and RTT2 cup positions 1st time fields and 56 in the RTT1
and RTT2 cup positions 2nd time fields.

7. Select Execute.

GPE01006.004 19
Positions of wash solutions

1200 1800 1650 2400 Wash Solution

CTT-15 CTT- 15 CTT- 15 CTT- 15 ISE Detergent Solution

NA CTT - 16 NA CTT - 16 DI H2O (not applicable to 1650)

CTT-49 CTT- 49 CTT - 49 CTT - 49 10% Cuvette Wash Solution (Daily)

5% Reagent Probe Wash 3 (Weekly)

CTT-50 CTT- 50 CTT- 50 CTT- 50 DI H2O

RTT1-42 RTT1 – 53 RTT1 - 47 RTT1 - 47 Reagent Probe Wash 1

RTT1-43 RTT1 – 54 RTT1– 48 RTT1– 48 Reagent Probe Wash 2

RTT1-44 RTT1 – 55 RTT1 - 49 RTT1 - 49 10% Cuvette Wash Solution (Daily)

5% Reagent Probe Wash 3 (Weekly)

RTT1-45 RTT1 – 56 RTT1 - 50 RTT1 - 50 DI H2O

RTT2 -42 RTT2 - 53 RTT2 - 47 RTT2 - 47 Reagent Probe Wash 1

RTT2 -43 RTT2 - 54 RTT2 - 48 RTT2 - 48 Reagent Probe Wash 2

RTT2 -44 RTT2 - 55 RTT2 - 49 RTT2 - 49 10% Cuvette Wash Solution (Daily)
5% Reagent Probe Wash 3 (Weekly)

RTT2 -45 RTT2 - 56 RTT2 - 50 RTT2 - 50 DI H2O

Example of 1800

GPE01006.004 20
Daily maintenance

Performing additional ISE electrode washes

ISE Detergent Solution is automatically run through the ISE module as part of the shutdown
wash procedure (WASH2).

Manually perform additional ISE washes (described in the following procedure) once
per shift under either of the following conditions:

• Dialysis samples are run routinely.

• The system is run more than 8 hours per day.

¾ Do NOT perform the ISE electrode wash more than 3 times per day (once as part of the
shutdown wash and twice on a per shift basis).

¾ Pour fresh ISE Detergent into a cup, not a tube, before each wash, from the CTT.

1. At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select ISE Operation.

2. In the Period.wash area, select OFF, then select Set.
3. At the Wash Electrode area, type the CTT position number of the ISE Detergent
container in the Detergent posi. field.
4. In the Container field, select the type of container for the wash solution.
The recommended type of container is 6 : Jcup/Adp.
5. Pour ISE Detergent Solution in the container and place it in the CTT position
entered in step 3.
6. In the Wash Electrode area, select Execute, then select Yes when prompted.
7. Close the window, then select Yes when prompted.

GPE01006.004 21
Record ISE slopes daily
Once a day, record the slopes from a successful ISE
calibration on the Maintenance Log. The slopes are
provided on the:

¾ Real Time Monitor report

¾ ISE Monitor window following a successful


¾ Calibration /RBL history window

GPE01006.004 22
Weekly maintenance

Performing the weekly wash

The weekly wash is the same as the daily shutdown wash, except that a 5% solution of
reagent probe wash 3 is substituted for 10% cuvette wash solution.

The daily shutdown wash is not required on the day you perform the weekly wash.

1. At the Operation Panel, select Wash.

2. Ensure that the 10-mL tube at CTT position #49 contains a 5% solution of reagent
probe wash 3, and that the cup at CTT position #15 contains ISE detergent.

3. Ensure that the bottles at RTT1 and RTT2 contain a 5% solution of reagent probe
wash 3. See chart p.20 for positions

4. Ensure that the 10-mL tube at CTT position #50 contains DI water.

5. Ensure that the bottles at RTT1 and RTT2 contains DI water. See chart p.20 for
At your laboratory’s discretion, you may use positions other than 49 and 50 on the CTT,
RTT1, and RTT2. Change the entries for the alternate positions in the appropriate fields on
the WASH Set window.

6. At the WASH Set window (For additional information concerning the Wash Set window,
refer to Using the Wash Set window in the On-line Operator’s Guide)
a. Select WASH2.
b. Select 2 for Cycles (the default setting).
c. Enter 49 in the CTT cup position 1st time field and 50 in the CTT cup position
2nd time field.
d. Enter the RTT1 and RTT2 cup positions 1st time fields in the RTT1 and RTT2 cup
positions 2nd time field. See chart p.19 for positions

7. Select Execute.

8. After the wash, check the lamp energy and run the cell blank measurement test.

GPE01006.004 23
Weekly maintenance

Checking lamp coolant

The lamp is cooled by circulating liquid coolant. As the volume of coolant decreases, the heat
of the lamp increases.

Check the lamp coolant level weekly and whenever the system generates a lamp coolant
warning and turns off the lamp.

1. Lift off the lamp access cover (1) to gain access to the lamp coolant reservoir.

2. Check the fluid level in the reservoir.

If the level is between the 5- and 9-cm marks, proceed to step 4.
If the reservoir fluid level is less than 5 cm, add coolant as follows:
a. Turn the reservoir cover counterclockwise to remove it.
b. Fill the reservoir to the 9-cm mark with a 5% solution of lamp coolant additive (B01-4496-
51) in deionized water.
1 9-cm Mark
2 5-cm Mark

3. Replace the reservoir cover.

4. Replace the lamp access cover.
NOTE If adding coolant does not clear the lamp coolant warning, call your local
technical support provider or distributor.

GPE01006.004 24
Weekly maintenance

Checking lamp energy

NOTE check the lamp energy after cleaning or replacing cuvettes,

and after replacing the lamp.

No materials required BIOHAZARD

Time: 15 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.
Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: READY
IMPORTANT do not touch or turn the reaction tray at any time during the lamp energy check
procedure. The reaction tray should turn freely. If the reaction tray is shifted,
repeat the procedure. A shift could result in an erroneous lamp energy reading.

1. At the
Maint, then

2. Ensure the bottle

at position # (see
table below) in Reagent Tray 1 (RTT1) contains deionized water.

System Position on RTT 1

1200 45

1650 & 2400 50

1800 56

3. At the Lamp Energy Monitor window, in the Luminous Energy Check area, verify the settings:
a. Type 1000 in the Meas. times field.
b. Type 25 in the Meas. cycle field.
c. Select AD.
d. Select Auto.

4. Select Check Energy. The Lamp Energy Monitor dialog box displays.

5. Type # in the RTT1 bottle posi. field, then select 4: 70 mL brown for the Container field.

GPE01006.004 25
Weekly maintenance
Checking lamp energy (continued)

6. Select Check. Energy.

• The reagent probe aspirates deionized water from RTT1 and dispenses it into reaction
cuvette #1.
• The reaction disk rotates until cuvette #1 is in the detection position.
• The Operation window displays Lumi.Check and then WAIT.

NOTE perform steps 6 – 10 while in the wait state.

7. Select Meas. Energy. The message, "Execute the lamp energy check?" displays.
8. Select OK.
9. On the Lamp Energy Monitor window, select Collect Data.
10. Calculate the scatter plot:
a. Note the value of the 340-nm AD count field.
b. Add 50 to the 340-nm AD count and type the sum in the top field to the left of the
graph, then press Enter.
c. Subtract 50 from the 340-nm AD count (noted in step 10 a) and type the difference in
the bottom field, to the left of the graph, then press Enter.
d. The lamp energy displays as a scatter plot:
11. Replace the lamp if any of the following is true:
• The AD points are not within ±40 of the center line
• The voltage reading (Volts column) for any of the 14 wavelengths is outside the range
5.0 to 9.0 volts
• The attenuation [ATTENU(%) column] for any of the 14 wavelengths falls below 80%
NOTE: Only if you replaced the lamp, select Regist Data, then select OK in the
Registration window.
12. If not, proceed to step 13.
13. At the Menu Panel, select System(s), then select Screen Print to print the window
14. Save the printout with your laboratory maintenance records.
15. Exit the Lamp Energy Monitor window, then select Initialize to switch the system from the
WAIT state to the READY state.

16. Run cell blank measurement.

GPE01006.004 26
Weekly maintenance

Measuring cuvette blanks

Materials required BIOHAZARD
• cuvette conditioner Wear personal protective equipment.
Use universal precautions.
Time: 20 minutes
Analyzer mode: READY

Reaction cuvettes cause changes in absorption with use. After the weekly wash, perform the
cuvette blank measurement to determine the change. The cuvette blank is only run weekly,
even if your lab runs the Weekly Wash as a daily procedure.

1. At the Menu Panel, select Maint, then select User Maintenance.

2. In the Cell blank meas. check area, select Start CB.

The measured cuvette blank values for all cuvettes and a list of abnormal cells are printed
in approximately 15 minutes.

GPE01006.004 27
Weekly maintenance

Measuring cuvette blanks (continued)

Real Time MonitorData

The displayed data is the OD (optical density) value X 1000. There are two values for each
cell and a mean value.

Abnormal cuvettes
A list containing abnormal cuvettes is printed as part of the cell blank. The list contains
HmarksH indicating abnormality. Cuvettes appearing on the list are not used for analysis.

If the absorbance of a cuvette differs by more than 0.4 (typical setting) from the mean
absorbance reading from all cuvettes, that cuvette is marked with an "H" or "L."
In a cell blank measurement, 2 measurements are taken and their mean value is the actual
registered value. If the 2 measurements differ by more than the cell breakup limit value
(usually set at 0.1), the measurement is marked "N", and the cuvette is considered

In a cell blank measurement, if the cell’s absorbance differs from its registered absorbance
by more than the “skip absorbance value” (usually set at 0.04), the cell is considered
abnormal (marked E), and therefore not used for analysis.

Cuvettes exceeding the lamp energy voltage limits are skipped (marked U or D), and
therefore not used for analysis.

Abnormal cuvettes remain registered as abnormal until a future measurement determines

that they can be used.

Reference value
The reference value (the average value of the measurements of all cuvettes) remains the
same until the next measurement.

3. Select Yes to save the data.

4. Evaluate the results.
• 17 cuvette cells are in each cuvette set.
Replace cuvette sets when 4 or more cells in a set are flagged abnormal.
NOTE an abnormal cuvette is defined as any cuvette with an H, L, or N flag.
• If all the cells fail, contact your local technical support provider or distributor.

5. Select statistics and abnormal cells, then click Print

6. Save the printout withmaintenance records.

GPE01006.004 28
Weekly maintenance

Cleaning the analyzer and rack handler panels

The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

1. Put the analyzer and rack handler in Standby Mode.

Putting the system in Standby Mode

1. Save all data and close all open windows on the workstation.

2. At the Menu Panel, select System(S), then select Exit (X).

After approximately 15 seconds, the Startup/Shutdown window opens.

3. On the analyzer power panel, turn the Operate/Standby switch to Standby

2. Turn off the 30A-power switch at the rear of the system.

Turn off the main power switch at the rear of the analyzer, to avoid catching the toweling in
the cooling fans.

3. Close the analyzer cover.

4. Prepare a 10% solution of bleach and water.


Household bleach is 5% or 6% sodium hypochlorite which can be

used as cleaning and antiviral agent. Wear protective clothing,
gloves, and safety glasses when handling bleach. It is harmful if
swallowed and may cause eye or skin irritation.

Use household bleach such as Clorox that is free of heavy metals.

To prepare a 10% solution of household bleach, dilute one part of

bleach with nine parts of clean distilled water, or clean deionized
water. The prepared solution is stable for one week when stored at
room temperature.

GPE01006.004 29
Weekly maintenance

Cleaning the analyzer and rack handler panels

5. Dampen lint-free towels with the solution and wipe the following exterior surfaces:
• top cover
• side panels
• front panel
• rear panel

6. Using deionized water, wipe the exteriors again.

7. Turn on the 30A power switch on the rear of the system.

8. Return the analyzer to Operating Mode and the rack handler to the ON mode (if

Putting the system in operating mode

1. On the power panel, turn the Operate/Standby switch (1) to Operate.

The Power indicator (2) is on, and the System Stop (3), Start (4), and Ready (5)
indicators are flashing.

2. At the Startup window, start the workstation by selecting New Start or Re-start.

Make sure all probes and mixers are free to move without obstruction and all
analyzer covers are in place, to avoid possible injury and damage to the analyzer.

3. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize.

4. Verify the Operating mode field displays READY before performing any further

GPE01006.004 30
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning the turntable interiors (STT/CTT and RTT)

The analyzer should be in the READY mode

BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

Use the two procedures that follow to clean inside the STT/CTT housing and RTT refrigerated
housing to remove accumulated sample, reagent, dust, and other materials.

1. Remove the DPP shield:

a. Using a Phillips screwdriver, loose the screws that secure the DPP shield to the analyzer
b. Push the DPP shield to the right and slowly lift it to approximately a 90° angle.
c. Gently lift the tab of the DPP shield, and remove it.

1 DPP Splash Cover NA on

2 DPP Shield NA on 1200
3 CTT Cover
4 STT Evaporation Cover

2. Remove all the CTT and STT covers::

a. Remove the DPP splash cover, secured in place with 3 Phillips screws.
b. Remove CTT cover.
c. Remove the STT evaporation cover.

GPE01006.004 31
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning the turntable interiors (STT/CTT and RTT) (continued)

3. Remove the CTT (1) and STT (2) trays (see figure below):.
a. Pull up on the 2 Nylatch fasteners (3) securing the CTT tray in place.
b. Lift out the CTT tray by the center handle (4)
c. Pull up the 2 Nylatch fasteners (5) securing the STT tray in place.
d. Lift out the STT tray by the two metal handles (6).

4. Using lint-free towels, wipe the interior of the STT and CTT housings.

5. Replace the CTT and STT trays and covers (see figure above):
a. Orient each tray to the locator screw (7).
b. Ensure the trays are securely in position, then push down the 4 Nylatch fasteners (3 and
5) to lock the trays in place.
c. Replace the CTT cover and the STT evaporation cover.
d. Position the DPP splash tray, then secure it in place with the 3 Phillips screws.
e. Replace the DPP shield and secure it in place with the 2 Phillips screws.

1 CTT Tray
2 STT Tray
3 CTT Nylatch Fasteners - 2 places
4 CTT Handle
5 STT Nylatch Fasteners - 2 places
6 STT Handles - 2 places
7 Locator Screw

GPE01006.004 32
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning the turntable interiors (STT/CTT and RTT) (continued)

Cleaning the inside of the reagent tray refrigerated housing on 1800

1. Remove reagent tray 1 (RTT1):

a. Lift and remove the cover from the reagent tray.
b. Lift the tray by the white knob and remove it from the refrigerated housing.

2. Using lint-free towels, wipe the interior of the refrigerated housing and clean the glass
window of the reagent bar code reader.

3. Replace the reagent tray, aligning the 3 holes in the center of the tray with the 3 posts on
the hub.

4. Replace the cover, aligning the rectangular hole in the cover with the tab on the rim of
the housing.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for RTT2.

GPE01006.004 33
To clean inside the reagent tray refrigerated housing on 1200-1650 & 2400

1 Using the hand grip opening on the top cover, remove the cover.
2 Remove the reagent tray (RTT1 and RTT2) cover.
a Move the cover latch toward the front of the analyzer.
b Using the handle, lift and remove the cover.

3 Remove reagent trays (RTT1 and RTT2).

a Loosen the silver knob in the center of each tray by turning it counterclockwise.
b Lift each tray out of the refrigerated housing.

4 To wipe the interior , use gauze or lint-free towels.

5 Wipe the glass window of the reagent bar code reader, using gauze or lint-free
6 Replace the reagent trays.
a Ensure that the trays are securely in position.
b Tighten the white center knob on each tray.
c Replace the cover, and tighten the hand screws.

7 Replace the reagent tray cover.

a Position the cover with the rear pins in the pin holders.(1200 only)
b Lower the cover into position.
c Move the cover latch toward the back to secure it. .(1200 only)

8 Grasp the hand grip on the top protective cover and lower the cover securely in place

GPE01006.004 34
Monthly maintenance
Cleaning or replacing the wash solution reagent containers

Materials required BIOHAZARD

Time: 10 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.
Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: READY

1. Remove the wash solution reagent containers from RTT1 and RTT2 See Table below

2. Replace the containers with new ones or clean the old containers with DI water.

3. Refill the containers with fresh solutions as specified in the table below.

Wash Solution RTT1/2 Position RTT1/2 Position RTT1/2Position

1200 1800 1650 & 2400

Probe Wash 1 42 53 47
Probe Wash 2 43 54 48
10% Cuvette Wash 44 55 49
DI Water 45 56 50

GPE01006.004 35
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning and replenishing the solution bottles:

Š dilution (saline) NA on 1200

Š cuvette wash

Š cuvette conditioner
Materials required BIOHAZARD
Time:10 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.
Use universal precautions.
Analyzer mode: READY

Cleaning each bottle can be performed at time of bottle refill, but must be performed at least
once a month.

1 ISE Buffer Solution

2 Incubation Bath Oil
3 Isotonic Saline Diluent
4 Cuvette Wash Solution
5 Cuvette Conditioner
6 Pure-water Bottle

1. Remove the bottle:

¾ saline bottle, lift the cover from the bottle (1), and remove the bottle.
¾ cuvette wash and cuvette conditioner
• unscrew the filter cap, then pull up the tube with the filter.

• Disconnect the cuvette detergent (wash-solution) bottle level-sensor

connector (2), then turn it counter-clockwise and pull it out.

Make a note of the bottle position on the shelf, to avoid mixing up the fluid bottles.
2. Empty the remaining contents of the bottle.
3. Rinse the bottle with deionized water and drain well.
4. Refill the bottle with the solution matching the label on the container.
5. Replace the bottle in the same position on the shelf in the cabinet.

GPE01006.004 36
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning and replenishing the solution bottles:

6. Replace the cover of the bottle.

For the cuvette conditioner and cuvette wash bottles:

ƒ connect the level sensor connector, then push the connector in and
turn clockwise.

ƒ Insert the filter and hose, then fasten the cap.

Be certain that all straws and filters are at the bottom of the solution bottle.

7. Prime the fluid lines.

a. At the Operation Panel, select the Prime button.
b. At the PRIME Set window, select Prime 2 and enter 10 or more for the number
of times in all fields.
c. Select Execute.

GPE01006.004 37
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning the chiller filter

The chiller filter is located on the right inside bottom shelf of the analyzer cabinet. It must be
accessed through the panel door on the right side of the analyzer.

1. On the right side of the analyzer, push and release the panel door to gain access
to the chiller unit.

2. Locate the filter and slide it out of the analyzer.

3. Using a vacuum cleaner, remove dust from the filter.

4. If the filter requires further cleaning:

a. Wash the filter under running water.
b. Dry the filter before replacing it.

5. Slide the filter back in place and close the panel on the right side of the cabinet.

Vacuuming the chiller filter

GPE01006.004 38
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning the large water pump (LWP) filter (1200 & 1800 only)



This filter removes dust and foreign matter from the water circulation system. This water dilutes
samples and is used to clean the probes, mixers, and cuvettes.


1. At the Operation Panel, select System, then select Exit.

2. When the StartUp menu appears, switch the analyzer to OFF.

3. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the 2 screws from metal bracket. securing the
water filter.

Be sure to label the right and left sides of the LWP filter before removing it.
Large water pump (LWP) filter

1. Metal filter bracket

2. Phillips Screw
3. LWP Filter

4. Gently pull the filter toward you to gain access to the attached, blue inlet and outlet

GPE01006.004 39
Monthly maintenance

Cleaning the large water pump (LWP) filter (continued)

5. Disconnect the blue tubes from the filter:
a. Squeeze the quick-disconnect fitting toward the elbow, while pulling the blue tube away
from the fitting.

1 Blue Inlet and Outlet Tubing

2 Quick-Disconnect Fitting
3 Elbow Fitting

b. Repeat for the other tube to completely remove the filter from the system.
c. Label the tubing, if necessary, to maintain proper
6. Unscrew the filter and set aside the black o-ring

7. Rinse both sides of the filter with distilled water.

NOTE The filter screen is not removable. Be sure
to remove any debris from the filter screen
surface, using a small brush if needed.

8. Reconnect the 2 parts of the filter, making sure the

black o-ring is in place.

9. Reinstall the filter in the system:

a. Maintaining proper tube-to-filter orientation, push
one of the tubes into the elbow as far as it will go.
b. Repeat for the other tube.
c. Do not replace the metal bracket at this time.

10. At the StartUp window, select New Start or Restart.

11. Return the analyzer to the ON state.
12. Check the system for leaks:
a. At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select Manual Operation.
b. Double-select 71 LWP to set the pump to ON.
c. Verify there are no leaks at the filter and the water pressure is 76 kPa.
d. If a leak is observed, double-select 71 LWP OFF and refit the filter.
e. If no leaks are observed, double-select 71 LWP to set the pump to OFF .
f. Reattach the metal bracket to secure the filter in place.

13. Initialize the system to the READY state.

GPE01006.004 40
Every 2 months maintenance

Replace & Cleaning the dilution tray (DTT) cuvettes NA on 1200



1. Prepare 1.5 liters of 5% Probe Wash 3 solution diluted with deionized water.

2. Remove the 6 cuvette segments on the dilution tray (DTT).

a. Unfasten the 2 thumbscrews (1) on each section.
b. Grasp the cuvette section by the tab (2) and lift it from the tray.
c. To remove the cuvettes under the dilution washer (DWUD) and splash cover, turn the
tray by hand until the cuvettes are clear.
You will feel resistance when manually moving the tray. This is normal.

3. Install clean cuvette segments on the dilution tray (DTT) and fasten the
thumbscrews by hand.

4. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize.

NOTE Verify that the Operating mode field displays READY before performing
any further actions.

5. Perform the daily shutdown WASH 2 routine; then verify the operation.

Cleaning the DTT Cuvettes

1. Immerse the cuvette segments in 5% Probe Wash 3 solution
a. Ensure there are no air bubbles in the cuvettes
b. Allow the cuvettes to soak for at least 10 hours
2. Wash the Cuvettes under running water, then rinse them in deionized water.
3. Drain the water from the cuvettes.
4. Allow cuvettes to air dry then store them covered to protect from dust and dirt.
5. Each set should be washed only once, and used on the system for a total of 4
months, then discarded.

GPE01006.004 41
Every 3 months maintenance

Replacing the lamp

Materials required
Wear personal protective equipment.
• Halogen lamp, 12V/50W Use universal precautions.
(REF 02127928, PN 073-
Time: 60 minutes
Analyzer mode: OFF

The lamp MUST be replaced:

• Quarterly
• After approximately 2000 hours of use
• If the system warns that lamp energy is out of range
• If the Checking Lamp Energy procedure indicates that:
> the A-D points are outside the ±40 range of the scatter plot center line
> the volts for any of the wavelengths are outside the range of 5.0 to 9.0 volts
> If the ATTENU(%) for any of the 14 wavelengths on the Lamp Check Energy
window falls below 80%

1. Put the system in Standby mode.

2. Lift and remove the access panel in front of the Rotating Reaction Tray to expose the lamp

The lamp housing is hot. To avoid burns, allow it to cool down (approximately 10 minutes)
before touching any components.

GPE01006.004 42
Replacing the lamp (continued)

1 Lead Wire Connector

2 Lead Wire Connector
3 Lamp Screws
4 Lamp Plate
5 Alignment Hole and Pin

3. Loosen the lead wire connectors (1 and 2) and remove the wires.

4. Unfasten the lamp screws (3) on the plate (4) and remove the halogen lamp from the

CAUTION Be careful not to drop the screws.

5. When installing the new lamp, align the hole (1) to the locating pin (2).

Do not touch the glass portion of the lamp. Touching the lamp could damaging it. If the
lamp is dirty, clean it using lint-free toweling moistened with ethanol.
6. Install the lamp screws.
7. Install the lead wires and fasten the knobs.
8. Replace the access panel.
9. Return the system to Operating Mode.
10. Wait 40 minutes for the lamp to stabilize.
11. Then, check the lamp energy.
12. Perform the cell blank measurement test.
Bayer HealthCare recommends that the assays on the system be calibrated after the lamp
is replaced.
13. Run QC controls to verify that all assays are within the laboratory’s established
control ranges.

GPE01006.004 43
Every 4 months maintenance

Replacing the reaction and dilution cuvettes

The 13 sets of reaction (RRV) cuvettes and 6 sets of dilution (DTT) cuvettes must be replaced
once every four months.

1 Thumbscrew

2 Tab

3 Detector Unit

1. Put the system in Standby Mode.

Turn off the power before removing or replacing cuvettes in order to allow the RRV to move

2. Remove the 13 cuvette sets on the reaction tray (RRV).

a. Unfasten the two thumbscrews (1) on each set.

Be careful not to get RRV bath oil inside the cuvette. If you do, allow the cuvette to dry

Be careful not to drop the cuvette set screws into other components of the instrument.
Do not remove the cuvette if it is in front of the detector (3).
b. Hold the cuvette set by the tab (2) and lift it from the tray.
c. To remove the cuvette sets located by the detector unit or under the cuvette wash
station (WUD), rotate the reaction tray by hand until the cuvettes are in an accessible

d. Work away from the area of the lamp housing. You want to avoid
splashing oil on any of the lamp or spectrophotometer components.

GPE01006.004 44
Every 4 months maintenance

Replacing the reaction and dilution cuvettes cont’d

3. While the RRV cuvette segments are removed from the system, make a visual
inspection of the oil. Remove any foreign substances, if present.

4. Install the new cuvette sets on the RRV and fasten the set screws.

To avoid damaging the cuvettes, do not to touch or scratch the cuvette surfaces or wipe
the cuvette interior.

5. Remove the 6 cuvette sets on the dilution tray (DTT).

a. Unfasten the two thumbscrews (1) on each section.
b. Hold the cuvette section by the tab (2) and lift it from the tray.
c. To remove the cuvettes under the dilution washer (DWUD) or cuvette splash
cover, rotate the dilution tray by hand until the cuvettes are clear.

4. Install the new cuvette sets on the DTT and fasten the set screws by hand.

5. Return the system to Operating mode.

6. Perform the daily shutdown WASH 2 routine and verify the operation.

7. Perform the cell blank measurement, and if the cell blank run was completed successfully,
save the results.

GPE01006.004 45
Every 4 months maintenance

Cleaning the on-board pure-water bottle filter and the reagent bottle filters
There is a hose in each of the Pure Water, Saline, Cuvette Detergent, and Cuvette Conditioner
bottles. The filter in the end of each of these hoses should be checked and cleaned every 4
months. Refer to the On-line Operator’s Guide for specific instructions.

Clogged filters create an insufficient flow rate and produce air bubbles.

A set of filters is included in the supplies kit. To avoid system down-time, replace the filters with
those in the kit, resume operation, then clean and store the removed filters for the next
scheduled maintenance.

If any of the filters are ripped or damaged, replace them with new filters.

Filters can be cleaned in a freshly made 10% solution of water and bleach. Rinse thoroughly
with distilled water before replacing the filter on the system.

GPE01006.004 46
As required maintenance

Replacing the SPP, RPP1, and RPP2 probes

Biohazard Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

Use this procedure to replace SPP and RPP probes not equipped with crash detection. For
dilution probes (DPP) equipped with crash detection, go to: Replacing DPP probes - with crash

1. Put the system in Standby mode.

Manually support the probe and be careful not to strike it against anything on the analyzer, to avoid
damaging the probe tip when the power is off.

2. Cover the cuvettes, wash cups, and other analyzer surfaces with lint-free towels to catch
any screws that might fall.

3. Lift and manually rotate the probe to an accessible location.

Probe Accessible Location

Sample probe (SPP) Over the dilution tray (DTT)

Reagent probe 1 (RPP1) Over reagent tray 1 (RTT1)
Reagent probe 2 (RPP2) Over reagent tray 2 (RTT2)

4. Loosen but do not remove the setscrews (1) on each side of the probe cover. Lift the
cover off the probe.

GPE01006.004 47
As required maintenance

Replacing the SPP, RPP1, and RPP2

probes (cont’d)

1. Terminal 2
2. Joint Connector
3. Joint Holder
4. Phillips Screws (4 places)
5. Probe
6. Terminal 1
7. Flange

5. Using pliers, loosen the joint connector (2) counterclockwise, then unfasten
and remove it by hand.

6. Loosen but do not remove the 4 Phillips screws (4).

7. Lift the old probe and discard.

8. Slowly insert the new probe through the guide hole (5) until the flange (4) is seated
against terminal 1 (6).

9. Verify that the probe is correctly positioned in terminal 2 (1) and the joint holder (3).

10. Tighten the 4 Phillips screws (4) while maintaining the probe position in terminal 2 and
the joint holder.

11. Finger-tighten the joint connector (2).

Do not cross thread or force the joint connector in too far, to avoid damaging the threads or
introducing leaks or air bubbles.

12. Replace the probe-arm cover and tighten the two probe cover screws.

GPE01006.004 48
As required maintenance

Replacing the SPP, RPP1, and RPP2 probes (cont’d)

13. Lift up the probe arm to the end of its travel, then manually rotate the probe over the
probe wash cup but not within the wash port.

14. Put the system in Operating mode.

15. At the Menu Panel, select Maint, then select Manual Operation to move the probes.

16. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize to return the probes back to home
(over the wash cups).

17. At the Operation Panel, select PRIME, PRIME 2, and then Execute to ensure
proper water flow through the probe.
Make sure that no water is leaking from the joint connector.

GPE01006.004 49
Chemistry Probe Cleaning Tool Chemistry Probe Cleaning Tool

Purpose: Description:
To provide the Chemistry system Operator The Chemistry Probe Cleaning Kit consists of
with the means to flush obstructions from a a 10 mL syringe coupled to a Push-In fitting
pipette probe. which can be screwed into the ADVIA®
Chemistry pipette probe.

Kit contents:
1) 10 mL Luer-Lock Syringe
2) Barbed Female Luer Fitting
3) Short Piece of Polyurethane Tubing
4) Mini Push-In Fitting
5) Instructions

Wear personal protective equipment.
Use universal precautions.
Assembled Tool:

1 Ensure the system is in the Standby Push-In Fitting
2 Remove the pipette probe by following
the instructions (Replacing the Probes)
in the Analyzer As Required section Tubing
under Maintenance of the Operator
3 While holding the joint holder end of the
pipette probe secure, screw in the Push- Luer Fitting
In fitting of the tool into the probe clock



GPE01006.004 50
Instructions (continued):
Instructions (continued):
4 Unscrew the syringe at the luer fitting.
10 If bleach was used to clean the probe
5 Fill the syringe with DI-H2O and reattach then follow the bleach with a syringe of
it to the luer fitting. DI-H2O to remove any traces of bleach.
6 Depress the syringe plunger while 11 Remove the tool by holding the joint
holding the pipette probe over a sink or holder end of the screw and turning the
suitable container. Push-In fitting counter clockwise.
7 Observe that any obstruction is cleared
and a steady uniform stream exits the
probe tip.
8 If the obstruction does not clear then
immerse the probe tip in a beaker of DI-
H2O and move the syringe plunger back
and forth to dislodge the obstruction.
9 After the obstruction is cleared,
optionally a 10% solution of bleached
may be used to clean the probe further.


Household bleach is 5% or 6% sodium hypochlorite. When

handling bleach, which can be used as a cleaning and antiviral
agent, wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety glasses. It
is harmful if swallowed and may cause eye or skin irritation. NOTE:
Use household bleach that is free of heavy metals, such as • To remove the tubing from the Push-In
Clorox*. fitting press the release ring towards
To prepare a 10% solution of household bleach, dilute one
the fitting and pull tubing out. No tools
part of bleach with nine parts of clean distilled water, or clean are required. To install tubing simply
deionized water. The prepared solution is stable for one week push tubing in.
when stored at room temperature.

To prepare a 25% solution of household bleach, dilute one

part of bleach with three parts of clean distilled water, or clean
deionized water. The prepared solution is stable for one week
when stored at room temperature.


GPE01006.004 51
As required maintenance

Changing the DPP Probe

Removing the DPP probe cover

1. Put the system in Standby mode.

2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the screws that secure the DPP shield to the
analyzer panel.

3. Push the DPP shield to the right and slowly lift it until it reaches approximately a 90°
angle, then gently lift the tab of the DPP shield and remove.

4. Unscrew all thumb screws and remove the splash guard protective covers from the wash
If the system includes an anti-rotation bracket, avoid hitting it while removing the splash guard
protective cover.

5. Set the cover aside.

Manually support the probe to avoid damaging the probe tip when the power is off. Be
careful not to strike it against any other parts on the analyzer.

6. To catch any screws that might fall, cover the cuvettes, wash cups, and other analyzer
surfaces with lint-free towels.

7. Lift and manually rotate the probe over the sample tray.

8. Loosen but do not remove the screws on each side of the probe cover (1).

9. Lift the cover from the probe arm and set it aside.

GPE01006.004 52
As required maintenance

Changing the DPP Probe (continued)

Removing the probe from the probe arm

1 Probe Tubing
2 Joint Connector
3 Joint Holder
4 Probe Wire Screw
5 Black Wire
6 Spring Clips
7 Probe Guide
8 Probe
9 Wire Lock Screw

1. Gently loosen the probe joint connector (2) (use pliers, if necessary), then slide it back on
the tubing (1) approximately 1 cm.

2. To remove it from the end of the probe body, gently flex and pull back on the tubing (1).

CAUTION Be careful not to damage the flared end or kink the tube.

3. Loosen but do not remove the probe wire screw (9), then remove the orange probe wire
from the post.

4. Hold the probe arm securely and open the two spring clips (6) by grasping each at the
side closest to the black wire (5), then gently raising each to an open, locked position.

CAUTION There is some spring resistance when attempting to open the clips. Do
not allow the probe arm to swing side to side when opening the clips.

5. Loosen but do not remove the wire lock screw (4).

6. Remove the black wire (5) from the post.

7. Gently snap the gold joint holder (3) from its post.

8. Gently lift the probe (8) up through the probe guide (7), then carefully remove it from the
probe arm.

9. Discard the old probe.

GPE01006.004 53
As required maintenance

Changing the DPP Probe (continued)

Installing the new DPP probe

1. Carefully insert the new probe into the probe guide (7), then route the other end through
the joint holder (3).

2. Carefully close each spring clip (6) over the probe.

Do not allow the clips to snap on the probe shaft. This may damage to the probe.

3. Reconnect the black wire (5) under the wire lock screw (4) and tighten the screw.

Do not flex the wire more than necessary. Over-flexing may damage the wire.

If the screw does not fully tighten, or the standoff spins, tighten the screw on the probe
arm base until the standoff no longer spins; otherwise the liquid-level-sensing capability
may be adversely affected.

4. Slip the orange wire onto the probe wire screw (9), then tighten the screw.

5. Carefully flex the tubing (1) and slip the flared end into the joint connector (2).

6. Slide the knurled nut of the joint connector (2) into the joint holder (3) and carefully tighten
until snug.

Do not cross thread or force the joint connector in too far, to avoid damaging the threads
or introducing leaks or air bubbles.

7. Snap the joint holder (3) back into the post.

8. Replace the probe arm cover and tighten the two probe cover screws .

9. Replace the splash guards and secure them back in place with the thumb screws.

10. Manually lift and rotate the probe over the probe wash cup but not within the wash port.

11. Replace the DPP shield and secure it in place.

GPE01006.004 54
As required maintenance

Changing the DPP Probe (continued)

Aligning the DPP probe

1. Put the system in Operating mode.

2. At the Menu Panel, select Maint, then select User maint.

3. For additional details, refer to Using the User Maintenance window.

4. In the Probe posi.adjust area, select Position adjust start to move all the probes (DPP,
SPP, RPP1, and RPP2) over cuvettes.

5. Ensure that the probe is perpendicular to the arm and centered over the cuvette.
If it is not, call your local technical support provider or distributor.

6. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize to return the probes back to home (over the
wash cups).

7. At the Operation Panel, select PRIME, then PRIME 2, then Execute to ensure proper
water flow through the probe.
Make sure that no water is leaking from the joint connector (2).

GPE01006.004 55
As required maintenance

Preventive cleaning of the wash station lines

Biohazard Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

If you experience a problem with clogs in the wash station aspiration nozzles and lines, use
this procedure to clean the WUD and DWUD wash station aspiration nozzles and lines. Refer
to the On-line Operator’s Guide to follow specific instructions for this procedure.

The Wash Head is removed (1) and the nozzles placed into a tray (dryer paddle (1) remains
outside the tray)

You will activate a sequence which allows you to flush these lines with distilled water, then
a cleaning solution, and then water to rinse.

GPE01006.004 56
As required maintenance

Shutting down and Powering up the ADVIA Chemistry System (Recovering from a
Power Failure)

Managing an expected power outage

If you know in advance of an upcoming power outage, do the following:

1. Turn off the workstation and analyzer power by performing the normal shutdown operation:.

Shutting down the ADVIA Chemistry system

1. From the System (s) menu, on the Menu Panel, select Exit.

2. When the confirmation message box displays, select Yes.

3. When the second confirmation message box displays, select Yes.

After a brief delay, the Startup window opens.

4. Select Shutdown.

5. After a brief delay, the message box displays to allow you to turn off the computer.

6. At the power panel, set the Operate/Standby switch (1) to Standby.

2. If you expect the power supply to be cut off for a long period of time, refrigerate the

3. When the power supply returns, perform the normal startup procedure

Starting the ADVIA Chemistry system

1. After you apply power and the Windows operating system loads, the ADVIA
Chemistry system Startup window displays.

3. At the system power panel, set the Operate/Standby switch (1) to Operate.

4. At the Startup window, do the following:

a. In the Please enter password box, type the user password.
User passwords assigned in the User Code Settings window are not case
b. Select New Start or Re-start, then select OK.
After a few minutes, the Menu Panel and the Operation Panel open.

5. When the Start and Ready indicators are off, and the Initialize button at the
Operation Panel activates (turns black), select Initialize.

6. If required, Hlog onH as supervisor or tech_manager.

GPE01006.004 57
As required maintenance

Recovery from a power failure (continued)

Responding during a power failure while electric power is still off

While the electrical power is still off, do the following:

1. Turn off the workstation power switch.

2. At the power panel, set the Operate/Standby switch to Standby.

When the electric power returns, do the following:

1. Turn on the workstation power switch.

2. When the Startup window opens, turn the Operate/Standby switch to Operate.

3. Select the system reset button on the analyzer unit power supply panel.

4. At the Startup window, enter a password.

5. Select Re-Start, then select OK.

6. If possible, repeat the task that you were performing prior to the power failure and
verify that the data were stored.

7. If reagent was dispensed, you must perform a Weekly WASH2 before resuming

To resume operations after power is restored

1. If the Startup window is open, select Shutdown and perform the normal
shutdown operation.

2. Turn off the workstation power and turn the Operate/Standby switch on the
analyzer to Standby.

3. Wait approximately 20 seconds.

4. Perform the normal startup operation and open the Startup window.

5. At the Startup window, enter a password.

6. Select Re-Start, then select OK.

7. If possible, repeat the task prior to the power failure and verify that the data were

8. If reagent was dispensed, you must perform a Weekly Wash before resuming

GPE01006.004 58
As required maintenance

Backing up system files to a CD

The system software consists of the operating system, data processing software, and user-
specific system and data files. Back up the system files to a formatted recordable CD disk
whenever you make any configuration or parameter changes. The Restoring System Files
procedure follows this procedure.

Materials required: • 1 Blank CD-R (for systems equipped with a read/write CD drive)

Time: 5 minutes Analyzer mode: Ready

1. Write System back up and the current date on a CD-RW label.

2. If the CD-RW is not formatted, format the CD:

a. Open the CD drawer and insert the labeled CD, then close the CD drawer.
b. At the Easy CD Creator window, select Make a data CD, then select the direct
CD option to format a CD disk.
c. At the DirectCD format utility window, ensure the drive letter of the CD drive in
the Select CD option is correct, then select Format CD.
d. At the DirectCD Format window, type System Backup and the current date in
the label field, then select Start Format.
e. When the format completes, at the CD Ready window, select OK, then close
the Easy CD Creator window.

3. At the Startup window, select Back-up.

GPE01006.004 59
4. At the ADVIA Backup window, select Make a Backup Copy, then select the Target Files
to be backed up from the following options:
• System Files - Approximately 30 MB of disk space is required.
• Data Files - Disk space required is dependent on the amount of data stored on the C:/
drive. A new CD holds approximately 650 MB.

5. Select Execute.
The system names the backup automatically, which consists of a yyyymmdd format.
Accept the destination folder default for the DVD disk drive letter (usually D:) or select
Browse to choose a different destination. If a recordable disk is not available, then the
backup can be stored on the partitioned storage drive (E:).

6. At the Backup confirmation window, select OK.

7. When the back up completes, at the Backup complete window, select OK.

8. At the ADVIA Backup window, select Exit.

GPE01006.004 60
As required maintenance

Restoring system files done by TAS or FSE

1. Insert the CD containing the backup files into the CD drawer.

• When restoring backed-up data files (in the Data subfolder under the A002 folder),
select the Delete Data Files checkbox at the ADVIA Backup window. This deletes any
current data files on the PC hard drive before the backed up system and data files are
• If the current data files are needed, perform a backup before restoring previous files.
The restore feature restores all files (system and or data files) that were previously
backed up. If this is the case, close the ADVIA Backup window and perform Backing up
system files (see above).

2. At the ADVIA Backup window, select Restore a Backup Copy, then browse to the
source folder that contains the backup files to restore and select Execute.

3. At the Restore confirmation window, select OK.

4. If the CD contains all the backed up files to restore, then at the Restore window, select
Exit Restore.

5. If the backed up files are on more than one CD, select Continue.

6. At the ADVIA Backup window, select Exit.

7. At the Startup window, select Cancel.

8. Reboot the PC.

GPE01006.004 61
Maintenance: System Maintenance Monitor window

Use this window to enter schedules for maintenance tasks and to monitor the maintenance
status of the system.

At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select System Maintenance Monitor.
Entering maintenance schedule information

1. Enter a task in the Maintenance part field.

2. Select a type of schedule (daily, monthly, weekly, etc.) and the period of frequency.
These settings determine the Scheduled day / elapsed time.
3. If you performed a maintenance procedure, enter the date of the activity in the
Replaced field.

Located at the right of the System Maintenance Monitor window, the monitor
displays colored bars representing the amount of time (as a percentage) that
has elapsed between the last maintenance and the next scheduled
maintenance (for each task).
The monitor only displays bars for tasks not marked No setting.
Color Meaning
Blue Less than 50% of the time between maintenance dates has elapsed.
Green 50%-75% of the time between maintenance dates has elapsed.
Yellow 75%-100% of the time between maintenance dates has elapsed.
Red The next scheduled maintenance date has passed.

GPE01006.004 62
ISE maintenance – as required

Conditioning the Na and K electrodes

Condition the electrodes the day before you need to use it. A new electrode may take a long
time to stabilize.

Conditioning the electrodes

1. Prepare a 1:4 dilution of pool serum using ISE buffer solution.

2. Remove the new electrode from its case.
The ion electrode contains an inner solution, which can be confirmed by shaking the
electrode. This solution decreases little by little with time. If you do not feel any response in
your shaking, measure its weight. If the electrode weighs less than 9 g, do not use it.

3. Remove the sponge from the bottom of the electrode

case and place the electrode to be conditioned back into
the case.

4. Using a dropper or pipette, pour 0.5 mL of pool serum

into the flow path of the electrode.

Be sure to apply the serum thoroughly.

5. Add buffer solution to the case, covering the whole

electrode with solution.

Let the electrode condition overnight.

6. After aging is complete, take out the electrode, wash it

with deionized water, and thoroughly wipe it off.

To prevent infection from contacting serum directly, wear
suitable protective gloves when you remove the electrode
from the solution.

7. Replace the electrodes on the instrument with the newly conditioned ones.

8. Calibration is performed as part of the electrode replacement.

9. If the calibration fails, repeat calibration again.

If data continues to be unstable after electrode conditioning, perform an electrode wash.

GPE01006.004 63
ISE Maintenance - As required

Replacing electrodes

Replace the electrodes if the slope is incorrect or calibration continuously fails.

The acceptable ISE slope is between 45.0 and Mark ISE Slope Range
63.0. Slopes beyond this range are flagged as
shown in the following table. A flagged slope fails H > 65.0
the calibration. The slope limits are defined at the h 63.1 to 65.0
ISE Parameter Settings window.
l 38.0 - 44.9
L < 38.0

Removing the electrodes

1. At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select ISE Operation.

2. Next to Period. wash, select OFF, then select Set.

3. Loosen the thumb screw and lift the ISE cover.

4. Disconnect the electrode connectors.
5. Remove the thumbscrew (1). This releases the plate that secures the electrodes
and the block containing the electrode can be removed.

6. Remove the electrode you need to replace.

GPE01006.004 64
ISE Maintenance - As required

Replacing electrodes (continued)

Installing electrodes
Make sure that the K and Na electrodes are conditioned. When Cl and Ref electrodes are
taken out of their packaging, they are wet. Wipe the Cl electrode thoroughly, and wash the
Ref electrode using water.

1. Assemble the new electrodes in the correct order (marked on the baseplate on the
analyzer ISE module)

2. Set the electrodes in place, paying careful attention not to leave a space between them.
Make sure that there is an 0-ring between each electrode and make sure that the ridges
on the side of each electrode fits into the depressions on the side of the electrode next to it.

3. Fasten the thumbscrew (1) while holding down each electrode with the retaining plate.

4. Insert the electrode connectors.

If a space is between the electrode
connections, the plate retaining the electrodes cannot close. If you cannot close it, move each
electrode left and right little by little. Do not force the electrode. Fasten the thumbscrew tightly. If the
retaining plate loosens during measurement, liquid could leak, causing a problem with the

5. At the ISE Operation window, select Execute to the right of the word Initialize.

6. Select Yes when prompted to execute arrangement.

7. In the Bufferprime area, enter 3 into the Times field.

8. Select Execute, then select Yes when prompted to execute buffer prime.

GPE01006.004 65
ISE Maintenance - As required

Replacing electrodes (continued)

Installing electrodes
9. Verify that the liquid is discharged smoothly from the dilution bowl during priming.

If the liquid is increasing without being discharged, a leak exists, an electrode is incorrectly
positioned, or a clog is in the drain system. If the liquid increases, immediately stop the
If clogging occurs, the most probable cause is that the flow path is clogged inside the
electrode. Remove the Na and K electrodes, and check them by transmitted light to see
whether the flow path is clogged or not. You cannot do this for the Cl electrode because of
its construction. When in doubt, even if you cannot find a problem, try replacing the

10. Mount the stainless steel cover of the top of the ISE unit by sliding it inside and fasten the
screw retaining the cover.
When sliding it, be careful not to scratch the tubes and dilution bowl. When fastening the screw,
verify that the cover is not caught in the groove and is not loose.

11. Reinstall the cover and tighten the screws.

12. At the ISE Operation window, select Execute to the right of the word Initialize, then select

NOTE The ISE wash is automatically turned on.

11. After initialization is complete, select Exit, then select Yes.

12. At the Operation Panel, select Initialize.

13. At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select ISE Operation.

14. At the ISE Operation window, select Execute to the right of the word Calibration.

15. When prompted, select Yes to execute calibration.

16. If the calibration fails, repeat calibration again and if data continues to be unstable, perform
an electrode wash.
The electrodes may have to stabilize on the system before a successful calibration is

17. At the ISE Operation window, select the Electrode Info button and enter the new
electrode information.

GPE01006.004 66
ISE Maintenance - As required

Cleaning the dilution bowl and the waste-drain nozzle

Cleaning the dilution bowl

1. At the Menu Panel, select Maint., then select ISE Operation.

2. Unscrew the acrylic cover at the position where the electrolyte sample is dispensed at
the left front of the analyzer.

3. Loosen the screw retaining the stainless steel cover at the top of the ISE unit, and
remove that cover by sliding it toward you.

4. At the ISE Operation window, next to Final operation, type 16 in the field next to Pure
water position.

5. Select container 1 setting for 10-mL tube.

6. Fill a 10-mL tube with deionized water and place it on the CTT tray in position 16.

7. At the ISE Operation window, next to Final operation, select Execute.

Water is dispensed into the ISE module.

9. To dissolve the crystals attached to the liquid-supply nozzle, let it stand for about five

10. At the ISE Operation window, next to Dil Bowl drain, select Execute.
The water in the dilution bowl drains.

11. Wipe the water or dirty parts around the liquid-supply nozzle (1) using a wet
cotton stick or a similar material.

12. At the ISE Operation window, enter 5 in the Bufferprime Times box, then select Execute.

13. When prompted, select Yes to execute buffer prime.

GPE01006.004 67
ISE Maintenance - As required

Cleaning the dilution bowl and the waste-drain nozzle (continued)

Cleaning the waste drain nozzle

Be careful not to scratch the nozzle. Damaging the nozzle may cause faulty results.

1. Using a pointed toothpick, carefully scrape the crystals that are attached to the waste-
drain nozzle (2).

2. At the ISE Operation window, enter 4 or 5 in the Bufferprime Times box, then select
Verify that no buffer collects in the wash block. Buffer remains in the wash block may clog
the drain.

Maintaining the ISE Unit after the dilution bowl and waste-drain nozzle are clean

1. Replace the stainless steel cover of the ISE unit by sliding it into place, then secure the
retaining screw.

When sliding the cover, be careful not to scratch the tubes and dilution bowl. Also, when fastening
the screw, verify that the cover is not caught in the groove and is not loose.

2. Reinstall the acrylic cover and tighten the screws.

3. At the ISE Operation window, select Execute to the right of the word Initialize.

4. When prompted, select Yes to execute arrangement.

5. At the ISE Operation window, select Exit.

6. Perform calibration and run controls.

GPE01006.004 68
ISE Maintenance - As required

Washing all the lines

This procedure would be run when ISE line contamination is suspected. Please refer to the
On-line Operator’s Guide for step-by-step instructions for performing this procedure.

Similar to the Washing Electrode Lines procedure, you will remove the electrodes from the ISE
module, and place a dummy electrode on the system.

Additionally, you will be replacing the ISE buffer bottle with a bottle filled with water, then a
bottle filled with 5% Probe Wash 3.

You will then

¾ reinstall the buffer bottle and the electrodes, and perform a buffer prime.

¾ Run 10 pooled serum samples, or do an ISE CV check.

¾ Perform calibration and run controls.

GPE01006.004 69
Table of Contents

1650 SPECIFIC Maintenance.......................................................................................... 3

Monthly Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 3
Drain the Vacuum tank liquid...................................................................................... 3
4 Month Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 5
Cleaning the On-board Pure-Water bottle filters ....................................................... 5
ISE Operation Window .............................................................................................. 11
Washing the electrodes………………………………………………………………………12
ISE Maintenance –Weekly ............................................................................................ 13
CLEANING THE DILUTION BOWL ............................................................................ 13
ISE Maintenance –Monthly........................................................................................... 16
CLEANING THE MIXER .............................................................................................. 16

REPLACING THE PERISTALTIC PUMP TUBE ......................................................... 17

REPLACING THE PUMP SEAL AND PACKING........................................................ 20
Clean the ISE Waste Block ........................................................................................ 23
ISE Maintenance – Once every Three Months ......................................................... 25
WASHING THE ELECTRODE LINES ......................................................................... 25
ISE Maintenance – as required (if contamination is suspected)............................... 28
WASHING ALL THE LINES ........................................................................................ 28
CONDITIONING THE Na and K ELECTRODES ........................................................ 30
REPLACING THE ELECTRODES .............................................................................. 32
CONDITIONING THE ELECTRODES ON THE SYSTEM ........................................... 35
FILLING THE REFERENCE ELECTRODE ................................................................. 37

GPE01006.004 1
GPE01006.004 2
1650 SPECIFIC Maintenance
Monthly Maintenance

Drain the Vacuum tank liquid

Materials required: an empty 1-liter container
Time: 10 Minutes
Analyzer Mode: READY

Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions

Occasionally, cuvette waste water collects in the vacuum tank. Over time the vacuum tank can
accumulate an unacceptable level of waste water, preventing the vacuum pump from completely
removing waste water from the cuvettes. Monthly draining of the vacuum tank should preclude
this problem.

The vacuum tank is located within the analyzer. Access to the tank is not required to drain the

GPE01006.004 3
Monthly Maintenance
Drain the Vacuum tank liquid (continued)

1. Open the center door on the analyzer to gain access to the vacuum tank drain
hose on the lower right shelf of the cabinet (1).
2. Squeezing the cap, remove the cap from the waste water discharge tube and
place the tube in a container.

3. Turn on the drain valves

a From the ADVIA 1650 Menu, click Maint. then Manual Operation.
b From the Manual Operation window, double click 60.VIEV1 and 62.VOEV1 to turn
them ON.
4. Replace the cap on the tube when no more water drains from it.
To prevent the system from losing vacuum, make sure that the cap is seated
5. Restore the tube within the cabinet and close the door.
6. From the ADVIA 1650 Operation panel, click Initialize and verify that the
instrument is in the READY state.
7. Dispose of the waste water as you would any biohazard materials.
Every 4 months Maintenance

GPE01006.004 4
4 Month Maintenance
Cleaning the On-board Pure-Water bottle filters
Materials required
ten (10) 10R filters, PN 073-0033-01
one (1) 18R filter, PN 073-0034-01
hex wrench
Time: 15 minutes
Analyzer mode: Ready

Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions.

Clogged filters create an insufficient flow rate and produce air bubbles.

Note: A set of filters is included in the supplies kit. To avoid system down-time, you
may want to replace the filters with the ones in the kit, resume operation, then
clean and store the removed filters for the next scheduled maintenance.

5. Pure Water Bottle

GPE01006.004 5
4 Month Maintenance
Cleaning the On-board Pure-Water bottle filters (cont’d)

1. Ensure that the instrument is in Ready Mode.

2. Remove the silicon return hose from the top front of the pure water bottle (5).

1. Using a hex wrench if necessary, unfasten the filter holder from the end of the
return hose and remove the filter.
Note: If any of the filters are ripped or damaged, replace it with a new filter.

GPE01006.004 6
Cleaning the On-board Pure-Water bottle filters (cont’d)

4. To clean the 18R filter, place in a beaker filled with a freshly made 10% solution of
water household bleach. After 30 minutes, remove the filter, rinse it in deionized water, and
replace into its holder.
5. Remove the ten small 10R Teflon filter hoses from the top front of the water bottle.

CAUTION: To assist with removal as well as to avoid crimping these thin

filter hoses, remove only 3 or 4 hoses from the water bottle at a

6. First unfasten the filter holder from the end of each tube, and then remove the

GPE01006.004 7
Cleaning the On-board Pure-Water bottle filters (cont’d)

1. To clean the 10R filters, place them in a beaker filled with a freshly made
10% solution of water and household bleach. (can use 5% Probe Wash 3)
After 30 minutes, remove the filters, rinse them in deionized water, and replace
onto their holders.
CAUTION: To avoid having the filter shift, ensure that it is properly
positioned within the filter holder.
2. Using a gauze pad soaked in alcohol, clean the outside surfaces of the filter
holders and hoses.
9. Insert the ten Teflon filter hoses in the tank, 3 or 4 at a time.
10. Insert the silicon filter hose in the water bottle.
11. Prime the lines.
a. On the Operation panel, click the PRIME button.
b. In the PRIME Set dialog box, select PRIME 2 and enter 10 or more for the
number of times in all fields.
c. Click Execute.

GPE01006.004 8
1650 Operator’s Guide to
ISE (Ion Selective Electrodes) maintenance

NOTE: This Maintenance Document was referenced from Operator’s Guide v.8.00.00.
In the event a new Operator’s Guide is released, please disregard this document and
refer to the new version. Also Referenced: Customer Bulletins and Best Practice

Before you begin any ISE maintenance task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation

2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

After you have finished the ISE maintenance tasks, do the following:

On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Initialize and click Yes.

GPE01006.004 9
GPE01006.004 10
ISE Operation Window

These functions allow manual control of the ISE module parts.

1. BP = Buffer pump
2. MCR = Mixer crane
3. Mixer = Mixer rod
4. BPSV = Buffer Solenoid Valve
5. PP = Peristaltic pump
6. RefSV = Reference Solenoid valve

GPE01006.004 11
Ise Maintenance
Washing the electrodes is normally done during the daily Shutdown wash (WASH2)
If required, manually request through ISE Operation Window as follows:


Materials Required:
ISE Detergent Solution: B01-4174-01
Time: 5 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation Use universal precautions.
To wash the electrodes
1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, click Maint.,
then click ISE Operation.
2. Enter the position number of the ISE detergent container.
3. In the Container field, select the type of container for the wash
4. Put the ISE detergent solution in the container and place it on the
CTT position you entered. Recommended container is a J-cup (to
ensure fresh detergent is loaded)
5. Click the Execute button to the right of the word Wash Electrode.
6. Click Exit.
7. Click Yes when prompted to execute electrode wash.

GPE01006.004 12
ISE Maintenance –Weekly


Materials Required:
• Deionized water Wear personal
• Lint free gauze protective equipment.
• Household bleach Use Universal precautions.

1. Dilution Bowl
2. Bowl Base Cap
3. Dilution Bowl Base

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation
2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

GPE01006.004 13
To clean the dilution bowl

1. Pull out the ISE drawer.

2. On the ISE Operation panel, double click 2.MCR. On the MCR window,
click Toggle to raise the MCR, then close the MCR window.
2. Unscrew, counterclockwise, the threaded bowl
Base cap (2). Gently twist and pull out the
Glass dilution bowl (1).
CAUTION: To avoid cutting yourself
on the mixer paddle, be very careful
when you remove the dilution bowl.

4. Remove the o-ring and the plastic spacer.

If the packing gasket stays on the dilution
bowl, remove it from the bowl and place it
back into the hole in the dilution bowl base.

5. Place the dilution bowl into a 10% solution of household bleach and water,
and allow it to soak for 30 minutes. Rinse the dilution bowl thoroughly in
running water, then in deionized water.
6. If there is any dirt left on the dilution bowl, use a piece of lint-free gauze and
wipe it clean. Rinse the dilution bowl thoroughly in deionized water.
7. Reinstall the o-ring and spacer, then reinstall dilution bowl and the bowl base
8. Verify that the bowl is pushed all the way down into the packing gasket.
Important: You should feel some resistance when your are pushing the
bowl into the base. If this is not the case, replace the packing gasket
(PN 073-0076-01).

GPE01006.004 14
To clean the dilution bowl (cont’d)

9. On the ISE Operation window, double-click 2.MCR. On the MCR window,

click Toggle to lower the MCR into the dilution bowl, then close the MCR
10. Close the ISE drawer.
11. Click Execute to the right of the word Initialize. Click Yes when prompted to
execute arrangement.
12. On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 3 into the
Times field. Click Execute.
13. Click Yes when prompted to execute buffer prime.

GPE01006.004 15
ISE Maintenance –Monthly


Materials Required
Lint-free gauze

Time: 2 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.

Analyzer mode: Manual operation Use universal precautions.

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation
2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

To clean the mixer

1. Pull out the ISE drawer.
2. Double-click 2.MCR. On the MCR window, click Toggle to raise the MCR.
3. Clean the mixer (1) using lint-free gauze soaked in water.
4. On the MCR window, click Toggle to lower the mixer into the dilution bowl,
then close the MCR window.
5. Close the ISE drawer.

After you have finished this task do the following:

1. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word
2. Click Yes when prompted to execute arrangement.
3. On the ISE Operation window, click Exit.
4. Click Yes when prompted whether ISE is over.

GPE01006.004 16
ISE Maintenance –Monthly


Time: 5 minutes
Analyzer Mode: Manual Operation
Materials Required: Peristaltic pump tube, PN 073-0078-01

Wear personal protective equipment

Use universal precautions

1. Peristaltic pump

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation
2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

GPE01006.004 17
To replace the peristaltic-pump tube

1. Pull out the ISE drawer.

2. Release the peristaltic-pump tube by pushing

the tube-release lever (1) to the left.

1. Slide out the tube connectors (2) from the grooves

on the connector-retaining plate (3).

4. Remove the tube from the tube connectors (1)

and replace it with the new tube (2).
Note: Make sure that the connectors are dry;
otherwise, the new tube will slip off easily.

5. Slip the tube onto the waste-liquid roller (1),

then slide the tube connectors
into the connector-retaining plate.
Caution: to avoid liquid leaking from the dilution bowl and damaging the
analyzer, be sure that the intake (2) and discharge (3) sides are not
reversed. Make sure that the tube is centered on the roller and that it is
not twisted.

GPE01006.004 18
6. Push up the pump platen (4) until it clicks into place, then verify that it is
securely in place by shaking it lightly.
7. On the ISE Operation window, double-click 5.PP to test pump operation.
When the pump rotates for the first time after a new tube is in place, you
may hear a scratching sound. This is normal and after the first few turns
the sound should go away.
8. Double-click 5.PP again to turn off the testing operation.

After you have finished this task do the following:

1. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word
2. Click Yes when prompted to execute arrangement.
3. On the ISE Operation window, click Exit.
4. Click Yes when prompted whether ISE is over

GPE01006.004 19
ISE Maintenance –Monthly


Materials Required:
♦ O-ring, PN 073-0073-01
♦ Pump seal, PN 073-0087-01
♦ Syringe seal set, PN 073-0273-01
♦ Wrench, 19-mm

Time: 6 minutes Wear personal protective equipment

Analyzer Mode: Manual Operation Use Universal Precautions

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation

2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

1. To prevent liquid leakage, empty the buffer line by

turning the fitting on the top of the syringe.
Remove the line (1).
2. Loosen the two thumb screws on the plastic protective
cover (3), then remove the cover.


GPE01006.004 20

3. Loosen the thumbscrew (4) at the center of the

syringe block (5), then remove
the syringe block from the panel (6).
To prevent buffer solution from leaking out of the
syringe chamber, keep the syringe block in the
upright position.
4. Working over a sink, remove the plunger (7)
from the syringe block.

5. Using a 19-mm wrench, loosen the retaining

screw (8), and remove the pump seal from the syringe.
6. Discard the old packing (9) and seal (10).
7. Inspect the plunger (7). If it is dirty, wash it with water,
then wipe it dry.
Do not use a screwdriver or file to scrape off the dirt.
This will damage the plunger.
9. Mount the new seal and packing onto the clean plunger and secure the
plunger onto the syringe with the retaining screw.
10. Pull the plunger out until the groove (11) of the plunger fits into the plate (12)
of the driving mechanism.
11. Mount the syringe and the plastic cover onto the panel and tightly secure it
with the thumbscrew.
12. Reconnect the buffer line to the top of the syringe.

GPE01006.004 21

13. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word
14. Click Yes, when prompted to execute arrangement.
15. On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 20 into the
Times field. Click Execute. Click Yes, when prompted to execute buffer
16. Verify that the syringe fills with the buffer solution and does not leak.

GPE01006.004 22
ISE Maintenance –Monthly

Clean the ISE Waste Block

All products or objects that come in contact with human or animal body fluids should be handled,
before and after cleaning, as if capable of transmitting infectious diseases. Wear facial
protection, gloves, and protective clothing.

The operator should follow the recommendations to prevent the transmission of infectious agents
in health-care settings as recommended for potentially infectious specimens in Protection of
Laboratory Workers from Infectious Disease Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids, and Tissue, 2d
edition; Approved Guideline (1997) Document M29-A, National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
Standards (NCCLS). This document contains complete information on user protection and it can
be used as reference material for instructions on laboratory safety.

Materials Required: Lint free cloth, deionized water

Time: 5 minutes
Analyzer Mode: READY

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation

2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set
4. Clean the WB:
a. Open the left fron door
b. Remove the two screws holding the WB to the metal bracket.
See Figure 1.

GPE01006.004 23
ISE Maintenance – Once a Month
Clean the ISE Waste Block (cont’d)

• Use caution when removing the back screw of the waste block. Do not
damage the Teflon line next to the block.
• The thumbscrews from an old halogen lamp may be substituted for the
existing screws to facilitate this procedure.

5. Slightly tilt the wash block towards you to view the drainpipe.
6. Use a cotton tipped applicator and deionized water to clean the salt off the stainless
steel drainpipe.

7. Reinstall the wash block

8. On the ADVIA 1650 Operation panel, click ISE Pri. Wash OFF so that ISE Pri. Wash
ON is displayed

GPE01006.004 24
ISE Maintenance – Once every Three Months*
*NOTE: This procedure should be done more frequently if your lab meets the following criteria:

If your laboratory runs dialysis samples

500 or more a month, wash electrode lines every three days.

100 or more a month, wash electrode lines once a week.
Less than 100 dialysis samples a month or 330 routine samples a day, wash
electrode lines once a month.


Materials required:
• Dilution bowl, PN 073-0048-01
• Deionized water
• Dummy electrode, PN 073-0342-01
• ISE detergent solution, B01-4174-01

Time: 10 minutes
Analyzer Mode: Manual Operation

Wear personal protective equipment

Use Universal precautions

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation

2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

GPE01006.004 25



To wash the electrode lines

1. Pull out the ISE drawer.
2. Double-click 2.MCR.
On the MCR window, click Toggle to raise the MCR.
3. Push down the dilution bowl base (1) while you loosen the thumbscrew (4),
then remove the electrodes. Suggestion: Immerse the electrodes in ISE
buffer to keep the electrodes moist while you perform maintenance.
4. Install a dummy electrode (2) on the module and push down the bowl base as
you secure the thumbscrew. Make sure that there is one o-ring (3) on the
dummy electrode and one on the bottom of the dilution bowl holder.
5. Put about 2.5 ml of ISE Detergent Solution in the dilution bowl.
6. On the ISE Operation window, double-click 6.RefSV to set it to ON.
To avoid damage to the tip of the reference electrode, 6.RefSV must be
turned ON.
7. Then double-click 5.PP to set it to ON.

GPE01006.004 26

8. If there is a great amount of contamination in the line, slowly add 10 more ml

of ISE detergent solution to the dilution bowl.
9. When all the wash solution is used up, slowly add about 20 ml of deionized
water to the dilution bowl.
10. Double-click 6.RefSV to set it to OFF.
11. Add another 5 ml of deionized water to the dilution bowl.
12. Double-click 5.PP to set it to OFF.
13. Remove the dummy electrode. Rinse the electrodes off with distilled water
and dry completely. Place the electrodes on the module. Push down the
bowl base as you secure the thumbscrew.
14. Reconnect the electrodes and install a clean dilution bowl.
15. Click Execute to the right of the word Initialize. Click Yes when prompted to
execute arrangement.
16. On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 15 into the
Times field. Click Execute. Click Yes when prompted to execute buffer
17. Verify that there are no leaks around the electrodes. Close the drawer.
18. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word
Calibration. Click Yes when prompted to execute calibration.

GPE01006.004 27
ISE Maintenance – as required (if contamination is suspected)

Materials Required
• Deionized water
• Dummy electrode, PN 073-0342-01
• ISE detergent solution, B01-4174-01
• Reagent Probe Wash 3, B01-4183-01

Wear personal protective equipment

Use Universal precautions

Time: 15 minutes

Analyzer Mode: Manual Operation

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation
2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

GPE01006.004 28
To wash all lines
1. Open the lower left analyzer door and replace the buffer-solution bottle with a
bottle of deionized water.
2. Pull out the ISE drawer and replace the electrodes with a dummy electrode.
Suggestion: Immerse the electrodes in ISE
buffer to keep the electrodes moist while you perform maintenance.
3. Close the drawer and on the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the
right of the word Initialize. Click Yes when prompted to execute
4. Replace the deionized-water bottle with a bottle of 5% solution of Reagent
Probe Wash 3.
5. On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 50 into the
Times field. Click Execute. Click Yes when prompted to execute buffer
6. Replace the Reagent Probe Wash 3 bottle with a bottle of deionized water.
7. Enter 50 again in the Times field of the Bufferprime area, then click
8. Reinstall the electrodes and click Execute to the right of the word Initialize.
9. Reinstall the buffer-solution bottle.
10. On the ISE Operation window, in the Bufferprime area, enter 10 into the
Times field. Click Execute, then click Yes to prime the line with buffer.
11. When the priming is finished, pull out the ISE drawer and verify that the
electrodes are not leaking.
12. Close the drawer. On the ISE Operation window, click Exit, then click Yes
when prompted whether ISE is over.
13. Run ten pooled serum samples, or do an ISE CV check, to verify ISE
performance and data stability.

GPE01006.004 29
ISE Maintenance – as required
Materials Required
• 10 mL of serum pool
• 30 mL of ISE Buffer, B01-4171-51
• 2 mL or 3 mL plastic, disposable pipette

Analyzer mode: Manual operation

Wear personal protective equipment

Use Universal precautions

A new electrode may take a long time to stabilize, so carry out aging of the electrode on
the day prior to start of use.

To condition the electrodes

1. Prepare a 1:4 dilution of pool serum using ISE buffer solution.

2. Remove the new electrode from its case.
The ion electrode contains an inner solution, which can be confirmed by
shaking the electrode. This solution decreases little by little with time. If
you do not feel any response in your shaking, measure its weight. If the
electrode weighs less than 9 g, do not use it.

GPE01006.004 30

3. Remove the sponge from the bottom of the electrode

case and place the electrode to be conditioned back
into the case.

4. Using a dropper or pipette, pour 0.5 mL of pool serum

into the flow path of the electrode. Be sure to apply the
serum thoroughly.

5. Add buffer solution to the case, covering the whole

electrode with solution. Let the electrode condition overnight.

6. After aging is complete, take out the electrode, wash it with

deionized water, and thoroughly wipe it off.

To prevent infection from contacting serum directly, wear
suitable protective gloves when you remove the electrode
from the solution.

High-concentrated salt water is used as a preservation solution to maintain electrode
performance. When the electrode package is opened, wash the electrode with sufficient water
and wipe well before use. Small amounts of salt on the electrode may cause rust on the electrode

7. Replace the electrodes on the instrument with the newly conditioned ones.
8. Calibration is performed as part of the electrode replacement. If the calibration
fails, repeat calibration again. If data continues to be unstable after electrode
conditioning, perform an electrode wash.

GPE01006.004 31
ISE Maintenance – as required
Replace electrodes if slope or selectivity is incorrect. The acceptable ISE slope must be between
45.0 and 63.0. Slopes beyond this range are flagged as shown in the following table. A flagged
slope fails the calibration. The slope limits are defined in the ISE Parameter Of Setting window.

Mark ISE Slope change

H >65
h 63.1 – 65.0
L 38.0 – 44.9
l <38.0

Wear personal protective equipment

Use Universal precautions

Materials required:

• Electrodes
• Cl, PN 073-0049-01
• K, PN 073-0050-01
• Na, PN 073-0051-01
• O-rings, 3, PN 073-0071-01

Time: 5 minutes
Analyzer mode: Manual operation

Before you begin the task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation

2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set

GPE01006.004 32


1. Pull out the ISE drawer.

2. On the ISE Operation window,
double-click 2.MCR. On the MCR window,
click Toggle to raise the MCR.
3. If there is a cover on the electrode assembly, loosen the setscrew that
secures the electrode cover and remove the cover.
4. Disconnect the electrodes (1).
5. Push down the bowl base (2) while you loosen the thumbscrew (3).
6. Slowly lift up the bowl base and remove the electrodes (4).
7. Assemble the new electrodes in the correct order: K on the bottom, Na, then
The ISE Holder Assembly is color-coded with the corresponding electrode.
8. Make sure that there is an o-ring under each electrode and make sure that the
ridges on the bottom of each electrode fits into the depressions on the top of
the electrode below it. (refer to on-line help for a diagram)
9. Place the electrodes on the module and push down the bowl base as you
secure the thumbscrew.
10. Reconnect the electrodes.

GPE01006.004 33

11. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word
Initialize area.
Click Yes when prompted to execute arrangement.

12. In the Bufferprime area, enter 15 into the Times field. Click Execute, then
click Yes when prompted to execute buffer prime.
13. Make sure that the electrodes are not leaking.
14. Reinstall the electrode cover.
15. Close the ISE drawer. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the
right of the word Initialize and click Yes. After initialization is complete, click
Exit and select Yes.
16. On the ADVIA 1650 Operation panel, click Initialize.
17. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, click Maint., then click ISE Operation.
18. On the ISE Operation window, click Execute to the right of the word Calibration, then click
Yes when prompted to execute calibration.

The electrodes may have to stabilize on the system before a successful calibration is achieved.

GPE01006.004 34
ISE Maintenance – as required


Materials required
• 10 mL of serum pool
• 30 mL of ISE Buffer, B01-4171-51
• 2 mL or 3 mL plastic, disposable pipette
biohazard warning
Time: 45 minutes Wear personal protective equipment.
Analyzer mode: Manual operation Use universal precautions.

Before you begin this task, do the following:

1. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, Select Maint., Î ISE Operation

2. Select Period Wash ~ Off
3. Click Set
4. If not already done, replace the electrode(s).

GPE01006.004 35
To condition the electrodes on the system

1. Prepare a 1:4 dilution of the serum pool using ISE Buffer.

2. Pull out the ISE drawer.
3. On the ISE Operation window, double-click 2.MCR. On the MCR window,
click Toggle to raise the mixer crane up and out of the ISE dilution bowl.
4. Use the disposable pipette to fill the ISE dilution bowl with 1:4 dilution of the
serum pool.
5. Close the MCR window.
6. On the ISE Operation window, double-click 5.PP to turn on the pump.
The diluted serum is drawn through all the electrodes to stabilize them.
7. Continue to add the remaining diluted serum into the ISE dilution bowl.
(Do not allow the ISE dilution bowl to become empty.)
8. After adding the last aliquot of diluted serum, quickly double click 5.PP to turn
off the pump before the last of the serum is pulled through the electrodes.
9. On the ISE Operation window, double-click 2.MCR. On the MCR window,
click Init to lower the mixer crane into the ISE dilution bowl.
10. Close the MCR window.
11. Carefully push the ISE drawer back into the Analyzer.
12. On the ADVIA 1650 Menu panel, click ALARM to clear the alarm message.
13. Wait at least 30 minutes, then click Execute to the right of the word
Initialize. Click Yes when prompted to execute arrangement. Click Yes,
when prompted to set periodic washing.
14. Verify that fresh ISE Low and High Serum and Urine standards are placed in
the correct positions on the CTT.
15. Click Execute to the right of the word Calibration, then click Yes.
16. If the calibration fails, repeat calibration again.
17. When done: On the ISE Operation window, click Exit.

GPE01006.004 36
ISE Maintenance – as required


Time: 2 minutes Materials required

Analyzer mode: Ready ISE Internal Solution, B01-4177-01

Wear personal protective equipment.

Use universal precautions.

To fill the ISE reference electrode

1. Slide out the ISE drawer.
2. Remove the needle (1) from the rubber fill-port plug (2),
then open the fill port.
3. Invert the 20-ml bottle (3) of the ISE Internal Solution over
the port and carefully fill the reference electrode chamber
until the solution reaches the white fill line (4).
Do not use a syringe with the needle to fill the
reference electrode.
Do not fill the reference electrode above the white
fill line (4).
2. Replace the rubber fill-port plug into the reference electrode.
Be careful when replacing the plug. Do not put too much
tension on the reference electrode.
3. Before placing the needle back into the rubber plug,
verify that the needle is not clogged. If it is clogged
a. Using a syringe filled with distilled water, flush the needle,
then flush the needle with just air.
b. If the needle is still clogged, replace the needle using a 21G, 5/8" or 1.0" long needle.
6. Place the needle through the rubber plug.
Make sure that the needle does not come in contact with the ISE Internal Solution. Only
use the needle as a vent and not as a device to fill the reference electrode.

GPE01006.004 37
GPE01006.004 38
Best Practices &
Common Alarm Messages

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info.
What is the difference between a Best Practice and
a Recommendation?

A BEST PRACTICE is a routine procedure done by customers that

improves system performance, but has not been validated by

A RECOMMENDATION is a procedure that is validated and

documented by Siemens.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Best Practices & Recommendations

As part of routine daily maintenance….

ƒ Clean Splash Covers
A track of dripped reagent could be a sign of a loose:
- probe
- tubing/fitting

ƒ BEST PRACTICE Perform Reagent Blank (reagent baseline)

on all one-point assays using the Chem Cal

ƒ Reagent baseline with fresh water

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info

ƒ Perform WEEKLY wash on a DAILY basis IF…

ƒ running 24/7
ƒ routinely process many urine samples
ƒ routinely process dialysis patient samples
ƒ Use 5% Probe Wash 3 in place of 10% Cuvette Wash on RTT1, RTT2 & CTT

NOTE: remember to put 10% cuvette wash back into these positions
during normal operation for assay contamination sets

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info

ƒ Always check the label on the saline …..Especially if you receive

saline in a new container, or with a new label

ƒ Use only 0.9% isotonic saline

ƒ No phosphate buffered
ƒ No pH balanced
ƒ No preservatives

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info

ƒ Regularly monitor distilled water system’s Quality Indicators

ƒ Bacterial growth
ƒ Resistivity
ƒ Filter tank PSI monitor (checks for clogging of 0.2 micron filter)

ƒ Always be observant of possible mineral contamination

ƒ Avoid soap contamination (phosphates) from lab glassware
ƒ If minerals from water accumulate on system water filters, Calcium, CO2,
Magnesium, Iron, Inorganic Phosphorus results could potentially be

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info

ƒ Clean the Turntable interiors

ƒ May need to be done more often in humid environments
ƒ Too much condensation in the RTT/CTT trays may trigger LLS probe errors

ƒ Refresh Ancillary Solutions &Clean/Exchange Bottles & Wedges

Item Part Number

2-Liter container for Cuvette Wash, Oil,
Cell/Cuvette conditioner is part number …… 073-0422-01
4-Liter container (Saline)…………………….. 073-0423-01
Label Set ……………………………………… 073-0481-02

RTT/CTT detergents and water Label Set …… 073-0406-02

Spare wedges…………………………………. 073-0373-01

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Replace RRV Segments every 4 months

ƒ Turn system to standby

ƒ Oil level sensors turned off
ƒ Will be able to manually rotate the RRV
ƒ Turn the RRV slowly to avoid splashing the oil onto the system optics

ƒ Work away from the lamp to avoid splashing

ƒ Won’t have to remove splash covers

ƒ Visually inspect the oil bath for particulate matter

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Troubleshooting Error Codes

ƒ If multiple error codes occur, the earliest error code is the most
ƒ Errors may cascade

ƒ After locating the significant error:

ƒ Double click on the error to obtain further information

ƒ If the cause of the problem cannot be determined:

ƒ Provide the details of the error to Phone Support

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Common Reagent Installation Error Codes

ƒ 0501 Reagent barcode in (Pos. x) on RTT1 could not be read

0502 Reagent barcode in (Pos. x) on RTT2 could not be read
NOTE: Reagent inventory will also indicate this error:

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Common Reagent Installation Error Codes

ƒ 0501 & 0502… barcodes could not be read

ƒ Use Reagent Pause to check the trays
ƒ If placement is correct
ƒ Place the wedge in another position &
barcode scan
ƒ If reagents don’t show up in Reagent
ƒ In the Ready State, Check Reagent ÎActive
Test List for ;
ƒ A valid Reagent Pair does not exist
ƒ New lot has not been calibrated
ƒ R1 & R2 are not a matched pair
ƒ R1 & R2 are on the wrong trays
ƒ The reagents are not onboard or barcode did
not read
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
If all else fails…

use System Test List to…

ƒ eliminate the barcode for R1 & R2
if needed
ƒ assign a position to the wedge(s)
12 21
Use Reagent Container Set to…
ƒ Enter lot# & exp date
ƒ ‘O’ the wedge and start the clock
for OBS
NOTE: be sure to remove the
positions when the next wedge of
this reagent is put on & the
barcode reads properly

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
4097 ISE bowl high

If the probe is in the ISE dilution bowl (cell pot)…

ƒ Is there liquid in the bowl/tray?
ƒ If yes, the bowl is not draining or
ƒ liquid was left in the tray
ƒ Verify position of O-rings
ƒ Verify stack assembly
ƒ Dry tray
ƒ change peri-pump tubing (1650 only)
ƒ ensure bowl is seated properly (1650 only)

Hint: was any ISE maintenance just performed? - go back and recheck it

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
4097 ISE bowl high

If the probe is suspended over the ISE bowl…

ƒ clean the DPP probe
ƒ if hanging drops are present, tighten probe tubing fitting
ƒ inspect connections, if all connections are fine, change the probe

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
6178 System Error
Liquid level status was abnormal when checking the liquid-level sensor

LLS check at the wash station failed

ƒ Confirm water is flowing at the wash station
ƒ Check water pressure is 76kPa (+/- 1)
ƒ Check for leaks
ƒ Probe may be too high above wash station
ƒ Check gap under probe cover
ƒ Clean probe
ƒ Check all probe connections
ƒ Reseat the probe
ƒ Replace the probe

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
6202 RPP1(2) Full Stroke Error
6139 = DPP Full Stroke Error (1650,1800, 2400)
6139 = SPP Full Stroke Error (1200)

ƒ The probe has traveled its full

path and never sensed liquid
ƒ The wedge/tube/cup is empty
ƒ There is no wedge/tube/cup in
that position
ƒ The sensor is defective

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
6207 DWUD Nozzle Sensor Error
DWUD nozzle crashed into DTT (not applicable to 1200)

ƒ Initialize system
ƒ Check the dilution tray for
ƒ Check that the DTT cuvettes are
installed properly
ƒ Observe DWUD that the green LED
light is on
ƒ Call TS, phone support

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
6208 WUD Nozzle Sensor Error
WUD nozzle crashed into DTT

ƒ Initialize system
ƒ Check the RRV area for
ƒ Verify that the RRV wedges have
been installed properly
ƒ Observe WUD that the green
LED light is on.
ƒ Call TS, phone support

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
6222 Probe Crash Detected DPP (SPP on 1200)

ƒ This picture displays the DPP for 1650, 1800 & 2400
ƒ The 1200 SPP crash detection differs slightly, but the principles above
& steps below apply
ƒ Initialize System
ƒ Visually assess probe for any damage and for proper alignment
ƒ Remove Obstruction
ƒ Change probe if necessary
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Probe Liquid Level Sensing Errors
General suggestions for troubleshooting: applies to “Liquid Sensing” or
“surface verification error”)

Verify that
ƒ the probe is clean
Confirm screws Confirm LLS Amp
ƒ LLS wire connections on probe are
are tight is firmly mounted
ƒ Be certain the DPP probe is below
the Crash Detect clamps
ƒ SPP on 1200
ƒ the tubing connection at the back of
the probe is tight and not leaking
ƒ Wipe condensation from the
CTT/RTT trays 1650, 1800, 2400 PROBE
ƒ Verify that water pressure gauge is
reading 76 kPa during operation
ƒ Replace probe
ƒ If problem continues, LLS sensor
may need to be replaced.
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Clot Alarms

6255-6266 Clot A ƒ All others indicate invalid pressure reading at

6270-6271 Clot B DPP probe locations other than in the
sample (SPP on 1200)
6276 Clot C
6281 Clot D ƒ Clot D is the only ‘true’ sample clot code
6285-6286 Clot E

To temporarily disable the clot detector:

ƒ MAINT Æ System Monitor
ƒ Turn Clot Detect from Avail. to N.A.
ƒ TS must be notified – this is a service call

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
8722 Lamp Energy Low
D flags with Cell Blank Check

ƒ Lamp output (voltage) was less than the lower limit of the acceptable
A/D range
ƒ If all cuvettes are affected
ƒ Verify that cuvette conditioner is being dispensed properly from the WUD
station 4
ƒ Replace the lamp

ƒ If sporadic, consider replacing cuvettes

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
9004 LWP pressure low

ƒ Initialize the system & watch the

pressure reading
ƒ If the pressure falls below 60 kPa, this
alarm will be triggered
ƒ Turn the knob clockwise to increase
ƒ Notify TS

NOTE: During normal operation, this pressure

reading will stabilize at 76 kPa +/- 1 kPa

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
9005 Vacuum Pressure Alarm
9039 Standby Check
Liquid in the vacuum overflow tank

ƒ Verify the drain lines from the back

of the analyzer
ƒ have not been disturbed
ƒ all flow smoothly downward
ƒ Perform monthly maintenance
procedure to drain the tank
(1650,2400 only)
ƒ If the alarm repeats, notify TS

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Wash Station Overflow
Overflow sensors are wet

9016 DPP wash port 1…

9017 DPP wash port 2…
9018 SPP wash port …
9019 RPP1 …
9020 RPP2 …
9021 DMIX …
9022 MIX1 …
9023 MIX2 …

Visually inspect wash station

ƒ Usually not an overflow, sensors are wet
ƒ Dry with a lint free tissue or canned air
ƒ Be careful not to bend the sensors
ƒ Initialize the system.
ƒ If truly an overflow
ƒ aspirate out liquid and check drain at
bottom of wash station
ƒ Flush with 10% bleach to clear
ƒ if unsuccessful,
INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
9026 Oil circulation (flow rate)
Alarm is triggered if the oil flow rate goes beyond 3000-5000 ml/minute

ƒ Possible causes:
ƒ Filter needs to be replaced
ƒ Pump failure
ƒ Call TS to report the alarm
ƒ TS may guide you through
adjusting flow rate
ƒ Slight turns of the red valve
ƒ Use System Monitor to determine
flow rate adjustment

Optimum FLOW RATE:


SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Leak Sensors differ & not all are accessible to the
customer. Call Tech Support.

ƒ1650 & 2400 leak sensors

ƒ1200 & 1800 leak sensors

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Leak Sensor Errors on 1650, 1800 & 2400

9030 Leak: DTTÎ Leak was detected inside or under the DTT.
9031 Leak: J4 manifold or water bottle Î Leak was detected under the J4 manifold located at the right
side of the analyzer or under the water bottle located in the lower center compartment at the front of the
9032 Leak: solenoid valve panel Î Leak was detected under the solenoid valve panel in the upper
compartment at the rear of the analyzer.
9033 Leak: ISE compartment Î Leak was detected under the ISE compartment at the left side of the
9064 Standby Check (DTT Leak) Î Leak was detected inside or under the DTT.
9065 Standby Check (Leak under J4 manifold or water bottle) Î Leak was detected under the J4
manifold located at the right side of the analyzer or under the water bottle located in the lower center
compartment at the front of the analyzer.
9066 Standby Check (solenoid valve panel leak) Î Leak was detected under the solenoid valve panel in
the upper compartment at the rear of the analyzer.
9067 Standby Check (leak under ISE compartment) Î Leak was detected under the ISE compartment
at the left side of the analyzer
SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Leak Sensor Errors on 1200

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Leak Sensor Errors on 1800

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Leak Sensor Errors cont’d

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Leak Sensor errors on 1800

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
Turning off the ISE module

ƒ ISE Leak detect errors will prevent system initialization

ƒ If the leak cannot be fixed, the module can be turned off
ƒ To continue to use the colorimetric module while the ISE issue is
being resolved…
ƒ Select Maintenance ÆSystem Monitor
ƒ ISE Æ ~Cancel

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info
9152 ISE position alarm (1650 only)

The ISE drawer is open

ƒ You can run a buffer prime with the

drawer open – useful for observing
hydraulic flow after maintenance
procedures – check for leaks.

ƒ Drawer must be closed for calibration

and sample processing.

Do not lean on the system top cover. This may cause the ISE pull out
drawer to twist and set off the ISE position alarm.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFO FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Refer to Product Labeling for updated info

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