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Peran integrasi transport pada daya dukung museum

perancangan galeri seni dan budaya dengan pendekatan biofilix

Aksesibilitas menjadi daya dukung citra galeri seni dan budaya.

perancangan bandara …..

Pendekatan Biofilik pada perancangan Galeri seni dan Budaya di Jawa Barat.


- Being the bond towards environmental issue to human needs, whose human basic
needs to directly depend on natural survivals.
- Technology is Expected to massively be preferable and comfortable to support
humans needs, however in reality dissociated of Psychological to natural environment
- That the reason formed biophilic concepts to respond boredom.
- The biophilic design focus to base on to indoor green area.
- Essential this design is guidance to crates interactive room and natural environment,
this is respond human basic needs.

Pendekatan Metafora pada perancangan Bandar udara Dewadaru Karimun Jawa.

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