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‘Self Sustainable Building’






SOLAPUR-413 006

(Accredited by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi.)

(Winner of ‘National Award for Best Industry – Linked Institute’ from AICTE & CII.)


This is to certify that the seminar entitled “Artificial intelligence in Civil Engineering” is completed by the
following student in a satisfactory manner under my guidance.

Name: Prabhupad Shriniwas Arkal

Class: B.E. (CIVIL).
Roll No: 05

The seminar is found to be completed in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of
Bachelor of Civil Engineering of Solapur University, Solapur.







It is with a feeling of great pleasure that I would like to express my most sincere heartfelt gratitude to
Prof. Prashant D. , Dept. of Civil Engineering, WIT, for his ready and able guidance throughout the
course of my preparing the seminar. I thank you Sir, for your help, inspiration and blessings.

I express my sincere thanks to Prof. S.S. Patil, HOD, Dept. of Civil Engineering WIT, Solapur for
providing me the necessary facilities in the department.
I would also take this opportunity to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my honorable
principal Prof. Dr. S.A. Halkude and all other faculty members for their invaluable, inspiration and
advice, encouragement blessings

Sr. Title Page No.

1 Introduction 4

2 Sustainable Architecture 6
● Heating, ventilation and cooling system efficiency

3 Renewable energy generation 9

 Solar panels
 Wind Turbines
 Solar water Heating
 Heat pumps

4 Sustainable Building Material 14

● Recycled Materials
● Lower volatile organic compounds
● Materials Sustainability Standards

5 Waste Management 17

6 Building Placement 18

7 Sustainable Building Consulting 18

8 Sustainable Urbanism 19

9 Building Information Modelling BIM 20

10 Criticism 21

11 One Angel Square 22

● Background
● Construction
● Form
● Sustainability
● Awards
● Conclusion


1. Introduction

A building that can conserve or enhance is a green or sustainable building:

Within the local environment, tradition, community, quality of life and harmonization,
In the area, the climate,

To save energy, capital and materials for recycling,

Reduce the quantity of dangerous chemicals to which people and other species are (or may
be) exposed and exposed.
Throughout the entire building life-cycle, the local and global environment

A sustainable building or green building is the product of a design philosophy that focuses on
increasing the effectiveness of the usage of resources (energy, water, and materials) while
reducing the effect on human health and the atmosphere over the lifecycle of the building by
improved site, design, production, service, repair, and removal.

(a) Utilizing electricity, water and other services effectively

(b) Security of occupant wellbeing and enhancement of productivity for employees
(c) Reducing waste, emissions and depletion of the atmosphere

A land designated as having a special "environmentally friendly" status. The word

"sustainable" is also applied interchangeably to the classification of green buildings.

Sustainable architecture applies to features such as reducing environmental demands as a

result of certain construction characteristics: low energy use; reduced water use; carbon
neutral (i.e. no carbon dioxide emissions, either directly or indirectly, arising from land

No widely agreed definition specifying what is explicitly needed to obtain green building
status has yet been developed. Several factors are specified under the Leadership In Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED) program of the United States Green Building Council,
which awards ratings (silver, gold, and platinum) in its format, but no specific concept of
'Green' has been developed to notify which elements must be included in a property to apply
for the definition.

Instead there is a relatively substantial list of possible elements which can contribute to a
development receiving “Green” designation:
Conversion of a prior Brownfields site.

 Positioning of construction sites to take advantage of energy savings.
 Option of materials-Sensitivity to conditions of indoor air quality; avoidance of toxic,
organic compound use.

 Use of green sources of energy: solar power; electricity produced by wind; geothermal
or solar thermal heating.
 Carbon neutral: The actions of the property would not result in emissions of carbon
dioxide emitted into the environment, either incurred directly by the construction or
indirectly by the building's energy supplies.

 Energy efficiency: fabrics offering isolating properties in harsh climates in roofing,

walls, floors, or energy absorption; reflective coatings in hot climates.

 Sharing in structures for parking for other uses (i.e. as in a mixed-use development).
 Low energy consumption-High air conditioning scored by SEER; energy efficient
lighting and appliances.

 Usage of sunshine to illuminate interiors; use of natural ventilation. Building

 Reduction of Water Demand-Rainwater retention systems; plantings that withstand
drought; showerheads and toilets with low water use.

 Proximity to mass transportation-Public transit-served places that allow people to

drive to and from their occupation or entertainment venues without the need for car
travel by public transport.

2.Sustainable Architecture

Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative impact of

buildings on the environment through efficiency and moderation in the use of materials,
energy, space for development and the ecosystem as a whole. In the nature of the built
environment, sustainable architecture employs a conscious approach to energy and ecological
The concept of sustainability or ecological design is to ensure that our utilization of currently
usable resources does not end up with adverse impacts on our mutual well-being or, in the
long term, make it difficult to access resources for other purposes.

● Sustainable Energy Use

The most significant aim of sustainable architecture is energy conservation over the whole life
cycle of a structure. To reduce the energy requirements of buildings and improve their ability
to absorb or produce their own energy, architects use many different passive and active
techniques. Sustainable architecture prioritizes passive structures to take advantage of
building locations with optimized design elements to reduce expense and difficulty,
supplementing them with renewable energy sources and only with fossil fuel services only
when required. Site monitoring may be used to maximize the usage of local environmental
tools for heating and cooling, such as daylight and atmospheric wind.

Fig No. 2.1 Sustainable Energy Use

● Heating, ventilation and cooling system efficiency

Over time, numerous passive architectural strategies have been established. The arrangement
of rooms or the sizing and orientation of windows in a building, and the orientation of facades

and streets or the ratio of building heights and street widths for urban planning are examples
of such strategies.
A well-insulated building is an essential and cost-effective element of an efficient heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. A more efficient construction needs less
power to produce or dissipate heat, but could require more capacity for ventilation to expel
dirty indoor air.
In the sources of water, air and compost, large quantities of resources are washed out of
houses. Technologies for on-site energy recovery will easily retrieve energy from excess hot
water and stale air and pass it to incoming fresh cold water or fresh air. The recovery of
energy from compost leaving buildings for purposes other than gardening includes centralized
anaerobic digesters.
HVAC systems are motor-powered. Compared to other metal conductors, copper continues to
increase the electrical energy efficiency of engines, thus improving the sustainability of parts
for electrical construction. Site and building orientation have several significant impacts on
the HVAC quality of a building.

Without the use of some active solar mechanisms, such as photovoltaic cells or solar hot
water panels, passive solar building architecture enables buildings to absorb the energy of the
sun effectively. Passive solar building designs usually integrate high thermal mass materials
that efficiently preserve heat and heavy insulation that works to prevent heat escape. The use
of solar shade, by awnings, blinds or shutters, to ease the benefit of solar heat in summer and
to reduce the need for artificial cooling is also needed for low-energy designs. Moreover, to
reduce heat loss, low-energy buildings usually have a very low surface area to volume ratio.
This suggests that, in favour of more centralized systems, sprawling multi-winged building
architectures are mostly avoided. In a small-scale house, conventional cold-climate systems
such as American colonial saltbox designs have a strong historical model for consolidated
heat efficiency.To the north of houses, coniferous or evergreen trees are frequently grown to
guard from harsh northern winds. Heating systems are a key concern of environmental
construction in cooler climates since they are usually one of the main single power sinks in

Passive solar designs can also be very successful in colder climates where cooling is a
primary concern. Masonry construction materials with high thermal mass are very useful
during the day to preserve the cold temperatures of the winter. In addition, in order to
optimize surface area and heat loss, architects frequently opt for sprawling single story

Buildings are often built to catch and redirect current winds, especially the particularly cool
winds coming from surrounding bodies of water. The conventional architecture of warm
areas, such as south-western mission houses, is used in some manner by each of these useful

The integrated energy system will maximize productivity in four-season climates: when the
building is well heated, when it is positioned to operate with the powers of nature, when heat
is recaptured, when the fossil-fuel or electricity-based heat plant is more than 100% efficient,
and when renewable energy is used.

Fig No. 2.2

3.Renewable energy generation
● Solar panels
Active solar systems, such as photovoltaic solar panels, support the provision of clean energy
for many applications. The electrical efficiency of a solar panel depends on orientation,
quality, altitude, and even at the same latitude, the solar gain in the environment varies. For
commercially available PV panels, standard efficiencies range from 4 percent to 28 percent .
The low performance of such photovoltaic panels can have a significant impact on their
payback period for construction. This bad performance does not mean that electricity is not an
acceptable option for solar panels. In residential home buildings in Germany, for instance,
solar panels are usually installed.

Roofs are also angled toward the sun in order to allow photovoltaic panels to aggregate at
maximum performance. Solar panel yield is maximized by a true-south-facing orientation in
the northern hemisphere. If true-south is not possible, solar panels can produce ample
electricity if aligned within 30 ° South. At higher latitudes, though, the winter energy yield for
the non-south orientation will be dramatically diminished.
To maximize efficiency in winter, the collector should be angled above the horizontal latitude
of +15°. To maximize efficiency in the season, the angle should be -15 degrees latitude.
However, for annual optimum production, the panel's angle above the horizontal should be
equal to its latitude.

Fig No. 3.1 Solar panels

● Wind turbines
Several factors need to be taken into account in the use of undersized wind turbines in power
generation in green systems. When contrasting costs due to the amount of energy they
produce, tiny wind installations are typically more expensive than bigger wind turbines. At
areas with marginal wind-harnessing capacity, operating costs may be a deciding factor for
small wind turbines. At low-wind sites, maintenance can consume much of a small wind
turbine's sales. When winds reach 8 mph, wind turbines start to run, attain energy production
capacity at speeds of 32-37 mph, and shut down to avoid damage at speeds over 55 mph. The
energy potential of a wind turbine is proportional to the square length of its blades and the
velocity of the cube at which its blades rotate. Due to these factors, while wind turbines are
available that can replace electricity for a single home, the wind turbine's efficiency depends
heavily on the building site's wind conditions.For these reasons, in order for wind turbines to
be successful at all, instead of sporadically collecting wind, they must be installed at locations
known to receive a constant volume of wind (with average wind velocities of more than 15

Fig. No.3.2 Wind Turbines

Fig. No.3.2 Wind Turbines

A small wind turbine may be mounted on a roof. Installation issues then include the strength
of the roof, vibration, and the turbulence created by the roof ledge. Small-scale rooftop wind
turbines have been recognized to be able to generate electricity from 10% to up to 25% of the
energy a regular domestic household needs. Residential turbines usually range from 7 feet (2

m) to 25 feet (8 m) in diameter and produce power from 900 watts to 10,000 watts at the wind
speed measured.

● Solar water heating

Solar water heaters, also referred to as solar residential hot water systems, can be a cost-
effective means of providing hot water for a house. They can be used in any field and the fuel
they use is free from the glare of the sun.
There are two kinds of solar water systems that are active and inactive. An active solar
collector system can supply about 80 to 100 gallons of hot water every day. For a passive
device, there will be a diminished capacity.
There are also two types of circulation, which are direct circulation systems and indirect
circulation systems. Direct circulating systems loop the domestic water around the panels.
They should not be used in climates that have temperatures below freezing. Indirect loops of
glycol or any other solvent that flow through the solar panels and use a heat exchanger to heat
up the domestic water.
The two most popular types of collector plates are Flat-Plate and Evacuated-tube. Except that
evacuated tubes do not lose heat convectively, which improves their efficiency significantly,
the two behave equally (5 percent -25 percent more efficient). With these greater efficiencies,
evacuated-tube solar collectors can also attain higher-temperature space heating and even
higher temperatures for absorption cooling systems.
Water heaters that are common today in homes have an electrical demand for electrical
resistance of around 4500 kWh/year. By using solar collectors, the amount of energy is
reduced in half. The up-front cost of installing solar collectors is high, but with annual energy
savings, payback periods are reasonably short.

● Heat pumps
It is possible to think of air-source heat pumps (ASHP) as reversible air conditioners. An
ASHP will take heat from a comparatively cold space (e.g. a house at 70 °F) and pour it into a
hotspot (e.g. outdoors at 85 °F), much like an air conditioner. However, the condenser and
evaporator of an ASHP will swap functions and collect heat from the cold outside air and
pump it into a warm home, unlike an air conditioner.
Similar to other heat pump systems, air-source heat pumps are cheap. However, whether the
outdoor temperature is extremely cold or very hot, the effectiveness of air-source heat pumps
declines; thus, they are only really applicable in temperate climates .
Ground-source (or geothermal) heat pumps offer an important solution for places not found in
temperate climates. The distinction between the two heat pumps is that, typically in a
horizontal or vertical configuration, the ground source has one of its heat exchangers mounted
underground. Ground-source takes advantage of underground temperatures that are relatively

stable and moderate, which ensures that their efficiencies can be much greater than those of
an air-source heat pump.
Generally, the in-ground heat exchanger requires a significant amount of space. Designers
have positioned them next to the house or below a parking lot in an open field.

Fig. No.3.3 Heat pumps

Ground-source heat pumps from Energy Star can be 40% to 60% more effective than their
counterparts from air sources. They are much quieter and other features, such as indoor hot
water heating, can also be added.
The ground-source heat pump system costs almost twice as much as the construction of a
regular air-source heat pump in terms of initial expense. The up-front expenses, though, can
be more than balanced by the drop in oil costs. In areas with usually hot summers and cold
winters, the decrease in energy prices is particularly evident .
Water-source and air-earth are other types of heat pumps. The reservoir or lake could be used
as a heat source or drain if the building is situated near a body of water. Air-earth heat pumps
distribute air into underground ducts in the house. Air-earth heat pumps are normally not
feasible for large construction, with higher fan power needs and inefficient heat transfer.

4.Sustainable Building Material
Recycled denim or blown-in fiberglass insulation, sustainably harvested timber, Trass,
Linoleum, sheep fur, concrete (high and super high performance Roman self-healing
concrete), panels made of paper flakes, baked earth, rammed earth, cement, vermiculite, flax
cloth, sisal, seagrass, extended clay grains, coconut, wood fiber plate, are some examples of
recycled construction materials. In the same way, vegetative cover or protection over
construction envelopes still helps. Paper that is processed or made from forest wood is
expected to be 100% recyclable, so it regenerates and preserves nearly all the forest wood it
takes during its processing process.

● Recycled materials
The use of recycled or second-hand materials, such as reused timber and recycled copper, is
also used in sustainable design. The decline in the use of synthetic materials results in a
similar drop in the volume of embodied energy (energy used in the production of materials).
In order to prevent needless construction, sustainable architects also attempt to retrofit old
buildings to serve new needs. Where necessary, architectural reuse and recycled materials are
used. When older houses are destroyed, some decent timber is always saved, renovated, and
sold as flooring. Similarly, every decent dimensional stone is retrieved.

Fig. No.4.1 Recycled materials

Many other pieces, such as doors, curtains, mantels, and hardware, are also reused, thus
minimizing the consumption of new products.Green designers are searching for products that
are easily replenished as new materials are used, such as bamboo, which can be harvested for
industrial use after just 6 years of growing, sorghum or wheat straw, all of which are surplus
materials that can be pressed into panels, or cork oak, where only the outer bark is discarded
for use, thereby saving the wood. Design materials should be gleaned from the site itself if
possible; for example, if a new house is being built in a wooded environment, wood can be
reused as part of the building itself from the trees that were removed to make way for the

● Lower volatile organic compounds

Wherever possible, low-impact construction materials are used: for instance, insulation can be
made from low VOC (volatile organic compound)-emitting materials such as recycled denim
or cellulose insulation, rather than building insulation materials which may include
carcinogenic or harmful materials such as formaldehyde. These alternative insulation
materials can be treated with boric acid to prevent insect damage. It is possible to use organic
or milk-based paints. A widespread fallacy, though, is that 'green' products are often safer for
the wellbeing of residents or the environment. Many hazardous compounds (including
formaldehyde, arsenic, and asbestos) exist naturally and, for the best possible motives, are not
without a history of use. A analysis of material pollution by the State of California has found
that some renewable materials have large emissions, while some more "traditional" materials
are simply lower emitters.Thus, before deciding that natural materials are often the healthiest
choices for inhabitants and for the Earth, the issue of pollution must be cautiously studied .
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) derived from a number of different sources can be present
in any indoor environment. VOCs have high vapor pressure and poor solubility in water and
are accused of causing signs of sick construction syndrome. This is because many VOCs are
known to induce sensory discomfort and symptoms of the central nervous system typical of
sick building syndrome, indoor VOC concentrations are higher than in the outdoor
environment, and additive and multiplicative effects can be triggered where there are many
VOCs present.
It is widely considered that green goods produce less VOCs and are safer for human and
environmental wellbeing. A case study performed by the University of Miami Department of
Civil, Architecture, and Environmental Engineering comparing three green products and their
non-green equivalents showed that while all green products and non-green counterparts
emitted VOC quantities, the quantity and volume of VOCs emitted from green products is
much cleaner and more relaxed.

● Materials Sustainability Standards
Despite the value of materials to overall building sustainability, it has proved difficult to
measure and evaluate the sustainability of building materials. In assessing and analyzing
commodity sustainability characteristics, there is no coherence, resulting in an environment
today that is riddled with hundreds of overlapping, contradictory and frequently imprecise
eco-labels, specifications and certifications. This discord has contributed both to customer and
commercial buyer uncertainty and to the introduction of contradictory requirements for
sustainability in broader building certification systems such as LEED. Various
recommendations have been made on the rationalization of the renewable building materials
standardization landscape.

Fig. No.4.2 Materials Sustainability Standards

5.Waste Management
Waste takes the form of spent or useless household and business-generated materials, building
and demolition processes, and manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Municipal solid waste,
building and demolition (C&D) refuse, and industrial or agricultural by-products are roughly
classified as these materials. Environmental architecture relies on the on-site use of waste
disposal, integrating aspects such as grey water schemes for use on garden plots, and
composting toilets to minimize waste. These strategies can minimize the waste of a house to a
minimal volume of packaging waste, when combined with on-site food waste composting and
off-site recycling.

Fig. No.5.1 Waste Management

6.Building Placement
Building positioning is one key and frequently overlooked element of sustainable design.
While the optimal home or office structure for the community is often envisaged as an
isolated location, this form of positioning is typically hazardous to the environment. Next, the
obscure frontlines of suburban sprawl also act as such systems. Second, they generally
increase the energy demand needed for transport and contribute to excess pollution from
vehicles. Ideally, most buildings in pursuit of the type of light urban construction articulated
by the Modern Urbanism movement should resist suburban sprawl. As suggested in the
Principles of Intelligent Urbanism, cautious mixed use zoning will make commercial,
residential, and light industrial areas more available for anyone commuting on foot, bicycle,
or public transportation.The study of Permaculture, in its holistic application, can also greatly
help in proper building placement that minimizes energy consumption and works with the
surroundings rather than against them, especially in rural and forested zones.

7.Sustainable Building Consulting

In order to predict the sustainability effects of construction materials, alignment, glazing and
other physical considerations, a sustainable building contractor should be engaged early in the
planning process in order to find a sustainable solution that satisfies the particular criteria of a

Standards and standards have been formalized by ranking structures focused on efficiency,
e.g. For houses, LEED and Energy Star. To meet those benchmarks, they identify benchmarks
to be met and include measurements and testing. In order to meet those requirements, it is up
to the stakeholders participating in the project to decide the right solution.

Fig. No.7.1 Sustainable Building Consulting

8.Sustainable Urbanism
Sustainable urbanism brings steps beyond sustainable architecture and offers sustainability a
wider viewpoint. Eco-industrial parks (EIP), urban agriculture, etc., are common options. The
international initiative being funded includes the UN-HABITAT-supported Sustainable Urban
Planning Network and Eco2 Cities, supported by the World Bank.
Around the same time, the recent trends of Modern Urbanism, New Classical Architecture
and Complementary Architecture encourage a sustainable approach to building that
appreciates and improves smart growth, conventional architecture and classical design. Unlike
modernist and internationally standardized architecture, as well as leaning toward lonely
housing developments and industrial sprawl. In the 1980s, both movements began. The
Driehaus Architecture Competition is a prize that honors Contemporary Urbanism and New
Classical Architecture efforts and is awarded twice as much prize money as the modernist
Pritzker Prize.
9.Building Information Modelling BIM
Building Knowledge Modeling BIM is used to facilitate sustainable architecture by
facilitating the incorporation and study of construction performance by architects and
engineers. BIM facilities, including conceptual and topographic modeling, provide a new

green building channel with sequential and immediate access to internally coherent and
accurate project results. In order to help the decisions required to design sustainable
structures, BIM helps planners to measure the environmental effects of processes and

Fig. No.9.1 Building Information Modelling BIM

Based on the views, there are contrasting ethical, engineering, and political orientations.
There is no question that Green Technology has found its way into the design world,
transforming the ways we see and interpret modern-day architecture through the introduction
of provided technologies. While green architecture has been seen to represent great strides in
environmental and technical ways of living, the question remains, is this all sustainable?
Several architectural codes have been degraded to international standards. 'LEED' (Leadership
in Energy & Environmental Design) was blamed for introducing flexible construction
standards to be enforced. This is done by contractors to save as much money as they possibly
can.For example, a building might have solar paneling, but if the foundation of the building's
system does not sustain it, changes will have to be made on a regular basis over a long period
of time and the building itself will be vulnerable to disasters or upgrades. It fuels the irony
that "sustainable" architecture is not sustainable at all, with firms cutting pathways to
shortcuts with sustainable architecture while constructing their structures. In terms of
durability and efficiency, sustainability comes into play.
In urban ecosystems, ethics and politics also play a role in sustainable architecture and its
potential to evolve. In the architecture world, contrasting views between engineering
strategies and environmental effects are also common problems that echo. For any new
invention or invention, where and how it is implemented, there are criticisms of credibility
and efficacy.Not every component of sustainable architecture is expressed in many of the
critiques, but also a wider scope across the international community.

11.One Angel Square

Fig. No.11.1 One Angel Square

One Angel Square is an office building in Manchester, England. Construction work began in
2010 and was completed in February 2013. The landmark building is the head office of the
Co-operative Group. Standing 72.5 metres (237.8 feet) tall, the building forms the centrepiece
of the new £800 million NOMA development in the Angel Meadows area of Manchester city
centre. The building cost at least £105 million to construct and was sold on leaseback terms in
2013 for £142 million.
One Angel Square is one of the most sustainable large buildings in Europe and is built to a
BREEAM 'Outstanding' rating. It is powered by a biodiesel cogeneration plant using rapeseed
oil to provide electricity and heat.The structure makes use of natural resources, maximising
passive solar gain for heat and using natural ventilation through its double-skin facade,
adiabatic cooling, rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling and waste heat recycling.
The building's distinctive form has been compared to a sliced egg and a ship.Its design was
announced by architects 3DReid in May 2009 and construction began in July 2010 with a
projected completion date in March 2013. In December 2012, the scheme surpassed its pan-
European sustainability aims and achieved a world-record BREEAM score of 95.32%. It is

also an energy-plus building, producing surplus energy and zero carbon emissions. The
building has received numerous awards for its striking aesthetic and sustainability aims.
● Background
The Co-operative Group announced plans to move from its headquarters on Miller Street and
Corporation Street to a new site in the Greater Manchester area in 2008. From 2008 to 2011,
the group grew strongly according to CEO Peter Marks, membership doubled to six million
and revenue and profits also doubled. Takeovers of Somerfield and the Britainnia Building
Society fuelled impetus for new head offices to accommodate the growth.
In December 2008, the group announced it would remain in Manchester city centre and would
regenerate land opposite its Miller Street base. The new building is close to Angel Meadow,
the site of a 19th-century slum once described by Friedrich Engels as "hell on earth".
Archaeologists conducted a survey in 2010, which continued into 2012.
The CIS Tower and the Co-operative Bank's Balloon Street headquarters are unaffected by
the development. New Century Hall, home to Co-operative Food, the Dantzic, Hanover,
Redfern and Federation Buildings will be vacated and renovated for let.
In 2011 the Co-operative announced the NOMA project, north of Manchester city centre, to
regenerate a 20-acre site with office, retail, residential and hotel space to encourage visitors
from the city centre. Manchester City Council contributed £20m to the project as an incentive
for redevelopment.
In December 2011, the Co-operative announced its new headquarters would be known as One
Angel Square.

● Construction

Fig. No.11.2 Construction

Construction work began in July 2010 soon after planning permission was granted. The first
task was installing the 539 pile foundations - each at an average depth of 18 metres. Work
soon began on assembling the 3,300 tonnes of steel and 1,948 coffered concrete floor slabs
which make up the structure of the building. BAM Construction was the main building
contractor with cost management, project management and CDM coordination provided by
Gardiner & Theobald. Specialist services were supplied by Buro Happold for structural and
fire engineering and Austrian-based Waagner Biro was commissioned to build the double skin
façade. The structure was digitally modelled by BAM before commencing assembly and
construction to improve safety and create a building schedule thus saving time during the
construction process.

More than 4,000 workers from over 90 companies were involved in the building's
construction making it the largest building site outside South East England. The building was
topped out in November 2011 and work began assembling the bronze-coloured diagonal
panels of the exterior façade. The panels were installed using rope access techniques.
An estimated £17m of building materials out of the total £100m cost has been locally sourced
reducing embodied energy and minimising environmental impact. Mecanoo and Manchester-
based Royal Haskoning designed the landscape in front of the building.
● Architecture
The Manchester division of 3DReid designed the building with a brief to create a green,
landmark building for the city. The building's distinctive form was conceived in a notebook
sketch by the lead architect for the building, Mike Hitchmough.The form was refined and
developed, before being unveiled to the public in May 2009.
The building's interior primarily consists of open plan space and can accommodate up to
4,000 staff. The building has 327,643 sq ft (30,439 sq m) of total space - approximately
29,000 sq ft (2,694 sq m) per floor.In keeping with the building's green credentials, employees
will be encouraged to use public transport or cycle to work. Facilities have been created to
encourage cycling by providing 105 cycle stands.

Fig. No.11.3 Architecture

● Form
The building has been nicknamed the 'sliced egg' because of its distinctive shape. A focal
point is the diagonal slice which creates a nine-floor high atrium with its glass roof tilted
towards the south, maximising daylight and passive solar gain. The structure has three internal
concrete cores in the form of an equilateral triangle. Steel was utilised as the building main
material; its strength allows for large column-free floors needed in an open plan building.
The building's exterior has a double skin facade with a cavity between its inner windows and
the outer glass panel structure. The double skin facade is for sustainability and aesthetic
reasons - and allows for greater control of heating and ventilation, and accentuates the three
curved corners of the building. To accentuate the form further, the exterior aluminium
structure holding the glass panels in place has been anodised in a bronze-coloured finish, so it
will shimmer in the sun. The facade was originally to be powder-coated but the client decided
to spend an additional £120,000 on a bronze anodised finish. This excess was justified as
being cheaper over 50 years than using a powder-coated finish which would require
maintenance. The building's form has been compared with The Ark and City Hall in London.

● Sustainability
The building is among the largest in Europe to have a BREEAM outstanding distinction as a
result of its high, sustainable energy credentials.] In December 2011, the building achieved the
highest recorded BREEAM score, making it one of the most sustainable large buildings in the
The open atrium faces south to collect heat from the sun, an example of passive solar building
design. The diagonal slice is angled to the south to allow sunlight to pass into the upper floors
and atrium. The sun emits electromagnetic radiation in the form of ultraviolet, but changes to
infrared when it passes through glass.
This creates heat inside the building and overheating will be countered by five stepped
curved shades above the atrium which prevent sunlight overheating the building and stop
glare. In winter, louvres atop the double-skin façade are closed to maintain the warm air
generated in the building. In summer, the opposite occurs and louvres atop the double-skin
façade open and consequently expel hot, rising air from the building to reduce overheating.
The building's sustainable cogeneration heat and power plant uses biofuel and waste cooking
oil. Its computer systems will recycle waste heat. The building has a used water recycling
system and rainwater harvesting. Thermal mass materials which have a high density such as
concrete are used to control temperature fluctuations.

● Awards
One Angel Square is the only commercial building in the United Kingdom to achieve
maximum ratings in energy and sustainability performance by the three main rating systems.
It has BREEAM 'Outstanding' accreditation and an A-rated Energy Performance Certificate
and Display Energy Certificate.
The building has been awarded:
● Considerate Constructors Scheme
'Gold' award (2011) - Construction was rated 38.5 out of 40 by the
Considerate Constructors Scheme, and achieved perfect scores in five of eight
● Builder & Engineer Awards (2011)
○ Sustainable Project of the Year
○ Architect of the Year – 3DReid
● Green Apple Awards (2012)
○ Bronze Award
● Property Week Awards (2012)
○ Sustainable Achievement Award
● World Architecture Festival (2012)
○ 'Future Project – Office' category
● BREEAM Awards (2013)
○ Best Office Building
● MIPIM Awards (2013)
○ Best Office and Business Development – Final four shortlist

● Conclusion
Research topics in sustainable building design consist of many aspects such as:
1) sustainable sites: land use, ecosystem, vegetation on roof, etc.;
2) water and energy efficiency: including reduction of water use, fossil fuel consumption, and
carbon emissions, increasing use of renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave;
3) community connection: including preserving local cultural and natural characters of the
region, communal spaces with more open and entertainment spaces;
4) service design: more creative leisure-related functions;
5) comprehensive design: considering the entire building and structural systems throughout
their life cycle.

From the perspective of architectural, building, and structural engineering, sustainable design
falls into three basic categories: structural materials, structural systems, and optimization.
Structural sustainability heavily depends on the selection of structural materials, systems, and

For the selection of structural materials, possible strategies include:

1) Increasing the use of supplementary materials such as fly ash and ground granulated blast
furnace slag;
2) Improving mechanical properties of structural materials including their durability to
increase the service life of the structures;
3) Reuse of wash water and other waste products such as construction debris, glass, dredged
materials, recycled carpets, tires, etc.;
4) Reducing the use of materials with a high demand for energy production, such as concrete
masonry block walls;
5) Using light-weight composite materials such as carbon fiber reinforced composite materials
with increased structural strength-to-mass ratios;
6) Variation with height. The form and skin variance with height can also offer a better visual
relationship with surrounding buildings in a city;
7) Environmental response design including multiple façade design, natural ventilation, solar
gain, day lighting, and wind harvesting.

For the design of structural systems and forms, possible strategies include:
1) Use of more regular frames and forms for the purpose of reuse;
2) Post tensioning to reduce concrete and reinforcing quantity;
3) In non-seismic regions using flat slabs to reduce formwork use and posted-tensioned slabs
to minimize slab thickness and increase floor spaces (in seismic regions such systems have
not performed well during major earthquakes);
4) Using cellular steel beams in steel buildings, and bolted connections rather than welded
connections for future disassembly and/or reuse;

5) Using more adaptable structural systems such as easily accessible and strengthened
foundations, simple slabs to accommodate future design changes, and proper ports and
anchorages in bridges for future pre-stressing;
6) Keeping the shear wall center of rigidity close to the building’s center of mass for seismic
design and the center of wind exposure for wind design. An optimal shaped building should
have the same center for mass and wind exposure;
7) Using innovative structural systems such as the diagrid form, outrigger systems with larger
moment arms, exterior shear wall punched for windows, and TMD and TLCD systems; 8 N.
Wang, H. Adeli. Sustainable building design
8) Optimizing the structural systems using advanced optimization tools

The next big leap in sustainable building design should come from the integration of
sustainable design ideas with smart structure technology including the use of hybrid and semi-
active vibration controllers that can result in substantially lighter and more efficient structures.
This area should be the next frontier of innovations in structural engineering.


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Subcommittee on Environmental and Public Works by the U.S. Green Building
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4. CBFEE, 1999, "Skylighting and Retail Sales: An Investigation into the Relationship
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Municipalities magazine. Vol. 86, No. 6, June 200


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