Team Sixy Team Charter

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Team Charter for Team #

Module 2 Assignment 2.5

(Used with permission from The George Washington University, Graduate School of
Education & Human Development) Revised 10/7/2020

You may change the format as the team decides but please do make sure that the key issues
are addressed. Be specific!

You should think critically about what you should be addressing in each section, making
notes in preparation for this assignment meeting. During the meeting, your team will write
the policies and procedures you all plan to follow. This is an important document that will,
through the discussion you have about it, as well as what you end up writing down,
establish the ways in which your team will operate. The goal is not to rush through to get it
done but to use the assignment to establish the team norms.

The Submitter will set up the Google doc using this template and distribute to all team
members. The Submitter will also submit the final version of this charter to the assignment
for the team.

1. Purpose: clearly define the purpose of the team. The purpose of the team is
distinct from the individual goals of the team members.

To complete objectives set forth by Dr. Chanley and practice collaboration in a virtual
environment in order to gain insights about and experience with social processes and
human interactions.

2. Team Member Goals: List the primary area/behavior that each individual team
member wants to improve on during this course.

Ruby wants to work on making space rather than taking space

Francisco wants to work on procrastination and learning team inclusion skills

Jasmine would like to learn how to trust her team to fulfill their individual
responsibilities without micromanaging.

Ella would like to try to be more quick and concise when it comes to her work.

Aaron wants to work on facing difficult situations and challenges head on.
Jessica wants to work on speaking clearly and concisely.

3. Roles: clearly identify any additional roles established by the team and any
changed duties from the course list of roles and describe how the roles will be
decided, remembering to rotate each meeting or by each module.

Taskmaster: takes notes of action items and pertinent information to review and/or
complete by the next meeting (including assignments)

Rotate through roles in a round-robin style (rotating through list on Team Meeting
Google Doc)

Officially split jokester and assessor - assessor is also the taskmaster.

4. Expectations: clearly and specifically define expectations and measurable

behaviors in each area. Processes when these expectations are not met are
addressed below in Policies.

Communication (outside of scheduled meetings):

- Utilize group text message - keep messages brief and necessary

- Check Team Sixy Google Sheets and ASU email regularly

- Send Zoom invitation through Canvas messaging in addition to submitting the

link on team page (host)

- Speak up if/when you need support

Communication and Participation (during meetings):

- Each member actively participates

- Respect opinions and time of each member

- Take space - offer substantial comments and opinions

- Make space - everyone is responsible for ensuring equal participation

- Collaborative discussions rather than ask and answer

- Be open to feedback and learning

- Only utilize chat for jotting down notes to share aloud later

Preparation for meetings and assignments:

- All team members have completed assigned readings and notes

- All members have reviewed the agenda before each meeting

- Ask for help and/or communicate issues ahead of time when necessary

Keeping track of team documents/notes/etc:

- Utilize Doodle poll between meetings to plan upcoming time slots

- Use a shared Google Drive Folder for shared documents


- Utilize “parking lot”/”table” when conversations get off topic

5. Policies: define policies as well as corrective actions for failing to meet expectations
including missed meetings, inadequate preparation for meetings, and inadequate or
inappropriate participation in meetings. You can also include rewards for going above
and beyond duties.

NOTE: The limitations on what you can put in the team charter are in the instructions
for Module 2, Assignment 2.5

Missed meetings: Members cannot make up missed interview (Module 5) or missed

sharing of teammate assessments (Module 6) meetings. For other meetings, if
absence is approved by Dr. Chanley, team members can earn up to 75% of the
available 50 points for one (1) missed meeting. Define what actions that team
member needs to complete and how those actions will be documented for the
team. The team verifies required action was taken to Dr. Chanley.

a) What are members expected to do if they do not come to meetings fully prepared
and how will any required action be documented to the team and to Dr. Chanley?

- Do the macarena when they announce they missed a prep task (notes, etc)
- Be honest about the degree to which they can participate in the discussion
- Communicate the missed task(s) to the team and Dr. Chanley and their plan of
action to get it turned in.
- Review recorded meeting before the next meeting.

a) What other behaviors or problems do you want to specifically address. These

can be combined into as many distinct policies as the team prefers.

- If a member needs to change the date/time of an established meeting then they

need to get in touch with the group members via group message ASAP
- Confirmation when URL is posted, a new meeting is set up and tested within 24
hours (Hosts)
- Maintain positive attitude
- Provide regular feedback
- Accept differences
- A team member who changes their schedule for the team won’t have to next time.

6. Operations: describes the processes the team uses to function.

i. Decision Making: indicate when and how the team will make decisions

- All team members work together to build a solution everyone is happy

with, using discussion during meetings to reach a consensus.

- Time-sensitive decisions can be made through the text group chat,

giving everyone an opportunity to share their opinions and come to an
agreement in a timely manner (if not everyone has been able to
respond within 24 hours or before the particular deadline, it is an
automatic abstention from the vote).

- If voting is necessary, the “challenger” will offer an alternative opinion

or point of view to consider/discuss before voting takes place.

ii. Conflict Resolution & Problem Solving: explain how the team will handle
internal conflict and overcome barriers and obstacles

- Team members will respectfully address conflicts right away and work
together to find a common solution.

- Assume positive intent, as most conflicts arise out of team members

wanting what is best for the team

iii. Process Improvement Procedures: explain how the team will monitor,
implement, and track improvements to team process

- Assessor/Taskmaster will monitor measurable criteria of meeting

success and procedure throughout the meeting and give honest
feedback about what they saw during the assessment portion at the
end of each meeting. Team members will have an opportunity to share
their feedback and opinions during this time as well.
- Review feedback as a team from Dr. Chanley, other teams, and each
other during meeting assessments and use it to tweak how our next
meeting goes.
- The assessor will add notes about how meetings went to a “Team
Process” document in the Google folder so that we have somewhere to
review our progress over time.

iv. Changes to and use of the Charter: indicate how revisions will be made as
the team evolves and how the team will ensure that they reflect back to the
team charter periodically through the remainder of the course.

- A team member with a concern can reach out to the facilitator before
any meeting to add “changes to the charter” to the next meeting’s
agenda, usually during “other concerns”.

- The facilitator will read the team's purpose and/or relevant sections
the team wants to review aloud at the beginning of each meeting.

- The charter will serve as a useful guide for evaluating other team
members and ourselves.

7. Timeline and Project Plan: detail how the team will keep track of due dates and
assignment instructions. This is about the process for keeping track not about what
the due dates specifically are.

- At the end of each meeting when assignments and tasks are reviewed, the team will
clarify due dates with each other, both formal for the class and informal for team-
specific tasks.
- Meeting dates which coincide with and define due dates will be visible
immediately following every meeting in the Team Sixy Spreadsheet.

8. Shared Accountability: “sign” and date agreement (each team member).

Name Signature Date

Ella Dragolj Ella Dragolj 05/27/2021

Ruby Delgros Ruby Delgros




Jessica Fannin Jessica Fannin 5/27/2021

Aaron Dvorak Aaron Dvorak 5/27/2021

Jasmine Dahl Jasmine Dahl 5/27/2021

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