Order of Significance Reasons For Agrarian Crisis: Gp-2 / (p42005, p42099,42084, p42083)

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Gp-2 /(p42005,p42099,42084,p42083)

Reasons for agrarian

crisis Order of significance

Droughts and floods 2

Water crises 3
Chemical agriculture 11
Hybrid and GM seeds 10

Pest attack 4

Crop failure 1
1 to 12 Price volatility of agri-
commodities 5
Increasing cost of cultivation 6

Dowry system 9
Human health 8
Indebtedness 7
Psychological and emotional
status 12


Agroecological practices 2

Ecosystem services 1

Soil organic carbon 3

1 to 7
1 to 7
Soil fertility 6
Long-term productivity and
resilience of food systems 7
Water holding capacity of the
soils 4

Solar-based micro-irrigation 5
Socio-economic and market-based measures

Increasing cropping intensity 3

Food and nutritional security 9

Value addition, processing,
and market linkages 6
Enterprise development 8
Reduce post-harvest losses
1 to 10 (modern warehouses) 2
Remunerative price to
farmers 7

Crop and livestock insurance 5

Livelihood diversification 4
Skill building 1

Increasing farmers’ income 10


Rationale for your order (Not more than 20 words in each case)

It depends on nature and can not be controlled but can only be managed upto very little extent.
No water, no irrigation, crop failure and crop loss.
Reason for production boom but high yield cost and leads to long term detrimental loses.
Highly efficient , but high in cost and produces sterile seeds.
Pests are unpredictable and agressive sometimes. Managing becomes hard, if mangeable crop can
be recovered upto an extent.
Farmers depending on single crop will have to face loss that year, this factor is result of several
other factors.
Failures of control mechanisms and governments leads to this. Can be escaped by farmers by
value addition.
Increase cost leads to less input and less production but there is a possibility that the selling price is also high duew to it and th

In Indian scenario, marriage plays a socio-economic symbol and parents spend more money in it
leads to less money in hand and less inpur in agriculture.

Bad health leads to lack of human labour leads to untimely operations and less production.
lack of money leads to lack of input and less production.

This factor is the consequence of the other factors.

Agro ecological practices can be utilized only when ecosystem is active. These practice leads to
further results of high soil organic carbon.

Primary reason for all beneficial activities in an agricultural field. All processes are depend on this.
Soil organic carbon leads to high water holding capacity, more binding of soil particle, less erosion,
more productivity.
Soil fertility will result in higher productivity and is increased when solar-based micro-irrigation is

These are the ultimate results of all the factors mentioned here.

Better water availability to crop, more productivity.

Depended on soil water retention capacity. Non renewable and efficient in irrigating than flood

Increasing the number of crops will increase the overall production of the farm and thus leading to
the profit.
Health and well-being of farmers and their families is essential for maintaining productivity and it
also reduces health-related expenses.

Leads to higher value added products, better bargain facility, more buyer, good price.
This leads to increase in overall capacity of the farm and credit availability.

Leads to more saving of the production, more profit.

Better price leads to minimize the distress sales, more production with confidence.
Insurance leads to save the losses if any in future, stress free investment on livestock leads to
better profit.
More diversification leads to minimize risk and maximizing the overal productivity and profit.
This is the core reason for overall development of a farmer.

All the above factors leads to farmers income increasing. This is the outcome of all above aspects.































lling price is also high duew to it and this can compromise the loss to some extent
Less or more water leads to unavailability of necessary water
by the crop root zone and leads to water crisis.

Less water leads to crop failure and to save the crop, artificial
irrigation will increase the cost of production and during flood
to reduce the water logg additioal cost is required in making
Less water or exces water leads to insufficient water uptake by
the plant and ultimately physiological drought will cause crop

Less water needs artificial supply of water to save the crop and
this will increase the cost of production.

Less availability of water leads to death of crop and no-supply

of nutrients and there will be ultimate crop failure.
Chemicals are costly and applying of chemical leads to
decrease the soil productivity over time and the cost of
succeeding crop will increase if we want the same or more
level of output.
Chemicals in leads to residue effect in crop produce which will
consume by Human and the run off water from the crop field
will carry chemicals to water body and this will affect Human

Use of chemicals leads to decrese the population of natural

predators, soil micro-organisms which will negatively impact
the ecosystem services.
GM and Hybrid crops are costly and they need high level of
inputs which ultimately increase the cost of production.

Higher cost of cultivation will reduce the cash of poor farmers

and this will lead to indebtedness.

Increase cost leads to affect the effective use of input and all
the sustainable practices will hamper.
Crops are deteriorated due to pest attack, especially on single
type of crop cultivation which further leads to crop failure.

Crop failure results in less production and less output, thus

leading the farmer to adopt more costly practices in the next
Some farmers are taking loan for the crop production and crop
failure leads to un-repay of loan and leads to indebtedness.

Unable to repay the loan and unable to pay other house

expenses due to crop failure leads to farmer suicide and
agarian crisis.
With the increase in crop failure, people are left with no option
other than sustaining agri-based livelihoods as there are no
skills as well as capital.

Indian Marriage system dowry show a symbol of economic

status and love from a father and more expense on it leads to
indebtedness of farmers.
Dowry leads to less cash in hand for a farmer and that will lead
to less and inefficient input use and Agarian crisis.

Price volatility leads to inefficient input use and distress sales

of produce leads to Agarian Crisis.

Price volatility leads to inefficient input use and the sustainable

practices are hampered.
A debt trap is a vicious cycle that could keep getting
exponentially worse thus leading to suicide.

Low motivation , instable Psychological condition leads to

inefficient labour input leads to decrease in production and
Agarian crisis.

Reduction in health affects producitvity and capacity to work

thus resulting in lower incomes.
Reduction in health decreases productivity and also increases
expenses thus posing a double burden.

There is proper impact of agro ecologoical practices which will

make farm self-sufficient, thus leading to lower costs.

Agro ecological practices reduces the use of chemicals in

agriculture and thus improving the health.
Agro ecological practices improves micro soil conditions and
thus soil carbon.

Agro ecological practices improves nutrient retention and

availability and thus increasing the fertility.

Agro ecological practices makes farming a less environmental

and economic burden and thus leading to increase in
More soil carbon ultimately results in better water retention.

Ecological services like microbial activities help in converting

unavailable nutrient to available form and thus increase the
soil fertility.
Ecological services like microbial activities and humus
production leads to increase the soil productivity and the food
system is maintained as the natural predators helps in
maintain the food chain.

Organic carbon results in better soil environment and thus

improving soil fertility.

Higher organic carbon will result in more mineralization and

better soil structure.
Organic carbon can increase chances of this but sustainability
depends on whether the adavantages offered by high carbon is
used or not.

Higher soil fertilirty is instrumental in production but several

other factors like post production factors are also important.
Long term productivity reduces the dependence on chemicals
and thus reducing the cost.

Long term productivity might result in yield but farmer may

not get proper price.

Productivity and resilience ensure high and stable incomes

thus making it a sustainable livelihood.

Food systems do not affect the soil in any way.

Food systems do not affect the soil in any way.

Produce should be properly managed and be available to

consumers for consumption, then only its impact can be seen.

High water holding capacity of soil means better use of

irrigation water and number of irrigation reduces leads to
reduce cost of cultivation.
Better water availability at different soil level leads to growth
of various crops over long period and there will be continuous
crop production from that piece of land.

More water availability at different strata of soil leads to

efficient use of water and we can take diverse crops at a time
having different root zones.
Solar micro irrigation is dependent on underground water
which in turn is dependent on several factors.

It leads to more diversification and reduces risk of return and

moe production thus food and nutritrional security increase.

It helps farmer to switch markets and get the proper price but
there are also several macro-economic factors effecting.
Increased margins and incomes make agri-livelihoods more
sustainable and rewarding.

Low quality or damaged produce can be added value to and

sold for other uses.

Value-added and processed products fetch much better prices

for the same produce.

All these significantly increase margins for farmers.

One of the major scopes for agri-based enterprises is around
value-addition and related processes.

Enterprises build capacities for better market linkages and

branding thus fetching farmers better prices.
Less post harvest loss leads to more produce and better return
on investment and the remunerative price per unit cause
better price as the net voulme of production is more.

High remunerative price reduces the risk of getting return of

the produce hence farmers are assured of the return .
Remunerative price makes the farmer confident in input
appication as the risk of getting return is minimized and thus
he/she can use the sustainable practices effectively.

More livestock leads to reduce the risk of production and the

farmer can use the inputs effectively and the Agarian crisis
When other sources of income can support at times of
uncertainty in agri-income source, agri-livelihoods will be
perceived as more sustainable.

Skill building leads to livelihood diversification, however there

is no converse relationship.
Diversification brings in multiple sources of income thus not
only increasing income but also ensuring stability of income.

Building skills improves farm productivity and consequently

incomes thus making agri-based livelihoods more lucrative.

New skills open up opportunities for alternative livelihoods like

setting up small enterprises.
Increase farmer's income leads to more cash in hand and the
ability of repayment of crop loan of the farmer increases thus
reduces indebtedness

Increased income increases nutritional value as well as overall

lifestyle, ultimately increasing human health.

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