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Mathematics in the Modern World

Performance Task #4
Data Visualization

1. Gather the following data for this activity:

Get one (1) categorical and two (2) numerical data.
Categorical data must have 2 - 4 categories.
If you obtained your data from any source (online or not), cite the source.
Do not use fictitious data.
Get at least 30 data points.

2. Create a table containing all the information you gathered. First row should
contain the label (heading) of what the data is. The succeeding rows will contain
the data points listed vertically down. On a separate sheet, create a metadata
showing a complete description of each label. (see sample metadata below). Label
Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 of the EXCEL file as data and metadata respectively.

3. Compute the mean and standard deviation of the numerical data. (see Guide to
computing summary statistics using EXCEL in the Descriptive Statistics sub folder).
The computed means will correspond to the height of the bars and the standard
deviations will correspond to the error bars. Use the same SD both for the + and –
part of the error bar (in the part where you have to specify values).

4. Generate the following graphs:

a. bar graph with error bars of one numerical variable grouped according
to the categorical variable in your data set. Ex. Salaries of people when
group according to kind of jobs they have (white collar and blue collar
Include the essential parts of a graph: Figure #, title or caption, axes
labels (indicate the unit).
Remove the horizontal and vertical grids, but keep the x and y axes.
b. Scatter plot with trendline using the numerical variables in your data
set. Decide which of the 2 numerical data is the independent variable;
plot it on the horizontal axis. The dependent variable must be plotted on
the vertical axis. Example: Price of goods as the independent variable
(plotted on the x-axis and amount of goods bought by consumers as
dependent variable (plotted on the y-axis).
Include the essential parts of a graph: Figure #, title or caption, axes
labels (indicate the unit).
Remove the horizontal and vertical grids, but keep the x and y axes.

See the Guide on how to make basic graphs.

Upload this activity as an Excel file on the designated submission bin.

Include your name and section.

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