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20,000 Leagues

Under the Sea

Activity Book

Exercises written by
Hayden Berry
Contents Chapter I
A. The Story
Activities to chapter 1: The Narwhale ............................................... 3 Read this short version of the chapter. There are a few things wrong. Find
and change the mistakes.
Activities to chapter 2: Captain Nemo and the Nautilus.................... 7
In 1866 a strange object was seen by sailors at sea. This strange object had
Activities to chapter 3: Walking at the Bottom of the Ocean ........... 12 attacked a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Professor Aronnax was invited to
join the expedition to look for this strange Narwhale. He went aboard the
Abraham Lincoln with his servant Conseil, and met Ned Land.. The Abraham
Activities to chapter 4: Pearl Fishing and the Secret Tunnel............. 17 Lincoln sailed all over the world for a whole year but couldn’t find the
Narwhale. On the last day, Professor Aronnax saw the Narwhale and the ship
Activities to chapter 5: The Atlantic ................................................ 22 chased it for the rest of the day. The boat couldn’t catch the Narwhale so Ned
Land threw a stone at the Narwhale. The Narwhale went under the water and
a huge wave hit the ship, which knocked Professor Aronnax and Conseil into
Activities to chapter 6: The South Pole............................................ 26 the sea. They swam for a while and found the Narwhale. They climbed onto
the Narwhale where they met Ned Land. The Narwhale wasn’t an animal but a
Activities to chapter 7: The End of the Journey ............................... 30 metal machine. Sailors appeared and took them down into the machine.

B. Order Sentences
Key: ................................................................................................. 36 All these sentences appeared in the story. Put them in the correct order as
they were in the original.

We arrived at the Abraham Lincoln and I was introduced to Captain Farragut.

Our ship chased the animal all day, but at no time did we manage to catch it.
At the time these things were happening, I was returning from a scientific trip
in The United States of America.
I hit my foot against the animal and heard a metallic sound.
The US Navy read my newspaper article and made plans for an expedition to
catch the narwhale.
© Mediasat Poland Bis 2005 The bullet hit the narwhale but didn’t go in and simply fell into the sea.
Therefore, until I get more information, I have to think that the monster is a
Mediasat Poland Bis sp. z o.o. huge narwhale.
ul. Mikołajska 26 Scientists from every country wrote articles, gave lectures and talked about
the animal.
31-027 Kraków As the wave came nearer, everyone looked for something to hold onto.
Sir, if you would like to join the expedition of the Abraham Lincoln, the United States Government will happily have you on board.
C. Who said this?
Can you remember who said this?
ISBN 83 - 89652 - 37 - 4
1. ‘We must be ready to leave in two hours.’
Wszelkie prawa do książki przysługują Mediasat Poland Bis. Jakiekolwiek publiczne korzystanie w całości, jak i w postaci fragmen-
2. ‘Where are we going?’
3. ‘We are going to catch it!’
tów, a w szczególności jej zwielokrotnianie jakąkolowiek techniką, wprowadzanie do pamięci komputera, publiczne odtwarzanie,
4. ‘Because it’s not true!’
nadawanie za pomocą wizji oraz fonii przewodowej lub bezprzewodowej, wymaga wcześniejszej zgody Mediasat Poland Bis.

2 3
5. ‘Look out! The thing we are looking for is on our starboard side!’ F. Multiple Choice
6. ‘Is your engine ready?’
7. ‘The animal goes faster than my ship.’ 1. In the year 1866 everybody in Europe and America was excited ................
8. ‘I jumped into the sea to save you!’ a mysterious object
9. ‘I climbed onto this floating island.’ a) on b) by c) to d) in
10. ‘But it’s made of thick iron.’ 2. When the engineers looked .... the boat.
a) by b) to c) at d) out
D. Speech 3. The newspapers wrote ................ the story and the public demanded that
Here is a letter that Professor Aronnax wrote. Read the original again the monster must be caught.
and then see if you can repeat what it said, but without all the letters. The a) about b) for c) with d) in
amount of dots (.) is the amount of letter missing. 4. The ocean is totally ................ to us.
a) known b) true c) unknown d) fine
Th. is tota..y ..known t. us. Wh.. ha..ens ..ere? ..imals c.n liv. 15 or 5. The US Navy read my newspaper article and made plans ................ an
20 th. s.a? W. d. n.t yet kn.. .ll th. livi.. t..ngs th.. .t th. expedition to catch the narwhale. o. th. s.a. Th. co..on nar..ale, or s.a unic..n is oft.n 30 m..res l..g. I. th. a) for b) to c) on d) with
si.. an. str..gth i. increa..d by t.n, th.n th.. co..d b. th. w. ar. l..king f.r. Th. 6. At 4.17pm the boat was hit by a ................ object and water quickly went
narw..le h.s a. iv.ry t..k, ju.t lik. .n ele..ant, wh... i. as h..d a. ir.n. I. th.. wea.on into the boat.
w.r. t.n tim.s str..ger, th.. it co.ld mak. a larg. h..e in th. s.ip. Th..efore, un..l I a) blunt b) sharp c) underwater d) black
g.t mor. info..ation, I hav. to th..k th.. th. mo..ter i. a hug. narwha... 7. On July 20th we arrived in the north Pacific, and for the ................ three
months looked everywhere for the narwhale.
E. Match the Sentences a) near b) under c) below d) next
8. They couldn’t ................ their eyes.
This object was long and round and who came with me on all my journeys. a) believe b) realise c) understand d) feel
9 The animal disappeared again, but later that night we saw the electric
the problem changed from a pulled us down into the strange metal ................ only 5km away.
scientific problem machine. a) lamp b) torch c) bulb d) light
10. Eight men appeared and pulled us ................ into the strange metal
When the engineers looked at the the captain ordered the boat to be machine.
boat, turned around... a) up b) down c) through d) around
The newspapers wrote about the often glowed with light under the water 11. I jumped ................ the sea to save you!
story a) onto b) to c) onto d) through
to a serious danger 12. The United States Government will happily have you on ................ .
The US Navy read my newspaper a) land b) ship c) boat d) board
but at no time did we manage to catch
article and made 13. The captain ordered the boat to be ................ around and we desperately
tried to escape from the animal.
Conseil was a loyal man from a) sailed b) turned c) pushed d) driven
and was thrown dramatically into the
Holland 14. He ................ up his gun and fired.
Seeing the size of the whale, a) picked b) threw c) held d) started
and the public demanded that the 15. As the wave came nearer, everyone ................ for something to hold onto.
Our ship chased the animal all day, monster must be caught. a) saw b) wanted c) looked d) tried
I was too late they couldn’t believe their eyes.
G. Cloze
Eight men appeared and plans for an expedition to catch the Here is the part where the Professor, Conseil, Ned Land and Captain
narwhale. Farragut are looking for the Narwhal. Some of the verbs have been taken
out. Read the text and see if you can remember what goes in the gaps. Use
the verbs from the box to help you, but remember to put them into the
correct form.

4 5
On July 20th we 1) in the north Pacific, and for the next three months looked 16. someone who works with engines
everywhere for the narwhale. We saw nothing. By November 2nd, the captain 17. a bedroom on a boat
and the crew were ready to stop 2) and so 3) to spend only three more days 18. a large spear for killing fishDown
looking for the whale. For two days we didn’t see anything that looked like a
giant narwhale. But at 8 o’clock on November 5th, Ned Land 4) ‘Look out! Down :
The thing we are looking for is on our starboard side!’ We all looked out at the 1. to follow and try to catch
sea. The animal 5) under the water and 6) by a very strong light. Seeing the 2. water that comes onto the beach
size of the whale, the captain 7) the boat to be 8) around and we desperately 5. a trip or journey
tried to 9) from the animal. But it 10) us and then, after a few moments of 7. people travelling on a boat, train, bus or plane
panic on board, it disappeared. No one 11) that night 12) about the whale. At 8. to give out light
8am the monster 13) back and I could see that it really was forty metres long. 9. the white part of an elephant
This time however, we 14) for the shock of 15) such a beast. 10. the sound that metal makes
12. a story written in a newspaper
shout order look prepare turn arrive think escape be 13. the men whole work on a ship
light see sleep follow decide come 14. all the people whole live in a city or country
15. to think about
H. Cross word
I. Full Sentence Questions
1 Now answer the questions in full sentences.
In the story
3 1. What was often seen at sea?
5 4 2. What did scientists do?
7 3. What happened to the steam boat Scotia on April 13th 1867?
6 8 9 4. What was Professor Aronnax doing at the time these things were
10 5. What did the US Navy do?
6. What happened on July 20th 1867?
11 7. When did they first see the Narwhale?
12 8. What happened when the Captain ordered the boat to be turned around?
9. What happened when Ned Land threw his harpoon at the Narwhale?
10. What was the Narwhale made of?
14 15

16 Chapter 2
A. The Story
Read this short version of the chapter. There are 2 things which didn’t
really happen. Find them.

True False
Across: Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land went into the
3. a large animal that lives in the sea submarine.
4. to stay on top of water 2. The two strangers were sailors from the submarine.
6. to make something ready
11. something that is secret or unexplained
6 7
3. Ned Land told the story to the strangers. no one on earth
about thirty minutes later
4. The food was terrible. that’s cruelty!
they didn’t seem to understand
Captain Nemo can speak English, French, German and you have a simple choice
Polish. breakfast is ready
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were suddenly the door opened
6. he looked at us without speaking
I have the right to treat you as enemies
7. The library was very small. I am in the presence of Mr Pierre Aronnax
8. The museum was next to the library. Now, without looking, see if you can put the words into the correct order.
9. The name of the submarine is the ‘Nautilus’. come way this
table he the set
10. Captain Nemo is very rich. but decided I that have the
talking I so began
B. Ordering Actions the Land let of steward Ned go
All these actions happened in the story. Put them in the correct order in explained over he breakfast
which they happened. last Captain question one
so I’m I been long sorry have
The steward brought some clothes for the professor, Conseil and Ned Land. must we something well do
Professor Aronnax followed Captain Nemo into a large room. no earth one on
Two men came into the room. later about minutes thirty
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned went to sleep. cruelty that’s
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were taken down a ladder into the seem to understand didn’t they
machine. simple you a choice have
Captain Nemo explained how the ‘Nautlius’ worked. ready breakfast is
Ned attacked the steward. door suddenly opened the
Professor Aronnax began talking in French. without looked us speaking at he
Captain Nemo took Professor Aronnax into his own room. right to have right treat you enemies the as I
The strangers went away. I Pierre am of Mr presence Aronnax in the
Captain Nemo invited everyone for breakfast.
The steward set the table and brought out some large dishes of food. D. Who said this?
Can you remember who said this?
C. Useful Phrases
Here are some phrases from the story. They are in the wrong order. Put 1. ‘if you tell him the story of how we got here, they would understand.’
them in the correct order. 2. ‘I bet there’s nothing good to eat here.’
3. ‘To escape from a prison on land is very difficult, but to escape from a prison
come this way at sea will be impossible.’
he set the table 4. ‘Well, we must do something!’
but I have decided that 5. ‘Calm yourself, Mr Land, and you professor, please listen to me.’
so I began talking 6. ‘I have the right to treat you as enemies, since you chased me and tried to
Ned Land let go of the steward destroy my submarine.’
over breakfast he explained 7. ‘But we thought we were chasing the sea monster that has caused so much
one last question, Captain trouble in Europe and America.’
I’m sorry I have been so long 8. ‘You are my prisoners. You have a simple choice. To drown in the sea or live
well, we must do something! a comfortable life on board my submarine.’

8 9
9. ‘But what is your name?’ G. Cloze
10. ‘This library is bigger than any other library I have seen. How many books Here is the part where Professor Aronnax talks to the strangers. Some of
do you have?’ the verbs have been taken out. Read the text and see if you can remember
11. ‘You are welcome to use these books. I even have a copy of your book what goes in the gaps. Use the verbs from the box to help you, but
Great Submarine Grounds.’ remember to put them into the correct form.
12. ‘And where do you get all this electricity when you are under the sea?’
13. ‘Yes, I am an engineer Professor. I studied in London, Paris and New York, So I began 1................ in French about our adventures on the Abraham
and I built the Nautilus in a secret place on a desert island.’ Lincoln, without leaving out a single fact. I 2................ our names and jobs,
14. ‘I am very, very rich.’ and 3................. the men where we were. They didn’t seem to 4.................
and didn’t say anything at all. Next, we tried talking in English, German, and
E. Speech even Polish. Then the strangers 5................ away, locking the door behind
Here is something Captain Nemo said. Read the original again and then see them. Five minutes later, a steward 6.................. and brought us clothes
if you can repeat what she said, but without all the letters. The amount of similar to the clothes that the strange men 7................. He set the table and
dots (.) is the amount of letter missing brought out some large dishes of food.
‘I bet there’s nothing good to eat here.’ said Ned, ‘Shark-burgers, tortoise
‘I d..’t h..e t. gi.. y.u o. m. s..mar..e, a.d I co..d th..w yo. in.. .he s.a .nd liver and sea-dog steak.’
f..get ab..t .ou. Th.. i. m. .ight. I le.. hu..n soc..ty a.d d. n.t ob.. it. l..s. B.. I ha.e However, the food 8................ excellent and after we 9................., we
de..ded y.u c.n st.. o. .y ..bmari.., .nd y.u wi.. ha.. th. fr..dom t. liv. w..h .s. 10................. tired and fell asleep. When we 11................. up, the air was fresh
I wi.. giv. e..h o. .ou y..r o.n t. liv. .n. H..ever, .o on. o. kn..s ab..t .y and we could 12................ the sea. It was obvious that we were on the surface
sub..ri.e. I. i. a an. I w..l n.t ..low y.u t. ev.. th. .ubmar..e.’ of the ocean.
‘We must do something!’ said Ned, ‘We must escape, and quickly.’
F. Preposition check
feel understand smell wear give wake go
The door closed ................ us with a loud bang. be ask talk eat enter
2. The room was made ................ iron and had a table and five stools.
3. About thirty minutes later, two men came ................ the room.
4. He looked ................ us without speaking. H. Collocations
5. So I began talking in French ................ our adventures on the Abraham Match the words on the left to the words on the right
6. He set the table and brought ................ some large dishes of food. loud life
7. The food was excellent and ................ we had eaten, we felt tired and fell broad the table
strange sofa
8. We were ................ the surface of the ocean.
9. He was choking him ................ his big powerful hands. shaking his asleep
10. He explained how all the food, clothing and furniture ................ board the set eyes
submarine was produced by the sea. fell artist
11. I stood ................ and followed him into another large room. wonderful bang
12. There were pictures painted ................ the most famous artists. leather dollars
13. Then he explained that he had discovered how to make electricity famous shoulders
................ sea water. millions of head
14. If these large tanks were filled ................ sea water.
15. I studied in London, Paris and New York, and I built the Nautilus I. Full Sentence Questions
................ a secret place on a desert island. Now answer the questions in full sentences.
about after by into with at up on from In the story
out with in behind of on 1. Where were Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land taken?
2. What were the two strangers wearing?

10 11
3. What did Professor Aronnax talk about in French? 8. The Nautilus hit an island made of coral.
4. What did the steward do?
5. What did Ned Land do with his powerful hands? Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land found
6. Why did Captain Nemo say he ‘had the right’ to treat the prisoners as 9.
coconuts, bananas, mangoes and pineapples.
7. What did Captain Nemo explain over breakfast? Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were chased
8. What was inside the library? by natives.
9. What was inside the museum?
11. The natives got inside the Nautilus.
10. What did Captain Nemo explain about electricity?
12. At 2.35pm the submarine started to float

Chapter 3 C. Ordering actions.

All these actions happened in the story. Put them in the correct order in
A. The Story which they happened.
Read this short version of the chapter. There are a few things wrong. Find
and change the mistakes. I went to bed but I must say that I didn’t sleep very well.
We talked about what we had seen and where we were.
On the 10th November the Nautilus started its journey and a week later We climbed back into the submarine and took off our diving suits.
Captain Nemo took Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land to go We cooked and ate the pig, and in the afternoon we caught some small
swimming in the underwater forest of Crespo Island. Captain Nemo killed a kangaroos.
huge sea spider, and on the way back to the Nautilus he shot a huge sea otter. The light went off and a shutter opened.
By January 1st the Nautilus was in the Torres Straits near Papua New Guinea We were near land, and Captain Nemo allowed us to take the small boat and
and got stuck on a desert island. Professor Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned Land go to the shore.
went onto land to find meat, and as they were returning to the Nautilus with I felt a shock and I was thrown to the floor.
dead cows, they were attacked by natives. Two days later, when the sea was at The Captain made some calculations.
its highest, the Nautilus floating off the coral island and sailed under the waves. The Nautilus started to rise and then suddenly stopped.
The next day I woke up and got dressed and went to the museum room.
B. True or False Questions We put on our metal helmets and were given a special underwater gun.
Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or false. We lay down on the soft seaweed and I fell asleep.

True False D. Who said this?

Now can you say the same without looking above?
1. Captain Nemo pressed the electric bell three times.
Captain Nemo said that they were five hundred 1. ‘I am going up to the surface.’
2. 2. ‘We are four hundred kilometres from Japan. Today, November 8th, we
kilometres from the coast of Australia.
start our journey under the sea.’
Captain Nemo invited Professor Aronnax, Conseil and 3. ‘I have seen nothing and heard nothing.’
3. 4. ‘But there’s nothing to watch in this iron prison.’
Ned land to go hunting.
5. ‘Wow! It’s like being at an aquarium’
4. They all put diving suits on made of rubber. 6. ‘We have had an accident’
5. Professor Aronnax killed a huge sea spider. 7. ‘We’re going to eat meat!’
8. ‘We have a problem. There are a hundred dangerous natives outside.’
Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax saw two 9. ‘If all the natives on Papua New Guinea were on the shore, they wouldn’t be
6. able to hurt us.’
dangerous dog-fish pass by.
7. On January 4th they were near Papua New Guinea.

12 13
E. Match the Sentences 9. We stopped and turned ................ .
a) around b) behind c) next to d) in
We climbed the iron ladder and went that was just about to jump on 10. Captain Nemo shot an animal which had swum ................ us.
me. a) through b) on c) in d) in front of
Suddenly the light went 11. Again I had been saved ................ the captain.
We travelled under the sea, made of coral. a) behind b) on c) by d) for
The next day I woke up on top of the submarine. 12. ................ the next few weeks I didn’t see Captain Nemo very much.
off our diving suits. a) in b) for c) by d) on
After an hour and a half the ground 13. Some of them had climbed ................ top of the submarine.
At one o’clock we stopped in the distance. a) for b) by c) in d) on
There was a huge sea spider they wouldn’t be able to hurt us. 14. There are a hundred dangerous natives ................ .
which are the most dangerous a) into b) outside c) beside d) near to
Captain Nemo picked up his gun and shot 15. We jumped into the boat and quickly rowed ................ to the submarine.
an animal straits in the world.
a) in b) for c) through d) back
After walking for another hour we saw the to have a rest.
Nautilus out onto the platform on top of G. Cloze
We climbed back into the submarine and the Nautilus. This is the part when they are near the underwater Island of Crespo.
took that I didn’t sleep very well. Some of the verbs have been taken out. Read the text and see if you can
remember what goes in the gaps. Use the verbs from the box to help you,
We were going through The Torres Straits, which had swum in front of us. but remember to put them into the correct form.
The submarine had hit a small island and got dressed.
If all the natives on Papua New Guinea sloped downwards. At one o’clock we 1. ............... to have a rest. We lay down on the soft seaweed
were on the shore, and I 2. ............... asleep. I don’t know how long I 3. ............... , but when I woke
and only came to the surface to up, there was a huge sea spider that was just about to jump on me. Captain
Some of them had climbed get more air. Nemo took his gun and 4. ............... the spider and I 5. ............... that many
I went to bed but I must say off and a shutter opened. other more dangerous animals might live here at the bottom of the sea. I must
be more careful, I 6. ............... We walked on and 7. ............... a narrow valley
between two high cliffs. We 8. ............... our lamps and continued 9. ...............
F. Multiple Choice down and down. At about 4 o’clock a wall of rock appeared. It was the Island
of Crespo, and was impossible to climb. We stopped and turned around and
1. I am going ................ to the surface. started walking back to the submarine. Suddenly, Captain Nemo
a) down b) through c) over d) up 10. ............... up his gun and shot an animal which 11. ............... in front of us.
2. We are four hundred kilometres ................ Japan. It was a magnificent sea otter with a beautiful fur coat. He picked it up and we
a) from b) in c) by d) on 12. ............... on our journey. After walking for another hour we 13. ...............
3. We went back ................ into the submarine. the Nautilus in the distance. Just as I saw it, I felt Captain Nemo push me
a) up b) down c) near d) under to the ground. After a moment of panic I 14. ............... up and saw two
4. Suddenly the light went ................ and a shutter opened. dangerous dog-fish pass by without seeing us. Again I 15. ............... by the
a) behind b) in c) off d) over captain. We climbed back into the submarine and took off our diving suits and
5. Wow! It’s like being ................ an aquarium. I went back to my room and immediately fell asleep from exhaustion. What an
a) at b) to c) through d) by adventure!
6. For the next eight days we travelled ................ the sea.
continue light look pick kill sleep save walk think
a) at b) for c) under d) over
7. On November 16th I found a note ................ my room. stop swim reach see fall realise
a) on b) off c) out d) in
8. We were walking ................ thick mud and seaweed.
a) over b) by c) through d) at

14 15
H. Useful Phrases
Here are some phrases from the story. They are in the wrong order. Put
Chapter 4
them in the correct order.
A. Ordering actions.
All these actions happened in the story. Put them in the correct order in
but I must say that
which they happened.
We have a problem
not really believing it was really happening
They saw anchors, cannons, bullets and pieces of broken ships.
For the next few weeks
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned land followed Captain Nemo down a hill
It was incredibly beautiful
and under the waves.
We have arrived
Professor Aronnax watched as Captain Nemo sailed his submarine through a
After a moment of panic
narrow tunnel and out into the Mediterranean.
After walking for another hour
Professor Aronnax stretched out his hand to take a huge oyster, but the
I must be more careful
captain stopped him and shook his head.
What an adventure!
A few minutes later the Nautilus was at the surface and sailing on the waves of
After an hour and a half
the Atlantic Ocean.
Captain Nemo fell on the ground and was about to be eaten by a shark.
Now, without looking at the sentences above, try to complete the gaps.
Professor Aronnax met Captain Nemo in the library.
but I ............... say that
Professor Aronnax woke up at 4 o’clock and went into the museum room.
We have a ...............
The Nautilus entered the Red Sea.
not really ............... it was really happening
An Indian man was diving into the sea and collecting oysters.
For the ............... few weeks
Five sailors from the Nautilus rowed Professor Aronnax, Conseil, Ned Land
It was ............... beautiful
and Captain Nemo towards the shore.
We ............... arrived
Captain Nemo pressed an electric bell and the Nautilus turned around and
After a ............... of panic
left the boiling sea.
After walking for ............... hour
I must be ............... careful
B. True or False Questions
What an ...............!
Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or false.
After an ............... and a half

I.Collocations True False

Match the words on the left to the words on the right. By January 21st 1868 we had travelled 6000 leagues of the
iron downwards
glass valley 2. At 6 o’clock we put on our diving suits.
electric beautiful 3. Inside the oyster I could see an enormous pearl.
diving happy
metal cliffs A huge dolphin with its mouth open swam towards the
bottom light 4.
thick pig
sloped animals Ned Land jumped in and killed the shark with his
incredibly ladder 5.
dangerous window
narrow of the sea On February 14th, Professor Aronnax realised that the
high islands 6. Nautilus was travelling towards Crete and the Greek
coral helmets islands.
extremely suit
wild mud 7. The submarine was on fire.

16 17
Would you and your friends like to…
Professor Aronnax saw thick sulphurous smoke that
8. I’ll be ready.
smelt like bad eggs, rising from the water. Just as I was about to leave…
On February 16th the Nautilus left the Greek islands and Don’t worry…
9. Rather frightened, I…
sailed west.
During the night…
Instead of fish and sea plants, all they could see were
shipwrecked boats at the bottom of the sea. Now, without looking at the sentences above, try to complete the gaps.
In the ……
11. Professor Aronnax noticed more and more shipwrecks. …the day ….. tomorrow.
At about 10 o’clock, the Nautilus passed through the We ….. on our
12. and ….. down and down.
Straits of Gibraltar.
Within ……
C. Who said this? You ….. my life.
Can you remember who said this? It was as big as.
I ….. didn’t want to
1. ‘Sri Lanka is very famous for pearl fishing.’ As we came ….. to
2. ‘But Mr Aronnax, I hope you are not afraid of sharks?’ Would you and ….. friends like to
3. ‘It could be dangerous, but yes, I’ll be ready.’ We won’t have ….. chance.
4. ‘What for? Here is a knife. This is all you will need. OK. Let’s go.’ I’ll ….. ready.
5. ‘Unfortunately we cannot go through the Suez Canal. However we will be Just as I was ….. to leave
in the Mediterrean, the day after tomorrow.’ Don’t ……
6. ‘But how will the Nautilus move over the land between the Red Sea and the ….. frightened, I
Mediterranean? ….. the night
7. ‘Impossible! We will see!’
8. ‘Wow! You are right. The Captain is a very clever man. But now we are near E. Preposition check
Europe, we must escape.’
9. ‘If Captain Nemo offered you freedom today. Would you accept it?’ 1. We were sailing ................. the Indian Ocean.
10. ‘The heat won’t increase, unless we want it to. Look, we are sailing a) above b) across c) behind d) for
through boiling water.’ 2. On January 28th we were ................. Sri Lanka.
11. ‘Near the island of Santorini. There is an underwater volcano here which a) through b) along c) near d) under
makes the water very hot.’ 3. We will have weapons ................. us.
12. ‘Well, we can’t stay here any longer.’ a) with b) on c) in d) for
4. Five sailors ................. the Nautilus were waiting in the small boat.
D. Useful Phrases a) by b) from c) on d) below
Here are some phrases from the story. They are in the wrong order. Put 5. At 6 o’clock we put ................. our diving suits.
them in the correct order. a) in b) out c) through d) on
6. I put on my metal helmet and climbed ................. of the boat.
In the meantime… a) in b) on c) out d) for
…the day after tomorrow. 7. ................. the oyster I could see an enormous pearl.
We put on our… a) on b) through c) outside d) inside
…and went down and down. 8. It was probably worth ................. four million dollars.
Within seconds… a) below b) about c) next to d) for
You saved my life. 9. An Indian man was diving ................. the sea.
It was as big as… a) by b) to c) above d) into
I personally didn’t want to… 10. We walked ................. to the Nautilus and took off our diving suits.
As we came closer to… a) under b) through c) back d) for

18 19
11. The next day we left Sri Lanka and sailed ................. the Sea of Oman. Nemo had jumped up and 12) ................. his knife into the shark’s stomach.
a) towards b) above c) back d) about The sea went red and all I could see was Captain Nemo 13) ................. with
the shark through clouds of blood. He 14) ................. on the ground and was
F. Match the sentences just about to be eaten by the shark, when Ned Land jumped in and killed the
shark with his harpoon. The Captain 15) ................. to the Indian and helped
Sri Lanka is very where Captain Nemo pointed to a him back to his boat. The poor Indian man was clearly very scared to see us in
huge oyster. our metal helmets and rowed away quickly. We walked back to the Nautilus
we Don’t worry, and took off our diving suits.
I went into the museum room but I personally didn’t want to leave
Captain Nemo. dive go stop walk fight stretch swim point collect
Rather frightened,
a coconut. climb stab follow shake fall be
At the bottom we stopped
while Conseil and Ned Land were
It was as big as H. Crossword
It was probably worth 1
won’t have another chance.
Just then a huge shark with its mouth
swam towards the Indian.
open 3 2
through an underwater tunnel.
He was just about to be eaten by the 4
shark, which makes the water very hot.
Ned wanted to know famous for pearl fishing. 5 6 8
The Nautilus will pass under the land I put on my metal helmet. 7
However, later that night, about four million dollars. 9 10
I didn’t want to stop my friends from we will have weapons with us.
leaving, where we were going 12 11
If we fail, when Ned Land jumped in.
There is an underwater volcano here to meet Captain Nemo and my friends. 13 18
G. Cloze
Here is the part where they all go pearl fishing.. Some of the verbs have 15
been taken out. Read the text and see if you can remember what goes in the
gaps. Use the verbs from the box to help you, but remember to put them 16
into the correct form.

Rather frightened, I put on my metal helmet and 1) ................. out of the boat 17
into the water. We 2) ................. the captain down a hill and under the waves,
and 3) ................. down and down. At the bottom we 4) ................. where
Captain Nemo pointed to a huge oyster. Inside the oyster I could see an Across:
enormous pearl. It 5) ................. as big as a coconut and was probably worth 2. scared or afraid
about four million dollars. I 6) ................. out my hand to take it, but the 5. the land
captain stopped me and 7) ................. his head. We turned around and walked 7. an animal that lives in a shell under the sea
back up to shallow water. Suddenly the captain stopped and he 8) ................. 9. a mountain that has fire inside it
to something. About twenty metres away, an Indian man 9) ................. into 11. something you put on your head to protect it
the sea and 10) ................. oysters. He didn’t see us and we watched him 13. the jewel that is found in an oyster
collecting oysters from the bottom of the sea. Just then a huge shark with 14. a ship or boat that have sunk to the bottom of the sea
its mouth open 11) ................. towards the Indian. Within seconds, Captain
20 21
15. metal that has been damaged by water fighting with some dolphins, and Professor Aronnax drank the milk of a dead
16. a measurement of distance, about 5 kilometres whale. The Nautilus then continued on towards the South Pole.
17. very very hot water
B. True or false questions.
Down: Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or false.
1. not deep
3. something made for hurting people; a gun, knife etc True False
4. how much something costs
6. the heavy metal part of a boat used to stop the boat moving in the water The Nautilus was sailing on the Atlantic near Spain and
8. something that smells of sulphur Portugal.
10. a narrow piece or water or sea
12. a chance 2. Ned Land wanted to escape at 9 o’clock.
18. plants under the sea 3. The Nautilus went to the bottom of the sea.
I. Full sentence questions On October 22nd 1902, a battle took place on the sea in
Now answer the questions in full sentences. Vigo Bay.

In the story The sailors from the Nautilus were collecting all the gold,
1. What is Sri Lanka famous for? silver and jewels from wooden boxes on the sea floor.
2. Where did Professor Aronnax go when he woke up at 4 o’clock? 6. The plan to escape was successful.
3. What weapon did Captain Nemo give to Professor Aronnax before they
went into the water? Captain Nemo invited Professor Aronnax to walk at the
4. How big and how much was the large oyster worth? bottom of the ocean at night.
5. What was the Indian man doing?
6. Who killed the shark? There was a big underwater volcano on the other side of
7. When did the Nautilus enter the Red Sea? the mountain.
8. How did the Nautilus pass from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean? 9. Professor Aronnax saw Atlantis.
9. Why did Professor Aronnax begin to feel hotter and hotter?
10. When did the Nautilus pass through the Straits of Gibraltar? 10. The Nautilus attacked the killer whales.
11. Professor Aronnax didn’t like the taste of whales’ milk.
Chapter 5 12. The Nautilus travelled on towards the South Pole.
A. The Story C. Order sentences
Read this short version of the chapter. There are a few things wrong. Find All these sentences appeared in the story. Put them in the correct order as
and change the mistakes. they were in the original.

The Nautilus was sailing in the Atlantic near the coast of France. Ned Land The sea was covered with dead whales and the Nautilus was floating in a sea of
made a plan to escape by rowing in a small boat to the shore. Later that blood.
evening Captain Nemo went to see Professor Aronnax and told him the story ‘Ah, Professor, I was looking for you. Do you know the history of Spain?’
of the battle of Vigo Bay which took place on October 22nd 1702. The metal Our plan to escape had failed, so I went to bed.
shutters opened and Professor Aronnax could see the men from the Nautilus Suddenly I felt a shock and realised that the Nautilus was on the bottom of the
collecting all the fish from the bottom of the ocean. The plan to escape failed ocean.
and Ned land was very happy. Later that day, Captain Nemo invited Professor The Captain gave me a glass of fresh whale milk
Aronnax to walk on the bottom of the ocean at night. After climbing a large Just then, the metal shutters opened and I looked out of the glass window into
underwater mountain, they saw an underwater volcano and the ruined city of the water.
‘Atlantis’. On March 14th the Nautilus attacked some killer whales who were

22 23
Then the Nautilus left the sea of blood and travelled on towards the South F. Match the sentences
We had changed direction and we were sailing away from Europe. We had already been sailing place on the sea in Vigo Bay.
Captain Nemo pointed to a red glow in the distance and we started walking
towards it. We could see probably be in bed.
We stayed there looking at the lost underwater city for an hour. At that time Captain Nemo will is collect all this treasure!
On March 14th, a group of whales swam alongside the Nautilus. At about 6 o’clock I heard the tanks before they kill all the whales in the
‘Tonight we escape.’ said Ned Land seriously. filling sea.
Then Ned Land and Conseil went to their rooms to wait for evening.
We had already been sailing for three and a half months, and had travelled How could we escape and actually it was delicious
nearly ten thousand leagues. a battle took at the lost underwater city for an hour.
They were collecting higher and higher.
D. Who said this?
Can you remember who said this? All I have to do when we were at the bottom of the
Later that evening, sea?
1. ‘Tonight we escape.’ But Captain Nemo went on and on, for three and a half months.
2. ‘At that time Captain Nemo will probably be in bed.’ Cape Vincent in Spain.
3. ‘Ah, Professor, I was looking for you. Do you know the history of Spain?’
4. ‘English ships destroyed many Spanish ships, which sank to the bottom of We stayed there looking up with water.
the ocean.’ We must attack them Captain Nemo came to see me.
5. ‘Now do you understand why I am so rich?’ I risked a taste, all the gold, silver and jewels from
6. ‘we don’t have a lot of luck, do we?’ wooden boxes
7. ‘But next time, we will be successful.’
8. ‘It will be a very difficult walk.’
9. ‘I would like to go very much.’ G. Collocations
10. ‘We must attack them before they kill all the whales in the sea.’ Match the words on the left to the words on the right.
11. ‘It’s different from cow’s milk and is very important for making butter and
cheese.’ a good milk
a few time
E. Speech warm of the sea
Here is something which Mrs Rachel said. Read the original again and then the bottom night
see if you can repeat what she said, but without all the letters. The amount a glass floor
of dots (.) is the amount of letter missing. wooden kilometres
the sea opportunity
A. ab..t 6 o’ I h..rd th. t..ks .p w..h .nd th. Na..ilus w..t t.e the next bottles
wa..s. I st..ed i. .y r..m .nd wa..ed. A. 7 o’clo.. I at. m. I .ot dre..ed .n m. a dark boxes
s.a b..ts, se..-sk.n h.t .nd w..m a.d w..t i..o t.e mus..m r..m. Su..enly I fe..
killer window
a sho.. .nd real..ed t..t th. Nauti..s w.s .n .he bot..m o. .he oc..n. Ho. co..d w.
esc..e w..n .e we.. .t .he o. t.e s.a? I th..ght. glass clothes
cow’s whales

H. Cloze
Here is the part where Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax climb the
underwater volcano. Some of the verbs have been taken out. Read the text
and see if you can remember what goes in the gaps. Use the verbs from the
box to help you, but remember to put them into the correct form.

24 25
It was midnight and the water was very dark. Captain Nemo 1) ................. to
Captain Nemo said that ther were going to the South
a red glow in the distance and we 2) ................. walking towards it. As I 3) 3.
................. at the red light, I realised that it 4) ................. from the top of an Pole.
enormous underwater mountain. At 1 o’clock, we 5) ................. the foot of 4. The Nautilus travelled under the ice bank.
the mountain. The path was full of seaweed and I had to 6) ................. over
rocks and dead underwater trees. I followed Captain Nemo up the mountain The ice bank became thinner and thinner, but the
and we didn’t stop once. But Captain Nemo 7) ................. on and on, higher Nautilus couldn’t break through into the open sea.
and higher. After quite a climb we 8) ................. at the top and I looked
Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax got into the small
down the other side of the mountain. There was a huge volcano and I could 6.
9) ................. red fire coming out of a hole in the bottom of the mountain. boat and rowed to the shore.
On the ground next to the volcano, I could see a town. It was completely 7. They weren’t the first people to get to the South Pole.
ruined, but I could still see houses, churches and streets. Captain Nemo 10)
................. the word ‘ATLANTIS’ on a rock. We 11) ................. there looking 8. The Nautilus had an accident.
at the lost underwater city for an hour. Then, the Captain pointed back down 9. The Nautilus was trapped in a tunnel of ice.
the mountain, and we 12) ................. our way back to the Nautilus.
10. Sailors from the Nautilus decided not to dig through the ice.
Write climb make be look point go shine stay
reach see start The ice below the Nautilus broke and the submarine was
I. Useful Phrases 12. Professor Aronnax died on the Nautilus.
Here are some phrases from the story. They are in the wrong order. Put
them in the correct order. B. Ordering actions.
All these actions happened in the story. Put them in the correct order in
made me feel sick which they happened.
the Nautilus went under the waves
I risked a taste I felt pure air in the submarine.
After quite a climb Captain Nemo stuck a large black flag with the letter ’N’ written on it into the
we don’t have a lot of luck ground.
Tonight we escape. The tanks were filled with water to make the submarine heavier.
I woke up very late The Captain measured the position of the sun in the sky.
the foot of the mountain The Nautilus travelled as fast as it could towards the open sea.
a battle took place on Professor Aronnax woke up with a shock.
to wait for a good opportunity An enormous block of ice turned over and they were stuck on the ice.
Captain Nemo started the engine and the Nautilus moved forwards through
Chapter 6 the ice tunnel.
Professor Aronnax went back to the museum room and watched as the
Nautilus slowly started to go back to the surface.
A. True or false questions. Twelve sailors from the Nautilus went out to the dig the ice.
Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or false. On March 14th Professor Aronnax saw ice floating in the sea.
Preparations were made to go under the ice bank.
True False Professor Aronnax lay down on his bed.
The sea had frozen into an ice field.
As the Nautilus travelled south, the ice became thicker
and thicker.
2. The Nautilus got completely stuck.

26 27
C. Who said this? 6. Suddenly, I woke ….. with a shock.
Can you remember who said this? 7. The Nautilus was lying ….. its side.
8. We might be crushed ….. the ice bank.
1. ‘All there is behind the ice bank, is ice, ice, ice!’ 9. We looked ….. of the window.
2. ‘Well, Professor, what do you think of it?’ 10. It moved through the tunnel ….. about twenty five minutes.
3. ‘I think we are stuck, Captain’ 11. The first is to be crushed to death ….. the ice.
4. ‘Once we get under the ice bank, we will get to the sea at the South Pole.’ 12. Twelve sailors from the Nautilus went out to the dig the ice. Ned Land,
5. ‘Are we at the South Pole, Captain?’ Conseil and myself went ….. them.
6. ‘I don’t know. I must do some calculations.’ 13. The air ….. the submarine wasn’t very good.
7. ‘We have had an accident.’ 14. The Nautilus started to push …... against the ice.
8. ‘If the block of ice doesn’t stop, we might be crushed against the ice bank.’ 15. Slowly my strength came ….. to me.
9. ‘Another thirty metres and we would have been crushed against the ice bank.’
10. ‘Where is the Captain? We must find out what’s going on!’ F. Cloze
11. ‘We are trapped.’ Here is the part where the Nautilus breaks through the ice. Some of the
12. ‘The air tanks will only give us two days of air.’ verbs have been taken out. Read the text and see if you can remember what
goes in the gaps. Use the verbs from the box to help you, but remember to
D. Match the sentences put them into the correct form.

The further south we went, kinds of birds. Later that evening, Captain Nemo 1) ................. he would try to use the
submarine to break through the ice beneath us. All the sailors came back
The Captain told me we could towards the open sea. into the Nautilus and the tanks 2) ................. with water to 3) .................
We broke through as we might be crushed against the the submarine heavier. The Captain 4) ................. the engine. The Nautilus
I saw many different ice bank. started to push down against the ice. It 5) ................. and pushing, when
He did some of the submarine. suddenly, we 6) ................. a loud cracking noise. The ice below us 7)
I, Captain Nemo, on March 19th as there was almost no air left. ................. and the submarine was free! But we were still under the ice bank
1868, a long time to dig through the ice. and had no air, but we travelled as fast as we could towards the open sea. I 8)
................. on a sofa in the library. My face was purple and my lips were blue.
I went to sleep that night dreaming that everything was ready.
I couldn’t move and when I 9) ................. my eyes, I couldn’t see. I don’t
If the block of ice doesn’t stop, thin ice and into the open sea. know how long this lasted, but I knew I 10) ................. How long would it
Ice was on both sides be crushed to death by the ice. take to get to the sea? I thought. Hours and hours went by, and the Nautilus
The first is to the more ice we saw. 11) ................. as fast as it could. Suddenly, I 12) ................. pure air in the
It was taking that we were still alive. submarine. I breathed and 13) ................. up. It was still difficult to walk, but
It was difficult to walk of all the places we had been to. I 14) ................. up onto the platform and breathed in the fresh sea air. Slowly
my strength came back to me. Ned Land, Conseil and Captain Nemo were all
We travelled as fast have reached the South Pole. on the platform, and we thanked God that we were still alive.l
We thanked God calculations and smiled.
climb hear lay travel make push break stand
E. Preposition check feel open start die decide fill
Put in the correct preposition.

1. The sea had frozen ….. an ice field.

2. We could see ice mountains ….. the distance.
3. But we can’t get …… the ice bank!
4. Nautilus went …… the sea.
5. The sea was full …... fish.

28 29
G. Collocations and the tentacle of giant octopus got stuck in the propeller. The sailors from
Match the words on the left to the words on the right. the Nautilus went out to kill the octopus, but the octopus picked up a sailor and
disappeared under the waves. Later, Professor Aronnax asked Captain Nemo
an ice kinds of to free himself and his two friends, but the Captain said that they would be free
thin tanks very soon. On May 30th a warship started shooting at the Nautilus and Captain
different sea Nemo decided to escape from it. Later that same evening, Ned land thought
the top noise about a plan to escape. Just as Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were
a black air about to escape, the Nautilus started to spin around and around, Professor
a block of a mountain Aronnax lost consciousness, and he woke up on an island near Sweden.
air field
a loud of ice B. True or false questions.
the open ice Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or false.
the fresh flag
True False
H. Useful Phrases
Here are some phrases from the story. They are in the wrong order. Put The Nautilus was surrounded by hundreds of small
them in the correct order. octopuses.
The octopus was about twelve metres long and was
this was the end 2.
swimming towards the submarine very quickly.
we thanked God that we were still alive.
I couldn’t believe that… 3. The Captain came into the museum looking happy.
Hours and hours went by
but it was true Captain Nemo and the other sailors cut off seven of the
It was taking a long time to octopus’ tentacles.
in a state of deep horror Captain Nemo was crying because one of his sailors was
For the next five minutes 5.
broke the ice
That was close! Professor Aronnax decided to speak to Captain Nemo
All there is… 6.
about when they would be free.
The only way to get out
The further south we went, the more… Ned Land saw a large warship which was about ten
lying on its side kilometres away.
a small part of the A cannonball landed in the water very close to the
I don’t know how long this lasted, but 8.
Professor Aronnax do when he felt pure air in the submarine?
The Captain pressed a button and the Nautilus started to
go faster and faster towards the warship.
Chapter 7 10. The enormous warship started to sink.
A. The Story Professor Aronnax put on his warm clothes and boots
Read this short version of the chapter. There are a few things wrong. Find 11.
and lay down on his bed.
and change the mistakes.
12. The Nautilus started to spin around and around.
The Nautilus sailed back towards the Pacific, through the Caribbean and up the Professor Aronnax was lying in a farmer’s hut on an island
coast of America. On April 20th the Nautilus was surrounded by lots of octopus’, 13.
near Norway.

30 31
E. Match the sentences
Professor Aronnax didn’t know what happened to
Captain Nemo and the Nautilus.
I thought as I gave you seven months ago.
C. Order sentences Ned Land pointed to because one of his sailors was dead.
All these sentences appeared in the story. Put them in the correct order as I have heard of giant octopuses I couldn’t do anything to help them.
they were in the original.t
One of the octopus’s when you will let us leave the Nautilus?
Later that evening, I put on my warm clothes and boots and lay down on my The octopus sprayed that this journey would never end.
bed. He was crying which was about ten kilometres away.
I decided to speak to Captain Nemo about when we would be free. I would like to know a huge cloud of black liquid.
The warship disappeared under the water and sank to the bottom of the
ocean. I have the same answer now but we will take the small boat and row to
The Nautilus was surrounded by hundreds of small octopuses. I saw a large warship the shore.
I realised that we were caught in a whirlpool. I felt terrible because tentacles is stuck in the propeller.
I soon realised that the Nautilus was sailing towards South America. The sea is rough and the wind is as I thought about escaping.
I would like to know when you will let us leave the Nautilus? strong, something out at sea.
It had huge green eyes and eight long tentacles.
The Captain pressed a button and the Nautilus started to go faster and faster All these things went through that can drag a ship down to the bottom
towards the warship. my mind, of the sea.
The octopus picked up a sailor and lifted him into the air.
I heard another shot and a cannonball landed in the water very close to the F. Multiple Choice
At that moment the Nautilus stopped and the Captain came into the museum 1. On April 20th we passed The Bahamas and we sailed ................. America.
looking worried. a) by b) through c) towards d) in
2. The Nautilus was surrounded ................. hundreds of small octopuses.
D. Who said this? a) in b) by c) under d) on
Can you remember who said this? 3. Do you believe ................. giant octopuses?
a) in b) on c) for d) by
1. ‘Do you believe in giant octopuses?’ 4. The Captain came ................. the museum looking worried.
2. ‘One of the octopus’ tentacles is stuck in the propeller.’ a) for b) onto c) under d) into
3. ‘I would like to speak to you, Captain’ 5. The octopus picked ................. a sailor and lifted him into the air.
4. ‘I would like to know when you will let us leave the Nautilus?’ a) down b) in c) up d) through
5. ‘Whoever enters the Nautilus, never leaves it.’ 6. Captain Nemo and the other sailors cut ................. seven of the octopus’s
6. ‘Well, we must escape. As soon as possible.’ tentacles.
7. ‘Why are they firing at us?’ a) off b) in c) below d) on
8. ‘I have no choice but to attack and destroy the warship.’ 7. We had now been on the Nautilus ................. seven months.
9. ‘We are going to escape tonight.’ a) in b) near c) on d) for
10. ‘I will be ready!’ 8. I decided to speak ................. Captain Nemo.
a) by b) to c) through d) under
9. Suddenly, it hit the warship and went straight ................. it.
a) through b) under c) above d) in
10. The warship disappeared ................. the water.
a) above b) on c) for d) under

32 33
11. He was looking ................. a photograph of a young woman and two small Down:
children. 2. a big bang
a) by b) for c) to d) at 4. to say something very quietly
12. I put on my warm clothes and boots and lay ................. on my bed. 7. the arms of an octopus
a) to b) down c) near d) in 8. a metal machine that travels under the water
13. I hit my head ................. the iron platform and lost consciousness. 9. to go to the bottom of the sea
a) in b) by c) on d) to 11. an animal with 8 arms that lives at sea
14. It is here that I decided to write the story ................. our adventures under 12. people who live and work on a boat
the sea.
a) for b) on c) through d) of H. Cloze
Here is the part where Captain Nemo destroys the warship. Some of the
G. Crossword verbs have been taken out. Read the text and see if you can remember what
2 goes in the gaps. Use the verbs from the box to help you, but remember to
put them into the correct form.

We all 1) .................. down into the submarine and it went under the waves.
3 However it didn’t go down to the bottom of the sea, but it 2) ..................
4 just under the surface. The Captain 3) .................. a button and the Nautilus
5 4) .................. to go faster and faster towards the warship. Suddenly, it 5)
.................. the warship and went straight through it. The enormous warship
6 started to sink and I could see all the sailors 6) .................. in the sea. I 7)
.................. terrible because I couldn’t do anything to help them. The warship
8) .................. under the water and 9) .................. to the bottom of the
8 ocean. Captain Nemo went to his room. I could see him and saw that he 10)
9 11 12 .................. at a photograph of a young woman and two small children. He
10 started to cry and kissed the photograph. Later that evening, I 11) ..................
that the Nautilus was going through the English Channel. I couldn’t sleep
13 that night and 12) .................. about the terrible things Captain Nemo 13)
.................. .
14 15 disappear start see do hit go drown feel sink
look press think stay
I. Full sentence questions
Across: Now answer the questions in full sentences
1. to leave or go away In the story...
3. when the sea goes around and around
5. not calm, the opposite of smooth 1. Where was the Nautilus sailing towards on 20th April?
6. something like water, the opposite of solid 2. What did Ned Land point to out at sea?
10. very very big 3. Did Ned Land believe in giant octopuses?
13. the bombs or bullet fired by a cannon 4. How big was the giant octopus?
14. to travel in a boat on the sea 5. Why did the Nautilus stop?
15. a part of a boat that makes it move 6. What did the giant octopus do when all the sailors went on top of the
16. to die under water submarine?
7. How many tentacles did Captian Nemo and his sailors cut off?

34 35
8. What did Professor Aronnax see on May 30th out at sea? E.
9. What did Captain Nemo decide to do? This object was long and round and often glowed with light under the water.
10. What happened when Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land tried to the problem changed from a scientific to a serious danger.
escape? problem
When the engineers looked at the boat, they couldn’t believe their eyes.
The newspapers wrote about the story and the public demanded that the monster must
Key be caught.
The US Navy read my newspaper article and plans for an expedition to catch the narwhale.
Chapter 1 Conseil was a loyal man from Holland who came with me on all my journeys.
Seeing the size of the whale, the captain ordered the boat to be turned
A. The Abraham Lincoln sailed all over the world for 3 months. around...
Ned Land saw the Narwhale. Our ship chased the animal all day, but at no time did we manage to catch it.
Ned Land threw a harpoon at the Narwhale. I was too late and was thrown dramatically into the sea.
Eight men appeared and pulled us down into the strange metal machine.
B. Scientists from every country wrote articles, gave lectures and talked about the animal.
At the time these things were happening, I was returning from a scientific trip in The United F. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. d 8.a 9. d 10.b 11.c 12.d 13.b 14.a 15.c
States of America.
Therefore, until I get more information, I have to think that the monster is a huge narwhale. G. 1.arrived 2.looking 3.decided 4.shouted 5.was 6.was lit 7.ordered 8.turned
The US Navy read my newspaper article and made plans for an expedition to catch the narwhale. 9.escape 10.followed 11. slept 12.thinking 13.came 14.prepared 15.seeing
Sir, if you would like to join the expedition of the Abraham Lincoln, the United States
Government will happily have you on board. H.
We arrived at the Abraham Lincoln and I was introduced to Captain Farragut.
Our ship chased the animal all day, but at no time did we manage to catch it.
The bullet hit the narwhale but didn’t go in and simply fell into the sea. 2 C
As the wave came nearer, everyone looked for something to hold onto. W 3 W H A L E
I hit my foot against the animal and heard a metallic sound. 5 4 F L O A T A
E V 7 S
C. 1. Professor Aronnax 2. Conseil 3. Professor Aronnax 4. Ned Land 5. Ned Land X 6 P R E P A R E 8 9
6. Captain Farragut 7. Captain Farragut 8. Conseil 9. Ned Land 10. Professor Aronnax
P A 10 G T
D. The ocean is totally unknown to us. What happens there? What animals can live 15 or 20 E S M L U
kilometres under the sea? We do not yet know all the living things that live at the bottom of the D 11 M Y S T E R I O U S
sea. The common narwhale, or sea unicorn is often 30 metres long. If the size and strength is I 12 E T W K
increased by ten, then this could be the animal we are looking for. The narwhale has an ivory tusk, T A 13 N A
just like an elephant, which is as hard as iron. If this weapon were ten times stronger, then it could
I R C G L 14 15
make a large hole in the ship. Therefore, until I get more information, I have to think that the
monster is a huge narwhale. O T R E L P C
16 E N G I N E E R I U O
C W S 17 C A B I N
18 H A R P O O N

I.1. A mysterious object was often seen at sea.

2. Scientists wrote articles, gave lectures and talked about the animal.
3. The boat was hit by a sharp object and water quickly went into it.
4. Professor Aronnax was returning from a scientific trip in The United States of America.

36 37
5. The US Navy read my newspaper article and made plans for an expedition to catch the E. ‘I don’t have to give you hospitality on my submarine, and I could throw you into the sea
narwhale. and forget about you. That is my right. I left human society and do not obey its laws. But I have
6. On July 20th the Abraham Lincoln arrived in the north Pacific. decided that you can stay on my submarine, and you will have the freedom to live with us. I will
7. They first saw the Narwhale at 8 o’clock on November 5th 1867. give each of you your own cabin to live in. However, no one on earth knows about my submarine.
8. The Narwhale followed the Abraham Lincoln and then disappeared. It is a secret and I will not allow you to ever leave the submarine.’
9. The harpoon hit the hard body of the narwhale and fell into the sea.
10. The Narwhale was made of thick iron. F. 1.behind 2.of 3.into 5.about 6.out 7.after 8.on 9.with
10.on 11.up 13.from 14.with
Chapter 2 G. 1. talking 2. gave 3. asked 4. understand 5. went 6. entered 7. were wearing
8. was 9. had eaten 10. felt 11. woke 12. smell
A. 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.T
B. Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were taken down a ladder into the machine.
Two men came into the room. loud bang
Professor Aronnax began talking in French. broad shoulders
The strangers went away. strange eyes
The steward brought some clothes for the professor, Conseil and Ned Land. shaking his head
The steward set the table and brought out some large dishes of food. set the table
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned went to sleep. fell asleep
Ned attacked the steward. wonderful life
Captain Nemo invited everyone for breakfast. leather sofa
Professor Aronnax followed Captain Nemo into a large room. famous artist
Captain Nemo took Professor Aronnax into his own room. millions of dollars
Captain Nemo explained how the ‘Nautlius’ worked.
I. 1. Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were taken down into the machine.
C.The door closed behind us 2. The strangers were wearing hats made from sea otter fur, seal-skin boots and clothes made from
About thirty minutes later a strange material.
He looked at us without speaking 3. Professor Aronnax talked about their adventures on the Abraham Lincoln.
So I began talking 4. The steward brought clothes similar to the clothes that the strange men were wearing.
They didn’t seem to understand 5. Ned Land choked the steward with his powerful hands.
He set the table 6. Captain Nemo said he had the right to treat the prisoners as enemies since they chased him and
Well, we must do something! tried to destroy his submarine.
Suddenly the door opened 7. Captain Nemo explained how all the food, clothing and furniture on board the submarine was
Ned Land let go of the steward produced by the sea.
I am in the presence of Mr Pierre Aronnax 8. There were big wooden bookcases containing a huge number of books, brown leather sofas and
I’m sorry I have been so long desks to read on inside the library.
I have the right to treat you as enemies 9. There were pictures painted by the most famous artists, a large piano, and a huge collection of
But I have decided that sea plants, shells and other things from the sea inside the museum.
no one on earth 10. Captain Nemo explained that he had discovered how to make electricity from sea water.
That’s cruelty!
You have a simple choice Chapter 3
breakfast is ready
Over breakfast he explained A. The Nautilus started its journey on November 8th.
Come this way. Captain Nemo invited them to hunting in the underwater forest of Crespo Island.
One last question, Captain The Nautilus got stuck on a coral island.
They were returning to the Nautilus with dead kangaroos.
D. 1. Conseil 2. Ned Land 3. Professor Aronnax 4. Ned Land 5. Captain Nemo
6. Captain Nemo 7. Professor Aronnax 8. Captain Nemo 9. Conseil B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. T
10. Professor Aronnax 11. Captain Nemo 12. Professor Aronnax 13. Captain Nemo
14. Captain Nemo

38 39
C. The Nautilus started to rise and then suddenly stopped. After a moment of panic
The Captain made some calculations. What an adventure!
We talked about what we had seen and where we were. For the next few weeks
The light went off and a shutter opened. We have a problem
The next day I woke up and got dressed and went to the museum room. but I must say that
We put on our metal helmets and were given a special underwater gun.
We lay down on the soft seaweed and I fell asleep. I.
We climbed back into the submarine and took off our diving suits. iron ladder
I felt a shock and I was thrown to the floor. glass window
We were near land, and Captain Nemo allowed us to take the small boat and go to the shore. electric light
We cooked and ate the pig, and in the afternoon we caught some small kangaroos. diving suit
I went to bed but I must say that I didn’t sleep very well. metal helmets
bottom of the sea
D. 1. Captain Nemo 2. Captain Nemo 3. Ned Land 4. Ned Land 5. Conseil thick mud
6. Captain Nemo 7. Ned Land 8. Professor Aronnax 9. Captain Nemo sloped downwards
incredibly beautiful
E. dangerous animals
We climbed the iron ladder and went out onto the platform on top of the Nautilus. narrow valley
Suddenly the light went . off and a shutter opened. high cliffs
We travelled under the sea, and only came to the surface to get more air. coral island
The next day I woke up and got dressed. extremely happy
After an hour and a half the ground sloped downwards. wild pig
At one o’clock we stopped to have a rest.
There was a huge sea spider that was just about to jump on me.
Captain Nemo picked up his gun and shot an which had swum in front of us. Chapter 4
After walking for another hour we saw the in the distance. A. Professor Aronnax met Captain Nemo in the library.
Nautilus Professor Aronnax woke up at 4 o’clock and went into the museum room.
We climbed back into the submarine and took off our diving suits. Five sailors from the Nautilus rowed Professor Aronnax, Conseil, Ned Land and Captain Nemo
We were going through The Torres Straits, which are the most dangerous straits in the towards the shore.
world. Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned land followed Captain Nemo down a hill and under the
The submarine had hit a small island made of coral. waves.
If all the natives on Papua New Guinea were on they wouldn’t be able to hurt us. Professor Aronnax stretched out his hand to take a huge oyster, but the captain stopped him and
the shore, shook his head.
Some of them had climbed on top of the submarine. An Indian man was diving into the sea and collecting oysters.
I went to bed but I must say that I didn’t sleep very well. Captain Nemo fell on the ground and was about to be eaten by a shark.
The Nautilus entered the Red Sea.
F. 1. up 2. from 3. down 4. off 5. at 6. under 7. in 8. through 9. around 10. in Professor Aronnax watched as Captain Nemo sailed his submarine through a narrow tunnel and
front of 11. by 12. for 13. on 14. outside 15. back out into the Mediterranean.
Captain Nemo pressed an electric bell and the Nautilus turned around and left the boiling sea.
G. 1. stopped 2. fell 3. slept 4. killed 5. realized 6. thought 7. reached They saw anchors, cannons, bullets and pieces of broken ships.
8. lit 9. walking 10. picked 11. had swum 12. continued 13. saw 14. looked 15. had A few minutes later the Nautilus was at the surface and sailing on the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
been saved
B. 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9 T 10. T 11. T 12. F
We have arrived C. 1. Captain Nemo 2. Captain Nemo 3. Professor Aronnax 4. Captain Nemo 5. Captain
not really believing it was really happening Nemo 6. Professor Aronnax 7. Ned Land 8. Ned land 9. Ned land 10. Captain Nemo
After an hour and a half 11. Captain Nemo 12. Professor Aronnax
It was incredibly beautiful
I must be more careful D. Would you and your friends like to…
After walking for another hour Don’t worry…

40 41
I’ll be ready. H.
We put on our… 1
Rather frightened, I…
…and went down and down.
It was as big as… 3 2 F R I G H T E N E D
Within seconds… W A 4
You saved my life. E L W
…the day after tomorrow. 5 C O A S T 6 L 8 O
I personally didn’t want to…
P A 7 O Y S T E R
Just as I was about to leave…
During the night… 9 V O L C A N O 10 W U T
As we came closer to… N C S L H
In the meantime… S 12 11 H E L M E T P
E. 1. across 2. near 3. with 4. from 5. on 6. out 7. inside 8. about 9. into 10. back 13 P E A R L 18 A U
11. towards
P 14 S H I P W R E C K
F. O E T O
R A 15 R U S T
Sri Lanka is very famous for pearl fishing.
Don’t worry, we will have weapons with us. T W S
I went into the museum room to meet Captain Nemo and my friends. 16 L E A G U E E
Rather frightened, I put on my metal helmet. N E
At the bottom we stopped where Captain Nemo pointed to a huge oyster. 17 B O I L I N G D
It was as big as a coconut. T
It was probably worth about four million dollars.
Just then a huge shark with its mouth open swam towards the Indian.
He was just about to be eaten by the shark, when Ned Land jumped in.
I.1. Sri Lank is famous for pearl fishing.
Ned wanted to know where we were going.
2. Professor Aronnax is wen to the museum room when he woke up at 4 o’clock.
The Nautilus will pass under the land through an underwater tunnel.
3. Captain Nemo gave Professor Aronnax a knife before they went into the water.
However, later that night, while Conseil and Ned Land were asleep.
4. The large oyster was as big as a coconut and was probably worth about four million dollars.
I didn’t want to stop my friends from leaving, but I personally didn’t want to leave Captain Nemo.
5. The Indian man was diving into the sea and collecting oysters.
If we fail, we won’t have another chance.
6. Ned Land killed the shark with his harpoon.
There is an underwater volcano here which makes the water very hot.
7. The Nautilus entered the Red Sea on the 11th February.
8. The Nautilus passed from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean through an underwater tunnel.
G. 1. climbed 2. followed 3. went 4. stopped 5. was 6. stretched 7. shook 8. pointed 9. Professor Aronnax began to feel hotter and hotter because the Nautilus was near the
9. was diving 10. collecting 11. swam 12. stabbed 13. fighting 14. fell 15. walked underwater volcano of Santorini Island.
10. The Nautilus passed through the Straits of Gibraltar at about 3 o’clock on 18th February.

Chapter 5

A. The Nautilus was sailing near the coast of Spain.

The men from the Nautilus were collecting all the treasure from the bottom of the ocean.
Ned Land was very sad.
The Nautilus attacked some killer whales who were fighting with some whales.

B. 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8 T 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. T

C. We had already been sailing for three and a half months, and had travelled nearly ten thousand
‘Tonight we escape.’ said Ned Land seriously.

42 43
Then Ned Land and Conseil went to their rooms to wait for evening. H. 1. pointed 2. started 3. looked 4. shone 5. reached 6. climb 7. went 8. were
Suddenly I felt a shock and realised that the Nautilus was on the bottom of the ocean. 9. see 10. wrote 11. stayed 12. made
‘Ah, Professor, I was looking for you. Do you know the history of Spain?’
Just then, the metal shutters opened and I looked out of the glass window into the water. I. Tonight we escape.
Our plan to escape had failed, so I went to bed. to wait for a good opportunity
We had changed direction and we were sailing away from Europe. the Nautilus went under the waves
Captain Nemo pointed to a red glow in the distance and we started walking towards it. a battle took place on
We stayed there looking at the lost underwater city for an hour. we don’t have a lot of luck
On March 14th, a group of whales swam alongside the Nautilus. the foot of the mountain
The sea was covered with dead whales and the Nautilus was floating in a sea of blood. After quite a climb
The Captain gave me a glass of fresh whale milk. I woke up very late
Then the Nautilus left the sea of blood and travelled on towards the South Pole. made me feel sick
I risked a taste
D. 1. Ned Land 2. Ned Land 3. Captain Nemo 4. Captain Nemo 5. Captain Nemo
6. Professor Aronnax 7. Ned Land 8. Captain Nemo 9. Professor Aronnax 10. Captain
Nemo 11. Captain Nemo
Chapter 6

E. At about 6 o’clock I heard the tanks filling up with water and the Nautilus went under the waves. I A. 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. T 12. F.
stayed in my room and waited. At 7 o’clock I ate my dinner. I got dressed in my sea boots, seal-skin hat
and warm clothes and went into the museum room. Suddenly I felt a shock and realised that the Nautilus B. On March 14th Professor Aronnax saw ice floating in the sea.
was on the bottom of the ocean. How could we escape when we were at the bottom of the sea? I thought. The sea had frozen into an ice field.
Preparations were made to go under the ice bank.
F. Professor Aronnax went back to the museum room and watched as the Nautilus slowly started to
go back to the surface.
We had already been sailing for three and a half months. The Captain measured the position of the sun in the sky.
We could see Cape Vincent in Spain. Captain Nemo stuck a large black flag with the letter ’N’ written on it into the ground.
At that time Captain Nemo will probably be in bed. Professor Aronnax woke up with a shock.
At about 6 o’clock I heard the tanks filling up with water. An enormous block of ice turned over and they were stuck on the ice.
How could we escape when we were at the bottom of the sea? Captain Nemo started the engine and the Nautilus moved forwards through the ice tunnel.
a battle took place on the sea in Vigo Bay. Twelve sailors from the Nautilus went out to the dig the ice.
They were collecting all the gold, silver and jewels from wooden boxes Professor Aronnax lay down on his bed.
All I have to do is collect all this treasure! The tanks were filled with water to make the submarine heavier.
Later that evening, Captain Nemo came to see me. The Nautilus travelled as fast as it could towards the open sea.
But Captain Nemo went on and on, higher and higher. I felt pure air in the submarine.
We stayed there looking at the lost underwater city for an hour.
We must attack them before they kill all the whales in the sea. C. 1. Ned Land 2. Captain Nemo 3. Professor Aronnax 4. Captain Nemo 5. Professor
I risked a taste, and actually it was delicious. Aronnax 6. Captain Nemo 7. Captain Nemo 8. Captain Nemo 9. Professor Aronnax
10. Ned Land 11. Captain Nemo 12. Captain Nemo
a good opportunity
a few kilometres
warm clothes
the bottom of the sea
a glass window
wooden boxes
the sea floor
the next time
a dark night
killer whales
glass bottles
cow’s milk

44 45
D. I. 1. The Nautilus got stuck in an ice field.
The further south we went, the more ice we saw. 2. The Nautilus went under the ice bank.
The Captain told me that everything was ready. 3. Captain Nemo measured the position of the sun in the sky and made some calculations.
We broke through the thin ice and into the open sea. 4. Captain Nemo reached the South Pole on March 19th 1868.
I saw many different kinds of birds. 5. Captain Nemo stuck a large black flag with the letter ’N’ written on it into the ground.
He did some calculations and smiled. 6. The Nautilus had an accident in the middle of the night.
I, Captain Nemo, on March 19th 1868, have reached the South Pole. 7.The twelves sailors from the Nautilus went out to dig the ice.
I went to sleep that night dreaming of all the places we had been to. 8. The ice below the Nautilus broke and the submarine was free.
If the block of ice doesn’t stop, we might be crushed against the ice bank. 9. When Professor Aronnax opened his eyes, he couldn’t see.
Ice was on both sides of the submarine. 10. Professor Aronnax stood up and breathed.
The first is to be crushed to death by the ice.
It was taking a long time to dig through the ice. Chapter 7
It was difficult to walk as there was almost no air left.
We travelled as fast as we could towards the open sea. A. The Nautilus sailed back towards the Atlantic.
We thanked God that we were still alive. Captain Nemo said that Professor Aronnax and his two friends would never be free.
Captain Nemo decided to destroy the warship.
E.1. into 2. in 3. through 4. under 5. of 6. up 7. on 8. against 9. out 10. for 11. Professor Aronnax woke up on an island near Norway.
by 12. with 13. inside 14. down 15. back
B. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. T 12. T 13. F 14. T
F. 1. decided 2. were filled 3. make 4. started 5. was pushing 6. heard 7. broke 8. was
lying 9. opened 10. was dying 11. was travelling 12. felt 13. stood 14. climbed C. I soon realised that the Nautilus was sailing towards South America.
The Nautilus was surrounded by hundreds of small octopuses.
G. It had huge green eyes and eight long tentacles.
an ice field At that moment the Nautilus stopped and the Captain came into the museum looking worried.
thin ice The octopus picked up a sailor and lifted him into the air.
different kinds of I decided to speak to Captain Nemo about when we would be free.
the top of a mountain I would like to know when you will let us leave the Nautilus?
a black flag I heard another shot and a cannonball landed in the water very close to the submarine.
a block of ice The Captain pressed a button and the Nautilus started to go faster and faster towards the warship.
air tanks The warship disappeared under the water and sank to the bottom of the ocean.
a loud noise Later that evening, I put on my warm clothes and boots and lay down on my bed.
the open sea I realised that we were caught in a whirlpool.
the fresh air
D. 1. Conseil 2. Captain Nemo 3. Professor Aronnax 4. Professor Aronnax 5. Captain
H.The further south we went, the more… Nemo 6. Ned Land 7. Conseil 8. Captain Nemo 9. Ned Land 10. Professor Aronnax
broke the ice
All there is… E.
I couldn’t believe that… I thought that this journey would never end.
but it was true Ned Land pointed to something out at sea.
lying on its side I have heard of giant octopuses that can drag a ship down to the bottom of the sea.
For the next five minutes One of the octopus’s tentacles is stuck in the propeller.
in a state of deep horror The octopus sprayed a huge cloud of black liquid.
this was the end He was crying because one of his sailors was dead.
That was close! I would like to know when you will let us leave the Nautilus?
The only way to get out I have the same answer now as I gave you seven months ago.
a small part of the I saw a large warship which was about ten kilometres away.
It was taking a long time to I felt terrible because I couldn’t do anything to help them.
I don’t know how long this lasted, but The sea is rough and the wind is strong, but we will take the small boat and row to the shore.
Hours and hours went by All these things went through my mind, as I thought about escaping.
we thanked God that we were still alive.

46 47
F.1. towards 2. by 3. in 4. into 5. up 6. off 7. for 8. to 9. through 10. under
11. at 12. down 13. on 14. of

1 D I S A P P E A R
3 W H I R L P O O L
4 L
W 5 R O U G H
6 L I Q U I D
7 S O
T P N 8
9 E E 11 12 S
S 10 E N O R M O U S U
13 C A N N O N B A L L T I M
14 S A I L 15 P R O P E L L O R
S S 16 D R O W N

H.1. went 2. stayed 3. pressed 4. started 5. hit 6. drowning 7. felt 8. disappeared

9. sank 10. was looking 11. saw 12. thought 13. had done

J. 1. The Nautilus was sailing towards America on April 20th.

2. Ned land pointed to lots of octopuses out at sea.
3. Ned Land didn’t believe in giant octopuses.
4. The octopus was about twelve metres long.
5. The Nautilus stopped because one of the octopus’ tentacles was stuck in the propeller.
6. The giant octopus picked one of the sailors up.
7. Captain Nemo and the other sailors cut off seven of the octopus’ tentacles.
8. Professor Aronnax saw a large warship on May 30th.
9. Captain Nemo decided to destroy the warship.
10. The Nautilus started spinning around and around, when they tried to escape.


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