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Cover letter

Rohulamin “khadim”
Address: kunar,Asadabad/Afghanistan
Post : Community mobilizer
Date: 29.Sep.2021

Dear Recruiting Manager

I am writing to apply for the position Community mobilizer recently announced by your esteemed
organization, as requested, below is my update CV annexed with cover letter, if other documents
were required will be send through email.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting to me and matching my previous
experience, I believe that my strong field and office experience and knowledge will make me a
very competitive candidate for said position.
Beside B.Sc. degree in Agriculture and Medical Technology, I have a more than three years’
experience with different national and international organizations including
ACTED/USAID/OFDA/Creative/ CCI, USAID/Creative ACR and JACK and familiar with the
geographical location of kunar province and the project stakeholders in eastern region as well, so
based on my experience and knowledge i could make a valuable contribution to furthering your
Organization success and achieving the goals. For additional information please see my CV.
I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about this position and how my experience could
help the project to achieve its goals.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this
employment opportunity.

Rohulamin khadim
Rohulamin khadim
Contact Address
Mobil # 07777 67714

Work experience
Position: Community Mobilizer
Organization: Act for change and west for tomorrow (ACTED)/USAID/OFDA
Duration: Oct 30, 2018– Apr.30, 2021
Job Location Kunar province

Main Responsibilities:

 Coordination including masons, workers etc. and liaison with local authorities and field
 Organizing and conducting assessments for CSO/CBOs/CDC/beneficiary selection at
periodic intervals to measure organizational and technical growth, and from this
develop community capacity
 In coordination with the selected village beneficiaries, communities/committees, design
the related construction systems and ensure technical design adapted to the village’s
background or situation.
 Coordinate closely with local authorities, village leaders, township, committees and
other stakeholders for smooth running for construction sites.
 Follow of the payment used for the constructions with committees/communities and
 Ensure the shelter-latrine-sanitation and hygiene practice in the project is implemented
in line with donor proposals and requirements and in accordance with country and
international standards Liaise with target community/ beneficiaries and technical team
on the completion of shelters activities to ensure ACTED’s standards are upheld and
activities are completed on time.
 Mobilize target communities and local authorities for establish the necessary committee
and reporting mechanisms required and ensure the participation of the local
communities in the regular supervision of the works within the group/themselves.
 Monitor the progress of the work and immediately share to line manager and technical
team and the area coordinator in case of any complaints from the target communities and
in case of major problems, delays and/or deviations from agreed
 Coordinate with the technical team on the field and for the weekly planning of the
 Design training and conduct awareness raising sessions with community wherever need
on equity and gender issues;
 Facilitate community mobilization campaign for project area according to the project
 To maintain accurate registers of beneficiaries and to carry out regular checks of the
names, in collaboration with community leaders
 Handing over/ the final completion report for each project activity and target area shelter
project and filling documents;
 Keeping and sharing all the beneficiaries related records(cash grant, payments,
milestones and physical progress)with line managers within the target locations

Position: District Community Mobilizer

Organization: Afghan Children Read (ACR)/Creative
Duration: Oct 24, 2017– Aug 15, 2018
Job Location Laghman province

Main Responsibilities:

 Conduct surveys and assessments in the communities and provide feedback and
suggestions for the development of the Afghan Children Read (AGR) program.
 Create strong relations with community through regular meetings and informal discussion
for identifying and addressing education needs and issues.
 Stimulating and mobilizing of community members, teachers, religious elders for
establishing School Management Shuras (SMSs) to monitor and support the education
activities in government and CBE schools especially Early Grade Reading (EGR).
 Work with community members to identify education needs, create work plan and assure
that they are supporting the education program and School (Shura) members.
 Establishment and renovation of SMSs in targeted Schools in close coordination of PED
and DED.
 Establish and maintain productive work relationship and coordinate activities with
provincial/district/schools/community education related and other organization staff.
 Facilitate and conduct of weekly SMS sessions, expose schools’ problems and collection of
required data for school improvement plan (SIP)
 Conduct campaigns and trainings for raising awareness about gender, especially for
improvement of female education and their further participation in education.
 Conduct meetings and trainings for other members of the provincial education team with
MoE Provincial CBE Officers (PCO), teachers and School (Shura) members for developing
their capacity in planning and implementing CBE activities.
 Coordination, Mobilization and Preparation for SMS trainings.
 Training of school management Shuras under the SMSs activities and community
Mobilization title.
 Preparation and Submission of weekly updates and monthly reports as well as performance
of other assigned activities.

Position: Community Mobilizer

Organization: Youth Educational & Women Care Organization (YEWCO/Creative/CCI).
Duration: 18th Sep, 2016- 30 Aug, 2017
Job Location: Kunar Province

Main Responsibilities:

 Assist in identification of community volunteers, establishment of teams and convince the

groups how to persuade community entities to reduce disaster risk and cope with, using
local resources.
 Identify safe and secure place for community training and monitor the project activities.
 Mobilization for DRR first aid training and monitoring of project activities at field level
 Liaison with district and provincial government offices for the mobilization and
coordination of project activities.
 Represent YEWCO at provincial and district levels.
 Participation in the Meetings, assessments and response to disaster affected families.
 Ensure smooth implementation of project, and any other task assigned by project Manager.
 Report to Project Manager on the weekly, monthly bases as well as submission of meetings

Position: Field Technician

Organization: Mercy Corps
Duration: 1st Jan, 2015 to 30th Nov, 2015
Location: Kunar province

Main Responsibilities

 Take care of the Hoop house fruit orchard management.

 Help and collect daily experimental data for activities such as irrigation, weed/pest control
and harvesting as well as data on planting dates, seeding rates and dates as per the direction
of the research and extension officer. 
 Provide the experiments plats sign boards regarding the verities assigned by the research
and extension officer. 
 Supervise use and care of field using equipment and training of farmers for the proper use
of instruments.
 Control of the daily labor on assigned works.
 Collect samples from crop experiments or orchard experiments for testing as required by
the Research and Extension Officer. 
 Manage of the irrigation and layout making with research and extension officer.
 Harvest and weigh of the crops and submission to the DAIL/ MAIL. 
 Maintain or repair agricultural facilities, equipment, or tools to ensure operational
readiness, safety, and cleanliness. 
 Supervise farm laborers when they operate farm machinery, including tractors, plows,
mowers, combines, balers, and sprayers. 
 Logistic and procurements for the trainings and farm needs. 
 Transplant trees, vegetables, or horticultural plants.

Position: District Team Leader

Organization: Just for Afghan Capacity and Knowledge (JACK)
Duration: 1st Sep 2014 to 30th Dec 2014
Location: Kunar province

Main Responsibilities
 Lead in mapping school cluster
 Lead selection process for identifying local DT3 training
 Coordinate schedules for all training activities in cooperation with other DT3 member and
appropriate MoE officials
 Scheduling in consultation with PEDs and DEDs all teacher training activities
 Training and provide follow up support for DED personal in completing reports
 Meeting with the district MOE staff on regular basis to share problems and solution in
implementation of DT3 program
 Develop and implementation of plans
 Teaching and training
 Deliver all training to follow DT3 members.
 Provide inset 1st training to teachers
 Design follow on academic support activities for each training.
 Follow up the on academic support activities after each training
 Conduct, monitoring and evaluation activities as required.
Vocational Trainings

 Participated in two days protection Training in Jalalabad ACTED office.

 Participated in three days Hygiene Training in Jalalabad ACTED office.
 Participated in two days shelter Training conducted by ACTED shelter project in Jalalabad
 Participate in three days TOT training under the title of SMSs and Community Activity
Guide conducted by ACR project In Jalalabad.
 Participate in three days refresher Community Mobilization Training in Jalalabad ACR
 Attended to seven days Community Mobilization and Stimulation workshop convened by
YEWCO/CCI in ANDMA directorate of Kunar province.
 Attended to 15 days training course of vegetable seedling production and seedling
transplanting of cool Season crop.
 Participated a special training course of Post-Harvest Handling of horticulture production
 Attended to a Training course of vegetable production and marketing


2014- Diploma- BSc in Agriculture Forestry, Said Jamaludin Afghan University, Kunar
2011- Diploma- Spenghar Medical Technology in Nangarhar
Computer Skills:

Operating System:
Dos, Windows Family, Win2000 Professional and windows XP, internet

Spread Sheet, Accounting

Ms Office, Lotus Not, Google dog and Some Accounting Package

Pashto Dari and English

Will be provided upon your request.

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